View Full Version : For or Against? I stole this from ABF

12-14-2011, 04:53 AM
Stealing this thread from ABF:

For or against.

Capital punishment -
A womans right to an abortion-
Mass immigration-
Free education-
Workers rights to organize-
Racial segregation-
Universal healthcare-
Sterilization of sex offenders-
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses-
Freedom of Speech-
Same-sex mariage -
Same-sex adoption-
Religion Freedom-
Uniform in school-
Right to have a weapon-

My answer:

Capital punishment - For it as I believe in the principle of if one takes a life one must give it back with their own.

A womans right to an abortion- Mixed. I am against it if it is solely the female making the choice in that if it is an instance of a united couple the decision needs to be made mutually, if it is an instance of a lone woman without the means to support the child then to abort would be the merciful option.

Mass immigration- Against it as I see it as a hindrance towards regional ethnic unity.

Free education- Against it, free education in America means further centralizing it and extending the already ridiculous influence of the Federal mindset as local governments institute a Federal friendly curriculum most noticeable in the social studies/history courses.

I prefer the idea of doing away with public schools in favor of smaller private schools and vocational schools where those who are more book oriented can attend a small private school that promotes an intimate exchange of knowledge between lecturer and student the classes not universal among the students in that students take courses relevant to their aptitudes and potential pursuits, gen ed is preserved under the notion that it gives students a foundation off of which they can branch however I've noticed not just with myself but with fellow students that the aptitude and interest bias usually negates the intent of gen ed with students disproportionately focusing their attentions to the subjects they are naturally drawn to making gen ed a headache.

The vocational option, which fortunately already exists, I promote in order to facilitate specialized labor and increase instances of apprenticeships this being an alternative to the book learning for those who are better suited towards activities like cement masonry, carpentry, automotive skills, etc....

Workers rights to organize- 100% for, it increases the likelihood for workers to identify with their labor and promotes a more enthusiastic work environment and prevents corporate ring leaders from abusing the working force. If it wasn't for workers rights many a man after my great grandfather's generation would have suffered the indignities his contemporaries faced where if one was killed on the job one was simply recycled out like a broken machine part not treated as a human.

Globalization- Against it as it promotes the idea of peoples meddling outside of their locality thus interfering with the jurisdictions of others. Plus with globalization if a series of incorporated areas fail a domino effect can follow bringing the whole system down in an attempt to bail out those who are falling. If we remain separate some will fall, some will rise as opposed to everyone rise or fall together.

Vivisection- I operate under the notion that the ability to suffer is the only non-arbitrary line to be drawn for consideration this would protect non-human animals in that they can clearly suffer, vivisection induces suffering so I say no. A defense is that these animals are sedated, however they wake up scarred.

Usury- Against, it leads to debt slavery. Granted peoples who take out loans ought to not take a loan they are not capable of repaying, however loaners seem to lure in the incompetent for the purposes of abusing them and out of control interest rates are no less despicable than debt evasion in that out of control interest rates take more than what was needed in order to compensate for the loan.

Taxes- For them in moderation as taxes are necessary for maintaining infrastructure and military, however I do not encourage the gross infrastructure that follows industrialization thus leading to the gross increase of taxes in order to maintain said infrastructure which never does get maintained as is evident in the current state of Federal U.S. infrastructure. I prefer agriculture over factory and in that kind of a society the need for extensive taxation does not seem to be necessary.

Racial segregation- Mixed feelings, I am for it if it is applied correctly, I know past attempts at segregation failed miserably however this does not mean the system could not work if executed by competent and just individuals.

Proper racial segregation I believe would create ethnic unities within the sub-communities of a region and would lead to less issues surrounding ethnic disputes in that conflicting groups would be officially separated and out of each others hair.

However segregation could lead to disproportionate access, or lack, to resources.

Universal healthcare- Mixed feelings, I believe that humans ought to have healthcare available however Universal healthcare extends the power of the central government, I would prefer that sovereign States have their own healthcare programs modeled after their own regional needs.

Misgeneation- Don't care anymore, people can screw whoever they want to screw. Might seem strange as I promote segregation, however if one miscegenates I would ideally think that family would be able to choose which community they want to remain in based on which partners culture dominates in the relationship, I've yet to see a mixed couple where both partners equally pass on their cultural heritage this may happen I've just yet to see it myself and don't see how it could happen if the partners are from completely different cultural spectrum.

Sterilization of sex offenders- 100% for, these people do not need to breed.

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- 100% for, no sense preserving the genes that retard the development of the species.

Prostitution- For it if it is regulated correctly with mandatory medical check ups of the prostitutes and the customers. I personally would not partake in that I think it awkward to engage in such actions with a stranger.

Welfare- I have poor sentiments towards welfare because of its roots in the New Deal policies that ruined my family, however welfare could be of benefit for those families who show a willingness and ability to get back on their feet after receiving a limited supply of aid a fraction of which would be reciprocated back, no sense giving handouts to degenerates.

Militarism- Against rampant militarism, I promote the dismantling of all nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction especially in the U.S. as these things create local risks and promote utter devastation of peoples. I do believe it equally necessary that a region be able to defend itself so under my ideal system certain rules of engagement are to be enforced and I would prefer a duel system over total warfare where if there is a dispute the best warrior steps forward against the oppositions best and have it out, no sense to kill millions.

Freedom of Speech- For it, without a voice one cannot petition for necessary change.

Same-sex mariage - Don't care either which way as it is not relevant to myself.

Same-sex adoption- Don't care either which way as it is not relevant to myself.

Religion Freedom- For it, I do not want to be coerced into believing a certain way and do not expect to coerce others into believing as I believe.

Uniform in school- Though I do not believe in undue coercion/forcing people to dress a certain way I do believe that individuals ought to at least make themselves presentable, meaning none of this drooping britches nonsense, a school uniform would promote a certain "neatness" that I have only recently started to appreciate myself as I have been quite fond of stained bibs and torn undershirts.

Conscription- Against it, that is blatant coercion and leads to forcing individuals to fight for something they do not necessarily believe in.

Right to have a weapon- For it, individuals ought to have the means to protect themselves as law enforcement cannot have eyes and ears everywhere and nor should they as to do so would breech privacy.

12-14-2011, 12:07 PM
Capital punishment - Against.
A womans right to an abortion - Against.
Mass immigration - Against.
Free education - For.
Workers rights to organize - For.
Globalization - Against.
Vivisection - For.
Usury - Against.
Taxes - ... Against.
Racial segregation - For.
Universal healthcare - For citizens only? - For.
Miscegenation - Against.
Sterilization of sex offenders - Against.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses - Against.
Prostitution - For.
Welfare - For.
Militarism - For.
Freedom of Speech - For.
Same-sex marriage - I dislike the term, but a union is okay with me.
Same-sex adoption - Against.
Religion Freedom - For.
Uniform in school - For.
Conscription - For.
Right to have a weapon - For.

12-14-2011, 06:43 PM
Capital punishment - In extreme cases, yes

A womans right to an abortion - No

Mass immigration - No

Free education - Depends. Free school but fee for university

Workers rights to organize - Yes

Globalization - No

Vivisection - Only if needed and only on lower races

Usury - No

Taxes - A state without taxes can't run :(

Racial segregation - Yes

Universal healthcare - Only if restricted to the own people, not open to immigrants

Misgeneation - No

Sterilization of sex offenders - Yes

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses - No

Prostitution - No

Welfare - For the own people, yes

Militarism - Only for country defense

Freedom of Speech - Yes

Same-sex mariage - No

Same-sex adoption - No!

Religion Freedom - Within reason which excludes Muslims

Uniform in school - No

Conscription - No

Right to have a weapon - Depends

12-14-2011, 06:46 PM
Capital punishment - 100% for
A womans right to an abortion- Heavily Against
Mass immigration- Heavily Against
Free education- For
Workers rights to organize- For
Globalization- Heavily Against
Vivisection- ???
Usury- Against
Taxes- For
Racial segregation- For
Universal healthcare- For
Misgeneation- Against
Sterilization of sex offenders- For
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- For
Prostitution- Against
Welfare- Against
Militarism- For
Freedom of Speech- Against
Same-sex mariage - 100% Against
Same-sex adoption- 100% Against
Religion Freedom- Against
Uniform in school- Neutral
Conscription- For
Right to have a weapon- For

12-14-2011, 06:57 PM
Capital punishment - Against.
A womans right to an abortion- For, but need to be controlled and under special rules.
Mass immigration- If it means it can save humans life then for.
Free education- For.
Workers rights to organize- For.
Globalization- Depend in what area.
Vivisection- Hm, against in general, i understand scientific benefits, but i find it upsetting.
Usury- Against.
Taxes- Against.
Racial segregation- Against.
Universal healthcare- For.
Misgeneation- Don't really care, people should have choice.
Sterilization of sex offenders- For.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- Against.
Prostitution- I can't say i'm for, but it should be legal.
Welfare- For.
Militarism- Against.
Freedom of Speech- For.
Same-sex mariage - I'm ok with it, so for.
Same-sex adoption- It's difficult because it can makes problem to child in society, especially with other children, but i think it's better to have same sex parents who take care about kid and love him/her, than have "normal" family but get tortured all the time.
Religion Freedom- For.
Uniform in school- Against.
Conscription- Against.
Right to have a weapon- Only if pass very rigorous psychological test.

Aces High
12-17-2011, 01:33 PM
For or against.

Capital punishment - Against
A womans right to an abortion- Against (for Europeans)
Mass immigration- Against
Free education- For.
Workers rights to organize- Against
Globalization- Against
Vivisection- Against
Usury- Against
Taxes- Against
Racial segregation- For
Universal healthcare- Against
Misgeneation- Against
Sterilization of sex offenders- For
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- For
Prostitution- For
Welfare- For
Militarism- Against
Freedom of Speech- For
Same-sex mariage - Against
Same-sex adoption- Against
Religion Freedom- For.....except for middle eastern religions.
Uniform in school- For
Conscription- Against
Right to have a weapon- Against

12-17-2011, 04:43 PM
Capital punishment -
For, in cases of sociopathic individuals who have committed repetitive or especially heinous crimes.

A womans right to an abortion-
For: family planning and contraception. Abortion should be the last resort and in cases of rape or fetus abnormalities.

Mass immigration-
Against. For, selective and fully controlled immigration in small numbers and preferably from culturally related nations.

Free education-

Workers rights to organize-
Against. This privilege has been the most abused in my country, I hear the word "syndicate" and "crime syndicate" comes to mind.
There shouldn't be a need for them in the first place. The state should regulate the marketplace to some extent and prevent exploitation in the workplace from happening by the means of state laws.

Against. VERY against.


Dah, against.

FOR - but - in societies where there is transparency and you know your taxes will go to the right place.

Racial segregation-
Against it. For, immigration policies that keep non-European immigrants at very low rates, and make sure that they are the kind of people who can adjust to Europe without problems.

Universal healthcare-
For, at least the basics.


Sterilization of sex offenders-
For, especially in extreme cases. Though I'd prefer the capital punishment for those.

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses-
Not sure.

For controlled and legal prostitution, keeps the sex hungry off the streets.

For, but not abused as it happens today.

Not sure what to say here. :p

Freedom of Speech-

Same-sex mariage -

Same-sex adoption-
Very against.

Religion Freedom-

Uniform in school-


Right to have a weapon-
Against. If any lunatic gets a gun here, it's a matter of time we start killing each other due to driving-related arguments. ;)

12-17-2011, 05:00 PM
Capital punishment - For.
A womans right to an abortion - For.
Mass immigration - Against.
Free education - For.
Workers rights to organize - For.
Globalization - Mostly against.
Vivisection - Against.
Usury - Against.
Taxes - Ideally, for.
Racial segregation - For I guess, if done correctly.
Universal healthcare - For.
Miscegenation - Against.
Sterilization of sex offenders - For.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses - Against.
Prostitution - For.
Welfare - For.
Militarism - For.
Freedom of Speech - For.
Same-sex marriage - For.
Same-sex adoption - For.
Religion Freedom - For.
Uniform in school - Against (I don't mind really).
Conscription - Against.
Right to have a weapon - For.

Damião de Góis
12-17-2011, 06:26 PM
Capital punishment - for, in some cases
A womans right to an abortion- for, in some cases
Mass immigration- against
Free education- for
Workers rights to organize- for
Globalization- agaisnt
Vivisection- against
Usury- against
Taxes- for
Racial segregation- against
Universal healthcare- for
Misgeneation- against
Sterilization of sex offenders- against
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- against
Prostitution- for
Welfare- for
Militarism- against
Freedom of Speech- for
Same-sex mariage - against
Same-sex adoption- against
Religion Freedom- for
Uniform in school- against
Conscription- agaisnt
Right to have a weapon- against

12-17-2011, 06:30 PM
Capital punishment - For.
A womans right to an abortion- For.
Mass immigration- Against.
Free education- For.
Workers rights to organize- For.
Globalization- Against.
Vivisection- Against.
Usury- Against.
Taxes- For.
Racial segregation- Against.
Universal healthcare- Against.
Misgeneation- Don't know.
Sterilization of sex offenders- For!!!
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- Against.
Prostitution- Against.
Welfare- Against.
Militarism- For.
Freedom of Speech- For.
Same-sex mariage - For.
Same-sex adoption- For.
Religion Freedom- For.
Uniform in school- Against.
Conscription- Against.
Right to have a weapon- For.

12-20-2011, 07:01 AM
This should be a poll, 'check the ones you are for'

Capital punishment - For, in cases of murder, rape/molestation, and repeat offenders of serious crimes

A womans right to an abortion-for

Mass immigration-against third world immigration to first world countries. If half the population of Ghana moves to Nigeria, who really cares

Free education-against. If allowed, it should be strictly limited to skills in
demand by society and qualified people

Workers rights to organize-right to organize, but not right to have a job. Meaning, if an employer only wants to hire nonunion employees, that is their right. Also public sector unions should not be allowed because their money comes from the public/taxpayers instead of profits.

Globalization-more against than for. For free trade but not mass immigration.

Vivisection-neutral? should be neither banned nor subsidized

Usury-For, but people should be allowed to declare bankruptcy once in a lifetime in order to clean slate and start over.


Racial segregation-for

Universal healthcare-against


Sterilization of sex offenders-for. or just apply capital punishment

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses-I don't think we know enough yet about them to have a basis to decide what should be sterilization grounds. How many people with serious mental illnesses have kids anyways? Maybe drug addicts should be sterilized.

Prostitution-personally find repugnant, but should be legal


Militarism-only cool in tv/movies/games. real world version sucks

Freedom of Speech-for

Same-sex marriage - should not be licensed or given benefits by the state. otherwise, don't care if two people call themselves that other than to roll my eyes

Same-sex adoption-against

Religion Freedom-for, unless

Uniform in school-against

Conscription-against, especially as it is useless and counterproductive in a modern military, and conscription for a year or two does provide sufficient time to train people. Made more sense when all they did was give you a gun or spear and told you to march in line towards the enemy.

Right to have a weapon- for

12-20-2011, 07:34 AM
Keep in mind that most of my answers will be colored by a general wariness of creating new "rights", especially when those "rights" come at the expense of old responsibilities. I am opposed to abortion when a "right to abortion" signals that one is no longer responsible for parenthood. In the case of education, ideally we would create not a "right to education", but we would make the responsibility to education (a very old responsibility) more appealing.

Capital punishment - If I am against it, it's only because of the potential for killing an innocent person.
A womans right to an abortion- I think it's hard to make an argument for abortion over adoption where there exists a reasonable capacity for choice. In the case of rape, I lean toward favoring abortion, however. Responsibility should always come before rights.
Mass immigration- Absolutely against. In the case of the US, we'd do well to close the doors to all but the well-educated; all but those who have some prospect of doing this country some objective good. Not before sorting out our own educational deficiencies, however.
Free education- Ideally, yes. But no "right" to higher education, as I have these visions of our universities becoming as poor and deficient as our public primary and secondary schools. There should be a barrier, but it shouldn't be an economic one, ideally.
Workers rights to organize- In support within limits. Strikes, etc. should never threaten national interests, however.
Globalization- Not really sure what this entails.
Vivisection- I don't see a convincing reason to oppose. Human morality should serve principally the interests of humans, not other animals. This will be true until we encounter other intelligent beings/our intellectual equals. Morality should only aim to benefit those capable of moralizing.
Usury- All change should be moderate. A banning of usury would be pretty radical. Our society works well with usury. Support.
Taxes- Support.
Misgeneation- I oppose only the idealization/promotion of miscegenation.
Sterilization of sex offenders- Not necessary.
Prostitution- With strict regulation.
Welfare- Support in principle, but there are undoubtedly problems with the current US model.
Militarism- Opposed to war-mongering; however, the maintenance of a strong/advanced military is necessary.
Freedom of Speech- Support.
Same-sex mariage - Support.
Same-sex adoption- Oppose.
Conscription- Not necessary in peace time. Perhaps in a major war.
Right to have a weapon- Everyone should have a right to obtain basic means of self-defense. Strict regulation is necessary, however. Some people are too extremist on the second amendment.

12-20-2011, 07:57 AM
Capital punishment - For
Abortion - Against (whites), For (non-whites)
Mass immigration - Against
Free education - For (whites k-12), Against (non-whites)
Workers rights to organize - Against
Globalization - Against (but as it exists, it should be dominated, not avoided)
Vivisection - For (non-whites preferably, but animals as well)
Usury (Interest) - For
Taxes - Against
Racial segregation - For
Universal healthcare - Against
Miscegenation - Against
Sterilization of sex offenders - For
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses - For
Prostitution - Against
Welfare - Against
Militarism - For
Freedom of Speech - For
Same-sex marriage - Against
Same-sex adoption - Against
Religious Freedom - For
Uniform in school - For
Conscription - Against (standard), For (national emergency)
Right to have a weapon - For

12-20-2011, 09:01 AM
Capital punishment- against. For greater segregation in prison depending on crime. Forced labour and non-lethal experiments for habitual criminals.
A womans right to an abortion- for.
Mass immigration- mixed. Strongly against mass third world immigration to first world countries. For free movement in the first world and increased immigration from ethnoculturally similar states.
Free education- mixed. For free elementary education, against free higher education. Flexible loans and grants for students are preferable.
Workers rights to organize- for. And for the employer's rights to fire workers or not hire them.
Globalization- mixed. Largely for, in its current form. If rich democratic countries stop dominating, then against.
Vivisection- for.
Usury- for.
Taxes- low taxes. Especially in countries with a recent history of heavy corruption. Probably an ecological tax on major companies in relevant fields.
Racial segregation- mixed. By private companies, for. By the government, no. All citizens are equal. See mass immigration for guidelines as to who should have citizenship.
Universal healthcare- mixed. Universal basic healthcare. Flexible loans for the rest.
Miscegenation- mixed. Against, but it shouldn't be regulated. Leave it to the citizens to make it socially unacceptable.
Sterilization of sex offenders- against.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- against.
Prostitution- for. Should be legal and operate as other businesses, that is.
Welfare- mixed. Should be flexible depending on the tax. Has too many senses to discuss it.
Militarism- against. Strongly.
Freedom of Speech- for. A priority.
Same-sex marriage- for. No economic benefits from the government for any marriage.
Same-sex adoption- for.
Religion Freedom- for.
Uniform in school- mixed. For, in schools run by the government. In privately owned schools, up to the owner.
Conscription- against. Mobilisation in case of a massive defensive war on native soil is acceptable.
Right to have a weapon- for. In the American sense.

Some of the policies can be easily twisted, but those are the principles. I am trying to be at least somewhat realistic. And then the questions pertaining to policy (rather than broader ethical things like free speech) depend heavily on the country. The Swiss have a decent conscription system that works in their environment; it shouldn't be cancelled.

12-20-2011, 03:51 PM
This should be a poll, 'check the ones you are for'

I did not want to do a poll because I was interested in observing peoples reasoning behind their choices besides just ticking for/against. As I've seen with polls often people just tick a box and don't explain why in the thread, figured this way it would improve the likelihood of in depth response.

Supreme American
12-20-2011, 04:46 PM
Capital punishment - Absolutely for. Horribly underutilized. I think executions if not in public at least in a prison cafeteria at lunch hour would be a nice deterrent.

A womans right to an abortion- Selectively for. Darkies and crippled fetuses, basically. Of course, health threat to mother is included in the allowable. Otherwise, use adoption.

Mass immigration- Against, especially with non-whites. With whites, I think they need to stay in their home countries generally speaking.

Free education- No such thing.

Workers rights to organize- Lefty nonsense. Not interested.

Globalization- Trade yes, porous borders, no.

Vivisection- If it cannot be avoided otherwise to advance science.

Usury- Nothing wrong with lending with interest. Ethics should guide business at all times, thus I do not like predatory lending.

Taxes- Needed for maintenance of infrastructure, military, etc.

Racial segregation- For. Many voluntarily do this.

Universal healthcare- Against.

Miscegenation- Against, wouldn't mind a death penalty, especially with those that marry and/or procreate.

Sterilization of sex offenders- At minimum, yes. Serial rapists and pedophiles should be executed.

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- Perhaps if verified by several doctors independently of each other. I have a serious distrust of the mental health industry.

Prostitution- Against. Nasty.

Welfare- For in a limited sense only.

Militarism- Depends on definition (I think this poll was written by a political liberal). It is vital to maintain a military advantage.

Freedom of Speech- Yes, but within reasonable boundaries, ie, no porn on television, etc. The difference between freedom and free dumb must be maintained.

Same-sex mariage - Against

Same-sex adoption- Against

Religion Freedom- Don't care as long as it doesn't involve mass migration of Muslims.

Uniform in school- Not needed except in black neighborhoods.

Conscription- For in certain situations, required for national survival.

Right to have a weapon- Always, including carrying.

Queen of Swords
12-20-2011, 11:32 PM
Capital punishment –for, particularly involving cases of heinous crimes; make prison life less indulgent, more labor-oriented; no TV or other perks for prisoners

A womans right to an abortion-for, in first trimester; against later-term abortions

Mass immigration-against; deeply opposed to third-world immigration into western/white countries

Free education-for, through high school; then students can pay their own way or obtain academic scholarships for higher education. No “affirmative action”.

Workers rights to organize-For




Taxes-are necessary

Racial segregation-For

Universal healthcare-Yes, of course, for citizens


Sterilization of sex offenders-perhaps, for repeat offenders, depending upon the nature of the offense

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses-no

Prostitution-neutral; really don’t care

Welfare-limited, for citizens only; needs to be scaled back immensely

Militarism-for defense purposes; against incessent interventionism in foreign lands/foreign disputes; no playing “World Police”

Freedom of Speech-for

Same-sex marriage –for, or at least civil union

Same-sex adoption-for

Religion Freedom-for

Uniform in school-not opposed; that’s up to each school


Right to have a weapon-for

12-20-2011, 11:40 PM
Capital punishment - For heavy crimes like murder
A womans right to an abortion- Against
Mass immigration-Should be limited.
Free education- For especially at post secondary level
Workers rights to organize- For
Globalization- Against
Vivisection- Against
Usury- Against
Taxes- For because it builds a nation
Racial segregation- Against
Universal healthcare- For
Misgeneation- People can do what ever they want
Sterilization of sex offenders- For
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- Against and it's unethical
Prostitution- Against
Welfare- Against
Militarism- Against
Freedom of Speech-For
Same-sex mariage - Against but they can call it a union
Same-sex adoption- Against
Religion Freedom- For people can practice what they wish
Uniform in school- Against
Right to have a weapon- For protection why not

12-21-2011, 03:30 AM
Capital punishment- For, in cases of murder, rape, & extreme abuse/torture.

A womans right to an abortion- Against. Exception only in case the mother's life is realistically endangered.

Mass immigration- Against mass immigration of alien peoples. I wouldn't necessarily oppose mass immigration of Englishmen to America, for example, were England's demographic situation not so poor. But Mexicans, Africans, Asians - no.

Free education- For univeral primary & secondary education (but assuming many important reforms).

Workers rights to organize- I'm don't object to collective bargaining per se, so long as union membership is strictly voluntary. But the employer should have every right to hire non-union employees & to immediately terminate any employee who goes on strike.

Globalization- Mixed. There are benefits & drawbacks.

Vivisection- For, when scientifically justified.

Usury- When considering business transactions, I find it hard to be universally opposed to all forms of interest. I would consider outlawing practices like payday lending, though.

Taxes- For. I think taxes are a legitimate means of raising revenue for the government.

Racial segregation- I think de facto racial segregation resulting from freedom of association is fine. As for de jure racial segregation, it would depend on the specifics.

Universal healthcare- Against.

Miscegenation- Against. I don't think it's immoral, per se, but as its tendency is to undermine the ethnos, it should generally be frowned upon.

Sterilization of sex offenders- Against.

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- Against.

Prostitution- Against.

Welfare- Acceptable on a limited basis, with localized distribution.

Militarism- For maintaining a strong military to defend the national interest; against militarizing society.

Freedom of Speech- For, if understood as the freedom to state ideas & opinions without fear of penalty.

Same-sex marriage- Against. Doesn't need to be criminalized, but should not be legally recognized.

Same-sex adoption- Against.

Religious Freedom- For; against attempts to eradicate religious expression from the public sphere.

Uniforms in school- Sure.

Conscription- Tentatively for.

Right to have a weapon- For.

12-21-2011, 04:25 AM
Capital punishment - For in cases where there is no doubt of guilt.
A womans right to an abortion- I guess I am for but I think it will be looked back on poorly in the future.
Mass immigration- Against.
Free education- I believe education should be free for the rightful citizens of a nation.
Workers rights to organize- For.
Globalization- Against.
Vivisection- For in some cases and against in others. Do we really need to put soap in a rabbits eye to see if it burns? I am for it when working on cures for diseases and the like though.
Usury- I am against excessive usury. Small amounts of interest I would be alright with. 1 or 2%.
Taxes- Taxes are the price of civilization.
Racial segregation- I believe people should be able to self-segregate if they wish to and others should be able to live with who they want.
Universal healthcare- I believe healthcare should be free for the rightful citizens of a nation.
Misgeneation- None of my business I suppose.
Sterilization of sex offenders- Not sure but I lean toward against. Not sure that it would do any good.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- For.
Prostitution- For but regulated.
Welfare- For but needs to be better regulated. Also only for rightful citizens of a nation.
Militarism- For
Freedom of Speech- For
Same-sex mariage- For because I just don't care.
Same-sex adoption- Not sure
Religion Freedom- For I think.
Uniform in school- Not sure really.
Conscription- For in theory but some people I wouldn't want in the military.
Right to have a weapon- For

Francisco D'anconia
12-21-2011, 04:51 AM
Capital punishment - for
A womans right to an abortion- for
Mass immigration- for
Free education- for
Workers rights to organize- against
Globalization- for
Vivisection- undecided
Usury- for
Taxes- to a certain degree, for
Racial segregation- for
Universal healthcare- against
Misgeneation- against
Sterilization of sex offenders- for
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- against
Prostitution- for
Welfare- for
Militarism- for
Freedom of Speech- for
Same-sex mariage - for
Same-sex adoption- for
Religion Freedom- for
Uniform in school- for
Conscription- against
Right to have a weapon-for

Electronic God-Man
12-21-2011, 06:04 AM
Capital punishment


A womans right to an abortion


Mass immigration


Free education

For, for all until completion of High School and then those who excel may attend university for free as well. I think some European countries have a better way of handling secondary education than we do.

Workers rights to organize



Generally against, in regard to One World Govs, sappy/retarded feelings about needing to feed/protect/save the souls of/educate the masses of the world. For, if in regard to trade and communications.


For, if proper anesthesia is used.


For...if it means charging an interest rate of any kind. Against, if it means charging an absurdly high interest rate. Secondly, I think people should rely FAR less on loans to buy things they can't afford. Debt will enslave us all.



Racial segregation

I want to say against, but that's because I think that countries should have fairly homogenous populations. If that were the case, there'd be no need for segregation.

Universal healthcare

For, but it's hard to be so altruistic in a country that is so ethnically diverse. I think more than enough studies have been done to show that. Currently, for the US, I am against.


Against, as a general rule, but it's not a huge deal...so long as the country in question is overwhelmingly homogenous. Again, I think a lot of problems become less troubling when you don't have multiple ethnic/racial groups at each other's throats.

Sterilization of sex offenders

For, but only in cases of multiple offenders.

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses

Against. I'm not sure sterilization would do much for that...I would probably support euthanasia for those mentally or physically handicapped to such a degree that they are a burden. That being said, many handicapped people can still function in society. I just see no point in keeping a vegetable or someone who is eternally stupefied on drugs for sever mental problems alive.


Legalized? For.


For. But definitely a much better controlled system needs to be in place in the US.


This has many definitions. "the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests." = For, though mostly to defend. "aggressiveness that involves the threat of using military force" and "predominance of the armed forces in the administration or policy of the state" = Against

Freedom of Speech

For, absolutely.

Same-sex mariage

For, whatever. Not my problem.

Same-sex adoption


Religion Freedom


Uniform in school

For. I went to Catholic school. :thumb001:


For. Young men should have to serve 1-3 years active duty at 18. Young women should probably do some sort of civil service at the same age.

Right to have a weapon


12-22-2011, 07:04 PM
Capital punishment -For 20000%
A womans right to an abortion-For, but only if she only does it in cases of rape or incest. I can see doing it once outside of those cases, but after that she shouldn't be allowed to do it anymore.
Mass immigration-Against
Free education-For
Workers rights to organize-For
Racial segregation-For
Universal healthcare-If it's like Aus' where you can also buy healthcare if you want, then for.
Sterilization of sex offenders-For. I also think that paedophiles should be raped and beaten in public, then shot in the head. I hate paedophiles.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses-For
Prostitution-If controlled by the state, for.
Welfare-Only for people who REALLY need it.
Freedom of Speech-For in some cases.
Same-sex mariage -Don't care. Against mostly.
Same-sex adoption-Against cause they brainwash them in most cases.
Religion Freedom-For
Uniform in school-For
Right to have a weapon-For

12-22-2011, 07:48 PM
Capital punishment - In severe cases, for.
A womans right to an abortion- For.
Mass immigration- Against.
Free education- For.
Workers rights to organize- For.
Globalization- Against.
Vivisection- Against.
Usury- For.
Taxes- For.
Racial segregation- For.
Universal healthcare- For.
Misgeneation- Against.
Sterilization of sex offenders- For.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- In extreme cases, for.
Prostitution- If controlled, for.
Welfare- For.
Militarism- For.
Freedom of Speech- For.
Same-sex mariage - Against.
Same-sex adoption- Against.
Religion Freedom- For.
Uniform in school- For.
Conscription- For.
Right to have a weapon- For.

12-23-2011, 04:06 AM
Capital Punishment - Exceptionally, in extreme cases of flagrant deliberate brutality, like Andrei Chikatilo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Chikatilo).

A woman's right to an abortion - A woman has a role in humanity and only has a moral right (and duty) to abort in case of rape, malformations or other dangers for her own life. Hedonism is to be shunned.

Mass immigration - Militantly Against.

Free education - Militantly For.

Workers rights to organize - Absolutely For. Men are not spare parts.

Globalization - Globalization of Knowledge? For. Globalization of decadence? Against.

Vivisection - Absolutely against the abuse of other sentient beings. I don't really see how vivisection can be of any use. Can you give me an example?

Usury - Not only against, those who favour usury should be imprisoned.

Taxes - For, if they are wisely collected for the benefit of the nation.

Racial segregation - If you prohibit people from mating with foreigners, people will feel encouraged to disobey. Thus I'm for the prohibition of propaganda inciting xenophilia. People should be encouraged to know and think for themselves.

Universal healthcare - For, like free education, the nation should care for its children and help them when they need, specially if they are not affluent.

Miscegenation - Against. Miscegenation destroys the beautiful work of nature.

Sterilization of sex offenders - You mean neutering? I apply the same rules I suggested for Capital Punishment.

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses - Not only mental illness, but every sort of seriously impairing inheritable diseases. Eugenics is not a crime, it's a favour you do to people.

Prostitution - Against by principle. But decriminalization is acceptable. Health control mandatory.

Welfare - Against the accumulation of illicit or immoral welfare (by usury, exploitation, resource depletion, ponzi schemes and other jewries).

Militarism - For, to some extent, eg: teaching people how to defend themselves, their family and nation.

Freedom of Speech - For, within the limits of courtesy and honesty.

Same-sex marriage - Against by principle. There's a human reason why a family is made up of a Mother, a Father and Children.

Same-sex adoption - Militantly against. The "better among two loving fathers than among dysfunctional mom and dad" is a false dilemma. Absolutely against.

Religion Freedom - For spirituality and learning. Against organized religion and brainwash. Two different things.

Uniform in school - Not important.

Conscription - Forced conscription is no solution to teach people that they must learn how to defend themselves, their family and nation. People should volunteer if they had an educated nationalist mentality.

Right to have a weapon - For, but with tight restrictions. You can't just hand a firearm to a dangerous idiot or someone unfit.

12-23-2011, 03:21 PM
Capital punishment - Against, as administered by the state, but in some unusual situations, capital punishment through street justice can have its place.
A womans right to an abortion- For as a legal option for an unusual situation, but not as a routine practice.
Mass immigration- Against. Measures against mass immigration should not interfere with the right of limited numbers of narrowly-defined political refugees.
Free education- For, but don't flood higher education with unmotivated dumbasses who think a mere degree will solve all their problems without getting a real education with it.
Workers rights to organize- For, despite some problems that emerge in what they do with that organization.
Globalization- Too vague a term as some level of trade and cultural influences are inevitable and healthy, but small geographical units should have more control over their economic and cultural structures.
Vivisection- For.
Usury- For.
Taxes- For, though I would strongly support simplification of tax codes.
Racial segregation- For the right, but not the obligation, for individuals to stick with their own kind and for neighborhoods to stay homogenous.
Universal healthcare- Strongly for.
Miscegenenation- For the legal right but not as a widespread practice.
Sterilization of sex offenders- Against as I don't see what it would accomplish.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- I would like specifics about what "certain" entails here. There are people who shouldn't breed.
Prostitution- For, and without all that bullshit heavy regulation. The advantage of prostitution is precisely that it is an easy way to make some off-the-books cash. Organized brothels should only be regulated at the level of any other workplace.
Welfare- For, but not on a huge scale.
Militarism- Against.
Freedom of Speech- Strongly for.
Same-sex marriage - For the legal right, but not as a widespread, routine practice.
Same-sex adoption- For, as an option in unusual situations, but not as a routine expectation for gays.
Religion Freedom- I will fight for freedom FROM religion.
Uniform in school- Against. In high school, I fought for the right to wear blue jeans.
Conscription- Generally against, but there are valid arguments for it under unusual historic conditions.
Right to have a weapon- Strongly for.

Arrow Cross
12-23-2011, 04:16 PM
Capital punishment - For. The "fundamental yooman rite to life" is modernist garbage, even according to many mainstream lawyers. That said, I'm quite glad our demonocratic state enemies tied their own hands with banning it.
A woman's right to an abortion - For, but only in special, well-warranted cases (rape, biracial/deformed child, etc.). Otherwise, she should have the option to leave the child to state care. An orphan is a potential future soldier. A dead fetus is a waste.
Mass immigration - Against. Anyone with a mind can see where it leads.
Free education - For, within reasonable limits.
Workers rights to organize - Against. Unions undermine national unity.
Globalization - Against, though some of its aspects in international trade are beneficial and others uncontrollable.
Vivisection - For, but only with proper anesthetics. Those who don't deserve to suffer shouldn't.
Usury - Against. Islamic banking too can work just fine without this distasteful practice.
Taxes - For. There will always be a state and it has to run somehow.
Racial segregation - For, although those temporarily permitted to enter the state (diplomats, exchange students, etc.) shouldn't feel any hostility.
Universal healthcare - I'm not knowledgable enough on the subject to answer this.
Misgeneation - Against. Blood is a cornerstone of every society, and rootless mongrels have no future and common cause.
Sterilization of sex offenders - For. Afterwards, let them serve their sentences in work camps. Efficiency über alles.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses - For, with some minor compensations. Although they should know better than wanting to visit their misfortunes on future generations.
Prostitution - Against. I favour a society with strong-willed men.
Welfare - For, but only in well-warranted cases (like motherhood). It's more important for the state to create jobs instead.
Militarism - For. In addition to its obvious uses, such a mindset would help heal today's weakling-idolizing spirit of the age.
Freedom of Speech - Against. Let's face it; much like world peace, it cannot truly be realized. At least we don't lie to you about it. ;)
Same-sex mariage - Against. Full sex change operations, however, should be permitted and even encouraged for individuals who can't help their... urges. :rolleyes:
Same-sex adoption - Against.
Religious Freedom - Against, we've had it with those damned cults. Only churches historically traditional to a country should be legally permitted to exist, as they have a part in national spirit. Theological basics should be (competently) taught in elementary state schools, but belief itself should not be forced on anyone. If it's not genuine and voluntary, it's no good. Foreigners also shouldn't be harassed.
Uniform in school - For. Helps develop a sense of unity.
Conscription - For, and for both genders. It's healthy for the body and the mind, not only preparing you for potential armed conflicts, but also teaching you the spirit to deal with the many hardships of civil life.
Right to have a weapon - For. A healthy, legitimate state has nothing to fear from its citizens. Those abusing this right, however, should see brutal, public, educative repercussions.

12-23-2011, 05:15 PM
Capital punishment - For
A womans right to an abortion - Only in cases of rape, fetal anomaly, when the mother is at risk of life and when the mother is unable to raise the child.
Mass immigration- Against.
Free education- Only if public education had the same level of private schools, which is quite difficult. Moreover the massive presence of the state in education would not be desirable.
Workers rights to organize- Neutral. But today unions are more a hindrance than a help. And are usually full of Communists and wannabe-Communists
Globalization- Just to free-trade.
Vivisection- For.
Usury- Under strict regulation
Taxes- For, but not abusive.
Racial segregation- For
Universal healthcare- Against
Miscegenenation- Strongly Against
Sterilization of sex offenders- For
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- Not necessarily
Prostitution- Under strict regulation
Welfare- Only if the individual REALLY needs.
Militarism- For
Freedom of Speech- For.
Same-sex marriage - Neutral.
Same-sex adoption- Against. If you want a child, be at least bi.
Religion Freedom- For. Since that respects people's dignity.
Uniform in school- Against.
Conscription- Against. Only if necessary.
Right to have a weapon - For

12-23-2011, 05:34 PM
Workers rights to organize- Neutral. But today unions are more a hindrance than a help. And are usually full of Communists and wannabe-Communists

The part about today's unions being a hindrance is a huge set back and ruins the whole idea for everyone else, I have been fortunate to have discussions on this issue with my grandfather as he witnessed the benefits of workers rights in his own day and lack of it in his fathers day where as displaced Tennesseans they had to seek labor out of State.

He told me a wee tale about his father, a Tennessean migrant heading to Ohio in order to obtain work in rubber factories so that he may fund his farm back in Tennessee. Beside him, while he was finishing his paperwork for a job, was a Kentuckian who had just gotten accepted to a position and was waiting to be lead into the work area, the Kentuckian goes back, my great grandfather still there filling out his paperwork, and not an hour later the same Kentuckian is hauled out dead on gurney having been killed on the job, there were no workers benefits as we know them at that time so the Kentuckian's family back in Kentucky was shit out of luck and my great grandfather was cycled in to fill the Kentuckian's place, left with no choice but to work in a dangerous factory setting. Luckily my great grandfather survived to retreat again to Tennessee and live a proper Tennessean life, too bad for the Kentuckian.

It was with the growth of workers rights that my grandfather was able to avoid that kind of a life and rise to be a foreman for a rather large construction company, however these very same benefits lead to the abuses of today where these workers rights protect the lazy and incapable, an example being State Departments of Transportation where there's a truck full of 6 workers, only one of these workers is doing any work the rest sitting around fondling themselves so to say, the 5 idle individuals getting the same pay and benefits as the one man who is working, such a scenario is clearly wrong but nothing can be done until the system is reformed, something that I honestly do not see happening given current trends in the governments.

I would say I support a reformed system of workers rights as opposed to an all out ban or keeping it the way it is.

12-23-2011, 05:57 PM
It was with the growth of workers rights that my grandfather was able to avoid that kind of a life and rise to be a foreman for a rather large construction company, however these very same benefits lead to the abuses of today where these workers rights protect the lazy and incapable, an example being State Departments of Transportation where there's a truck full of 6 workers, only one of these workers is doing any work the rest sitting around fondling themselves so to say, the 5 idle individuals getting the same pay and benefits as the one man who is working, such a scenario is clearly wrong but nothing can be done until the system is reformed, something that I honestly do not see happening given current trends in the governments.

I would say I support a reformed system of workers rights as opposed to an all out ban or keeping it the way it is.
That's what I was saying. Today's unions are a hindrance. They have been most useful to workers before than they do today. In fact some reforms are needed.

12-23-2011, 07:21 PM
That's what I was saying. Today's unions are a hindrance. They have been most useful to workers before than they do today. In fact some reforms are needed.

Even yesteryear's unions weren't always that great. My great great grandfather owned a small barbershop in St. Louis. He refused to unionize, & his business was relentlessly picketted by the Barbers' Union until he was forced to close his doors. A lot of good has come from the efforts of organized labor, but it had problems from the start, too.

12-24-2011, 04:53 AM
That's what I was saying. Today's unions are a hindrance. They have been most useful to workers before than they do today. In fact some reforms are needed.

Aye, not disputin' ye. Just saw an opportunity to further clarify my own stance. :thumb001:

The Omen
12-27-2011, 10:35 PM
Capital punishment - For I believe in the principal of an eye for an eye.
A womans right to an abortion- Against Life is a process that begins at conception, a foetus is not a "potential human", but a human that will grow into an adult human.
Mass immigration- Against Mass immigration has a destabilising effect on cultural, economic, and political spheres and should be restricted.
Free education- For Not for college/university though.
Workers rights to organize- For
Globalization- Against
Vivisection- For
Usury- Against
Taxes- For
Racial segregation- For
Universal healthcare- For
Misgeneation-Against I say against, though I don't think it should be a crime.
Sterilization of sex offenders- For
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- Against
Prostitution- Against
Welfare- Against
Militarism- For
Freedom of Speech- For
Same-sex mariage - Against
Same-sex adoption- Against
Religion Freedom- For I think that the majority religion of a country should take precedence in the public sphere though.
Uniform in school- For
Conscription- Against
Right to have a weapon- For Criminals will obtain weapons anyway, we should even the odds by allowing law-abiding citizens to arm themselves.

12-28-2011, 12:34 AM
Capital punishment - For.
A womans right to an abortion - For.
Mass immigration - Against.
Free education - For.
Workers rights to organize - For.
Globalization - Mostly against.
Vivisection - Against.
Usury - Against.
Taxes - Ideally, for.
Racial segregation - For I guess, if done correctly.
Universal healthcare - For.
Miscegenation - Against.
Sterilization of sex offenders - For.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses - Against.
Prostitution - For.
Welfare - For.
Militarism - For.
Freedom of Speech - For.
Same-sex marriage - For.
Same-sex adoption - For.
Religion Freedom - For.
Uniform in school - Against (I don't mind really).
Conscription - Against.
Right to have a weapon - For.

That pretty much sums me up too. Except for school uniform - I think adherence instills a certain respect and discipline at a young age.

12-28-2011, 09:45 AM
Capital punishment - NO
A womans right to an abortion- YES
Mass immigration- NO
Free education- YES
Workers rights to organize- YES
Globalization- YES
Vivisection- YES
Usury- NO
Taxes- YES
Racial segregation- NO
Universal healthcare- YES
Misgeneation- NO
Sterilization of sex offenders- YES
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses- NO
Prostitution- YES
Welfare- YES
Militarism- YES
Freedom of Speech- YES
Same-sex mariage - YES
Same-sex adoption- NO
Religion Freedom- YES
Uniform in school- NO
Conscription- NO
Right to have a weapon- NO

12-28-2011, 11:59 AM
Capital punishment -Against, but it might be necessary in a few cases.

A womans right to an abortion-Against direct abortion. I think it's perfectly licit for a pregnant woman to seek treatment for an illness, in which the death of the unborn baby might be the *unintended consequence*.

Mass immigration-Against.

Free education-For.

Workers rights to organize-For.





Racial segregation-Against.

Universal healthcare-For.

Misgeneation-Not really my business who others breed with. It's not for me, though, and I find it amusing when people gloss over the difficulties involved. If different religions are added to the mix, things can get ugly, especially when children are born.

Sterilization of sex offenders-Against, because I think it's not the most effective way of dealing with the problem. Sex offenders, especially if their victims were children, should be locked up or separated from the general population, preferably permanently.

Sterilization for certain mental illnesses-Against, but I'm curious about which mental illnesses this person has in mind. The seriously and permanently mentally ill cannot ever give truly informed consent, so I don't think they could validly consent to a sexual relationship or marriage. They should probably be placed in a setting where they are protected and closely supervised, such as a group home, and be separated by sex, preferably.

Prostitution-Against. It will never be eradicated, though.



Freedom of Speech-For.

Same-sex marriage -Against.

Same-sex adoption-Against, unless one of the pair is a relative of the child.

Religion Freedom-For, but within in reason. Unnecessary demands should not be tolerated or accommodated, though.

Uniform in school-For.


Right to have a weapon-For.

12-29-2011, 03:47 PM
Capital punishment - For.
A womans right to an abortion - For.
Mass immigration - Against.
Free education - For.
Workers rights to organize - For.
Globalization - Against.
Vivisection - For.
Usury - Against.
Taxes - ... For.
Racial segregation - For.
Universal healthcare - For citizens only? - For.
Miscegenation - Against.
Sterilization of sex offenders - For.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses - For.
Prostitution - For.
Welfare --(national insurance card carriers) For.
Militarism -For.
Freedom of Speech - For.
Same-sex marriage - Against.
Same-sex adoption - Against.
Religion Freedom - For.
Uniform in school - For.
Conscription - For.
Right to have a weapon - Against.

12-29-2011, 03:58 PM
Capital punishment - For.
A womans right to an abortion - For.
Mass immigration - Against.
Free education - For.
Workers rights to organize - For.
Globalization - Against.
Vivisection - For.
Usury - Against.
Taxes - ... For.
Racial segregation - For.
Universal healthcare - For citizens only? - For.
Miscegenation - Against.
Sterilization of sex offenders - For.
Sterilization for certain mental illnesses - For.
Prostitution - For.
Welfare --(national insurance card carriers) For.
Militarism -For.
Freedom of Speech - For.
Same-sex marriage - Against.
Same-sex adoption - Against.
Religion Freedom - For.
Uniform in school - For.
Conscription - For.
Right to have a weapon - Against.
Can I ask why you are against the right to a weapon?