View Full Version : Purim Traditions Explained

02-25-2024, 10:59 AM

The festive Jewish holiday of Purim will begin on Saturday night, March 23, 2024 – or Sunday night, March 24 if you live in Jerusalem – and last through the following day as one of the biggest parties in the Jewish calendar. Below are its key traditions.

03-17-2024, 10:51 AM
Let me recount the tale of Haman, that charming character from the Purim revelry. Known for his heartwarming acts of "kindness". He was the epitome of villainy, renowned for his wicked schemes. During Purim, where we celebrate such delightful characters, Haman stood out with his brilliant plan to wipe out all the Jews in the kingdom. Who needs diversity, right? But, as fate would have it, Haman's ambitions came crashing down when Esther and Mordecai thwarted his plans. And how fitting it was that he ended up swinging from a tree. Ah, the poetic justice.

So, as you decorate your Christmas tree, spare a thought for old Haman, the symbol of the fate that awaits all Jewish haters:

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Arthur_Szyk_%281894-1951%29._The_Book_of_Esther%2C_Szyk_and_Haman_%281 950%29._New_Canaan%2C_CT.jpg/800px-Arthur_Szyk_%281894-1951%29._The_Book_of_Esther%2C_Szyk_and_Haman_%281 950%29._New_Canaan%2C_CT.jpg