View Full Version : What AGE group do men/women look their best?

02-26-2024, 02:36 AM

Men actually look best in their mid to late 30s. Women look best in their 20s. I know it sounds "sexist", but it is true that men generally age better. This is because their skin is tougher than women and the lines and wrinkles don't usually show up til later (unless they are a drug user or William Dafoe)

Men peak in their 30s, that is what I think of and also Superman is usually portrayed at the age of 30 and by that time mature jawline has formed.
Women just tend to look worse because they lose their estrogen and their femininity with age. Men get more manly with age.

02-26-2024, 03:30 AM
Depends on the race too: an asian woman can look great even on her 50's while a white woman (the nordicist type) can look like an auntie on her 30's.

02-26-2024, 05:33 AM
speaking only about the peak (and it's a personal opinion, of course, personal tastes):

men: around 40 years old (35-45 let's say)
women: around 25 (20-30 let's say)

of course there's individual variation - my mom looks better in her late 50s than she did in her late 20s, maybe because of the style, clothes and haircuts back then as well. while my dad looked best just before his mid 30s (from photos, as he had me at 35 so I wouldn't remember)

02-26-2024, 06:01 AM

Men actually look best in their mid to late 30s. Women look best in their 20s. I know it sounds "sexist", but it is true that men generally age better. This is because their skin is tougher than women and the lines and wrinkles don't usually show up til later (unless they are a drug user or William Dafoe)

Men peak in their 30s, that is what I think of and also Superman is usually portrayed at the age of 30 and by that time mature jawline has formed.
Women just tend to look worse because they lose their estrogen and their femininity with age. Men get more manly with age.

You need to stop focusing on 'manliness'. That's not a good target for you to shoot for.

02-26-2024, 06:10 AM
Women: 18-21
Men: 25-30

02-26-2024, 06:11 AM

Men actually look best in their mid to late 30s. .

No that is too old, they dont look the best in their late thirties. Depends on the individual and how they age, but the thumb rule is they are too old.

02-26-2024, 06:36 AM
No that is too old, they dont look the best in their late thirties. Depends on the individual and how they age, but the thumb rule is they are too old.

Not for men. Men look better in their 30s. That's when they get their mature jawline.

02-26-2024, 06:38 AM
Not for men. Men look better in their 30s. That's when they get their mature jawline.

You say that because you are in your fourtys, by the age of 25-27 men are fully mature, and look the best, in their late thirties and fourties they are greying, balding, not as fit anymore, and many have wrinkles or little wrinkles.

02-26-2024, 06:56 AM
Women 22-27
Men 32-37

02-26-2024, 07:03 AM
Both reach physical peak extremely early, late teens and early 20s, and whoever claims otherwise is delusional.

Being most socially attractive is another thing. Man is at his social/power peak in his 40s for example, but he certainly doesn't look the best at such age any longer.

02-26-2024, 07:05 AM
You say that because you are in your fourtys, by the age of 25-27 men are fully mature, and look the best, in their late thirties and fourties they are greying, balding, not as fit anymore, and many have wrinkles or little wrinkles.

Most men have drastic drop in appearance after 25th birthday. Most my male friends past that age are already balding and gained weight. They looked best from 17-22, just like girls.

02-26-2024, 07:44 AM
For men around 35. Even in high level sport men peak between 30 and 35 as you can still be in the same competitive shape + experience. Most of my friends look much better at 35 than at 25 and are more successful. Some i know from college who had no girls back then, are killing it now.

For women substract 10, around 25. Then the titanic starts at about 35, some at 30 some at 40. A few and far between exceptions with incredibly good genetics or thoughtfully oriented maintenance.

Even in the celebrity topic the other day, all our lists for women were "at their peak", so really 10 years ago. For men nobody mentionned that.

02-26-2024, 07:49 AM
For men around 35. Even in high level sport men peak between 30 and 35 as you can still be in the same competitive shape + experience. Most of my friends look much better at 35 than at 25 and are more successful. Some i know from in college who had no girls back then, are killing it now.

For women substract 10, around 25. Then the titanic starts at about 35, some at 30 some at 40. A few and far between exceptions with incredibly good genetics or thoughtfully oriented maintenance.

Even in the celebrity topic the other day, all our list for women were "at their peak", so really 10 years ago. For men nobody mentionned that.

Men are more successful and can turn from nerds to chads etc. but purely from physical perspective they are not as "tight" "juvenile" and "beautiful" anymore, it is impossible, with 35 most sport men retire, Richmondbread said in their late thirties, in their late thirties it is too old, i think the junior card is availble until 27 like if you ride the train and get some discounts, after 27 you are not a "young man" anymore with 25-27 you are physically fully mature, and that is your peak, men can grow until 27, but after 30 you start declining men can look good in their early 30s of course even in their early 50s but the thumb rule is that purely physical (not social aspect like experience and money and success) you are at your peak at 25-27

02-26-2024, 07:50 AM
Men don't look better in 30s. Look at Cristiano Ronaldo, fittest athlete ever. At 35 his face already looked old and worn out.
He was much more fresh faced at 25 and before.

Men can try comforting themselves how they are best in their 50s and women hit the wall already in 20s, but I assure you it's just a coping mechanism. Pulling women because you are rich or fit doesn't mean you at at physical peak.

Many men at age 50 have more dating sucess than at age 20 because they are simply far richer and more acomplished, not because they look better.

Not at all.

02-26-2024, 07:58 AM
I'll give example with Luka Modrić, an ugly guy who however looked very different as he aged.

young Luka in his early 20s looked decent, not attractive, but decent

Luka in his late 30s, look his aged and wrinkled face, he is like old witch

Sorry guys, we both age and there is nothing wrong with that, but a peak comes early (as well as fertility peak which is at very young age)

02-26-2024, 08:12 AM
Most men have drastic drop in appearance after 25th birthday. Most my male friends past that age are already balding and gained weight. They looked best from 17-22, just like girls.

Just beacuse your friends look neglected in their 30s, it doesnt mean the other men too.

I look better now, then 10 years ago when I look boyish.

02-26-2024, 08:15 AM
Swedish guys peak in late teens and early 20s, after that it's a steep decline.

02-26-2024, 08:20 AM
Just beacuse your friends look neglected in their 30s, it doesnt mean the other men too.

I look better now, then 10 years ago when I look boyish.

Cristiano Ronaldo isn't neglected and he doesn't look same like when he played for United (except his earliest pimpled teenage phase when he looked bad). And not all of my friends look neglected.

But they age. I for example didn't look good in my peak phase, but if I dressed properly, had better haircut etc, I would have topped any appearance I archeived later.

02-26-2024, 08:26 AM
Leo DiCaprio in Titanic (age 23)

Leo in his mid 30s, Inception (certainly not ugly, but far from his Titanic days)

02-26-2024, 08:35 AM
Men are more successful and can turn from nerds to chads etc.

You could have stopped there. In football the biggest transfers are at the age of 30 because they know it's where the players are at their peak at that time and the next couple of years.

No woman at 25 turns into a bombshell by some magic of the mind, ten years later.
Reverse can be true for men, it's even often the case this way. That's the only coping mechanism but some can try to invent some fairytale they would prefer a man in his 20 than in his 30 to equalize the biological disparity. On Apricity, women want "almost" virgin men and 20y old pretty boys, total parrallel universe.

Even in the developpement of our brains there is a 5-10 years gap. We mature later and die sooner in the end.

02-26-2024, 08:40 AM
You could have stopped there. In football the biggest transfers are at the age of 30 because they know it's where the players are at their peak at that time and the next couple of years.

No woman at 25 turns into a bombshell by some magic of the mind, ten years later.
Reverse can be true for men, it's even often the case this way. That's the only coping mechanism but some can try to invent some fairytale they would prefer a man in his 20 than in his 30 to equalize the biological disparity. On Apricity, women want "almost" virgin men and 20y old guys, total parrallel universe.

Even in the developpement of our brains there is a 5-10 years gap. We mature later and die sooner in the end.

You guys are indeed coping. I for example don't prefer young men, I am 32, and would not date younger man. I date men from my age to early 40s.

But men simply don't look better as they age. It's a lie.

Sometimes I feel men are softer than women, and feel attacked when they are told their "silver hairs" and whatever isn't that sexy as they think it is.

Women for example peak at age 22, at fertility too, and I don't feel upset because of that.

Also, footballers are at peak of their power from 25-30 I would say, although in modern time they can still be top in early 30s. Looks wise, they already start declining after age 25.

02-26-2024, 08:45 AM
I for example don't prefer young men, I am 32, and would not date younger man. I date men from my age to early 40s.

You could have stopped there too. That's the only thing that matters.

The rest is to try to make us equals when we are not.

02-26-2024, 08:49 AM
You could have stopped there too. That's the only thing that matters.

The rest is to try to make us equals when we are not.

No, it's not. It's about you men refusing to accept you are aging. Very immature.

02-26-2024, 08:51 AM
But men simply don't look better as they age. It's a lie.

Men in 30s look more masculine (=better) than in 20s when lot of us look boyish.
Maybe you have some obssesion on boyish faces.

Women in 30s start to lose their freshness and femininity that is in peak 22-27.

02-26-2024, 08:54 AM
Men in 30s look more masculine (=better) than in 20s when lot of us look boyish.
Maybe you have some obssesion on boyish faces.

Women in 30s start to lose their freshness and femininity that is in peak 22-27.

I am big astheticist and prefer not overly masculine looking men. Actually not a fan of baby faces, but a fan of fresh faces.
And yes I like slightly androgynous men, and they age better.

Men here who want to compare can post their pics and we will see who looks younger, they or me.

02-26-2024, 08:58 AM

Sorry guys, we both age and there is nothing wrong with that, but a peak comes early (as well as fertility peak which is at very young age)

He looks decent despite bit ugly face, and maybe 1-2 younger.

This MENA witch is same age as he (39), but looks 5-6 years older.


Richard Alvarez
02-26-2024, 08:58 AM
I already had a receding hairline at 19, so I probably never had that physical peak lol.

02-26-2024, 09:00 AM

02-26-2024, 09:00 AM
He looks decent despite bit ugly face, and maybe 1-2 younger.

This MENA witch is same age as he (39), but looks 5-6 years older.


MENAs age terribly. Many of them who are in early 20s look 15 years older than Europeans same age.
Ofcourse there are always exceptions (like user sacha for example, she looks very youthful), but it is so on average.

Mongoloids indeed age slowest. I saw some middle aged ones who looked like young men/women.

Richard Alvarez
02-26-2024, 09:02 AM
MENAs age terribly. Many of them who are in early 20s look 15 years older than Europeans same age.

So true. Just look at 9/11 hijacker Marwan al-Shehhi who crashed United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower of the World Trade Center:


That guy was 23 (!) but he looked like he was in his 40s.

02-26-2024, 09:09 AM
No, it's not. It's about you men refusing to accept you are aging. Very immature.

Everybody is aging, thanks for the info. Did we look better at 25 than 35? Maybe in a purely esthetical way or the same criterias than evaluating the look of a woman, but some would argue that no. The point is it doesn't matter in the same way for men. We are not looking at women with the same prism than you do, and you don't as well im sure when you are not playing aspie.

Would i date a 25? Yes bring it on, any day of the week. Would you? No. There is really not much else to say on this topic past that.

Richard Alvarez
02-26-2024, 09:12 AM
Regarding MENA men: Many of them can also grow full beards in their teenage years already.

02-26-2024, 09:13 AM
Everybody is aging, thanks for the info. Did we look better at 25 than 35? Maybe in a purely esthetical way or the same criterias than evaluating the look of a woman, but some would argue that no. The point is it doesn't matter in the same way for men. We are not looking at women with the same prism than you do, and you don't as well im sure when you are not playing aspie.

Would i date a 25? Yes bring it on, any day of the week. Would you? No. There is really not much else to say on this topic past that.

I spoke about pure esthetics, nothing more.

35 yo man has lot better market value than 20 year old man, that is clear and doesn't need to be discussed. With women it's the opposite.

Ofcourse we are not looks focused as you are. I never claimed we were. I just said objectivelly.

To me man's voice for example matters more than his muscular body or whatever. And yes, to us social status means lot more than to you. Nobody is disputing large differences between genders and their preferences.

02-26-2024, 09:44 AM
For me, the late 20s and early 30s is the best age for both, physically I mean.

From then on, I'm sorry, physical decline, except in special cases, is for both, but especially accelerated and abrupt for women.

The most complete we would be is from the last 30 to the first 40, in the sense of maintaining a certain physical "good" and being at an acceptable point of experience and knowledge.

I no longer take seriously the possibility of flirting with women who are under 40 in a credible way.

And to be honest, I think I would be afraid to really have possibilities.:D

02-26-2024, 09:45 AM
Leo DiCaprio in Titanic (age 23)

Leo in his mid 30s, Inception (certainly not ugly, but far from his Titanic days)

Leo is a drunktard manwhore who doesn't lift. I have showed examples of men who take care of themselves and they look more attractive in their later age than when they were in their mid 20s.

Women who take care of themselves only slow their decline, men can enhance their look until certain age though.

02-26-2024, 09:47 AM
I am big astheticist and prefer not overly masculine looking men. Actually not a fan of baby faces, but a fan of fresh faces.
And yes I like slightly androgynous men, and they age better.

Men here who want to compare can post their pics and we will see who looks younger, they or me.

We are talking about general, not about specific women who like androgynous men. The world doesn't evolve around you.

02-26-2024, 09:52 AM
We are talking about general, not about specific women who like androgynous men. The world doesn't evolve around you.

Sure. I just want to add, overly fit men usually don't age gracefully. Too little fat plus tanning for muscles to be more pronounced makes them look older often. C. Ronaldo is example here. And steroids. Many bodybuilders look old and worn out.

I think people who age best are those that are not excessive in anything (plus genetics).

02-26-2024, 09:55 AM
Men don't look better in 30s. Look at Cristiano Ronaldo, fittest athlete ever. At 35 his face already looked old and worn out.
He was much more fresh faced at 25 and before.

Men can try comforting themselves how they are best in their 50s and women hit the wall already in 20s, but I assure you it's just a coping mechanism. Pulling women because you are rich or fit doesn't mean you at at physical peak.

Many men at age 50 have more dating sucess than at age 20 because they are simply far richer and more acomplished, not because they look better.

Not at all.

Keep coping

Women put too much emphasis on wrinkles compared to a general appearance. It's a good advice for women also to focus less on facial creams and more on tits, stomach, ass and legs.

02-26-2024, 10:02 AM
Keep coping

Women put too much emphasis on wrinkles compared to a general appearance. It's a good advice for women also to focus less on facial creams and more on tits, stomach, ass and legs.

You keep coping. I already adressed that.

Cristiano Ronaldo isn't neglected and he doesn't look same like when he played for United (except his earliest pimpled teenage phase when he looked bad).

He looked better in his early 20s and his face looks old compared to than.

02-26-2024, 10:06 AM
Few wrinkles on man makes him more masculine.
Few wrinkles on woman makes her less feminine.

02-26-2024, 10:10 AM
Men in 30s look more masculine (=better) than in 20s when lot of us look boyish.
Maybe you have some obssesion on boyish faces.

Women in 30s start to lose their freshness and femininity that is in peak 22-27.

men age like wine women age like milk ;)

02-26-2024, 10:36 AM
You keep coping. I already adressed that.

He looked better in his early 20s and his face looks old compared to than.

Looks older, but in a good way. When women look older look worse.

Ronaldo at 28.


Ronaldo at 38


At 38 looks more charming. You know, the word wemen use to describe attractive men. Of course unless it doesn't fit their views.:laugh:

02-26-2024, 10:42 AM
25-30 for all, speaking of average. Average. As well as considering everything - the facial features and the bodies.
(Men can pull till 35 while some women peak at 25).

Everything else is just cherry picking.

Women in Norway are generally fit and look better after the age of 40 than many men in their 30s from some other countries Ive been to.
Genetics, standard and lifestyle play a significant role.

02-26-2024, 10:43 AM
20-25 is the peak of of the body and it would be earlier actually if we did not have a school system but a more naturalistic lifestyle with more movment. people look still good beyond that, and some people peak later because they did not take care before or whatever.

02-26-2024, 10:57 AM
I think Feiichy is undoubtedly right that both women and men decline in looks on average after their 20s/mid 20s, but I'd say the only difference is that the natural drop-off for women is more noticeable, since 18-25 yo men aren't that good-looking in the first place, unlike 18-25 yo women. (female beauty is based on freshness and youth to a greater extent than male handsomeness is).

02-26-2024, 11:15 AM
20-25 is the peak of of the body and it would be earlier actually if we did not have a school system but a more naturalistic lifestyle with more movment. people look still good beyond that, and some people peak later because they did not take care before or whatever.

I think Feiichy is undoubtedly right that both women and men decline in looks on average after their 20s/mid 20s, but I'd say the only difference is that the natural drop-off for women is more noticeable, since 18-25 yo men aren't that good-looking in the first place, unlike 18-25 yo women. (female beauty is based on freshness and youth to a greater extent than male handsomeness is).

Agree with both.

02-26-2024, 11:23 AM
Agree with both.

If 20-25 is the peak, how I have more strength now and can lift more weight in gym than 10 years ago?

I think I was in teens until 25. Very skinny and full of acne. :(

But now I feel great. :)

02-26-2024, 11:24 AM
Agree with both.

Me too

02-26-2024, 11:28 AM
If 20-25 is the peak, how I have more strength now and can lift more weight in gym than 10 years ago?

I think I was in teens until 25. Very skinny and full of acne. :(

But now I feel great. :)

I think pure brute strenght may come bit later. Most strongmen don't look exactly young to me.
But speed, explosivness, elesticity declines.

You probably didn't train much before and now you take better care of yourself. Men also fill out later.

For example, in my school, we had few fat girls from early on but almost no fat boys, they were all slim.
Than after age 25 they catch up and more.

I say for myself I didn't really look good in high school. But it was more terrible sense of style and complete lack of grooming than anything else.

02-26-2024, 11:32 AM
I noticed today youth looks lot more attractive than we did.

But not because they have better genes (on the contrary, I'd say). It's because they are much more groomed.
My 11 year old niece already diets, vigorously trains, has long and everyday beauty routines, skin care, eyebrows trimming, hair preparation.

This was totally unknown to me and other girls at that age, with some very rare exceptions.

She told me she must use skin care creams to prevent aging. I started using skin care creams 3 years ago.
Also I didn't know how to pluck eyebrows (or felt the need to know) until mid 20s xD

02-26-2024, 11:32 AM
30-35 is the peak for men and 25 is the peak for women Imo

02-26-2024, 11:34 AM
I noticed today youth looks lot more attractive than we did.

But not because they have better genes (on the contrary, I'd say). It's because they are much more groomed.
My 11 year old niece already diets, vigorously trains, has long and everyday beauty routines, skin care, eyebrows trimming, hair preparation.

This was totally unknown to me and other girls at that age, with some very rare exceptions.

She told me she must use skin care creams to prevent aging. I started using skin care creams 3 years ago.
Also I didn't know how to pluck eyebrows (or felt the need to know) until mid 20s xD

Thats truw aswell, I have hard time telling apart some 15 from some 18-19 years old nowadays

02-26-2024, 11:35 AM
I think pure brute strenght may come bit later. Most strongmen don't look exactly young to me.
But speed, explosivness, elesticity declines.

You probably didn't train much before and now you take better care of yourself. Men also fill out later.

For example, in my school, we had few fat girls from early on but almost no fat boys, they were all slim.
Than after age 25 they catch up and more.

I say for myself I didn't really look good in high school. But it was more terrible sense of style and complete lack of grooming than anything else.

We are talking about peak in look of men, not how young look.

I trained 21-25. Then in 26 I had operation of vein in leg, and make pause several years.
After corona lockdown I started to training again.

And difference in weight lifting then and now is astonishing.

02-26-2024, 11:39 AM
We are talking about peak in look of men, not how young look.

I traned 21-25. Then in 26 I had operation of vein in leg, and make pause several years.
After corona lockdown I started to training again.

And difference in weight lifting then and now is astonishing.

Well, youngest generation looks youngest of all generations and most infantile (this I don't consider really attractive). While people that lived few decades ago looked much more mature and aged much earlier (lot of things influence that like physical labor, outdoor living, diet, living standards, hormones in food etc)

As for men, maybe men in 30s are strongest.

But fastest for sure they are not. Pro footballers speed already declines in late 20s and they get tired more and need to be rotated to prevent injuries.

02-26-2024, 11:40 AM
If 20-25 is the peak, how I have more strength now and can lift more weight in gym than 10 years ago?

I think I was in teens until 25. Very skinny and full of acne. :(

But now I feel great. :)

Same here. I am now stronger than I was ten years ago and in and the same or better shape. And now I train less because I have far less free time and my mind is more preocupied.

02-26-2024, 11:49 AM
We are talking about peak in look of men, not how young look.

I trained 21-25. Then in 26 I had operation of vein in leg, and make pause several years.
After corona lockdown I started to training again.

And difference in weight lifting then and now is astonishing.

well, its because it takes time to get in shape an to train the right way and the results are seen after years of training.

Same here. I am now stronger than I was ten years ago and in and the same or better shape. And now I train less because I have far less free time and my mind is more preocupied.

you should just try Mike Mentzer heavy duty- one heavy set per muscle group (with warm up sets before ofc) until failure so you only train 60 mins whole week and get very good results with it.

02-26-2024, 12:18 PM
In military, assault troops and elite special forces (infantry grunts) usually consist of very young men, in their 20s.

Men already over 30 and especially over 35 are considered old for assault operations.

02-26-2024, 12:26 PM
30-37 is the age when men are the cutest. There is a ripe period when a fruit is at its sweetest. For this man, it is 30-37 years old.

When you see a 30-37 range year old man, especially 32 years old man, approach him immediately. I highly recommend it for womens.

i am proudly 32

02-26-2024, 12:38 PM
It’s all very subjective and depends on multitude of factors such as genetics, health, self care, sun exposure, diet, exercise etc. so no one size fits all. I work with people and have seen it all. There are incredibly worn out looking 20 year olds men and women out there as well as incredibly good looking and fit 30-40-50 year olds. Some people here gave examples of professional athletes, not a great choice imo. Professional sport is a hard physical labor that destroys the body more than it benefits anything. My personal opinion, based on observations of people in the first world middle and upper class area: women look best in their early 30s, men look best in their 30-40s. Low class people can look terrible even at the very young age, wealthy can look great at 70.

02-26-2024, 01:11 PM
Men 22-36

Women 19-27

02-26-2024, 01:23 PM
In military, assault troops and elite special forces (infantry grunts) usually consist of very young men, in their 20s.

Men already over 30 and especially over 35 are considered old for assault operations.

Average age of enlistment in special forces is 29, the best are between 30 and 35, and officiers at least 35.

I broke my own record of the léger test at 32, then the next year at 33 so even endurance wise it still works. It's the toughest physical test for endurance, in some clubs you go on until you puke. The thing is at 20, first you are a complete idiot most of the time, you don't know yourself, you don't feel anything, you can pull all nighters and play the next day like it's nothing, eat whatever, doesn't matter. In the 30's you need to be more cautious about all that but as others confirm this experience, you feel a lot stronger at 30, it's not even close.

Try to put in hand to hand combat a 20y old guy vs a 35 in the army and see what happens.

Anyway, everybody say the same thing, just with a different amount of sugarcoating. Rollseyes.

02-26-2024, 01:35 PM
It’s all very subjective and depends on multitude of factors such as genetics, health, self care, sun exposure, diet, exercise etc. so no one size fits all. I work with people and have seen it all. There are incredibly worn out looking 20 year olds men and women out there as well as incredibly good looking and fit 30-40-50 year olds. Some people here gave examples of professional athletes, not a great choice imo. Professional sport is a hard physical labor that destroys the body more than it benefits anything. My personal opinion, based on observations of people in the first word middle and upper class area: women look best in their early 30s, men look best in their 30-40s. Low class people can look terrible even at the very young age, wealthy can look great at 70.

I actually agree to all.


I even met a 52 year old women that was very good looking. She told me that she isn't sure that that is good but she had a 18 years younger boyfriend. However, I considered that unusual thing absolutely plausible considering her look.

As for "good look": When a sister of mine at the age of 17 or 18 met her boyfried that is notably older than she, she enthused about his grey temples. Funny thing but I guess that simply all the aspects of suitabilty out of a lot of aspects are kind of merged and if then someone is considered suitable this then defines what is considered "good looking". You can not even reject that out of an aspect of aestetics because also aestetics may well be defined that way.

Maybe in deviation from the mainstream to me personally women "look good" if they look intelligent. And this is even part of what I consider aestetics.

02-26-2024, 01:42 PM
Average age of enlistment in special forces is 29, the best are between 30 and 35, and officiers at least 35.

I broke my own record of the léger test at 32, then the next year at 33 so even endurance wise it still works. It's the toughest physical test for endurance, in some clubs you go on until you puke. The thing is at 20, first you are a complete idiot most of the time, you don't know yourself, you don't feel anything, you can pull all nighters and play the next day like it's nothing, eat whatever, doesn't matter. In the 30's you need to be more cautious about all that but as others confirm this experience, you feel a lot stronger at 30, it's not even close.

Try to put in hand to hand combat a 20y old guy vs a 35 in the army and see what happens.

Navy seal enlistment age is 17-28.

Yes, officers will be older.

02-26-2024, 01:42 PM
I'll give example with Luka Modrić, an ugly guy who however looked very different as he aged.

young Luka in his early 20s looked decent, not attractive, but decent

Luka in his late 30s, look his aged and wrinkled face, he is like old witch

Sorry guys, we both age and there is nothing wrong with that, but a peak comes early (as well as fertility peak which is at very young age)


Mid 20s

Early 40s

Me personally I definitely look better at 36 than 26 (stronger too, but sadly not as fast).

02-26-2024, 01:44 PM
I read that men reach their strength peak at 30 while women reach their strength peak at *15*! As for appearance, we all look the same in the dark.

02-26-2024, 01:49 PM
When a sister of mine at the age of 17 or 18 met her boyfriend that is notably older than she, she enthused about his grey temples.

That's a social taboo here. Radical feminists want to give capital punishment for it.

02-26-2024, 01:53 PM
Men 22-36

Women 19-27

Agreeing with you.

02-26-2024, 01:53 PM
Navy seal enlistment age is 17-28.

Yes, officers will be older.

That enlistment age is there for a reason other than what you think it is.

02-26-2024, 01:57 PM
Navy seal enlistment age is 17-28.

Yes, officers will be older.

No that's when you enlist to train to become a navy seal. The majority of actual seals, and comparable forces elsewhere, are between 30 and 40, that's the official statistic. 25% are even over 40y old.

If they wanted younger in active duty, they would get younger. But they know better.

02-26-2024, 02:05 PM
No that's when you enlist to train to become a navy seal. The majority of actual seals, and comparable forces elsewhere, are between 30 and 40, that's the official statistic. 25% are even over 40y old.

If they wanted younger in active duty, they would get younger. But they know better.

Only in peacetime. In wartime, you are old for frontline assault when over 30 (and non officer), unless you are running out of troops like unfortunate Ukraine for example.

02-26-2024, 02:07 PM
Both reach physical peak extremely early, late teens and early 20s, and whoever claims otherwise is delusional.

Being most socially attractive is another thing. Man is at his social/power peak in his 40s for example, but he certainly doesn't look the best at such age any longer.

I think It depends on Individual too honey.

02-26-2024, 02:08 PM
I think It depends on Individual too honey.

ofc :)

02-26-2024, 02:11 PM
Average age of enlistment in special forces is 29, the best are between 30 and 35, and officiers at least 35.

I broke my own record of the léger test at 32, then the next year at 33 so even endurance wise it still works. It's the toughest physical test for endurance, in some clubs you go on until you puke. The thing is at 20, first you are a complete idiot most of the time, you don't know yourself, you don't feel anything, you can pull all nighters and play the next day like it's nothing, eat whatever, doesn't matter. In the 30's you need to be more cautious about all that but as others confirm this experience, you feel a lot stronger at 30, it's not even close.

Try to put in hand to hand combat a 20y old guy vs a 35 in the army and see what happens.

Anyway, everybody say the same thing, just with a different amount of sugarcoating. Rollseyes.

Thats the reality.

02-26-2024, 02:23 PM
https://i0.wp.com/wiselwisel.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/tumblr_1cd01b4b1c72604a8996828294250708_0f56a6e2_1 280.png?resize=1021%2C1024&ssl=1

02-26-2024, 02:26 PM
Only in peacetime. In wartime, you are old for frontline assault when over 30 (and non officer), unless you are running out of troops like unfortunate Ukraine for example.

To be in the front it is better to "know how to suffer" than to have an excellent physique.

It is more a question of psychological endurance than physical endurance. You are not running from one place to the other continuously, the moments of real action are punctual, and are not even 1% of the total time in which they are deployed. The rest is...endure whatever.

02-26-2024, 02:29 PM
To be in the front it is better to "know how to suffer" than to have an excellent physique.

It is more a question of psychological endurance than physical endurance. You are not running from one place to the other continuously, the moments of real action are punctual, and are not even 1% of the total time in which they are deployed. The rest is...endure whatever.

It doesn't matter, that is how it is. Older troops are used to secure the rear, guard logistics, prepare fortifications and similar.
During mobilisation in first call up men over 30 are pretty safe. They callup young ones.

I am not speaking of Russo-Ukrainian war obviously. But something in more orderly conditions.

02-26-2024, 02:40 PM
It doesn't matter, that is how it is. Older troops are used to secure the rear, guard logistics, prepare fortifications and similar.
During mobilisation in first call up men over 30 are pretty safe. They callup young ones.

I am not speaking of Russo-Ukrainian war obviously. But something in more orderly conditions.

Yes. Older troops are used to secure the rear and logistics, while younger troops are used to fight. Unless you would perhaps want to put young, inexperienced ones as officers.:rolleyes: Navy Seals enlistment age has to do with time and preparation for training and to allow soldiers to reach their peak. Just like any man who works out and takes cares of himself is stronger and more fit as he ages.

So, what exactly does the Navy enlistment age has to do with female wrinkels and the fact that women age worse then men under the same conditions?

02-26-2024, 02:44 PM
Yes. Older troops are used to secure the rear and logistics, while younger troops are used to fight. Unless you would perhaps want to put young, inexperienced ones as officers.:rolleyes: Navy Seals enlistment age has to do with time and preparation for training and to allow soldiers to reach their peak. Just like any man who works out and takes cares of himself is stronger and more fit as he ages.

Soi, what exactly does the Navy enlistment age has to do with female wrinkels and the fact that women age worse then men under the same conditions?


02-26-2024, 02:46 PM
It doesn't matter, that is how it is. Older troops are used to secure the rear, guard logistics, prepare fortifications and similar.
During mobilisation in first call up men over 30 are pretty safe. They callup young ones.

I am not speaking of Russo-Ukrainian war obviously. But something in more orderly conditions.

Yes and no Feiichy.

But the fact that these age ranges are called ranks is not only because of "physical qualities", men over 30 years old are the ones who generally tend to support society, they have families, professional careers and experience, they are qualified workers, etc.---
Young people are generally, in that sense, "more expendable."

Young people don't fight better. They are more comfortable to direct, more malleable, and are more "expendable" for the proper functioning of society.

They are much easier to command, they are more docile, and a priori, more unaware of the possibility of dying.

What Petalpusher says regarding "special operations troops" is similar in Spain. There will be almost none under 30, the majority between 30 and 40, and even quite a few more than we might think are over 40. Quite a few more above 40 than below 30.

In the past it was different, people at 20 years old were much more mature and tougher. Even so, when my maternal grandfather went to the Rif War as a recruit, the minimum age to do military service was 21 years old.

And when the civil war started, if he was not called up, it was because he was married and had 2 or three children.

02-26-2024, 02:56 PM
What is the best look is debatable. Some men like milf, some women like daddie.

If you want healthy looks, that would be mid-20s and below. After mid-20s, people show some signs of what is called "aging".

If we look at actors, actresses, men often have longer careers as main attraction. But starting age isnt high, Robert Pattinson was main Twilight attraction at age 22, for most of the women all around the world.

Brad Pitt was also one of the best babyfaces that the world has ever seen. I doubt any woman would say no to this.


For women, aging is definitely bad, as most women that are called "milf" arent natural and they use every trick to look younger and fresher than their age.

02-26-2024, 03:27 PM
Yes. Older troops are used to secure the rear and logistics, while younger troops are used to fight. Unless you would perhaps want to put young, inexperienced ones as officers.:rolleyes: Navy Seals enlistment age has to do with time and preparation for training and to allow soldiers to reach their peak. Just like any man who works out and takes cares of himself is stronger and more fit as he ages.

So, what exactly does the Navy enlistment age has to do with female wrinkels and the fact that women age worse then men under the same conditions?

It just has to do with the fact, women (on the internet apparently) try to find false equivalencies to them becoming a sinking ship from 35 onward usually, as far as purely physical attraction that is, no more no less. It's like the bodycount and everything else, they try to find "something" for us, but they don't, so then this reaches grotesque when they use the exact same criteras as we have, eventhough they find it unfair and annoying and no actual woman would apply them in the real world. Like we are not living in it and all of us didn't experience getting more of women at 30 than at 20, or at least different things (at 20 we all in some ways wished we were 30 for that)

But really the most mindblowing thing is that some apparently believe we could possibly fall for this, like we are all 3 weeks bunnies :rabbit: :rabbit: :rabbit:

02-26-2024, 03:33 PM
I challenge guys who are 30+ here to post their pics and I will post mine. Let's see who is the sinking ship, when you made it personally already.

I'm waiting. :coffee:

02-26-2024, 03:42 PM
Yes. Older troops are used to secure the rear and logistics, while younger troops are used to fight. Unless you would perhaps want to put young, inexperienced ones as officers.:rolleyes: Navy Seals enlistment age has to do with time and preparation for training and to allow soldiers to reach their peak. Just like any man who works out and takes cares of himself is stronger and more fit as he ages.

So, what exactly does the Navy enlistment age has to do with female wrinkels and the fact that women age worse then men under the same conditions?

That age knows no gender and that young men are fitter than older ones. Men age better, indeed, but that doesn't mean their prime isn't early.

Rest is coping. If you had same money and status as 22 year old like you will have at 42, vast majority of women would chose 22 year old version of yourself.

02-26-2024, 03:48 PM
That age knows no gender and that young men are fitter than older ones. Men age better, indeed, but that doesn't mean their prime isn't early.

Rest is coping. If you had same money and status as 22 year old like you will have at 42, vast majority of women would chose 22 year old version of yourself.

For some of us a good thing is that wemen chase status. As we get older we fuck both old and young bitches.

Rest is coping. If you had same money and status as 22 year old like you will have at 42, vast majority of women would chose 22 year old version of yourself.

Why? I look physically stronger now. Like I said the world doesn't evolve around you and not everyone likes skinny androgynous man.

02-26-2024, 03:49 PM

Mopi Licinius Crassus
02-26-2024, 04:02 PM
in terms of pure good looks

women are at their peak almost as soon as they become physically "adult" , say at 14 to early 20s
many women are already slippin' looks-wise by mid 20s

men probably are at their peak mid-late 20s

looking back at old photos I think in terms of pure looks, I peaked at 26/27

02-26-2024, 04:09 PM
I challenge guys who are 30+ here to post their pics and I will post mine. Let's see who is the sinking ship, when you made it personally already.

I'm waiting. :coffee:

I am older than you 2 years, yet look at least 2 years younger than you. :wink

02-26-2024, 04:10 PM
I am older than you 2 years, yet look at least 2 years younger than you. :wink

I don't agree with that. We can open a thread and other members can vote. :)

02-26-2024, 04:17 PM
It depends on the individual, but generally, between 25-30. Before that age, you are not even considered to be a man but rather a boy.

02-26-2024, 04:18 PM
As a super general thing --> women in their 20-25, men in their 25-30.

There are obviously many variations. Me for example I peaked in my late 20's early 30's.

02-26-2024, 04:25 PM
I don't want to brag, but everyone thinks I am at least 10 years younger. By everyone I mean people who don't know me and ask me my age. No, I won't post my picture.

02-26-2024, 04:30 PM
Men do not age better. That is something men tell themselves based upon gold digger type women intentionally going for older men with more money, but it does not mean those men are physically attractive.

I have always been most attracted to both men and women near my age group. Up to 10 years older, maybe up to 5 years younger (but that is pushing it). Anything early 20's or younger is basically a child to me and I think someone my age would have to be genuinely sick to be attracted to them, whether physically or mentally (because they also tend to act like stupid teenagers at that age).

But I also think that none of this really matters if you are in a healthy relationship, where both parties are mentally well adjusted. In such a case your partner will be the most beautiful person in the world to you even if you are both in your 70's.

I should also add that I think much of this has to do with physical health. There are individuals I can say looked better in their early 20's, because right after high school ended, they no longer exercised, ate healthily, etc. One man I pity dated was an athlete in high school and a dirty fat slob at 27, and this tends to be more common than people suddenly taking care of themselves better after 25. For some people, this is the other way around - for example I think that at near 30 I look better than ever, because I am at my healthiest.

02-26-2024, 04:30 PM
I don't want to brag, but everyone thinks I am at least 10 years younger. By everyone I mean people who don't know me and ask me my age. No, I won't post my picture.

I still think it's so funny how we've never seen your face but have indeed seen your penis. Not many people I can say that about in life.

02-26-2024, 04:31 PM
I don't want to brag, but everyone thinks I am at least 10 years younger. By everyone I mean people who don't know me and ask me my age. No, I won't post my picture.

I believe you. I saw your face once and it's not a type to age much.

02-26-2024, 04:32 PM
I still think it's so funny how we've never seen your face but have indeed seen your penis. Not many people I can say that about in life.

It's you who hasn't seen my face. Others have.

02-26-2024, 04:33 PM
I challenge guys who are 30+ here to post their pics and I will post mine. Let's see who is the sinking ship, when you made it personally already.

I'm waiting. :coffee:

I looked much better at 22 than 42, there's no question about it.

02-26-2024, 04:34 PM
Stears will turn 43 soon, I think he is still super sexy. But he aged considerably since we met (he was 35 when when we started dating).

He looks very worn out and unhealthy even if does give him certain sexiness, since he really had very youtful and actually round face for long.

02-26-2024, 04:37 PM
I looked much better at 22 than 42, there's no question about it.

And I have gray hair since age 17, which I have to color, and well, I would prefer I don't but that's life. People make agening seem like it's shameful. Very shallow materialistic attitude. Another import from USA.

I'm sure your wife still find you smoking hot.

02-26-2024, 04:40 PM
I looked much better at 22 than 42, there's no question about it.

Did you take care of yourself? Did you eat healthy, train hard every day, abstain from alcohol, drugs, sweets, avoid stress etc? No? There you go. You give me an impression of a guy who likes to drink.

02-26-2024, 04:41 PM
Both reach physical peak extremely early, late teens and early 20s, and whoever claims otherwise is delusional.

Being most socially attractive is another thing. Man is at his social/power peak in his 40s for example, but he certainly doesn't look the best at such age any longer.

Doesn't it depend on race though? For example Indian men usually look better in their mid twenties while Black men look better usually in their early 30s especially if they are tall. With White men you could say that Meds tend to look better older while Alpignids usually look a bit depressing after their late twenties.

02-26-2024, 04:42 PM
People make agening seem like it's shameful. Very shallow materialistic attitude. Another import from USA.

This is something I think about a lot when this topic comes up. I don't understand why signs of aging are considered "looking bad". I think maybe like being fat or genuinely physically deformed or signs of unhealthy lifestyle (orange skin from alcoholism for example), those can be considered "looking bad". But a natural process that happens to everyone at some point is not "looking bad". A 50 year old might not be my idea of sexy (at my current age at least), but it doesn't mean they look bad, just means they look like a normal 50 year old.

I also sometimes wonder if people collectively should stop worrying so much about how attractive/unattractive everyone else in the world is. Does it really matter outside of our personal romantic relationships? It's an interesting conversation but often I think it goes too far.

02-26-2024, 04:45 PM
The argument "men are getting physically stronger with age" mostly correlates with men also getting heavier with age. Of couse I'll be stronger than I was 10 years ago, given that I am 15 kilos heavier now.

02-26-2024, 04:47 PM
This is something I think about a lot when this topic comes up. I don't understand why signs of aging are considered "looking bad". I think maybe like being fat or genuinely physically deformed or signs of unhealthy lifestyle (orange skin from alcoholism for example), those can be considered "looking bad". But a natural process that happens to everyone at some point is not "looking bad". A 50 year old might not be my idea of sexy (at my current age at least), but it doesn't mean they look bad, just means they look like a normal 50 year old.

I also sometimes wonder if people collectively should stop worrying so much about how attractive/unattractive everyone else in the world is. Does it really matter outside of our personal romantic relationships? It's an interesting conversation but often I think it goes too far.

Well, western culture is obsessed with beauty and youth, and East Asian too.

America is pinnacle of that. You literally have less chances to become CEO if you are not tall and attractive. By attractive they often mean huge fake white tooth, botox, filers and other disgusting stuff.

I do think people look esthetically best very early simply, when our fertility peaks (probably because attraction often means fertility sub conssciously), but seeing older people doing all kinds of surgeries and treatments to look "young" is sad. And they don't look young either. They look frozen old hags.

And yes, when you love somebody they will be dearest to you even at age 80.

02-26-2024, 04:50 PM
Did you take care of yourself? Did you eat healthy, train hard every day, abstain from alcohol, drugs, sweets, avoid stress etc? No? There you go. You give me an impression of a guy who likes to drink.

Well, obviously no, but I didn't do those things in my early 20s, either, we were dubbed the slacker gen, the latchkeys, man.

If anything, I am much more careful now, since I have a family to look after.

But I don't really get this thread, I am happy I belong to my age group/gen X/elder millenials. I don't really vibe with the other gens, and I am sure they don't either.

This hyper-competition/"who mogs who" culture is very alien to me and my gen. Obviously looks were important for us as well, but it wasn't the be-all end-all. I had partners who were objectively worse looking than me and much better looking than me also, and we were attracted to each other for other reasons as well, my wife absolutely "mogged me", as you kids would say, back in the day when we got together, and I wasn't rich nor a shredded gymbro, she just saw something in me she didn't see in others.

02-26-2024, 04:51 PM
Well, western culture is obsessed with beauty and youth, and East Asian too.

America is pinnacle of that. You literally have less chances to become CEO if you are not tall and attractive. By attractive they often mean huge fake white tooth, botox, filers and other disgusting stuff.

I do think people look esthetically best very early simply, when out fertility peaks (probably because attraction often means fertility sub conssciously), but seeing older people doing all kinds of surgeries and treatments to look "young" is sad. And they don't look young either. They look frozen old hags.

Men who are young look like children, women who are young i.e around late teens to 23 or so look like physical perfection with as few blemishes as possible, it's to do with the physiology of people, men tend to have thicker skin and that means it ages slower but that basically means that men tend to look best after the age of 25 but before 35 when general deterioration sets in.

02-26-2024, 04:53 PM
Well, obviously no, but I didn't do those things in my early 20s, either, we were dubbed the slacker gen, the latchkeys, man.

If anything, I am much more careful now, since I have a family to look after.

But I don't really get this thread, I am happy I belong to my age group/gen X/elder millenials. I don't really vibe with the other gens, and I am sure they don't either.

This hyper-competition/"who mogs who" culture is very alien to me and my gen. Obviously looks were important for us as well, but it wasn't the be-all end-all. I had partners who were objectively worse looking than me and much better looking than me also, and we were attracted to each other for other reasons as well, my wife absolutely "mogged me", as you kids would say, back in the day when we got together, and I wasn't rich nor a shredded gymbro, she just saw something in me she didn't see in others.

I don't want to be the type to say ahhhh young are terrible and blah blah, but I noticed incredible shallowness amoung younger generation (I am younger than you so I mean gen Z).

They are unusually looks oriented and very young males literaly became sex objects for girls.

02-26-2024, 04:58 PM
For some of us a good thing is that wemen chase status. As we get older we fuck both old and young bitches.

Why? I look physically stronger now. Like I said the world doesn't evolve around you and not everyone likes skinny androgynous man.

Let's cut the crap for a min and explain how the typical life of a guys goes down when it comes that. Because apparently some are not aware.

At 18-20, around highschool or college, there s only two options, you re either super good looking and you ll get girlfriends of your age but you won't get the real bombshells who are usually a bit older. Even the girls of your age tend to chase older guys outside of schools, so you have to be so hyper handsome that you beat those guys who might be handsome, have money, a car, an appartment, etc... (yeah to bang chicks you need a place). The only second other option is you are just good looking, ok, decent, ugly and those guys will get absolutely nothing or at best some scraps. The girls of their age or older wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

Then you grow up and you become those guys you wished you had been already, at this point you thought your own experience was not bad at all, you had girlfriends and few extras... but then you realize the game has just started. The spectrum has widened so much, now you get all those girls from 20 to 30, the best looking ones, and wait... it's not over yet because there is like a factory in the background that keeps producing each years new batches of 9/10. Not only you are allowed to get what you want in the candyshop, it gets replenished constantly. As a guy this is FUCKING AMAZING, you may become the nightmare of the 20y old boys.

So let me laugh again at "men peak at 17-22" you would have to clearly have not the tail of a clue of what is the life of a man. If you are just supposedly better looking on a poster that doesn't matter, that doesnt pay dividends in our books. Even for the vast majority of the random joes their life on that will only improve at they get around 30.

02-26-2024, 04:59 PM
Men who are young look like children, women who are young i.e around late teens to 23 or so look like physical perfection with as few blemishes as possible, it's to do with the physiology of people, men tend to have thicker skin and that means it ages slower but that basically means that men tend to look best after the age of 25 but before 35 when general deterioration sets in.

This is not my experience as I said but it may vary between countries. In eastern European countries are generally lot of beautiful people, but they age badly, epsecially men who become slobs. Women do too but more in rural regions (babushka type). There is pressure for women to be pretty so they try to keep apperance as long as they can, at least city girls.

Here average looking guys want above average looking girls.

It's maybe different elsewhere. I wrote once we have colony of middle aged Swedes on my island and they are attractive people. However I'm sure they were even lot more attractive when they were in their early 20s.

02-26-2024, 05:00 PM
I don't want to be the type to say ahhhh young are terrible and blah blah

Yeah, I refrain from making statements of which gen is better than which, just giving a perspective on things.

I think once you hit 40s+, for a guy, if you manage to stay thin, or relatively thin, and with a modicum of aerobic exercise, you retain a part of your original visage, if that makes sense.

02-26-2024, 05:03 PM
Yeah, I refrain from making statements of which gen is better than which, just giving a perspective on things.

I think once you hit 40s+, for a guy, if you manage to stay thin, or relatively thin, and with a modicum of aerobic exercise, you retain a part of your original visage, if that makes sense.

So much of people badly aging is them just not giving a shit about how they look after high school.

02-26-2024, 05:03 PM
This is not my experience as I said but it may vary between countries. In eastern European countries are generally lot of beautiful people, but they age badly, epsecially men who become slobs. Women do too but more in rural regions (babushka type). There is pressure for women to be pretty so they try to keep apperance as long as they can, at least city girls.

Here average looking guys want above average looking girls.

It's maybe different elsewhere. I wrote once we have colony of middle aged Swedes on my island and they are attractive people. However I'm sure they were even lot more attractive when they were in their early 20s.

No one looks better at middle age but I would say that a lot of younger but not young if you get what I mean northern Europeans look good, here in England the best looking men tend to be the yuppie types in posh places, men in their early 30s who tbh look great but are total betas and attract mediocre women.

02-26-2024, 05:21 PM
Both reach physical peak extremely early, late teens and early 20s, and whoever claims otherwise is delusional.

Being most socially attractive is another thing. Man is at his social/power peak in his 40s for example, but he certainly doesn't look the best at such age any longer.

Deportment is important. As we mature, it becomes more important to "act our age". No one wants to see a person in their forties acting like they are a young adult.

02-26-2024, 05:33 PM
I think It depends on Individual too honey.

I used to say take a picture of yourself at 35 and hold onto it since you will never look better.
I changed it to 40 as there are a handful of counterexamples for 35. By 40 everyone is slowly but surely going downhill.

02-26-2024, 05:41 PM
Men do not age better. That is something men tell themselves based upon gold digger type women intentionally going for older men with more money, but it does not mean those men are physically attractive.

Geld allein macht einen sinnlich

02-27-2024, 02:12 AM
No one looks better at middle age but I would say that a lot of younger but not young if you get what I mean northern Europeans look good, here in England the best looking men tend to be the yuppie types in posh places, men in their early 30s who tbh look great but are total betas and attract mediocre women.

Some people DO look better in mid life. Some people when young who were "off" and then somehow in mid life their bone structure comes in just right and they do look better. Also if they didn't had style young and then learn how to dress better and look better.

02-27-2024, 02:13 AM
This is something I think about a lot when this topic comes up. I don't understand why signs of aging are considered "looking bad". I think maybe like being fat or genuinely physically deformed or signs of unhealthy lifestyle (orange skin from alcoholism for example), those can be considered "looking bad". But a natural process that happens to everyone at some point is not "looking bad". A 50 year old might not be my idea of sexy (at my current age at least), but it doesn't mean they look bad, just means they look like a normal 50 year old.

I also sometimes wonder if people collectively should stop worrying so much about how attractive/unattractive everyone else in the world is. Does it really matter outside of our personal romantic relationships? It's an interesting conversation but often I think it goes too far.

Looking thin can be bad too.

02-27-2024, 02:14 AM
You say that because you are in your fourtys, by the age of 25-27 men are fully mature, and look the best, in their late thirties and fourties they are greying, balding, not as fit anymore, and many have wrinkles or little wrinkles.

No, I don't. I say it because it's true. Men look their best in their 30s. They look boyish in their 20s usually. I am not saying men 40 plus look best, I am saying men in their mid to late 30s look best. After 40 they go downhill.

02-27-2024, 02:16 AM
Both reach physical peak extremely early, late teens and early 20s, and whoever claims otherwise is delusional.

Being most socially attractive is another thing. Man is at his social/power peak in his 40s for example, but he certainly doesn't look the best at such age any longer.

This is not true. Women peak way earlier than men do. I don't say this because I'm male, I say it because it's objective. Men often appear younger. I'm not saying a a man at 45 will look better than when he was 20, but he will look better than female at that age.

02-27-2024, 02:18 AM
Men do not age better. That is something men tell themselves based upon gold digger type women intentionally going for older men with more money, but it does not mean those men are physically attractive.

I have always been most attracted to both men and women near my age group. Up to 10 years older, maybe up to 5 years younger (but that is pushing it). Anything early 20's or younger is basically a child to me and I think someone my age would have to be genuinely sick to be attracted to them, whether physically or mentally (because they also tend to act like stupid teenagers at that age).

But I also think that none of this really matters if you are in a healthy relationship, where both parties are mentally well adjusted. In such a case your partner will be the most beautiful person in the world to you even if you are both in your 70's.

I should also add that I think much of this has to do with physical health. There are individuals I can say looked better in their early 20's, because right after high school ended, they no longer exercised, ate healthily, etc. One man I pity dated was an athlete in high school and a dirty fat slob at 27, and this tends to be more common than people suddenly taking care of themselves better after 25. For some people, this is the other way around - for example I think that at near 30 I look better than ever, because I am at my healthiest.

IN GENERAL, it doesn't mean all men will look better than women at the same age. It's a generality, that is OBJECTIVE, that yes men do often look younger than women of the same age. It has to do with having thicker skin . Men age by hair loss in general and getting fatter, but the skin is still thicker than women's and they have less appearance of lines and wrinkles. I seen women my age on dating apps and they look old enough to be my mom. I'm sorry but it's true.

02-27-2024, 02:34 AM
What's the point of all this? None of it matters. The only thing that matters is looking YOUR best now, by continuing to lose weight and work out. And gaining confidence would automatically make you look more attractive. That hangdog blank expression is not helping, but a genuine warm smile would.

02-27-2024, 03:14 AM
What's the point of all this? None of it matters. The only thing that matters is looking YOUR best now, by continuing to lose weight and work out. And gaining confidence would automatically make you look more attractive. That hangdog blank expression is not helping, but a genuine warm smile would.

It gives Richy a chance to talk about one of his favorite topics, looks.

02-27-2024, 03:19 AM
Looking thin can be bad too.

A far bigger percentage of obese people have health problems due to their weight than thin people have due to being thin.

So yeah, fat people look more unhealthy.

If a thin person has a face that looks like it used to be fatter. There is always the chance that they have some debilitating disease like cancer. But that still a drop in the bucket compared to the number of obese being inflicted with type 2 diabetes

02-27-2024, 03:36 AM
Twenty-three gives you all you need to see.

02-27-2024, 04:30 AM
I used to say take a picture of yourself at 35 and hold onto it since you will never look better.
I changed it to 40 as there are a handful of counterexamples for 35. By 40 everyone is slowly but surely going downhill.

It's like my pessimistic uncle always says. "We start to die as soon as we're born." :picard2: So much for encouragement and support. As you can imagine, he's not the most uplifting guy to talk with.

02-27-2024, 03:28 PM
It's like my pessimistic uncle always says. "We start to die as soon as we're born." :picard2: So much for encouragement and support. As you can imagine, he's not the most uplifting guy to talk with.

I used to yap things like that. In high school, I called myself an "Existentialist", even though I understood little about "Existentialism". I gave up on Existentialism entirely for a long time. I have always been a quasi existentialist.

IE one of my mottos, "We have been dying from the moment we are born. We have to make the best of things while we are here."

02-27-2024, 06:07 PM
I think people are delusional .