View Full Version : Inside GALICIA | Spain's STRANGEST Region

Golden Iberian
02-26-2024, 05:46 PM
Notice how the first old lady speaks exactly like the Portuguese, especially in the North. How Galician and Northern Portuguese accent are exactly the same, especially in older people.


02-26-2024, 05:50 PM
Why Strangest?

02-26-2024, 05:52 PM
Why Strangest?

Colonel is from there after all. :biggrin:

02-26-2024, 05:54 PM
Colonel is from there after all. :biggrin:

He may be partially Galician, but his character is more similar to Aragonese. I have told him this many times.

02-26-2024, 05:55 PM
There is another Galicia except for this one?

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/u2AFLV4XwtXbFbvpB27G_wWMM2ijABpIDFBMYHA2UAMVL533I_ 0BrkEgyUw2CbL_OSQS1nSomLEpPdvqrNmwtjUet82GYR0AuCOV yumUAk4jF_8tpA0JBw7E2AbwY5ZosAxbUKU8Ug2gRsBDBsXl

Adding link because I guess it's unknown Galicia I guess


Colonel Frank Grimes
02-26-2024, 06:00 PM
That woman doesn't sound like someone from northern Portugal. I've been to northern Portugal many times and I don't remember thinking the old people in Galicia sound like the northern Portuguese. My family is an hour's drive from the border.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-26-2024, 06:03 PM
He may be partially Galician, but his character is more similar to Aragonese. I have told him this many times.

I'm 100%.

Galicians are often thought of as different from other Spaniards and maybe that's why the video is titled 'strangest region.'

Golden Iberian
02-26-2024, 06:14 PM
That woman doesn't sound like someone from northern Portugal. I've been to northern Portugal many times and I don't remember thinking the old people in Galicia sound like the northern Portuguese. My family is an hour's drive from the border.

You've been numerous times. I've been all my life. See the curiosity!
First, the vocabulary was not spanish. It was akin to portuguese, although she switched a bit to castilian to be better understood. Here's an old northern portuguese woman and how they sound like.


And a galician old woman.


Golden Iberian
02-26-2024, 06:16 PM
Why Strangest?

Maybe for clickbait purposes for an american audience that thinks Spain is uniform. Each region of Spain is "strange" of one another, and people tend to stereotype Spain to Andaluzia.

02-26-2024, 06:30 PM
He may be partially Galician, but his character is more similar to Aragonese. I have told him this many times.

And you look nothing like Andalusians. We have seen a lot of Andalusians here thanks to Gallop and we know what they look like. Are you an African immigrant? It’s high time you came out of shadows and show us your true colors. :biggrin:

02-26-2024, 06:35 PM
And you look nothing like Andalusians. We have seen a lot of Andalusians here thanks to Gallop and we know what they look like. Are you an African immigrant? It’s high time you came out of shadows and show us your true colors. :biggrin:

Gixajo is an R1a horselord. I will not let you slander my baldid brother like this!

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-26-2024, 06:39 PM
You've been numerous times. I've been all my life. See the curiosity!
First, the vocabulary was not spanish. It was akin to portuguese, although she switched a bit to castilian to be better understood. Here's an old northern portuguese woman and how they sound like.


And a galician old woman.

You were speaking of accents. I'm not talking about vocabulary. Obviously, the vocabulary is similar because it has the same roots but the accent is very different.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-26-2024, 06:42 PM
You were speaking of accents. I'm not talking about vocabulary. Obviously, the vocabulary is similar because it has the same roots but the accent is very different.

That woman in the first video is from northern Galicia and my family is from southern Galicia. My family members can tell the difference between the accent of someone from La Coruna and their own yet you claim this woman from northern Galicia sounds like those from northern Portugal.

02-26-2024, 06:44 PM
Gixajo is an R1a horselord. I will not let you slander my baldid brother like this!

That’s why he is Ugo’s the worst nightmare.

02-26-2024, 07:08 PM
I'm 100%.

Galicians are often thought of as different from other Spaniards and maybe that's why the video is titled 'strangest region.'

All regions have particularities, even within each region there are differences, but saying that Galicia is "the strangest" does not seem very correct to me.

It shares many similar characteristics with parts of Castilla y León (EL Bierzo) and is very similar to Asturias and areas of Northern Portugal.

At the same time, parts of Galicia are very different from the rest, such as a good part of the province of Lugo.

I already told you that your personality is too direct and that you tend to seek confrontation, that has little to do with what is attributed to the Galician character.

02-26-2024, 07:12 PM
There is another Galicia except for this one?

Adding link because I guess it's unknown Galicia I guess


Nah, it´s well known that Galicia too.

Title of the movie: "The potato connection."

02-26-2024, 07:12 PM
Ah yes my favourite region of all Spain too


02-26-2024, 07:17 PM
When they speak Spanish, the accent is terrible, but that's okay with them.

On the other hand, I thought they were very quiet people with a deep voice like me, but when I met them I saw that they do not stop talking, they talk a lot, they do not shut up even under water. :)

Not strange, but in Spain they have a reputation for being strange.

I have never seen so many graciles in all my life. :cool:

02-26-2024, 07:18 PM
That woman in the first video is from northern Galicia and my family is from southern Galicia. My family members can tell the difference between the accent of someone from La Coruna and their own yet you claim this woman from northern Galicia sounds like those from northern Portugal.

I do not differentiate well the different accents by area, they are nuances that escape me, but the general Galician accent is easily detectable.

In general, Galicians are well regarded by all other Spaniards, very hard working, resilient people.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-26-2024, 07:19 PM
When they speak Spanish, the accent is terrible, but that's okay with them.

Are you kidding me? Andalusians have the worst accent

02-26-2024, 07:20 PM
Ah yes my favourite region of all Spain too


My mother loves Galicia, and its gastronomy.

02-26-2024, 07:23 PM
Are you kidding me? Andalusians have the worst accent

In some areas it is like that but it turns out to be a "nice" accent, but the most unpleasant accent is the Catalan accent. It is irritating.

02-26-2024, 07:24 PM
My mother loves Galicia, and its gastronomy.

I've been also with both of my parents but my dad is the one who fell in love with Galicia like me, he even had very good interactions with them and ended up easily having a long conversations with them.

Is because he always liked all the Northwestern and Northern areas of Spain and visits it pretty often.

02-26-2024, 07:35 PM
And you look nothing like Andalusians. We have seen a lot of Andalusians here thanks to Gallop and we know what they look like. Are you an African immigrant? It’s high time you came out of shadows and show us your true colors. :biggrin:

Well,at least in my case Gallop is right, coincidentally I have more blonde and red-haired relatives on my Andalusian side.

Although the blue eyes in my family are from the Basque side.On the Andalusian side they are more usual hazelnut and green ones.

On both sides, brown eyes and dark hair are the most common.(if there is any hair:rolleyes:)

02-26-2024, 07:37 PM
I've been also with both of my parents but my dad is the one who fell in love with Galicia like me, he even had very good interactions with them and ended up easily having a long conversation.

Is because he always liked all the Northwestern and Northern areas of Spain and visits it pretty often.

One of the best things about Galicia is that the rural environment has remained quite authentic there. just as it was throughout Spain in the past.

It is good especially for those who come as visitors, I don't know to what extent it is so good for them.

02-26-2024, 07:40 PM
One of the best things about Galicia is that the rural environment has remained quite authentic there. just as it was throughout Spain in the past.

It is good especially for those who come as visitors, I don't know to what extent it is so good for them.

Yes, exactly! That's one of the things that have Galicia that attracts me a lot.

02-26-2024, 07:41 PM
I've been also with both of my parents but my dad is the one who fell in love with Galicia like me, he even had very good interactions with them and ended up easily having a long conversations with them.

Is because he always liked all the Northwestern and Northern areas of Spain and visits it pretty often.

Speaking about Galicia, if you can afford to spend some time without working (about a month), you could do the Camino de Santiago. It can be a good way to "reset yourself."

02-26-2024, 07:43 PM
Speaking about Galicia, if you can afford to spend some time without working (about a month), you could do the Camino de Santiago. It can be a good way to "reset yourself."

I thought about doing that once long time ago but i changed my mind on that.

02-26-2024, 09:49 PM
Notice how the first old lady speaks exactly like the Portuguese, especially in the North. How Galician and Northern Portuguese accent are exactly the same, especially in older people.


Good finding, not exactly the same but very similar indeed at times.

She is though alternating Galician with Castilian for better understanding, but especially when she says things like "Ai dos Estados Unidos, ai mãe!", "Muxia, de Muxia, de Muxia", "A costa da morte", "comunista, é um comunista desses" , " não sei como têm esse bitcho aí", it's surprisingly close to our accents. Notice how she is closing the vowels like we do, even pronouncing the "o" as "u" in words such "Estadus Unidus" or "cumunista".

It's surprising because she's from the north and most galicians don't speak like that.


Exactly like my grandparents used to speak, is the lady that appears at 5:40, she's southern Galician. I can only tell she's not Portuguese because she says "coche" instead of "carro".

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-26-2024, 10:14 PM
Good finding, not exactly the same but very similar indeed at times.

She is though alternating Galician with Castilian for better understating, but especially when she says things like "Ai dos Estados Unidos, ai mãe!", "Muxia, de Muxia, de Muxia", "A costa da morte", "comunista, é um comunista desses" , " não sei como têm esse bitcho aí", it's surprisingly close to our accents. Notice how she is closing the vowels like we do, even pronouncing the "o" as "u" in words such "Estadus Unidus" or "cumunista".

It's surprising because she's from the north and most galicians don't speak like that.


Exactly like my grandparents used to speak, is the lady that appears at 5:40, she's southern Galician. I can only tell she's not Portuguese because she says "coche" instead of "carro".

Is that woman from Pontevedra?

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-26-2024, 10:23 PM
I like this guy's videos. He did one on Galician.


The Galician taught in school and seen on regional television is different from the varied dialects, obviously. Some cultural institute or whatever had to decide what would be the norm.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-26-2024, 10:37 PM

And a galician old woman.


I understand the Galician woman far better than the Portuguese woman. I only have a vague idea of what the Portuguese women are talking about because of their accent but I have no issue understanding the Galician woman.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-27-2024, 11:18 PM
I have a spiritual connection to this video.
