View Full Version : Reversed Light Pashtun-Pamiri-Kalash Question: Do you think this Ukrainian couple can pass as one

03-08-2024, 11:22 PM
of those blond South Asian or Afghan people? I feel I've seen individuals from those regions that resemble both the bride and the groom.


Classify and where else can they pass?

03-09-2024, 12:30 AM
I think the man can pass in Tajikistan, he has that dinarid element, the woman looks more corded influenced and Slavic, doesn't really look like she passes east of the Caspian sea. They both look generally east Euro.

03-09-2024, 04:43 AM
he looks West Slav (maybe due to slight Noric pull) but totally passes as East Slav as well.

she looks like one of those East Slavs passing in the Balkans too.

he'd easily pass as Hutsul, her less so (bonier and more squarish or wider faces in Romanian Hutsuls at least).

to me they look not even remotely Indo-Iranian/not passing in southcentral Asia

03-09-2024, 05:19 AM
he looks West Slav (maybe due to slight Noric pull) but totally passes as East Slav as well.

she looks like one of those East Slavs passing in the Balkans too.

he'd easily pass as Hutsul, her less so (bonier and more squarish or wider faces in Romanian Hutsuls at least).

to me they look not even remotely Indo-Iranian/not passing in southcentral Asia

He looks like a Transylvanian Romanian face without the darker pigmentation so Hutsul is about right

03-09-2024, 08:51 AM
The left can pass as some depigmented mountain tajik type, the woman not at all

03-09-2024, 02:23 PM
I agree with everyone here. The woman never can, the man only as an atypical pamiri even. There's something slavic shifted about him, when compared to pamiris.