View Full Version : Anyone else thinks that beauty standard for women are little bit too high

03-10-2024, 01:20 PM
Honestly. Look at this. All popular pop girl's did plastic surgery even though they were already cute

Taylor Swift was always cute. She was forced to fix her small eyes. Thin lips. And curly hair. Because of weird beauty standard. Which want everyone to look same. How many white women have these eyes? Why she need big eyes? She used to look unique127545

Ariana Grande. Had changed her race. Why she need to do this to be famous? Her voice is extremely beautiful too
Also why every women with curly hair is making it straight?
What is wrong with curly hair? 127546

Why all famous women in music or hollywood need to look 10/10
Kylie Jenner. Was so sad. She was happy about her daughter having her father lips. Because she was probably bullied for her looks. People hate jenner for doing plastic surgery as a minor. But don't ask why she did it. 127547

03-10-2024, 02:13 PM
I can see why they needed plastic surgery, to go from 5 to 6.

03-10-2024, 03:23 PM
I can see why they needed plastic surgery, to go from 5 to 6.

Maybe all women in music are doing plastic surgery because of these beauty standard.
Where you are 5 if you have some imperfections like curly hair big nose small eyes thin lips. They're not imperfections either. Society think they are
In the end everyone looking same
I personally find pre plastic surgery Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande more attractive than Margot robbie. Who herself have done plastic surgery.

Imperfections make women look unique and cute.
Perfect looking women look boring

03-10-2024, 04:39 PM
I'm not some sort of pickme but I think the beauty standards for women are not very high, I will say they are slightly higher for men especially about stupid things.

In a world where women as ugly as Billie Eilish are considered beautiful with their pictures plastered on magazine covers... and really very ordinary girls like Emma Watson are also considered strikingly beautiful... sometimes it feels like anyone short of truly deformed women can be considered beautiful. Just put on enough makeup and don't be obese and you will be considered "attractive enough". But obviously being considered beautiful isn't that much in and of itself - it doesn't make up for being loved, being accomplished, being talented, etc. it's just a nice thing that might make people treat you nicer at different parts of your life.

And you can have a handsome, broad-shouldered man with a great jawline and hot body... and because he's 5'5, he's not considered attractive by the standard of like 75% of women under the age of 50.

That all being said, a lot of this is stupid. I think we are way too focused on beauty as a society. I don't think beauty should matter this much outside of the context of your own romantic/sexual relationships. I've been trying to become less of a shallow person over the years and I still find myself being judgmental of people who I'm not trying to have sex with over their looks, I really wish we as a society could just move past the beauty obsession.

BTW all three of the women you posted would be fine in the real world with their original looks. They were all women who would appeal to the opposite sex, all of them would be the "type" of many men. It's just that being a celebrity is about vanity and riches, obviously they're going to get plastic surgery anyway.

03-10-2024, 04:43 PM
I'm not some sort of pickme but I think the beauty standards for women are not very high, I will say they are slightly higher for men especially about stupid things.

In a world where women as ugly as Billie Eilish are considered beautiful with their pictures plastered on magazine covers... and really very ordinary girls like Emma Watson are also considered strikingly beautiful... sometimes it feels like anyone short of truly deformed women can be considered beautiful. Just put on enough makeup and don't be obese and you will be considered "attractive enough". But obviously being considered beautiful isn't that much in and of itself - it doesn't make up for being loved, being accomplished, being talented, etc. it's just a nice thing that might make people treat you nicer at different parts of your life.

And you can have a handsome, broad-shouldered man with a great jawline and hot body... and because he's 5'5, he's not considered attractive by the standard of like 75% of women under the age of 50.

That all being said, a lot of this is stupid. I think we are way too focused on beauty as a society. I don't think beauty should matter this much outside of the context of your own romantic/sexual relationships. I've been trying to become less of a shallow person over the years and I still find myself being judgmental of people who I'm not trying to have sex with over their looks, I really wish we as a society could just move past the beauty obsession.

BTW all three of the women you posted would be fine in the real world with their original looks. They were all women who would appeal to the opposite sex, all of them would be the "type" of many men. It's just that being a celebrity is about vanity and riches, obviously they're going to get plastic surgery anyway.

What changed lately tropicalslavic? Did you perhaps realize that as a woman you are a depreciating asset so you changed your ways of thinking?

03-10-2024, 04:52 PM
I'm not some sort of pickme but I think the beauty standards for women are not very high, I will say they are slightly higher for men especially about stupid things.

In a world where women as ugly as Billie Eilish are considered beautiful with their pictures plastered on magazine covers... and really very ordinary girls like Emma Watson are also considered strikingly beautiful... sometimes it feels like anyone short of truly deformed women can be considered beautiful. Just put on enough makeup and don't be obese and you will be considered "attractive enough". But obviously being considered beautiful isn't that much in and of itself - it doesn't make up for being loved, being accomplished, being talented, etc. it's just a nice thing that might make people treat you nicer at different parts of your life.

And you can have a handsome, broad-shouldered man with a great jawline and hot body... and because he's 5'5, he's not considered attractive by the standard of like 75% of women under the age of 50.

That all being said, a lot of this is stupid. I think we are way too focused on beauty as a society. I don't think beauty should matter this much outside of the context of your own romantic/sexual relationships. I've been trying to become less of a shallow person over the years and I still find myself being judgmental of people who I'm not trying to have sex with over their looks, I really wish we as a society could just move past the beauty obsession.

BTW all three of the women you posted would be fine in the real world with their original looks. They were all women who would appeal to the opposite sex, all of them would be the "type" of many men. It's just that being a celebrity is about vanity and riches, obviously they're going to get plastic surgery anyway.

If standard are not high. Then why everyone is doing plastic surgery?
Dude every straight young girl used to have crush on Bieber lol
Maybe you don't believe in goth girl supremacy.
Eilish cute. I personally think that she look better than robbie. Who so many people consider most attractive women lmao

See taste is very subjective

03-10-2024, 04:53 PM
What changed lately tropicalslavic? Did you perhaps realize that as a woman you are a depreciating asset so you changed your ways of thinking?

Nothing changed, same opinions I've had for many years now. My husband doesn't seem to think I'm a depreciating asset, he's the one who willingly married an older woman lol. You did a good job getting attention with the Women thread, why don't you go back to that?

03-10-2024, 04:57 PM
If standard are not high. Then why everyone is doing plastic surgery?
Dude every straight young girl used to have crush on Bieber lol
Maybe you don't believe in goth girl supremacy.
Eilish cute. I personally think that she look better than robbie. Who so many people consider most attractive women lmao

See taste is very subjective

Taste is somewhat subjective.

Honestly people get plastic surgery because they are vain af. I probably could afford it at this point in my life if I wanted it, but I'd only ever get reconstructive surgery (like after a person gets mangled in a car wreck or something like that). I've known Slavic women who immigrated to the US just because they wanted to be able to afford breast implants easier. It's all very stupid and you have to understand that the mindset of these people is about worldly beauty and material possessions only. Like do you really think any of those three women would have a problem in the real world due to their looks? No man looks at Taylor Swift before getting eye surgery and thinks any less of her appearance because of it.

I personally never had a crush on Bieber but I was one of those edgy people who thought everything popular was bad at that age. I secretly liked his music, but I'd never have admitted that to my friends at the time.

I think the whole goth thing is weird ngl. Always have.

03-10-2024, 04:57 PM
Nothing changed, same opinions I've had for many years now. My husband doesn't seem to think I'm a depreciating asset, he's the one who willingly married an older woman lol. You did a good job getting attention with the Women thread, why don't you go back to that?

I had no idea you are older than your husband. Were you a single mom when he married you and did he have kids before you?

You did a good job getting attention with the Women thread, why don't you go back to that?

I mean ... why go on people's nerves only on Women thread.

03-10-2024, 05:00 PM
I had no idea you are older than your husband. Were you a single mom when he married you and did he have kids before you?

I mean ... why go on people's nerves only on Women thread.

We only have children together.

But anyway. Back on topic. If you're gonna troll at least make it about beauty standards for women like OP wants to talk about lol

03-10-2024, 05:08 PM
But anyway. Back on topic. If you're gonna troll at least make it about beauty standards for women like OP wants to talk about lol

Men are not demanding when it comes to looks. Women are way more demanding when it comes to looks, but fortunately for men, men are able to compensate that with other things.

Men don't like make-up, fake tits, fake lips etc. It's enough to do fitness and watch what you eat. I mean women need to ask themselves do they like a shorter guy who did limb elongation, dick elongation, fake muscle injections. Women spend too much energy on things that men not only not like, but things which men dislike. Nor do we care what nice dress and outfits you have etc.

Men are simple. Women are much more complex.

03-10-2024, 05:13 PM
Men are not demanding when it comes to looks. Women are way more demanding when it comes to looks, but fortunately for men, men are able to compensate that with other things.

Men don't like make-up, fake tits, fake lips etc. It's enough to do fitness and watch what you eat. I mean women need to ask themselves do they like a shorter guy who did limb elongation, dick elongation, fake muscle injections. Women spend too much energy on things that men not only not like, but things which men dislike. Nor do we care what nice dress and outfits you have etc.

I halfway agree because I have met plenty of men who were into the fake plastic look. But they are definitely not a majority and I think there is something wrong with them. It's similar to jacking off to cartoons at that point. Healthy people are attracted to bodies that are naturally achievable and exist in nature, so no fake tits or limb elongations (I knew a short dude who did that... shudder).

I do think some part of women's "beauty standards" is just women competing with other women. No one has ever been as critical of me as the women in my family. Even the meanest boyfriend pales in comparison to a vain Eastern European mother. I have seen women have group conversations one-upping each other constantly about how young they think they look, what their skincare routine is, and other silly shit. I do not ever hear men sitting around talking about how they won't date a woman with a big nose or whatever the fuck.

See, you're sometimes onto something.

03-10-2024, 05:24 PM
I personally never had a crush on Bieber but I was one of those edgy people who thought everything popular was bad at that age. I secretly liked his music, but I'd never have admitted that to my friends at the time.

I never had a crush on Bieber either and I never listened to his music. The one thing that stands out to me about him is his disgusting behavior in that video of him pissing in a mop bucket.

03-10-2024, 05:28 PM
Honestly. Look at this. All popular pop girl's did plastic surgery even though they were already cute

Taylor Swift was always cute. She was forced to fix her small eyes. Thin lips. And curly hair. Because of weird beauty standard. Which want everyone to look same. How many white women have these eyes? Why she need big eyes? She used to look unique127545

Ariana Grande. Had changed her race. Why she need to do this to be famous? Her voice is extremely beautiful too
Also why every women with curly hair is making it straight?
What is wrong with curly hair? 127546

Why all famous women in music or hollywood need to look 10/10
Kylie Jenner. Was so sad. She was happy about her daughter having her father lips. Because she was probably bullied for her looks. People hate jenner for doing plastic surgery as a minor. But don't ask why she did it. 127547

I think Taylor Swift looks better after having her eyes done.

The other two women looked better in their "before" pictures.

The third woman is Kylie Jenner? Her plumped lips look disgusting. She turned herself into a negress.

03-10-2024, 05:30 PM
I halfway agree because I have met plenty of men who were into the fake plastic look. But they are definitely not a majority and I think there is something wrong with them. It's similar to jacking off to cartoons at that point. Healthy people are attracted to bodies that are naturally achievable and exist in nature, so no fake tits or limb elongations (I knew a short dude who did that... shudder).

I do think some part of women's "beauty standards" is just women competing with other women. No one has ever been as critical of me as the women in my family. Even the meanest boyfriend pales in comparison to a vain Eastern European mother. I have seen women have group conversations one-upping each other constantly about how young they think they look, what their skincare routine is, and other silly shit. I do not ever hear men sitting around talking about how they won't date a woman with a big nose or whatever the fuck.

See, you're sometimes onto something.


03-10-2024, 05:33 PM
I think Taylor Swift looks better after having her eyes done.

The other two women looked better in their "before" pictures.

The third woman is Kylie Jenner? Her plumped lips look disgusting. She turned herself into a negress.

If you think she turned herself into a black person wait until you see her kids. :D

03-10-2024, 05:38 PM
Most Instagram model are doing plastic surgery to look like Kardashians. Who themselves have done plastic surgery.
Especially for their body

03-10-2024, 05:42 PM
Most Instagram model are doing plastic surgery to look like Kardashians. Who themselves have done plastic surgery.
Especially for their body

I honestly think most men don't really see much of a difference between a Kardashian and some random cute non-obese girl working as a waitress at some place they go to regularly. Really truly I don't think most of them care.

03-10-2024, 05:53 PM
I think Taylor Swift looks better after having her eyes done.

The other two women looked better in their "before" pictures.

The third woman is Kylie Jenner? Her plumped lips look disgusting. She turned herself into a negress.

Even if her eyes look better what's the point? It's not her eyes. It's not her. Men anyways wouldn't give one shit about her eyes or her nose or her lips. When I personally (and the vast majority of men) see a woman the first thing I look at her are her thighs, her ass, her stomach, her tits and than her overall face and hair. Men never fixiate on things such as eyes, nose, lips, eyelashes etc but look at a face as a whole. What men do fixiate on is ass, legs, tits. But okay, perhaps women do their thing to look good for other women. Kay, whatever. Again what's the point if it's fake.

As for the other two women and similar. I can't stress enough how repulsive such unnatural whorish not to mention darkening looks look like in the eyes of men. I just want to turn them around so I don't look at them and bend them over.

03-10-2024, 06:24 PM
Women do it because of other women. If Taylor Swift jumps from the bridge some women would follow. Women are such retarded drama queen fans attention seekers. Which is probably why they do surgeries.


03-10-2024, 06:27 PM