View Full Version : Are most people stupid?

03-15-2024, 08:40 PM
Everyday I’m flabbergasted by the amount of stupid people. Most people in my experience have no common sense or any basic knowledge

Colonel Frank Grimes
03-15-2024, 09:25 PM
I try not to think this way. People have their focus on specific things. For example, should I think a mechanic is stupid because he can't locate every state in the union? Initially, I would say yes but I don't know anything about cars, he does. So am I the stupid one?

I would think being able to locate every state in the union should be known by all. However, that isn't crucial to his life.

So is he stupid? No. Is he ignorant? Yes. However, I'm also ignorant in that I don't know anything about cars. Could he learn where all 50 states are located? Yes. He just doesn't have the interest or motivation.

So it's really a question of whether someone is intellectually curious or not. A knowledgeable person is an intellectually curious person. However, someone who isn't intellectually curious isn't necessarily stupid. They just have limited interests.

03-15-2024, 09:32 PM
most people get out of school and never use their brain again, they dont learn any new skills and theyre happy about that. The average person spends their life on their sofa watching sports or reality TV, anything that doesnt challenge their mind really

03-15-2024, 09:42 PM
The capacity of a human hard drive is certainly finite and decreases with the passage of years. Providing redundant data quickly, such as those served by mainstream media, instagram or tiktok, causes natural bandwidth problems. For example, I'm surprised by the huge level of knowledge about rappers' albums with a general lack of common knowledge. The Chinese consciously choose valuable educational content for young people in their national version of tiktotk.

03-16-2024, 10:06 PM
Idk but I'm starting to feel this way a little too tbh. The sense I'm going to define stupid though is those who lack common sense and have poor judgmental and do nonsensical ridiculous annoying things. Also those who are superficial and just boring and only care about meeting the status quo.

But yeah it's gonna sound mean to say this but I'm surprised by the number of people at my school who are totally delusional and obviously have lived in a bubble all their lives and think that being hysterical and forcing people to agree with you on their ultraliberal ideology is "empowerment" and standing up for yourself It's not it's all utter bullshit they aren't doing a single shit for society by whining and mocking those who don't agree with them It's just a false sense of "doing something" in fact none of these idiots have even ever done anything to actually help the groups they claim to support, I personally consider this utter stupidity. Honestly, there are so many annoying people like this at my stupid school It's honestly made me have thoughts of transferring out I don't really fit in well. But still I get along with people in my program better than those outside of it.

But yeah I still remember the totally useless bimbo Mexican cunt I had the misery of working with she was another total dumbell who went on about woke ideology and being empowered even though her ass couldn't even perform basic tasks at work or have common sense smh. She was also another one of these fucking idiots who claimed to be "inclusive" even though she only made friends based on looks and status lol useless hypocritical shit.

Oh yeah not to mention this one dumb rich girl I knew who told me vaping is healthy lmao and who had no fucking manners and common sense she would literally drop by our house whenever she wanted thinking we wouldn't get mad at her like we had all the time in the world which we didn't :rolleyes: and she couldn't even drive well lmao this loser almost hit the tree in our yard.

And I am actually honestly very forgiving of people's flaws in general BUT when people try to insist they are superior to me like these cunts and try to act better and like they are all "high and mighty" while being mean, immoral, and stupid people....like please just stay the hell away from me for good lol.

i would also consider my old nail tech one of these dumb and mean types lmao she told me the reason I don't have a boyfriend was because I don't have my own car :rolleyes: and that I need to look responsible and empowered by driving the guy everywhere (YES she gave me that advice!) But she also was fucking stupid and pretentious enough to ask me how I could afford the nails and what my income was lol terrible judgment on her part this was the last straw and I never gave her cunt ass a cent again lol :rolleyes:

I have now become much more conservative with who I surround myself with and dump people on the first red flag which has helped me avoid having my time drained by these "stupid" people.

Oh yeah there was also this one women I knew who told me I should take out payday loans to return to college lmao :rolleyes: another dumbass.

But I do have flaws myself and admit I have done stupid things lol. The "stupid" people I mainly hate are those who never own up honestly to any of their mistakes and try to act superior when they know they really are not, and then rub their stupidity onto others.

And yes I know my post is controversial and heated but please I beg you to stay respectful. Especially since I have been going through terrible stressful times recently and the last thing I need is to be insulted by someone on TA I'm on the verge of crying and melting down.

If you don't like my post I can remove it or edit it lol.

I understand why some people may or may not consider these people stupid lol. And NO I'm not making these up.

I know I may sound anti-women but I'm not, but bear in mind I myself have just happened to have bad experiences with other women on average. I was even respectful to those stupid people I mentioned who hated me lol.

I have come to meet a lot of non-stupid and smart people though instead now through trial and error =).

I guess I would say though that I have seen a general decrease in common sense, manners, and social judgment in recent years which goes along with my experiences.

03-16-2024, 10:16 PM
People are strange

03-17-2024, 07:48 AM
Idk but I'm starting to feel this way a little too tbh. The sense I'm going to define stupid though is those who lack common sense and have poor judgmental and do nonsensical ridiculous annoying things. Also those who are superficial and just boring and only care about meeting the status quo.

But yeah it's gonna sound mean to say this but I'm surprised by the number of people at my school who are totally delusional and obviously have lived in a bubble all their lives and think that being hysterical and forcing people to agree with you on their ultraliberal ideology is "empowerment" and standing up for yourself It's not it's all utter bullshit they aren't doing a single shit for society by whining and mocking those who don't agree with them It's just a false sense of "doing something" in fact none of these idiots have even ever done anything to actually help the groups they claim to support, I personally consider this utter stupidity. Honestly, there are so many annoying people like this at my stupid school It's honestly made me have thoughts of transferring out I don't really fit in well. But still I get along with people in my program better than those outside of it.

But yeah I still remember the totally useless bimbo Mexican cunt I had the misery of working with she was another total dumbell who went on about woke ideology and being empowered even though her ass couldn't even perform basic tasks at work or have common sense smh. She was also another one of these fucking idiots who claimed to be "inclusive" even though she only made friends based on looks and status lol useless hypocritical shit.

Oh yeah not to mention this one dumb rich girl I knew who told me vaping is healthy lmao and who had no fucking manners and common sense she would literally drop by our house whenever she wanted thinking we wouldn't get mad at her like we had all the time in the world which we didn't :rolleyes: and she couldn't even drive well lmao this loser almost hit the tree in our yard.

And I am actually honestly very forgiving of people's flaws in general BUT when people try to insist they are superior to me like these cunts and try to act better and like they are all "high and mighty" while being mean, immoral, and stupid people....like please just stay the hell away from me for good lol.

i would also consider my old nail tech one of these dumb and mean types lmao she told me the reason I don't have a boyfriend was because I don't have my own car :rolleyes: and that I need to look responsible and empowered by driving the guy everywhere (YES she gave me that advice!) But she also was fucking stupid and pretentious enough to ask me how I could afford the nails and what my income was lol terrible judgment on her part this was the last straw and I never gave her cunt ass a cent again lol :rolleyes:

I have now become much more conservative with who I surround myself with and dump people on the first red flag which has helped me avoid having my time drained by these "stupid" people.

Oh yeah there was also this one women I knew who told me I should take out payday loans to return to college lmao :rolleyes: another dumbass.

But I do have flaws myself and admit I have done stupid things lol. The "stupid" people I mainly hate are those who never own up honestly to any of their mistakes and try to act superior when they know they really are not, and then rub their stupidity onto others.

And yes I know my post is controversial and heated but please I beg you to stay respectful. Especially since I have been going through terrible stressful times recently and the last thing I need is to be insulted by someone on TA I'm on the verge of crying and melting down.

If you don't like my post I can remove it or edit it lol.

I understand why some people may or may not consider these people stupid lol. And NO I'm not making these up.

I know I may sound anti-women but I'm not, but bear in mind I myself have just happened to have bad experiences with other women on average. I was even respectful to those stupid people I mentioned who hated me lol.

I have come to meet a lot of non-stupid and smart people though instead now through trial and error =).

I guess I would say though that I have seen a general decrease in common sense, manners, and social judgment in recent years which goes along with my experiences.

its not surprising considering theres recently been a study that has shown that the average iq of people in college for example has dropped to basically average. People also have a way too positive idea of what average means, in my eyes the only difference between a dumb person and an average person is that a dumb person doesnt even understand the world theyre living in, like they cant understand concepts such as time.

It has become a bit of a meme cause it genuinely works but think of conditional hypotheticals, the one example people always use is "how would you have felt yesterday if you hadnt eaten breakfast or lunch?" the obvious answer would be something like :"hungry", what answer youll get instead is "but i did eat something yesterday!" or "i dont understand the question" its said that people with an iq of 90 cant answer this in almost every case. So this is something that is barely made for the average person, considering people with an iq of 95 would still be far away from being able to answer this question the right way every time. There are other examples of this as well but this is my absolute favorite.

In that sense, the average person is just scraping by in life, youll also see they can have opinions but they cant form them themselves, its gotta be prepared by someone else and in this case theyll always listen to the highest authority/state. And then you gotta consider that this average IQ of 100 isnt bound to the world in general, its only an exception, only china, korea and japan manage to get to 105 in the modern age, while the highest average IQ in history was victorian era Britain at 115, possibly the only country in history where the average person wasnt a NPC