View Full Version : She's not my wife, she's my sister!

03-17-2024, 07:59 PM
Have you ever had the problem where you have to explain to people that your sister is not your wife? I guess it's unusual these days- but my sis and I do a lot of things together. We have dinner out and movie night, get groceries. She tells me what to buy usually and I do things for her. This does feel more like married couple, but we are just close that's all

For example, the other day at the grocery store, I wasn't wearing my glasses and went over to this blondish woman and her buggy and put something in it. Then I realized it wasn't mine and said "Oh, I'm sorry". She smiled and said "Wrong wife?" I was shopping with my sister and she thought she was my wife. No, she's just my sister. Why is it wrong for a brother and sister to do things together? Even in the South, people seem to frown upon that.
I think our culture has become very perverted.

03-17-2024, 08:19 PM
Have you ever had the problem where you have to explain to people that your sister is not your wife? I guess it's unusual these days- but my sis and I do a lot of things together. We have dinner out and movie night, get groceries. She tells me what to buy usually and I do things for her. This does feel more like married couple, but we are just close that's all

For example, the other day at the grocery store, I wasn't wearing my glasses and went over to this blondish woman and her buggy and put something in it. Then I realized it wasn't mine and said "Oh, I'm sorry". She smiled and said "Wrong wife?" I was shopping with my sister and she thought she was my wife. No, she's just my sister. Why is it wrong for a brother and sister to do things together? Even in the South, people seem to frown upon that.
I think our culture has become very perverted.

After a certain age, people expect one to be in a relationship or married. That is why, if your hanging out with your sister (especially if your facial features for example, aren't much alike with hers) most will assume she's your partner.

I don't look much like my older brother and some people don't realize we are siblings. But there has been only one instance where we've been asked if we are together. Some years ago, we were both walking to a park, outside of the town and on the edge of the road there was a prostitute. She looked at my brother and then asked if we are together xD.

03-17-2024, 08:33 PM
In Amerika when you see two people of different gender and similar age, %99.999999 they are a couple. And if youre from unfortunate %0.000001, sorry but nobody cares about you.

03-17-2024, 08:45 PM
Is that the same sister who ran out of the house naked?

03-18-2024, 06:37 PM
Have you ever had the problem where you have to explain to people that your sister is not your wife? I guess it's unusual these days- but my sis and I do a lot of things together. We have dinner out and movie night, get groceries. She tells me what to buy usually and I do things for her. This does feel more like married couple, but we are just close that's all

For example, the other day at the grocery store, I wasn't wearing my glasses and went over to this blondish woman and her buggy and put something in it. Then I realized it wasn't mine and said "Oh, I'm sorry". She smiled and said "Wrong wife?" I was shopping with my sister and she thought she was my wife. No, she's just my sister. Why is it wrong for a brother and sister to do things together? Even in the South, people seem to frown upon that.
I think our culture has become very perverted.

It could be much worse meade. Much worse. Imagine if you were out doing something with your brother and people assumed you were a couple.:rotfl:

03-18-2024, 06:53 PM
Why is it wrong for a brother and sister to do things together? Even in the South, people seem to frown upon that.
I think our culture has become very perverted.

I thought it was relatively common for brother and sister to get married in the South?

03-18-2024, 06:53 PM
Is that the same sister who ran out of the house naked?

and why aren't there pics?

03-20-2024, 12:55 AM
I thought it was relatively common for brother and sister to get married in the South?

No, that's your cousin!

03-20-2024, 01:01 AM
Not my brother but my dad. When my dad was still alive, I often accompanied him to appointments because his English was terrible. He always looked pretty young for his age, and he didn't look like my dad at first glance. He was definitely a couple of shades darker and many people's first impression would be that he was a different ethnicity (he was not - plus I feel like I took after him more than my mom). I had to cringe quite a few times at "we're ready for you, Mr. and Mrs. (last name)" or something similar. Bleh. Like I know they didn't know any better and weren't trying to gross me out, but it felt gross anyway.

I don't think it's wrong to be close to your sister as an adult, but I guess since most people assume you'll be married by your age, and most people grow apart from their siblings as they start their own families, it's a normal assumption to make.

03-20-2024, 02:16 AM
Is that the same sister who ran out of the house naked?

Wait! What?

03-20-2024, 02:23 AM
A similar thing took place when I was on vacation. Some strangers thought that my cousin was my girlfriend, even though I just turned 15 while she was 20! That never made sense to me because I looked 12 or 13 at the time. In fact, I was bummed out when my other cousin set me up on a date with a 13-year-old girl at the beach, so maybe the guys thought that my cousin was a young cougar (shrug).

03-20-2024, 02:26 AM
Have you ever had the problem where you have to explain to people that your sister is not your wife? I guess it's unusual these days- but my sis and I do a lot of things together. We have dinner out and movie night, get groceries. She tells me what to buy usually and I do things for her. This does feel more like married couple, but we are just close that's all

For example, the other day at the grocery store, I wasn't wearing my glasses and went over to this blondish woman and her buggy and put something in it. Then I realized it wasn't mine and said "Oh, I'm sorry". She smiled and said "Wrong wife?" I was shopping with my sister and she thought she was my wife. No, she's just my sister. Why is it wrong for a brother and sister to do things together? Even in the South, people seem to frown upon that.
I think our culture has become very perverted.

It could be worse. If a man is shopping with his wife and another customer asks if she is his sister.

03-20-2024, 02:28 AM
After a certain age, people expect one to be in a relationship or married. That is why, if your hanging out with your sister (especially if your facial features for example, aren't much alike with hers) most will assume she's your partner.

I don't look much like my older brother and some people don't realize we are siblings. But there has been only one instance where we've been asked if we are together. Some years ago, we were both walking to a park, outside of the town and on the edge of the road there was a prostitute. She looked at my brother and then asked if we are together xD.

I got that too with my sister in the past. We don't look alike at all.

03-20-2024, 02:34 AM
You take these things too seriously. She was playing the odds that two people of your age shopping together were a married couple...most of the time she'd have been right.

Nothing wrong with it and no one is saying there's anything wrong with it. It's good that you and your sister are close and spend time together and help each other out. In the past it was perfectly normal for unmarried siblings to live together.

(Back when I was single, I met a woman at a post-conference reception and we really clicked intellectually. We spent the evening talking about all sorts of common interests. But there was no romantic spark. As I was leaving someone else said "if you're waiting for your wife, I think she's still inside." I guess we just seemed really comfortable with each other and weren't flirting...and to that woman it seemed obvious were were married.)

03-20-2024, 03:01 AM
No sweat; had a similar experience a few weeks ago, but while at the chartering office for transports with my mom`s cousin (who`s 20 years older than me). Receptionist friendly and seriously asked where my "wife" and I were moving, lol.

03-20-2024, 03:02 AM
I understand this must be a delicate subject in the American South.

03-20-2024, 03:52 AM
Does your sis have your singing genes?

Colonel Frank Grimes
03-20-2024, 03:59 AM
Richmondbred's adventures are wild.

03-20-2024, 04:14 AM
It happens if you don't look that much like your sister.

03-20-2024, 04:27 AM
It was a thing a few times with my middle sister. Weirder is when people think your mom is your older sister and she gets hit on by random strangers.

03-20-2024, 05:38 PM
When I was younger and still living with the folks, my dad was out of town a lot, so the neighborhood kids were only familiar with my mother and me.

One night, Mom and Dad attended a neighbor's New Year's Eve party, and were in a room where they were mostly socializing with a lot of people they didn't know. Late in the evening I showed up, and some of the neighbor's kids ran into the room where my folks were and shouted 'Mrs. XXXX - your husband is here!' The other adults thought 'Oh crap who is this other guy she's with and is there going to be a fight?'

So the kiddoes thought my mother and I were man and wife.

03-20-2024, 11:45 PM
A similar thing took place when I was on vacation. Some strangers thought that my cousin was my girlfriend, even though I just turned 15 while she was 20! That never made sense to me because I looked 12 or 13 at the time. In fact, I was bummed out when my other cousin set me up on a date with a 13-year-old girl at the beach, so maybe the guys thought that my cousin was a young cougar (shrug).

that's nowhere near as bad. Your cousin could be your wife and there's nothing wrong with that.

03-21-2024, 03:22 AM
that's nowhere near as bad. Your cousin could be your wife and there's nothing wrong with that.

There *is* something wrong with that! Don't feed the bigots' caricatures and stereotypes, brother. That aside, I love the title of your thread. It sounds like a country song.

03-21-2024, 03:34 AM
that's nowhere near as bad. Your cousin could be your wife and there's nothing wrong with that.

First degree, even?

03-21-2024, 03:36 AM
First degree, even?

It could turn into a high school conversation. "If your cousin was a perfect 10,...."

03-21-2024, 04:44 AM
I agree with you Meade, its totally ok to do things with your sister, like grocery shopping.

03-21-2024, 04:48 PM
that's nowhere near as bad. Your cousin could be your wife and there's nothing wrong with that.

That's still a little close to inbreeding for modern tastes. I would think avid participants in a forum that seems to constantly harp on genetics would understand the undesirability of mating with family members.

Do NOT marry your cousin!:picard1:

03-21-2024, 07:24 PM
That's still a little close to inbreeding for modern tastes. I would think avid participants in a forum that seems to constantly harp on genetics would understand the undesirability of mating with family members.

Do NOT marry your cousin!:picard1:

Unless she is carrying your child.

03-21-2024, 07:27 PM
that's nowhere near as bad. Your cousin could be your wife and there's nothing wrong with that.

Oh noes, you didnt really say that now? :rotfl

03-21-2024, 07:40 PM
Have you ever had the problem where you have to explain to people that your sister is not your wife? I guess it's unusual these days- but my sis and I do a lot of things together. We have dinner out and movie night, get groceries. She tells me what to buy usually and I do things for her. This does feel more like married couple, but we are just close that's all

For example, the other day at the grocery store, I wasn't wearing my glasses and went over to this blondish woman and her buggy and put something in it. Then I realized it wasn't mine and said "Oh, I'm sorry". She smiled and said "Wrong wife?" I was shopping with my sister and she thought she was my wife. No, she's just my sister. Why is it wrong for a brother and sister to do things together? Even in the South, people seem to frown upon that.
I think our culture has become very perverted.

Its ok to help out your sister. People are just freaks if they frown at you.

03-21-2024, 09:40 PM
Unless she is carrying your child.

I do NOT want to read that meade's cousin is carrying his child. Don't wanna see that vee-lawg.

03-21-2024, 10:17 PM
Who cares what people think Meade, if you truly like your sister, shes your family, hangout, spendtime with her, god bless.

03-21-2024, 10:30 PM
I do NOT want to read that meade's cousin is carrying his child. Don't wanna see that vee-lawg.

xD Hahaha oh yeah! That's a good callback. Richie doesn't say Vlog, he says Vee-lawg.

03-21-2024, 11:18 PM
I have always been very close to my siblings, especially as a result of a serious illness I had a few years ago and from which I almost died. Whenever my siblings need me, I'm ready for them, but my sisters especially tend to ask me for help, whether to help them with their studies, accompany them shopping, etc. As a result of this, on several occasions they have taken us as a couple.

Curiously, my mother looks younger than she really is and when we go together they tend to take her as my older sister.