View Full Version : Is Slovakia the most underrated european country?

03-21-2024, 07:42 AM
I am here since 2018 and i dont remember any thread about Slovakia. I have been to this country many times and i can say its absolutely beautiful. Slovakia has everything: big mountains, great forests, medieval castles, old fashioned but charming medieval cities, and Bratislava has very rich cultural life. It seems even european forget this country.



https://files.slovakia.travel/_processed_/csm_Slowacki%2520Raj%2520Wielki%2520Sokol%2520Maly %2520Wodospad_01_2871c9bae3.jpg



03-21-2024, 08:04 AM
I could see it, slovakia often gets overshadowed by its neighbors. I wanna say in a way people think of czechia as being the "better" half, like they have a similar image of slovakia in their mind but most people only know places in czechia so they go there instead.

For me its the next place i plan to visit, i wanna see what my great grandmother and everyone before her lived like and a great grandfather of mine even died in slovakia, ive got hopes that maybe i can find out something more about him at his grave, if it can even be identified.

03-21-2024, 08:36 AM
I would never have associated Slovakia with a mountain.. At most I associated it with some small and insignificant hill..


03-21-2024, 11:12 AM
I would never have associated Slovakia with a mountain.. At most I associated it with some small and insignificant hill..

Just travel to Slovakia :)

03-21-2024, 12:35 PM
Just travel to Slovakia :)

It's hard to read mental diarrhea from that idiot. :picard2:

03-21-2024, 12:38 PM
Slovak men are super hot. It’s one of my destinations for sex tourism ;)

03-21-2024, 12:44 PM
Slovak men are super hot. It’s one of my destinations for sex tourism ;)

lol! I never met one but they look handsome :D

03-21-2024, 12:56 PM
Despite living in Hungary unfortunately I never visited Slovakia. My father traveled it extensively in 1960s as a young boy, when he lived with Czech family every summer. Since it was one country, they traveled to Slovakia often. He is really fond of Slovaks and Slovakia and prefers them to Czechs (although he say Czechia is more comfortable for living). In his view Slovaks are quite similar people to us.

Slovakia has amazing castles and very beautiful towns, on average nicer than Hungary, since during Ottoman times it was "upper Hungary" and speared of Ottoman devastation. Mongols didn't sack much of Slovakia either as far as I know, so it has more preserved cultural and historical heritage compared to Hungary that was much more devastated by various wars trough history.

I do have a childhood friend living in Bratislava for years. She lives there with her Asian husband. Honestly, she has many bad things to say about Slovakia despite she is full of praise for Bratislava job market and opportunities, economic growth that is much greater than anywhere in Croatia. Closeness of Vienna really helps and lot of foreign investors came to Slovakia that developed nicely. Bratislava real estate costs a fortune though. What she complained about are Slovaks, in her view quite grumpy and "gray" people, lot more closed than Croats are. She described them as having "very eastern Euro post-Soviet mentality" (SVK was never part of USSR though). And she said rest of country outside Bratislava lags behind in development and infrastructure compared to Croatia. Interestingly, she clicked with Hungarian minority from Slovakia and described them as different to Slovaks and quite more friendly and open.

Her Asian boyfriend was attacked by skinheads in Bratislava two times, it never happened to him in Croatia.

Nature and mountains are fantastic and overall it's a gem of a country. I agree Slovakia is very underrated, but so is every country from where we don't have single members (except Maestro, although he isn't Slovak, and Karol who doesn't live in SVK). I would like more threads about Slovaks and Slovakia in here and would like to visit it.

Linguistically Slovak is very easy to understand to a Croat and they are considered "central Slavic" language thus can well connect to both east, south and other west Slavs. Genetically Slovaks are among most Slavic ethnic groups overall, and that is rarely recognized or mentioned.

We have small Slovak minority in Croatia and they assimilated to Croats due to closeness of culture and faith. Slovakia even had president with Croatian origin. Some of us fled there during Turkish incursions and equally well assimilated. Ethnic Slovak Juraj Haulik played crucial role in Croatian history, becoming first Archbishop of Zagreb and completing separation of Croatian catholic church from Hungarian domination, and later being a cardinal and ban of Croatia two times.

03-21-2024, 12:59 PM
Slovak men are super hot. It’s one of my destinations for sex tourism ;)

I love sex too and Slovakia too, like you!

03-21-2024, 01:07 PM
They remind me of Flemish people, whereas Czech remind me of Dutch people. Slovaks have been kind of an underdog in history and only recently know self-governance. They are however smart and capable people.

03-21-2024, 01:09 PM
Slovak men are super hot. It’s one of my destinations for sex tourism ;)

Polish men crave Czech women, walking with their noses in the air to their avances. Polish women are more succesful in Slovakia with their men.

03-21-2024, 01:25 PM
Just travel to Slovakia :)

I hope...

03-21-2024, 02:39 PM
Linguistically Slovak is very easy to understand to a Croat and they are considered "central Slavic" language thus can well connect to both east, south and other west Slavs. Genetically Slovaks are among most Slavic ethnic groups overall, and that is rarely recognized or mentioned.

We have small Slovak minority in Croatia and they assimilated to Croats due to closeness of culture and faith. Slovakia even had president with Croatian origin. Some of us fled there during Turkish incursions and equally well assimilated. Ethnic Slovak Juraj Haulik played crucial role in Croatian history, becoming first Archbishop of Zagreb and completing separation of Croatian catholic church from Hungarian domination, and later being a cardinal and ban of Croatia two times.

The Slovak and Croatian people are strangely similar in their centuries-old hard struggle and in their painstaking past. In the NDH, there was a strong effort to establish closer ties with Slovakia because of similarity and cultural connection. Furthermore, the First Slovak Republic was the second to recognize the Independent State of Croatia. Both nations have survived thanks to the fact that Catholicism has preserved the foundations of their national identity.

Much has been said and written about the similarity and closeness of the destinies of the Croatian and Slovak people, and this view has been popularized in broad sections of both nations. Josip Andrić wrote about Croat-Slovak political similarity.

Hlinka's struggle for a free Slovakia is similar to Croatian national aspirations... Hlinka at first only wanted autonomy in order to achieve freedom. After the first step, they didn't give up and achieved full independence. All of this reminds me of the Croatian national aspiration, which at first wanted autonomy which was achieved by the Croatian-Hungarian settlement in 1868 (Austria-Hungary) and later in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia by establishing Banovina of Croatia until Croatia became completely independent in a free Europe.

So, we share a similar destiny with Slovaks.

03-21-2024, 03:07 PM
Great post. Thank you for some new information I didn't know :)

03-21-2024, 03:41 PM
Slovakia is a nice country thats true.
Bratislava is pretty clean and people would look at you very bad if youve threw something on the ground.
Its one of few capitals where you feel sometimes like its not capital, its not crowded besides the old town which is pretty smal.
Tatras are one of most known skiing destination, with a decent infrastructure, I broke my hand there on snowboard and since then I never went again :D
One of the downsides people from Bratislava especially those with age of 30+ are standoffish, look depressed and may look very arrogant. Those from eastern Slovakia are much more friendlier. The worst trait of Slovak people is envy, besides that they are pretty chill and dont give a fuck about anything but at the same time they have opinion on everything.

03-21-2024, 04:14 PM
I'm a Moravian Slovak and 1/4 actual Slovak and sometimes I forget it exists too.

Slovenia is the only bigger underdog in Europe.

03-21-2024, 04:17 PM
Slovaks are the only Western Slavs I like en masse and feel +- compatible and comfortable, nothing personal/political, but mentality. They have good things from Ukrainians without being Ukrainians and having no their flaws. Slovaks are simple in a good meaning of this word, lots of them. Met some in my life. I think they're only of Western Slavs who have this old sentiment, sympathetic towards Russia (but again, it's not a reason, but a bonus).

Mopi Licinius Crassus
03-21-2024, 04:19 PM
slovakia looks v nice
i will have to explore over there sometime

my only concern are the bears attacking people:eek:


03-21-2024, 04:27 PM
Much has been said and written about the similarity and closeness of the destinies of the Croatian and Slovak people, and this view has been popularized in broad sections of both nations. Josip Andrić wrote about Croat-Slovak political similarity.

I think Croatia is more similar to Czechia. Both had own independent kingdom before the foreign occupation, they had own nobility, both country were very westernized for example renaissance or german influence. Slovakia is more similar to Slovenia, new countries with relatively new ethnic identity.

03-21-2024, 04:38 PM
Slovaks are the only Western Slavs I like en masse and feel +- compatible and comfortable, nothing personal/political, but mentality. They have good things from Ukrainians without being Ukrainians and having no their flaws. Slovaks are simple in a good meaning of this word, lots of them. Met some in my life. I think they're only of Western Slavs who have this old sentiment, sympathetic towards Russia (but again, it's not a reason, but a bonus).

If you meet Czechs who aren't addicted to sucking Western cock, most of them like Russia. Unfortunately most of the ones on social media do the we wuz Germans n shiet routine and hate everything Eastern, despite everyone associating us with Eastern Europe and Russia (for logical reasons). Not me though I'm built different. If you ever go to our country you are most likely going to find pro-Russia people in rural and Moravian areas.

I do agree that more Slovaks have the "old sentiment" in regards to many things not just Russia, it's why I like to be around them.

03-21-2024, 05:17 PM
If you meet Czechs who aren't addicted to sucking Western cock, most of them like Russia. Unfortunately most of the ones on social media do the we wuz Germans n shiet routine and hate everything Eastern, despite everyone associating us with Eastern Europe and Russia (for logical reasons). Not me though I'm built different. If you ever go to our country you are most likely going to find pro-Russia people in rural and Moravian areas.

I do agree that more Slovaks have the "old sentiment" in regards to many things not just Russia, it's why I like to be around them.

I used to know some Orthodox Czech seminary students in Troitse-Sergieva Lavra monastery in Sergiev Posad, Russia, they were classmates of my Serbian friends who were students there back in 2000s, they were nice people.

Also, I know one ethnic Pole from Odessa since long ago and he considers himself to be Russian, even studied in Warsaw and says Poles are bores xD a Pole.

03-21-2024, 05:31 PM
I used to know some Orthodox Czech seminary students in Troitse-Sergieva Lavra monastery in Sergiev Posad, Russia, they were classmates of my Serbian friends who were students there back in 2000s, they were nice people.

Also, I know one ethnic Pole from Odessa since long ago and he considers himself to be Russian, even studied in Warsaw and says Poles are bores xD a Pole.

The small minority of us who are Orthodox are usually going to be the ones who are the most autistically fixated on Russia (and Serbia), myself included. However I am not so autistic that I consider myself Russian. xD

03-21-2024, 05:51 PM
The small minority of us who are Orthodox are usually going to be the ones who are the most autistically fixated on Russia (and Serbia), myself included. However I am not so autistic that I consider myself Russian. xD

We love Czechia.
One of streets in central part of Belgrade is Masarikova, named by first president of Czechoslovakia - Tomáš Masaryk.

03-21-2024, 06:43 PM
If you meet Czechs who aren't addicted to sucking Western cock, most of them like Russia. Unfortunately most of the ones on social media do the we wuz Germans n shiet routine and hate everything Eastern, despite everyone associating us with Eastern Europe and Russia (for logical reasons). Not me though I'm built different. If you ever go to our country you are most likely going to find pro-Russia people in rural and Moravian areas.

I'm surprised to hear this. My father told me Czechs don't like Germans and he spent years there and speaks Czech. Even family that took him in was part German (father was Sudeten German, but flew for RAF in WW2 and he and his ethnic Czech wife were Czehoslovak loyalists) yet did not have any such sentiments.

It's just that Czechs are aware they are culturally much closer to Germans than Russians. It doesn't mean they like Germans.

From what I learned about Czechs, they identify as central Europeans ("heart of heart of Europe") and while they are not very anti Russian but pretty neutral, they certainly don't feel culturally similar to real eastern Europeans. Father told me they looked down on Slovaks as well.

I have been to Czech Repulic and it doesn't feel eastern at all.

03-21-2024, 06:47 PM
Better that way, it'll stay safe from mass migration.

03-21-2024, 06:48 PM
I think Croatia is more similar to Czechia. Both had own independent kingdom before the foreign occupation, they had own nobility, both country were very westernized for example renaissance or german influence. Slovakia is more similar to Slovenia, new countries with relatively new ethnic identity.

Yes, in political and historical development for sure. CRO/CZE are more alike just like SVK/SLO. Even though our WW2 development is much more similar to Slovak.

But as people we are closer to Slovaks while Slovenes are to Czechs. Slovaks and Croats are quite more Catholic and traditional than Slovenes/Czechs who are more liberal, non religious (especially Czechs) and colder.

03-21-2024, 06:52 PM
Historically, it was the most shepherd oriented of all Slavic cultures and that's why I like them.

03-21-2024, 06:59 PM
I'm surprised to hear this. My father told me Czechs don't like Germans and he spent years there and speaks Czech

Well, lots of Japanese love Americans nowadays.

03-21-2024, 07:05 PM
Well, lots of Japanese love Americans nowadays.

Yeah, but it def. is not how Czechs saw Germans historically. Keep in mind he was there in 60s and 70s, when WW2 was fresh. But regardless of that Czechs always saw Germans as danger that can germanize and assimilate them, it's not related with WW2 but much older sentiment.

First Pan Slavic congress was held in Prague for a reason.

And Czechs back than hated everything eastern, especially during events of Prague spring (that's only year when he could not travel there). But they never hated Russians as people. Czechs are pretty laid back. He just told me their culture, lifestyle and everything even in deepest communism had absolutely nothing in common with eastern Europe, and how they were lot more western even than us.

I think former DDR is closest thing to Czech Rep in spirit.

03-21-2024, 07:12 PM
Slovenia is the only bigger underdog in Europe.

I disagre. Slovenia is celebrated by westoids, because it's so well developed and "progressive". Slovakia is much more of an aftertought. Unjustly so.

03-21-2024, 07:33 PM
Simple answer, no

Yall behave like Slovakia is the only country with nice genuine people and nice landscapes, these are cool but come on... the most underrated?

It goes under radar for many people, except for neighbours ofc. It is small and despite being nice it isn't something which sticks out. Also, nice cities? Except for city centres some cities look like stuck in 2000s, unless you call it aesthetic.

Is it only country with nice mountains? No, in fact it's easier to keep them nice than not nice, it would be an achievement to make mountains look ugly.

Is it only place with nice medieval cities? No, in fact same style of is found all over ex Austro-Hungary.

Bratislava with rich cultural life? Maybe, but in span of few hundred kilometres you have Budapest and Vienna with by far richer cultural life, heck even Brno and Cracow are on similar level to Bratislava. Bratislava may be treated mostly as pit stop to these imo.

It may seem to be forgotten, because it's mostly mountains, but people from other V4 states visit them very often.

Are there smaller countries with similar characterstics offering even more Slovakia? Yes, Montenegro and North Macedonia are the examples coming to my mind.

Some of yall seem to romanticize Slovakia only for being quite traditional, Slavic and not being in the spot of loud topics(and yes, all of these are truth). Take any of these elements and it's not so charming anymore, without traditional it becomes Slovenia, without Slavic it becomes Austria and without being in spot it's Ukraine.

03-21-2024, 11:37 PM
I'm surprised to hear this. My father told me Czechs don't like Germans and he spent years there and speaks Czech. Even family that took him in was part German (father was Sudeten German, but flew for RAF in WW2 and he and his ethnic Czech wife were Czehoslovak loyalists) yet did not have any such sentiments.

It's just that Czechs are aware they are culturally much closer to Germans than Russians. It doesn't mean they like Germans.

From what I learned about Czechs, they identify as central Europeans ("heart of heart of Europe") and while they are not very anti Russian but pretty neutral, they certainly don't feel culturally similar to real eastern Europeans. Father told me they looked down on Slovaks as well.

I have been to Czech Repulic and it doesn't feel eastern at all.

Curious... where did you go? Different places in the country have different vibes. Bohemia and especially Prague tries as hard as it possibly can to be Western, and they are slightly more Western due to just being a more important area historically for interactions between cultures. Rural and/or Moravian people are almost universally going to identify more with Slavic cultural elements. There are exceptions to both.

Personally I always hear "we are more culturally closer to Germans" from Czechs, but I don't see it. Czech people get pretty upset at me when I ask for examples of these cultural similarities, and they can only come up with some church architecture styles or Christmas cookie recipes or loan words. Germans feel as different to me as Spaniards or Icelandic people do. Yet as an eastern Moravian, I feel right at home around Ukrainians or Balkan Slavs, always have.

I think a lot of people view Russia as the baseline of what is Slavic and "Eastern European" (I use it as a cultural term not a geographic one), so places like Croatia and Czech Republic look less "Slavic" by that metric. I disagree with the metric. I also don't even like the term "Central European" - I don't feel like I have anything in common with Hungarians and Germans that I don't also have in common with virtually every European country. I'm not saying you're saying this, but it's the argument Czech liberals online often make.

Many Czech people will tell you Cherokee princess stories about their German grandparents, yet all of the surnames in the last 2-3 generations of their family are always Slavic. I have run into this a lot from Czech liberals especially. A lot of Czech people these days overcompensate the supposed "strong cultural connection" we have to Germany partly due to shame about being associated with Russia and socialist countries in the past.

03-22-2024, 12:01 AM
Curious... where did you go?

Prague, Brno (briefly), Karlovy Vary. Going back in summer.

Different places in the country have different vibes. Bohemia and especially Prague tries as hard as it possibly can to be Western, and they are slightly more Western due to just being a more important area historically for interactions between cultures. Rural and/or Moravian people are almost universally going to identify more with Slavic cultural elements. There are exceptions to both.

How can something that was always culturally western pretend to be western? If anything it can only pretend to be eastern. Cultural divide in Europe doesn't go by meta ethnic lines. I also don't see Slavic culture as something unified nor exclusively eastern.

Personally I always hear "we are more culturally closer to Germans" from Czechs, but I don't see it. Czech people get pretty upset at me when I ask for examples of these cultural similarities, and they can only come up with some church architecture styles or Christmas cookie recipes or loan words. Germans feel as different to me as Spaniards or Icelandic people do. Yet as an eastern Moravian, I feel right at home around Ukrainians or Balkan Slavs, always have.

Western Ukraine shouldn't be too alien for a Czech Moravian, especially Catholics/Greek Catholics. Since you are Orthodox, you will be naturally more connected to eastern Euros/Balkanites. What are cultural similarities of Czechs with Russians? With Germans;

beer culture
sporty, love of camping and adventuring
sexually liberated, porn, legal prostitution
eternal foreigner attitude towards "other"

of yeah, some of your tourists here weat white socks with sandals xD Joke aside, I don't mention historical culture (religion, education, reformation) because that's pretty clear already.

I think a lot of people view Russia as the baseline of what is Slavic and "Eastern European" (I use it as a cultural term not a geographic one), so places like Croatia and Czech Republic look less "Slavic" by that metric. I disagree with the metric.


I also don't even like the term "Central European" - I don't feel like I have anything in common with Hungarians and Germans that I don't also have in common with virtually every European country. I'm not saying you're saying this, but it's the argument Czech liberals online often make.

East-central Euro is pretty decent term to describe Visegrad countries IMO.

Many Czech people will tell you Cherokee princess stories about their German grandparents, yet all of the surnames in the last 2-3 generations of their family are always Slavic. I have run into this a lot from Czech liberals especially. A lot of Czech people these days overcompensate the supposed "strong cultural connection" we have to Germany partly due to shame about being associated with Russia and socialist countries in the past.

I wanna take a look at your gedmatch to see how Slavic you are! :P

03-22-2024, 12:29 AM
I don't know for sure,
but I think that many liberals from ex-communist countries are highly-socialised cosmopolitans,
who badly want to be "European", to be "Western", and to be accepted and perceived as such by Europeans/Westerners.

Often this involves disowning their national identity and culture,
especially if it is Slavic, which is perceived as "Eastern" in most cases.
This also involves adopting foreign values or materialist logic and moving to the West,
or creating Western liberal conditions in their capital city.
Pro-EU politics are implied.

Maybe Czech liberals dislike their own native people more than anything else?
Maybe they like to identify with Germany only because it is liberal and convenient?

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-22-2024, 12:37 AM
I don't think Slovakia is unfairly underrated. It's an enjoyable country, especially for its landscapes and nature. The only problem is that it borders Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary. All these countries have capitals that are more aesthetically iconic than Bratislava. It's hard to compete with Vienna, Prague and Budapest, which are probably the most beautiful cities in Central\Eastern Europe.

03-22-2024, 12:41 AM
I don't know for sure,
but I think that many liberals from ex-communist countries are highly-socialised cosmopolitans,
who badly want to be "European", to be "Western", and to be accepted and perceived as such by Europeans/Westerners.

Problem is that communism included very different cultures that were never homogenous. Just because post-modern western degenerates think it's all the same doesn't mean it is. I'd argue there is more real western culture surviving in country like Czech Republic than in Belgium or England.

Often this involves disowning their national identity and culture,
especially if it is Slavic, which is perceived as "Eastern" in most cases.

Mnay disilusioned westerners are obsessed with Russia and self-loathe their own culture. This is typical trait of post-modern west.

This also involves adopting foreign values or materialist logic and moving to the West,
or creating Western liberal conditions in their capital city.
Pro-EU politics are implied.

Maybe Czech liberals dislike their own native people more than anything else?
Maybe they like to identify with Germany only because it is liberal and convenient?

I really don't think Czechs identify with Germany. EU has no culture, it's a globalist economic and political project.
You have western cowards moving to Russia and fleeing their countries leaving them to Arabs and Indians.

Significant part of Slavs belongs to western Christian culture and tradition. Trying to equal it to eastern orthodox ethno nationalist religions and culture is simply betrayal of own roots, despite it's very trendy to lick Putin's balls these days among western far right.

03-22-2024, 12:45 AM
I don't think Slovakia is unfairly underrated. It's an enjoyable country, especially for its landscapes and nature. The only problem is that it borders Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary. All these countries have capitals that are more aesthetically iconic than Bratislava. It's hard to compete with Vienna, Prague and Budapest, which are probably the most beautiful cities in Central\Eastern Europe.

Bratislava is a fairly small city without much feeling of a capital. It's nice though. Slovakia has many other beautiful towns. And castles!

I like Košice for example, especially their Cathedral:
https://cf.bstatic.com/xdata/images/hotel/max1024x768/411697514.jpg?k=303e947249d7710311b59a14b5459fd0ff 075d5090dcec793e460eb0fd23d6d4&o=&hp=1

03-22-2024, 01:08 AM
My stay in Slovakia was extremely short, to make judgements, just two days or so, in Bratislava a while ago. I've heard that the mountains are amazing. So, cannot speak for the whole country but Bratislava itself was cool.

It remined me of Romania, in some strange way. It was different than Prague, Budapest etc. While it has Central Euro influence it also felt quite "Eastern". They even have one street called Bukureštská which looked like it could be part of random area in Bucharest xD


In other places it felt like taking a walk through, let's say Brașov

Bratislava castle

The iconic UFO looking bridge

03-22-2024, 01:11 AM
I don't know for sure,
but I think that many liberals from ex-communist countries are highly-socialised cosmopolitans,
who badly want to be "European", to be "Western", and to be accepted and perceived as such by Europeans/Westerners.

Often this involves disowning their national identity and culture,
especially if it is Slavic, which is perceived as "Eastern" in most cases.
This also involves adopting foreign values or materialist logic and moving to the West,
or creating Western liberal conditions in their capital city.
Pro-EU politics are implied.

Maybe Czech liberals dislike their own native people more than anything else?
Maybe they like to identify with Germany only because it is liberal and convenient?

The fixation on Germany in this discussion is a relict of the past (before world wars).

Czechs want to stick with the West in general, young people speak English, and the cultural trend is Americanization like in most parts of the world.

The entire Eastern Europe, not just Czechia in particular, were looking towards America during the Cold War, and that's how Russia lost everything.

Eastern Europeans are very pro-American and they count primarily on America in the case of a Russian invasion.

03-22-2024, 01:30 AM
Problem is that communism included very different cultures that were never homogenous. Just because post-modern western degenerates think it's all the same doesn't mean it is. I'd argue there is more real western culture surviving in country like Czech Republic than in Belgium or England.

Mnay disilusioned westerners are obsessed with Russia and self-loathe their own culture. This is typical trait of post-modern west.

I really don't think Czechs identify with Germany. EU has no culture, it's a globalist economic and political project.
You have western cowards moving to Russia and fleeing their countries leaving them to Arabs and Indians.

Significant part of Slavs belongs to western Christian culture and tradition. Trying to equal it to eastern orthodox ethno nationalist religions and culture is simply betrayal of own roots, despite it's very trendy to lick Putin's balls these days among western far right.

Yes of course Slavs can be Western,
and are the best example of Western civilisation remaining in Europe, whether or not they are pro-Russian.

But I think that Western European liberals and Eurocrats will always perceive Slavs as Eastern and backward.
This creates an inferiority complex among Slav liberal cosmopolitans.
I would not be surprised if some of them pretend to be German if it is convenient,
because the Germany is now associated with liberalism and progress, the pinnacle of "Western-ness" in their minds.
This is like American liberals pretending to be Canadian or always wanting to move to Canada.

And no ex-communist state will ever be perceived as Western, no matter how anti-Russian it is,
unless it fully adopts woke values and implements them consistently over a long period.

At some point the small ex-communist countries will have to choose between the Woke West, and Something Else.
(Best of all would be for the Woke West to collapse, and for NATO and the EU to pull back. Wokeness comes from them.)

Also at some point,
persecuted Westerners will have to decide if they want to keep living in the Woke West, or go Somewhere Else.
For most people, Europe is still decent at only 10-20% migrant or whatever,
but what if the non-European population reaches 50%? This is already the case in the cities.
Or 85% like in South Africa?
Europeans are mostly unarmed, and hopefully they will flee before it is too late.
Hopefully the safe place will be nearby and not totally alien.
Maybe to an ex-communist country?

Or maybe the ex-communist countries will build a wall,
to keep OUT the hordes of refugees and migrants from the West? Some irony that would be.
This will happen unless Europeans do their utmost to prevent this.

03-22-2024, 01:38 AM
The fixation on Germany in this discussion is a relict of the past (before world wars).

Czechs want to stick with the West in general, young people speak English, and the cultural trend is Americanization like in most parts of the world.

The entire Eastern Europe, not just Czechia in particular, were looking towards America during the Cold War, and that's how Russia lost everything.

Eastern Europeans are very pro-American and they count primarily on America in the case of a Russian invasion.

Eastern European youth may be culturally Americanised or Westernised. The West has tremendous pull, soft power.
Politically is another story,
especially if the population is mostly old,
and if most of the cosmopolitan liberals have moved to the West.

Some anti-Russian countries will always be pro-Western/anti-Russian.

Except for Poland, which has its reasons to be militaristic, most countries join NATO for political convenience, to save money.
The Americans are expected to do everything, but that does not mean that they will.
Even anti-Russian Eastern European countries are discovering this, or will discover this.

But I think that Poland is growing and the US is pulling back,
and many countries/people are disillusioned by NATO and the mess in Ukraine.
And some countries like Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria are flexible, not strongly pro-Western.
The countries that are fed by/dependent on Russian gas and uranium may have reason to be flexible.

03-22-2024, 01:39 AM
Yes of course Slavs can be Western,
and are the best example of Western civilisation remaining in Europe, whether or not they are pro-Russian.


But I think that Western European liberals and Eurocrats will always perceive Slavs as Eastern and backward.
This creates an inferiority complex among Slav liberal cosmopolitans.
I would not be surprised if some of them pretend to be German if it is convenient,
because the Germany is now associated with liberalism and progress, the pinnacle of "Western-ness" in their minds.
This is like American liberals pretending to be Canadian or always wanting to move to Canada.

That's so bad :(

And no ex-communist state will ever be perceived as Western, no matter how anti-Russian it is,
unless it fully adopts woke values and implements them consistently over a long period.

I am more anti American than anti Russian. But I have right to preserve our Catholic culture, Mediterranean Slavic culture et cetera. Many eastern Euros and orthodox/muslim Balkanites are very hostile towards us Catholic Slavs and don't respect our culture or religion. I don't want to be swallowed by them.

At some point the small ex-communist countries will have to choose between the Woke West, and Something Else.
(Best of all would be for the Woke West to collapse, and for NATO and the EU to pull back. Wokeness comes from them.)

Also at some point,
persecuted Westerners will have to decide if they want to keep living in the Woke West, or go Somewhere Else.
For most people, Europe is still decent at only 10-20% migrant or whatever,
but what if the non-European population reaches 50%?
Or 85% like in South Africa?
Europeans are mostly unarmed, and hopefully will flee before it is too late.
Hopefully the safe place will be nearby and not totally alien.
Maybe to an ex-communist country?

Or maybe the ex-communist countries will build a wall,
to keep OUT the hordes of refugees and migrants from the West? Some irony that would be.
This will happen unless Europeans do their utmost to prevent this.

Everyone needs to take care of their own home, and fleeing should not be an option :)

03-22-2024, 01:45 AM
and many countries/people are disillusioned by NATO and the mess in Ukraine.
And some countries like Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria are flexible, not strongly pro-Western.
The countries that are fed by/dependent on Russian gas and nuclear power may have reason to be flexible.

Most russophobic are Baltics and Poland, maybe Romania (I would say not on level like those mentioned first), rest of post communist EU members or even rest of Balkans/eastern Europe are not really russophobic. But that doesn't mean they feel close to Russia or even know about their culture.

Serbia is very russophile for example but their culture or lifestlye doesn't have much in common with Russia. They are like most Balkanites more like southern Europeans or Turks. While Baltic states for example are probably way more similar to Russia in culture and habbits.

03-22-2024, 02:02 AM
I am more anti American than anti Russian. But I have right to preserve our Catholic culture, Mediterranean Slavic culture et cetera. Many eastern Euros and orthodox/muslim Balkanites are very hostile towards us Catholic Slavs and don't respect our culture or religion. I don't want to be swallowed by them.
If you keep strong borders and native demographics and a strong national, cultural, tribal identity,
in other words, if you remain a serious nation, then you will be fine. :)
And good fences make good neighbours.

But if you try to be a serious nation, then the US/EU/NGOs will overthrow your government and install a woke one. :(

Ideally any anti-woke ex-communist country should try to make as many anti-woke political allies as possible,
preferably powerful ones like a Trumpist America or Russia,
which have influence and can mediate any conflicts with other anti-woke ex-communist countries.

Possible allies may be other nationalist Western European countries, the Visegrad countries, a Trumpist US,
maybe even Russia or China. Orban is certainly very flexible and has strategic long-term thinking.
And one needs inexpensive energy to keep a decent quality of life and low cost of living.

Everyone needs to take care of their own home, and fleeing should not be an option :)
I agree, BUT:

when you NEED to flee, it is already too late, especially if you are unarmed and fighting an unwinnable battle. :(
1921 Russia, 1945 East Prussia, etc.

Be ready to fight but LIVE to fight another day

03-22-2024, 04:26 AM
I don't think Slovakia is unfairly underrated. It's an enjoyable country, especially for its landscapes and nature. The only problem is that it borders Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary. All these countries have capitals that are more aesthetically iconic than Bratislava. It's hard to compete with Vienna, Prague and Budapest, which are probably the most beautiful cities in Central\Eastern Europe.

This is true, i agree. Im often party tourist and i have been to many such capital and i can say Budapest has the best party life by far in the region and we have tons of such tourists. But Hungary has nothing outside of Budapest, maybe except the Lake Balaton but thats all. The hungarian landscape is absolutely boring. The slovak, czech, austrian, croatian landscape is more beautiful, especially Dalmatia was breathtaking.
So yes if we compare Budapest with Bratislava then Pest wins by far, but if we compare whole Hungary and Slovakia, i think slovaks are the winner because of much nicer nature.

03-22-2024, 06:20 PM
My stay in Slovakia was extremely short, to make judgements, just two days or so, in Bratislava a while ago. I've heard that the mountains are amazing. So, cannot speak for the whole country but Bratislava itself was cool.
Same here haha, except I didn't particularly enjoy Bratislava. It's probably different in the rest of the country, but to me the place felt rather "dead". I liked Prague much more.

I do know though that Slovakia has an important Vlach cultural influence, especially closer to the mountains, which is interesting and more Romanians should be aware of.

03-22-2024, 10:42 PM
Same here haha, except I didn't particularly enjoy Bratislava. It's probably different in the rest of the country, but to me the place felt rather "dead". I liked Prague much more.
Bratislava is a lot more quiet in the historical center compared to Prague. Maybe it feels dead, because there are not so many tourists (compared to other capitals around). I'm curious how is it in other Slovak cities too. Prague is more touristy, larger, with rich architecture, plenty of museums etc. by comparison I enjoyed it more as well, tbh.

I do know though that Slovakia has an important Vlach cultural influence, especially closer to the mountains, which is interesting and more Romanians should be aware of.
Probably there are enough Romanians are not aware, that there were/are pockets of Vlachs living in Central Europe. I found later on about the Vlachs in Czechia, Poland, Slovakia, etc.

Slovak national cheese is called "bryndza" from Romanian "brânză", there seems to be some influence in their folk music too from Vlachs, few shared words for e.g. bača/ with badea/bade in Romanian for shepard (however the meaning is not exactly the same in this case, as we use "cioban"), also fujara/ fluier for flute , palacinka/ placintă for pie and so on.

03-28-2024, 09:23 PM
I don't know for sure,
but I think that many liberals from ex-communist countries are highly-socialised cosmopolitans,
who badly want to be "European", to be "Western", and to be accepted and perceived as such by Europeans/Westerners.

Often this involves disowning their national identity and culture,
especially if it is Slavic, which is perceived as "Eastern" in most cases.
This also involves adopting foreign values or materialist logic and moving to the West,
or creating Western liberal conditions in their capital city.
Pro-EU politics are implied.

Maybe Czech liberals dislike their own native people more than anything else?
Maybe they like to identify with Germany only because it is liberal and convenient?

As someone with dual heritage from Eastern Europe and Spain, I've noticed a diverse range of attitudes towards identity and external validation in Eastern Europe. While it's true that some individuals may aspire towards Western ideals, it's certainly not a norm - most either don't care about such issues at all or they take pride in their heritage and actively engage in preserving and promoting their cultural traditions. The set of those self-haters you're talking about is fortunately rather small, but not any less annoying.

03-28-2024, 09:43 PM
As someone with dual heritage from Eastern Europe and Spain, I've noticed a diverse range of attitudes towards identity and external validation in Eastern Europe. While it's true that some individuals may aspire towards Western ideals, it's certainly not a norm - most either don't care about such issues at all or they take pride in their heritage and actively engage in preserving and promoting their cultural traditions. The set of those self-haters you're talking about is fortunately rather small, but not any less annoying.

They may be prominent in culture, media, pro-EU politics. And they are all the Redditors and very-online people.

03-28-2024, 09:54 PM
They may be prominent in culture, media, pro-EU politics. And they are all the Redditors and very-online people.

Ain't it the truth. Self-hatred sure does make them quack a lot indeed.

03-28-2024, 09:56 PM
Simping for and subduing yourself to eastern European culture that is completely foreign to western Christian Slavs is another form of self-hatred, and a very trendy one.

03-28-2024, 10:33 PM
Simping for and subduing yourself to eastern European culture that is completely foreign to western Christian Slavs is another form of self-hatred, and a very trendy one.

I will be turning 33 next month and I'm yet to see a Czech who would disown his culture and identity for a 'proper' Eastern Europe. On the other hand, there is no shortage of Czechs who would love to ditch their 'Czechness' and prefer German culture over their own. At the very most you will find a few panslavists here and there, and even them still prefer Czechia over other Slavic countries. That's the crucial difference.

03-28-2024, 10:37 PM
I will be turning 33 this month and I'm yet to see a Czech who would disown his culture and identity for a 'proper' Eastern Europe, so to speak. On the other hand, there is no shortage of Czechs who would love to ditch their 'Czechness' and prefer German culture over their own. At the very most you will find a few panslavists here and there, and even them still prefer Czechia over other Slavic countries. That's the crucial difference.

I am Pan Slavist too and love all other Slavs (even Serbs), but I am aware Catholic German is much closer to me culturally than any Orthodox Slav. Ofc, Croats have great relations with Germans.

And Czechs? I never tought that was the case.

I'm irritated by Slavs dissapointed with woke and EU that lick ass of orthodox more eastern cultures that despise us and will never see us as equal. There is a giant anti western sentiment and strange mix of inferiority-superiority complex among them that is foreign to my people and what they hate includes us too.

03-28-2024, 10:54 PM
but I am aware Catholic German is much closer to me culturally than any Orthodox Slav. Ofc,

Are you sure? In Germany, i always felt myself as outsider, even though my mindset is pretty western oriented compared to local standards. My socialization is very eastern europeean/post-commie, because i grew up in the hungarian society. I get along much better with a polish person than an average bavarian. I think you also have a different mindset than average westernes, i see it in your comment.

03-28-2024, 10:59 PM
If one says vlach is more of a lifestyle than the an racial group or language, then Slovaks lived a vlach-like lifestyle for much of their history even though very Slavic genetically.

03-28-2024, 11:01 PM
I am Pan Slavist too and love all other Slavs (even Serbs), but I am aware Catholic German is much closer to me culturally than any Orthodox Slav. Ofc, Croats have great relations with Germans.

And Czechs? I never tought that was the case.

I'm irritated by Slavs dissapointed with woke and EU that lick ass of orthodox more eastern cultures that despise us and will never see us as equal. There is a giant anti western sentiment and strange mix of inferiority-superiority complex among them that is foreign to my people and what they hate includes us too.

What exactly do you mean by 'licking their asses'? Are you referring to supporting their political cause? Additionally, this is the first time I've come across the idea that Eastern Orthodox Slavs regard Catholic Slavs as unequal in general.

03-28-2024, 11:06 PM
Are you sure? In Germany, i always felt myself as outsider, even though my mindset is pretty western oriented compared to local standards. My socialization is very eastern europeean/post-commie, because i grew up in the hungarian society. I get along much better with a polish person than an average bavarian. I think you also have a different mindset than average westernes, i see it in your comment.

Germans you talk about are all atheist libtards.

Me and my catoliban friend from rural NW Croatia recently visited Venice, Vicenza and Verona. We met north German convert from Protestantism to Catholicism in one former church in Venice, now turned museum because nobody comes to visit it anymore (like almost all other churches there :picard2:).

She was middle aged woman who studied art history in Venice and is practicing Catholic. We shared totally same views, and we exchanged comments how many Christian song that are sang in churches are same etc. She spoke really badly of new synodal way and Godlessnes of her home society.

There is not much differing us except language and we understood each other perfectly. Could never have that with practising Orthodox.

Thing is, people like her represent her society authentic culture and mentality just like my really religious friend does mine.

Only difference she noticed was that she said she knew instantly we were from "east" (in her perspective) was when my friend entered church he got down on his knees, which she say Germans don't do, but she saw Poles who do.

03-28-2024, 11:12 PM
Are you sure? In Germany, i always felt myself as outsider, even though my mindset is pretty western oriented compared to local standards. My socialization is very eastern europeean/post-commie, because i grew up in the hungarian society. I get along much better with a polish person than an average bavarian. I think you also have a different mindset than average westernes, i see it in your comment.

Try East Slavs, I dont see much in common with them.

03-28-2024, 11:13 PM
What exactly do you mean by 'licking their asses'? Are you referring to supporting their political cause? Additionally, this is the first time I've come across the idea that Eastern Orthodox Slavs regard Catholic Slavs as unequal in general.

Yes, Russians and Serbs especially. I will never support those who disrespect our religion and tradition.
Greeks also, even if they are not Slavic.

Other orthodox are more chill.

I'm also bothered how they see their eastern culture as somehow more Slavic, although it is pure fantasy as old Slavs were Pagans. Idiot Ugo represented such chauvinistic views towards western Christian Slavs.

03-28-2024, 11:15 PM
If one says vlach is more of a lifestyle than the an racial group or language, then Slovaks lived a vlach-like lifestyle for much of their history even though very Slavic genetically.

What do you mean by Vlach-like lifestyle? Do you mean their social life culturally dominated by values associated with the management of livestock?

03-28-2024, 11:16 PM
What do you mean by Vlach lifestyle? Do you mean their social life culturally dominated by values associated with the management of livestock?

I think he probably means many Slovaks were highland sheperds like Vlachs, despite Slovaks are very Slavic genetically.

03-28-2024, 11:29 PM
I think he probably means many Slovaks were highland sheperds like Vlachs, despite Slovaks are very Slavic genetically.

Yes. If there was one thing Vlachs were good at, that was rising their livestock/ sheeps in mountainy areas. It makes sense that coming in contact with Vlachs, the highlanders in Slovakia adopted some of their methods of rising animals, thus becoming more Vlach-like. We had them converted :).

03-28-2024, 11:35 PM
Yes. If there was one thing Vlachs were good at, that was rising their livestock/ sheeps in mountainy areas. It makes sense that coming in contact with Vlachs, the highlanders in Slovakia adopted some of their methods of rising animals, thus becoming more Vlach-like. We had them converted :).

Vlachs from northern Romania and Bukovina even spread north of the Carpathians into Moravia and south-eastern Poland!
They also contributed genetically a lot to ethnogenesis of Rusyns/Carpathian higland Slavs :)

03-28-2024, 11:47 PM
Yes, Russians and Serbs especially. I will never support those who disrespect our religion and tradition.
Greeks also, even if they are not Slavic.

Other orthodox are more chill.

I'm also bothered how they see their eastern culture as somehow more Slavic, although it is pure fantasy as old Slavs were Pagans. Idiot Ugo represented such chauvinistic views towards western Christian Slavs.

Serbs only hate certain Catholic Slavs, and so do Russians. Neither of those groups is known for hating the entire Catholic Slavic world. And while some of them sometimes claim Slavic identity for themselves, calling the rest of us wannabees, it's rather fringe. My experiences with people from Eastern Orthodox countries, mostly Russians and Serbs actually, have been overwhelmingly positive, both in real life and here, though certainly not because of people like Ugo or Lyssyi.

03-28-2024, 11:55 PM
Vlachs from northern Romania and Bukovina even spread north of the Carpathians into Moravia and south-eastern Poland!
Yes, and from Transylvania and Maramureș as well.

If I'm not mistaken, I've seen not long ago, a result of a Slovak person on 23andme, with a bit of "Romanian" % from Cluj. It could be explained through the Vlach heritage.

Also, this study seems interesting:

They also contributed genetically a lot to ethnogenesis of Rusyns/Carpathian higland Slavs :)
Indeed. We gave them, that tall, dark and handsome genetics :P

03-28-2024, 11:56 PM

03-29-2024, 12:01 AM
Serbs only hate certain Catholic Slavs, and so do Russians. Neither of those groups is known for hating the entire Catholic Slavic world. And while some of them sometimes claim Slavic identity for themselves, calling the rest of us wannabees, it's rather fringe. My experiences with people from Eastern Orthodox countries, mostly Russians and Serbs actually, have been overwhelmingly positive, both in real life and here, though certainly not because of people like Ugo or Lyssyi.

Russians and Serbs are much less religious than Poles and Croats by the way.

People who burn Catholic churches and cut head of Virgin Mary statue hate all Catholics. No practising Catholic will tolerate that.

Except cuck Pope Francis who doesn't represent what many Catholics think.

03-29-2024, 12:05 AM
Yes, and from Transylvania and Maramureș as well.

If I'm not mistaken, I've seen not long ago, a result of a Slovak person on 23andme, with a bit of "Romanian" % from Cluj. It could be explained through the Vlach heritage.

Also, this study seems interesting:

Indeed. We gave them, that tall, dark and handsome genetics :P

Cool study, will check it out :p

Slavo-Vlach sexy combo :cool:

03-29-2024, 12:11 AM
What do you mean by Vlach-like lifestyle? Do you mean their social life culturally dominated by values associated with the management of livestock?

I think he probably means many Slovaks were highland sheperds like Vlachs, despite Slovaks are very Slavic genetically.

Yes, basically as Scarface F says. There is a continuity with almost all Carpathian shepherd cultures in terms of clothing, song, dance, architecture, weapons, tools, livestock practices, some foods like polenta, etc. regardless of language. You can also include the Balkan Mountain shepherds with many of the same practices.

03-29-2024, 12:14 AM
Serbs only hate certain Catholic Slavs, and so do Russians. Neither of those groups is known for hating the entire Catholic Slavic world. And while some of them sometimes claim Slavic identity for themselves, calling the rest of us wannabees, it's rather fringe. My experiences with people from Eastern Orthodox countries, mostly Russians and Serbs actually, have been overwhelmingly positive, both in real life and here, though certainly not because of people like Ugo or Lyssyi.

Serbs dislike only Croatians of Catholic people in esence. Towards Poles for example Serbs have positive or neutral attitude. Serbs are aware of Polish rusophobia, but we don't dislike them because of that. Towards Italians, Spaniards and Latin Americans Serbs have positive or neutral opinion. Italy and Italian culture are pretty popular among Serbs, i would say that is caused by several factors.

03-29-2024, 12:23 AM
Serbs only hate certain Catholic Slavs, and so do Russians. Neither of those groups is known for hating the entire Catholic Slavic world. And while some of them sometimes claim Slavic identity for themselves, calling the rest of us wannabees, it's rather fringe. My experiences with people from Eastern Orthodox countries, mostly Russians and Serbs actually, have been overwhelmingly positive, both in real life and here, though certainly not because of people like Ugo or Lyssyi.

We don't hate Poles, they're more obsessed about us than we about them, we have ignorant and indifferent attitude towards them in masses, lots of people dunno anything about Poles and has no intention to know. Even when I'm not interested much in Poles and Poland I have feeling I know more about them than 99% of Russians do. Hate is very strong word for Russian attitude towards Poles.

03-29-2024, 12:24 AM
Russians and Serbs are much less religious than Poles and Croats by the way.

People who burn Catholic churches and cut head of Virgin Mary statue hate all Catholics. No practising Catholic will tolerate that.

Except cuck Pope Francis who doesn't represent what many Catholics think.

Understandable. The question is, are they notoriously known for such actions? Certainly not here. While I see various terrorist attacks reported in the news every day, I can't recall any articles depicting such incidents. Not saying they don't happen at all, I'm just doubtful that they're a common occurrence.

03-29-2024, 12:26 AM
I think he probably means many Slovaks were highland sheperds like Vlachs, despite Slovaks are very Slavic genetically.

Slovaks which settled to Vojvodina in the mid of 18th century came from mountain part of Slovakia. I wonder is there significant assimilatted Rusyn element in them from the period before migration. Some people think mountain Slovaks are just slovakized Rusyns, it is an huge exxageration.

03-29-2024, 12:27 AM
We don't hate Poles, they're more obsessed about us than we about them, we have ignorant and indifferent attitude towards them in masses, lots of people dunno anything about Poles and has no intention to know. Even when I'm not interested much in Poles and Poland I have feeling I know more about them than 99% of Russians do. Hate is very strong word for Russian attitude towards Poles.

It's good to hear you don't hate them. Anyway, it was just an example.

03-29-2024, 12:34 AM
It's good to hear you don't hate them. Anyway, it was just an example.
Lots of Poles who consciously hate us have some kind of enemy respect, but same Poles often despise Ukrainians from position "we wuz kangz" like Ukrainians were their servants while they were living gods in a serfdom system and post serfdom society when Poles were urban people and Ukrainians were peasants.

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03-29-2024, 12:38 AM
Slovaks which settled to Vojvodina in the mid of 18th century came from mountain part of Slovakia. I wonder is there significant assimilatted Rusyn element in them from the period before migration. Some people think mountain Slovaks are just slovakized Rusyns, it is an huge exxageration.

Talking about Vojvodina Rusyns, they have some White Trash mentality of what I've encountered personally. And they often look inbred and even more ugly on contrast with Serbs. By average their women are way more fat, too.

03-29-2024, 12:53 AM
Serbs only hate certain Catholic Slavs, and so do Russians.


Look at all the Catholic majority countries we border!


03-29-2024, 12:59 AM
Talking about Vojvodina Rusyns, they have some White Trash mentality of what I've encountered personally. And they often look inbred and even more ugly on contrast with Serbs. By average their women are way more fat, too.

I didn't have contacts with Rusyns in Vojvodina, i know about them only something from media and historical sources. Most famous Rusyn village in Vojvodina is Ruski Krstur.

With Slovaks i had some contacts. Until about 15 years ago here on every Saturday on pijaca were present older Slovak women from Stara Pazova which were in traditional Slovak costumes. One Slovak merchant is still always here, maybe some others as well but for that i know for sure he is a Slovak. In my class in high school was one half Slovak (by mother) half Serb (by father). Once profesor said to him that he looks typical Slavic. He was short and fat Neodanubian. I had some other contacts with Slovaks from Vojvodina as well. In Syrmia center of Slovaks is Stara Pazova but they exist in villages close to Belgrade such as Dobanovci, Boljevci etc. In Banat their center is Kovačica, in the same time it is most famous Slovak village in entire Vojvodina. Bački Petrovac is also famous Slovak village, it is famous by kulen.

03-29-2024, 01:08 AM

Look at all the Catholic majority countries we border!


So, according to this logic, animosity can only exist between neighboring nations? Well, it all makes sense now. Do centuries of history, politics, and cultural nuances mean nothing compared to a shared border?

03-29-2024, 01:16 AM
So, according to this logic, animosity can only exist between neighboring nations? Well, it all makes sense now. Do centuries of history, politics, and cultural nuances mean nothing compared to a shared border?

Our centuries old enemies are the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which was dominated by Orthodox Slavs, Baltic Germans, and Sweden.

Pop version of history with epic Slavic rivalry between Poland and Russia has nothing to do with reality.

03-29-2024, 01:33 AM
Most westernized Slavs are Czechs and Slovenians.

My mother sometimes says for Slovenians that they speak like Russians (soft) and they have German mind/mentality.


03-29-2024, 01:35 AM
Our centuries old enemies are the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which was dominated by Orthodox Slavs, Baltic Germans, and Sweden.

Pop version of history with epic Slavic rivalry between Poland and Russia has nothing to do with reality.

Can't recall me ever saying that Poland was Russia's major historical rival/enemy. That said, we both know that certain animosity exists. Do you deny that?

03-29-2024, 01:46 AM
Can't recall me ever saying that Poland was Russia's major historical rival/enemy. That said, we both know that certain animosity exists. Do you deny that?

I will paint you the real picture: there are plenty of Eastern Europeans who think about Russia and hate Russia, while getting no attention from average Russians in return. The most exaggerated examples of one-sided animosity are Poland and Romania.

03-29-2024, 01:52 AM
I didn't knew such a country exist beautiful landscapes!

03-29-2024, 02:03 AM
I will paint you the real picture: there are plenty of Eastern Europeans who think about Russia and hate Russia, while getting no attention from average Russians in return. The most exaggerated examples of one-sided animosity are Poland and Romania.

That's why Poles occupied Moscow and held it for 2 years, more than any other "big enemies" of yours :laugh:

03-29-2024, 02:07 AM
That's why Poles occupied Moscow and held it for 2 years, more than any other "big enemies" of yours :laugh:

I get the feeling European countries have a love - hate relationship, kinda like with the Latin American countries we hate each other and like each other as well haha.

México vs Argentina Puerto Rico vs Dominican Republic Colombia vs Venezuela etc

03-29-2024, 02:11 AM
I get the feeling European countries have a love - hate relationship, kinda like with the Latin American countries we hate each other and like each other as well haha.

México vs Argentina Puerto Rico vs Dominican Republic Colombia vs Venezuela etc

Nah, it's Russians trying to pretend Poland was not a big nation once. They have big dislike for Poles because most Poles, except some weirdoes, don't lick Putin's balls. While in country like Germany, which literaly commited genocide against Soviet citizens, many right wingers lick balls of Putin, so Russians "respect" them.

03-29-2024, 02:13 AM
I will pain you the real picture: there are plenty of Eastern Europeans who think about Russia and hate Russia, while getting no attention from average Russians in return. The most exaggerated examples of one-sided animosity are Poland and Romania.

For someone claiming Russian indifference towards Poles, you're certainly investing a lot of time into this. Seriously though, I don't recall ever suggesting that Russians hate Poles as much, or even more, than vice versa. Even if it's one-sided in the sense that Poles think about Russians more than vice versa, I wasn't born yesterday not to notice that Poland isn't exactly at the top of Russia's favorites list either.

03-29-2024, 02:53 AM
That's why Poles occupied Moscow and held it for 2 years, more than any other "big enemies" of yours :laugh:

The commander in chief of that "Polish" army was an ethnic Lithuanian, out of his 12,000 strong army, 8,000 were Cossacks, ~1000 were mercenaries (mostly German and Hungarian), some Lithuanians and the remaining ~1,500-2,000 were Poles.

Seriously, I think your knowledge about this topic comes from Polish history memes.

03-29-2024, 03:11 AM
The commander in chief of that "Polish" army was an ethnic Lithuanian, out of his 12,000 strong army, 8,000 were Cossacks, ~1000 were mercenaries (mostly German and Hungarian), some Lithuanians and the remaining ~1,500-2,000 were Poles.

Seriously, I think your knowledge about this topic comes from Polish history memes.

Aha, so I guess it was Georgians who won WW2 since Stalin was a Georgian?

Stanisław Żółkiewski was Lithuanian? Strange name for a Balt....


03-29-2024, 04:18 AM
Aha, so I guess it was Georgians who won WW2 since Stalin was a Georgian?

Stanisław Żółkiewski was Lithuanian? Strange name for a Balt....


Zolkiewski's army had an equal amount of Poles and Zaporozhian Cossacks (10k each) aided by Ruthenian army led by Lew Sapieha and German and Hungarian mercanaries. This multi-ethnic organization won two big battles under Smolensk and Klushino. At that point the Russian state in the middle of a civil war stopped functioning and the remnants of this army (just 3000 men) entered Moscow without a battle. When they actually had to fight for Moscow, the commander in chief was Jonas Chodkevicius from Vilnius and the bulk of his army were Cossacks.

Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth can be summarized as a pact where Lithuania had to aid Poland in their wars with the Germans, and where Poland had to aid Lithuania in their wars with Muscovy/Russia.

If you are able to see the broader picture, the conflict starts in 1300s when a small Baltic tribe went on a power trip, conquered several Slavic principalities in what is today Belarus and Ukraine, and later used them as a cannon fodder for their further conquests, trying to subjugate Upper Oka Principalities (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Oka_Principalities) in the vicinity of Moscow no less. Eventually the Slavs felt like they "belong" in this country and willingly fought the wars against Moscow. As long as the Slavic country of "Lithuania" was faring well in their conflict with Moscow, they were not interested in a union with Poland, but the balance of power inevitably shifted in favor of Moscow, and the Slavic country of "Lithuania" was unable to secure its possessions without the help of Poles who themselves needed a strong ally in their conflict with the Germans.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscovite%E2%80%93Lithuanian_Wars#Historical_backg round

The conflict lasted for centuries with periods of temporary peace, and in the second half of it, the Poles were dragged into it to defend the interests of a Slavic country "Lithuania".

A bloodbath in which ancestors of Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians were killing each other is in no shape or form a conflict between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.

03-29-2024, 04:29 AM
For someone claiming Russian indifference towards Poles, you're certainly investing a lot of time into this. Seriously though, I don't recall ever suggesting that Russians hate Poles as much, or even more, than vice versa. Even if it's one-sided in the sense that Poles think about Russians more than vice versa, I wasn't born yesterday not to notice that Poland isn't exactly at the top of Russia's favorites list either.

I invested my time in explaining why the supposed conflict between Russians and Catholic Christians is a pseudo-historical nonsense. You're welcome.

03-29-2024, 04:53 AM
I invested my time in explaining why the supposed conflict between Russians and Catholic Christians is a pseudo-historical nonsense. You're welcome.

Then I would advice you to read more carefuly next time, that way you might save your precious time:

Serbs only hate certain Catholic Slavs, and so do Russians. Neither of those groups is known for hating the entire Catholic Slavic world. And while some of them sometimes claim Slavic identity for themselves, calling the rest of us wannabees, it's rather fringe. My experiences with people from Eastern Orthodox countries, mostly Russians and Serbs actually, have been overwhelmingly positive, both in real life and here, though certainly not because of people like Ugo or Lyssyi.

In the quoted statement, I explicitly disputed the viewpoint that Russia is an enemy of Catholic Slavs, so if that was your point, you're kinda preaching to the choir.

03-29-2024, 05:02 AM
Nah, it's Russians trying to pretend Poland was not a big nation once. They have big dislike for Poles because most Poles, except some weirdoes, don't lick Putin's balls. While in country like Germany, which literaly commited genocide against Soviet citizens, many right wingers lick balls of Putin, so Russians "respect" them.

It's an extreme simplification of everything with shrinking whole story to Putin and WWII by a 3rd side (in this case you) who suddenly became interested in Russian/Polish topic with need of rapid answers in a system of own mindset.

03-29-2024, 05:23 AM
I will paint you the real picture: there are plenty of Eastern Europeans who think about Russia and hate Russia, while getting no attention from average Russians in return. The most exaggerated examples of one-sided animosity are Poland and Romania.

I still cannot compare Polish attitude with Romanian, Poles are special.

03-29-2024, 05:24 AM
That's why Poles occupied Moscow and held it for 2 years, more than any other "big enemies" of yours :laugh:

For us it's something from history books (one of thousands of stories) while some Pole would get erection just thinking about this.

Even our own history is generally "cool stories from the past" for us, and unlike, for example, South Slavs we're not obsessed with some random 1235, 1453 or 1389 or who was first and where, we have no need to legitimate ourselves to anyone through something what happened who knows when.

We have very "general" attitude towards almost any nation and generally it's very impersonal, emotionless. Btw we, TA Russians, are not representative, just like most of TA users barely represent own nations in different averages, as TA is a place of one way or another obsessed people, a "chosen <0,1%" xD

As for attitude towards Catholics, Russia never had any problems with them as citizens. Catholics (just like Lutherans) were not limited in anything, just like reaching the top heights of society, army, governing, science, Russia has always been very inclusive in such questions. There were Catholic generals, ministers, governors of whole regions, who served their Russian Motherland as good Citizens and subjects of the Emperor.

Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta always had close ties with Russia and had periods when its existence fully depended on Russia.

03-29-2024, 05:46 AM
It's underrated like my mtDna


03-29-2024, 11:39 AM
It's an extreme simplification of everything with shrinking whole story to Putin and WWII by a 3rd side (in this case you) who suddenly became interested in Russian/Polish topic with need of rapid answers in a system of own mindset.

I don't care for Poles, not a big fan of them.

But I know for your state and church rabbid anti-Catholic and anti-western attitude, regardless of Russki mental acrobatics.

03-29-2024, 11:40 AM
I invested my time in explaining why the supposed conflict between Russians and Catholic Christians is a pseudo-historical nonsense. You're welcome.

And you failed at it miserably. You are welcome.

03-29-2024, 11:52 AM
For us it's something from history books (one of thousands of stories) while some Pole would get erection just thinking about this.

Even our own history is generally "cool stories from the past" for us, and unlike, for example, South Slavs we're not obsessed with some random 1235, 1453 or 1389 or who was first and where, we have no need to legitimate ourselves to anyone through something what happened who knows when.

We have very "general" attitude towards almost any nation and generally it's very impersonal, emotionless. Btw we, TA Russians, are not representative, just like most of TA users barely represent own nations in different averages, as TA is a place of one way or another obsessed people, a "chosen <0,1%" xD

As for attitude towards Catholics, Russia never had any problems with them as citizens. Catholics (just like Lutherans) were not limited in anything, just like reaching the top heights of society, army, governing, science, Russia has always been very inclusive in such questions. There were Catholic generals, ministers, governors of whole regions, who served their Russian Motherland as good Citizens and subjects of the Emperor.

Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta always had close ties with Russia and had periods when its existence fully depended on Russia.

During romantic nationalism, many Catholic Slav intellectuals traveled to Russia trying to gather help from Russia as largest Slavic nation to archeive freedom. They came back dissapointed. Including our own. They realized Russia will always promote interests of other Orthodox Slavs and support subjugation of Catholics to them.

This is why Slavs will never be politically "united" in sense of really good relations.

Catholic view is different. There is political disagreement, but when it comes to religion Orthodoxy is respected. I did not hear Catholics call Orthodox heretics or think that all "real" Slavs should be Catholic.

03-29-2024, 12:32 PM
And you failed at it miserably. You are welcome.

No argument beats a strong Balkan temper.

03-29-2024, 12:45 PM
I don't care for Poles, not a big fan of them.

But I know for your state and church rabbid anti-Catholic and anti-western attitude, regardless of Russki mental acrobatics.

That's not truth. We have same attitude to every heretic Church (in measure of Orthodox dogmatics) and we have tonns of philocatholics between clergy. No negative towards regular common Catholics, at all.

03-29-2024, 12:45 PM
No argument beats a strong Balkan temper.

You didn't provide real arguments and it is strange to deny Poles and Russians were historical rivals.

03-29-2024, 12:46 PM
That's not truth. We have same attitude to every heretic Church (in measure of Orthodox dogmatics) and we have tonns of philocatolics between clergy. No negative towards regular Catholics, at all.

Why Russia spoke so much against Vatican for example?

03-29-2024, 12:48 PM
Why Russia spoke so much against Vatican for example?

In some cases it was quite legit, imo.

03-29-2024, 12:49 PM
In some cases it was quite legit, imo.

For example?

03-29-2024, 02:22 PM
You didn't provide real arguments and it is strange to deny Poles and Russians were historical rivals.

The rivalry begins in 1300s between Moscow and Lithuania. Poland had joined as an assisting force on the side of a bi-ethnic Balto-Slavic state "Lithuania".

You struggle to understand this because you see the area between Poland and Russia as a prize which we were supposed to share, when in reality it was a formidable force on its own. The Polish fulfilled their obligations by providing military assistance to Lithuania because they themselves needed a strong ally to assist them in their struggle with expansionist Germans who slowly but steadily pushed the ethnic Polish settlement area in a South-Eastern direction.

If you see these historical events as a "rivalry", then the descendants of our "rivals" are modern Lithuanians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. The role of Poles in their assistance against Russia is the same as the role of Belarusians in their assistance against Germans (on the Polish side).

03-29-2024, 02:55 PM
The rivalry begins in 1300s between Moscow and Lithuania. Poland had joined as an assisting force on the side of a bi-ethnic Balto-Slavic state "Lithuania".

You struggle to understand this because you see the area between Poland and Russia as a prize which we were supposed to share, when in reality it was a formidable force on its own. The Polish fulfilled their obligations by providing military assistance to Lithuania because they themselves needed a strong ally to assist them in their struggle with expansionist Germans who slowly but steadily pushed the ethnic Polish settlement area in a South-Eastern direction.

If you see these historical events as a "rivalry", then the descendants of our "rivals" are modern Lithuanians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. The role of Poles in their assistance against Russia is the same as the role of Belarusians in their assistance against Germans (on the Polish side).

Okay, interesting information :thumb001:

03-29-2024, 04:58 PM
Slovakia so underrated it wasn't mentioned once in the last 2 pages, bruh

Aprcity shenanigans

03-29-2024, 05:31 PM
Okay, interesting information :thumb001:

Great new avatar :) Bulcsú and Szofi from the Kontroll :)

03-29-2024, 05:41 PM
Great new avatar :) Bulcsú and Szofi from the Kontroll :)

My fav movie:)

03-29-2024, 05:43 PM
Great new avatar :) Bulcsú and Szofi from the Kontroll :)

My fav movie:)

Thanks guys! It's really iconic film with a deep message. :)

03-29-2024, 05:47 PM
My fav movie:)

Same here, best hungarian movie of all time :)


03-29-2024, 05:57 PM
Serbs only hate certain Catholic Slavs, and so do Russians.

Only Croats, because of their crimes and land dispute.
We like Czechs, Slovaks and Poles.

03-29-2024, 06:01 PM
I would like to visit Slovakia, I'm fascinated by castels!

03-29-2024, 06:01 PM
Only Croats, because of their crimes and land dispute.
We like Czechs, Slovaks and Poles.

There is no land dispute. You settled on Croatian land and you were expelled from it when you tried to make it Serbia.
No practising Catholic feels sympathy for Serbia, don't worry :)

03-29-2024, 06:05 PM
Same here, best hungarian movie of all time :)


Btw Stears is currently in consideration to become menager of one Budapest subway station.
I think such job would perfectly fit him, a Vampire from underground xD

03-29-2024, 06:09 PM
my favorite scene is ending, when they leave the underground for the surface and light (end of the tunnel), togheder


03-29-2024, 06:10 PM
Btw Stears is currently in consideration to become menager of one Budapest subway station.
I think such job would perfectly fit him, a Vampire from underground xD

I wont be surprised if I see him somewhere in the city/metro. TA irl.

03-29-2024, 06:11 PM
Great new avatar :) Bulcsú and Szofi from the Kontroll :)

My fav movie:)

Thanks guys! It's really iconic film with a deep message. :)

Is this a film about mole people, underground parallel society, like the Luc Besson film Subway from 1985? :)

Tell me about it, should I watch it (with subtitles)?

I think that mole people will be an ever-more prominent but taboo part of our urban dystopian societies going into the future.

03-29-2024, 06:16 PM
Is this a film about mole people, underground parallel society, like the Luc Besson film Subway from 1985? :)

Tell me about it, should I watch it (with subtitles)?

I think that mole people will be an ever-more prominent but taboo part of our urban dystopian societies going into the future.

You should watch it, with subs ofc (it's a masterpiece)

A tale about a strange young man, Bulcsú, the fellow inspectors on his team, all without exception likable characters, a rival ticket inspection team and racing along the tracks - and a tale about love.

Bulcsú is a ticket inspector on the underground; he spends his nights sleeping on the train platforms, and never leaves the underground. His ragtag team of inspectors – consisting of the veteran Professzor , the disheveled Lecsó , neurotic narcoleptic Muki and dimwitted greenhorn Tibi – is routinely disrespected and assaulted by the commuters, who evade paying fines in a variety of ways.

Film is full of deeper messages and explores themes of social exclusion, pointless and dehumanized urban life but also gives hope.

Main character is plauged by personal demons and past that is not explained to us, thus he never leaves the underground (hell), but in the end is rescued via love and meanges to "escape"

03-29-2024, 06:17 PM
I would like to visit Slovakia, I'm fascinated by castels!

One of my favourite horror films, Nosferatu (1922), starring Max Schreck (LOL) as the semi-Jewish vampire Count Orlok,
was filmed at a castle in Slovakia. :)

Slovakia looks like a very beautiful country, off the beaten path, somewhat ignored, I like that.

And the authoritarian political culture and modest society can also be a shield against toxic wokeness.

And I love that they have 8 nuclear reactors for a population of only 5 million,
so they can sell electricity to Austria and allow the Austrians to virtue-signal about being Green and anti-nuclear :rolleyes:

03-29-2024, 06:24 PM
It's a new country. I used to collect telephone cards, our favourite were the czechoslovak ones back then. We exchanged one czechoslovak card for 10 Greek ones.

03-29-2024, 06:25 PM
Orava Castle, a filming location for Nosferatu (1922)




03-30-2024, 01:15 AM
Is Slovakia the most underrated european country?

Slovakia / old north Hungary looks beautiful indeed.
My Great Grandfather had a weekender house in north Hungary Sátoraljaújhely. My Uncle told me they would just walk over the Danube via a bridge into Slovakia to pick mushrooms. My Uncle noted GreatGrandfather was fluent in Slovak language.

04-11-2024, 05:47 PM
Fantastic documentary.


04-11-2024, 05:59 PM
Slovak men are super hot. It’s one of my destinations for sex tourism ;)

Even though you're in a relationship?

04-13-2024, 05:31 AM
Even though you're in a relationship?

04-13-2024, 05:48 AM
I've never met a Slovak in my life. Albeit, I take it Slovaks don't often have money to travel. I'm guessing however that the atmosphere is nothing special in most of the country. Another slavic borderline shithole in the city(ies) and an aging countryside.

04-14-2024, 05:11 PM
I've never met a Slovak in my life. Albeit, I take it Slovaks don't often have money to travel. I'm guessing however that the atmosphere is nothing special in most of the country. Another slavic borderline shithole in the city(ies) and an aging countryside.

Yeah, I've become good friends with a young dude from Slovakia, really cool guy, probably barely older than you. He's a big boy, too. 6'2 and muscular. I originally spoke to him about something music-related from Reddit (kind of a pussified overly sensitive shit hole but the sub-reddits can be useful for specific interests) and general strength training and overlapping music tastes and now he's been training for olympic boxing. Recently sent me a video, he literally knocked the guy out in 2 fucking minutes. I want him to try to teach me stuff someday if we could ever meet.

From what I've seen, the countryside really is beautiful as well as the women, obviously. ;) Seems like a great place that flies under people's radars. Maybe a bit impoverished in many places, but that doesn't have to be a forever thing.

04-14-2024, 05:15 PM
I've never met a Slovak in my life. Albeit, I take it Slovaks don't often have money to travel.

You are wrong. It's just that Slovaks aren't interested to travel to your great plains fly over country.

04-15-2024, 07:48 AM
You are wrong. It's just that Slovaks aren't interested to travel to your great plains fly over country.

You are assuming that I am ill-traveled, my friend