View Full Version : Body positivity is very important

03-29-2024, 07:33 AM
I am gonna tell my story. I used to be 80 kg and 5'6 (167.64 CM)

I was bullied hard for it. Some dudes in my class were offended by my weight. They used to call me fatso randomly and laugh at me. Used to steal my lunch. Hehe you are fat. You don't need to eat more

Even worse thing had happened. One of them had put gum in my hair. Hehe it is harmless prank

Once they had locked me for like 3 or 4 hours. Again harmless prank

Because of bullying I stopped going out. I only go out if it is important now.

I actually have lost lot of weight. They gived me eating disorder. I am 59 kg now. They still think that i am fat so. According to Google ideal weight for 5'6 is 53 to 64.8.so they don't really care about my health . It is just about fitting bullshit beauty standard . Even at 59.they would bully me for being fat. I can't start going out again. Maybe I should stopped eating for 1 or 2 week. I would be 50 kg. Maybe then they would stop

Body positivity is making fat acceptable. It is not about making dudes date fat woman. It is just about stopping them from bullying fat women

03-29-2024, 07:47 AM
Why just not lose weight, first of all for own good and health? Making acceptable something what is not ok is not good.

03-29-2024, 07:53 AM
I am gonna tell my story. I used to be 80 kg and 5'6 (167.64 CM)

I was bullied hard for it. Some dudes in my class were offended by my weight. They used to call me fatso randomly and laugh at me. Used to steal my lunch. Hehe you are fat. You don't need to eat more

Even worse thing had happened. One of them had put gum in my hair. Hehe it is harmless prank

Once they had locked me for like 3 or 4 hours. Again harmless prank

Because of bullying I stopped going out. I only go out if it is important now.

I actually have lost lot of weight. They gived me eating disorder. I am 59 kg now. They still think that i am fat so. According to Google ideal weight for 5'6 is 53 to 64.8.so they don't really care about my health . It is just about fitting bullshit beauty standard . Even at 59.they would bully me for being fat. I can't start going out again. Maybe I should stopped eating for 1 or 2 week. I would be 50 kg. Maybe then they would stop

Body positivity is making fat acceptable. It is not about making dudes date fat woman. It is just about stopping them from bullying fat women

I agree with you but why only fat women? They should not bully fat men either, i was also bullied for being fat, i was ashamed to show myself, to go to the swimming pool etc.

Now Im more self-confident, i pull off my shirt at beach, even if im a obese whale. I dont care. Im also older and older people usually do not bully you, mostly young people or in school bully you.


03-29-2024, 07:54 AM
Why just not lose weight, first of all for own good and health? Making acceptable something what is not ok is not good.

It seems you didnt read everything, she is underweight, she lost weight. Also i agree with her it is not about to make it ok or that it is healthy or beautiful, or to make people like it, just not terrorise others.

03-29-2024, 08:03 AM
I agree with you but why only fat women? They should not bully fat men either, i was also bullied for being fat, i was ashamed to show myself, to go to the swimming pool etc.

Now Im more self-confident, i pull off my shirt at beach, even if im a obese whale. I dont care. Im also older and older people usually do not bully you, mostly young people or in school bully you.


You want to know truth.
When ugly men complain about being ugly. Then it is a about not being able to get dates

Ugly woman complain are very different. It is about getting bullied, humiliated, not being able to make friends, not being able to get job and not getting promotion.

I don't want to date mens. So I won't care about being fat if they were not bullying me. Plenty of lesbians like fat chick's

Bullying sort of have given me gender dysphoria. If I was big strong black thug. (The one you see in hip hop videos)
Then no one would bully me.
It is very sad.

03-29-2024, 08:06 AM
You want to know truth.
When ugly men complain about being ugly. Then it is a about not being able to get dates

Ugly woman complain are very different. It is about getting bullied, humiliated, not being able to make friends, not being able to get job and not getting promotion.

I don't want to date mens. So I won't care about being fat if they were not bullying me. Plenty of lesbians like fat chick's

Bullying sort of have given me gender dysphoria. If I was big strong black thug. (The one you see in hip hop videos)
Then no one would bully me.
It is very sad.

No thats not true, i was bullied and humiliated too, for many things, like race for example, but fat was a important thing too why i was bullied and humiliated and why i got mental problems and complexes. And Im a man. You are sexist, that you do not acknowledge my suffering as well only your suffering because you are female and im male.

03-29-2024, 08:19 AM
No thats not true, i was bullied and humiliated too, for many things, like race for example, but fat was a important thing too why i was bullied and humiliated and why i got mental problems and complexes. And Im a man. You are sexist, that you do not acknowledge my suffering as well only your suffering because you are female and im male.

Mortimer aren't you like 5'8 ? Average German is 5'11

This is big part of it. Bullies attack weak people. That's why I believe that they attack women more

Women are easier target.
Do you think a racist is gonna be racist to tall muscular black thug?
No they're gonna be racist to short skinny/fat gypsy, indian, Asian person. Because they're easier target

03-29-2024, 08:34 AM
Why just not lose weight, first of all for own good and health? Making acceptable something what is not ok is not good.

I am 59 kg now my height 5'6( 167.64 cm) according to Google it is healthy for my height
My bullies still think that I am fat.
I am still gonna lose more weight. So I can start going out again.

And you can be fat and healthy. I didn't had any health problem at 80 kg. I was happier mentally too. Because I didn't had eating disorder and was able to eat my favorite food

How do you explain tall women getting bullied? I also have noticed that guy shorter than me hate me. Probably because they feel less masculine because of my height.

Short men feel less masculine if taller women exist in room
So they bully them.

03-29-2024, 08:36 AM
Mortimer aren't you like 5'8 ? Average German is 5'11

This is big part of it. Bullies attack weak people. That's why I believe that they attack women more

Women are easier target.
Do you think a racist is gonna be racist to tall muscular black thug?
No they're gonna be racist to short skinny/fat gypsy, indian, Asian person. Because they're easier target

That im weak and cowardly is also a reason yes. Im more like 5"9 but not sure what 1.74m is in inches. You can google it. Im 1.74m. For my generation and where i grew up i was not really short, i was nearly average. I googled that the average austrian is 1.78m and im 1.74m not much difference, but i did had a cowardly spirit, and a high pain sensitivity, that if someone clapps me only or pinches my fat belly or cheek i had pain, i was never really beaten though.

03-29-2024, 09:03 AM
That im weak and cowardly is also a reason yes. Im more like 5"9 but not sure what 1.74m is in inches. You can google it. Im 1.74m. For my generation and where i grew up i was not really short, i was nearly average. I googled that the average austrian is 1.78m and im 1.74m not much difference, but i did had a cowardly spirit, and a high pain sensitivity, that if someone clapps me only or pinches my fat belly or cheek i had pain, i was never really beaten though.

1.78 m in feet =5'10
1.74 m in feet = 5'8 and half inch

Anyway it is not important.

I wasn't beaten either Mortimer. Fortunately
Maybe bullies were too scared of beating me?
I would have proof. That they're not playing with me but actively bullying me.

03-29-2024, 09:33 AM
Being positive about being weak and having a much much higher chance of developing chronical diseases, is only insane.

But if its affect someone foreign like an Indian or Black person, go ahead.

03-29-2024, 09:40 AM
Rajput are you a Indian living in the USA/UK ?

I noticed many of you folks develop a inferior complex or straight up mental diseases living in the west.

No wonder its the best for every human being to live in a homogenous society, you should think about moving back to india, marry a rural ranjid and become a happy mother.

No tiktok,twitch,beyoncee or ryan gosling should be a matter of concern for you anymore.

03-29-2024, 03:20 PM
Rajput are you a Indian living in the USA/UK ?

I noticed many of you folks develop a inferior complex or straight up mental diseases living in the west.

No wonder its the best for every human being to live in a homogenous society, you should think about moving back to india, marry a rural ranjid and become a happy mother.

No tiktok,twitch,beyoncee or ryan gosling should be a matter of concern for you anymore.

I have said it here before. I like women dude. I don't know why you think. I would travel to rural area to marry a dude.

And even in rural area. I would follow pop culture

03-29-2024, 04:43 PM
I'm a huge advocate of like healthy living and exercise and I'm very autistic about keeping a healthy weight, but I still think bullying fat people doesn't actually do anything positive for them. If anything it makes them emotionally eat more. I've never met a fat person who was emotionally stable and truly happy. I think that precedes and causes the overeating in many cases. But I do recommend to any fat person to lose weight and work on the reasons why they overeat. I'm just not gonna be an asshole about it, I think they probably face enough of that.

As for anything that people absolutely can't control, it's fine to exclude them from dating (before anyone says I think we should be forced to marry those we are not attracted to), but there's no sense in being cruel to them about it. Things like height and other features.

03-29-2024, 05:12 PM
People have different reasons for being fat. Usually it's mental or physical illness or food deprivation that later leads to excessive eating. It can be gender-specific too, women have to think about preparing food, which makes them prone to thinking too much about food and eventually consuming more of it. On the other hand body positivity is two wrongs, for one right. I'm not a fan of that principle. Just ban fat shaming in public places.

03-29-2024, 05:28 PM
My understanding of legit (!) body positivity would be for example: someone lost a limb and now has to wear a prosthetic, but learned to live with it and doesnt let it drag him/her down mentally.

03-30-2024, 02:35 AM
I agree with body positivity and not bullying overweight people, BUT one thing that bothers me by the movement is that I don't really see as much positivity for women who have masculine-ish features or unconventional looking features sort of like I do, other women occasionally still insult me for this even though I am skinny.

Just wanted to share my thoughts. I do not want any replies to my comment since I don't want to continue this discussion, thank you.