View Full Version : Why does this slightly above average looking Youtuber get hyperbole in his comment section?

04-13-2024, 10:10 PM
This guy is like Frank James 2.0 I don't understand why a lot of comments are hyperbole on his looks how "handsome " he is, when he is slightly average at best and what's worse, he says so much, yet says so little. To me he's like a conman who seduces people to listen but he isn't saying anything. He reminds me of a psychopath. Good lighting can make anyone look attractive . I am not bad looking yet no one comments on my looks. I don't try and seduce people. This man is not authentic. Am I being nuts here? I don't get what people see in him. What's so special about him?

I am handsome too, I would probably be better looking than him if I were more slender. What do Y'all think?


04-13-2024, 10:16 PM
Come on man, not another “envy thread”. This dude is obviously super handsome.

04-13-2024, 10:18 PM
Come on man, not another “envy thread”. This dude is obviously super handsome.

How? His eyes are too close together and he gives off serial killer vibes.

04-13-2024, 11:28 PM
Not my type but very objective handsome.

04-13-2024, 11:34 PM
Not my type but very objective handsome.

But HOW? You wouldn't call me handsome , would you? I don't see how he's handsome.

04-14-2024, 12:01 AM
How? His eyes are too close together and he gives off serial killer vibes.

Being handsome is much more than metrics. He knows of himself, it's obvious from his style and manner. Without this consciousness it doesn't matter how metrically good your features are.

He also has an undeniably attractive voice which enhances his good look.

04-14-2024, 12:05 AM
Being handsome is much more than metrics. He knows of himself, it's obvious from his style and manner. Without this consciousness it doesn't matter how metrically good your features are.

He also has an undeniably attractive voice which enhances his good look.

He has a masculine energy is what you are saying?

04-14-2024, 12:12 AM
His chin and jawline are above average and he has long hair which is always a plus, also his eye shape can be considered attractive.
He is handsome and people saying he is such is not surprising.

04-14-2024, 12:15 AM
His chin and jawline are above average and he has long hair which is always a plus, also his eye shape can be considered attractive.
He is handsome and people saying he is such is not surprising.

But not to the level they are saying. He isn't that good looking. They are also saying other things like how wonderful his voice is and how he has made their life complete? He's just some kind of psychopath vibe to me.

Tooting Carmen
04-14-2024, 05:57 AM
I am increasingly convinced that RB is a repressed homosexual, but since this contradicts his Christian Conservative beliefs he instead vents his frustrations by claiming to get annoyed at handsome men he probably secretly fancies.

04-14-2024, 09:40 AM
This guy is like Frank James 2.0 I don't understand why a lot of comments are hyperbole on his looks how "handsome " he is, when he is slightly average at best and what's worse, he says so much, yet says so little. To me he's like a conman who seduces people to listen but he isn't saying anything. He reminds me of a psychopath. Good lighting can make anyone look attractive . I am not bad looking yet no one comments on my looks. I don't try and seduce people. This man is not authentic. Am I being nuts here? I don't get what people see in him. What's so special about him?

I am handsome too, I would probably be better looking than him if I were more slender. What do Y'all think?

If America is 7 hours ahead of Europe, why don't they just tell us the future?

04-14-2024, 09:44 AM
This guy is like Frank James 2.0 I don't understand why a lot of comments are hyperbole on his looks how "handsome " he is, when he is slightly average at best and what's worse, he says so much, yet says so little. To me he's like a conman who seduces people to listen but he isn't saying anything. He reminds me of a psychopath. Good lighting can make anyone look attractive . I am not bad looking yet no one comments on my looks. I don't try and seduce people. This man is not authentic. Am I being nuts here? I don't get what people see in him. What's so special about him?

I am handsome too, I would probably be better looking than him if I were more slender. What do Y'all think?


04-14-2024, 02:25 PM
But not to the level they are saying. He isn't that good looking. They are also saying other things like how wonderful his voice is and how he has made their life complete? He's just some kind of psychopath vibe to me.

Popular male youtubers do have their fangirls who lump onhyperbolic praise.

That said, he is much better looking than you.

And it is difficult to describe why, so quit badgering people to do that.

Didn't you learn anything from your Frank James nonsense?

All you did was hurt yourself.

If you continue down the path of this new guy, do think it will end differently?

04-14-2024, 02:57 PM

They cut out his tongue and blinded his eyes
With coals from a cous-cous fire
Tied empty tin cans to his arms and his legs
That rattled on long copper wires
Now he's forgotten his name and why he came to the desert
As they lead him through oasis and town
And the people stare, throw coins and laugh wildly
At the Blue Men and their white dancing clown.


04-14-2024, 03:04 PM
But HOW? You wouldn't call me handsome , would you? I don't see how he's handsome.

I don't think you're bad looking actually. IIRC you are a bit bigger and don't style yourself in a way that most women would like, but you are not like some genetically doomed freak.

04-14-2024, 03:12 PM
I don't know him, don't really care, I think he looks like a normal dude in a crowd if nothing else. He looks handsome, probably not to the point that I'd mentally note it like you have? I think that there's more going on than him being fairly attractive, I think it's more of the psychological effects of Parasocial relationships.

If he puts out a lot of videos and naturally becomes a part of some viewer's lives, then many are going to feel like they have a false sense of intimacy with the public persona and will likely grow attached to them. It's no surprise that people willingly watching some random dude's videos may either do so because they found him alluring immediately, or they grew to like his appearance/personality.

Even if his personality is an empty facade of bullshit. There are a lot of people out there who are super easy to win over and/or manipulate in reality. That's just a sad reality.

I don't see how this benefits you, OP. He might be a slimy scumbag, might be an idiot talking out of his ass, he may just have some decent looks going for him, but.. I feel like this is wasted energy on your part.

04-14-2024, 03:43 PM

04-14-2024, 05:20 PM
I don't think you're bad looking actually. IIRC you are a bit bigger and don't style yourself in a way that most women would like, but you are not like some genetically doomed freak.

So in other words , no. I'm not handsome. What can I do to be handsome?

04-14-2024, 05:22 PM
Popular male youtubers do have their fangirls who lump onhyperbolic praise.

That said, he is much better looking than you.

And it is difficult to describe why, so quit badgering people to do that.

Didn't you learn anything from your Frank James nonsense?

All you did was hurt yourself.

If you continue down the path of this new guy, do think it will end differently?

How is he better looking and what can I do to get to
His so called level? You don't give advice .
He's ugly imo but apparently he appeals to female
Viewers and I do not . So I'm trying to understand how I can
mirror his look.

04-14-2024, 06:22 PM
I don't know him, don't really care, I think he looks like a normal dude in a crowd if nothing else. He looks handsome, probably not to the point that I'd mentally note it like you have? I think that there's more going on than him being fairly attractive, I think it's more of the psychological effects of Parasocial relationships.

If he puts out a lot of videos and naturally becomes a part of some viewer's lives, then many are going to feel like they have a false sense of intimacy with the public persona and will likely grow attached to them. It's no surprise that people willingly watching some random dude's videos may either do so because they found him alluring immediately, or they grew to like his appearance/personality.

Even if his personality is an empty facade of bullshit. There are a lot of people out there who are super easy to win over and/or manipulate in reality. That's just a sad reality.

I don't see how this benefits you, OP. He might be a slimy scumbag, might be an idiot talking out of his ass, he may just have some decent looks going for him, but.. I feel like this is wasted energy on your part.

I am handsome too

04-14-2024, 07:10 PM
I am increasingly convinced that RB is a repressed homosexual, but since this contradicts his Christian Conservative beliefs he instead vents his frustrations by claiming to get annoyed at handsome men he probably secretly fancies.

You made me laugh, thanks. In all seriousness, it is, perhaps, a possibility.

04-14-2024, 08:35 PM
I am increasingly convinced that RB is a repressed homosexual, but since this contradicts his Christian Conservative beliefs he instead vents his frustrations by claiming to get annoyed at handsome men he probably secretly fancies.

And I would say you are projecting.

04-14-2024, 08:42 PM
That said, he is much better looking than you.

And it is difficult to describe why, so quit badgering people to do that.

So in his reply, he asks it.

How is he better looking and what can I do to get to
His so called level?

It is too hard to describe in words why he is better looking than you are.

You don't give advice .
He's ugly imo but apparently he appeals to female
Viewers and I do not . So I'm trying to understand how I can
mirror his look.

Many of us give you advice which you just dismiss. Then you have a meltdown. You close threads and nothing changes. Then in a few months and you start more threads about the topic of your looks. Rinse and repeat.,,

Here is some advice.

You focus too much time on your facial features, They were set in stone from the get-go. You are either born with "IT" or you were not.
That is a product of your parent's genetics and there is nothing you can do about it, Accept it for what it is and spend your time and energy elsewhere

Focus on the things you can change.

Your weight has been a battle for you far a long, long time.

Then there is your personality. But that is for another discussion.

04-14-2024, 08:52 PM
And I would say you are projecting.

Meade. He would only be about the 1000th viewer to infer repressed homosexuality on your part. Are we ALL projecting? Every single browser on YouTube, Theapricity, Fairfax Underground, and Reddit is gay and wants to convert meade?

Tooting Carmen
04-14-2024, 09:00 PM
And I would say you are projecting.

Not really. I am openly gay (and agnostic).

04-14-2024, 09:03 PM
To me he's like a conman who seduces people to listen but he isn't saying anything. He reminds me of a psychopath


You have a Gacy vibe in this photo. Mostly in the eyes and smile
Gacy crossed with the plump gay one on "Modern Family"

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjk4NjlkNTYtNTMwNi00NmVhLTg5ZDktYTc0MDBiYTBhYj M3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDMzMTIzMjE@._V1_.jpg

04-14-2024, 11:39 PM
You have a Gacy vibe in this photo. Mostly in the eyes and smile
Gacy crossed with the plump gay one on "Modern Family"

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjk4NjlkNTYtNTMwNi00NmVhLTg5ZDktYTc0MDBiYTBhYj M3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDMzMTIzMjE@._V1_.jpg

What makes him look better obviously is his face is very lean and in that photo mine is rather plump, but I don't look any way like John Wayne Gacey.

04-14-2024, 11:39 PM
Not really. I am openly gay (and agnostic).

You imply that I'm not handsome, tho? If I were gay wouldn't you find me somewhat attractive?

04-14-2024, 11:41 PM
So in his reply, he asks it.

It is too hard to describe in words why he is better looking than you are.

Many of us give you advice which you just dismiss. Then you have a meltdown. You close threads and nothing changes. Then in a few months and you start more threads about the topic of your looks. Rinse and repeat.,,

Here is some advice.

You focus too much time on your facial features, They were set in stone from the get-go. You are either born with "IT" or you were not.
That is a product of your parent's genetics and there is nothing you can do about it, Accept it for what it is and spend your time and energy elsewhere

Focus on the things you can change.

Your weight has been a battle for you far a long, long time.

Then there is your personality. But that is for another discussion.

But my parents were good looking. My mother was a model. I have good genetics. My great grandfather was handsome too.
I think the only reason he looks better is because he is really slender and somehow that makes him look better. If I were slender I would look just as good if not more

04-15-2024, 12:26 AM
But my parents were good looking. My mother was a model. I have good genetics. My great grandfather was handsome too.
I think the only reason he looks better is because he is really slender and somehow that makes him look better. If I were slender I would look just as good if not more

Well then something didn't recombine properly, or maybe there was a deleterious mutation. But FFS Meade, there is nothing about you that screams out 'good genetics'.

04-15-2024, 12:28 AM
Well then something didn't recombine properly, or maybe there was a deleterious mutation. But FFS Meade, there is nothing about you that screams out 'good genetics'.

Yes there is. My 45 year old skin that looks 30. I have harmonious facial features. Generally, my features are proportional.

04-15-2024, 12:42 AM
You imply that I'm not handsome, tho? If I were gay wouldn't you find me somewhat attractive?

You hate the gays but now you want them to find you attractive.


04-15-2024, 12:51 AM
Yes there is. My 45 year old skin that looks 30. I have harmonious facial features. Generally, my features are proportional.

If you look in any way youthful, it is because you have sedulously avoided supporting yourself. A couple years of forty hour work weeks (or sixty for you because you have fallen so far beneath the economic curve) and you will look about seventy.

04-15-2024, 12:53 AM
If you look in any way youthful, it is because you have sedulously avoided supporting yourself. A couple years of forty hour work weeks (or sixty for you because you have fallen so far beneath the economic curve) and you will look about seventy.

In my 50s I will be a very handsome man. Just you wait!

04-15-2024, 01:10 AM
In my 50s I will be a very handsome man. Just you wait!

Five years of working hard enough to support yourself, or living on the street if you can't support yourself, and you will look eighty.

04-15-2024, 01:10 AM
Five years of working hard enough to support yourself, or living on the street if you can't support yourself, and you will look eighty.

I am looks maxxing. I am not even close. I let myself go for many years. I will be modeling in my 50s

04-15-2024, 01:16 AM
I am looks maxxing. I am not even close. I let myself go for many years. I will be modeling in my 50s

You will be begging for spare change. Now fuck off.

04-15-2024, 01:18 AM
I am looks maxxing. I am not even close. I let myself go for many years. I will be modeling in my 50s

This is the scary part. I wonder how bad you would look if you didn't "looks maxx".

04-15-2024, 01:20 AM
Five years of working hard enough to support yourself, or living on the street if you can't support yourself, and you will look eighty.

He no longer has a car to live in

04-15-2024, 01:20 AM
This is the scary part. I wonder how bad you would look if you didn't "looks maxx".

I'm sure I will look better than you. I am handsome. You fucktard.

04-15-2024, 01:21 AM
He no longer has a car to live in

Well then he'd better overcome his fear of bridges so he can camp underneath one.

04-15-2024, 01:24 AM
Y'all are just jelly.