View Full Version : Who tf isn’t in the cabal yet?

04-28-2024, 06:59 AM
There are 4 elements that comprise of our physical reality...The earth that we live on, fire that we cook food with, the air we breath and the water we drink all exist in a quantum field of space. That's the physical reality we live in whether you "believe" in astrology or not. You can go verify that for yourself in the physical world.

Both Aquarius (air) and Leo (fire) energies exist on an axis as do all 12 disciples and their Houses of the Holy that they rule for example.

Leo, that big fireball in the sky.

The "cabal" is real. They do not worship "satan" or any other fictional character...except for Pluto from Disney. They worship what happens in a higher realm of existence also happens in a lower realm. As above, so below.

They worship what most of you sMaRT and hiGh Iq brainwashed humans call "sin"....To err is human.

Sin is great and our time is short.

They push the "rage". If you're in the United States do you think currents events and situations happen naturally or do you think other forces push current events into the spotlight?

There were too many "useless eaters" on earth. Let's start with the pensioners. Governments, especially in the west, are broke.

Say his name, whitey.

There are diferent cabals for different things. This is the same with anything else including global finance especially if it pertains to the US. Sell most of what you're invested in by the full moon in June... or not. The beginning of the end is when you make most of your money.

Dirt's gonna be your desert
My cum will be your life source and the only way to get it
Is to suck or fuck or be poor and devoid
