View Full Version : Classique Northen Portuguese team

05-03-2024, 02:27 PM
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05-03-2024, 02:30 PM
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05-03-2024, 02:56 PM
Vale enserio
Mostly Gracile,alpine,atlanto med etc... like in Spain,but I see more trans med than Spain.You are sure than they are all ethnic Portuguese because now trolls will come and say they are all half Barzilian and looks mena,mulatto and gypsy.

05-03-2024, 03:36 PM
Vale enserio
Mostly Gracile,alpine,atlanto med etc... like in Spain,but I see more trans med than Spain.You are sure than they are all ethnic Portuguese because now trolls will come and say they are all half Barzilian and looks mena,mulatto and gypsy.

Haha! Agrée with you, I think this is a common Portuguese team with the two «exotics» and lights type. The rest is average less or more. Yes I think all are ethnic because its rare to see mixed people in the north

05-03-2024, 04:53 PM
Surprisingly dark considering the location, Atlantos, alpine meds graciles, atlantids and Cappadocian meds.

05-03-2024, 06:56 PM
40-50 % looks arab!

05-03-2024, 08:35 PM
40-50 % looks arab!

Which ones?

None of them look "arab".

05-03-2024, 08:42 PM
Vale enserio
Mostly Gracile,alpine,atlanto med etc... like in Spain,but I see more trans med than Spain.You are sure than they are all ethnic Portuguese because now trolls will come and say they are all half Barzilian and looks mena,mulatto and gypsy.

One of them looks foreigner, but that's it, just him.

05-03-2024, 08:45 PM
One of them looks foreigner, but that's it, just him.

2-3 look exotic(including the guy)and probably don't full Portugues,but the rest look normal iberian more o less typical

05-04-2024, 05:17 AM
Fair representation of how the Portuguese look like. Not lighter by any means than Anatolian Turks, darker than Sicilians and Calabrians (I haven't visited Sardinia or Baleares). There is more of an overlap with North Africans compared to normal Spaniards... Despite thousands of years of Aryan rule before romanization (Lusitanians then Kelts), their influence remains pretty much zero.

05-04-2024, 06:35 AM
Fair representation of how the Portuguese look like. Not lighter by any means than Anatolian Turks, darker than Sicilians and Calabrians (I haven't visited Sardinia or Baleares). There is more of an overlap with North Africans compared to normal Spaniards... Despite thousands of years of Aryan rule before romanization (Lusitanians then Kelts), their influence remains pretty much zero.

never saw so much mental illness in one text, you're trolling or just being dishonest. I live in a multietnhic society with lots of people of full portuguese, italian and even turk background, so i know what im saying...

So now, who knows more about them, me or you?

05-04-2024, 07:19 AM
Fair representation of how the Portuguese look like. Not lighter by any means than Anatolian Turks, darker than Sicilians and Calabrians (I haven't visited Sardinia or Baleares). There is more of an overlap with North Africans compared to normal Spaniards... Despite thousands of years of Aryan rule before romanization (Lusitanians then Kelts), their influence remains pretty much zero.

Atleast my romanian friend agre with me, cheers mate

05-04-2024, 01:33 PM
1. Alpine-Med
2. Alpine
3. Gracile Med
4. Atlantid + Dinarid ? I'm maybe baited by the smile
5. Alpine-Med, Euro features but his skin makes him looks foreign imo
8. Berid
9. I doubt he is ethnic Portuguese
10. Dinaro-Med or Berberid, looks NA
11. Alpine
12. Atlanto-Med
15. Berid

2. Atlanto-Med
3. Trans Med ?
5. Atlanto-Med
6. Looks mixed
8. Atlanto-Med
9. Alpine-Med
I skipped some where I was clueless. I notice that full lips are very common.

05-04-2024, 05:48 PM
The most «* dark «*player is the son of a ex Portuguese player named Ricardo Costa, so maybe he is not full Portuguese. But if he is . I wouldn’t be surprised because a minority Of Portuguese from the north are very dark.

Damião de Góis
05-04-2024, 07:33 PM
The OP obviously thought they were swarthy enough to post. He joined this forum the claim Gonçalo Ramos (below) is an ethnic portuguese and his posting history pretty much is about posting swarthy people from Portugal.


These types of threads will atract romani anthropologists and iranian OWD.

Either way, here is an amateur team from the region:


And here is a crowd from the region:


People like this that keep getting posted by the OP are obviously mixed to various degrees:


Which isn't surprising given Portugal's colonial past. Even our previous prime minister had colonial background and was once posted in this forum as a swarthy individual by other "experts":


Yes I think all are ethnic because its rare to see mixed people in the north

That's not true and will be more untrue in the future considering the current rates of imigration. But you're the same guy that claimed Gonçalo Ramos couldn't be mixed because he wasn't from Lisbon or Porto and had no north african surnames (the last part is hilarious). You don't know anything about Portugal and are probably as "portuguese" as i am a chinaman.

05-04-2024, 07:35 PM
The OP obviously thought they were swarthy enough to post. He joined this forum the claim Gonçalo Ramos (below) is an ethnic portuguese and his posting history pretty much is about posting swarthy people from Portugal.


This types of threads wil atract romani anthropologists and iranian OWD.

Either way, here is an amateur team from the region:


And here is a crowd from the region:


People like this that keep getting posted by the OP are obviously mixed to various degrees:


Which isn't surprising given Portugal's colonial past. Even our previous prime minister had colonial background and was once posted in this forum as a swarthy individual by other "experts":


That's not true and will be more untrue in the future considering the current rates of imigration. But you're the same guy that claimed Gonçalo Ramos couldn't be mixed because he wasn't from Lisbon or Porto and had no north african surnames (the last part is hilarious). You don't know anything about Portugal and are probably as "portuguese" as i am a chinaman.

pics not showing

05-04-2024, 07:56 PM
That's not true and will be more untrue in the future considering the current rates of imigration. But you're the same guy that claimed Gonçalo Ramos couldn't be mixed because he wasn't from Lisbon or Porto and had no north african surnames (the last part is hilarious). You don't know anything about Portugal and are probably as "portuguese" as i am a chinaman.

Vader/Luso is convinced that Ramos is just a NA-shifted ethnic Portuguese and not recently mixed:

Damião de Góis
05-04-2024, 07:59 PM
Vader/Luso is convinced that Ramos is just a NA-shifted ethnic Portuguese and not recently mixed:

You again? What is it this time, another 30 page rant that the portuguese have north african pigmentation?

05-04-2024, 08:00 PM
Portugal pics not showing

05-04-2024, 08:17 PM
You again? What is it this time, another 30 page rant that the portuguese have north african pigmentation?

Point is that Luso a Portuguese-American is willing to accept Ramos as ethnic Portuguese without recent foreign ancestry.

Allegations of recent admixture are controversial even among those unlikely to be biased against Portuguese.

Damião de Góis
05-04-2024, 08:24 PM
Point is that Luso a Portuguese-American is willing to accept Ramos as ethnic Portuguese without recent foreign ancestry.

It is controversial even among those unlikely to be biased against Portuguese.

I have said all there is to be said on the Gonçalo Ramos thread, and you can see the opinions of other members from Portugal (not America) in that thread. I know what your opinions about the portuguese people are, which was why you came running to this thread when you saw a post of mine. If you are expecting another 30 page long retarded discussion, you are not gonna get one.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
05-04-2024, 08:29 PM
Point is that Luso a Portuguese-American is willing to accept Ramos as ethnic Portuguese without recent foreign ancestry.

It is controversial even among those unlikely to be biased against Portuguese.

Luso has always had a very strong bias and agenda, the fruit of his own insecurity. He has never been impartial at all and in recent times has only roamed the forum with troll accounts, always with the intention of antagonizing others. He doesn't even speak Portuguese and has an extremely limited knowledge of the country, practically exclusive to the region where he spends his vacations from time to time. It's obvious that some of these players aren't Portuguese, you can even tell by their names, for example, “Robim Romba Dâmaso”. That's something foreigners can't understand because the names may sound Portuguese to you, but any native knows that they're not. Luso probably wouldn't figure it out that this name is completely off as well.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
05-04-2024, 08:50 PM
Yes I think all are ethnic because its rare to see mixed people in the north

It is extremely common to find foreigners in the North nowadays. Braga is known as the capital city of Brazilians in Portugal, easily 20% to 30% is Brazilian. All of the Minho has thousands of them, Famalicão included. There's even a Facebook group called "Brasileiros em Famalicão" with 17 thousand members. Lets assume that only half of the group is actually residing in there, Vila Nova de Famalicão has roughly 37 thousand inhabitants, so take your own conclusions and estimations.

05-05-2024, 02:10 PM
It is extremely common to find foreigners in the North nowadays. Braga is known as the capital city of Brazilians in Portugal, easily 20% to 30% is Brazilian. All of the Minho has thousands of them, Famalicão included. There's even a Facebook group called "Brasileiros em Famalicão" with 17 thousand members. Lets assume that only half of the group is actually residing in there, Vila Nova de Famalicão has roughly 37 thousand inhabitants, so take your own conclusions and estimations.

Como es de comun tener un abuelo o Bisabuelo Extranjero en Portugas,digamos entre gente que nacion entre 1990 y 2010 por ejemplo?porque en España es sumamente raro,y en general la imigracion provenia de otros paises europeos

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
05-05-2024, 03:26 PM
Como es de comun tener un abuelo o Bisabuelo Extranjero en Portugas,digamos entre gente que nacion entre 1990 y 2010 por ejemplo?porque en España es sumamente raro,y en general la imigracion provenia de otros paises europeos

Between 1990 and 2010 is a period of time that fluctuates a lot in demographic terms in Portugal, it's the difference between having immigrants almost exclusively in the urban area of Lisbon (1990) and starting to see sporadically immigrants all over the country (2010). And today, 2024, the situation is out of control. There are areas in the interior of the country (Alentejo, for example) that already have almost as many immigrants as native inhabitants. Let's say, however, that people over the age of 30 who were born in Portugal, as a rule, still don't often have recent foreign ancestors (with the exception of some returnees from the former colonies or diasporas such as Venezuela). I've always had the idea that this is much more common in Spain, not least because we've always had several Spanish members with Italian or French ancestors, for example, and I don't remember any TA ethnic Portuguese who didn't just have Portuguese grandparents and great-grandparents.

05-05-2024, 03:52 PM
It is extremely common to find foreigners in the North nowadays. Braga is known as the capital city of Brazilians in Portugal, easily 20% to 30% is Brazilian. All of the Minho has thousands of them, Famalicão included. There's even a Facebook group called "Brasileiros em Famalicão" with 17 thousand members. Lets assume that only half of the group is actually residing in there, Vila Nova de Famalicão has roughly 37 thousand inhabitants, so take your own conclusions and estimations.
Yes Of course but Portuguese from the north don’t mix with Brazilian in général ? The dark player is maybe not fully but i don’t think he is brazilian.
But you are right i see , the most dark players of the team are from Porto and not Minho. Gabriel Costa is the son of ex player Ricardo Costa ( exotic if he is fully) from Gaia.

05-05-2024, 03:58 PM
The OP obviously thought they were swarthy enough to post. He joined this forum the claim Gonçalo Ramos (below) is an ethnic portuguese and his posting history pretty much is about posting swarthy people from Portugal.


These types of threads will atract romani anthropologists and iranian OWD.

Either way, here is an amateur team from the region:


And here is a crowd from the region:


People like this that keep getting posted by the OP are obviously mixed to various degrees:


Which isn't surprising given Portugal's colonial past. Even our previous prime minister had colonial background and was once posted in this forum as a swarthy individual by other "experts":


That's not true and will be more untrue in the future considering the current rates of imigration. But you're the same guy that claimed Gonçalo Ramos couldn't be mixed because he wasn't from Lisbon or Porto and had no north african surnames (the last part is hilarious). You don't know anything about Portugal and are probably as "portuguese" as i am a chinaman.
I say Gonçalo Ramos is probably fully Portuguese from what i see( familly members in Instagram or Facebook) but i never say he look Portuguese.
And i posted many average Portugues

05-15-2024, 06:39 PM
Vader/Luso is convinced that Ramos is just a NA-shifted ethnic Portuguese and not recently mixed:

my opinion has actually changed on that. I think he probably got some residual african admixture for sure.

05-15-2024, 06:42 PM
Luso has always had a very strong bias and agenda, the fruit of his own insecurity. He has never been impartial at all and in recent times has only roamed the forum with troll accounts, always with the intention of antagonizing others. He doesn't even speak Portuguese and has an extremely limited knowledge of the country, practically exclusive to the region where he spends his vacations from time to time. It's obvious that some of these players aren't Portuguese, you can even tell by their names, for example, “Robim Romba Dâmaso”. That's something foreigners can't understand because the names may sound Portuguese to you, but any native knows that they're not. Luso probably wouldn't figure it out that this name is completely off as well.

I have trolled in the past, yes - because the reactions were funny. But it's a bit far-fetched to say it's a personal agenda. I have my own opinions about people on this forum, and the funny obsessions with looks are something I have always found connected to mental illness. Did I get swirled into the mental illness a couple yrs back? Sure, doesn't mean people don't grow and change.

05-15-2024, 07:00 PM
my opinion has actually changed on that. I think he probably got some residual african admixture for sure.

Here they talk about whether you have a recent foreign ancestor, say in 3-4. What do you think? Personally, it doesn't seem Iberian to me.

05-15-2024, 07:59 PM
Here they talk about whether you have a recent foreign ancestor, say in 3-4. What do you think? Personally, it doesn't seem Iberian to me.

Me? I don’t know or care if it's the case. In fact, it is equally possible for the other Portuguese stipulating such a thing to have a foreign ancestor themselves. The difference, however, would be that finding so to be true would be mentally debilitating for them, whereas I welcome the possibility fully without prejudice. Not to forget, Portugal was a melting pot, especially during the Age of Exploration, and some Portuguese members get clear extraneous non-euro things at the same rate, or even more than me on commercial dna results. Even if they do not, it appears at some level hidden within the iberian category, and so it is almost inevitable. To cling to such obsession as to dismiss my ethnicity in regards to such tiny percentage differentials is almost entering levels of delusion and here is why:

1.) Putting aside percentages on dna sites, my parents are from Portugal, born and raised there until moving to America, and all their recent ancestors are Portuguese as well. My dad was there until his 20's with a college education in academia, my mom left in her adolescents.

2.) Looking at percentages, I have my genetic results and my parents and siblings results all over this forum; they are very much inside the Iberian cluster - unsurprisingly.

3.) I've had more level-headed, academic, and professional Portuguese members on genetic forums like Ruderico confirm so, as well as others and even without them, it isn't rocket science to figure it out. So there is nothing for me to prove to anyone, I know my ethnicity.

4.) Whether or not a random Portuguese member, here or somewhere else doesn't accept me as one is none of my concern. I think such rhetoric explains enough about their attitudes as human beings. Not only is it gatekeeping of who can be considered ethnically what (ignoring genetic facts and clear lineage indicators), but a clear insecurity in regards to me being in the same ethnic group as them -- all on the basis of some personal ideological mental gymnastics they are fighting in their minds.