View Full Version : Classify interesting gypsy man

05-07-2024, 04:42 AM
To me he resembles a "arab mullato" like a saudi arabian who is part black, do you agree or you think he looks indian?


05-07-2024, 04:52 AM
Looks Puerto Rican quadroon

05-07-2024, 04:56 AM
His very wide-set eyes make him look Central Asian. I wouldn't say he looks very Arab or Gypsy/Indian.

05-07-2024, 05:20 AM
His very wide-set eyes make him look Central Asian. I wouldn't say he looks very Arab or Gypsy/Indian.

Why do you group Gypsy with Indian in Gypsy/Indian or Gypsy=Indian. Gypsy =/= Indian. Sorry man.

05-07-2024, 05:26 AM
Why do you group Gypsy with Indian in Gypsy/Indian or Gypsy=Indian. Gypsy =/= Indian. Sorry man.

That wasn't clear, I wanted to say that to me, he doesn't look neither Gypsy, nor Indian, but rather Central Asian. My bad

05-07-2024, 05:29 AM
That wasn't clear, I wanted to say that to me, he doesn't look neither Gypsy, nor Indian, but rather Central Asian. My bad

Ok. But he is a Gypsy, so i guess it is a gypsy look or variation of a gypsy look.

More Gypsy looks do they look gypsy=indian? I think this guy looks more like a jordanian then a indian, do you think its a gypsy?

What does a "gypsy" look to you and do you think this is diverse or possibly "changing" like that more newborns are more mixed now then 50 years ago? How do you explain that like every second of my cousins is only a half gypsy?

05-07-2024, 05:31 AM
More Gypsies, Gypsy = Indian? Or ALL GYPSIES = INDIAN?

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/438085767_1444151243136798_3514209619084652569_n.j pg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=DYiGdXd0GrAQ7kNvgGbzTjw&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AfAjMEpwyVt691yu2hiFOxEj56Nk0Ed6bZj8aaeZsdr3 2Q&oe=663FA152

05-07-2024, 05:36 AM
Ok. But he is a Gypsy, so i guess it is a gypsy look or variation of a gypsy look.

More Gypsy looks do they look gypsy=indian? I think this guy looks more like a jordanian then a indian, do you think its a gypsy?

What does a "gypsy" look to you and do you think this is diverse or possibly "changing" like that more newborns are more mixed now then 50 years ago? How do you explain that like every second of my cousins is only a half gypsy?

The first guy on the video looks Arab to me, but I don't deny he is a Gypsy. The two guys who appear at 8:00 would have a more typical Gypsy look.
I think Ricardo Quaresma would be a rather typical Gypsy in my mind.
Yes, Gypsies can have a huge diversity of looks, and even more when we use this vocable in a large sense, including Yeniches, etc.
I don't know for your other questions, I'm for sure less documented than you.

05-07-2024, 05:38 AM
The first guy on the video looks Arab to me, but I don't deny he is a Gypsy. The two guys who appear at 8:00 would have a more typical Gypsy look.
I think Ricardo Quaresma would be a rather typical Gypsy in my mind.
Yes, Gypsies can have a huge diversity of looks, especially when we use this vocable in a large sense, including Yeniches, etc.
I don't know for your other questions, I'm for sure less documented than you.

I dont count the yenishe only roma or romani, who have their origins from a single tribe in india and dispersed out about 1.500 years ago. To be a ethnic group you need a common origin, language, and culture. Gypsies have a common indo-aryan language and origin in a single tribe in india. But still they are very diverse because they are a diaspora population and spread out in many countries. Im sure gypsies have central asian and middle eastern DNA, so its not ungypsy to have a central asian look or that a few have a central asian look, in a few it might show when gypsies do have central asian dna.

05-07-2024, 05:49 AM
If we want to give the gypsies a "single" race can we describe them broadly as westerneurasian or caucasoid?
I mean those are terms in anthropology and population genetic studies, not really a laymen term like white or black. But if we want to define a gypsy by race, could we say that?

https://i.ibb.co/XxHpSss/Gypsy-Gangsters.jpg (https://ibb.co/zVdbGRR)
https://i.ibb.co/dJtDVGF/Opre-Roma-Srbija.jpg (https://ibb.co/QjkMTrL)
https://i.ibb.co/bXrG23K/Romska-Cast-Roma-Srbija.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/Df87qTr/Respect-Football-Team.jpg (https://ibb.co/MkGRXQB)
https://i.ibb.co/VHkBxYX/Roma-Italy-Flags.jpg (https://ibb.co/q021CYb)
https://i.ibb.co/ydjFFd9/Roma-Pride-Romaof-Serbia.jpg (https://ibb.co/pbFjjb7)
https://i.ibb.co/YQD8jqb/Romani-West-Eurasia-Plot.jpg (https://ibb.co/B34jsSw)

If we want to give the gypsies a "single" race can we describe them broadly as westerneurasian or caucasoid? I mean those are terms in anthropology and population genetic studies, not really a laymen term like white or black. But if we want to define a gypsy by race, could we say that?

While "Caucasoid" and "West Eurasian" are indeed terms used in anthropology and population genetics to describe certain genetic and phenotypic characteristics of populations, it's important to recognize that attempting to categorize the diverse groups of people commonly referred to as "gypsies" solely based on race can be problematic and reductive.

The term "gypsy" encompasses various ethnic groups such as Romani, Sinti, and others, who have distinct cultural traditions, histories, and genetic ancestries. These groups have migrated across different regions over centuries and have intermixed with local populations, leading to considerable genetic and cultural diversity within and among them.

Using terms like "Caucasoid" or "West Eurasian" to categorize all groups of people commonly referred to as "gypsies" oversimplifies their complexity and diversity. Additionally, it can perpetuate stereotypes and contribute to discrimination and marginalization.

It's essential to approach the categorization of human populations with sensitivity and acknowledge the limitations and complexities involved. Instead of reducing people to broad racial categories, it's more accurate and respectful to recognize the diversity and individuality within and among communities.

But "Gypsies" have a common origin in a single tribe in india, they have a common indo-aryan language so they are indeed a ethnic group right for example they are not SSA, east asian or native american so they could be broadly described as westeurasian if we are very lenient and include india in westeurasia which often it is not right?

Yes, it's true that the Romani people, often referred to as "Gypsies," have a common origin in a single tribe in India and share certain linguistic and cultural characteristics. They speak an Indo-Aryan language and have a shared history of migration from the Indian subcontinent to various parts of the world.

In terms of broad anthropological and genetic categorizations, it's reasonable to place the Romani people within the West Eurasian or Caucasoid category, considering their South Asian origins and subsequent migrations into Europe and other parts of the world. This categorization is based on population genetics and historical migrations rather than modern layman terms like "white" or "black."

However, it's important to emphasize that the Romani people are a diverse and heterogeneous group with distinct subgroups, each with its own unique history, cultural practices, and genetic makeup. Additionally, the Romani experience discrimination and marginalization in many parts of the world, and labeling them solely based on race or ethnicity can perpetuate stereotypes and contribute to their social exclusion.

Therefore, while broad anthropological categorizations like "West Eurasian" or "Caucasoid" may provide some insight into the origins of the Romani people, it's crucial to approach the topic with sensitivity and recognize the complexity and diversity within the community.

I agree and Im content with your answers thank you very much

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, feel free to ask.

05-07-2024, 06:37 AM
He doesn't look part black or mulatto to me. Maybe he looks just like a regular Arab, but his eyes are weird how they are so far from one another.