View Full Version : Blonde Europeans with blue eyes seem to age more noticeably but why?

05-19-2024, 03:31 AM
This is interesting- Blondes are not the fairest- because their skin tone is often the most neutral. When I see the aging of White Europeans, Blonde women (usually blue eyed) seem to age the most noticeably to me. People with dark hair and fair skin seem to age less noticeably - and this is not necessarily Northern vs Southern Europe. I notice that quite a few Greeks age faster too and I-talians. The ones that age the best seem to be the non Hallstatt Germans and possibly some of the Darker Brits. I wonder why blondes age this way - maybe its because they have the contrast of the light hair with face , but it seems their skin shows more lines and wrinkles and sagging. What phenos age the best in Europe?

05-19-2024, 03:36 AM
I think it might depend on sun exposure. People who spend too much time in the sun have faces that age faster.

05-19-2024, 03:41 AM
I think it might depend on sun exposure. People who spend too much time in the sun have faces that age faster.

Also depends In what European ethnic group we are talking about people from the British isles seem to the palest people on the planet specially the Irish.

05-19-2024, 03:46 AM
Also depends In what European ethnic group we are talking about people from the British isles seem to the palest people on the planet specially the Irish.

But the caveat with this is pale doesn't necessarily age worse- in fact the blondes are not pale at all. They have the neutral skin tone that is right in the middle.

05-19-2024, 03:48 AM
I think pale skin is worse for ageing?
Darker the skin better it would age.

05-19-2024, 03:50 AM
I think pale skin is worse for ageing?
Darker the skin better it would age.

There's a reason why the common phrase of "black don't crack " it's very popular lol

05-19-2024, 03:50 AM
I think pale skin is worse for ageing?
Darker the skin better it would age.

Blondes do not have pale skin, as I mentioned in the OP. Blondes actually have the most neutral skin tone. This is why it is ironic, because the fairest Europeans with dark hair age much better than blondes.

05-19-2024, 03:53 AM
Perhaps they have thinner skin? Similar to how blonds tend to have thinner body hair, just a thought. Anecdotally I am 18 and dark blond with subtle forehead wrinkles already lol. Both my parents are dark brunet and have aged well, though they still have wrinkles, as is inevitable for their age.

05-19-2024, 04:01 AM
There's a reason why the common phrase of "black don't crack " it's very popular lol

Actually true. But you shouldn't do artificial tanning. That mean nothing. And aged you badly

Maybe lot of skin care would help.

Some pale women have aged nicely. And look like milf.

I think. Flaws are more noticeable on pale skin?
Look how noticable freckles look. Through many pale women hide it with makeup. But wrinkles are different from freckles. Harder to hide.
Flaws like wrinkles for example. On dark like dark brown skin
They would be way less noticeable.

05-19-2024, 04:04 AM
Actually true. But you shouldn't do artificial tanning. That mean nothing. And aged you badly

Maybe lot of skin care would help.

Some pale women have aged nicely. And look like milf.

I think. Flaws are more noticeable on pale skin?
Look how noticable freckles look. Through many pale women hide it with makeup. But wrinkles are different from freckles. Harder to hide.
Flaws like wrinkles for example. On dark like dark brown skin
They would be way less noticeable.

Well that's something I don't worry because I'm already tan myself.

05-19-2024, 04:17 AM
Well that's something I don't worry because I'm already tan myself.

I mean. You would aged better if you were darker lol

I want to know mongoloid secret through. Some can have very pale skin and still aged like milf lol
Mom looking like daughter.

Ther pale skin look different from European pale skin through

Maybe pink undertone aged worse

I think cold undertone especially are worse for ageing. Warm undertone better for ageing

05-19-2024, 04:22 AM
Taylor Swift 34 . Would be example of blonde MILF. Of course she is celebrity. But look at Margot robbie. She is 33 and look old.
neotenous feature help Taylor Swift130060

05-19-2024, 04:56 AM
Permission to make an analogy? Well, the greater amount of parts and advanced delicate machinery of today's autos are also liable to have more problems with upkeep and duration, unlike those that came before the computer revolution which are relatively easy to repair and are longer lasting. :wink

05-19-2024, 10:01 AM
I thought light haired blondes often look younger as long as they don't go bald, Boris Johnson looked pretty youthful in his 40s, my dad who was blonde looked quite young until he was in his mid 40s, i think it is often dark haired pale people who go grey, look older early?

05-19-2024, 11:33 AM
My blonde/blue mom aged worse because she has been a chain smoker her entire life and had an incredibly stressful marriage. She is roughly Elizabeth's age but Elizabeth could pass as her daughter. Lol

I'm blonde/blue and seem to be aging normally so far. I take care of my health.

My dad had darker skin (for a European comparatively) and he had worse vices than my mom did, but when he died at 50 he looked like a much younger man apart from the gray hair (which of course is genetic). So I'm assuming sun damage has a huge role in this.

My husband's dad's side are all darker Europeans and no matter what bad vices, they all look a bit younger than they are as well.

Fair skin is more susceptible to sun damage. And among working class people there are always bad vices that age you faster. Everything from the smoking to the shitty food.

05-19-2024, 11:35 AM
Lighter skin = more damage done by sun = aging worse.

But it depends on the individual.
January Jones is aging well and she's 46: https://www.instagram.com/januaryjones/?hl=en

05-19-2024, 11:37 AM
Taylor Swift 34 . Would be example of blonde MILF. Of course she is celebrity. But look at Margot robbie. She is 33 and look old.
neotenous feature help Taylor Swift130060
Margot looks her age. She just don't have the soft, child-like features of Taylor.
Margot looks better than Taylor BTW.

05-19-2024, 11:40 AM
I'll also say Scandinavians are typically very fair skinned and most of them seem to age rather well because most people there have pretty healthy lifestyles, plus they live in an area that is appropriately sunny compared to their skin color. A lot of white people in the southern US turn leathery because this is not the European climate we evolved in.

05-19-2024, 11:41 AM
I don't know about variation by pigmentation but there is a whole lot of variation from individual to individual.

my mom looks 20 years younger (looks 40 at almost 60) and she's a blue-eyed blond (dark blond but whatever) and has that skin tone that she doesn't tan (my brother took that from her as well).

also, my brother is lighter-pigmented than me, especially in skin type, he cannot tan while I tan heavily even with minimal exposure to sun (I got that from my Ukrainian dad while my Romanian mom has lightest skin type, go figure xD ) - and I looked older than him at his age and I look older in general and show more wrinkles and I have so much grey hairs on the sides that I need to cut it short sides all the time and I am barely past halfway between 30 and 40.

my mom's alcoholic (although very hard working, working around the clock in the countryside) brother has this type of looking very young to his age as well, until a couple of years ago we almost passed as same age, although he's 16 years older.

no correlation to pigmentation in the people I know as to show blonds aging earlier.

05-19-2024, 12:16 PM
Margot looks her age. She just don't have the soft, child-like features of Taylor.
Margot looks better than Taylor BTW.

It is matter of preference isn't it? I prefer soft features. Because I love cuteness . Robbie is very good looking but she is not cute so not my type if it make sense?
It is preference lmao

05-19-2024, 12:40 PM
I find Margot Robbie so strikingly beautiful that if I was interested in women sexually, it'd be one of those "looking at her makes my IQ drop" things. I think Taylor Swift looks a bit rodent-like.

Lo and behold, opinions about how people look are subjective. As usual.

05-19-2024, 01:27 PM
I find Margot Robbie so strikingly beautiful that if I was interested in women sexually, it'd be one of those "looking at her makes my IQ drop" things. I think Taylor Swift looks a bit rodent-like.

Lo and behold, opinions about how people look are subjective. As usual.

You probably don't know about squishy squishy either. I have seen incel using it.. Generally for example liking mongoloid women. Personally I have seen some using it for liking even Caucasoid with netoneous features

So for me it is about squishy squishy

05-19-2024, 01:38 PM
Perhaps they have thinner skin? Similar to how blonds tend to have thinner body hair, just a thought. Anecdotally I am 18 and dark blond with subtle forehead wrinkles already lol. Both my parents are dark brunet and have aged well, though they still have wrinkles, as is inevitable for their age.

I know women have thinner skin when it comes to men's skin, not sure about blonds or brunette... but it is a fact people with thinner hair like straight haired people get bald more easily which make them look older.

05-19-2024, 01:44 PM
Also about sun exposure. I've seen studies that concluded night's workers age faster than ordinary workers, even not being at sun exposure...

05-19-2024, 02:00 PM
Also about sun exposure. I've seen studies that concluded night's workers age faster than ordinary workers, even not being at sun exposure...

This is because working night shift puts an immense amount of stress on the body. There are very few people who actually thrive on night shifts. I used to work 60 hour weeks at night and the amount of caffeine and crappy snacks I would consume just to make it through the night probably aged me as much as the stress did.

05-19-2024, 02:13 PM
This is because working night shift puts an immense amount of stress on the body. There are very few people who actually thrive on night shifts. I used to work 60 hour weeks at night and the amount of caffeine and crappy snacks I would consume just to make it through the night probably aged me as much as the stress did.

Currently I am working at night, from 18pm to 6am... it's important to say about amount of stress on the body because as a night worker I dont feel mental stressed at all, I mean there is no boss stressing me, but when we talk on body stress we just cant control it, so it hits different. But look how ironic it is, I developed seborrheic dermatitis as an ordinary daytime worker (a totally stress body effect), but when I became a night worker it just has gone, disappeared like nothing... now I believe that boss stressing me is worse to age than nocturnal stress or sun exposure.

05-19-2024, 02:33 PM
Currently I am working at night, from 18pm to 6am... it's important to say about amount of stress on the body because as a night worker I dont feel mental stressed at all, I mean there is no boss stressing me, but when we talk on body stress we just cant control it, so it hits different. But look how ironic it is, I developed seborrheic dermatitis as an ordinary daytime worker (a totally stress body effect), but when I became a night worker it just has gone, disappeared like nothing... now I believe that boss stressing me is worse to age than nocturnal stress or sun exposure.

Some people (scientifically proven at this point) really are night owls and actually perform better when doing night shifts. Actually 1 in 10 iirc. My guess is it stems from the times when the world was still so dangerous, someone always had to be on night watch.

05-19-2024, 06:17 PM
I mean. You would aged better if you were darker lol

I want to know mongoloid secret through. Some can have very pale skin and still aged like milf lol
Mom looking like daughter.

Ther pale skin look different from European pale skin through

Maybe pink undertone aged worse

I think cold undertone especially are worse for ageing. Warm undertone better for ageing

Dark skin is ugly.

05-19-2024, 06:18 PM
I find Margot Robbie so strikingly beautiful that if I was interested in women sexually, it'd be one of those "looking at her makes my IQ drop" things. I think Taylor Swift looks a bit rodent-like.

Lo and behold, opinions about how people look are subjective. As usual.

Margot Robbie is ugly. Ugly as sin.

05-19-2024, 06:59 PM
Dark skin is ugly.

Depending how dark we're talking, I like light brown Mediterranean skin colors.

Margot Robbie is ugly. Ugly as sin.

That's just like, your opinion, man.

05-19-2024, 07:00 PM
Depending how dark we're talking, I like light brown Mediterranean skin colors.

That's just like, your opinion, man.

She literally looks like a man

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
05-19-2024, 07:05 PM
All that bitterness is aging you at an unprecedented rate.

05-19-2024, 07:11 PM
She literally looks like a man

You're over here talking about how ugly dark skin is yet you wrote a song about Latina girlfriends.

I'm gonna go ahead and not take you too seriously.

05-19-2024, 09:03 PM
She literally looks like a man


05-19-2024, 10:27 PM

Look at that jaw and tell me that's not a tranny


05-20-2024, 12:11 AM
Cope thread

05-20-2024, 12:21 AM
Look at that jaw and tell me that's not a tranny


That's not a tranny. Women can have robust jaws, though it is somewhat uncommon nowadays.

05-20-2024, 12:28 AM
That's not a tranny. Women can have robust jaws, though it is somewhat uncommon nowadays.

Dude's just mad he got out jawed by a female

05-20-2024, 01:10 AM
He just doesn't like her politics. For Meade, anyone he disagrees with is ugly and if female, a tranny. If she was super-conservative, he'd say she was hot.

05-20-2024, 01:12 AM
I think that I look close to my real age for the first time since I was 4 because of a mountain of stress (much of it from my own stupid actions). Still, some guy (a few years older than me) at a store, said "that was likely before your time", when he mentioned some news event that I personally witnessed.

05-20-2024, 03:27 AM
Shes not ugly but she's not my type.

05-20-2024, 04:06 AM
Currently I am working at night, from 18pm to 6am... it's important to say about amount of stress on the body because as a night worker I dont feel mental stressed at all, I mean there is no boss stressing me, but when we talk on body stress we just cant control it, so it hits different. But look how ironic it is, I developed seborrheic dermatitis as an ordinary daytime worker (a totally stress body effect), but when I became a night worker it just has gone, disappeared like nothing... now I believe that boss stressing me is worse to age than nocturnal stress or sun exposure.

I have fond memories of my night shift times: I work way better when there's no fool on my ass the whole time... And I earned a plus.

05-20-2024, 04:07 AM
Dark skin is ugly.

Nah. There was an African drill team member at my high school with extremely dark skin, and she was quite attractive, so it's the face, not the paint.

05-20-2024, 07:16 PM
Dark skin is ugly.

You’re ugly.

05-20-2024, 07:22 PM
Blondes do not have pale skin, as I mentioned in the OP. Blondes actually have the most neutral skin tone. This is why it is ironic, because the fairest Europeans with dark hair age much better than blondes.

Blondes can have various skin tones. There are absolutely blonde people with skin type I as well, so the palest one not counting the actual albinotic people.

05-22-2024, 08:17 PM
Blondes can have various skin tones. There are absolutely blonde people with skin type I as well, so the palest one not counting the actual albinotic people.


Spring blonde:

Summer blonde:
https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/4LSsrvkXBe0w_mxLTStMcQ0BugOzS0egRqj24HExtSF8m3yGj9 PPKf3-PBPYZ6bH4M4IIbffWQ=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj

Autumn blonde:

Winter blonde: