View Full Version : Giant Race

12-21-2011, 05:45 PM

12-21-2011, 05:48 PM

12-21-2011, 05:52 PM

12-21-2011, 05:55 PM
"Brutus! there lies beyond the Gallic bounds
An island which the western sea surrounds,
By giants once possessed, now few remain
To bar thy entrance, or obstruct thy reign.
To reach that happy shore thy sails employ
There fate decrees to raise a second Troy
And found an empire in thy royal line,
Which time shall ne'er destroy, nor bounds confine".

The History of The Kings of Britain" by Geoffrey of Monmouth :D

12-21-2011, 06:02 PM
I have heard stories regarding the Nephilim and Rephraim and I think a lot of these myths and legends regarding giants are blown out of proportion descriptions of real people. This is either because of historical facts being twisted and distorted out of shape or people overblowing the reality of things, because of shortened height or primitive description. The Ancient Hebrews always ran into people they described as Giants.

A few instances would be when Joshua ran into Giant people he said made them feel like grasshoppers(Or something to that effect). Then there is the Philistines who seemed to have a sizeable proportion of giants. Giganticism is usually a pituary disorder just like Dwarfism is, but there could be more natural or normally bred giants.

A lot of the times it just is a matter of random selection which is more probable given certain factors like diet, climate, mortality rate of previous generations, topology of the area, and other environmental factors. A lot of time it seems like a large proportion of Giant like people come from mountainous regions. That said I am not sure there is a consistent relation between Giganticism and Mountainous terrain based on statistics throughout history.

Supreme American
12-21-2011, 06:26 PM
This is one of those Biblical stories in which there is no archaeological evidence to support, such as the alleged presence of Jews as slaves in Egypt.

12-21-2011, 06:37 PM
Giganticism is usually a pituary disorder just like Dwarfism is, but there could be more natural or normally bred giants.

Can it be related to some genetic anomaly?

We are not talking like 30 feet tall humans.

But in the range of 2 to 3 meters, strong and big physical constitution.

Reminds me of Humbaba the monstrous giant of Gilgamesh

What if the non-giant humans just wiped them out. There's way too many tales about giants.

And it's not only Jewish tales

Names/Tribal origin of Giants

Anaaye (Diné Bahaneʼ/Navajo)
Daitya (Sanskrit)
Devi (Georgian)
Ditya (Javanese)
Buto (Javanese)
Raksasa (Indonesian)
Neringa (Lithuania) (Balt)
Rubezahl (Wends)
Gigantes (Greek)
Titans (Greek)
Arak Tul-Nur (Eowyth)
Cormoran (Cornwall)
Cyclopes/Cyclops (Greek)
Upelleru (Middle Eastern)
Azrail (Armenian)
Yimnidge (Adighe)
Anakim (Hebrew)
Enim (Hebrew)
Rephaim (Hebrew)
Zamzummim (Hebrew)
Nephilim (Hebrew)
Gog (Hebrew)
Magog (Hebrew)
Gogmagog (British)
Goliath of Gath (Hebrew)
Og of Bashan (Hebrew)
Fomorians (Celtic)
Wrnach (Welsh)
Bendigeidfran (Welsh)
Basajaun (Basque)
Jotuns (Norse/Teutonic)
Frost Giants (Norse/Teutonic)
Fire Giants (Norse/Teutonic)
Earth Giants (Norse/Teutonic)
Jättiläiset (Finnish)
Ispolini (Bulgarian)
Yak (Thai)
Puntan (Micronesia)
Albadan (Spanish)
Famangomadan (Spanish)
Dehotgohsgayeh (Iroquois)
Gedegwsets (Coos)
Inugpasugssuk (Netslik)
Kiwahkw (Maliseet)
Volot/Volotomon (Russian)
Velikan (Russian)
Bogatyr (Russian)

12-21-2011, 06:48 PM
Can it be related to some genetic anomaly?

We are not talking like 30 feet tall humans.

But in the range of 2 to 3 meters, strong and big physical constitution.

Reminds me of Humbaba the monstrous giant of Gilgamesh

What if the non-giant humans just wiped them out. There's way too many tales about giants.

And it's not only Jewish tales

Names/Tribal origin of Giants

Anaaye (Diné Bahaneʼ/Navajo)
Daitya (Sanskrit)
Devi (Georgian)
Ditya (Javanese)
Buto (Javanese)
Raksasa (Indonesian)
Neringa (Lithuania) (Balt)
Rubezahl (Wends)
Gigantes (Greek)
Titans (Greek)
Arak Tul-Nur (Eowyth)
Cormoran (Cornwall)
Cyclopes/Cyclops (Greek)
Upelleru (Middle Eastern)
Azrail (Armenian)
Yimnidge (Adighe)
Anakim (Hebrew)
Enim (Hebrew)
Rephaim (Hebrew)
Zamzummim (Hebrew)
Nephilim (Hebrew)
Gog (Hebrew)
Magog (Hebrew)
Gogmagog (British)
Goliath of Gath (Hebrew)
Og of Bashan (Hebrew)
Fomorians (Celtic)
Wrnach (Welsh)
Bendigeidfran (Welsh)
Basajaun (Basque)
Jotuns (Norse/Teutonic)
Frost Giants (Norse/Teutonic)
Fire Giants (Norse/Teutonic)
Earth Giants (Norse/Teutonic)
Jättiläiset (Finnish)
Ispolini (Bulgarian)
Yak (Thai)
Puntan (Micronesia)
Albadan (Spanish)
Famangomadan (Spanish)
Dehotgohsgayeh (Iroquois)
Gedegwsets (Coos)
Inugpasugssuk (Netslik)
Kiwahkw (Maliseet)
Volot/Volotomon (Russian)
Velikan (Russian)
Bogatyr (Russian)

It usually is a genetic anomaly, but it is not always the case. But as Lagergeld said all we have is myths and legends to build any historical comprehension of there being any Giant races in the Ancient World. In the Myths and Legends there always tend to be a half truth, which we should not always take so literally, because the way people perceive the world from one historical timeframe to the next is dynamic and constantly evolving to some extent or another.

12-24-2011, 10:06 PM

12-24-2011, 10:19 PM
If you believe in father Xmas, then vote yessss.

12-24-2011, 10:41 PM
In Welsh mythology, Ysbadadden is the chief of giants.


The Welsh translation of Stonehenge is Côr y Cewri or "Choir of the Giants"

12-24-2011, 11:17 PM
Always a minority. More nowadays. Better food. ;)

12-24-2011, 11:29 PM
This Ukrainian site says giant skeletons are discovered in India, I am lazy to read all the text as most probably it's fake, but anyone interested can have a look, also there're photoes which I think are photoshoped.



12-24-2011, 11:57 PM
I'm with the group that thinks very tall humans have existed outside the norm in any population.

Notable exceptions will find their way into the folk lore of any people.

In many things, mythic legend survives better than historical reality.