View Full Version : France arrests ETA military chief

04-19-2009, 10:57 AM
MADRID (Reuters) - ETA's military chief has been arrested by French police, a Spanish government source said on Saturday, marking the third suspected leader of the Basque separatist guerrillas to be captured in under six months.

Jurdan Martitegi, 28, had a pistol and was using a stolen car with false plates when he was arrested in southern France, along with two other suspected ETA members, the source said.

The French Interior Ministry confirmed France had arrested three alleged members of ETA in Montauriol, in the eastern Pyrenees region near Spain, one a leading ETA figure.

Spanish media said police captured Martitegi, his bodyguard Mikel Oroz and suspected ETA cell leader Alex Uriarte, who was also armed and driving a stolen car.

Nearly 2 meters tall, strongly built and known as "the giant," Martitegi is regarded as one of the most dangerous men in Spain and France, where his photo appears on wanted posters in airports and train stations.

He had been on the run since July when Spanish police broke up ETA's main attack unit, known as the "Vizcaya cell," which was blamed for a string of bombings on police stations and government buildings.

His capture followed a joint operation between Spanish and French police coordinated by Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon, best known for his attempt to extradite former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, the government source said.

Three other suspected ETA members, thought to be working in Uriarte's cell, were arrested in Alava, Spain, media reported.

"It's very good news for all Spaniards, it shows the police are in constant action," Garzon told reporters when asked about the operations.

ETA is blamed for the deaths of more than 800 people in its 40-year campaign of shootings and bombings to carve out an independent Basque state in northern Spain and southwestern France.

Spain's Socialist government ended discussions with ETA after it killed two people in a car bombing at Madrid's Barajas airport in 2006, effectively breaking a ceasefire.

Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has since taken a hard line against the group and over 20 people have been arrested in France and Spain this year for suspected ETA membership.

Martitegi took over command of ETA in December after French police captured the previous military leader, Aitzol Iriondo, also known as Balak. He had succeeded Garikoitz Aspiazu Rubina, better known as Txeroki, who was captured near the Spanish border in November.

Saturday's arrests mark a further blow for ETA after Spain's ruling Socialists won control of the Basque regional government in March, promising to heal wounds left by nationalist extremists and separatist gunmen.

The Socialists ended an unbroken string of governments by Basque nationalists since 1980 and ETA has said it will make the incoming administration a principal target.


06-20-2009, 04:03 PM
All the world's media are full of accounts of ETA's terrorism, but the murder of over 20 000 Basque nationalists by Franco's regime is hardly ever mentioned in history books dealing with the modern history of Europe.

06-21-2009, 02:25 AM
All the world's media are full of accounts of ETA's terrorism, but the murder of over 20 000 Basque nationalists by Franco's regime is hardly ever mentioned in history books dealing with the modern history of Europe.

The entire purpose of the ETA is never really mentioned in any honest way.

The purpose:
To save the Basque people from extinction. Basque is the only linguistic holdout of the original Cro-Magnon language family that dominated Europe 10,000 years ago; and their genepool has the highest-% of old CM stock of any other in Europe. (Note the high rh- frequency and very low B blood frequency).

They have been on the retreat for centuries and may simply disappear before long.


The media always ignores this and claims that instead the Basque nationalists are a bunch of crazies and are motivated by some kind of delusions with no real serious purpose.

(It reminds you of how the media treats all nationalists/racialists in the European world.)

06-21-2009, 02:47 AM
If Basques are given autonomy, they would acquire their national territory back and these terrorist acts would stop. Frenchmen and Spaniards need to stop living in cloud-cuckoo land, a league of amity will never exist.

06-21-2009, 02:50 PM
If Basques are given autonomy, they would acquire their national territory back and these terrorist acts would stop. Frenchmen and Spaniards need to stop living in cloud-cuckoo land, a league of amity will never exist.

The Basque Country does have certain degree of autonomy within Spain.

But that autonomy extends only to three Basque historical provinces (Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa and Álava), excluding Navarre (also a historical Basque region) which was declared a separate "autonomous community".

The French part of the Basque Country is separated into three départements (purely administrative units), without any special "Basque autonomy".

Spain does not recognize Basques as a separate nation, only as some ethnic sub-group within the Spanish nation.

The Basque autonomous region has no legal right (from Spain's point of view) to hold referendum on independence, because the Spanish constitution, which defines Spain as "one and indivisible", does not allow that.

06-21-2009, 03:48 PM
The Basque autonomous region has no legal right (from Spain's point of view) to hold referendum on independence, because the Spanish constitution, which defines Spain as "one and indivisible", does not allow that.

I know, but the case of Basque warrants an exception.

06-21-2009, 03:57 PM
I know, but the case of Basque warrants an exception.

Maybe, but you can hardly expect it.

06-22-2009, 12:17 AM

They're bunch of commie terrorists. I don't see how any racialist can support them...

06-22-2009, 12:19 AM
The purpose:
To save the Basque people from extinction. Basque is the only linguistic holdout of the original Cro-Magnon language family that dominated Europe 10,000 years ago; and their genepool has the highest-% of old CM stock of any other in Europe. (Note the high rh- frequency and very low B blood frequency).

"Cro-Magnon language family"? WTF is that? I'm sorry, but the Baskid phenotype couldn't be any more different than the Paleolithic CMs, who became completely extinct. No European descends from Cro-Magnons, our ancestors settled Europe much later.

06-22-2009, 04:17 AM

They're bunch of commie terrorists. I don't see how any racialist can support them...

One more "FUCK YOU" post and your Apricity career ends.

06-22-2009, 03:26 PM
"Cro-Magnon language family"? WTF is that?
The languages spoken in Europe before the invasions of the Semitic languages (most were dead by 500BC - the last holdout was likely Pictish, the last speaker of which probably died in the Scottish highlands before 1100AD) and also before the Indo-European invasions (whose languages almost all of us now speak).

10,000 years ago, most of our ancestors who lived in Europe would've spoken a language in the parafamily from which Basque is the sole modern survivor.

No European descends from Cro-MagnonsWhat?? :rolleyes:

You're simply wrong on that one.

07-12-2009, 11:12 PM
The French part of the Basque Country is separated into three départements (purely administrative units), without any special "Basque autonomy".

Only one.

07-15-2009, 10:57 AM
Only one.

I was in fact referring to three Basque provinces in France (Soule, Labourd and Basse-Navarre). So they are all in one departement? I thought it was three of them. My mistake.

07-15-2009, 02:55 PM
I was in fact referring to three Basque provinces in France (Soule, Labourd and Basse-Navarre). So they are all in one departement? I thought it was three of them. My mistake.

That's what I thought.

Yes, they indeed are in the same department (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). A 1790 creation. http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/smilies/lightbul.gif