View Full Version : Large Roman City Uncovered in Romania

12-27-2011, 07:44 PM
Large Roman City Uncovered in Romania

Featuring numerous temples, an amphitheater, a large forum with associated buildings, gladiator schools, massive fortifications and several necropolises, casual observers might think that they were walking among ruins not far from the center of ancient Imperial Rome herself. But this site is located on a plain at the foot of the Retezat Mountains in Southern Transylvania, Romania.


01-02-2012, 06:32 AM
Umm... How is this news? It's been uncovered decades ago and none of what is shown in the pictures has been recently uncovered. :confused: Even the reconstruction videos are from 2010.

01-02-2012, 07:34 AM
I'm with Daos on this one. It is still quite interesting though. For some reason it gives one a feeling of nostalgia; a yearning for the days of the Romans and perhaps ancient Sparta.