View Full Version : Should Russia join NATO?

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01-02-2012, 09:51 AM
You being lowly educated and unintelligent is not my problem.

you old fart!I still learning me only 20 not 50 year as opposed to you not in vain as you hide your age.If I dont know English perfectly does not mean that I am not educated! you boring Estonian chicken!you annoy me!

01-02-2012, 10:01 AM
Come on Karl! We all now that you really love Russians. Your girlfriend is a Russian lady from Moscow. :eek:

01-02-2012, 10:08 AM
I think Karl just has some sense of his life - to hate Russia. If Russia disappeared one time many and many would loose their sense of life, Western Ukrainians e.g. What will they do without Russia? What to discuss? What to hate?

He has two senses of purpose.

1 - Hating Russia because he is an irrelevant little pissant
2 - Picking up the soap for USA / ZOG

01-02-2012, 10:18 AM
Absolutely agreed.

Comparing Russian to Turkish and Somalian and Russians to Arabs an Africans is pretty out there, mate. I don' t see how Russians and Turks migrating in the same years makes them even remotely similar.

I think Karl just has some sense of his life - to hate Russia. If Russia disappeared one time many and many would loose their sense of life, Western Ukrainians e.g. What will they do without Russia? What to discuss? What to hate?

An immigrant is an immigrant.

If immigrant group A has lived in country A for 40 years and immigrant group B has lived in country B for 40 years and individual A (Loki) supports making immigrant group A's language an official language in country A, then according to all laws of logic, he should also support the same in country B in the case of immigrant group B.

In the current case, Loki is acting like a hypocrite in his personal forum and completely against the official agenda of this forum "The Apricity Forum: Cultural & Ethnic European Preservation"

01-02-2012, 10:32 AM
My personal views expressed are just that: my personal views. It's not the official policy/line of Apricity. :)

01-02-2012, 10:36 AM
My personal views expressed are just that: my personal views. It's not the official policy/line of Apricity. :)

and I thought that the forum you created also expressed your personal views, how interesting.

01-02-2012, 10:38 AM
An immigrant is an immigrant.

If immigrant group A has lived in country A for 40 years and immigrant group B has lived in country B for 40 years and individual A (Loki) supports making immigrant group A's language an official language in country A, then according to all laws of logic, he should also support the same in country B in the case of immigrant group B.

In the current case, Loki is acting like a hypocrite in his personal forum and completely against the official agenda of this forum "The Apricity Forum: Cultural & Ethnic European Preservation"

You muppets didn't just magically appear in Estonia after Ras Tafari waved his magic wand moron. You originated from behind the Urals and migrated Westward. You're an immigrant too. Deal with it.

01-02-2012, 10:45 AM
You muppets didn't just magically appear in Estonia after Ras Tafari waved his magic wand moron. You originated from behind the Urals and migrated Westward. You're an immigrant too. Deal with it.

Contrary to all Indo-Europeans in Europe, we actually originate from Europe, the Volga-river region.

Also, Estonians have lived here for the past 6000 years.

By your definition, Celtic Irish people in Ireland are as native to Ireland as Poles are...

You are making a fool of yourself and you know it.

01-02-2012, 10:48 AM
Guys don't forget who you are... Russians certainly should have legal entitlement a native language in Estonia or Latvia .

Who am I?

01-02-2012, 10:49 AM
Who am I?

Joe McCarthy
01-02-2012, 10:52 AM
He has two senses of purpose.

1 - Hating Russia because he is an irrelevant little pissant
2 - Picking up the soap for USA / ZOG

We evil American imperialists need our lackeys, after all. We keep Europeans 'divided' for the greater good of ZOG. If not for us Estonians, Poles, Romanians, Latvians, Bulgarians, Georgians, and Western Ukranians would love Russia. :D

01-02-2012, 10:57 AM
Well, should Russia join NATO or not? :coffee:

I think it's not a matter of should or should not. There's simply no room for two cocky cocks in the same chicken coop. No lackey can serve two masters.

01-02-2012, 11:17 AM
We evil American imperialists need our lackeys, after all. We keep Europeans 'divided' for the greater good of ZOG. If not for us Estonians, Poles, Romanians, Latvians, Bulgarians, Georgians, and Western Ukranians would love Russia. :D

- Estonians = pissant whiners
- Polacks = wannabe Germans and Russians, unsuccessful at it, hence more whiners
- Romanians = Romanians, no real opinion
- Latvians = no real opinion
- Bulgarians = Balkan Orthodox Slavs, for some reason Russia keeps helping them and they return the favour by screwing Russia. Strange :confused:
- Georgians = always somebody else's bitch. Today they are the bitch of Yanks an Turks
- Western Ukrainians = crazy militant bunch of smalltimers. Even the Polacks are nervous of them.

Of those countries listed the only real anti-Russian grievers are:

- Estonia who have turned crying and whoring for the USA into the centerpiece of their miserable culture,
- Polacks because jealousy of Russia and Germany makes them nasty,
- Western Ukrainians because they hate everybody and because they somehow have come to believe that all your Ukraine are belongs to us.

Western Ukraine deserves and needs to be its own country. It doesn't fit into the rest of Ukraine.

The lesser grievers:

- Georgia are mostly whining about territories which Comrade Stalin patched on to them but which aren't Georgian. Somehow they feel that this is their "birthright".

- Romanians dream about Greater Romania which includes Moldova and the Transdniester Strip has become a bone of contention.

- Latvians, they live close by, they used to be enthusiastic about Russia until Comrade Stalin (a Georgian) got carried away with purges and purged a few too many Latvians in the process.

- Not even sure if the Bulgarians have a grief??????????? :confused:

01-02-2012, 11:20 AM
- Not even sure if the Bulgarians have a grief??????????? :confused:

They don't, I've never seen any Bulgarian make some sort of irredentist statement. They just enjoy life and drink raki.

01-02-2012, 11:26 AM
Well, should Russia join NATO or not? :coffee:

I think it's not a matter of should or should not. There's simply no room for two cocky cocks in the same chicken coop. No lackey can serve two masters.


That thread was about? Should Russia join NATO or not?

01-02-2012, 11:32 AM
Today's NATO is shitty incapacitated organization just like UN and discussion about hypothetical russian presence in NATO is nonsense.

01-02-2012, 11:46 AM
- Bulgarians = Balkan Orthodox Slavs, for some reason Russia keeps helping them and they return the favour by screwing Russia. Strange
We (Russians) are idiots (in all native Russian anecdotes Russian=idiot or somethung strange) and all our actions are idiotic from the logic point of view:D Yes, Bulgarians fought against Russia in both great wars but they are our brothers (братушки) in the common Russian mind, like Serbs. Bombing Belgrad will have never been forgotten in this Russian mind.

01-02-2012, 11:47 AM
and I thought that the forum you created also expressed your personal views, how interesting.

You thought wrong. This forum's members have a wide variety of viewpoints, not only one. This is the reason the debates are so interesting. :)

Joe McCarthy
01-02-2012, 11:54 AM
Today's NATO is shitty incapacitated organization just like UN and discussion about hypothetical russian presence in NATO is nonsense.

That 'incapacitated' organization just overthrew the Arab world's longest serving leader and made Russia and China look like whining chumps in the process. :coffee:

Padre Organtino
01-02-2012, 12:02 PM
- Estonians = pissant whiners
- Polacks = wannabe Germans and Russians, unsuccessful at it, hence more whiners
- Romanians = Romanians, no real opinion
- Latvians = no real opinion
- Bulgarians = Balkan Orthodox Slavs, for some reason Russia keeps helping them and they return the favour by screwing Russia. Strange :confused:
- Georgians = always somebody else's bitch. Today they are the bitch of Yanks an Turks
- Western Ukrainians = crazy militant bunch of smalltimers. Even the Polacks are nervous of them.

Of those countries listed the only real anti-Russian grievers are:

- Estonia who have turned crying and whoring for the USA into the centerpiece of their miserable culture,
- Polacks because jealousy of Russia and Germany makes them nasty,
- Western Ukrainians because they hate everybody and because they somehow have come to believe that all your Ukraine are belongs to us.

Western Ukraine deserves and needs to be its own country. It doesn't fit into the rest of Ukraine.

The lesser grievers:

- Georgia are mostly whining about territories which Comrade Stalin patched on to them but which aren't Georgian. Somehow they feel that this is their "birthright".

- Romanians dream about Greater Romania which includes Moldova and the Transdniester Strip has become a bone of contention.

- Latvians, they live close by, they used to be enthusiastic about Russia until Comrade Stalin (a Georgian) got carried away with purges and purged a few too many Latvians in the process.

- Not even sure if the Bulgarians have a grief??????????? :confused:

Latvians are not more pro-Russian than Estonians. I'm not even sure most Estonians are russophobic like Karl.
Romanians simply want to reclaim what they percieve as theirs namely Moldova whoch is certainly not less legitimate than Russian aspirations for parts of Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
Polacks are not jealous of anyone - they just have crazy patriots who together with Russian patriots fuel stupid hate towards each other.
Georgians don't dream about territories given to them by Stalin cause they've been returned to Ingushs and Balkars. "South Ossetia" and Abkhazia have little to do with comrade Dzhugashvili.

01-02-2012, 12:04 PM
That 'incapacitated' organization just overthrew the Arab world's longest serving leader and made Russia and China look like whining chumps in the process. :coffee:

Sorry but Kaddafi wasn't danger for Europe and libyan army is totally shit. NATO is relict of Cold War and instrument of American domination in Europe. Personally I think that NATO should be solved.

01-02-2012, 12:08 PM
we (russians) are idiots (in all native russian anecdotes russian=idiot or somethung strange) and all our actions are idiotic from the logic point of view:d yes, bulgarians fought against russia in both great wars but they are our brothers (братушки) in the common russian mind, like serbs. Bombing belgrad will have never been forgotten in this russian mind.
Чё ты куришь?

Joe McCarthy
01-02-2012, 12:15 PM
Sorry but Kaddafi wasn't danger for Europe and libyan army is totally shit. NATO is relict of Cold War and instrument of American domination in Europe. Personally I think that NATO should be solved.

'American domination' in Europe serves the purpose of preventing Europeans from reverting back to the bad ol' days of fratricidal warfare. Remove the US presence and see the EU implode and it might not be long before Poland is being partitioned by Russia and Germany again. There is a reason why the Europe of post-1945 has been quite peaceful by historical standards and it's not because Europeans suddenly decided to become peaceniks. It involves a US-UK led resolve to vanquish by force any aggressor, which keeps any such aggression from even arising for the most part.

01-02-2012, 12:48 PM
'American domination' in Europe serves the purpose of preventing Europeans from reverting back to the bad ol' days of fratricidal warfare.


You falsely claim that the USA is an altruistic and benevolent hegemon when in fact it is an Empire and Parasite which manipulates Europe for its own purposes and feeds off the enslavement of 3d World Countries in Latin America and the Middle East.

Remove the US presence and see the EU implode and it might not be long before Poland is being partitioned by Russia and Germany again.

Like Poland was partitioning Slovakia before? Let's not create classes of "innocents" and "victims" here.

There is a reason why the Europe of post-1945 has been quite peaceful by historical standards and it's not because Europeans suddenly decided to become peaceniks. It involves a US-UK led resolve to vanquish by force any aggressor, which keeps any such aggression from even arising for the most part.

The ZOG Pax Americana imposed multicultural system keeping Europe in check by military force (whilst destabilising the countries from within through the import of 3d World immigrants) is, for now, keeping the lid on tensions boiling over.

How much longer will the party last though? How is an American Peace which destroys European Nation States a price worth paying?

You're utterly insane.

01-02-2012, 12:55 PM
'American domination' in Europe serves the purpose of preventing Europeans from reverting back to the bad ol' days of fratricidal warfare. Remove the US presence and see the EU implode and it might not be long before Poland is being partitioned by Russia and Germany again.

There are no more ethnic issues between those countries since the post war population relocations, enforced by the soviets. Not that they were right, but problems were solved.

The only tensions remaining are between Hungary and neighbours, thanks to the absolute clueless partition designed by UK/France and among the Balkan countries, in which americans left a negative imprint regarding Kosovo, a future theatre of war in which you have benefited an islamic outpost in Europe.

There is a reason why the Europe of post-1945 has been quite peaceful by historical standards and it's not because Europeans suddenly decided to become peaceniks. It involves a US-UK led resolve to vanquish by force any aggressor, which keeps any such aggression from even arising for the most part.

The only aggression America always wanted to prevent was the one against its economic system and to prevent its client states from leaving America doing business with Mexico, Canada and Japan alone, in what northern hemisphere is concerned.

If there was any really peaceful american intention in the best interest of humanity, Israel and Palestine would be occupied territory under a strict NATO mandate, like Germany was. Disarmed, neutralised and complying.

1967 borders would be enforced whether hebrews and arabs wanted or not, until both acknowledged international demands.

01-02-2012, 12:56 PM
I'm not even sure most Estonians are russophobic like Karl.

I'm definitely not a russophobe, I'm a realist. I have lived next to Russians for my entire life, I know them as well as my own people, the Estonians.

01-02-2012, 01:02 PM
'American domination' in Europe serves the purpose of preventing Europeans from reverting back to the bad ol' days of fratricidal warfare. Remove the US presence and see the EU implode and it might not be long before Poland is being partitioned by Russia and Germany again. There is a reason why the Europe of post-1945 has been quite peaceful by historical standards and it's not because Europeans suddenly decided to become peaceniks. It involves a US-UK led resolve to vanquish by force any aggressor, which keeps any such aggression from even arising for the most part.

Let Europe implode. From there we can clean house through unrest

01-02-2012, 01:09 PM
'American domination' in Europe serves the purpose of preventing Europeans from reverting back to the bad ol' days of fratricidal warfare. Remove the US presence and see the EU implode and it might not be long before Poland is being partitioned by Russia and Germany again. There is a reason why the Europe of post-1945 has been quite peaceful by historical standards and it's not because Europeans suddenly decided to become peaceniks. It involves a US-UK led resolve to vanquish by force any aggressor, which keeps any such aggression from even arising for the most part.

Lol... I'm against one pan-european empire and I support implode of UE!

You don't know Eastern European reality, Russia is enemy for Poland because stupid polish politicians are jewish and american asslickers, I'm polish nationalists (I agree with ideas of Roman Dmowski and Jędrzej Giertych) and I belive in polish-russian friendship. I know that Americans support our real enemies - ukrainian Banderist, Jews and lithuanian invaders. Sorry but We don't want be american prostitutes, we don't want polish soldiers in Afghanistan and any other Middle Eastern countries. American have betrayed Mikheil Saakashvili and proved that they are lying allies.

01-02-2012, 01:44 PM
I belive in polish-russian friendship.

Joe McCarthy
01-02-2012, 01:50 PM
This poll result, like so many others where the US is involved, is rather absurd. What should Russia do? Go it alone? Align with China? Remain in enmity with the US and West? The best possible option is to integrate with the West against the East. I guess those looking for Jew bankers everywhere have other priorities. :rolleyes:

01-02-2012, 01:51 PM
I'm definitely not a russophobe, I'm a realist. I have lived next to Russians for my entire life, I know them as well as my own people, the Estonians.
In your opinion Russians in Estonia bad people?

01-02-2012, 01:55 PM
This poll result, like so many others where the US is involved, is rather absurd. What should Russia do? Go it alone? Align with China? Remain in enmity with the US and West? The best possible option is to integrate with the West against the East. I guess those looking for Jew bankers everywhere have other priorities.
Being Russia, no more, no less.

01-02-2012, 02:10 PM
In your opinion Russians in Estonia bad people?

Yes, most of them.

Padre Organtino
01-02-2012, 02:14 PM
I'm definitely not a russophobe, I'm a realist. I have lived next to Russians for my entire life, I know them as well as my own people, the Estonians.

I think you're confusing Russians with Russian Prols. That's like judging Brits based on seeing how Chavs act.

01-02-2012, 02:21 PM
I think you're confusing Russians with Russian Prols. That's like judging Brits based on seeing how Chavs act.

Are you joking? There are Russians from all social classes and backgrounds here.

If you lived in the UK, would you only see Chavs?

Padre Organtino
01-02-2012, 02:32 PM
Are you joking? There are Russians from all social classes and backgrounds here.

If you lived in the UK, would you only see Chavs?

:confused:Do you mean there are plenty of actual Middle Class Russians in your country?

01-02-2012, 02:41 PM
Yes, most of them.
I know some of the Russian people that lived and living in Estonia.I just know the situation and say that you not Russophobe wrong.you the real Russophobe.how many Russian argue for Estonia in sport?!I often notice all time...athletes from Estonia a Russian.
for example, you half Estonia national football team - Russian.

01-02-2012, 02:45 PM
We (Russians) are idiots (in all native Russian anecdotes Russian=idiot or somethung strange) and all our actions are idiotic from the logic point of view:D Yes, Bulgarians fought against Russia in both great wars but they are our brothers (братушки) in the common Russian mind, like Serbs. Bombing Belgrad will have never been forgotten in this Russian mind.

many Serbs are angry and dissapointed with Russia for not standing up to the Americans on their behalf.

01-02-2012, 02:45 PM
:confused:Do you mean there are plenty of actual Middle Class Russians in your country?

A Russian middle class exists in Estonia, of course. Even a Russian elite exists in Estonia. But the absolute majority are stereotypical immigrants.

I know some of the Russian people that lived and living in Estonia.I just know the situation and say that you not Russophobe wrong.you the real Russophobe.how many Russian argue for Estonia in sport?!I often notice all time...athletes from Estonia a Russian.

Yes, Russians are active in sports. If they have Estonian citizenship and speak Estonian and want to represent Estonia, then they can do it without anyone stopping them. The best footballer in the Estonian football team is a Russian.

01-02-2012, 02:57 PM
A Russian middle class exists in Estonia, of course. Even a Russian elite exists in Estonia. But the absolute majority are stereotypical immigrants.

Yes, Russians are active in sports. If they have Estonian citizenship and speak Estonian and want to represent Estonia, then they can do it without anyone stopping them. The best footballer in the Estonian football team is a Russian.
about it for some reason you forget.

01-02-2012, 02:58 PM
many Serbs are angry and dissapointed with Russia for not standing up to the Americans on their behalf.
For Russians its greatest national humiliation for about 150 years.
I remember words of Vuko Draskovich: Please dont sorry about us, just send us several complexes S-300 (anti-aircraft system) and we will be happy! The Kremlin was silent. Fuck!

Joe McCarthy
01-02-2012, 03:20 PM
For Russians its greatest national humiliation for about 150 years.
I remember words of Vuko Draskovich: Please dont sorry about us, just send us several complexes S-300 (anti-aircraft system) and we will be happy! The Kremlin was silent. Fuck!

Not starting WW3 over the likes of Slobodan Milosevic was an act of sanity rather than humiliation.

01-02-2012, 03:38 PM
For Russians its greatest national humiliation for about 150 years.
I remember words of Vuko Draskovich: Please dont sorry about us, just send us several complexes S-300 (anti-aircraft system) and we will be happy! The Kremlin was silent. Fuck!

What you expect? ZOG whore Yeltsin was in charge and ZOG Berezovsky was running the country.

01-02-2012, 03:39 PM
Not starting WW3 over the likes of Slobodan Milosevic was an act of sanity rather than humiliation.

Starting WW3 and wiping that smirk off your face would have been a price worth paying.

Joe McCarthy
01-02-2012, 03:44 PM
Starting WW3 and wiping that smirk off your face would have been a price worth paying.

Such psychotic statements as you make are not raising the stock of Russoohiles any. Indeed, very often Russia attracts the worst madmen in the West as their bootlickers. Great PR for the Kremlin, that.

01-02-2012, 03:45 PM
Not starting WW3 over the likes of Slobodan Milosevic was an act of sanity rather than humiliation.
No ww3 in that situation but bombing Belgrad could be stopped. NATO could loose about 50% of fighters. Invisible NATO's planes are invisible only for NATO if you are not in the theme:D Surely, I still cannot understand, the Kremlin was to act or not. Serbs (brothers/братушки) behaved then not so good.

01-02-2012, 03:59 PM
Such psychotic statements as you make are not raising the stock of Russoohiles any. Indeed, very often Russia attracts the worst madmen in the West as their bootlickers. Great PR for the Kremlin, that.

Nothing psychotic about replying to a psychotic who supports the idea of starting WW3 to attack Serbia. I just replied in kind. You lot had no business there, attacking Serbia.

It was all part of your sick geopolitical ambitions.

01-02-2012, 04:01 PM
No ww3 in that situation but bombing Belgrad could be stopped. NATO could loose about 50% of fighters. Invisible NATO's planes are invisible only for NATO if you are not in the theme:D Surely, I still cannot understand, the Kremlin was to act or not. Serbs (brothers/братушки) behaved then not so good.

Russia was "ruled" by a drunk (ZOG Oligarchs in reality), the country was being torn apart by bandits from inside and outside. It's a miracle it even exists today.

It was too bad for Serbia though that Russia couldn't protect them against American aggression. :(

01-02-2012, 04:05 PM

Joe McCarthy
01-02-2012, 04:14 PM
Nothing psychotic about replying to a psychotic who supports the idea of starting WW3 to attack Serbia. I just replied in kind. You lot had no business there, attacking Serbia.

It was all part of your sick geopolitical ambitions.

The intervention in Kosovo was designed to prevent a wider war, which was in danger of occurring, especially as Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, and yes, Russia, could possibly have entered. The US correctly foresaw that its own entry would signal to all parties to stand down.

Further, ignoring Serbia's clear use of excessive force is a common trait of the Nazi set. Their main beef is actually that the US prevented Serbia from mass slaughter of Albanians.

01-02-2012, 04:16 PM
Russia was "ruled" by a drunk (ZOG Oligarchs in reality), the country was being torn apart by bandits from inside and outside. It's a miracle it even exists today.

It was too bad for Serbia though that Russia couldn't protect them against American aggression.
Yes, from all directions. The best defence is the sense of humor. If you can scoff at yourself, nobody will approach you. Everyone will think only about the pantie:D

01-02-2012, 06:16 PM
Funny to see how a few "Ruzzianz" beg pardon from one stupid Asstonian.

01-02-2012, 06:20 PM
Funny to see how a few "Ruzzianz" beg pardon from one stupid Asstonian.
Point to him.

01-02-2012, 06:27 PM
The intervention in Kosovo was designed to prevent a wider war, which was in danger of occurring, especially as Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, and yes, Russia, could possibly have entered. The US correctly foresaw that its own entry would signal to all parties to stand down.

Crackpipe fantasy.

The USA and EU (Germany in particular) encouraged and supported the different factions in Yugo to turn guns on one another. (They were already keen to do it anyway but they got some incentives not to mention weapons for this from the snow fkn white "West").

This war was always about establishing ZOG hegemony in former Yugo. Serbia was the major obstacle and was therefore attacked by the USA.

Further, ignoring Serbia's clear use of excessive force is a common trait of the Nazi set. Their main beef is actually that the US prevented Serbia from mass slaughter of Albanians.

Excessive force???? wtf???? you having laugh, you and your American Empire of Excessive Parasitism and Force? :p

It's real simple Joew... when the wogs start misbehaving they get disciplined, that's all Serbia was doing.

The problem for the Serbs was that YOUR rotten country were arming and supporting those wogs to rebel in the first place! Due to Russia being in such a dilapidated state, they couldn't and wouldn't help.

The funniest of all was looking at the Congressional Voting Records to authorise use of force (bombing) against Serbia.

Guess how the Jewish vote went??? That's right, if I recall correctly, 11 out of 12 Jews in Congress voted to support Albania and Bomb Serbia. :D

01-02-2012, 06:28 PM
To join NATO for what? To tie them down to Israel and the Zionists?

01-02-2012, 06:45 PM
To join NATO for what?
Shortly and correctly, for what?

11-07-2013, 04:05 AM
Kicking out Estonia would make the NATO a meaningless organization.

Golden quote Karl.