View Full Version : More Women have degrees than men

12-31-2011, 08:12 PM

approximately 50 per cent of women are graduating from university by the time they’re 30 and perhaps about 40 per cent of men.’

Maybe because the other 10% are working to make up for the gap in the workplace caused by people who stay in long drawn out university stays lasting till they are 30!:crazy:

Hell's bells! By the time this ladies are finished University they are ready to retire and have kids.

'It may, in turn, shift balance of earnings between women and men because it connects with what I was saying earlier that, by and large, graduates earn more.

You know who earn even more than graduates? People who have a job.:lightbul:

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2012, 08:50 PM
Having a degree these days is like having 1 million German marks back in 1923: it doesn't really mean all that much.

01-12-2012, 08:55 PM
Would be interesting in what field they graduate tho. This might be a generalization, but in the Netherlands, the majority of women are either in Medschool or some kind of social science. They're in Medschool because they tend to be the harder workers (in the cramming sense, they tend to have more discipline for the crammy stuff, most of the girls who attend medschool are pretty dumb in my experience :p). Yet the technical studies, physics, design, logistics etc. tend to be male dominated. And while this, again, is a generalization, the people in technical studies tend to contribute more to society then art major number 15030532.

01-12-2012, 09:39 PM
Would be interesting in what field they graduate tho. This might be a generalization, but in the Netherlands, the majority of women are either in Medschool or some kind of social science. They're in Medschool because they tend to be the harder workers (in the cramming sense, they tend to have more discipline for the crammy stuff, most of the girls who attend medschool are pretty dumb in my experience :p). Yet the technical studies, physics, design, logistics etc. tend to be male dominated. And while this, again, is a generalization, the people in technical studies tend to contribute more to society then art major number 15030532.

Here is similar situation. I think on my faculty there is 90% of girls, while on all technical faculties there is 90% of men.

And i do admit it would be harder to me to finish technical studies.

01-12-2012, 10:06 PM
Having a degree these days is like having 1 million German marks back in 1923: it doesn't really mean all that much.

Then why do people insist on going to college?

01-12-2012, 10:12 PM
I have an Associate of Arts in general business studies.

My wife has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, a Master's with a concentration in Electro-Optics, plus half of the credits needed towards an MBA.

Both of us went to college in hopes of obtaining a commission in the US Air Force.

She succeeded, I did not.

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2012, 10:13 PM
Then why do people insist on going to college?
Societal pressure. "Get an education...." Here in the Netherlands you have to be 16,17 years old with a VMBO (middle school) diploma before you can help in a supermarket - filling the shelves.

01-12-2012, 10:13 PM
Then why do people insist on going to college?
Same reason why having 1,000,000 marks is better than none.

The Lawspeaker
01-12-2012, 10:16 PM
Same reason why having 1,000,000 marks is better than none.
At least 1 million marks could buy you a semmel at the bakers (if you got to the shop before 12.00, that is). After which the same bread roll would cost you 50 billion marks.

01-12-2012, 10:29 PM
Societal pressure. "Get an education...." Here in the Netherlands you have to be 16,17 years old with a VMBO (middle school) diploma before you can help in a supermarket - filling the shelves.

Just seems like a waste of time to me in the states. I guess you would better off learning a trade then going in debt to get a degree that is practically worthless.

Society IMO needs to move back to where learning a trade was just as good as a college degree or at the very least a respectable alternative.

01-12-2012, 10:49 PM
I think we should replace much of higher education with apprenticeships.

01-12-2012, 10:50 PM
I think we should replace much of higher education with apprenticeships.

That as well.

01-13-2012, 02:18 PM
I think we should replace much of higher education with apprenticeships.

This, or a larger amount of practical work as oppossed to theoretical work. Furthermore, people who get an education and don't do anything with it, should be fined, or atleast pay increased rent. There are so many women that live on taxpayers money for 5+ years to get an education, after which they get kids and stay at home, total waste.

Der Steinadler
01-13-2012, 02:29 PM
Then why do people insist on going to college?

It's all to do with 'Equality and Diversity'.

The Left have been out to prove 'we're all equal' by insisting 'education is for all'.

01-13-2012, 02:36 PM
It's all to do with 'Equality and Diversity'.

The Left have been out to prove 'we're all equal' by insisting 'education is for all'.

That's ripped out of context. Education should be available for everyone, so that their education matches their potential. The Dutch system works perfectly, when you have the work ethic and brains for university, you can go to university, if you're poor or rich doesn't matter.

01-13-2012, 03:15 PM
The current educational system on a higher level in particular, favours, in many subjects and many universities, despite other official goals, conformity and social adaptation, as well as a stamina and industriousness.

This, automatically, favours women and makes it easier for them - as well as by societal pressures or "new alternatives" they think of being "a privilege" while males do no(t) longer. This additional motivation as being "an emancipated and modern women which takes the challenge and uses the opportunities result in higher female numbers graduating. Many males take alternative chances and go into business more directly or, like I said, are not socially adapted, motivated enough and lack the stamina.

Also, consider the fact that females have a more uniform intelligence level, which means they have less extremes, while males have more peak type genius as well as plain idiots.

But again, as the main reason I consider this educational system being no longer disciplined nor hierarchical. Females will still go for social acceptance and adaptation, regardless of those pressures-structures-benefits, but many more males will fail, because this society has more and more feminised structures, which start at kindergarten and school, if considering gender-re-education and all that Cultural Marxist and Liberalist crap.

This, or a larger amount of practical work as oppossed to theoretical work. Furthermore, people who get an education and don't do anything with it, should be fined, or atleast pay increased rent. There are so many women that live on taxpayers money for 5+ years to get an education, after which they get kids and stay at home, total waste.

First, that is no waste, but much more productive than females which get no kids at all. Secondly, they might still work later or use their education in another way - and of course, this academic standard might prove certain qualities they have, probably at least.

Education should not be seen in an only economical, even worse Capitalist context anyway, because true education and knowledge is more than just being prepared for a job, actually, that's not the only, probably not even the main thing about classic European education, but of course, in this Liberalist crap society, too many people forgot that...

01-13-2012, 04:02 PM
First, that is no waste, but much more productive than females which get no kids at all. Secondly, they might still work later or use their education in another way - and of course, this academic standard might prove certain qualities they have, probably at least.

Education should not be seen in an only economical, even worse Capitalist context anyway, because true education and knowledge is more than just being prepared for a job, actually, that's not the only, probably not even the main thing about classic European education, but of course, in this Liberalist crap society, too many people forgot that...

I'm not saying I don't value education in everyone, be it Housewives or people devoting their life to science. It's just that when you spend that much time on getting an education with someone else's money, you should make an effort to pay your debt to society (by using it or by paying back your educational fees). I agree that an education is so much more then preparation for a job, but education that is not put into practice is still completly useless.

01-13-2012, 04:13 PM
I'm not saying I don't value education in everyone, be it Housewives or people devoting their life to science. It's just that when you spend that much time on getting an education with someone else's money, you should make an effort to pay your debt to society (by using it or by paying back your educational fees). I agree that an education is so much more then preparation for a job, but education that is not put into practice is still completly useless.

Being a well educated mother of valuable children, boys and girls probably, of which at least the boys will work longer, is more valuable than being a childless person doing "some job" in the economy, while losing that bloodline and valuable genetic and memetic heritage forever.

People are, in this and many other respects, just much to short term and Capitalistic oriented, on the longer run, such higher level mothers of valuable children are a great asset and if they act so, they pay back more than the average "woman in business".

Because, how many women do things so important, that is of a greater benefit to their group than valuable children and being a great mother?

Just a few, very few, especially if considering what jobs males could do as good or mothers of many children in a part time job, or even foreign contract workers...

Everything is better than those women staying childless - in most cases, if ignoring a few female genius probably and even those do better get kids as well, even if being born or raised by other women - their genes are even more valuable...

I agree that an education is so much more then preparation for a job, but education that is not put into practice is still completly useless.

Not necessarily, if it helped a person to develop itself and come to a higher intellectual level, for example.

Many people profit from valuable education (not just ideological re-education/indoctrination) in many ways, a lot of people seem to neglect, but which might come back - in a positive way - on society again.

Question is rather, in such cases, about which studies we talk.

I mean doing a technical or medical degree without using is it surely less important for other areas of life, in most cases, than doing "classic educational studies".

With the first being also more expensive...

Der Steinadler
01-13-2012, 04:24 PM
That's ripped out of context. Education should be available for everyone, so that their education matches their potential. The Dutch system works perfectly, when you have the work ethic and brains for university, you can go to university, if you're poor or rich doesn't matter.

That's not how the left see it.

According to their ideology (i.e. its the envionment) everyone has the potential to be an Ernest Rutherford, hence, one, reason why they've expanded the HE system. The fact that only small section of the population has the Natural ability for academic pursuits dosn't enter their minds, and hence, again, the reason why the west now has millions of skil'less idiots running around with nothing but bits of paper.

As someone suggested, apprenticeships should be returned as means for the non-academic to aquire skills in a structured environment.

01-13-2012, 08:07 PM
According to their ideology (i.e. its the envionment) everyone has the potential to be an Ernest Rutherford, hence, one, reason why they've expanded the HE system. The fact that only small section of the population has the Natural ability for academic pursuits dosn't enter their minds, and hence, again, the reason why the west now has millions of skil'less idiots running around with nothing but bits of paper.

They do it because they are making money hand-over-fist ripping off students.

Der Steinadler
01-13-2012, 08:35 PM
They do it because they are making money hand-over-fist ripping off students.


The communists have a long term agenda, they're not after a quick buck. The purpose of tampering with the HE system is to dumb the population down. The Jews can't run the world if there's a more informed and more intelligent people knocking about.

Dumb goyim is what they want.

The thing is, they've been fortunate enough to have a population who are focused on nothing but.....climbing the greasy pole. Hence the reason why its been so easy for them to do what they've done.

01-13-2012, 10:00 PM

The communists have a long term agenda, they're not after a quick buck. The purpose of tampering with the HE system is to dumb the population down. The Jews can't run the world if there's a more informed and more intelligent people knocking about.

Dumb goyim is what they want.

The thing is, they've been fortunate enough to have a population who are focused on nothing but.....climbing the greasy pole. Hence the reason why its been so easy for them to do what they've done.

You've got to be kidding me. You people with "the jews are running the world" bullshit have some serious mental problems.

As a side note, if anything things are declining for Jews in general if you look at how things are going. As history shows, more often than not, for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.