View Full Version : German or Turk/Kurd?

01-14-2012, 09:36 AM
This question is for Germans or people living in Germany.
Though I think I look like neither typical German nor Turk/Kurd, if you see me in Germany what will you think about my ethnicity? Will you take me for local or part of the biggest minorities there?
I'm just curious.

01-14-2012, 09:41 AM
You're the ugliest specimen I've ever seen. Sorry bro, but in Poland, you'd be mistake for Gypsy with Mongoloid influence.

01-14-2012, 09:43 AM
Sure wouldn't be seen as a German expect by the PC Cultural Marxists.

01-14-2012, 09:45 AM
You're the ugliest specimen I've ever seen. Sorry bro, but in Poland, you'd be mistake for Gypsy with Mongoloid influence.

I didn't ask for Polish vodka drinker to spoil my thread. Go sell your sister to a German pimp for some money.

01-14-2012, 09:48 AM
Sure wouldn't be seen as a German expect by the PC Cultural Marxists.

I've seen Germans even darker than me Borreby bro :p But it's not the question here.

01-14-2012, 09:49 AM
I didn't ask for Polish vodka drinker to spoil my thread. Go sell your sister to a German pimp for some money.
talking to you is like clapping with one hand

01-14-2012, 09:54 AM
Pontid/Eastmediterranid with slight Dinarid and significant Mongoliform influences, could be Eastbaltid, but probably real Turanid/Tungoid.

In Germany, I would think of you being Turkish, Kurdish or Gypsy, rather.

It is not about a single trait, but rather the combination of traits, which is very unusual for Germans, even those with clear Mediterranid or Dinarid predominance.

And it is not so much about pigmentation, but rather facial details and proportions.

01-14-2012, 09:56 AM
Pontid/Eastmediterranid with slight Dinarid and significant Mongoliform influences, could be Eastbaltid, but probably real Turanid/Tungoid.

In Germany, I would think of you being Turkish, Kurdish or Gypsy, rather.

It is not about a single trait, but rather the combination of traits, which is very unusual for Germans, even those with clear Mediterranid or Dinarid predominance.

And it is not so much about pigmentation, but rather facial details and proportions.
Ya. He'd never strike me as German.

01-14-2012, 09:56 AM
Chances of you passing as a German in Germany are very low. You would probably be mistaken for a Turk.

01-14-2012, 09:58 AM
Pontid/Eastmediterranid with slight Dinarid and significant Mongoliform influences, could be Eastbaltid, but probably real Turanid/Tungoid.

In Germany, I would think of you being Turkish, Kurdish or Gypsy, rather.

It is not about a single trait, but rather the combination of traits, which is very unusual for Germans, even those with clear Mediterranid or Dinarid predominance.

And it is not so much about pigmentation, but rather facial details and proportions.


01-14-2012, 09:59 AM
You don't look Bulgarian neither, I doubt that you speak Bulgarian too. I would thought that you are a gypsy or a turk, but it's not possible for you to be Bulgarian

01-14-2012, 10:03 AM
you don't look bulgarian neither, i doubt that you speak bulgarian too. I would thought that you are a gypsy or a turk, but it's not possible for you to be bulgarian

Честен ли си? И защо мислиш така? Хах.

01-14-2012, 10:06 AM
Честен ли си? И защо мислиш така? Хах.
Значи си някакъв трол, а ако не си въобще не приличаш на българин :d

01-14-2012, 10:08 AM
Значи си някакъв трол, а ако не си въобще не приличаш на българин :d

Нордид, хаха...ти си този който не прилича на българин ;)

01-14-2012, 10:17 AM
I don't want to spoil this thread but you're swarthy even for a Western or NorthEastern Turk.

You are surely not an original "Volga Bulgar" either.

Your features don't even look Thracian:

You're some sort of Slavic/Gypsy mixture or Romanian/Gypsy

01-14-2012, 10:22 AM
Would be considered to look 'foreign' or 'ethnic' in any part of America

01-14-2012, 10:23 AM
You know how Ancient Bulgarians and Thracians looked like? You are several thousands years old, man. Congrats.

01-14-2012, 10:23 AM
I think his traits are the result of a specific recombination: Darker Mediterranid-Dinarid plus Mongoloid admixture in a more direct or diluted form (Eastbaltid even?).

I guess, if looking up his ancestors and relatives, one might see those two different elements being present. And as we know, the light Mongoliform Eastbaltids look less foreign, so do the darkest Mediterranids.

But recombine this dark pigmentation with the Mongoliform facial traits...

You know how Ancient Bulgarians and Thracians looked like?

Well, we have the skulls, and those can be analysed.

01-14-2012, 10:26 AM
My hair is dark brown and my eyes are hazel.
In Anthroscape, I posted pictures of my brother and 5-6 of my cousins and they were classified as Pontid/Dinarid/East Med/Alpinid/slight Turanid in two of them. Nothing non-Bulgarian, noone was classified Armenoid, Iranid, Indid or other exotic types for Bulgaria.
And I've never been thought for a gypsy in Bulgaria.

01-14-2012, 10:26 AM
You know how Ancient Bulgarians and Thracians looked like?

All of you all look alike

Hurrem sultana
01-14-2012, 10:29 AM
you look like a turk more,you would never pass as bosnian for all i know

01-14-2012, 10:29 AM
Well, we have the skulls, and those can be analysed.

They looked nothing like that guy was saying. Volga Bulgars are heavily influenced by Turko-Kipchaks. Thracians were a very diverse tribe, some where Nordid, but the most were East Med/Pontid/Dinarid.

01-14-2012, 10:36 AM
My hair is dark brown and my eyes are hazel.
In Anthroscape, I posted pictures of my brother and 5-6 of my cousins and they were classified as Pontid/Dinarid/East Med/Alpinid/slight Turanid in two of them. Nothing non-Bulgarian, noone was classified Armenoid, Iranid, Indid or other exotic types for Bulgaria.
And I've never been thought for a gypsy in Bulgaria.

If you have real Bulgarian Turanid/Eurasian, and not just Eastbaltid, the component which makes you rather exotic could look, in a more pure form, similar to this guy, here besides a more typical Bulgarian woman (Nordid-Pontid + Baltoid inspiration):


Among most non-Indo-European steppe people, which came to Europe (Huns, Avars, Old Magyars, Old Bulgarians, Turks etc.), phenotypes like that were present - I don't know his exact ethnic background, but he just fits the bill...

Again, if you don't have Eastbaltid, this component is most likely and is what makes you more exotic.

His name is Krasimir Balakov:

Mix that Turanid (Pamirid-Tungoid) variant with Mediterranid, and you could get a similar phenotype to your's.

I saw many Turks of such phenotypes too, both pure and mixed - often with Mediterranoid/Anadolid, so the similarity to you is easy to explain.

01-14-2012, 10:38 AM
North Pontid+Baltid is not typical combination among Bulgarians. The woman is not the most common Bulgarian woman too. She looks Northern Slav.

01-14-2012, 10:39 AM
Yes Agrippa, teh typical Burglarian women is Blonde+blueeyed+pinkish skin:rolleyes:

Just because Bosnian have those characteristics, it doesnt mean all s.slavs have em

01-14-2012, 10:41 AM
This is typical Bulgarian woman:


01-14-2012, 10:41 AM
North Pontid+Baltid is not typical combination among Bulgarians. The woman is not the most common Bulgarian woman too. She looks Northern Slav.
Rather Ukrainian or Russian looking.

Dr. van Winkle
01-14-2012, 10:42 AM
In Germany, I would think of you being Turkish, Kurdish or Gypsy, rather.

Balkan Gypsies aren't East-Mediterranid but rather Indo-Alpinoid (which is their metrical average type) or less often, Indid, depending on the individual mix. Weddid influences are present too.

It is not about a single trait, but rather the combination of traits, which is very unusual for Germans, even those with clear Mediterranid or Dinarid predominance.

Agrippa himself has black hair, that's why he formulated it in that way ("it is not about a single trait").

Anyway, Agrippa lives in Austria as far as I know, not Germany, so I don't know what makes him so sure that there aren't at least somewhat similar-looking South Germans.

Southwestern German (could pass as a Swiss German):


Well, that guy who is one of my friends is at least an Atlantid proper type and not a delusional wannabe-Italian.

01-14-2012, 10:42 AM
This is typical Bulgarian woman:

indeed feuerfrei, teh typical bulgarian women is a hoe

01-14-2012, 10:49 AM
Yes Agrippa, teh typical Burglarian women is Blonde+blueeyed+pinkish skin:rolleyes:

Just because Bosnian have those characteristics, it doesnt mean all s.slavs have em

I didn't said this is THE typical Bulgarian type, but it is MORE typical and regular.

I personally met various Bulgarians which are pred. Nordoid, so it is at least not that uncommon. And of course, the standard Bulgarian is Pontid-Mediterranid, little doubts about that.

Balkan Gypsies aren't East-Mediterranid but rather Indo-Alpinoid (which is their metrical average type) or less often, Indid, depending on the individual mix. Weddid influences are present too.

You just repeat what I said all the time, but the reason I said so is, that some Gypsies are mixed Europeans, which can make them look "hairy Pseudo-Mediterranean" and Gypsies have, especially in certain regions and clans, also Mongoloid influences.

And again, that were just the first things which came to my mind.

Agrippa himself has black hair, that's why he formulated it in that way ("it is not about a single trait").

Sure it isn't, because more than the colour of his hair, it is the shape and amount of it.

You can easily find, in various regions of Germany, people with such dark hair, but the skin colour less frequently and the combination of this dark hair + that skin color + that shape and amount of hair (just look at the eyebrows, though he is still very young) alone would make anybody more exotic.

But still, that could be found, but yet combine that with the Mongoloid influences and it is virtually non-existent.

So it is not a single trait, but the combination of traits.

01-14-2012, 10:56 AM
Does not look German, Turkish or Ainu!

To me he looks like some kind of a native american.

01-14-2012, 11:01 AM
Does not look German, Turkish or Ainu!

To me he looks like some kind of a native american.
He look like lighter mestizo, indeed.

Dr. van Winkle
01-14-2012, 11:10 AM
But still, that could be found, but yet combine that with the Mongoloid influences and it is virtually non-existent.

Germans have a big phenotypic variation and they are on average more mixed than the more westerly populations.

Gregory Engels, German politician of the "Pirate Party":



Man from East Germany:


Ethnic German of partial Bohemian ancestry (from today's Czech Republic):


Günther Beckstein, conservative Bavarian politician:


"Casper", a popular rapper of half-German half-American ancestry:


01-14-2012, 11:13 AM
Show me mixtures of hairy Eastmediterranids with darker pigmentation which have Mongoloid influences.

Those you posted look all more or less exotic, but only this one comes remotely close:

Without us knowing anything about his exact ancestry and still he looks much more regular than the user we classified.

So show me hairy-dark Eastmediterranids + Mongoloid admixture which are native Germans.

01-14-2012, 11:17 AM
I am amazed. Nobody in Bulgaria have ever told me I look dark or hairy. Most of the guys my age I know are hairier than me, and my skin colour surely is not that foreign to Germany. I think it's just my facial characteristics that would make me alien in Germany.

01-14-2012, 11:33 AM
I am amazed. Nobody in Bulgaria have ever told me I look dark or hairy. Most of the guys my age I know are hairier than me

Bulgarians are in the zone of increased hairiness, which is centered in the Europid race around the Caucasus, with a peak in the Armenoids and Iranids.

So I don't wonder about you being not that hairy in comparison to other Bulgarians your age, but I think your eye brows in particular are significantly more bushy than what is usual for young Germans and of course, the decreased level in comparison to some Bulgarians, if talking about f.e. facial and body hair, might be the result of the Mongoloid tendency.

That's something I noticed in some Central Asians too btw, if they are a mix between Mongoloid and hairy Europid, they often have still quite bushy eye brows and other body parts, but are overall still not as hairy as Iranids-Armenoids.

and my skin colour surely is not that foreign to Germany. I think it's just my facial characteristics that would make me alien in Germany.

Mainly those indeed.

But you are not that dark, yes, still the skin tone is somewhat strange, probably it has something to do with the lighting too.

01-14-2012, 11:58 AM
So you are finding Mongoloid in me and saying I'm Eurasian?
Sorry, this is Eurasian:
And my eyebrows are not so bushy at all, maybe for German yes, but not for Bulgarian, even this female model has bigger eyebrows than mine (they are partially removed on that picture):

01-14-2012, 11:58 AM
He is not dark for Bulgarian standards. I've seen pure Romanians, Serbs and Bulgarians much darker than him.

01-14-2012, 12:02 PM
So you are finding Mongoloid in me and saying I'm Eurasian?
Sorry, this is Eurasian:

That's correct. My idea would be that if you combine that with an Eastmediterranid type, similar variants like yours could be the result. So going rather into the "quarter" or lower Mongoloid direction.

How old are you?

01-14-2012, 12:05 PM

So, maybe my type is something like theirs...it makes sense.


01-14-2012, 12:10 PM
This guy has been guessed as a chilean mestizo, latino, gypsy, iranian, all this reflected on his behavior, he has serious complexed towards me because i am a lighter type, and he calls me nordicist, non bulgarian gypsy troll etc.
No retard, you dont look bulgarian, here iwhat you said on anthroscape

Some idiots who were possibly skinheads accused me of being gypsy in Sofia some years ago just because I went on sea that year and looked darker because of that.

And no you cannot pass a German, only in your dreams maybe

Dr. van Winkle
01-14-2012, 12:12 PM
So show me hairy-dark Eastmediterranids + Mongoloid admixture which are native Germans.

Theodor Heuss, German politician who served as the first president after WW2. Very slight influences of these races are quite likely in his case (also note the prominent, hairy eyebrows):




Ferdinand Marian, German/Austrian actor with East-Mediterranid features of Neolithic origin and probably very slight Mongolid influence too because of his extraordinarily long midface and nasal overgrowth:




German woman from Upper Bavaria:


01-14-2012, 12:12 PM
First they were drunk, second they were with your level of intellect, ranger.
Leo, can I pass as an Albanian since I don't look Bulgarian according to you?

01-14-2012, 12:16 PM
I think the Middle east or Central Asia suits you better, I doubt you can pass as an Albo

01-14-2012, 12:16 PM
Pontid/Eastmediterranid with slight Dinarid and significant Mongoliform influences, could be Eastbaltid, but probably real Turanid/Tungoid.

In Germany, I would think of you being Turkish, Kurdish or Gypsy, rather.

It is not about a single trait, but rather the combination of traits, which is very unusual for Germans, even those with clear Mediterranid or Dinarid predominance.

And it is not so much about pigmentation, but rather facial details and proportions.

He doesn't look gypsy,at least not what I'd call "proper". I would have said he's a Szekeler or Csango type - magyarized turkic minorities from Romania(though not all look that Asiatic).

01-14-2012, 12:17 PM
Theodor Heuss, German politician who served as the first president after WW2. Very slight influences of these races are quite likely in his case (also note the prominent, hairy eyebrows):




Ferdinand Marian, German/Austrian actor with East-Mediterranid features of Neolithic origin and probably very slight Mongolid influence too because of his extraordinarily long midface and nasal overgrowth:




German woman from Upper Bavaria:


Heuss looks only strange on the last picture, when he is "aufgedunsen" and the others are pred. Dinarid-Mediterranid and Dinarid respectively.

They don't come close, only Heuss shows a slight Mongoliform tendency probably.

01-14-2012, 12:23 PM
When i said Bulgarian i forgot to mention the Balkans overall.So my answer is a big NO.And i can pass more easily in Bulgaria than you do.

Albanians have less Mongoloid influences than Romanians, Hungarians and Bulgarians, so definitely no.

01-14-2012, 12:24 PM
Your comments are kinda not coherent with the reality. As I have mentioned several times in Bulgaria the only people who have ever thought I'm not Bulgarian are that drunk skinheads ranger mentioned. And in Anthroscape almost everybody agreed that I look Bulgarian when I revealed my ethnicity, so don't listen to that hateful skinhead ranger. He often jokes with Bulgarians posting an ethnic gypsy and saying their phenotype are common among Bulgarians and also calling tanned or olive-skinned ethnic Bulgarians gypsies.

01-14-2012, 12:28 PM
Your comments are kinda not coherent with the reality. As I have mentioned several times in Bulgaria the only people who have ever thought I'm not Bulgarian are that drunk skinheads ranger mentioned. And in Anthroscape almost everybody agreed that I look Bulgarian when I revealed my ethnicity, so don't listen to that hateful skinhead ranger. He often jokes with Bulgarians posting an ethnic gypsy and saying their phenotype are common among Bulgarians and also calling tanned or olive-skinned ethnic Bulgarians gypsies.

Well, I am sober and I am not a skinhead and I am telling you that there is no way you could be a pure Bulgarian :D

01-14-2012, 12:28 PM
All bulgarian on this board and on anthroscape agreed that you are not bulgarian. People guessed you as a gypsy, latin america, thats why you are posting gypsies as a bulgarians, because you are one of them.
And No i am not a skinhead, and i have nothing to do with them

01-14-2012, 12:29 PM
Lithium, I have seen your posts, you post blonde models as typical Bulgarians. You are obviously trying to prove Bulgarians are Nordid/Baltid like your Russian mother, but this is impossible.

01-14-2012, 12:31 PM
If you have real Bulgarian Turanid/Eurasian, and not just Eastbaltid, the component which makes you rather exotic could look, in a more pure form, similar to this guy, here besides a more typical Bulgarian woman (Nordid-Pontid + Baltoid inspiration):


Among most non-Indo-European steppe people, which came to Europe (Huns, Avars, Old Magyars, Old Bulgarians, Turks etc.), phenotypes like that were present - I don't know his exact ethnic background, but he just fits the bill...

Again, if you don't have Eastbaltid, this component is most likely and is what makes you more exotic.

His name is Krasimir Balakov:

Mix that Turanid (Pamirid-Tungoid) variant with Mediterranid, and you could get a similar phenotype to your's.

I saw many Turks of such phenotypes too, both pure and mixed - often with Mediterranoid/Anadolid, so the similarity to you is easy to explain.

Everyone in Bulgaria knows who Bala is. I've never heard or read anything that would suggest other ethnicity for him than Bulgarian. As far as I'm concerned he's 100% Bulgarian and I'm proud to have him on team Bulgaria.

As for feuerfrei I fail to see anything Mongoloid about him, though he's definitely not among the most typical Bulgarians.

01-14-2012, 12:32 PM
I am a pure bulgarian unless you, I cant be sure what are you, because we ethnic bulgarians are less than 3/4 in our own country. You are some shit ethnicity for sure. And no I do not post blondes, i am not a blodne myself, I do not like blondes, I am posting a pics of crowds and groups not individuals

01-14-2012, 12:33 PM
I am a pure bulgarian unless you, I cant be sure what are you, because we ethnic bulgarians are less than 3/4 in our own country. You are some shit ethnicity for sure. And no I do not post blondes, i am not a blodne myself, I do not like blondes, I am posting a pics of crowds and groups not individuals

You post typical Bulgarians, yes, I was talking about Lithium.

01-14-2012, 12:33 PM
Everyone in Bulgaria knows who Bala is. I've never heard or read anything that would suggest other ethnicity for him than Bulgarian. As far as I'm concerned he's 100% Bulgarian and I'm proud to he have him in team Bulgaria.
Bala is a gypsy but he always done his best to represent Bulgaria. Good football player

01-14-2012, 12:34 PM
He is not exotic for an Albanian.

01-14-2012, 12:42 PM
He is not exotic for an Albanian.
Dis is how teh typical alboh look like


01-14-2012, 12:44 PM
This guy has been guessed as a chilean mestizo, latino, gypsy, iranian, all this reflected on his behavior, he has serious complexed towards me because i am a lighter type, and he calls me nordicist, non bulgarian gypsy troll etc.
No retard, you dont look bulgarian, here iwhat you said on anthroscape

And no you cannot pass a German, only in your dreams maybe

How can you POSSIBLY be a skinhead?

01-14-2012, 12:49 PM
Better photo of Hashim Thaçi and he doesnt look exotic:


01-14-2012, 12:51 PM
Better photos of Hashim Thaçi and he doesnt look exotic:
you are wrong Rron, thaci IS exotic. My cousin look quite similar to him, and he is teh most exotic cousin i have

Exotic pride world wide

01-14-2012, 01:00 PM
talking to you is like clapping with one handsome people dont get your humor mordid, (which is sad:D) plus he is new, so should be forgiving:p

01-14-2012, 01:00 PM
He look exotic:

01-14-2012, 01:09 PM
This question is for Germans or people living in Germany.
Though I think I look like neither typical German nor Turk/Kurd, if you see me in Germany what will you think about my ethnicity? Will you take me for local or part of the biggest minorities there?
I'm just curious.

I will be honest: You don't look German in any way, shape or form, I've never met a German who looks like you. I'd put you between Bulgaria and Aserbaidschan.

01-14-2012, 01:13 PM
He look exotic:

Is he typical in Serbia?

Dr. van Winkle
01-14-2012, 01:26 PM
Albanians have less Mongoloid influences than Romanians, Hungarians and Bulgarians, so definitely no.

Gojart Ferati is a brown-haired Albanian male model with Mongoloid (Sinid and Tungid) admixture, even extremely so.




feuerfrei is definitely less Mongolid than the Albanian. He looks mostly like Coon's example of a typical Pontid from Bulgaria, so I don't see what the big deal is anyway. He looks like what he is, Bulgarian.


01-14-2012, 01:32 PM
He doesn't look typically pontid, just look at the eye shape, jaw-angle and cheekbones among other things.

He has a strong influence, similar to this Pontid Bulgarian, that is right, but the deviation comes from the direction I described.

I'm not sure how common that is in Bulgaria, from my personal observation it is VERY RARE, but I just know that Mongoloid influences are present there of course, most likely the results of Turkic influences, ancient ones primarily.

Pred. Pontid-Mediterranid Bulgarians for comparison:

01-14-2012, 01:34 PM

feuerfrei reminds me of this bloke.

01-14-2012, 01:34 PM
To the original poster- Looking at those pics you provided, you are not German.

01-14-2012, 01:37 PM
Is he typical in Serbia?
He is typical serb

01-14-2012, 01:40 PM
I'm getting curious now as to how would dr. Agrippa diagnose me.:)

01-14-2012, 01:59 PM
HOLY SHIT ARE YOU BULGARIAN?! you look more like a turk or a south american mestizo! i would classify you as East-med + Turanoid

YOU cant pass for BULGARIAN even though you are BULGARIAN so that only means one thing YOU ARE NOT BULGARIAN!

01-14-2012, 02:02 PM
...Though I think I look like neither typical German nor Turk/Kurd, if you see me in Germany what will you think about my ethnicity? Will you take me for local or part of the biggest minorities there?


If there is only that choice to answer your question - German or Turk/Kurd? - I would think you're definitely German cos you do not look like Turk/Kurd at all but you can be German.
Turks/kurds have rather rugged uncultivated features of people who generally make impression like they do not burdened with much self-reflection or any delicate feelings.
On the other hand I have seen a lot of Germans who do have some kind of weird and awkward look and I would think you are just one of them. Also you have problems with your facial skin which is much more typical for Germans than for Turks/kurds.

01-14-2012, 02:03 PM
If there is only that choice to answer your question - German or Turk/Kurd? - I would think you're definitely German cos you do not look like Turk/Kurd at all but you can be German.
Turks/kurds have rather rugged uncultivated features of people who generally make impression like they do not burdened with much self-reflection or any delicate feelings.
On the other hand I have seen a lot of Germans who do have some kind of weird and awkward look and I would think you are just one of them. Also you have problems with your facial skin which is much more typical for Germans than for Turks/kurds.


01-14-2012, 02:03 PM
^ Joke of the day

01-14-2012, 02:06 PM
If there is only that choice to answer your question - German or Turk/Kurd? - I would think you're definitely German cos you do not look like Turk/Kurd at all but you can be German.
Turks/kurds have rather rugged uncultivated features of people who generally make impression like they do not burdened with much self-reflection or any delicate feelings.
On the other hand I have seen a lot of Germans who do have some kind of weird and awkward look and I would think you are just one of them. Also you have problems with your facial skin which is much more typical for Germans than for Turks/kurds.

Are you daft? He looks about as German as a piece of shit does.

01-14-2012, 02:08 PM
To sum it up: More typical Turkish or Kurdish than German, also exotic for Bulgaria, but not out of the range of what's observable there.

01-14-2012, 02:14 PM
^ Joke of the day

Todays funniest guy :coffee: :rolleyes2:

01-14-2012, 02:16 PM
You look nothing european. You look more like a turk/kurd.

01-14-2012, 02:18 PM
and this Bulgarian will call me bulgarian....

Dr. van Winkle
01-14-2012, 02:22 PM
Pred. Pontid-Mediterranid Bulgarians for comparison:

Without doubt, this anthropological example you posted may be called progressive, but he seems to have Baltid or rather "Gorid" admixture:


Russian actor Aleksandr Peskov for comparison, who is predominantly Gorid:


There is fluent transition from this type to robust East-Nordid, as both of these races presumably have been typical of the earliest Slavs.

Russian actor Stanislav Lyubshin:


01-14-2012, 02:26 PM
Without doubt, this anthropological example you posted may be called progressive, but he seems to have Baltid or rather "Gorid" admixture:

Yes, he might be deviating somewhat towards Alpinoid. However, I wrote predominantely Pontid and that he is. The Pontid element is still clearly predominant in him, going after that picture.

01-14-2012, 02:47 PM
Because of the way you phrased the question, I am forced to reply with Turk. However, you wouldn't really strike me as either. You don't seem to be the most typical Bulgarian from what i've seen, but like Agrippa said you are still in the range.

And don't listen to some of the more extreme comments, a lot of the people here are just trolls with nothing better to do but smear other people.

01-14-2012, 02:48 PM
If you have real Bulgarian Turanid/Eurasian, and not just Eastbaltid, the component which makes you rather exotic could look, in a more pure form, similar to this guy, here besides a more typical Bulgarian woman (Nordid-Pontid + Baltoid inspiration):


Among most non-Indo-European steppe people, which came to Europe (Huns, Avars, Old Magyars, Old Bulgarians, Turks etc.), phenotypes like that were present - I don't know his exact ethnic background, but he just fits the bill...

Again, if you don't have Eastbaltid, this component is most likely and is what makes you more exotic.

His name is Krasimir Balakov:

Mix that Turanid (Pamirid-Tungoid) variant with Mediterranid, and you could get a similar phenotype to your's.

I saw many Turks of such phenotypes too, both pure and mixed - often with Mediterranoid/Anadolid, so the similarity to you is easy to explain.

WOW, what am I reading?

Firstly, this guy is basically az east-mediterranid...
...with veddoid influence. This face reminds me the hungarians with romani (not romanian!) ancestry. Maybe he has central-asian root, however it is not so significant on his face directly, rather he has a nort-indian looking, whos have slightly mongolid influence too.

Secondly, I respect so Agrippa and his works here or other places, but it seems so interesting, what he has described the ancient magyars as out-europeans without any evidence. The finno-ugrians ancient magyars came from the upper Volga region most likely.

Furthermore we don't know surely the concrete types of the ancient magyars, we just know the types of the inhabitants of the Carpathian-basin in the 10th century. However we don't know who was the finno-ugrian magyar herder, who was the subjugate turkic nobleman or the slavic peasant. The only assistance is the grave goods, but the in the nineteens the hungarian archeologists many ancient magyar graves described as "slavic", because they were with poor supplement or without that. The ancient magyars have mixed types as turanid or uralid obiviously, however we don't know more about these, f.e. the language of these mixed types surely.

01-14-2012, 02:49 PM
Agrippa himself has black hair, that's why he formulated it in that way ("it is not about a single trait").


01-14-2012, 02:53 PM
It's impossible to confuse you for a German :)

01-14-2012, 03:01 PM
So show me [...] Mongoloid admixture which are native Germans.

Anna Rausch from Tirol, from a largely isolated austrWAIT german population.




Her face is quite typical among hungarian with mongolid influence, she is a turanid+dinarid blend, however this face is not common among modern hungarian population, but I see this type among rural hungarians. Futhermore the girl with the Accordion has slightly turanid influence, her face rather common in Hungary, the third chick with the Harpe is common type in Hungary.

She has an own thread this section:


01-14-2012, 03:09 PM
He doesn't look gypsy,at least not what I'd call "proper". I would have said he's a Szekeler or Csango type - magyarized turkic minorities from Romania(though not all look that Asiatic).

Bad news: the szeklers are not distinguishable to the average moldavian population with hungarian eyes. Moreover the szeklers, transylvanian hungarians, transylvanian saxons, romanians are so similar. They obiviously mixed each other in the last thousend years, thus nowadays the szeklers are a dinarid-mediterranid-baltid-alpinid-turanid mix too like as the others. However orignally in the nineteens the turanid and the armenid were more common among szeklers, the dinarid and mediterranid were more common among romanians. But nowadays after the 20th century... The language and the religion are the main difference rather.

Niegosław Paprocki
01-14-2012, 03:10 PM
Yes, this looks like a typical German. It couldn't be any more obvious.

01-14-2012, 03:25 PM
I know a Peruvian man who looks like you.

01-14-2012, 03:25 PM
Why do you want to pass as something that you are not? Regardless of what country you may be able to blend into, even your own, be happy of yourself. Everyone is unique in the way they look. So what if you look cygany, mongoloid, german, or iranic etc.? Live your life. Who cares what others think of you. Just be proud of yourself in your own skin. Surely there are people who like how you look and others who do not. Considering that it is impossible to be something you are not, make the best of what you really are. Besides, do you want to know what you look like? You look like yourself. Coming from a heterosexual person as myself, your not a bad looking human being anyways. Take it as you will. :thumb001:

01-14-2012, 04:00 PM
You remind the Chechen guys from this video(skip to 04:11):


01-14-2012, 04:01 PM
It's e very interesting head (from an anthropological point of view) but I can't identify his subraces. He looks very odd IMO.

In any case he doesn't look GERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And not even Turkish or kurdish IMO.

01-14-2012, 04:15 PM
He asked to be classified, not to be insulted or reading stupid comments. Stay on topic and polite.

01-14-2012, 04:19 PM
What a nice guys you are (most of you). :D
It's useless to delete the pics because some idiots quoted them, very well.

01-14-2012, 04:29 PM
Bad news: the szeklers are not distinguishable to the average moldavian population with hungarian eyes. Moreover the szeklers, transylvanian hungarians, transylvanian saxons, romanians are so similar. They obiviously mixed each other in the last thousend years, thus nowadays the szeklers are a dinarid-mediterranid-baltid-alpinid-turanid mix too like as the others. However orignally in the nineteens the turanid and the armenid were more common among szeklers, the dinarid and mediterranid were more common among romanians. But nowadays after the 20th century... The language and the religion are the main difference rather.

Depends on the individuals because not only one kind of people have been magyarized,I said only some of them look pure turanic anyway,and I don't think Romanians would mix with them,especially in the past,unless the Romanians were magyarized 1st.

01-14-2012, 04:53 PM
Isn't celti a german? Why so isn't the OP?

01-14-2012, 05:00 PM
Germans have a big phenotypic variation and they are on average more mixed than the more westerly populations.

Gregory Engels, German politician of the "Pirate Party":



Man from East Germany:


Ethnic German of partial Bohemian ancestry (from today's Czech Republic):


Günther Beckstein, conservative Bavarian politician:


"Casper", a popular rapper of half-German half-American ancestry:


thanks for posting these people, mate :thumb001:

I think we often tend to forget how diverse Europeans are

01-14-2012, 05:31 PM
He is not exotic for an Albanian.
Spare us please from your nonsense, and do not forget to open parachute next time .

you are wrong Rron, thaci IS exotic. My cousin look quite similar to him, and he is teh most exotic cousin i have

I only compared photos.

01-14-2012, 06:34 PM
Spare us please from your nonsense, and do not forget to open parachute next time .

So what's exotic in him? He looks Indian or Cameroonian?

01-14-2012, 09:09 PM
Relax man, you are an Übermensch

01-14-2012, 10:24 PM
His name is Krasimir Balakov:

reminds me of Toni Polster, austrian football player.

The Ripper
01-14-2012, 10:32 PM
This is typical Bulgarian woman:


I'm going to Bulgaria.

King Claus
01-14-2012, 10:55 PM
so where is the picture of the guy that started the topic

01-15-2012, 12:19 AM
Never been to Bulgaria but the guy doesn't look thaaaaaat off for the balkan region IMO.

01-15-2012, 12:21 AM
Never been to Bulgaria but the guy doesn't look thaaaaaat off for the balkan region IMO.

how can you see the photos? I think he have deleted it. Or is it a problem with my PC?
I don't see his photos yet.

Dr. van Winkle
01-15-2012, 08:24 AM
He looks about as German as a piece of shit does.

What a tasteless comment, but consider this: The night is black, chocolate is dark brown, shit is medium brown and pee is yellow. ;)

Ca. 60% of the ethnic Germans in southern Germany have dark hair according to some statistics by the way.

01-15-2012, 12:51 PM
Ca. 60% of the ethnic Germans in southern Germany have dark hair according to some statistics by the way.
That's not true, reality disproves it.

01-15-2012, 01:39 PM
He is typical serb

Is he typical in Serbia?

Tadic is 1/2 from Montenegro and 1/2 Bosnian Serb. He doesn't look exotic. He's Atlanto-Pontid with Cromagnid influences.



If Tadic is "exotic" then how exotic are these 8 out of 33 current or recent Albanian footballers from Albanian national football team?:D












01-15-2012, 02:22 PM
That's not true, reality disproves it.

I don't think the number is that high, but I am sure that dark haired individuals exist in Germany. I think a more reasonable estimate is about 25-30% Dark hair.

01-15-2012, 02:48 PM
Better photo of Erion Bogdani
Better photo of Klodian Duro
Lets take a look to some of your football players:

01-15-2012, 03:00 PM
Better photo of Erion Bogdani

Photo with a hand covering half of his face is a "better" photo. :lol00002:

Lets take a look to some of your football players

You are the one who chose worst photos for Tadic and now you did the same for these footballers. Still that sample of Serb players is less exotic than Albanian sample of mine, it's not only about darkness but also about facial features.

Also demonstrated by his frequent chat activities, Rron is user defined by primitivism, cursing, and here hyena behavior.:D I'd be willing to bet this is well reflected in his phenotype as well.;)

01-15-2012, 03:05 PM
You are the one who chose worst photos for Tadic and now you did the same for these footballers. Still that sample of Serb players is less exotic than Albanian sample of mine, it's not only about darkness but also about facial features.

Also demonstrated by his frequent chat activities, Rron is user defined by primitivism, cursing, and here hyena behavior.:D I'd be willing to bet this is well reflected in his phenotype as well.;)
They look equally wog for Swedish standards

01-15-2012, 03:09 PM
Anders Ekborg is an ethnic Swede. I highly doubt he would be seen as a "wog" by his fellow countrymen. Furthermore, I very highly doubt that the average Swede even thinks about stuff like that.

01-15-2012, 03:09 PM
They look equally wog for Swedish standards

No, those Albanians look more woggish on avg., some of them more than just woggish with their facial features, besides those Serbs he posted aren't that dark.

And how do you know so much about Swedish standards since you in Sweden seem to hang out more with Albanians, Kurds, Chechens and Bosniaks?:D

01-15-2012, 03:14 PM

Also demonstrated by his frequent chat activities, Rron is user defined by primitivism, cursing, and here hyena behavior.:D I'd be willing to bet this is well reflected in his phenotype as well.;)

Eh i was waiting when you will start complaining and lying believe me, its common fact known about you when you find yourself in deep s... :D

The Ripper
01-15-2012, 03:27 PM
The title inspired my inner jester:

Q: What do you get when you mix a Turk and Kurd together?

A: A turd.

01-15-2012, 05:23 PM
What a tasteless comment, but consider this: The night is black, chocolate is dark brown, shit is medium brown and pee is yellow. ;)

Ca. 60% of the ethnic Germans in southern Germany have dark hair according to some statistics by the way.

Well, I just leave this here for the tall, blond south-german and austrian übermenschen.




01-15-2012, 05:35 PM
Where do you see Turanoid on her?

How cannot you see the Turanid admixture on her?

Turanid hungarian textbook sample:


A Valkyrie from Asgard:


01-15-2012, 05:58 PM
Those Hungarian "Turanids" are quite often just specific, more robust Alpinoid variants rather. The Hungarian anthropologists notoriously overestimated the Mongoloid admixture in their population and phenotypical variation, actually.

At best/worst this example has Turanid admixture, but to consider her Turanid needs a wide stretch of imagination, unless they had a completely different interpretation of what Turanid is, than the rest of the anthropologicists.

01-15-2012, 06:35 PM
Epicanthus fold can be found at European nations too without neccessary being Mongoloid influenced,i have read that Europeans with age loose those traits, but at individuals it should be considered also some factors like Medical conditions.

When will you learn and educate yourself to not mix the phenotype and behaviour/intelligence,why are you living in a self made universe?

Epicanthus fold and/or slanted eyes are not so typical among turanids.

01-15-2012, 06:54 PM
When will you learn and educate yourself to not mix the phenotype and behaviour/intelligence,why are you living in a self made universe?
Nah he is balkanoid which is convinced that he is viking :D, this is called personality disorder:coffee:

01-15-2012, 06:59 PM
Those Hungarian "Turanids" are quite often just specific, more robust Alpinoid variants rather. The Hungarian anthropologists notoriously overestimated the Mongoloid admixture in their population and phenotypical variation, actually.

At best/worst this example has Turanid admixture, but to consider her Turanid needs a wide stretch of imagination, unless they had a completely different interpretation of what Turanid is, than the rest of the anthropologicists.

Indeed, the western authors described hungarian turanids as alpinoids (the turanids europid element is rather robust dark pigmented cromagnid than alpinid), and the hungarian turanids had pamirid admixture in the 10th c. too. Furthermore yes, the hungarian antropologist "notoriously overestimated the Mongoloid admixture" like as the germans notoriusly overestimated the Nordid admixture among germans. However some individual have mongoliform traits obivously, but this type is not so common as the mongoliform trait among bulgarians, romanians, ukrainians or russians. In this way it is so funny when the slavs or romans described hungarians as dirty mongols or german anthrogeeks compare balkanics with obiviously romani root to hungarians with overestimated mongolid admixture...

However the pamirid is europid type, the turanid is robust alpinid, the lappid is protoalpinid and so europid whos were the mongolid finno-ugrian hungarians from Asia???

01-15-2012, 07:09 PM
Those Mongoloid Proto-Magyars existed, but they were largely bred out, simple as that.

Genetics and anthropological analysis of ancient and modern remains proves that.

F.e. among the first Szeklers too strong Mongoloid influences were found, modern Szeklers are a different thing.

Also among the Avars a similar trend was observed: The upper class/core group was strongly Mongoloid influenced, but most of the population was Central European, with genflow from the majority diluting the more Mongoloid core group.

Again, there were in both cases great losses of the core group, Avars and Magyars, this means from the European majority more and more men would have climbed up the ranks, to replace the fallen core group ones, as well as alliances, marriages, mixture, probably even unknown selective advantages (Lactose tolerance) of the Europeans etc.

Fact is: Ancient old Magyars and modern ones = two different populations in nearly every respect.

01-15-2012, 08:02 PM
Those Mongoloid Proto-Magyars existed, but they were largely bred out, simple as that.

Genetics and anthropological analysis of ancient and modern remains proves that.

F.e. among the first Szeklers too strong Mongoloid influences were found, modern Szeklers are a different thing.

Also among the Avars a similar trend was observed: The upper class/core group was strongly Mongoloid influenced, but most of the population was Central European, with genflow from the majority diluting the more Mongoloid core group.

Again, there were in both cases great losses of the core group, Avars and Magyars, this means from the European majority more and more men would have climbed up the ranks, to replace the fallen core group ones, as well as alliances, marriages, mixture, probably even unknown selective advantages (Lactose tolerance) of the Europeans etc.

Fact is: Ancient old Magyars and modern ones = two different populations in nearly every respect.

F.E. the Szeklers are bad Example, coz they was a separate nation till the late Nineteens like as the Transylvanian Saxons too. They have so unique Dialect what is strongly different to the other hungarans, moreover the other translyvanian hungarian Dialects. The Szekler Alphabet is another unique turkic Heritage from the Old Turkic Alphabet. In this way the Szeklers are not a good representative population as true ancient Überhungarians like as maybe the Transylvanian Saxons are neither "hairy-heeled Wallachians" with strong original wallachian Mediterranid and Dinarid admixture. Moreover the Ancient Magyar's genepool was absolutely mixed like as the nowadays population's genepool too.

Well, the uppar class: the Ancient Magyars lived under Turkic rule for a long time like as the anglo-saxons in England under Normann rule, thus the Ancient Magyars got many turkic word, habit and a lot of turkic nobleman. Side by side we don't know about any princely grave, in this way we don't know that the Arpad dinasty would be turkic or other klan. However the main tribe, the Megyer (originally Magyeri tribe, compare with Magyar) was Finno-ugrian tribe probably.

The Avar upper class was strongly Mongolid and Mongoloid, not just with stonr mongolid admixture.

Furthermore the Turanid or Uralid type were missing on the warrior class: they were mainly Gracil-Mediterranids and robust Atlanto-Mediterranids, Nordoids (means gracil Nordid and robust Proto-Nordid), and Pamirids, of course. The common people was mainly Mediterranid, Nordoid, Cromagnonid (Mainyl Cromagnon A as know as Dalo-Faelid).

In this way probalby a turkic speaking alien nobility led a mainly finno-ugrian people with absolutely mixed population from the Pontic Steppe and the Carpathian-Basin. The mass of Finno-ugrian common people must be surely or why do nowadays hungarians speak a basically finno-ugrian language instead of a slavic language with turkic superstratum?

Again, there were in both cases great losses of the core group, Nordids and Faelids, this means from the Alpinid and Dinarid majority more and more men would have climbed up the ranks, to replace the fallen core group ones, as well as alliances, marriages, mixture, probably even unknown selective advantages (Gluten tolerance) of the Europeans etc.

Fix'd. ;)

01-17-2012, 10:13 AM
The mass of Finno-ugrian common people must be surely or why do nowadays hungarians speak a basically finno-ugrian language instead of a slavic language with turkic superstratum?

Ugrian elite dominance and a fairly good leadership at the start of the development, which allowed the Hungarian memetic-cultural tradition to survive.

There was no Ugrian mass of people coming, they were always a minority, we see that in the graves already and now consider the losses they had, the selection against them and the constant influx of other, mainly Germanic and Slavic colonists, as well as a growing pre-Magyarian base and mixture.

I just looked at the Szeklers because I know that some of their remains were quite different from the modern ones.