View Full Version : The most hated Italians in your opinion

01-19-2012, 11:40 PM
don't mark the people you hate, but the ones who in your opinion are less tolerated by Italian society.

01-20-2012, 12:01 AM
I suspect Campania will win this one lol

Damião de Góis
01-20-2012, 12:06 AM
I never liked Pippo Inzaghi... don't ask me why

Edit - It's about regions... nevermind then.

01-20-2012, 12:10 AM
Hated as in least accepted by other Italians?

01-20-2012, 12:23 AM
Hated as in least accepted by other Italians?


I' ve voted Campanians. In particular Neapolitans face everyday insults and discriminations and they are widely considered gross, dirty, pretenders, coarse, rude, cheaters, mafiosi, pathetic, parasites and cowards.
In these days even newspapers and websites remember ceaselessly that the captain Schettino of Concordia cruise is neapolitan. In my opinion it's a racist behaviour.

01-20-2012, 10:01 AM

I' ve voted Campanians. In particular Neapolitans face everyday insults and discriminations and they are widely considered gross, dirty, pretenders, coarse, rude, cheaters, mafiosi, pathetic, parasites and cowards.
In these days even newspapers and websites remember ceaselessly that the captain Schettino of Concordia cruise is neapolitan. In my opinion it's a racist behaviour.

I agree with you that it's a racist thing, in fact the coastal guard guy who fulfilled his duty (de gregorio) was also from naples.
On the other hand Schettino, really fits the description of the "guappo" a pretentious, lazy and arrogant guy, who is often found in the streets of naples.
The guappo is the prototype of the modern camorrista imho.

Also, naples is really a shithole, no matter what, they have no culture, no respect and they hardly tolerate eachother. I can understand why they are discriminated.
I've had a few experiences with neapolitans myself, and guess what? They were all terrible.

01-20-2012, 10:05 AM
Sicilianos...I heard they're treated like spics in the mainland LOL

01-20-2012, 10:09 AM
I hate the gay-ass Dutch.

01-20-2012, 10:10 AM
Sicilianos...I heard they're treated like spics in the mainland LOL

Right now, they are getting their fair share of discrimination, they have blocked the roads of sicily and the island lacks both of food and oil.
Sicilians are certainly the most hated worldwide, because they are the most numerous, especially in the usa where there is a huge community of italo-americans.

01-20-2012, 05:01 PM
it's a matter of social class: middle-upper class people from Naples aren't that bad, those lower class are often rednecks, overly religious and traditionalist, annoying, not so law abiding, loud and foul-mouthed etc.

01-20-2012, 05:05 PM
don't mark the people you hate, but the ones who in your opinion are less tolerated by Italian society.

Campanians and Sicilians, that for sure!

01-20-2012, 05:06 PM
Probably Sicilians.

01-20-2012, 05:08 PM
The same dispregative word for soouthern italians, "Terrone", was originary referred to the sicilian peasants.

01-20-2012, 06:04 PM
it's a matter of social class: middle-upper class people from Naples aren't that bad, those lower class are often rednecks, overly religious and traditionalist, annoying, not so law abiding, loud and foul-mouthed etc.

I could agree, upper class people are generally well educated and naples produced a lot of thinkers and intellectuals during the centuries, nearly all of them were of noble or at least wealthy origins.

But it's also true that lower class people from all over the peninsula are not that annoying, pick sardinia, sardinia is a poor part of italy, and yet they don't have the shady fame of Neapolitans.
The whole central italy: abruzzo, marche, lazio was a really poor area at the beginning of the century, and yet they always proved to be nice people. They also managed to get along with people from northern italy (colons sent by mussolini), and they never developed a widespread criminality.

01-20-2012, 06:56 PM
è un fatto personale non di entità macroregionali,poi in alcune regioni certe cose succedono più che altrove,ma sarebbe proprio bella se fossimo tutti uguali. Abbiamo climi,complessioni,cibo,organizzazione neuronale diverse che risultano in altrettanti caratteri differenziati.

Però in fondo è anche bello così..nonostante le unità e la lingua italiana comune, il resto (abitudini, tradizioni locali, etc) sono rimasti come negli stati preunitari.

01-20-2012, 07:03 PM
certo,mica sapere una lingua ti fà diventare più bello o brutto,assennato o scellerato e via discorrendo.

Non ho capito il senso di questo post, chiedo venia.

Cosa intendi?

Aces High
01-20-2012, 07:04 PM
As a foreigner living in Italy i think that as a whole people from Naples are regarded as the most hated......as they themselves dont really regard themselves as Italians.
Having said that everyone hates each other and even small villages that are not even two miles apart hate each other....which is very strange for a northern European to understand.

My car has Rome plates and when i ahve been on holiday in the north i have got dents in it from people kicking the doors and even scratches down the side of it......apparently people from Rome are hated in the north as well because of their brash and braggart sort of personality.

I myself get along well with the Romans.....they say there are three cities in the world with the same frenetic vibe...London Roma and New York and i have found this to be true.....complete with indolent lazy police.

The strange thing is that even Italians never really regard themselves as Italians.

Stars Down To Earth
01-20-2012, 07:28 PM
Having said that everyone hates each other and even small villages that are not even two miles apart hate each other....which is very strange for a northern European to understand.
Like the Scottish inter-rivalry between the weedgies and us Edinburgh snobs, then. :tongue Does that make us honorary Italians?

To be sure, it's not a really serious rivalry at this point, but there's obvious parallels to Italy. Maybe a better comparison would be England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland and our mutual hatreds over time. Also, keep in mind that Italy wasn't an unified nation until very recently (less than 200 years ago). So people are still stuck in their regional identity, have actual ethnic differences, don't really view themselves as "Italians" yet, and simply don't have the same history of national unity that us North Europeans have.

anyways, for your pleasure, here's Glasgow vs. Edinburgh: :tongue


01-20-2012, 07:38 PM
no,siccome tu hai menzionato la lingua comune io ribattevo che parlare lo stesso idioma non ci fà diventare uguali,per fortuna aggiungo io.


01-20-2012, 07:47 PM
Like the Scottish inter-rivalry between the weedgies and us Edinburgh snobs, then. :tongue Does that make us honorary Italians?

To be sure, it's not a really serious rivalry at this point, but there's obvious parallels to Italy. Maybe a better comparison would be England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland and our mutual hatreds over time. Also, keep in mind that Italy wasn't an unified nation until very recently (less than 200 years ago). So people are still stuck in their regional identity, have actual ethnic differences, don't really view themselves as "Italians" yet, and simply don't have the same history of national unity that us North Europeans have.

anyways, for your pleasure, Glasgow vs. Edinburgh: :tongue


The concept thay you esposed is also mentioned in one strofa of our national anthem:

"noi fummo per secoli,
calpesti e derisi,
poichè non siam Popolo,
perchè siamo divisi"

And this is true.

Italy in 1859.


Two years later...


Aces High
01-20-2012, 07:48 PM
Like the Scottish inter-rivalry between the weedgies and us Edinburgh snobs, then. :tongue Does that make us honorary Italians?

Well i think its more entrenched than back in the UK because at the end of the day everyone in Scotland rallies round the flag and considers themselves Scottish....not so in Italy.

You can travel from one small village to another not two miles apart and they speak another language....not another dialect but another language.....and they despise each other.

I have friends in Florence and they hate people from Siena and Pisa and the Pisans in turn hate people from Livorno who hate Fascist Romans and Viterbese....who hate the cocari (people from southern lazio) who in turn hate Napolitani....who hate the Sicilians........who hate evryone from the north as a knee jerk reaction because they know northerners hate them.

I have friends in Pavia who hate the Milanese and lets not start about the hate between Milano and Roma which goes back to the Roman empire.....and it goes on.

Then i go to Sardegna where my wifes mother is from and they regard themselves as more Greek than Roman or if you got to Alghero they hate the other Sardinians as they regard themselves as Catalans and speak an ancient Catalan dialect.

Italy is one fucked up place.........but i love it all the same.

01-20-2012, 09:15 PM
Like the Scottish inter-rivalry between the weedgies and us Edinburgh snobs, then. :tongue Does that make us honorary Italians?

To be sure, it's not a really serious rivalry at this point, but there's obvious parallels to Italy. Maybe a better comparison would be England/Scotland/Wales/Ireland and our mutual hatreds over time. Also, keep in mind that Italy wasn't an unified nation until very recently (less than 200 years ago). So people are still stuck in their regional identity, have actual ethnic differences, don't really view themselves as "Italians" yet, and simply don't have the same history of national unity that us North Europeans have.

anyways, for your pleasure, here's Glasgow vs. Edinburgh: :tongue

East Coast versus West Coast, Weedgies versus teuchters, protestant versus Catholic, Unionist versus separatist :D One big happy family. We have fighting with the neighbouring villages and other estates. Had my windows smashed in by them bastards too. It can get violent.

01-20-2012, 09:18 PM
My car has Rome plates and when i ahve been on holiday in the north i have got dents in it from people kicking the doors and even scratches down the side of it......apparently people from Rome are hated in the north as well because of their brash and braggart sort of personality.

Personally, I do not have anything against the romans, and I have never heard a northerner complaining about them. They may not be our favourite italians, but they do not generate a particular hate, at least here.

01-20-2012, 09:28 PM
People who hail from the Naples region, for certain. I've heard some Italians refer to them as professional thieves.

01-20-2012, 09:31 PM
People who hail from the Naples region, for certain. I've heard some Italians refer to them as professional thieves.

The professional thieves are the gypsies here in Italy.
In naples the biggest danger is being: mugged, robbed and scammed. I would never venture there myself without a native guide.

Aces High
01-20-2012, 09:32 PM
Personally, I do not have anything against the romans, and I have never heard a northerner complaining about them. They may not be our favourite italians, but they do not generate a particular hate, at least here.

Well i was talking about Bolzano.......when my wife spoke in Italian they answered in German...:confused:

01-20-2012, 09:40 PM
Well i was talking about Bolzano.......when my wife spoke in Italian they answered in German...:confused:

German speaking people are actually a minority in Bolzano, while they are (generally) the majority in the rest of sud-tirol. The problem with them: they are very proud and if possible they avoid speaking italian.
Italians working in Bolzano are required to be bi-lingual or they will have a hard time.

Back on topic, the hate, some people from Bolzano (not all of them I hope) hate italians, no matter which part of Italy they are from.

Aces High
01-20-2012, 09:42 PM
Back on topic, the hate, some people from Bolzano (not all of them I hope) hate italians, no matter which part of Italy they are from.

I got talking to some guys from Bolzano and they regarded people from Trentino as sub saharan africans......wtf. ?

01-20-2012, 09:45 PM
I suspect Campania will win this one lol

I suspect you are right, but my maternal grandmother's folk were from Campania, and she would spit when she spoke of the Calabrese, so I voted in her memory.

But then again, she would also say "f'Nabla" (go to Naples) as a deadly insult.

01-20-2012, 09:53 PM
I got talking to some guys from Bolzano and they regarded people from Trentino as sub saharan africans......wtf. ?

I believe you. People from Trentino generally stick to italians (culture, language, genetics) and therefore gain their fair share of hate.
Even people from switzerland (canton ticino) feel closer to italians than people from sud-tirol.

01-20-2012, 10:12 PM
I seriously thought that the "vade a bordo, cazzo" dude was going to be among the options. :p

01-20-2012, 10:15 PM
I seriously thought that the "vade a bordo, cazzo" dude was going to be among the options. :p

If you want to cast a vote, he's from Campania (I think) :p

01-20-2012, 10:27 PM
If you want to cast a vote, he's from Campania (I think) :p

You are right, Schettino is one of the most common surnames in Naples.
You will not believe me but due to his terrible performance as a captain there was a wave of anti-neapolitan hate spreading through the web.
People immediatly thought "uh yes, naples, where else could he be from..." but thanks god even the coastal guard man who acted decently (de falco, the one shouting "salga a bordo") was from naples.

01-20-2012, 11:50 PM
German speaking people are actually a minority in Bolzano, while they are (generally) the majority in the rest of sud-tirol. The problem with them: they are very proud and if possible they avoid speaking italian.
Italians working in Bolzano are required to be bi-lingual or they will have a hard time.

Back on topic, the hate, some people from Bolzano (not all of them I hope) hate italians, no matter which part of Italy they are from.

They hate us, but not the large "Fondi di finianziamento speciali per le minoranze linguistiche storiche"...:laugh:

01-21-2012, 12:30 AM
I wonder if the people from Massa-Carrara feel detached from other Tuscanians because of their accent.

01-21-2012, 07:33 AM
I wonder if the people from Massa-Carrara feel detached from other Tuscanians because of their accent.

Not just the accent.

Carrarino and Lunigianese are Emilian not Tuscan vernaculars.

01-21-2012, 07:36 AM
German speaking people are actually a minority in Bolzano, while they are (generally) the majority in the rest of sud-tirol. The problem with them: they are very proud and if possible they avoid speaking italian.
Italians working in Bolzano are required to be bi-lingual or they will have a hard time.

Back on topic, the hate, some people from Bolzano (not all of them I hope) hate italians, no matter which part of Italy they are from.

It's partly because Mussolini forced them to speak Italian and Italianise their surnames.
Many fled to the Reich.

01-21-2012, 09:45 AM
They hate us, but not the large "Fondi di finianziamento speciali per le minoranze linguistiche storiche"...:laugh:
Yes, I know about that, the whole situation is hilarious.

It's partly because Mussolini forced them to speak Italian and Italianise their surnames.
Many fled to the Reich.
Yes, it was part of fascist politics, they tried the same with some coastal town near the border with France, no wonder that they feel hate for us.
As mentioned above, the people from sudtirol enjoy a lot of previleges, and they are allowed to speak their tongue (on italian soil). They could try to get along with us, or at least tolerate us.

01-21-2012, 10:32 AM
Personally, I do not have anything against the romans, and I have never heard a northerner complaining about them. They may not be our favourite italians, but they do not generate a particular hate, at least here.

Does "Roma ladrona" sound like a new thing to you ???????? :eek::eek::eek: :D:D:D

01-21-2012, 10:54 AM
Campanians or to specify Napolitans IMO

01-22-2012, 02:15 AM
Does "Roma ladrona" sound like a new thing to you ???????? :eek::eek::eek: :D:D:D

Rotfl you are right, but that slogan imho is more a political thing (padanian independence and so on) and it doesn't have much to do with the people.
Members of lega nord, of course, hate the romans, as they hate every southerner.

01-22-2012, 02:24 AM
Right now, they are getting their fair share of discrimination, they have blocked the roads of sicily and the island lacks both of food and oil.
Sicilians are certainly the most hated worldwide, because they are the most numerous, especially in the usa where there is a huge community of italo-americans.

Most hated? Sicilians are hard-working people. I've never ran into someone with something bad to say about them and I'm not even Sicilian myself. Most stereotypes of them originate from the Mafia so maybe that's why there's always been some suspicion.

01-22-2012, 02:28 AM
Sicilians, Calabrese and then Campanians.

Who are in general the most hated by Italian society and even in alot of countries worldwide and one of them being the USA.

01-22-2012, 02:29 AM
Sicilians, Calabrese and then Campanians.

Who are in general the most hated by Italian society and even in alot of countries worldwide and one of them being the USA.

Oh shut the hell up.

You don't know shit about Italy or Italian culture. Or American culture for that matter. Don't go around spewing out stupid shit that makes 0 sense.

01-22-2012, 09:51 AM
Most hated? Sicilians are hard-working people. I've never ran into someone with something bad to say about them and I'm not even Sicilian myself. Most stereotypes of them originate from the Mafia so maybe that's why there's always been some suspicion.

Maybe the sicilians you met were hard working people, you certainly realize that we are talking about stereotypes, and mafia certainly doesn't push people to love them.
Certain countries for example the usa, had to face huge mafia problems, and therefore the first italo-americans gained a bad reputation that they retain even nowadays.
You will understand why some americans dislike or even hate sicilians, but this doesn't imply that they have any reason to do so.

01-22-2012, 10:51 AM
che brutto topic...

01-22-2012, 02:00 PM
The strange thing is that even Italians never really regard themselves as Italians.

I regard myself as Italian, especially after having been for months surrounded by creazy Aussies. They are nice and have their positive sides, but in general I esteem Italians as being simply more intelligent, more cultured and better educated than the avarage Australian. I sincerly hope that you true English really differ from Aussies and have more charme and European class. Australians are identical to American: cafonacci arricchiti (enriched ex peasants and convicts who can have money but still lack class).

01-22-2012, 02:05 PM
Most hated? Sicilians are hard-working people. I've never ran into someone with something bad to say about them and I'm not even Sicilian myself. Most stereotypes of them originate from the Mafia so maybe that's why there's always been some suspicion.

All Italians are hard working people (except maybe Neapolitans? :confused: ).
I don't know where the opposite prejudge is from. I have worked in Australia with the so named "hard working puritans" Anglo-Saxons and without speaking a very good English I used to do in 4 hours what they did in 8 hours!!! :eek:
And other Italians told me the same. So it's not just me...
A lot of Italians made a fortune abroad and are today reach because we know how to work hard and how to save money, not thank to mafia.

Aces High
01-22-2012, 02:16 PM
more intelligent, more cultured and better educated than the avarage Australian.

My dog is more cultured and better educated than the average Australian.

01-22-2012, 02:21 PM
My dog is more cultured and better educated than the average Australian.

Ah ok... So they have a fame, from what I see.
May I know what English people think about their ex colons? Now I am curious.

Aces High
01-22-2012, 02:39 PM
Ah ok... So they have a fame, from what I see.
May I know what English people think about their ex colons? Now I am curious.

Q) What do Australians and computers have in common..?

A) You have to punch information into both of them.

Says it all really.

The Journeyman
01-22-2012, 03:03 PM
Ah ok... So they have a fame, from what I see.
May I know what English people think about their ex colons? Now I am curious.

Aww how cute, your accent is coming out in your writing. :D

01-22-2012, 03:14 PM
Aww how cute, your accent is coming out in your writing. :D

Maybe because I put dots and commas in the right place?

01-22-2012, 03:38 PM
I regard myself as Italian, especially after having been for months surrounded by creazy Aussies. They are nice and have their positive sides, but in general I esteem Italians as being simply more intelligent, more cultured and better educated than the avarage Australian. I sincerly hope that you true English really differ from Aussies and have more charme and European class. Australians are identical to American: cafonacci arricchiti (enriched ex peasants and convicts who can have money but still lack class).

Italy has plenty of "pidocchi rifatti" (lice with a makeover) too.
Not to mention Camorra, 'Ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra.

To say that Italians are better educated than Americans is ludicrous given the superiority of the USA in the sciences, engineering and invention.

Australians of course are better than Italians in sport and fighting.:D

01-22-2012, 03:45 PM
Italy has plenty of "pidocchi rifatti" (lice with a makeover) too.
Not to mention Camorra, 'Ndrangheta and Cosa Nostra.

To say that Italians are better educated than Americans is ludicrous given the superiority of the USA in the sciences, engineering and invention.

Australians of course are better than Italians in sport and fighting.:D

I think that only France, Germany and England have the right to discuss face to face with Italy. If of Italy you know only mafia it's of course because you missed some capitals while studing history. art, literature, whatever.
Italians have some of the highest IQ in the world, some of the highest number of Nobel prizes in Europe and of course a great culture, history, fashion, architecture and food.

01-22-2012, 03:46 PM

Aces High
01-22-2012, 03:48 PM
To say that Italians are better educated than Americans is ludicrous given the superiority of the USA in the sciences, engineering and invention.

Well its easy to see Italy through rose tinted spectacles once you are abroad and dont remember how it really is.
Remember that in Italy you pay 70% taxes to a corrupt and senile criminal senate.

01-22-2012, 03:54 PM
Well its easy to see Italy through rose tinted spectacles once you are abroad and dont remember how it really is.
Remember that in Italy you pay 70% taxes to a corrupt and senile criminal senate.

So why are you living in Italy?

01-22-2012, 03:55 PM
I think that only France, Germany and England have the right to discuss face to face with Italy. If of Italy you know only mafia it's of course because you missed some capitals while studing history. art, literature, whatever.
Italians have some of the highest IQ in the world, some of the highest number of Nobel prizes in Europe and of course a great culture, history, fashion, architecture and food.

The number of Italian Nobel Prizes is not high (the UK has won 6 times as many) and other European countries have grander architecture (Germany, England, France, Spain etc).

The political/military history of Italy is depressing with division and foreign rule from the fall of the Western Roman Empire till 1861 and now thinly veiled German economic control again.

Intelligence is useless if it is squandered by political and economic incompetence.

Aces High
01-22-2012, 03:58 PM
So why are you living in Italy?

Because i got moved here and all my wages are payed into a a Swiss bank account.

If Italys so good what are you doing living in Australia...? im sure you could come back and get a 800 euro a month job at footlocker

01-22-2012, 03:59 PM
The number of Italian Nobel Prizes is not high (the UK has won 6 times as many) and other European countries have grander architecture (Germany, England, France, Spain etc).

Intelligence is useless if it is squandered by political and economic incompetence.

I don't think that any other country of Europe has greater architecture than Italy. I have seen that also on the other side of the world Italian fornitures brands are extremely famous, and also the most expensive. To don't mention fashion. Anyway now I have to go. No time to discuss with a mongrel.

01-22-2012, 04:00 PM
Because i got moved here and all my wages are payed into a a Swiss bank account.

If Italys so good what are you doing living in Australia...? im sure you could come back and get a 800 euro a month job at footlocker

I HAVE returned to Italy.

Aces High
01-22-2012, 04:02 PM
I HAVE returned to Italy.

1 month abroad and now she's an expert.....phew.....good luck finding a job in the oh so advanced Italy...lol.

01-22-2012, 04:02 PM
Because i got moved here and all my wages are payed into a a Swiss bank account.

If Italys so good what are you doing living in Australia...? im sure you could come back and get a 800 euro a month job at footlocker

If you albions are so perfect, why your birthplace is called "Harare" and not "Salisbury"?

01-22-2012, 04:02 PM
I don't think that any other country of Europe has greater architecture than Italy. I have seen that also on the other side of the world Italian fornitures brands are extremely famous, and also the most expensive. To don't mention fashion. Anyway now I have to go. No time to discuss with a mongrel.

My view of architecture and style is obviously different from yours.

I am not a mongrel, just truthful which hurts the shallow Italian psyche.:)

01-22-2012, 04:04 PM
The number of Italian Nobel Prizes is not high (the UK has won 6 times as many) and other European countries have grander architecture (Germany, England, France, Spain etc).

The political/military history of Italy is depressing with division and foreign rule from the fall of the Western Roman Empire till 1861 and now thinly veiled German economic control again.

Intelligence is useless if it is squandered by political and economic incompetence.

There are more cultural/way-of-thinking division between a venetian and a apulian than a english and an aussies.
That for sure. I'm not a leghista, but a realist.

But don't denigrate our country at all in this way.

Aces High
01-22-2012, 04:12 PM
If you albions are so perfect, why your birthplace is called "Harare" and not "Salisbury"?

The same reason Libya is not called Tripolitania.

Aces High
01-22-2012, 04:14 PM
There are more cultural/way-of-thinking division between a venetian and a apulian than a english and an aussies.
That for sure.

Is it....how long have you lived in Australia...or England to make your qualified evaluation...?

Oh you still live with your parents....sorry.

01-22-2012, 04:15 PM
The same reason Libya is not called Tripolitania.

It's a bit different: we were pushed out (by "you" :laugh:) and all italians were expelled between 1945 and 1969 firstly by you english and after by Gheddafi (and we were 23% of Libya population in 1939).

Aces High
01-22-2012, 04:16 PM
It's a bit different

Of course...........yawn

01-22-2012, 04:17 PM
Is it....how long have you live in Australia...or England to make your qualified evaluation...?

Oh you still live with your parents....sorry.

My parents?

If you can find one of them (my father), i will grateful you for the Eternity.

01-22-2012, 04:19 PM
Of course...........yawn

Yes, it is.

We lost a World War, your people in Rhodesia lost against two negroes armed with bolas and blowgun.

Aces High
01-22-2012, 04:29 PM
We lost a World War,

No you gave up without a fight....dont forget it.;)

01-22-2012, 04:30 PM
No you gave up without a fight....dont forget it.;)

Never heard about the "Divisione Folgore" in El-Alamein?

Aces High
01-22-2012, 04:32 PM
The Germans lost...fighting and counter attacking all the way.....thats why they have every soldiers and every nations respect.....they may have lost but they died fighting and kicking and punching all the way.

Unlike you.

01-22-2012, 04:36 PM
There are more cultural/way-of-thinking division between a venetian and a apulian than a english and an aussies.
That for sure. I'm not a leghista, but a realist.

But don't denigrate our country at all in this way.

I agree that Italian unity has been unfortunate in many ways.

Lombardy would have been better off as a self-governing Swiss canton and Savoy-Piedmont would have done better off on its own.
Rome to the Pope.:thumbs up

Aces High
01-22-2012, 04:36 PM
In ogni guerra, la questione di fondo non è tanto di vincere o di perdere, di vivere o di morire; ma di come si vince, di come si perde, di come si vive, di come si muore. Una guerra si può perdere, ma con dignità e lealtà. La resa ed il tradimento bollano per secoli un popolo davanti al mondo.

Junio Valerio Borghese.

;).......per secoli.

01-22-2012, 04:37 PM
The Germans lost...fighting and counter attacking all the way.....thats why they have every soldiers and every nations respect.....they may have lost but they died fighting and kicking and punching all the way.

Unlike you.

Well, Italy was a nation of 45,000,000 inhabitants (1940) VS British Empire, who ruled 1/4 of the planet and could have soldiers from all the World.

It seems a bit sbilanciata fight, don't you?

01-22-2012, 04:41 PM
In ogni guerra, la questione di fondo non è tanto di vincere o di perdere, di vivere o di morire; ma di come si vince, di come si perde, di come si vive, di come si muore. Una guerra si può perdere, ma con dignità e lealtà. La resa ed il tradimento bollano per secoli un popolo davanti al mondo.

Junio Valerio Borghese.

;).......per secoli.

Questo devi dirlo a quella mezza sega del re vittorio emanuele III ed a quel tirapiedi di badoglio, non certo a Mussolini, Farinacci, Starace e Graziani.

01-24-2012, 05:20 PM
Campania is the most hated, but usually the most hated people are from near towns.

01-24-2012, 06:43 PM
Campania is the most hated, but usually the most hated people are from near towns.

E' quello che sto cercando di far capire da giorni, ma nessuno ascolta...

01-25-2012, 10:58 PM
Then tuscany wins the competition: florence, siena, pisa, livorno, prato. They all hate eachother.

01-26-2012, 07:02 AM
Queste vespe ass stupidi parlando come se sapessero merda su L'Italia è hillarious

01-26-2012, 07:07 AM
I think that people from Neaples and from Campania in general are infamous, but for the rest I'd speak more of antipathy between rival cities than of mere hate.
And also towards Campanians, I think that most Italians judge the person not the place of origin when we are called to value somebody.

01-26-2012, 07:10 AM
Then tuscany wins the competition: florence, siena, pisa, livorno, prato. They all hate eachother.

Lucca being more right-wing hates the rest of Tuscany which is as "Red" as Cuba!

01-26-2012, 07:21 AM
My hate against people from other regions? What not just hate on immigrants instead ?

01-26-2012, 10:59 AM
My hate against people from other regions? What not just hate on immigrants instead ?

It's a pluri-millenarian way of thinking.

Padre Organtino
01-26-2012, 12:25 PM
Is this guy Calabrese or Campanian?


01-26-2012, 12:52 PM
That horrible character was born in Palermo of Ghanaian parents but was adopted by a soft-headed Brescian missionary and named Mario Balotelli.

He is a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

01-26-2012, 07:31 PM
Is this guy Calabrese or Campanian?


Neither. He's a nigger.

01-26-2012, 08:48 PM
Because i got moved here and all my wages are payed into a a Swiss bank account.

If Italys so good what are you doing living in Australia...? im sure you could come back and get a 800 euro a month job at footlocker
Italy is the best country ever if you have the money.Me i dont have much:D I guess the rest of the world just dont know what fun,good food and hot chicks are.

Corinto Marchialla
01-31-2012, 12:26 PM
Italy is the best country ever if you have the money.Me i dont have much:D I guess the rest of the world just dont know what fun,good food and hot chicks are.

maybe because they have other tastes which are unchoseable?

Peter Nirsch
08-26-2015, 01:58 AM
Neapolitans are victim of harsh racism in Italy, they are usually identified as dirty people inclined to crimes and incapable to respect rules. They are called the gypsies of Italy.

08-26-2015, 02:05 AM

I' ve voted Campanians. In particular Neapolitans face everyday insults and discriminations and they are widely considered gross, dirty, pretenders, coarse, rude, cheaters, mafiosi, pathetic, parasites and cowards.
In these days even newspapers and websites remember ceaselessly that the captain Schettino of Concordia cruise is neapolitan. In my opinion it's a racist behaviour.
Are you for real !?

One captain being Neapolitan has to do what with the other million inhabitants?

08-26-2015, 02:09 AM
I agree with you that it's a racist thing, in fact the coastal guard guy who fulfilled his duty (de gregorio) was also from naples.
On the other hand Schettino, really fits the description of the "guappo" a pretentious, lazy and arrogant guy, who is often found in the streets of naples.
The guappo is the prototype of the modern camorrista imho.

Also, naples is really a shithole, no matter what, they have no culture, no respect and they hardly tolerate eachother. I can understand why they are discriminated.
I've had a few experiences with neapolitans myself, and guess what? They were all terrible.

No culture :laugh2:

Peter Nirsch
08-26-2015, 02:13 AM
calm down Alessio! I've voted Calabria :)

08-26-2015, 02:15 AM
i dont hate any italians, but i think i like central and southitalians better then far northitalians, i associate far northitalians with germanics or germans but the others with more true italianos

08-26-2015, 02:18 AM
if we were to vote for the most favourite italian it would be naples for me, but im not going to vote for any less favourite

08-26-2015, 02:22 AM
People who hail from the Naples region, for certain. I've heard some Italians refer to them as professional thieves.

This is sad but true.

08-26-2015, 02:22 AM
calm down Alessio! I've voted Calabria :)

Me too ;) :p

08-26-2015, 02:36 PM
I hate the gay-ass Dutch.

Leave them out of this will ya ?

08-26-2015, 02:38 PM
Napule :)

08-26-2015, 02:41 PM
Napule :)

I think Bruxelles is far worse with all these IS supporters and backward Maghrebis.

08-26-2015, 02:41 PM
Napule :)

double post

08-26-2015, 02:41 PM
I do not hate Italians.

08-26-2015, 02:44 PM
I do not hate Italians.

You only hate Gyspies :laugh2:

08-26-2015, 02:46 PM
You only hate Gyspies :laugh2:

No, not even them.

I like equally Italians and Gypsies.

08-26-2015, 02:47 PM
I think Bruxelles is far worse with all these IS supporters and backward Maghrebis.

I said what region I think is disliked by Italians, I don't dislike any Italian region. and I like the south, I've been to both Campania and Calabria and the Tyrrhenian coast is awesome!

but I've heard Italians complaining about Napoli a whole lot. they can't stand Napoli people

08-26-2015, 02:51 PM
I said what region I think is disliked by Italians, I don't dislike any Italian region. and I like the south, I've been to both Campania and Calabria and the Tyrrhenian coast is awesome!

but I've heard Italians complaining about Napoli a whole lot. they can't stand Napoli people

I think they're just jealous because they themselves can not claim they have such good music, invented the pizza, mandolin, romantic guitar, pomodoro sauce, had so much cultural influence worldwide, invented the way pasta is manufactured, dried and conserved, have one of the most ancient cities in the world and much more.

Cuore di Tenebra
08-27-2015, 09:46 PM
Neopolitans for sure

08-27-2015, 10:28 PM
Neopolitans for sure

Can you also explain why you think this ?

Cuore di Tenebra
08-27-2015, 10:43 PM
Can you also explain why you think this ?

Premise that i have nothing against them, but it's a fact, they are hated by anyone in Italy from the north to the south, they have the marks of criminals, lazy people etc..., and it's not uncommon hear of some bad adjective for describing them. Even their dialect and accent is considered irritant.

08-27-2015, 11:17 PM
Premise that i have nothing against them, but it's a fact, they are hated by anyone in Italy from the north to the south, they have the marks of criminals, lazy people etc..., and it's not uncommon hear of some bad adjective for describing them. Even their dialect and accent is considered irritant.

Well the Neapolitan language or ''o nnapulitano'' is the most beautiful language in all of Italy and is far better than the cheap offshoot version of ''fiorentino''; especially in music I dislike standard 'Italian'.

''O sole mio'' in Italian isn't even worth listening to for example and so aren't all the other canzoni napoletane that are covered by Italian artists from other (mostly northern) parts of Italy.

In Naples people from Basilicata and Calabria are considered to be Lazy and as for criminals; the biggest criminals are in the government itself.

There are a lot of hardworking people in and around Naples, so it's not fair to judge and make false stereotypes of all the inhabitants coming from the province of Naples for some of the wrongdoings of certain deviants.

However I noticed that people from mercato san severino (Salerno) didn't like the city as well but I can understand that because I myself am not a big fan of big cities either.

Napoli being the biggest city in the Mezzogiorno makes it far more problematic than most other cities in Italy due to the fact that there is a higher crime level and less opportunities for the young.

Cuore di Tenebra
08-27-2015, 11:34 PM
Well the Neapolitan language or ''napulitano'' is the most beautiful language in all of Italy and is far better than the cheap of shoot version of ''fiorentino''; especially in music I dislike standard 'Italian'.

In Naples people from Basilicata and Calabria are considered to be Lazy and as for criminals; the biggest criminals are in the government itself.

There are a lot of hardworking people in and around Naples, so it's not fair to judge and make false stereotypes of all the inhabitants from the province of Naples for some of the wrongdoings of certain deviants.

Well i know they're just stereotypes, but other people don't. By the way i disagree, the regular italian is the most beautiful, il napoletano(o napulitano come lo hai chiamato tu) is considered vulgar, and i must say that this is maybe one of the few discriminant thoughts that i share, sorry:laugh:

08-27-2015, 11:36 PM
Are they not loved for their pizza Napolitana? xD

08-28-2015, 12:14 AM
Well i know they're just stereotypes, but other people don't. By the way i disagree, the regular italian is the most beautiful, il napoletano(o napulitano come lo hai chiamato tu) is considered vulgar, and i must say that this is maybe one of the few discriminant thoughts that i share, sorry:laugh:

I think classical Neapolitan songs are the best Italy has every produced:





Peter Nirsch
08-28-2015, 12:19 AM
Interesting, some pieces remind me arabic music, is it true there a link between Neapolitan music and MENA cultures?

08-28-2015, 12:24 AM
Interesting, some pieces remind me arabic music, is it true there a link between Neapolitan music and MENA cultures?

I don't think these classical pieces have anything in common with Near Eastern music; some songs can have a strong Mediterranean vibe but still within the borders of southern Europe.

I consider this to be a good example of traditional Neapolitan music:



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQERmLbbFLc Salerno

Peter Nirsch
08-28-2015, 12:34 AM
I don't think these classical pieces have anything in common with Near Eastern music; some songs can have a strong Mediterranean vibe but still within the borders of southern Europe.

What's a Mediterranean vibe? Spanish and Occitan music are extremely different than the ones played in Lebanon and Naples

anyway I found these videos posted in Forumbiodiversity by a Palestinian who claims a cultural connection between Naples and Levantine countries.
I'm not very experienced about music, but phenotypes of Neapolitans aren't extraneous in Middle east, watch the videos, I'm not trolling, what do you think?
Sorry the OT




08-28-2015, 12:46 AM
What's a Mediterranean vibe? Spanish and Occitan music are extremely different than the ones played in Lebanon and Naples

anyway I found these videos posted in Forumbiodiversity by a Palestinian who claims a cultural connection between Naples and Levantine countries.
I'm not very experienced about music, but phenotypes of Neapolitans aren't extraneous in Middle east, watch the videos, I'm not trolling, what do you think?
Sorry the OT




I think this is just regular neomelodici and that guy ''Giuseppe tomasello'' has Sicilian roots ( I think ) and was jailed in Rome because of a drug related crime I read in an article; he is also a neomelodici artist but I can't see any connection between Lebanese music and neomelodici..

08-28-2015, 01:00 AM
What's a Mediterranean vibe? Spanish and Occitan music are extremely different than the ones played in Lebanon and Naples

anyway I found these videos posted in Forumbiodiversity by a Palestinian who claims a cultural connection between Naples and Levantine countries.
I'm not very experienced about music, but phenotypes of Neapolitans aren't extraneous in Middle east, watch the videos, I'm not trolling, what do you think?
Sorry the OT

I mean this is Lebanese music:


It looks like a Middle Eastern variant of Venezia though in the clip :p

08-28-2015, 06:10 PM
Ho vissuta a Italia, I Napulitani sono detta tengono la rogna e cowardo, anche al sud e Siciliani lo odiani.

I've lived in Italy, Neapolitans are usually called scabby and coward in Italy, even people from Sicily mock them.

08-28-2015, 07:05 PM
Ho vissuta a Italia, I Napulitani sono detta tengono la rogna e cowardo, anche al sud e Siciliani lo odiani.

I've lived in Italy, Neapolitans are usually called scabby and coward in Italy, even people from Sicily mock them.

I think Italy must be happy that you're now living in England then :)

You tried to say that 'other' southerns are also mocking them right..

08-28-2015, 07:12 PM
Sicilians, I suspect Campania is being selected by all the Sicilians since they can't vote for themselves.

Peter Nirsch
08-28-2015, 07:14 PM
I think Italy must be happy that you're now living in England then :)

You tried to say that 'other' southerns are also mocking them right..

You're defending Neapolitans because your one of them, but everyone knows they are the most hated Italian people in Italy, it's not a news.
I think you should ask yourself what's the reason of racism towards them.

08-28-2015, 07:16 PM
Sicilians, I suspect Campania is being selected by all the Sicilians since they can't vote for themselves.

nope some people really hate napoli

Peter Nirsch
08-28-2015, 07:21 PM
Sicilians, I suspect Campania is being selected by all the Sicilians since they can't vote for themselves.

You're wrong. You say Sicilians because you're an American and your society identify Italy with Sicilian mafia, but in Italy the most hated people are absolutely people from Campania, obviously they are more tolerated than North Africans, gypsies, Pakis and Albanians, but if we speak about Italians, Campanians are ranked as the less tolerated ones.

08-28-2015, 07:35 PM
You're wrong. You say Sicilians because you're an American and your society identify Italy with Sicilian mafia, but in Italy the most hated people are absolutely people from Campania, obviously they are more tolerated than North Africans, gypsies, Pakis and Albanians, but if we speak about Italians, Campanians are ranked as the less tolerated ones.

No it has nothing to do with Mafia, my grandfather was from Friuli and told me that Sicilians were the worst. I think the North doesn't like the South in general.

Peter Nirsch
08-28-2015, 07:37 PM
No it has nothing to do with Mafia, my grandfather was from Friuli and told me that Sicilians were the worst. I think the North doesn't like the South in general.

you think wrong, in fact you live in Canada, you can't know much about Europe and its people. I have noticed Sicilians are more tolerated in Italy while Neapolitans are heavily labelled with racist insults

08-28-2015, 08:53 PM
Well i know they're just stereotypes, but other people don't. By the way i disagree, the regular italian is the most beautiful, il napoletano(o napulitano come lo hai chiamato tu) is considered vulgar, and i must say that this is maybe one of the few discriminant thoughts that i share, sorry:laugh:

For me it's like this:





08-28-2015, 09:56 PM

08-31-2015, 02:11 PM
You're defending Neapolitans because your one of them, but everyone knows they are the most hated Italian people in Italy, it's not a news.
I think you should ask yourself what's the reason of racism towards them.

This time Peter Nirsch is right.

08-31-2015, 02:18 PM
Hahah everyone in Italy hates everyone else.. this is nothing new. The only thing is they hate people from other countries even more. My Nona has stereotypes about every single region in Italy, and even from the towns down the road. Milan is full of "thieves and murderers.. they will steal your pants while they ask you the time", Neapolitans are "Allergic to work", and people from the town Braia right down the road from my nona's village were "liars and beggars" etc. I think its a cultural thing hah.

I went to Naples in 2013 and absolutely loved the place. People were much friendlier than Milan, Venice, Turin or Bologna. But my favorite city in Italy has got to be Florence.. just beautiful. Plus I haven't heard negative things about Tuscan people :)

I would have to agree that Naples takes the brunt of most of the hate in the Italian Peninsula. Only because people barely consider Sicily as part of Italy.

08-31-2015, 02:22 PM
Probably campanians!In Brazil calabrians are known for being very angry,I don't know if they carry this fame in other countries of significant italian input too.

08-31-2015, 02:23 PM
I would have to agree that Naples takes the brunt of most of the hate in the Italian Peninsula. Only because people barely consider Sicily as part of Italy.

I don't think that is the reason Neapolitans are more hated than Sicilians.

08-31-2015, 02:25 PM
Sometimes hatred is a sign of lack of awareness.

08-31-2015, 02:31 PM
You're defending Neapolitans because your one of them, but everyone knows they are the most hated Italian people in Italy, it's not a news.
I think you should ask yourself what's the reason of racism towards them.

Well I think it has to do with the fact that there's a higher crime rate and corruption in the city, it's really suffocating for folks who are not used to these kind of environments (I'm one of those people) and it has a little to do with history and soccer (for the feeble minded) as well I think, but like everyone should know that in every city there are degenerates.

About the culture, there's no big difference between southern Italians in general - I think there's a bigger difference in city folks and folks from the provinces.

08-31-2015, 02:31 PM
I don't think that is the reason Neapolitans are more hated than Sicilians.

Probably not ..

08-31-2015, 02:32 PM
Hahah everyone in Italy hates everyone else.. this is nothing new.

Anyway hate is a strong word, it's more like a strong regionalism rather than an ethnic hate. Italy isn't like the former Yugoslavia, you'll never see in Italy what happened there, people killing each other.

08-31-2015, 02:36 PM
In the Netherlands people from certain parts of the Netherlands are not very fond of people from Amsterdam or the Randstad in general but then again there are lots of village people from outside the Randstad who would love to live in Amsterdam or be associated with them.

I don't like big cities and the mess it creates but that is just a matter of personal taste I guess. I'd choose Sorrento over Napoli city for example.

09-03-2015, 05:49 PM

Extreme love or extreme hate

Peter Nirsch
09-03-2015, 07:41 PM
I feel bad for Joseph Capelli/Facader/Barbarossa/Prince Carlo :icon_sorry:
everyone hates his people.

El chapulin
09-03-2015, 09:29 PM
Yes everyone hate napolecani monezzari

Peter Nirsch
09-03-2015, 10:03 PM
Yes everyone hate napolecani monezzari

Hi, don't forget your vote.

09-20-2015, 11:46 AM
the persons that hate Naples and the Campania are that envy the sun and the sea of Naples, I vote lombardy because i hate they are ugly persons and racist to Naples, but Napulitans are considered the place of the story of Italy, the music and also the eat like the pizza that all persons know in the word. Also Naples was robbed by the Savoia that take all the richness of the Two Sicily to make the unify of Italy. Piemonte was a place of persons poor before Savoia take the Borbons richness, in Naples had the bidè and Savoia don't know was a bidè :D

09-22-2015, 12:18 AM
Mah..sto Pietro Nerchia XD
È sicuramente italiano

Manifestati!! Ti comprendiamo se vivi all estero e ti costruisci una identità artificiale per essere accettato dagli altri

Probabilmente sennò è il secondo account di Askra/Mens Sarda che probabilmente ha 3 account ..me lo immagino proprio li dietro a sputare odio e veleno

Cristiano viejo
09-22-2015, 12:29 AM

Peter Nirsch
09-22-2015, 01:52 AM
Mah..sto Pietro Nerchia XD
È sicuramente italiano

Manifestati!! Ti comprendiamo se vivi all estero e ti costruisci una identità artificiale per essere accettato dagli altri

Probabilmente sennò è il secondo account di Askra/Mens Sarda che probabilmente ha 3 account ..me lo immagino proprio li dietro a sputare odio e veleno

are you speaking about me? Pietro means Peter in Italian, write into English please.

09-22-2015, 01:39 PM
Mah..sto Pietro Nerchia XD
È sicuramente italiano

Manifestati!! Ti comprendiamo se vivi all estero e ti costruisci una identità artificiale per essere accettato dagli altri

Probabilmente sennò è il secondo account di Askra/Mens Sarda che probabilmente ha 3 account ..me lo immagino proprio li dietro a sputare odio e veleno

Questo è il tipico atteggiamento di chi ha la coscienza sporca e proietta se stesso e il proprio modo di agire sugli altri.

Che dire invece di te? secondo quel poveretto di Joseph Capelli, che stai difendendo, saresti un troll con IP localizzato a Cagliari.
Non è certo colpa mia se quell'individuo è odiato da mezzo mondo e gran parte della gente che ha avuto a che fare con lui ne parla male.

09-22-2015, 05:38 PM
Questo è il tipico atteggiamento di chi ha la coscienza sporca e proietta se stesso e il proprio modo di agire sugli altri.

Che dire invece di te? secondo quel poveretto di Joseph Capelli, che stai difendendo, saresti un troll con IP localizzato a Cagliari.
Non è certo colpa mia se quell'individuo è odiato da mezzo mondo e gran parte della gente che ha avuto a che fare con lui ne parla male.

forse l IP era a cagliari perché magari postavo dall' Isola d Elba.. e forse.. la rete dell elba sarà connessa alla sardegna.. che ne so

09-22-2015, 05:39 PM
are you speaking about me? Pietro means Peter in Italian, write into English please.

si.. esattamente Pietro Nerchia.. vedi che mi hai compreso bene XD :D
..ah.. e Niersch si traduce benissimo per assonanza con Nerchia

09-22-2015, 05:40 PM
I like Italians and rank them among friendliest nations in the world. they also have a nice country, a good infrastructure, a good health system, nice seashores and food, culture and a lot of beautiful Eastern European women

09-22-2015, 05:45 PM
I like Italians and rank them among friendliest nations in the world. they also have a nice country, a good infrastructure, a good health system, nice seashores and food, culture and a lot of beautiful Eastern European women

:D yes,we have many rumenians and moldovans here :).. i know many

09-22-2015, 05:49 PM
:D yes,we have many rumenians and moldovans here :).. i know many

yeah, we have a lot of whores in the East

09-22-2015, 05:51 PM
yeah, we have a lot of whores in the East

well yes.. many are prostitutes.. but many are not.. ..the "nanny" of my grandmum is from romania's moldavia.. iasi

i did have too two rumenian classmates.. one girl from transilvania (sighisoara)

09-22-2015, 05:52 PM

Extreme love or extreme hate

For you it's extreme love no ?

09-22-2015, 05:53 PM
I feel bad for Joseph Capelli/Facader/Barbarossa/Prince Carlo :icon_sorry:
everyone hates his people.

You say he's Neapolitan ? What a joke he is, that he talks bad about me then..

09-22-2015, 05:56 PM


09-22-2015, 06:15 PM

Con questi video rischi solo che i voti per Napoli aumentino. :D

09-22-2015, 06:18 PM
si.. esattamente Pietro Nerchia.. vedi che mi hai compreso bene XD :D
..ah.. e Niersch si traduce benissimo per assonanza con Nerchia

Lo capisce perfettamente l'italiano. E forse anche qualche dialetto o "lingua", chissà. :)

09-22-2015, 06:22 PM
For you it's extreme love no ?

yes.. i love neaples, and the people :)

i had a good time in ischia.. but for a foreigner it must be a bit trhumatic.. as sometimes neapolitans may appear controversial

09-22-2015, 06:25 PM
Con questi video rischi solo che i voti per Napoli aumentino. :D

The first is more representative for all the south (I agree it's not the best way to defend southerners or Naples, but I thought it might fit the topic:p) and the second is actually a very nice uplifting song with a ''Neapolitan pride'' sentiment intermingled.

09-22-2015, 06:27 PM
yes.. i love neaples, and the people :)

i had a good time in ischia.. but for a foreigner it must be a bit trhumatic.. as sometimes neapolitans may appear controversial

controversial ?

09-22-2015, 06:33 PM
The first is more representative for all the south (I agree it's not the best way to defend southerners or Naples, but I thought it might fit the topic:p) and the second is actually a very nice uplifting song with a ''Neapolitan pride'' sentiment intermingled.

Non penso onestamente che sia così rappresentativa. Ho molti amici del sud Italia a cui non piace questa musica. A proposito, la settimana scorsa sono stato a Napoli. Poi ti racconto.

09-22-2015, 06:42 PM
Non penso onestamente che sia così rappresentativa. Ho molti amici del sud Italia a cui non piace questa musica. A proposito, la settimana scorsa sono stato a Napoli. Poi ti racconto.

Chill out Oddone, not everyone cares so much about these puny little things; I just found the clip under the name ''terrone'' and that's when I thought it would be a nice for for this thread that's all. I don't care what other people think. In regards to your visit in Naples and what some people there might think - I'm not easily influenced by other people's tastes and preferences but I do appreciate the gesture.

09-22-2015, 08:23 PM
Non penso onestamente che sia così rappresentativa. Ho molti amici del sud Italia a cui non piace questa musica. A proposito, la settimana scorsa sono stato a Napoli. Poi ti racconto.

a me piace

a mmussica nnapulitana ha dda esse nnapulitana XD

09-22-2015, 09:38 PM
Chill out Oddone, not everyone cares so much about these puny little things; I just found the clip under the name ''terrone'' and that's when I thought it would be a nice for for this thread that's all. I don't care what other people think. In regards to your visit in Naples and what some people there might think - I'm not easily influencedby other people's tastes and preferences but I do appreciate the gesture.

I see, Alessio. You've started directly wih Pino Aprile. I immagine you in a few years as leader of the Neapolitan independence movement. :)

Peter Nirsch
09-25-2015, 10:52 PM
yeah, we have a lot of whores in the East

and many clients in the west.

09-25-2015, 10:56 PM
That depends on how you define "most hated". In terms of facing prejudices from folks, I would probably say Neapolitans and Sicilians.

09-25-2015, 10:57 PM
AS Roma fans

01-25-2023, 01:42 AM
I already know that the Neapolitans will win, even if I like them, there isn't a particular region that I sincerely hate, in general I'm a very pacifist person, I don't hate anyone, in fact I'm not good for this type of society, because i don't have the necessary competitiveness and malice, i had some friction when i was in Veneto for 5/6 months, but I don't hate them sincerely

01-25-2023, 02:14 AM
In ogni guerra, la questione di fondo non è tanto di vincere o di perdere, di vivere o di morire; ma di come si vince, di come si perde, di come si vive, di come si muore. Una guerra si può perdere, ma con dignità e lealtà. La resa ed il tradimento bollano per secoli un popolo davanti al mondo.

Junio Valerio Borghese.

;).......per secoli.

The "glorious" idea of ​​war is idiotic, it's not an honor to die for your literally "master" another thing is to die for a just cause and the only worthy cause is Anarchy and social justice, things that sooner or later they will come, when the human being will finally evolve (but it's very different there, you fight for an idea, a concept) I consider a man like Panagulis a hero, certainly not soldiers forced to go to war to serve the interests of the powerful of the moment, the revolution is the only war that can be considered just, but it will only happen when men are ready

01-25-2023, 02:31 AM
I already know that the Neapolitans will win, even if I like them, there isn't a particular region that I sincerely hate, in general I'm a very pacifist person, I don't hate anyone, in fact I'm not good for this type of society, because i don't have the necessary competitiveness and malice, i had some friction when i was in Veneto for 5/6 months, but I don't hate them sincerely

A lot of people from my colony (grandparents of mine included) went "back" to Veneto and always complained about the people. I think it's mostly a bias against Brazilians as allegedly some went to ask for inheritances (and honestly we are an insufferably ignorant people when it comes to foreign culture, I know it myself as a migrant who interacted with fellows).

Are they especially hostile to foreigners or internal migrants in your experience?

01-25-2023, 02:45 AM
A lot of people from my colony (grandparents of mine included) went "back" to Veneto and always complained about the people. I think it's mostly a bias against Brazilians as allegedly some went to ask for inheritances (and honestly we are an insufferably ignorant people when it comes to foreign culture, I know it myself as a migrant who interacted with fellows).

Are they especially hostile to foreigners or internal migrants in your experience?

Racism towards migrants absolutely, I think it is the most extreme right-wing region of the whole of Italy, even with southern internal immigrants in part but much less, especially in the city of Verona, for example despite the fact that I grew up in Milan a man in Verona, I used to work with (who didn't particularly like me) he called me a Terrone in Verona, knowing of my Apulian origins, but I think he had some sort of personal frustration in general, I'm 24, he's probably around 50, paradoxically, despite having hated me, I continued to help him in times of need with work, etc. (I'm not a person who holds grudges and I tend to see good in that person, even though he hated me) my last days at work he almost cried, I finally saw some humanity in that person

01-25-2023, 03:35 AM
Racism towards migrants absolutely, I think it is the most extreme right-wing region of the whole of Italy, even with southern internal immigrants in part but much less, especially in the city of Verona, for example despite the fact that I grew up in Milan a man in Verona, I used to work with (who didn't particularly like me) he called me a Terrone in Verona, knowing of my Apulian origins, but I think he had some sort of personal frustration in general, I'm 24, he's probably around 50, paradoxically, despite having hated me, I continued to help him in times of need with work, etc. (I'm not a person who holds grudges and I tend to see good in that person, even though he hated me) my last days at work he almost cried, I finally saw some humanity in that person

Funny enough, among the 10 cities that voted for the Right-wing Bolsonaro the most, in the entire country, 6 were Italian colonies. My town was 70%.

Even though he never used (explicitly) the indomitable racism of we the tropical polentoni to his benefit, the right-wing sentiment that dominates here started due to the same arguments that Meloni used against the poor of the South, but against Northeasterners and some minorities. To be honest, most who go to Italy get a taste of their own venom. A grandpa of mine once said dogs bark more at blacks because they sense the smell. I think it explains a bit how they feel towards non-whites (and non-italians to a certain extent).

To be honest our tendency to reject outsiders was good in the sense that our way of living made towns incredibly more peaceful, equal and sustainable than the old Portuguese/Indian/Slave plantations who still work on a caste system to a certain point. But no one should go through the stuff blacks went at the time of my father and grandfather.

Luckily stuff is changing. And I admire your treatment of that guy, this is what everyone should do at the end of the day. As much as possible, we should not answer to hostility with more hostility.

01-25-2023, 03:56 AM
Probably Napoli

01-25-2023, 03:59 AM
The Super Mario Brothers, Sacco & Vanzetti, Nancy Pelosi, Albert DeSalvo ("The Boston Strangler"), etc., et al.

01-25-2023, 08:34 AM
Funny enough, among the 10 cities that voted for the Right-wing Bolsonaro the most, in the entire country, 6 were Italian colonies. My town was 70%.

Even though he never used (explicitly) the indomitable racism of we the tropical polentoni to his benefit, the right-wing sentiment that dominates here started due to the same arguments that Meloni used against the poor of the South, but against Northeasterners and some minorities. To be honest, most who go to Italy get a taste of their own venom. A grandpa of mine once said dogs bark more at blacks because they sense the smell. I think it explains a bit how they feel towards non-whites (and non-italians to a certain extent).

To be honest our tendency to reject outsiders was good in the sense that our way of living made towns incredibly more peaceful, equal and sustainable than the old Portuguese/Indian/Slave plantations who still work on a caste system to a certain point. But no one should go through the stuff blacks went at the time of my father and grandfather.

Luckily stuff is changing. And I admire your treatment of that guy, this is what everyone should do at the end of the day. As much as possible, we should not answer to hostility with more hostility.

racism is unfortunately increasing exponentially throughout Italy by now, unfortunately Italy is a country with a lot, really a lot of social hatred, if in a country that already has these problems on its own, add the increase in all products due to war net of salaries that remain the same, a sort of powder keg is created where everyone feels frustrated, pissed off and heartbroken, if people were able to gather this wickedness that you breathe and organize themselves into something collective, I think something would change, but the Italy is also a very individualistic country (everyone thinks for themselves) I am often branded a "communist" because of what I say but the reality is that I am an anarchist, but I too know very well that Anarchy is currently not possible , a particular point of human evolution will follow step by step, but I believe that in a while we will at least be able to start walking the path of anarchy, as Malatesta said, anarchy is like a road to go, it cannot be implemented immediately but first we must follow the path, going back to putting hostility aside, I think it's the best thing, I feel good about myself, the problem is that a person who behaves the way I behaved is accused of being stupid and naïve, ironic that I, despite not being a catholic, at that time I followed the teachings of Jesus Christ much more than those who go around with holy pictures but then hate their neighbor

01-25-2023, 08:48 AM
The Super Mario Brothers, Sacco & Vanzetti, Nancy Pelosi, Albert DeSalvo ("The Boston Strangler"), etc., et al.

Sacco and Vanzetti were two heroes

01-25-2023, 09:16 AM
In Hungary almost everybody hates Calabrians and Abruzzians. On the other hand, people here really like Neapolitans/Campanians.

Cristiano viejo
01-25-2023, 09:36 AM
A lot of people from my colony (grandparents of mine included) went "back" to Veneto and always complained about the people. I think it's mostly a bias against Brazilians as allegedly some went to ask for inheritances (and honestly we are an insufferably ignorant people when it comes to foreign culture, I know it myself as a migrant who interacted with fellows).

Are they especially hostile to foreigners or internal migrants in your experience?
Two of my relatives were to Venecia the last year and they only spoke good things about Venetians and their behavior. They say Venetians treated them extremely good.

01-25-2023, 10:31 AM
Two of my relatives were to Venecia the last year and they only spoke good things about Venetians and their behavior. They say Venetians treated them extremely good.

There are three fundamental reasons in my opinion
1) Venice is very different from the Veneto hinterland, it is a very cosmopolitan city, more similar in certain points of view to coastal Tuscany or coastal Liguria than to Verona or Rovigo, it has a very more Mediterranean and hospitable
2) Because they were tourists, tourists are treated well everywhere, because they bring money
3) Your relatives are Spanish, there is a generally positive view of Spaniards in Italy in general
Venice is also politically considered the most left-wing of the provinces of the Veneto, it is a very different reality

01-25-2023, 10:59 AM
Two of my relatives were to Venecia the last year and they only spoke good things about Venetians and their behavior. They say Venetians treated them extremely good.

I was in Venecia in 2002 with school. I didnt talked to any native Venecians, dont even know who were the native Venecians and who were from other parts of Italy or tourists. I was not treated bad, but I didnt met any Italians or Venecians, so the opportunity didnt arose, only once me and two other boys talked to a older man, he said they speak good italian and they are good boys for learning italian, he asked me if i speak italian too or learn italian i said no i take latin classes and he said that is very bad, i should learn italian.

01-25-2023, 11:06 AM
However I noticed that we Apulians are quite nice to almost from everyone, in northern Italy I worked as a waiter both in Veneto and in Lombardy and the Apulian accent got me many smiles and tips (money for the service) from local customers, and I speak both from the city ( Milan, Verona) and rural villages in both cases, we are generally very well regarded

01-31-2023, 07:20 PM
Venetians and Neapolitans.

01-31-2023, 07:23 PM
Two of my relatives were to Venecia the last year and they only spoke good things about Venetians and their behavior. They say Venetians treated them extremely good.

Venetians have really bad rep here, they hate Slavs totally but we hear entire Italy hates them too xD

01-31-2023, 11:08 PM
Venetians have really bad rep here, they hate Slavs totally but we hear entire Italy hates them too xD

In the Basque country, there is no distinction. All of them are taken for moros or gypsies, so to speak.

02-01-2023, 09:28 AM
Venetians have really bad rep here, they hate Slavs totally but we hear entire Italy hates them too xD

From personal experience I have always had very good relationships with Slavs, 3 of my ex girls were Slavic (Ukrainian and Russian) they were very sweet and feminine, Slavic and also Latin American girls seem to me much more feminine and affectionate (sweet) than girls from Western Europe, in addition to the fact that on average they are really beautiful, from what I have been able to see real racism exists only among the poor, because they are easily manipulated and need a scapegoat, for example, an English millionaire born will get along much better with a Ghanaian millionaire than with his not rich compatriot, racism is an economic state, it is no coincidence that racism is usually directed towards the economically poorest people

02-01-2023, 06:44 PM
From personal experience I have always had very good relationships with Slavs, 3 of my ex girls were Slavic (Ukrainian and Russian) they were very sweet and feminine, Slavic and also Latin American girls seem to me much more feminine and affectionate (sweet) than girls from Western Europe, in addition to the fact that on average they are really beautiful, from what I have been able to see real racism exists only among the poor, because they are easily manipulated and need a scapegoat, for example, an English millionaire born will get along much better with a Ghanaian millionaire than with his not rich compatriot, racism is an economic state, it is no coincidence that racism is usually directed towards the economically poorest people

Yeah, keep dreaming.

02-01-2023, 09:56 PM
Yeah, keep dreaming.

Ok person i don't know exists and with certain inner frustrations to vent on the internet����

02-01-2023, 10:11 PM
And which are the most loved ones?

02-02-2023, 01:12 AM
Ok person i don't know exists and with certain inner frustrations to vent on the internet����

That's quite a response to something as simple as 'Yeah, keep dreaming'. A lot of assumptions there. I just don't fucking believe you, that's it. No need to try to find and justify some other motives just because it would fit you.

02-16-2023, 01:35 PM
That's quite a response to something as simple as 'Yeah, keep dreaming'. A lot of assumptions there. I just don't fucking believe you, that's it. No need to try to find and justify some other motives just because it would fit you.

I accept the fact that you don't believe me, but it seemed more like a joke than anything else, that's why I answered like this :)

02-16-2023, 03:16 PM
I accept the fact that you don't believe me, but it seemed more like a joke than anything else, that's why I answered like this :)

Not quite sure why are you replying to my post in a completely insignificant conversation after two fucking weeks. Anyhow you don't need to explain yourself, I'm not interested.