View Full Version : Potsdam Agreement - for Roybatty

04-27-2009, 12:27 AM
I had no desire to continue this discussion in the Barin thread, because I clearly stated it was time to move on. After reading your reply, however, I decided to do this thread and maybe clear up some misunderstandings here.

First things was my reference to Russia instead of USSR. Yes, it was a comglomerate of differing nations under the Soviet yoke - as you pointed out - but everybody knew that it was Russia who were really pulling the strings. There's too much to explain in that regard and I would be digressing from the main agenda so I won't continue along those lines.

After Germany formally surrendered on 8 May 1945 (VE Day), the western Allies of the Soviet Union, United Kingdom and America decided to draw up an agreement and settle the administration of the former NAZI Germany. The Potsdam Conference was held (in Potsdam, at the home of Crown Prince Wilhem Hohenzollern) from 16 July - 2 August 1945. From this meeting, a formal agreement was drawn up and Germany would eventually be divided - or annexed - into East and West Germany.

There was a lot more to it of course, and the German territories were reverted to their former status before WW2, along with their eastern border moving further westward, as part of Poland's compensation for losing some of their eastern territory to the USSR.

Anyway, Germany was administered in the west by the UK, France and US, and in the east by the USSR. East Germany became a communist state who was allied with the USSR, while West Germany was more capitalist and free? enterprise.

This is the short explanation of it, as I would be writing a 200 page thesis otherwise! :D:tongue While I used This (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potsdam_Conference) and This (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Germany) as a point of reference, the words are mine - I learned not to plagiarise.

I do my best to study history, but I'm no expert by any means. I'm not afraid to learn and I'm also willing to listen to other points of view - so long as the same courtesy is extended to me. That will be all.

Thank you