View Full Version : Charlie Teo urges Aussies to recognise the contributions of immigrants

01-24-2012, 05:33 AM
Charlie Teo urges Aussies to recognise the contributions of immigrants

HIGH-profile brain surgeon Charlie Teo says immigrants are generally good people who could make Australia as prosperous as the US.
Dr Teo, the son of Chinese immigrants, said racism in Australia was not as bad as other countries but it still existed.


01-24-2012, 06:02 AM
Immigrants get more than they deserve, I don't mean bad but the moment you come to this country they treat you as good as possible even though you hadn't made any contribution to their country yet. Maybe the opposite should be done and immigrants should be vocal how locals are good to them? The same is in England. If there is contribution nobody denies it and nobody takes credit fo it like in some other countries.
The more they are given the more they demand...

The Lawspeaker
01-27-2012, 11:11 AM
I agree. They should recognise the numerous contributions made by European immigrants and by the Afrikaner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikaner) refugees that made it to Australia's shores but I don't think that that is what he was hinting at... :cool: