View Full Version : Teachings of the Kama Sutra

01-29-2012, 06:27 AM
That Christianity, Islam and Judaism values Virginity is well known but even the Kama Sutra speaks high of Virginity.

When Kama is practised by men of the four castes according to the rules of the Holy Writ (i.e., by lawful marriage) with virgins of their own caste, it then becomes a means of acquiring lawful progeny and good fame, and it is not also opposed to the customs of the world. On the contrary the practice of Kama with women of the higher castes, and with those previously enjoyed by others, even though they be of the same caste, is prohibited. But the practice of Kama with women of the lower castes, with women excommunicated from their own caste, with public women, and with women twice married,[31] is neither enjoined nor prohibited. The object of practising Kama with such women is pleasure only.


--A women who isnt a virgin, is a public woman and can be enjoyed by anyone even low castes....

(a). This woman is self-willed, and has been previously enjoyed by many others besides myself. I may, therefore, safely resort to her as to a public woman though she belongs to a higher caste than mine, and in so doing I shall not be violating the ordinances of Dharma.

Aces High
01-29-2012, 09:33 AM
Seems like the women dont have a say in that archaic chickenshit you quoted.

JSYK....times have moved on and women like to have pleasure with their sexual organs as well as men....this might be a hard concept for a pikey steeped in bygone traditions to understand but women.....now get this....are on an equal footing to men here in the west....crazy i know for you...but thats how it is.

They arent treated as objects for some fat greasy slimey slobs from the third or fourth world to pass around like a hookah pipe.

01-29-2012, 09:35 AM
Seems like the women dont have a say in that archaic chickenshit you quoted.

JSYK....times have moved on and women like to have pleasure with their sexual organs as well as men....this might be a hard concept for a pikey steeped in bygone traditions to understand but women.....now get this....are on an equal footing to men here in the west....crazy i know for you...but thats how it is.

They arent treated as objects for some fat greasy slimey slobs from the third or fourth world to pass around like a hookah pipe.

I think women are equall to men but not when it comes to sex, women should take care more of their sexuality than men. Im sure even in the West a Guy is Cool when he sleeps with many Women but the Women is a Slut, still today and this has reasons.

01-29-2012, 09:41 AM
There is already a thread about virginity (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38355).

01-29-2012, 09:43 AM
There is already a thread about virginity (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38355).

my thread can be renamed as "teachings of the kama sutra" than.

Aces High
01-29-2012, 09:49 AM
Im sure even in the West a Guy is Cool when he sleeps with many Women but the Women is a Slut,

Too much of a generalization....the west is a big place.....promiscuous sex is hollow and leads to wasted aims.

01-29-2012, 09:50 AM
--A women who isnt a virgin, is a public woman and can be enjoyed by anyone even low castes....


01-29-2012, 09:54 AM
Virginity is very important especially at women. I'll be only with virgin girl.

01-29-2012, 10:03 AM
I think i would never want to be with a man who find it important. The reason is simple, it is another condition and another norm he care about when choosing a partner, and love should be unconditional, unstoppable and without borders.

01-29-2012, 10:04 AM
Virginity is overrated. In the past the women were seen as "second hand" if they weren't virgin. All these movements came from the semitic religions. In pagan Europe people havent seen women as objects and something that they could trade.

01-29-2012, 10:11 AM
It's worth the "pain", if you actually DO love the person you're having it with...
and they're free of STDs.

That second part is just my own personal opinion.

01-29-2012, 10:17 AM
It's worth the "pain", if you actually DO love the person you're having it with...
and they're free of STDs.

That second part is just my own personal opinion.

"Pain" (as well as bleeding) is individual and relative. ;)
It doesn't have to be a rule.

01-29-2012, 10:23 AM
I agree that virginity should be valued, instead of sluttiness as we see nowadays. On the other hand, I'm not going to make a fuss if I'm with a girl who has had stable long-term relationships before me. (However, I absolutely won't date or marry a slutty woman). It's rather unrealistic to expect for everyone to stay virgin until marriage all of a sudden, although it's a good ideal for monogamy.

--A women who isnt a virgin, is a public woman and can be enjoyed by anyone even low castes....
Even by low castes.

I guess that's the only way a fat pile of brown blubber like yourself can ever get pussy.

01-29-2012, 10:32 AM
"Pain" (as well as bleeding) is individual and relative. ;)
It doesn't have to be a rule.
Fair point. :)

01-29-2012, 10:37 AM
Virginity is overrated. In the past the women were seen as "second hand" if they weren't virgin. All these movements came from the semitic religions. In pagan Europe people havent seen women as objects and something that they could trade.

It would be interesting if you could back up your claims with sources, i mean about Pagan Europe and their stance on virginity.

01-29-2012, 10:38 AM
Even by low castes.

I guess that's the only way a fat pile of brown blubber like yourself can ever get pussy.

The Kama Sutra also states "Women who are extremely white or extremely Black" shouldnt be "enjoyed" just like "bad-smelling women". So the ones who wrote that were probably of a brown shade.

01-29-2012, 10:44 AM
I think i would never want to be with a man who find it important. The reason is simple, it is another condition and another norm he care about when choosing a partner, and love should be unconditional, unstoppable and without borders.
but a woman who is a vrigin,is nowadays as rare as seeing an angel fall from the heaven.lol
i would also like a virgin but i don't think i'm going to find any,and by reading the comments of the females here i think i'm right
what a hard society is this,no virgins danm,you women are real lose but that's again the fault of the men after being so tight up,and you finally get released you want to have all the fun.

01-29-2012, 10:47 AM
It would be interesting if you could back up your claims with sources, i mean about Pagan Europe and their stance on virginity.

Do you speak Serbian? Here is part of text about sexual life of old Slavs, and it is about virginity, but text is on Serbian.

Много је доказа да брак за
Словене никада није
представљао препреку ка
упражњавању слободног
секса. Ствари стоје другачије
него што се обично мисли о
словенским народима. У
старим временима није се
знало за љубомору, вероватно
зато што код Словена није био
развијан осећај власништва
над људским бићима, као што
је то постао случај увођењем
Хришћанства. Они су чак и
своје ратне заробљенике
пуштали после неког времена,
и често се догађало да они
остану међу њима
Један од првих података о
брачним обичајима у старих
Словена изнео је чувени
арапски мислилац и етнограф,
Масуди. Он каже да, уколико би
младожења открио да је млада
пре брака била девица, он би
је отерао речима: „Да си ишта
вредела, до сада би већ била
вољена и нашла би некога ко
би те ослободио девичанства“.
Због тога се дешавало да
девојке, како би избегле
подсмех од стране момака и
осталих девојака, одлазе код
сеоских врачева да их
ослобађају девичанства, и то
се догађало чак и у
хришћанско време. Тај обичај
је, када се сазнало за то, црква
строго забранила.

01-29-2012, 10:51 AM
but a woman who is a vrigin,is nowadays as rare as seeing an angel fall from the heaven.lol
i would also like a virgin but i don't think i'm going to find any,and by reading the comments of the females here i think i'm right
what a hard society is this,no virgins danm,you women are real lose but that's again the fault of the men after being so tight up,and you finally get released you want to have all the fun.

I understand what are you saying, but women would more like that someone marry them because of their personality, and not because virginity,or look, or any other obvious category. Anyway, virgins are not so rare as you thing, they are just quiet. I don't know much girls who change partners easily or get involved in sex just for pleasure or without thinking.

01-29-2012, 10:54 AM
Do you speak Serbian? Here is part of text about sexual life of old Slavs, and it is about virginity, but text is on Serbian.

Yes i understand it. "If you were valuable someone would have freed you of virginity before me".:D

01-29-2012, 10:54 AM
I understand what are you saying, but women would more like that someone marry them because of their personality, and not because virginity,or look, or any other obvious category. Anyway, virgins are not so rare as you thing, they are just quiet. I don't know much girls who change partners easily or get involved in sex just for pleasure or without thinking.
I'll take personality over looks any day. Girls who can make me smile or laugh will get my attention before "attractive looking" girls. Although when I like someones personality, they are more physically attractive in my eyes. I won't stand for a girls who's a slut with a nice face. Even I said some dirty comments to you, but that doesn't make me slut. ;)

01-29-2012, 10:55 AM
I understand what are you saying, but women would more like that someone marry them because of their personality, and not because virginity,or look, or any other obvious category. Anyway, virgins are not so rare as you thing, they are just quiet. I don't know much girls who change partners easily or get involved in sex just for pleasure or without thinking.

Of course because of personality, but probably they have weak personality if they sleep around, right?

01-29-2012, 10:58 AM
Of course because of personality, but probably they have weak personality if they sleep around, right?
dude they don't have a weak personality if they sleep around,they're just sluts and even sluts can have strong personality but they just like to have pleasure,like mordids bride forexample she cheated mordid with jb but she has a strong personality.

01-29-2012, 10:59 AM
dude they don't have a weak personality if they sleep around,they're just sluts and even sluts can have strong personality but they just like to have pleasure,like mordids bride forexample she cheated mordid with jb but she has a strong personality.

good. i change it to "bad personality" or "evil personality." ok?

01-29-2012, 11:04 AM
Of course because of personality, but probably they have weak personality if they sleep around, right?

Not because they sleep around. Most of girls i know don't do it. But in real life things aren't always going how people imagine it. You can't expect from a girl to marry her first if by the time she found out he changed or their characters don't match anymore. You can't say she doesn't have right to search for better. It happen in marriage too, and people divorce. Men from think different is hypocrite, because in most of cases he isn't virgin.

"Not a virgin" isn't same as "slut".

01-29-2012, 11:07 AM
People should have good personality and people who have good personality know how to achieve in life. Disregarding, people who have bad personality tend to have somewhat good character. At least, I noticed it in some people.

01-29-2012, 11:08 AM
Not because they sleep around. Most of girls i know don't do it. But in real life things aren't always going how people imagine it. You can't expect from a girl to marry her first if by the time she found out he changed or their characters don't match anymore. You can't say she doesn't have right to search for better. It happen in marriage too, and people divorce. Men from think different is hypocrite, because in most of cases he isn't virgin.

yes true.:thumb001: but there is still difference if they sleep around or had a/a few serious relationships before.

Also i think everyone can change into a better person and deserves a second chance. still i think virginity should be a social norm.

01-29-2012, 11:12 AM
Do you speak Serbian? Here is part of text about sexual life of old Slavs, and it is about virginity, but text is on Serbian.

Много је доказа да брак за
Словене никада није
представљао препреку ка
упражњавању слободног
секса. Ствари стоје другачије
него што се обично мисли о
словенским народима. У
старим временима није се
знало за љубомору, вероватно
зато што код Словена није био
развијан осећај власништва
над људским бићима, као што
је то постао случај увођењем
Хришћанства. Они су чак и
своје ратне заробљенике
пуштали после неког времена,
и често се догађало да они
остану међу њима
Један од првих података о
брачним обичајима у старих
Словена изнео је чувени
арапски мислилац и етнограф,
Масуди. Он каже да, уколико би
младожења открио да је млада
пре брака била девица, он би
је отерао речима: „Да си ишта
вредела, до сада би већ била
вољена и нашла би некога ко
би те ослободио девичанства“.
Због тога се дешавало да
девојке, како би избегле
подсмех од стране момака и
осталих девојака, одлазе код
сеоских врачева да их
ослобађају девичанства, и то
се догађало чак и у
хришћанско време. Тај обичај
је, када се сазнало за то, црква
строго забранила.

Mogao bih se okladiti da su ove laži gore izmislili neki studenti treće godine JUDEO-psihosociologije čiji roditelji muzu krave i prodaju mlijeko da bi im plaćali sobu u Beogradu i školovali ih.

01-29-2012, 11:19 AM
Mogao bih se okladiti da su ove laži gore izmislili neki studenti treće godine JUDEO-psihosociologije čiji roditelji muzu krave i prodaju mlijeko da bi im plaćali sobu u Beogradu i školovali ih.

Mislim da je u pitanju prevod nekog ruskog teksta na srpski jezik, viđala sam slično po sajtovima identičnog profila, ali drugih zemalja. Ovo je inače sa stranice starisloveni.com.
Imaš i pisanu literaturu o tome.

Ali da, zanimljiva reakcija, po čim se nešto neuklapa u zvanične standarde i po čim neodgovara, odmah su u pitanju laži... Tako tipično. I to baš provincijskih studenata treće godine. :D

01-29-2012, 12:07 PM
I think that girls who stay virgins and are not deeply religious have some serious issues about sexuality/men/life.

Too much and too little of something is most likely an indicator that something is fucked up.

01-29-2012, 12:10 PM
Why don't we see virginity in a heathen context. It was like a time bomb, and people made sure it blew up nice and proper back then ;)

01-29-2012, 12:57 PM
Mislim da je u pitanju prevod nekog ruskog teksta na srpski jezik, viđala sam slično po sajtovima identičnog profila, ali drugih zemalja. Ovo je inače sa stranice starisloveni.com.
Imaš i pisanu literaturu o tome.

Ali da, zanimljiva reakcija, po čim se nešto neuklapa u zvanične standarde i po čim neodgovara, odmah su u pitanju laži... Tako tipično. I to baš provincijskih studenata treće godine. :D

Da prevod TAMO NEKOG teksta koji govori o stanovištima starih Slovena prema nevinosti. Zašto bih ja uopšte trebao vjerovati u to? Šta i da je istina sve to što je napisano u tekstu!? Stari Sloveni su bili nepismeni necivilizovani varvarski narod dok nisu prihvatili Hrišćansku vjeru tako da nema baš puno smisla uzimati ih kao primjer sada u drugom milenijumu poslije Hrista. Pored toga većina ovdje na ovom topiku smatra da je nevinost VAŽNA.

01-29-2012, 01:09 PM
Da prevod TAMO NEKOG teksta koji govori o stanovištima starih Slovena prema nevinosti. Zašto bih ja uopšte trebao vjerovati u to? Šta i da je istina sve to što je napisano u tekstu!? Stari Sloveni su bili nepismeni necivilizovani varvarski narod dok nisu prihvatili Hrišćansku vjeru tako da nema baš puno smisla uzimati ih kao primjer sada u drugom milenijumu poslije Hrista. Pored toga većina ovdje na ovom topiku smatra da je nevinost VAŽNA.

Niko ih ne uzima kao primer, to je samo jedan od mogućih istorijskih podataka i ništa više. Ako razumeš češki, postoji par tekstova o tome na njoihovom jeziku. Dakle, ne radi se samo o jednom neutemeljenom izvoru, već o nekoliko, iz različitih zemalja. Niko ne propagira takav način života, to je daleka prošlost i nema veze sa sadašnjošću. Mislim da sam to stavila ovde jer je neko pitao paganskom pogledu na seksualnost i devičanstvo. :rolleyes:

Svako ima pravo da kreira sebi život kakav želi, prema vrednostima koje je sam sebi izabrao ili stvorio, bio većina ili manjina. Ja recimo ne dopuštam da mi neko postavlja uslove kojih se on sam ne pridržava. Većina tih koji insistiraju na nevinosti su se već 'ogrešili', pa ne znam je l' imaju prava da traže bilo šta. Ja bih sad mogla da zahtevam mnogo toga od svog budućeg, jer živim jako ispravno, ali sumnjam da bi neko mogao da zadovolji te kriterijume. Što naravno ne znači da svi treba da čine isto.

01-29-2012, 01:11 PM
I think that girls who stay virgins and are not deeply religious have some serious issues about sexuality/men/life.

Too much and too little of something is most likely an indicator that something is fucked up.

Do you think that boys who stay virgins have some serious issues? I'm male and 18 years old and virgin. In leisure time I play Call Of Duty 4 and I don't go out and don't have girlfriend. Am I guilty because of that? Have I maybe deserve death penalty or I deserve prison because of that? Say me please?

01-29-2012, 01:24 PM
Do you think that boys who stay virgins have some serious issues? I'm male and 18 years old and virgin. In leisure time I play Call Of Duty 4 and I don't go out and don't have girlfriend. Am I guilty because of that? Have I maybe deserve death penalty or I deserve prison because of that? Say me please?
true,nowadays losing your virginity is a must and that's ridicilous bcs it's something personal,and only you can decide wheter you're ready or not to lose it,other people shouldn't make this choice for you.i've witnessed that teenage girls are suffering from this and this is why some grils dress like whores(srry for my words)bcs they want attention of boys for mayby to lose their virginity.and this is a big reason why people need education to destroy problems like these,and not being naive and listen to the popular kids.

01-29-2012, 01:40 PM
Da prevod TAMO NEKOG teksta koji govori o stanovištima starih Slovena prema nevinosti. Zašto bih ja uopšte trebao vjerovati u to? Šta i da je istina sve to što je napisano u tekstu!? Stari Sloveni su bili nepismeni necivilizovani varvarski narod dok nisu prihvatili Hrišćansku vjeru tako da nema baš puno smisla uzimati ih kao primjer sada u drugom milenijumu poslije Hrista. Pored toga većina ovdje na ovom topiku smatra da je nevinost VAŽNA.

I think too its all made up, because the old Pagans are long dead and now some people misuse them for their agenda. I think the Pagans were patriachalic just like later Christians.

01-29-2012, 02:19 PM
I think i would never want to be with a man who find it important. The reason is simple, it is another condition and another norm he care about when choosing a partner, and love should be unconditional, unstoppable and without borders.

Got to go marry that nigger then.

01-29-2012, 02:36 PM
Got to go marry that nigger then.

I won't marry anyone because i don't love anyone right now. And i won't marry anyone till i don't feel something extraordinary to that person. Love just don't go together with material, obvious things, i believe it is a higher feeling, thing of soul.

01-29-2012, 02:40 PM
I won't marry anyone because i don't love anyone right now. And i won't marry anyone till i don't feel something extraordinary to that person. Love just don't go together with material, obvious things, i believe it is a higher feeling, thing of soul.
Maybe i change my mind when i grow up. :D

I agree. But in New Testament is written "Our Bodies are the Temple of Christ, we shouldnt defill them'". Thats why i believe "the cleanliness of the body is important as the cleanliness of the Soul".

01-29-2012, 02:46 PM
I know it might be stupid question, but I have a right to be curious. Mymy, would you date black guys if they have good personality? I'd still prefer personality, but look is also important for me. I'd prefer white chicks over black chicks.

01-29-2012, 02:48 PM
Mordid's avatar je retarded. :cool:

01-29-2012, 02:50 PM
And i won't marry anyone till i don't feel something extraordinary to that person. Love just don't go together with material, obvious things, i believe it is a higher feeling, thing of soul.

You are so complicated person :rolleyes:

01-29-2012, 02:53 PM
Mordid's avatar je hawt that make me horny like a pornstar. :cool:

01-29-2012, 02:56 PM
mordid why is that chick wearing a communist hat(redstar),it makes me sad :(
aren't you freeminded lol

01-29-2012, 02:58 PM
It's an ironic thing, she's making fun of dialectical materialism by turning it capitalistic, like "Lenin's bar" or "Engel's pork chops" or "Mao's Mad Pinata Party". :D

01-29-2012, 03:03 PM
To be fair, I wouldn't have many options if I were to seek only virgin girls. I really don't care much about that, and I don't think I'd like the idea of waiting until the honeymoon to have sex with a girl. It doesn't mean that I support the idea of having sex with a different person every week either, people should have some more self respect.

01-29-2012, 03:20 PM
I know it might be stupid question, but I have a right to be curious. Mymy, would you date black guys if they have good personality? I'd still prefer personality, but look is also important for me. I'd prefer white chicks over black chicks.

Yes Mordid, you have right to ask it. And i have obligation to answer. I wrote it already in some thread. When it comes about look, i have to admit they aren't really good looking to me, so i would always choose white guy over black if it's only about look. I don't know any black guy. Media show them like loud people with bad manners and i wouldn't like it. Sure, there must be black people with good personality, but i think they don't attract me sexually. I know i wouldn't have problem to be friend with them, but i can't say if i could date some of them. Even it sound hypocrite from me because i am for collaboration between races.

The most close example i have is from my personal life. I spend good part of my time in Gypsy neighborhoods and i meet much of them till now. I regularly take kids to school and back, i know all parents, i even drink coffee with them sometimes and talk about everyday life problems; many of those people are good (although with some i had problems). But i know i couldn't date any of them because simply they have different mindset, different values than i have and totally different way of life, about manners i won't even talk(something i care a lot). So, i believe it would be similar with black people. I know, someone can say Europeans are different from each others, by culture, history, etc. but it is not really big difference. For example, my ex was Czech from Czech Republic, and i didn't feel foreign when i was with them, while when i spend time with Gypsies from Serbia, i do feel foreign and like don't belong there, even it's same culture, and they are same religion like majority of Serbs. My ex was Catholic but i still didn't have problem with celebrating Christmas with them and other things.

01-29-2012, 03:23 PM
You are so complicated person :rolleyes:

Thank you. I actually take it as a compliment. :D
You will understand this, it is what few people said about me and my friends, and we like it:

01-29-2012, 03:32 PM
Yes Mordid, you have right to ask it. And i have obligation to answer. I wrote it already in some thread. When it comes about look, i have to admit they aren't really good looking to me, so i would always choose white guy over black if it's only about look. I don't know any black guy. Media show them like loud people with bad manners and i wouldn't like it. Sure, there must be black people with good personality, but i think they don't attract me sexually. I know i wouldn't have problem to be friend with them, but i can't say if i could date some of them. Even it sound hypocrite from me because i am for collaboration between races.

Fair enough. Your opinion is what I needed to hear and I have nothing against it.:swl

01-29-2012, 03:39 PM
Yes Mordid, you have right to ask it. And i have obligation to answer. I wrote it already in some thread. When it comes about look, i have to admit they aren't really good looking to me, so i would always choose white guy over black if it's only about look. I don't know any black guy. Media show them like loud people with bad manners and i wouldn't like it. Sure, there must be black people with good personality, but i think they don't attract me sexually. I know i wouldn't have problem to be friend with them, but i can't say if i could date some of them. Even it sound hypocrite from me because i am for collaboration between races.

The most close example i have is from my personal life. I spend good part of my time in Gypsy neighborhoods and i meet much of them till now. I regularly take kids to school and back, i know all parents, i even drink coffee with them sometimes and talk about everyday life problems; many of those people are good (although with some i had problems). But i know i couldn't date any of them because simply they have different mindset, different values than i have and totally different way of life, about manners i won't even talk(something i care a lot). So, i believe it would be similar with black people. I know, someone can say Europeans are different from each others, by culture, history, etc. but it is not really big difference. For example, my ex was Czech from Czech Republic, and i didn't feel foreign when i was with them, while when i spend time with Gypsies from Serbia, i do feel foreign and like don't belong there, even it's same culture, and they are same religion like majority of Serbs. My ex was Catholic but i still didn't have problem with celebrating Christmas with them and other things.

It's because Gypsies are different race, which means that there's no single religion that can fix it and make them like us. Your Czech ex-boyfriend is Slavic like you are and that is reason why you didn't perceive him as foreign. In my opinion if someone is Slavic it's almost like that this person is Serbian.

01-29-2012, 03:43 PM
It's because Gypsies are different race, which means that there's no single religion that can fix it and make them like us. Your Czech ex-boyfriend is Slavic like you are and that is reason why you didn't perceive him as foreign. In my opinion if someone is Slavic it's almost like that this person is Serbian.

True. Im against different races dating eatch other.;)

01-29-2012, 03:45 PM
Thank you. I actually take it as a compliment. :D
You will understand this, it is what few people said about me and my friends, and we like it:
mymy you said you're collaborations between races,and i have also one question,this one is probably stupider then mordids one,would you date an albanian?

The Journeyman
01-29-2012, 03:46 PM
Only kids and creeps like virgins. I'll take a slut with a fat pussy any day over 70 virgins.

01-29-2012, 03:47 PM
Do you think that boys who stay virgins have some serious issues? I'm male and 18 years old and virgin. In leisure time I play Call Of Duty 4 and I don't go out and don't have girlfriend. Am I guilty because of that? Have I maybe deserve death penalty or I deserve prison because of that? Say me please?

I dont remember talking about death penalties or prisons so Im not sure what you are talking about.

Either way instead of having a healthy interest in the opposite sex you seemingly have an obsession with computer games. Many people are late bloomers, but 18 is a little too late. A few more years and you will start to realize that you are years and years behind from everyone else and catching up will get more and more difficult with time.

If that is not the case this means that you are socially incapable of finding someone. Because not going out is really not healthy.

01-29-2012, 03:49 PM
mymy you said you're collaborations between races,and i have also one question,this one is probably stupider then mordids one,would you date an albanian?

I have nothing against any European, and if it happen that my soul mate is Albanian(or any other European) who respect me and understand my personality, and who speak same 'soul language' like me, i would accept it i believe. Although my family wouldn't :P

01-29-2012, 03:50 PM
I dont remember talking about death penalties or prisons so Im not sure what you are talking about.

Either way instead of having a healthy interest in the opposite sex you seemingly have an obsession with computer games. Many people are late bloomers, but 18 is a little too late. A few more years and you will start to realize what you are years and years behind from everyone else and catching up will get more and more difficult with time.

If that is not the case this means that you are socially incapable of finding someone. Because not going out is really not healthy.
i also don't go out much bcs i have to concentrate on my studies,i don't think there is anything wrong with these,studies are more important then a night of fun.

01-29-2012, 03:52 PM
I have nothing against any European, and if it happen that my soul mate is Albanian(or any other European) who respect me and understand my personality, and who speak same 'soul language' like me, i would accept it i believe. Although my family wouldn't :P
good,you already are passed me for being tolerant heeheh

01-29-2012, 03:53 PM
I have nothing against any European, and if it happen that my soul mate is Albanian(or any other European) who respect me and understand my personality, and who speak same 'soul language' like me, i would accept it i believe. Although my family wouldn't :P
mymy what do you mean by soul language?

01-29-2012, 03:53 PM
Only kids and creeps like virgins. I'll take a slut with a fat pussy any day over 70 virgins.

Even if she is a race-mixing slut?

01-29-2012, 03:53 PM
i also don't go out much bcs i have to concentrate on my studies,i don't think there is anything wrong with these,studies are more important then a night of fun.

But a night of fun can be crucial to your development as an individual, as a human being. You are young only once, dont waste all of it.

Supreme American
01-29-2012, 03:55 PM
Virginity is very important especially at women. I'll be only with virgin girl.

Have fun with that.

01-29-2012, 03:55 PM
I have nothing against any European, and if it happen that my soul mate is Albanian(or any other European) who respect me and understand my personality, and who speak same 'soul language' like me, i would accept it i believe. Although my family wouldn't :P

Its funny since im not even a Serb, but when i was younger and more stupid and identified strongly with Serbs i hated it when a girl has sex with an albanian or a muslim. I listened to music like "Nemoj Sejo sa Turcinom". Its so funny since an albanian or muslim is even closer to a Serb than me. However im smarter now.

01-29-2012, 03:56 PM
Even if she is a race-mixing slut?
dude i think,if a girl is super attractive and you also find her very attractive then i think,you can't do much about it,even if she's a race-mixing slut.

01-29-2012, 03:56 PM
mymy what do you mean by soul language?

Hehe, the right person will understand what i mean. It is not something you can explain by words, it deep inner feeling. It has to do with 'energy' compatibility also, (matching of 'auras').

P.S. I know it sounds weird!

01-29-2012, 03:58 PM
Its funny since im not even a Serb, but when i was younger and more stupid and identified strongly with Serbs i hated it when a girl has sex with an albanian or a muslim. I listened to music like "Nemoj Sejo sa Turcinom". Its so funny since an albanian or muslim is even closer to a Serb than me. However im smarter now.
it's not stupid,you identified with them,bcs you were raised as one,it's not your fault.

01-29-2012, 03:59 PM
it's not stupid,you identified with them,bcs you were raised as one,it's not your fault.

i think it was the media which made hate anything non-serb and all "enemies" of serbs. because they hated so much on serbs in the media, and it influenced me as a kid watching it.

01-29-2012, 04:01 PM
Hehe, the right person will understand what i mean. It is not something you can explain by words, it deep inner feeling. It has to do with 'energy' compatibility also, (matching of 'auras').

P.S. I know it sounds weird!
do you mean something like finishing eachother sentences,knowing how to surprise your partner lol
it's really hardowork having a relationship,all the stress and whinning,you can't look at other women danm:D

01-29-2012, 04:07 PM
I dont remember talking about death penalties or prisons so Im not sure what you are talking about.

Either way instead of having a healthy interest in the opposite sex you seemingly have an obsession with computer games. Many people are late bloomers, but 18 is a little too late. A few more years and you will start to realize what you are years and years behind from everyone else and catching up will get more and more difficult with time.

If that is not the case this means that you are socially incapable of finding someone. Because not going out is really not healthy.

Oh noooooooooo!!! :cry2
What will happend to me? am I gonna die or what!?

I'm so shocked that I now smoked whole carton of Marlboro cigarettes for just couple of minuts.

01-29-2012, 04:11 PM
do you mean something like finishing eachother sentences,knowing how to surprise your partner lol
it's really hardowork having a relationship,all the stress and whinning,you can't look at other women danm:D

No, it's not that. I am not much demanding in relation, so i don't even have intention to ask things you are talking about. :D

01-29-2012, 04:15 PM
Oh noooooooooo!!! :cry2
What will happend to me? am I gonna die or what!?

I'm so shocked that I now smoked whole carton of Marlboro cigarettes for just couple of minuts.

No you arent gonna die.
Just suck at life.... which is much worse. :)

01-29-2012, 04:26 PM
Why virgins are bullied into having Sex. Nowadays people are bullied into having sex at young age, by their so called "friends", school comrades etc.

01-29-2012, 04:40 PM
Why virgins are bullied into having Sex. Nowadays people are bullied into having sex at young age, by their so called "friends", school comrades etc.

I'm continuously bullied in school just because of this reason. Often male virgins are called homosexuals by environment in which they live, but they are not. Only solution are more stringent laws against harassment on any basis, not just this. Bullying is more and more present in schools, starting from physical to psychological bullying. This will become a serious issue and authorities should discuss about solving this problem urgently.

01-29-2012, 04:43 PM
I'm continuously bullied in school just because of this reason. Often male virgins are called homosexuals by environment in which they live, but they are not. Only solution are more stringent laws against harassment on any basis, not just this. Bullying is more and more present in schools, starting from physical to psychological bullying. This will become a serious issue and authorities should discuss about solving this problem urgently.

I was bullied already at age 16:eek: by so called "friends".:(
As if every 16 year old need to have corpulated already.

01-29-2012, 04:44 PM
I'm continuously bullied in school just because of this reason. Often male virgins are called homosexuals by environment in which they live, but they are not. Only solution are more stringent laws against harassment on any basis, not just this. Bullying is more and more present in schools, starting from physical to psychological bullying. This will become a serious issue and authorities should discuss about solving this problem urgently.
you should kick their ass,most of them probably are gay's in disguise.
you know that guys like us when we graduate and have great jobs,are going to get the hottest and juicy but also good persons that ever walked on earth

01-29-2012, 04:48 PM
I'm continuously bullied in school just because of this reason. Often male virgins are called homosexuals by environment in which they live, but they are not. Only solution are more stringent laws against harassment on any basis, not just this. Bullying is more and more present in schools, starting from physical to psychological bullying. This will become a serious issue and authorities should discuss about solving this problem urgently.

I was bullied already at age 16:eek: by so called "friends".:(
As if every 16 year old need to have corpulated already.

Okay, why are you guys talk about it and how come other people knows what happen or not happen in your sexual life???

When i was in high school, things were different. Nobody was bullied because nobody cared what other persons do. We didn't know who is virgin and who is not. I think i knew only about my 3 best friends in that time. So, only one wasn't virgin in that time (age 15 till age 18), but guess what, she is going to marry her boyfriend soonp-when she get Uni diploma, they are engaged, and are together from her 14 till now. She is 22 now.

01-29-2012, 04:49 PM
I was bullied already at age 16:eek: by so called "friends".:(
As if every 16 year old need to have corpulated already.

Are you bullied because of virginity or because of race? Although I'm against immigrants, I don't support bullying toward them, no one deserve be bullied.

01-29-2012, 04:51 PM
Okay, why are you guys talk about it and how come other people knows what happen or not happen in your sexual life???

When i was in high school, things were different. Nobody was bullied because nobody cared what other persons do. We didn't know who is virgin and who is not. I think i knew only about my 3 best friends in that time. So, only one wasn't virgin in that time (age 15 till age 18), but guess what, she is going to marry her boyfriend soonp-when she get Uni diploma, they are engaged, and are together from her 14 till now. She is 22 now.
age 15 is too young to have sex,you need to be atleast 16,that when you're physical matured to have sex.if i was her brother,oh my i would kick the ass of the boy and bann that girl into a grotto LOL:D

01-29-2012, 04:52 PM
Are you bullied because of virginity or because of race? Although I'm against immigrants, I don't support bullying toward them, no one deserve be bullied.
dude i don't think we balkanites have any right to be agianst immigrants,are you forgetting our large diasporas,they/me are all immigrants

01-29-2012, 04:57 PM
age 15 is too young to have sex,you need to be atleast 16,that when you're physical matured to have sex.if i was her brother,oh my i would kick the ass of the boy and bann that girl into a grotto LOL:D

I think in Serbia it's legal from 14. In most of European countries 16 is legal age for having sex. So, even if 30 years old have sex with 14 years old, he won't go to jail.

I agree it's too early(14-15), but as you can see, in the end it showed that she will marry a guy who was her first, contrary to most of other girls today. Although i know girls who are 22-23 and still virgins- they don't really care about virginity, but they never fell in love.

01-29-2012, 04:59 PM
I think in Serbia it's legal from 14. In most of European countries 16 is legal age for having sex. So, even if 30 years old have sex with 14 years old, he won't go to jail.

I agree it's too early(14-15), but as you can see, in the end it showed that she will marry a guy who was her first, contrary to most of other girls today. Although i know girls who are 22-23 and still virgins- they don't really care about virginity, but they never fell in love.

that's sick,imagine if i was a serb and had 14year old sister,would have gone nuts to protect her from 30yearold creeps LOL:D
what a hard life

01-29-2012, 05:04 PM
dude i don't think we balkanites have any right to be agianst immigrants,are you forgetting our large diasporas,they/me are all immigrants

I don't care for Serbian diaspora. For me they are all traitors of their own people and country. I will stay forever in Serbia and never be immigrant and foreign. Your way of thinking is like if some Englishmen say that they don't have any right to be against blacks and another immigrants, because English people have greatest diaspora on the world, I mean Australia, USA, Canada, New Zeland and etc.

01-29-2012, 05:19 PM
that's sick,imagine if i was a serb and had 14year old sister,would have gone nuts to protect her from 30yearold creeps LOL:D
what a hard life

Now, imagine this! My sister's ex classmate gave birth to a baby when she was 15, and the father of the baby was 33 in the time. She stopped going to school from that time, and her parents stopped talking to her. Teenage pregnancies are actually bigger problem than people can imagine. I went to gymnasium school, and i don't remember anyone gave birth to baby for 4 years, but my sister say in her school- chemistry high school, they already had few cases, those were mostly girls from villages and parents usually don't wan't to accept it. So, it is very hard for them.

01-29-2012, 05:20 PM
I don't care for Serbian diaspora. For me they are all traitors of their own people and country. I will stay forever in Serbia and never be immigrant and foreign. Your way of thinking is like if some Englishmen say that they don't have any right to be against blacks and another immigrants, because English people have greatest diaspora on the world, I mean Australia, USA, Canada, New Zeland and etc.
but the difference is that the english diaspora doesn't consider themself anymore english they're now australians,americans...
but the serbian one still considers themself serbian and they're serbian.and do you think the diaspora had a choice,i know we didn't have a choice.and my family still support my country with everything we have.we go there every year.

01-29-2012, 05:23 PM
Are you bullied because of virginity or because of race? Although I'm against immigrants, I don't support bullying toward them, no one deserve be bullied.

I was bullied of both, but i talk about virginity since that was the topic.

01-29-2012, 05:23 PM
Now, imagine this! My sister's ex classmate gave birth to a baby when she was 15, and the father of the baby was 33 in the time. She stopped going to school from that time, and her parents stopped talking to her. Teenage pregnancies are actually bigger problem than people can imagine. I went to gymnasium school, and i don't remember anyone gave birth to baby for 4 years, but my sister say in her school- chemistry high school, they already had few cases, those were mostly girls from villages and parents usually don't wan't to accept it. So, it is very hard for them.i know in kosova,the dude would get a good beating.
i can imagine how the girl must feel,and that's very bad of the parents bcs the girl was young and probably much more naive then you for example and the dude just toke advantage of her youth.i wish her the best,that's why i'm studying medicine to help people like her,i want to be connected with the life of my patient and try to make a difference for them

01-29-2012, 05:26 PM
I was bullied of both, but i talk about virginity since that was the topic.
dude i can imagine the life of a gypsy,you guys really have a tough life.
i think these is bcs the ottomans brought you here,they removed you from your natural habitat to something wich is totally foreign for you guys.

01-29-2012, 05:30 PM
dude i can imagine the life of a gypsy,you guys really have a tough life.
i think these is bcs the ottomans brought you here,they removed you from your natural habitat to something wich is totally foreign for you guys.

i think we were in the byzantine empire before the ottomans. usually we are dated at 11th century into byzantine empire. 15thh century into europe.

01-29-2012, 05:42 PM
Now, imagine this! My sister's ex classmate gave birth to a baby when she was 15, and the father of the baby was 33 in the time. She stopped going to school from that time, and her parents stopped talking to her. Teenage pregnancies are actually bigger problem than people can imagine. I went to gymnasium school, and i don't remember anyone gave birth to baby for 4 years, but my sister say in her school- chemistry high school, they already had few cases, those were mostly girls from villages and parents usually don't wan't to accept it. So, it is very hard for them.

I have a 16 year old relative with a few month old baby. As much as I understood she is going to quit studying this year, after finishing elementary school. She will miss many things in life due to this, but at least her parents and her 20-something boyfriend support her.

01-29-2012, 05:45 PM
I have a 16 year old relative with a few month old baby. As much as I understood she is going to quit studying this year, after finishing elementary school. She will miss many things in life due to this, but at least her parents and her 20-something boyfriend support her.
couldn't the parents look after the baby,so she can study,on the other hand it's her responsibility.

01-29-2012, 06:02 PM
couldn't the parents look after the baby,so she can study,on the other hand it's her responsibility.

I don't know the details, but yes, she could possibly get high school education from some evening-school. I am also not sure if she herself is willing to finish school.

The Alchemist
01-29-2012, 06:12 PM
I don't like talking about it, but rather doing it in reality :D

01-29-2012, 06:15 PM
I don't like talking about it, but rather doing it in reality :D
i hoped there were more women like you

The Alchemist
01-29-2012, 06:19 PM
i hoped there were more women like you

I'm sorry for you, i'm very unique :p:p And real men are almost extinct, i must say...you spend most of your time on the internet, that's the real tragedy.

01-29-2012, 06:21 PM
I'm sorry for you, i'm very unique :p:p And real men are almost extinct, i must say...you spend most of your time on the internet, that's the real tragedy.
i don't spent most of my time on the net,but now it's weekend that's why and it's sunday

Heart of Oak
01-29-2012, 06:22 PM
The kama sutra, can be fun, as far as I know it has very little to do with virginity.

I have of coarse only read the articals. Lol.

Someone had this mate who knew someone else's mate who told a friend of mine...

That "the right angel" is pritty good for both partners...

Not that I would know?

The Alchemist
01-29-2012, 06:23 PM
i don't spent most of my time on the net,but now it's weekend that's why and it's sunday

I was talking in general...most guys i know are internet-addicted, and they don't know what they lose in this way ;D

01-29-2012, 06:43 PM
I was talking in general...most guys i know are internet-addicted, and they don't know what they lose in this way ;D
you're right,the pc is really addicting and being with a girl is offcourse much better,but we don't all have that luxury,bcs some of us are hideous:D

01-29-2012, 06:46 PM
Im so much addicted that i even dont found the time for chatting with my internet girlfriend, now the connection got lost i think. i dont know how she sees it though.

01-29-2012, 06:47 PM
Im so much addicted that i even dont found the time for chatting with my internet girlfriend, now the connection got lost i think. i dont know how she sees it though.
internet gf,WTF?:D
dude those things are lame bcs it will lead to nothing in most cases,better go find some hot austrian babe ehehehe

01-29-2012, 06:55 PM
internet gf,WTF?:D
dude those things are lame bcs it will lead to nothing in most cases,better go find some hot austrian babe ehehehe

its hard to find an racially fit girlfriend here among all whites. my (former?) e-gf sits in Colcatta/West Bengal. Maybe ill make an classification thread for her?

01-29-2012, 06:59 PM
its hard to find an racially fit girlfriend here among all whites. my (former?) e-gf sits in Colcatta/West Bengal. Maybe ill make an classification thread for her?
yeah i've heard austria seems to be very white probably bcs the immigrants there are mostly from the balkans
but i don't think people in austria mind gypsies that much especially the western girls,unfortunately i see them with all kinds

01-29-2012, 07:02 PM
yeah i've heard austria seems to be very white probably bcs the immigrants there are mostly from the balkans
but i don't think people in austria mind gypsies that much especially the western girls,unfortunately i see them with all kinds

yes its very white except a few turks and kurds, but largest immigrant group are people from balkan. to find an gypsy or indian is very rare and you need a larger competion and choice to find the right girl. you cant choose limited between two girls and have the right one.:)

01-29-2012, 07:06 PM
yes its very white except a few turks and kurds, but largest immigrant group are people from balkan. to find an gypsy or indian is very rare and you need a larger competion and choice to find the right girl. you cant choose limited between two girls and have the right one.:)
true,here in belgium,you would have a large choice,but they aren't civilized like you

01-29-2012, 07:24 PM
This thread actually has very little to do with the Kama Sutra. The title is inappropriate.

01-29-2012, 07:29 PM
This thread actually has very little to do with the Kama Sutra. The title is inappropriate.

The original post refers to the Kama Sutra. So its ok, i think.

01-29-2012, 07:33 PM
The original post refers to the Kama Sutra. So its ok, i think.
The Kama Sutra is 500 pages long and thoroughly deals with a number of different aspects of sexuality, to present 2 lines on virginity as "The Teachings of the Kama Sutra" is ridiculous.

01-29-2012, 07:34 PM
The Kama Sutra is 500 pages long, to present 2 lines on virginity as "The Teachings of the Kama Sutra" is ridiculous.

Ok its the kama sutra, in reference to virginity.

Heart of Oak
01-30-2012, 10:44 AM
I have just been looking at the Kama Sutra again, this time about Gardening, it is a good book for learning how to keep house, you know.

Of coarse there are more mag's than you can shake a stick at, about keeping house.:lightbul: