View Full Version : DNA Results from DIY Dodecad.

The Exiled King
01-30-2012, 01:56 AM
It seems to me that my results fall in a pretty good place with me being Celtic, Germanic, Italic, Slavic, etc.

6.77% East_European
34.22% West_European
31.02% Mediterranean
0.05% Neo_African
18.80% West_Asian
0.03% South_Asian
0.08% Northeast_Asian
0.01% Southeast_Asian
0.09% East_African
6.18% Southwest_Asian
2.74% Northwest_African
0.00% Palaeo_African

01-30-2012, 01:59 AM
It seems to me that my results fall in a pretty good with me being Celtic, Germanic, Italic, Slavic, etc.

6.77% East_European
34.22% West_European
31.02% Mediterranean
0.05% Neo_African
18.80% West_Asian
0.03% South_Asian
0.08% Northeast_Asian
0.01% Southeast_Asian
0.09% East_African
6.18% Southwest_Asian
2.74% Northwest_African
0.00% Palaeo_African

Your results are just about the same as mine, very similar West Euro, Med, SW Asian is the same, and you have a little higher West asian than I do. Cool!

The Exiled King
01-30-2012, 02:05 AM
Wow!!! The results for both of our tests are practically the same lol!!! A lot of the percentages under 2% I usually just count as noise like the northeast asian, southeast asian, etc. Although it is possible for Native American admixture to show up as northeast asian.

01-30-2012, 02:21 AM
Wow!!! The results for both of our tests are practically the same lol!!! A lot of the percentages under 2% I usually just count as noise like the northeast asian, southeast asian, etc. Although it is possible for Native American admixture to show up as northeast asian.

What is your 23andme username I want to share with you? Also can you please add your McDonald map?

The Exiled King
01-30-2012, 02:25 AM
Actually I used DIY Dodecad with my FTDNA autosomal data. But my 23andme results should hopefully be here by tomorrow!!! I have a gedmatch id that I could use for the time being if you have that?

Here is my BGA map:


01-30-2012, 02:38 AM
Actually I used DIY Dodecad with my FTDNA autosomal data. But my 23andme results should hopefully be here by tomorrow!!! I have a gedmatch id that I could use for the time being if you have that?

Here is my BGA map:


Dude your map doesnt show up because it directly from your email. You have to save it to your computer first. Nah man I dont like gedmatch that much, I hope your 23andme comes in soon!!