View Full Version : [SPLIT] A Question for South Africans

11-19-2008, 02:16 PM
Welcome Nastrander :wave


I know this isn't the right thread, but I have to ask,

How do you feel about the white traitors that handed your country over to the black hoards? We've seen the hopeless mess that used to be Rhodesia. We know South Africa is going to follow the same path.

Do you see any future at all, or do you expect to be picked off, exterminated, one by one. How do you live with that?

11-19-2008, 09:26 PM

I know this isn't the right thread, but I have to ask,

I was actually about to suggest a thread-split and the creation of a SA sub-forum with this as its first thread when, suddenly, it was already done. :thumbs up

How do you feel about the white traitors that handed your country over to the black hoards? We've seen the hopeless mess that used to be Rhodesia. We know South Africa is going to follow the same path.

Do you see any future at all, or do you expect to be picked off, exterminated, one by one. How do you live with that?

How I feel about them is probably comparable to how an Anglo-American would feel about white Americans who vote for a black presidential candidate just to make their spiteful point, or how a true European would feel about the leftist "elites" who are so diligently pursuing a European Suicide. Sadly there is no shortage of these traitors in any of our societies, seemingly getting some kind of perverted thrill from hating their own kind.

At this time I don't see much of a future for South African Germanics. Being "picked off one by one" is a good way of putting it. The Boerevolk genocide is so gradual that the world won't take notice. Protection from our police is next to worthless. We are not allowed to defend ourselves. We have no political control over our situation because we are an unrepresented people. Even the largest opposition in our democracy, previously a semblance of hope for Germanics in this country, is now, as of very recently, transparently indifferent to Afrikaners' plight.

How do I live with it? With a great deal of hate, to tell the honest truth. I've always held onto the goal of eventually leaving. I don't really know about that any more. Re-integrate into motherland Nederland, only to have my children face a Jihadi onslaught? Join the Germanics in the US to watch it follow the path of South Africa as well? It becomes a question of how we deal with this hostile world, and I'm still looking for an answer to this myself.

11-20-2008, 04:17 PM
Reading your post I understand your point of view. we're ALL in the same situation, just to varying degrees.

The slaughter has started even here in America, with blacks committing outrageous atrocities against whites every single day with hardly a comment from the mainstream media.

I know it means little, but the majority of whites Didn't vote for Obama. However, in the end Obama means nothing, because he is beholden to the same power brokers that back every successful candidate.

11-20-2008, 08:13 PM
What's the number of white Afrikaans-speakers living in South Africa today vs. ~1990?

11-20-2008, 08:36 PM
What's the number of white Afrikaans-speakers living in South Africa today vs. ~1990?

The numbers for today I have is something like 4.5 million whites total (~9% of total pop.) - 2.7 million Afrikaners, 1.8 million Anglos. Different sources for these numbers differ though, and even Wikipedia's article on SA demographics is contradictive and fuzzy about the whole thing.

I'm hoping someone else here can give a better estimation for 1990 - I honestly have no idea, though apparently the number of whites (both Afrikaners and Anglos) which has emigrated since 1994 is close to one million.

11-20-2008, 08:41 PM
Does the black-ruled government even ask ethnolinguistic questions of whites in the census anymore? I wouldn't be surprised if they don't, as a political weapon:

In the USA there have been strong movements in some states to outlaw questions about race, and end "official recognition" of the "concept" of race. It's a way to melt away any lingering loyalties to silly things like ethnicity, and therefore promote a glorious, paradise-like "colorblind future" :eek:.

It's just like France: No one knows the number of Muslims because they don't collect statistics on religion of their people, for their own silly 1789-ish reasons.

11-20-2008, 08:53 PM
Does the black-ruled government even ask ethnolinguistic questions of whites in the census anymore?
As far as I know. :mmmm:

I think they'd want to pinpoint predominantly white neighbourhoods, schools, etc. so that they can be officialy unhappy about it.

03-14-2009, 11:17 AM

I know this isn't the right thread, but I have to ask,

How do you feel about the white traitors that handed your country over to the black hoards? We've seen the hopeless mess that used to be Rhodesia. We know South Africa is going to follow the same path.

Do you see any future at all, or do you expect to be picked off, exterminated, one by one. How do you live with that?

There are a lot of die-hards who won't be going anywhere, no matter what happens. All I can say is "respect" to them since I went walkabout some years ago and got stuck in the Northern Hemisphere.

There is a future there, I wouldn't say it's a hopeless situation but overall things aren't looking that rosy either. The spearchuckers are a bit inept and corrupt and have a natural talent for breaking once excellent infrastructure.

The security situation (for SA's of all races, tribes, religious pursuasions) isn't great of course.

Ideally the more nationalist and realistically inclined whites should come together to work towards the ideal of an independent homeland. It could be modelled on the Apartheid era Bantustans (but without the incredible ineptness and corruption). So far there hasn't been much luck in achieving it but that's not to say it is an impossible goal either.

There's an experimental society / area called "Orania" however I have serious reservations about it as the people involved are too connected with the old Broederbond / Afrikanerbond (a secretive "Afrikaner" special interests society) and they have become too ideologically and theologically blinkered. It's becoming a "closed society", a recipe for inbreeding and stagnation.

Ideally a territory including a coastal strip and harbour needs to be identified and uhm... achieve independence but the mechanics of how to arrange such a venture is a bit of a mystery atm.

There's a lot of infighting and disagreement between the Afrikaners, something that has bedevilled us for centuries. Today, more than ever we need to stick together and work towards unity and a common purpose away from Mandelatopia / Azania.

03-14-2009, 11:24 AM
Does the black-ruled government even ask ethnolinguistic questions of whites in the census anymore? I wouldn't be surprised if they don't, as a political weapon:

In the USA there have been strong movements in some states to outlaw questions about race, and end "official recognition" of the "concept" of race. It's a way to melt away any lingering loyalties to silly things like ethnicity, and therefore promote a glorious, paradise-like "colorblind future" :eek:.

It's just like France: No one knows the number of Muslims because they don't collect statistics on religion of their people, for their own silly 1789-ish reasons.

The UK also enjoys nothing better than to bury statistics on immigration, the changing religious landscape and so forth. From what I see around me every day and then cross referencing it with the "official stats", my guess would be that those "official" stats are wayyyyy off.

For every "legal" recent arrival quoted in the stats there are probably another 2 illegals who "officially" don't exist but operate in the shadow economy. If memory serves correctly more than 50% of kids in London's schools are now born off a foreign parent. Those foreigners are often from African, Middle Eastern or Asian origins. Of course the smaller towns tend to still be more "British" (English / Welsh / Scottish) but even that will eventually change if current trends persist.

03-30-2009, 08:42 PM
From what I see around me every day and then cross referencing it with the "official stats", my guess would be that those "official" stats are wayyyyy off.I have heard a theory on this--to the effect that, in modern multicultural western settings, whites "hunker down" and simply stay home far more often than the colonizers. The latter clearly see that they are on the upswing and have a swaggering confidence because of it.

Besides whites feeling culturally-depressed by the preceding knowledge, they are in general quite uncomfortable being out and about among all these strange people who passively (or actively) hate them. Thus on-the-street reality in the multicultural West seems to be that nonwhites are far more prevalent than they "actually" are.

03-30-2009, 08:53 PM
I have heard a theory on this--to the effect that, in modern multicultural western settings, whites "hunker down" and simply stay home far more often than the colonizers. The latter clearly see that they are on the upswing and have a swaggering confidence because of it.

That's right. In South Africa's case the State, Police, Political rulers, the Media, Business etc. all now favour the blacks. Effectively reverse-apartheid has become the predominant system. The whites hunker down as you said. The reason being that many have become apathetic / disinterested and disillusioned with the political process. Democracy doesn't work so well when "the will of the people" (40 million blacks) gets pitted against about 4 million or so whites, a few million Cape Coloureds and about 1 million Indians.

Whites in SA hunker down because they have nowhere to go, aren't in a position to do or change much and many are not yet at the point where "they have nothing left to lose". People with their backs against the wall fight. Those who still have something left won't risk it so they play "wait and see".

03-30-2009, 09:20 PM
There is a TV series on German TV (channel VOX, "Goodbye Deutschland") about Germans emigrating from Germany... well, many head for South Africa... a really significant percentage... to open hotels, cafes, shops etc. Maybe it's not that bad down there?

03-30-2009, 09:31 PM
I wouldn't say it's terminally bad, sure. It certainly was a much better place to live in until the late 1980's. (Same thing with Russia). Things are just gradually becoming more and more "3d world" so for me as someone who used to think of it as a 1st world country (which it was at the time) it's a bit strange to witness the transition.

There are many Germans in the Western Cape for example in suburbs like Somerset West, Constantia and so on. There's a German school in the city center. Many Namibian Germans (the old Sud West) have connections with Cape Town.

From what I hear there are quite a few Russians living there now as well as ex Yugoslavs from mostly Croatia and Serbia.

Lulletje Rozewater
04-24-2009, 04:11 PM
I wouldn't say it's terminally bad, sure. It certainly was a much better place to live in until the late 1980's. (Same thing with Russia). Things are just gradually becoming more and more "3d world" so for me as someone who used to think of it as a 1st world country (which it was at the time) it's a bit strange to witness the transition.

There are many Germans in the Western Cape for example in suburbs like Somerset West, Constantia and so on. There's a German school in the city center. Many Namibian Germans (the old Sud West) have connections with Cape Town.

From what I hear there are quite a few Russians living there now as well as ex Yugoslavs from mostly Croatia and Serbia.

And Greek-Portuguese-Italians-Dutch(me Dutch,me Chief of Magau tribe)-Israelis(lots of them are mafia)-Pakis-Indian-a few Afrikaners/English:D
Lebanese(Christian and Muslim).
Why the Namibian Germans came here is a ?????,I am trying to get to Swakopmund and out of SA