View Full Version : Irish women are most fertile in Europe, new study shows

02-03-2012, 08:15 PM
Women also earn less but are obtain higher qualifications

Women in Ireland are among the most fertile in Europe, according to a new report.

The highest fertility rate in the EU in 2010 was in Ireland at 2.07, well above the EU average of 1.59, the report entitled Women and Men in Ireland 2011 published by the the Central Statistics Office (CSO) states.

The findings also show that women in Ireland are likely to be more highly educated than their male counterparts, but work fewer hours and earn less.

More than 50 percent of women aged between 25 and 35 have a college or university qualification compared with less than 40 percent of men.

Findings show that young men are more likely to drop out of school early and girls perform better at second level education. Despite this, women earn lower salaries and are less likely to be represented in politics.

Irish men suffer higher rates of unemployment but are more likely to be in the workforce than at home looking after the children.

The research revealed that women employees are in the majority in health and education sectors while men make up the majority in the construction, agriculture and transport workforce.

The study also shows that women are more likely to be admitted to hospital with depression, while men are more likely to be admitted with schizophrenia and alcoholic disorders.The majority of murder victims and prisoners in Ireland are male, according to the findings.

Source... (http://www.irishcentral.com/news/Irish-woman-are-most-fertile-in-Europe-new-study-shows-138473819.html)

02-03-2012, 08:18 PM
This is some good news in a way, hopefully the vast majority are to Irish parents and not just Somalis or whatever.

But the Irish are seeking work abroad now, many are coming to Britain (again) so I suppose it is indirectly propping up the British Islander population here too.

02-03-2012, 08:24 PM
hats off to my irish nan :D

02-03-2012, 08:32 PM
you're telling me? my grandmother had 16 kids 12 are alive today

02-03-2012, 08:35 PM
This is some good news in a way, hopefully the vast majority are to Irish parents and not just Somalis or whatever.

Somalis are only like 0.5% of the population or something.

02-03-2012, 09:00 PM
This is some good news in a way, hopefully the vast majority are to Irish parents and not just Somalis or whatever.

Considering the amount of Irish I know who are now abroad working and settling, or are committing suicide, AND having witnessed the state of Dublin a few years back, AND keeping in contact with Irish news, I'd say the birth rate is good and very bad.

02-03-2012, 09:41 PM
This is some good news in a way, hopefully the vast majority are to Irish parents and not just Somalis or whatever.

But the Irish are seeking work abroad now, many are coming to Britain (again) so I suppose it is indirectly propping up the British Islander population here too.

there moving here too. their is about 4 or 5 in my apartment block alone

05-16-2012, 07:14 PM
And whats the fertility of non-irish in ireland? I would assume that Nigerians and others have a much higher fertility rate than that sadly... still some good news.

05-16-2012, 07:23 PM

Scandinavia, the Low Countries, France and the British Isles stand out. Look at the West Country in England too - rural, white and breeding well.
Most of the greenest counties on that map in England are rural and mainly white so I'd presume it's mostly white people breeding there.
The rest of Europe needs to greatly improve though.

It's strange how the colours follow borders, maybe some countries have better policies for bringing up children perhaps?

05-16-2012, 07:23 PM
They've certainly been prolific on these shores, them pretty Irish roses.


05-16-2012, 07:29 PM
Muslims included :coffee:

05-16-2012, 07:37 PM
Muslims included :coffee:

Yes, but the population growth isn't specifically in Muslim areas. Most of those areas in the British Isles are actually predominantly white, the Muslims are city dwellers.

Germany has the biggest Muslim population in Europe yet they're in decline.

Jack B
05-16-2012, 11:47 PM
Yes, but the population growth isn't specifically in Muslim areas. Most of those areas in the British Isles are actually predominantly white, the Muslims are city dwellers.

Germany has the biggest Muslim population in Europe yet they're in decline.

Indeed, and the vast majority of immigrants here are Eastern Europeans

05-16-2012, 11:53 PM
Indeed, and the vast majority of immigrants here are Eastern Europeans

Well the newer immigrants tend to be from Eastern Europe here but there's still the Muslims who were brought in years ago. :(
The Eastern Euros assimilate better though. If all our Pakistanis were swapped for Eastern Euros this country would be a much nicer place.

05-17-2012, 12:05 AM
Fertility rates will decrease in the immigrant population as well. But white Europeans will need to have more kids but with the economy this is complicated for some Europeans. Otherwise more immigrants will be needed especially in the future when all the Baby Boomers are old and in retirement.

05-17-2012, 01:08 AM
Fertility rates will decrease in the immigrant population as well. But white Europeans will need to have more kids but with the economy this is complicated for some Europeans. Otherwise more immigrants will be needed especially in the future when all the Baby Boomers are old and in retirement.

Fortunately other countries are starting to undergo a reduction in fertility rates so importing people from the 2nd and 3rd world will soon not be possible.

I'd rather have my kids look after me in old age, I'll look after my parents to, in fact with the coming economic depression the baby boomers may have nothing to support them. It's already happening in America and parts of Europe, even some pensions in Australia have imploded.

This may even encourage a natavist conservative revival, due to gen X and Gen Y having to look after their parents, they'll then worry about who has to look after them. I would rather my kids do it then some 3rd world blacks.

So you see your immigration fantasy is coming to an end via economic, contraception and 3rd world uneducated constraints.

Joy to the world, the Liberal Marxist King is dying and will soon be DEAD. :):D