View Full Version : Reclassify Snooki.

02-07-2012, 06:53 PM
Since new pics of her without makeup have come out.

Could she pass as Asian?


02-07-2012, 07:03 PM
A Turkmen or Kazakh so yeah but chinese no, she has Caucasoid influence due to her supposed Sicilian ancestry.

02-07-2012, 07:05 PM
she looks latina,i think she can pass as an asian but a very light one
but i'm disgusted by her

02-07-2012, 07:05 PM
I remember some of my friends saying she looked indian. Perhaps a north-eastern one? :D

02-07-2012, 07:08 PM
A Turkmen or Kazakh so yeah but chinese no, she has Caucasoid influence due to her supposed Sicilian ancestry.

She doesn't have any. She is just an ordinary South American mestiza. Anything European in her is likely Spanish).

02-07-2012, 07:10 PM
i've an offtopic question,why did they chose the most ulgy italian americans to participate and not to mention the most mixed ones

02-07-2012, 07:11 PM
Amerindian type + Gracile Mediterranid/Gracilized Alpinoid Mediterranid, and she looks like a Mestizo type overall.

02-07-2012, 07:12 PM
i've an offtopic question,why did they chose the most ulgy italian americans to participate and not to mention the most mixed ones

She's not Italian American at all.

But you're right about some of the others.. and I don't know. Because MTV doesn't care about correctness and accuracy but rather making money and choosing the most obnoxious, attention-whore types they can find?

Dr. van Winkle
02-07-2012, 07:33 PM
Although she apparently is a Mediterranid-Indianid mix, she seems almost half-Korean, half-white.

For South American standards she is a very progressive-harmonious variant. :)

02-07-2012, 08:02 PM
Although she apparently is a Mediterranid-Indianid mix, she seems almost half-Korean, half-white.

For South American standards she is a very progressive-harmonious variant. :)

South American standards? What standards are these? You mean amerindian standards?

02-07-2012, 08:06 PM
She look Mestiza but she could pass for anything that is Turkic, Filipino or Eurasian.

Med/Alpine + Mestizid.

02-07-2012, 08:13 PM
She looks like a light skinned Mayan even; Gracile Mediterranid/Alpinid + Andid.

02-07-2012, 08:25 PM
why is she even considered Italian?

Dr. van Winkle
02-07-2012, 08:26 PM
South American standards? What standards are these? You mean amerindian standards?

Yes, the majority of Latin Americans aren't white from a demographic point of view, but Mestizo/Amerindian or black/mulatto.

Approximate degree of whiteness of American regions and countries:


02-07-2012, 08:26 PM
why is she even considered Italian?

Because people are stupid and ignorant, that's why.

02-07-2012, 08:58 PM
Could she pass as Asian?

she could pass as a thai prostitute.

02-07-2012, 09:03 PM
A Turkmen or Kazakh so yeah but chinese no, she has Caucasoid influence due to her supposed Sicilian ancestry.

She hasn't no-one sicilian ancestor.

She's a chilean adopted by an italian-american family.

Look totally mapuche india.

02-07-2012, 09:10 PM
Snookie was adopted as a child by Italian Americans, but was born in Chile and has obvious Amerindian-Chilean whatever admixture. She could pass as a gypo in my country. She's disgusting, needs to grow up, but I guess it's too late now.

Dr. van Winkle
02-07-2012, 09:25 PM
Snookie was adopted as a child by Italian Americans, but was born in Chile and has obvious Amerindian-Chilean whatever admixture. She could pass as a gypo in my country. She's disgusting, needs to grow up, but I guess it's too late now.

I think a Bulgarian Med-Alpine mix has a greater chance of passing as a gypsy than an Amerindian. ;)

Gypsies are of mixed European and South Asian/Indian ancestry. To Mongoloids there is no racial similarity whatsoever.

PS: Why did you change your country from Bulgaria to Croatia?

02-07-2012, 09:41 PM
Part unclassy-id, a very large part of slutid.

02-07-2012, 09:42 PM
WTHell is this thing? :eek:

02-07-2012, 09:45 PM
She appears to be a Mestiza with stronger Amerindian background.

Ugly, indeed.

Bobby Six Killer
02-07-2012, 09:51 PM
Something we call here "indo.mestiza".

Padre Organtino
02-07-2012, 10:31 PM
She could pass as Uzbek/Tadjik. At least that's what they would take her for in Russia (maybe also Gypsy).

I sort of pity Amerindians - they are much better than say Blacks but really unlucky with phenotype.

Great Dane
02-08-2012, 01:09 AM

She looks Meso-American. Oaxacan, Guatemalan, Salvadoran. Indian with a little Spanish.


Guatemalan woman for comparison.

02-08-2012, 01:14 AM

She looks Meso-American. Oaxacan, Guatemalan, Salvadoran. Indian with a little Spanish.


Guatemalan women for comparison.

Yes, that's why I said she looked Mayan. She has that robustness and Pseudo-Dinarization.

Supreme American
02-08-2012, 01:35 AM
I'd classify her as 3rd world garbage. Not even remotely good looking, either. How she got on TV is beyond me.

02-08-2012, 01:44 AM
She can pass as Afghani but NOT as Kazakh or Turkmen.

Dr. van Winkle
02-08-2012, 08:12 AM

02-08-2012, 08:15 AM

02-08-2012, 08:18 AM
Orange Smurfoid. ;)

02-08-2012, 12:04 PM
i wonder how some people believe she is ethnic italian , it is obvious she is south american and adopted by an italian family

02-08-2012, 12:15 PM
she has Caucasoid influence due to her supposed Sicilian ancestry.

She doesn't have a single ounce of italian blood. She was adopted by an American Sicilian family and originally from Chile.

Polizzi was born in Santiago, Chile. She was adopted when she was six months old and was raised by Italian-American parents

02-08-2012, 12:24 PM
why did they chose the most ulgy italian americans to participate and not to mention the most mixed ones

Because sadly gutter trash sells, people want to watch gutter trash, gutter trash makes MTV money, and they are all gutter trash. They aren't even Italian Americans, merely American mutts of sorts PRETENDING to be Italian Americans, and doing so in the most repulsive ways possible. I think that there is only one full blooded 'Italian' person on the show, and even then, they give their ancestors a bad name.

It's a big thing in the North Eastern part of the US to pretend to be Italian, and sadly their methods of pretending are anything but the reality of REAL Italians, they usually pretend to be Italian by claiming that they have some connection to the mafia, or by acting like the 'guido' creatures on that piece of shit show.

02-08-2012, 12:37 PM
Because sadly gutter trash sells, people want to watch gutter trash, gutter trash makes MTV money, and they are all gutter trash. They aren't even Italian Americans, merely American mutts of sorts PRETENDING to be Italian Americans, and doing so in the most repulsive ways possible. I think that there is only one full blooded 'Italian' person on the show, and even then, they give their ancestors a bad name.

It's a big thing in the North Eastern part of the US to pretend to be Italian, and sadly their methods of pretending are anything but the reality of REAL Italians, they usually pretend to be Italian by claiming that they have some connection to the mafia, or by acting like the 'guido' creatures on that piece of shit show.

Stupid people with a sick mentality.

I prefer 100,000 time the first italian-speaking eritrean or ethiopian immigrant landed in Lampedusa than this mass of idiots italian-wannabe.

02-08-2012, 12:44 PM
Because sadly gutter trash sells, people want to watch gutter trash, gutter trash makes MTV money, and they are all gutter trash. They aren't even Italian Americans, merely American mutts of sorts PRETENDING to be Italian Americans, and doing so in the most repulsive ways possible. I think that there is only one full blooded 'Italian' person on the show, and even then, they give their ancestors a bad name.

It's a big thing in the North Eastern part of the US to pretend to be Italian, and sadly their methods of pretending are anything but the reality of REAL Italians, they usually pretend to be Italian by claiming that they have some connection to the mafia, or by acting like the 'guido' creatures on that piece of shit show.

those guido and guidette are just american for me

02-08-2012, 12:47 PM
those guido are just american for me

Of course.

They're american and they never will be "italians", i don't know why many people (also here on TA) consider them "italians".

Why we have to treat them as "countrymen" only because one of them has one sicilian great-great-great (...) grandfather landed in Ellis Island in 1870?

Pure bullshits.

02-08-2012, 12:51 PM
Of course.

They're american and they never will be "italians", i don't know why many people (also here on TA) consider them "italians".

Why we have to treat them as "countrymen" only because one of them has one sicilian great-great-great (...) grandfather landed in Ellis Island in 1870?

Pure bullshits.
hai visto quando hanno fatto la serie in italia ?
a firenze in mezzo alla folla passavano come americani , nulla in comune con li altri italiani , anzi i veri italiani li sfottevano , l'unico che forse ha veramente qualcosa in comune con l'italia è vinny tutti li altri sono solo americani che pretendono di essere tipici italiani solo perchè hanno qualche parentela che li lega al italia

02-08-2012, 12:56 PM
hai visto quando hanno fatto la serie in italia ?
a firenze in mezzo alla folla passavano come americani , nulla in comune con li altri italiani , anzi i veri italiani li sfottevano , l'unico che forse ha veramente qualcosa in comune con l'italia è vinny tutti li altri sono solo americani che pretendono di essere tipici italiani solo perchè hanno qualche parentela che li lega al italia

I agree.

They're pure american trash italian-wannabe.

Nothing in common with us....no language, no culture, no food, no way of thinking, no way of life...

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:00 PM
Guidos are a very vile caricature on Italian character that indeed values self-presenting.

02-08-2012, 01:04 PM
Guidos are a very vile caricature on Italian character that indeed values self-presenting.

They're the scum of the scum.

As i said, i prefer 1,000,000,000 times italian speaking forme colonials (eritrean, somali, ethiopians, lybics) than these mestizos sicilian wannabe.

MTV is good to portrait mexicans,asians and negros as "cool", but is also good to denigrate any other European (presumed) ethnic group...:rolleyes:

02-08-2012, 01:10 PM
I agree.

They're pure american trash italian-wannabe.

Nothing in common with us....no language, no culture, no food, no way of thinking, no way of life...
they even can't speak in italian , they only know ciao come stai? and bellissima LOL

02-08-2012, 01:13 PM
they even can't speak in italian , they only know ciao come stai? and bellissima LOL

The eritrean greengrocer in my street speak a better italian than TheSituation or Ronnie...:rolleyes:

04-13-2012, 04:16 AM
Anyone else?

04-13-2012, 04:22 AM
I heard Snooki is Chilean, but she was adopted into a Italian American family. She looks like a Mestizo.

04-13-2012, 04:46 AM
Looks South American Indian. Doesn't look European. She looks like someones maid trying to be glamorous and sexy. Pathetic what idiots will buy into.

04-13-2012, 04:50 AM

...I'm not gonna lie, the first picture did remind me of the old Mulan poster:laugh:

Atlantic Islander
04-13-2012, 04:54 AM
I'm just going to say that I'm surprised she looks normal/okay without make-up on. Just goes to show that caking on make-up is not always the answer, some people look much better with little to none.

04-13-2012, 10:30 AM
Without makeup I thinks she could pass as anywhere in Indochina (for example, Thailand, Vietnam) and even as Filipina (many of which are a mixture of Spanish and mongoloid background - like mestizos).

Facially, she has a similar look to women like Nicole Scherzinger and Vanessa Hudgens (though they are much prettier), both of which are a mixture of mongoloid (Filipino) and Euro like Snooki.

However, if you look at Snooki, she does look very similar to some Mapuche girls. I would put her makeup at about 60-70% Amerindian, 30-40% Euro (how about you guys?):
http://www.medicinehunter.com/files/mapuchi_native_girl_patagoina_chile_2011_684.jpg?1 296221173

04-13-2012, 10:36 AM
Anyone else?

She looks like many south american immigrants living in my hometown. I think she's mostly amerindian, with some mediterranean (criollo?) blood in the mix.

04-13-2012, 10:39 AM
I still can´t believe some one impregnated that thing... :confused:

04-13-2012, 10:39 AM
I still can´t believe some one impregnated that thing... :confused:
is she pregnant:D

04-13-2012, 10:43 AM
is she pregnant:D


04-13-2012, 10:44 AM
The title is right: "OH MY GOD!"


04-13-2012, 10:46 AM
what a waste of oxygen