View Full Version : For the Apricity girls: What part of the man turns you on the most?

05-02-2009, 11:49 AM
OK, let's do some sociological observation :thumb001:

05-02-2009, 12:05 PM
Face should be friendly but strong and show that he has a determinate will!!
Pigmentation is important i only want white and nordish men.
Character is important ----- there are many with bad character and to find one with a pro-found character is not easy.... :coffee:
Appearence and Aura make a nice person beautyful!!

05-02-2009, 02:58 PM
I've found him:D


Character+Aura+Gen appearance+Nordish=Luka;)

05-02-2009, 03:31 PM
I wonder who ticked "His expensive car". That woman obviously hasn't quite thought of how you're going to get the seven children in the back of the sportscar, and thus has an absolutely unpragmatic approach to preservation! And anyway, Sir Lancelot from the Lake didn't come on a white horse, either! :D

Plus bikes (the motorised ones :P) rock well more than cars anyway. :wink With your exposure to the wind and forces of nature, you have a more "active participation" in the traffic, and of course you're much closer to the nature around you. Much more exciting than all those sportscars whose main thrill is the top speed you're not going to reach on conventional roads anyway. You can even have the girl as a passenger, and much closer than in any car. :thumbs up

Only annoying thing on motorbikes is that they're useless in rain or snow, and the bees which occasionally creep up your helmet. :mad:

05-02-2009, 03:36 PM
I'm gonna watch this one with interests. ;)

05-02-2009, 03:39 PM
I'm gonna watch this one with interests. ;)

And buy a face mask if needed? :D

05-02-2009, 03:47 PM
At first glance - overall appearance and aura. I prefer men much taller than me (over 180 cm) with broad shoulders, light pigmentation and masculine face features. Artificial muscles disguist me, prefer athletic types. Other parts that attract me are back and hands.
Second glance - behaviour and intelligence. He must be at least the same intelligence level as me, to share similar interests and to have what to talk about (I want an equal!). I don't like loud, agressive, insolent men and machos! I hate machos and I smell them from kilometers!
A male should show self-respect, respect to his lady and friends, to know what to talk and when! No metrosexuals, trendies and so on modern types! Sorry but I only accept face shaving, guys! You should be happy you are born male and don't have to shave your whole bodies weekly! Fashion is not for you as well...

P.S. I've already found my man. I wish the same for all ladies here, you deserve that!
P.S.2. I have some weakness to Nordish, North Pontid and Corded types as it's about physical appearance and attraction. But I'm not a teenage anymore to look only for the prince, nor single for one night sex!

05-02-2009, 03:49 PM
I'm gonna watch this one with interests. ;)

This is all you will ever need to guarantee a successful, fulfilling love life:


05-02-2009, 03:51 PM
Loki, unfortunately that would work with high % of modern women :D

05-02-2009, 03:53 PM
This is all you will ever need to guarantee a successful, fulfilling love life:


Yes but all of this is well and good, but hardly useful if he is a eunuch!! :p

05-02-2009, 03:54 PM
At first glance - overall appearance and aura. I prefer men much taller than me (over 180 cm) with broad shoulders, light pigmentation and masculine face features. Artificial muscles disguist me, prefer athletic types. Other parts that attract me are back and hands.
Second glance - behaviour and intelligence. He must be at least the same intelligence level as me, to share similar interests and to have what to talk about (I want an equal!). I don't like loud, agressive, insolent men and machos! I hate machos and I smell them from kilometers!
A male should show self-respect, respect to his lady and friends, to know what to talk and when! No metrosexuals, trendies and so on modern types! Sorry but I only accept face shaving, guys! You should be happy you are born male and don't have to shave your whole bodies weekly! Fashion is not for you as well...

P.S. I've already found my man. I wish the same for all ladies here, you deserve that!
P.S.2. I have some weakness to Nordish, North Pontid and Corded types as it's about physical appearance and attraction. But I'm not a teenage anymore to look only for the prince, nor single for one night sex!

What are artificial muscles?

05-02-2009, 03:56 PM
If you spent whole day in the gym, taking huge amounts of proteins, steroids and amino acids, eat every 2 hours and think only about your body...

05-02-2009, 04:01 PM
If you spent whole day in the gym, taking huge amounts of proteins, steroids and amino acids, eat every 2 hours and think only about your body...

Well those muscles are still very much real... artificial is something else:P


05-02-2009, 04:03 PM
I still call them artificial, because they aren't gain from real work to do real work but only posing :D
There is nothing bad to go to the gym if it is not an obsession...

05-02-2009, 04:05 PM
Well those muscles are still very much real... artificial is something else:P


You my friend have seen "The Fugitive". ;)

05-02-2009, 04:07 PM
You my friend have seen "The Fugitive". ;)

No but now I know what I'll watch tonight:D:thumb001:

05-02-2009, 04:13 PM
I still call them artificial, because they aren't gain from real work to do real work but only posing :D
There is nothing bad to go to the gym if it is not an obsession...

Oh a body builder by any standard put in a lot of real work in order to maximise muscle growth, sure steroids help but it is still the hard work that gives you results. Big muscles are beneficial when you fight and wrestle, as weight is an important factor, by any standards a body builder is not weak :P

05-02-2009, 04:16 PM
Oh a body builder by any standard put in a lot of real work in order to maximise muscle growth, sure steroids help but it is still the hard work that gives you results. Big muscles are beneficial when you fight and wrestle, as weight is an important factor, by any standards a body builder is not weak :P

Body builders struggle at construction work though, my gramps was telling me about a body builder that showed up on the job and tanked royally, always running out of breath, unable to do his task etc... Stuff that I've always been able to do, then again I was fortunate enough to get into construction general labor when I was 14, but still if I can do it wouldn't you think a body builder could? Guess not.

05-02-2009, 04:19 PM
Natural muscles? Guy next door type? Charisma? A certain Aura? Traditional attitude? You've got it all ... behold...

Conan The Bavarian. [Courtesy of Dom on Skadi :thumbs up]



05-02-2009, 04:21 PM
Body builders struggle at construction work though, my gramps was telling me about a body builder that showed up on the job and tanked royally, always running out of breath, unable to do his task etc... Stuff that I've always been able to do, then again I was fortunate enough to get into construction general labor when I was 14, but still if I can do it wouldn't you think a body builder could? Guess not.

You know that is one example :P you should see our officers in the army..
One guy he was not taller than me but he was twice as big :P and I am quite broad as it is. He was scary :P

05-02-2009, 04:22 PM
Okay, what's the deal here? This is a thread for ladies. Why are there five men in here? Hmmm?

:D :P

Hoping for pointers? :lmao

05-02-2009, 04:23 PM
You know that is one example :P you should see our officers in the army..
One guy he was not taller than me but he was twice as big :P and I am quite broad as it is. He was scary :P

Guess some people just aren't meant for that kind of work, construction that is.

05-02-2009, 04:27 PM
Okay, what's the deal here? This is a thread for ladies. Why are there five men in here? Hmmm?

:D :P

Hoping for pointers? :lmao

Have to agree, just let the women alone and get back to the guys topic.

05-02-2009, 04:29 PM
Guess some people just aren't meant for that kind of work, construction that is.

You do get a lot of young men who simply can't do hard manual labour and are usually found out round about the end of the week.
I was a natural. The only thing I get that sucks is the profuse sweating. The salt marks on my clothes could keep beef fresh for years.

BTW, I knew a black body builder once, and I asked him about his regime and all that and said he must be very fit and healthy if he was doing all of what he said. He actually admitted that he gets out of breath walking up steep hills and can't run for toffee.

Most club doorman are the same. You can call them any name you like and not get caught by them. But if you're caught by them....God have mercy upon your soul.

05-02-2009, 04:29 PM
Okay, what's the deal here? This is a thread for ladies. Why are there five men in here? Hmmm?

If you're so bothered, perhaps you could always open a thread: "For the Apricity guys: Are you latently homo-erotic?" :wink :D :tongue

05-02-2009, 04:33 PM
You do get a lot of young men who simply can't do hard manual labour and are usually found out round about the end of the week.
I was a natural. The only thing I get that sucks is the profuse sweating. The salt marks on my clothes could keep beef fresh for years.

BTW, I knew a black body builder once, and I asked him about his regime and all that and said he must be very fit and healthy if he was doing all of what he said. He actually admitted that he gets out of breath walking up steep hills and can't run for toffee.

Most club doorman are the same. You can call them any name you like and not get caught by them. But if you're caught by them....God have mercy upon your soul.

I figure those dudes are the gods of the short close range burst lol. I've had issues with construction work because of my large size at times, but it was nothing that I was not able to fix with a bit of hard thinking and determination, for instance my first day back on the job this year I tanked a load of crete, I was out of breath, caused by my previous smoking habit glad to be done with btw :D and my size, and I got caught on the wire and pins, dumped my load early, got back up after a moment of embarrassment sucked it the heck up and had a great day of work after.

05-02-2009, 04:45 PM
Okay, what's the deal here? This is a thread for ladies. Why are there five men in here? Hmmm?

:D :P

Hoping for pointers? :lmao

Affirmative action

05-02-2009, 04:48 PM
Moral: There is no point of creating "Ladies only" or "Guys only" threads, because such restrictrives seem to attract the opposite sex like a magnet :D

05-02-2009, 05:19 PM
Hmmm now i know a part what turn me off on a man: Bodybuilder body and too much musles!! It fears me a bit.

05-02-2009, 05:22 PM
Just curious : A guy being funny would be included in "character and intelligence" ?

Lady L
05-02-2009, 05:48 PM
On topic :p and thanks for asking Absinthe :D when I first saw Lyfing, I was 10, I thought he was the prettiest thing ever. Blond hair, blue eyes, dimples, dimple in the chin :D Of course he was just a young boy at 11 himself, so no big muscles yet but I remember liking his arms and hands. Very sexy even then. That always stuck with me in later years, checking out arms and hands.

So, I didn't see him again after 13 years old until 25 years old and wow, he was even more beautiful as he had become man, with the same beautiful features and now with the manly physique. :D And, btw, his arms and hands are still sexy and even more so with that wedding ring on! :D

Hey Lyfing ...:fgift:

05-02-2009, 05:53 PM
Lady Lyfing, such lovely relationships are quite rare:) Congrats!
BTW, at first glance I almost hated him, especially after the severe quarrels "online" we had :D I don't know how I decided to go out with him after our first meeting (which was with mutual friends) and now I don't regret;)

05-02-2009, 05:58 PM
BTW, at first glance I almost hated him, especially after the severe quarrels "online" we had :D I don't know how I decided to go out with him after our first meeting (which was with mutual friends) and now I don't regret;)

LOL, my last Ex and I virtually "hated" each other for two years, and then suddenly we ended up together when we realised that the other wasn't quite as bad as we'd always thought. :D

(...Not quite as bad, but worse, that is... :wink)

05-02-2009, 06:19 PM
Face obviously counts, but I couldn't be turned on by someone with a hideous face no matter how great their personality. The face coupled with personality/overall appearance is what is most important for me. For example, I don't generally like short men, but I am very attracted to James McAvoy. I find him adorable, but I am more attracted to faces like his with little quirks than men with faces like Brad Pitt. Plus, his personality makes him far more appealing to me than Brad Pitt could ever be.

I can also find someone attractive if they have a nice face, but it is virtually impossible for me to be attracted to someone who has a nice face, but whose personality I find boring or dull.

05-02-2009, 06:22 PM
Very handsome men are usually dull and spoilt because of the whole women attention they get since young age (personal observations). So, I would go for men with average handsomeness.

05-02-2009, 06:24 PM
Very handsome men are usually dull and spoilt because of the whole women attention they get since young age (personal observations). So, I would go for men with average handsomeness.
Likewise :thumbs I dislike so-called baby faces as well.

05-02-2009, 06:43 PM
Just curious : A guy being funny would be included in "character and intelligence" ?

Doesn't seem to work to my benefit lol. I'd rule that one out.

05-02-2009, 11:00 PM
Well at first glance it's a face that gets my attention.. Then I'll give him the once over to see if it's worth my while :p I have a bias for tall men seeing as I'm quite tall myself. Getting to know someone they have to be intelligent and have a sense of humour. If he has a nice car? That's just a bonus ;)

But for me the biggest turn on is.... The arms! He has to have nice, muscly, strong looking arms *melts* Not like 'body building, I take steroids and pump iron all day' arms, but 'I could easily lift you up and carry you off to bed' arms :D

05-03-2009, 01:56 AM
I chose "face" but that is because "eyes" weren't listed as an option. Nothing gets me like a nice pair of bright bunny blue eyes or deep green eyes:D Add a nice red beard and now you're cooking with heat!!!!!:thumb001:

Fortis in Arduis
05-03-2009, 03:27 PM
Butt ladies - here I am.... LOL

05-03-2009, 03:48 PM
First impressions; Body shape, shoulders wider than hips, and no "overhang"!

A nice pert arse with definition, certainly helps, I'm not too fussed about the face, I prefer dark hair and don't like blonds, or gingers (but I have been known to overlook such matters!)

That is what is required for first impressions, but to get more than the third sentence in will require him to have something in between the ears. As for "funny" men, I don't tend to like those who think they are funny, it may work with the lads but it comes across as contrived and annoying to me.

05-03-2009, 04:16 PM
Butt ladies - here I am.... LOL

Yea, 's long as they don't hear you talking, eh? :wink I mean, I'm known for useless blabber that goes on for ages, but you've taken that skill to perfection pal LOL. :D

and no "overhang"!

The requirement for lack of a beer-gut would rule out at least two of your exes then, LOL. :P

05-03-2009, 04:18 PM
I say they put on weight after!

05-03-2009, 04:50 PM
I say they put on weight after!

Yea, probably through your cooking which I recall to be very nourishing, LOL! I heard that one of them weighed less than 90kg when he got together with you, yet weighed over 100kg when you were finished with him less than a year later! Suppose with another few years added on, you could have roasted him on a spit! :wink

05-03-2009, 05:32 PM
This is all you will ever need
to guarantee a successful, fulfilling love life:

http://www.wpclipart.com/money/bag_of_money.pngrecalls to mind
a remark never forgotten:
Money may not buy you happiness,
but, it can buy you a big yacht -
so, you can sail right up next to it and offer it a drink.

- David Lee Roth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Lee_Roth)
http://i39.tinypic.com/sy9f2a.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=bornbrit777&view=videos)

05-03-2009, 05:35 PM
It's not the money the girls want. It's the knight in shining armour. :wink



05-03-2009, 06:52 PM
Fire, spirit and charisma! Even if a man isnt that handsome he can make the ladies melt if he has one of these. I chose face, intelligence, and overall appearance. Intelligence is very important!

PS; Phenotype might be important too!

05-03-2009, 09:48 PM
I like a guy who's about 5'11" and well-built, with kind greeny-brown eyes, long thick healthy brown hair, big ears, bit of a beard, lots of tattoos... he should be an Alan Partridge fan, stuck in the 80s and early 90s - musically, a complete sci-fi/history geek, crap in bed, spend hours practicing guitar, be broke, wear tatty clothes, drive a shitty car and burp really loud.

Think I went a bit off track :(.

05-03-2009, 09:49 PM
There's also another thing to remember. Maturity level is incredibly important. What's the use of a gorgeous, muscular man, who is also smart, and talented if he can't do anything for himself, and still strung tight by those apron strings? You don't need a grown up child to care for, you want a man. Having him look like a man helps too, none of these 16 year old baby faces for me. :D

I also don't always find attractive those men who look like Captian Amazing. Sometimes, when someone is good looking, and they know it, they lack an awful lot of depth. If everything is just handed to them, they take what they have for granted, and then one day they'll wake up 50 years old with nothing to show for it, because they never developed any substance.

I also enjoy confidence in a man. Insecurities are offturning. I wrote about my brother in law in the thread "What Grinds Your Gears". That type of insecurities, which make you lash out against others, and makes a person unpleasant to be around. Everyone has little hangups, but it's the ability to keep them under control, and not let them dictate how you act towards people is what I driving at.

The ability to treat others in a respectful manner. Nothing is more ugly than rude behaviour for no reason. I also highly value kindness.

I also love being able to laugh at someones antics and jokes, as long as they're not contrived. Spur of the moment is basically what I'm thinking of.

False fronts are also big turn offs. If you can't act like yourself around your intended, then what do you really want from this relationship, and what is it about yourself that you dislike so strongly that you have to hide it? Be yourself. Even if you are an asshole. Don't pretend to be that sauve, debonair, sophisicated Don Juan that loves to write mushy love poems if you're not really like that. The mask you have to continually wear will eat you away. And then you'll blame the one you're with for your angry, bitter feelings, when it is actually yourself that needs to change.

That's all for now! :)

05-03-2009, 10:16 PM
I made two choices: Overall appearance & aura, along with character & intelligence. I like a healthy well-proportioned physique but that's not what draws me to a man initially. It's what I see in his eyes. You can read a lot about what's going on with a person just by looking into their eyes - the windows of the soul.

A guy can be drop-dead gorgeous, but if he lacks in intelligence, let alone a quick wit and sense of humour, then he doesn't get a lookin. I love a man who I can talk to on a deep and meaningful level and across a broad spectrum of subjects.

Maturity(so important for somebody my age!), being comfortable in his own skin, plus having the ability to laugh and share the laughs. I love a quick wit and raucous sense of humour. A clean and tidy appearance is important, but I look deeper into his character, because ultimately that's what will stand the test of time.

05-04-2009, 09:30 AM

Hmm if anyone has 'able to deal with tax inspectors' on her list...:thumbs up

Fortis in Arduis
05-04-2009, 09:39 AM
Women just love money, do they not?

I think that the expensive car goes a long way, as does ready cash.

05-04-2009, 09:52 AM
Women just love money, do they not?

That is such a gross and inacurate generalization and it kind of makes me mad :grumpy: :p

First of all:

females of any species, since the dawn of time, seek to mate with the most powerful males in order to maximize their offspring's chances for survival.

Unfortunately, in our present day, power=money, at least to the lay person. So money is a secondary reinforcer, not an end in itself to the average woman. Subconsciously (or even consciously), the modern woman makes the association "the richer, the more powerful, the better off I am going to be living with him".

Second, you make it sound like all women love money, which is far from the truth :rolleyes2:

I don't know if you have the average JAP or the average trendy Paris Hilton wannabe in mind, but I am sure that there are a lot of women out there (many of us here included) that don't love money, don't seek for a man with money, make their own money and whose lives do not revolve around money.

I think that the expensive car goes a long way, as does ready cash

I personally loathe men with expensive cars because I see only the tendency to show off, as well as loathe men that show off their money in any way.

I make my own money, I am self-sustained and I couldn't care less about my boyfriend's paycheck. In fact, I have supported an ex of mine in the past when he was unemployed for months.

I also like to treat my male friends once in a while and, as you may remember, pay for their dinners.

In fact, had you read this thread, you would have seen dozens of elaborate responses talking about a man's heart, fire in the eyes, character, self-confidence, etc, as opposed to the respective "big tits" "nice ass" responses on the Apricity guys thread :rolleyes:

So, because you may be surrounded by materialistic outlooks, don't think of all women have such outlooks of life and please don't generalize -because, I, for one, feel very insulted by the "women just love money" comment.

05-04-2009, 09:58 AM
For instance, my man is unemployed now and even when he worked he didn't earn much...
I think I'm going even to have much bigger salary then him one day, because I'll take engineers degree. Earning more don't disturb me in any case. I'm not searching for someone to take care of me, since I'm not a pet! Yes, there are females who prefer to be pets and I really wish them happy life, without home slavery, which often happens in these cases.

Fortis in Arduis
05-04-2009, 10:55 AM
In fact, had you read this thread, you would have seen dozens of elaborate responses talking about a man's heart, fire in the eyes, character, self-confidence, etc, as opposed to the respective "big tits" "nice ass" responses on the Apricity guys thread :rolleyes:

The innate materialism of woman was conspicuous by its absence and by the stilted diversionary tactics of the girls here.

05-04-2009, 11:00 AM
The innate materialism of woman was conspicuous by its absence and by the stilted diversionary tactics of the girls here.
So if my skills in the english language do not fail me, you are suggesting that women that have responded to this thread have lied about their true motives? And that, because...? :....

05-04-2009, 12:49 PM
So if my skills in the english language do not fail me, you are suggesting that women that have responded to this thread have lied about their true motives? And that, because...? :....
We are trying to look like :angel to males we would probably never see in our life:D
Anyway, there is no way of such kind of "online" prooves. Our mates know and are going to know that best.

Lady L
05-04-2009, 01:06 PM
Don't let it get you all worked up Absinthe :), I agree with everything you said and I think some women have maybe just given us all a bad rap maybe. But for a man to consider that all women are the same, with the same wants and desires couldn't be more far from the truth.

Yes Yes, all us women are after money and all you men are after ass...we could care less of nothing else! :rolleyes: Right..? :D ;)

Men shouldn't be so soon to put a label on what women want, because I have plenty of labels for them myself..:p

The man I love is not rich. The man I love has nothing to do with money. We only need money to survive, we do not need money to love.

05-04-2009, 01:11 PM
There are both "bad" females (money lovers) and "bad" males (ass-lovers).
Honour, moral, spirituality and self-respect aren't sexual quallities, so there is no place of sexism and discrimination discussing that matters...

05-04-2009, 01:25 PM
I get worked up when these stupid stereotypes are perpetuated by intelligent people. I can see why the average "ass-man" will continuously bump into the "money-women" - because subconsioucly, they are both seeking each other; superficial men are seeking superficial women and vice versa.

But I really don't get it when someone that should know better than that believes so, and not only does, but he tries to disprove all the women that have posted in this thread as being insincere and manipulative :eek:

05-04-2009, 01:32 PM
Money is not very important but it is not unimportant.....We are living in a world with much konsume and capitalism and without money you have no big hope for a easy life.
Hm i ask me how many of the people who say that money is not important were really poor in their lives?? Turn every coin two times in a month is of no fun i can tell you!!

I say a nice, beautyful and friendly man who shows you respect is super and if he has money in his pocket it is even better. :embarrassed I must not shame me for that opinion i like the traditional family model and here the man is the person who is responsible for most of the income and the woman for childs and family. Yes working is not only for man but i only want to work half time later!! I am not interested to have big career. i feel sorry for career woman because they do not see the most important things in life and it are not money , management and a buisness meeting in a luxus hotel in New York or Paris!!

And intelligence is important but not so much for me. Face , character and aura are more important. A know-it all who correctes you all the day and explain you things you never wanted to know and let you look like dumb is not entertaining or interesting.:rolleyes: O.o. lol :D I had a friend like that and it was anoying. I am not Misses Einstein and dont want to become a Misses Einstein okay??

05-04-2009, 01:41 PM
Money is not very important but it is not unimportant.....We are living in a world with much konsume and capitalism and without money you have no big hope for a easy life.

Inese, between saying that money is not important for survival in the present age, and saying that not all women are looking for it when seeking for a man,
there is a vast difference.

Do you get it?

Hm i ask me how many of the people who say that money is not important were really poor in their lives?? Turn every coin two times in a month is of no fun i can tell you!!

I think most of us here have experienced periods of unemployment, financial shortage, etc. We weren't all born with a silver spoon in our mouths, and we don't collect cheques without working.

05-04-2009, 01:51 PM
I say a nice, beautyful and friendly man who shows you respect is super and if he has money in his pocket it is even better. :embarrassed I must not shame me for that opinion i like the traditional family model and here the man is the person who is responsible for most of the income and the woman for childs and family. Yes working is not only for man but i only want to work half time later!! I am not interested to have big career. i feel sorry for career woman because they do not see the most important things in life and it are not money , management and a buisness meeting in a luxus hotel in New York or Paris!!

So, what do you prefer? To have a career and to care about yourself by your own, or to live for whole life in golden cage, or like a servant, to depend on the once nice, beautiful and friendly man? Seems the traditional family model isn't working nowadays and can give you many examples from my life, including my mother. Remember, sometimes males change after marring them and try to be more dominant, especially if they earn more, so situations alla Arab sheikh happen. That's why you should be independent financially and get used to live without many finances. Life makes us surprises and we must be ready!

Lady L
05-04-2009, 02:03 PM
i feel sorry for career woman because they do not see the most important things in life and it are not money , management and a buisness meeting in a luxus hotel in New York or Paris!!

I don't feel sorry for them if they are doing it because it makes them happy. A woman can love her career, and it not be about money. Or in the way I think anyway, if a person chooses a career, then they must enjoy doing it and then, they get paid :D

I'm sure you weren't implying that just because a women has a career that automatically means she is shallow and can't " see important things in life " because thats just a stereotype. It does hold some truth, but not 100%.

I get worked up when these stupid stereotypes are perpetuated by intelligent people. I can see why the average "ass-man" will continuously bump into the "money-women" - because subconsioucly, they are both seeking each other; superficial men are seeking superficial women and vice versa.

But I really don't get it when someone that should know better than that believes so, and not only does, but he tries to disprove all the women that have posted in this thread as being insincere and manipulative :eek:

I'd rather you did get worked up anyway :p because I do too. These types of generalizations always bug me because I've always said, all of nothing is the same.

If someone thinks what our lady members have dished out is insincere or manipulative, they should rethink that. I don't see any insincere or manipulative women here period. Well, there was this 1 but she was gone pretty quick! ;) If a women is going to be manipulative, they will just be in general, not just pertaining to 1 question. :rolleyes: All I have read is many women opening their thoughts and hearts only to get criticized...:cool::eek:

Its indeed a little rude to not consider the time and effort the lady members put into their answers and for a man to quickly assume its all a lie.

Its a little annoying as well because women can quickly respond with " and all men are after sex " which I already used as a bad comparison. It is a bad comparison because all men are not. Just as all women are not manipulative nor money hungry. All of nothing are the same.

05-04-2009, 02:15 PM
Inese, between saying that money is not important for survival in the present age, and saying that not all women are looking for it when seeking for a man,
there is a vast difference.

Do you get it?
Yes i totally get it i am not backward!! And do you get what i want to say? :rolleyes2: I have said money is not the most important thing and i am not asking boys about how much he has in the pocket or his dad on the bank account but if a boy is nice , has a good character and aura and has money too i think "The money is a good addon". And a boy who has absolute no money and dont want to take a job in the future is a problem. When i take a half time job later and the man does not work the money is not enough for a family!!

So, what do you prefer? To have a career and to care about yourself by your own, or to live for whole life in golden cage, or like a servant, to depend on the once nice, beautiful and friendly man?
A mix between the golden cage and a little care about myself with a half time job ( but not more) is that what i prefer!! If the man changes to a bad direction i have always the option to get disforced as a wife. It is also the error of the woman when they allow it that they become the servant of a bad man. Getting seperated is a right and no punishment!! May be you have seen bad examples in your life but i know many good examples from my own family and other families in Latvia. Career woman are very new in the world and the outcome are bad family situations , low birth rates and man who behave like wuss and soft-eggs.:rolleyes: All the corrupt personalyties you can see in Sex and the City and other movies who set ideals. Not good!!

05-04-2009, 02:19 PM
I must not shame me for that opinion i like the traditional family model and here the man is the person who is responsible for most of the income and the woman for childs and family. Yes working is not only for man but i only want to work half time later!! I am not interested to have big career. i feel sorry for career woman because they do not see the most important things in life and it are not money , management and a buisness meeting in a luxus hotel in New York or Paris!!

Finally someone who says it! The traditional family model has worked for our folk for thousands of years, so I can't see why it shouldn't work now. :thumb001:

No one technically says that it has to be the woman at home with the children and the man working. If a couple arranges to have it the other way around because that is what works better, because perhaps the man is more of "stay-at-home-dad material" and the woman is more geared to win the money --- go for it. In most cases however it is 100% correct that the woman is more geared to be the nurturing part of the family, whilst the man is the bread-winner.

People always try to shove me into the "Sexist" pidgeonhole for saying I support the traditional family model. Quite to the contrary. When my mother had me, she was still caught up in thinking she would need a career, this was to the detriment of my welfare. She decided to become a stay-at-home mom for my little brother, and then to see how she could work from home, as such my brother has so far had a much happier childhood than I. We have less money altogether but my stepfather still earns enough to support the family.

A family is about pulling weight together and everybody should thus contribute their part at which they are best. If the woman is the unquestioned "lady of the house" and the man oversees the finances and the "worldly" then this more often than not works, and the kids are happy.

There's now also so many jobs you can do from home, so staying at home and working is no longer, exclusive either. A good friend of my mother is a lone-mother who does IT Work from home, and can still feed her two children comfortably on a single income! :)

Inese, between saying that money is not important for survival in the present age, and saying that not all women are looking for it when seeking for a man,

She doesn't say that money is all either. She hasn't even said that remotely. From what I gather, she wouldn't turn down the love of her life if he had to work long hours to pay the bills, but that money is definitely a bonus, because it means you can live more carefree and don't have to "turn every penny twice".

I admire her for that honesty. To be honest, I respect a woman more that says from the beginning that she expects financial security for the family than one who always says that "money is unimportant" but dumps you and walks out with your shared children once you're made redundant. :thumb001:

Seems the traditional family model isn't working nowadays and can give you many examples from my life, including my mother. Remember, sometimes males change after marring them and try to be more dominant, especially if they earn more, so situations alla Arab sheikh happen.

A little brainwashed, are we? Like, "women can't be happy without their financial freedom". BS.

And even if it doesn't work out, then there's something called "divorce". I don't like the happy-go-lucky way this is approached in this day and age, where marriage is no longer considered "sacred" enough and can be made and unmade at will like they're a pot of play-dough, but if it truly doesn't work out --- well it didn't work out.

So the woman who divorces a rich a-hole who played nice at first is considered a gold-digger by many. But she can still rid herself of that image later, and probably won't die alone in her bed, wishing she'd spent less time in the office.

Having a career and sacrificing the wish for children, or if they're there their welfare, sounds all so good, but no one's dying words are "I wish I spent more time in the office".

I have experienced on myself that children are happier with a parent at home to look after them. And as such, I believe that one partner should stay at home and take care of child-rearing duties whilst the other wins the bread. Simple as that. :wink

05-04-2009, 02:26 PM
If someone thinks what our lady members have dished out is insincere or manipulative, they should rethink that. I don't see any insincere or manipulative women here period.

Well, let's see...

There's me, who I've met Fortis personally and did my best to be hospitable and generous, let alone the discussions we had, so that rules out me.

There's you, married to a hardworking wood-cutter (hardly the glamorous well-paying job a gold digger would be after) yet blissfully happy with a good man by your side despite of him not being rich, so that rules you out too :thumb001:

There's Frigga who's made a whole science on frugality, money-saving and being less materialistic (or was that Solwyn, LOL :D) and either way, they're both independent, creative women who don't rely on a man for financial aid. So that rules them out too.

There's Foxie, who strikes me as a dynamic, independent lady, and by her choice of her currently unemployed man we can assert that she's in it for the :love: and not for the money :thumb001: Ruling her out too.

Ruling out Artisch as well for the same reason. Ruling out Inese because she hasn't given signs of materialism and superficiality, ruling out Brynhild because she's had her family already and is way passed the man-seeking stage. :p

Maybe I am forgetting someone, but anyway who's left to be accuses of being insincere on this board? :D

Lady L
05-04-2009, 02:30 PM
I have experienced on myself that children are happier with a parent at home to look after them. And as such, I believe that one partner should stay at home and take care of child-rearing duties whilst the other wins the bread. Simple as that. :wink

I agree, but I don't live in dream land ( and I am a stay at home mother ) and I have to say this isn't always doable in todays world. For some families it takes 2 incomes to provide successfully for themselves and their children.

Dad can't earn our money from the farm anymore, and momma can't stay home and sew, cook and clean all day. They took that away from us along time ago. So, when that was taken away...the idea of the traditional family went into the mud. ( for the most part )

05-04-2009, 02:31 PM
I admire her for that honesty. To be honest, I respect a woman more that says from the beginning that she expects financial security for the family than one who always says that "money is unimportant" but dumps you and walks out with your shared children once you're made redundant. :thumb001:

Bejaysus bloody Christ! :eek:

Why do we folks always have to take it to the extremes? :D

So when a woman is not after a man's money, does that automatically mean that she will dump you because you don't earn enough? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose?

Or does it mean that she will end up starving with welfare-collecting white trash who refuses to pay child support? :D

Aren't there intermediates, like, he has an average job that pays average but we manage to get along fine? :D

It's funny how we only get to see black & white when having an argument.

05-04-2009, 02:33 PM
I may sound "modern" and even feminist (lol, I hate them), but my character is just not proper for all that traditional family style. It happened not to know one quite normal family, so sometimes I prefer to die like an old maid, than being like some women I know. Self-freedom, independance, achievements are one of the most important things in my life. I know it doesn't look good in the prism of traditional and nationalistic ideas, but it seems not all women are born to be mothers. I show deep respect for all the great mothers and family value keepers. Maybe I'm still very young and unmature, maybe I'm going to change in few years, but for now family and children are certainly not my dream.
At the same time, giving birth is one the main female missions for the balance of this world, therefore I must follow it, due to the fact nature made me with XX chromosomes. With husband or not, the time will show.

05-04-2009, 02:35 PM
Self-freedom, independance, achievements are one of the most important things in my life. I know it doesn't look good in the prism of traditional and nationalistic ideas, but it seems not all women are born to be mothers. I show deep respect for all the great mothers and family value keepers. Maybe I'm still very young and unmature, maybe I'm going to change in few years, but for now family and children are certainly not my dream.

:thumbs up

05-04-2009, 02:38 PM
The innate materialism of woman was conspicuous by its absence and by the stilted diversionary tactics of the girls here.

See below

For instance, my man is unemployed now and even when he worked he didn't earn much...
I think I'm going even to have much bigger salary then him one day, because I'll take engineers degree. Earning more don't disturb me in any case. I'm not searching for someone to take care of me, since I'm not a pet! Yes, there are females who prefer to be pets and I really wish them happy life, without home slavery, which often happens in these cases.

Nobody, and I mean nobody owns me. And therefore I will NEVER be totally dependent upon anyone, I am probably in the same category as Artisch when it comes to earning power, so there would be little point in giving control of that to any partner, I would go part time, but then I also expect any male to pull his own weight at home. I am not a great fan in the idea of male and female jobs, especially not things like cleaning.

Getting seperated is a right and no punishment!!

Unfortunately unless you have a means of supporting yourself and your children this option is not open to you. So any woman who has quit her work to support her children cannot leave the man easily.

Maybe I am forgetting someone, but anyway who's left to be accuses of being insincere on this board? :D

Me and I know him personally too, so I'll pan his head if he suggests it!

Lady L
05-04-2009, 02:38 PM
Good point Artisch, all women are not meant to be mothers! There have been some horrible ones in America, with their stories in the headlines...killing their own children. :(

05-04-2009, 02:43 PM
Good point Artisch, all women are not meant to be mothers! There have been some horrible ones in America, with their stories in the headlines...killing their own children. :(
I would never kill or terrorize my child;)
I just think I won't be good mother as it comes for real mother care, at least for now. Some of my former classmates are now mothers and I'm not quite sure if they manage to be good parents.
Creating a family without being ready, just to follow some standarts and moral values is the most stupid thing you can do in your life.

05-04-2009, 03:01 PM
Why do we folks always have to take it to the extremes? :D

What extremes? I could think of at least three men off the top of my head who had been hard-working all their lives and were dumped, and in one case even divorced, because they could no longer provide financial security.

It's not as uncommon as you think - so for a woman to be honest enough up front to say that she expects at least some financial security I admire more than women who claim money isn't important to them but would just walk out if the guy can no longer provide enough dosh for their Prada-purses.

Aren't there intermediates, like, he has an average job that pays average but we manage to get along fine?

I never denied that there are intermediates, and most woman are happy with intermediates. But I don't think she said any different anywhere, did she?

And show me any woman that wouldn't like it if her man earned more. My uncle was a carpenter, which is hardly the most glorious job, but when he and his cousin started their carpenting firm which was running successfully for a while, I doubt my auntie complained. :wink

05-04-2009, 03:09 PM
What extremes? I could think of at least three men off the top of my head who had been hard-working all their lives and were dumped, and in one case even divorced, because they could no longer provide financial security.

If you want women to be financial reliant upon the male, then that is what they have to do. You must take care of your children, if one male can no longer do so then you have to swap.

And show me any woman that wouldn't like it if her man earned more.

Believe it we exist, just as many men don't want a women who earns more than they do, some women don't want the reverse.

05-04-2009, 03:19 PM
If you want women to be financial reliant upon the male, then that is what they have to do. You must take care of your children, if one male can no longer do so then you have to swap.

Yes, but these were all three women who had always claimed that "money was not important" to them, nor was it in immediate link to the traditional family model I proposed.

If a girl says up front: "Here's the bill, if you can't feed us any longer, you're out" then I am ten times more grateful about that than pretentiously claiming she'd marry a beggar and then dump me for the very same reason, unannounced.

Believe it we exist, just as many men don't want a women who earns more than they do, some women don't want the reverse.

I did not mean, "earning more than the woman", I meant earning more than he currently did. If you had a carpenter for a husband, would you not be thrilled to have a master carpenter for a husband? Earning more than he currently does for the same job? I'd like you to see you tell your man: "No, please, don't go for promotion because we'll have €500 more at our disposal every month, and I can't deal with such flood of money!" :D

That was my point. Not whether women should earn more than men, or vice versa. To be honest, if I were considered the primary bread-winner, but my woman would suddenly inherit a successful business from her third-cousin-once-removed, that wouldn't make any difference: If it does not change the role we agreed that each would undertake in the marriage, then this little fact is entirely immaterial.

My point was - the chieftain's wife doesn't complain when her husband gains territory, and the blacksmith's wife doesn't complain when he gets his income from two smithies. A woman usually likes a successful man, regardless of what he is successful in. :wink

05-04-2009, 03:20 PM
Having a family with lovely husband and be a mother is the goal and sense in life of a woman!! I think that of me with all of heart!! :nod :thumb001:

If i think this is all wortless i can go kill myself now because i will not miss anything of the future beside getting older , frustrated and grey.

05-04-2009, 03:53 PM
I think all of the ladies are missing one key factor, their men must play the banjo :D.

Hrolf Kraki
05-04-2009, 04:29 PM
I think all of the ladies are missing one key factor, their men must play the banjo :D.

I wish I could play the banjo!

05-04-2009, 08:24 PM
What extremes? I could think of at least three men off the top of my head who had been hard-working all their lives and were dumped, and in one case even divorced, because they could no longer provide financial security.

Your three personal acquaintances are by no means a reliable sample size. As for the men who get dumped - are they sure it's just because of the finances? They must be doing something else wrong as well. ;)

It's not as uncommon as you think - so for a woman to be honest enough up front to say that she expects at least some financial security I admire more than women who claim money isn't important to them but would just walk out if the guy can no longer provide enough dosh for their Prada-purses.

The problem with your reasoning is that you take it for granted that

a) all women rely solely on a man for financial security, and,

b) that all women want Prada purses.

I never denied that there are intermediates, and most woman are happy with intermediates. But I don't think she said any different anywhere, did she?

She rolled her eyes at my post because I actually accentuated what she was trying to say (but could not get the point across due to language barrier).

I pointed out to her that she wrongly assumed that anyone here said that 'money is unimportant' altogether.

She thought that was the case and she was being ironic, whereas what we had actually said was that not all women seek after a man's fortune.

And show me any woman that wouldn't like it if her man earned more.

I'd like it better if it was my salary that increased. I hate being a burden to anyone. I share expenses with my man to the last penny, and I would like to keep it that way for as long as possible.

My uncle was a carpenter, which is hardly the most glorious job, but when he and his cousin started their carpenting firm which was running successfully for a while, I doubt my auntie complained. :wink

I don't think anyone here wants to hear uncle and auntie stories.

And again, what you say is besides the point. Having more money come into the house being a pleasant thing is not the same thing as going after someone for his money.

05-04-2009, 09:00 PM
Your three personal acquaintances are by no means a reliable sample size. As for the men who get dumped - are they sure it's just because of the finances? They must be doing something else wrong as well. ;)

Well, I'm sure that it won't have been all fairy-tale, but that's neither any of my business, nor is it material. Even if it was going a little wrong before that - if she said, she didn't care about money, but his loss of a job was the "final nail in the coffin", then it sort of shows that she kinda did care about the money, right? :wink

The problem with your reasoning is that you take it for granted that
a) all women rely solely on a man for financial security, and,

I never said such a thing, did I? Since we are talking about women who do, and there establish whether it is better that she announces that she expects financial security or not, the couples where both partners work were not even at discussion.

And since I believe in the traditional family model, it is irrelevant to me what these couples arrange. It is not that I would forbid a woman to work from home (or once the children are older, even outside of home, but part-time then), far from it, as such it need not mean that should would have to rely solely on me for financial security - but the understanding would be that I would provide the major part of that.

As such, should my position of work ever be at threat, it would sort of be good to know beforehand whether this would be a problem for the woman, rather than to be told that financial security matter not, yet learn out of the blue, that this were a blatant lie to keep me satisfied, and far from the truth.

As such, I would appreciate such honesty over pretenses that it didn't matter, and don't consider it any more shallow if a woman says that she expects financial security from a man. That's all I tried to establish, nothing more and nothing less. There's not always something between the lines, ya know? :wink

b) that all women want Prada purses.

Never said such a thing either. Ever heard of using an illustrous allegory being used to establish an argument.

What I meant to say here was: I consider the type of woman who says it's all about love, but really means it's all about money the real gold digger, not the one who says financial security is important to her.

You seem to have missed that fairly obvious connection quite deliberately.

I'd like it better if it was my salary that increased. I hate being a burden to anyone. I share expenses with my man to the last penny, and I would like to keep it that way for as long as possible.

No loving man who has agreed on a traditional family model would consider the upkeep for his wife and children a burden. He knows he is the major bread-winner and should be happy to spare his last penny for the family he loves.

Or at least *I* wouldn't consider it a burden. If no such arrangement had been made, then being the lesser-earning partner would be a bit of a question-of-honour for me, and I would perhaps chip in more than I can really afford if needed (and have done so in the past, though not by a clean mathematical split), so you're just as right here, and I cannot say I dsiagree.

Since, to eventually settle down, however, I will count it important that I am capable of supporting a family, this would largely become unimportant. And no, I would not consider providing for my family a burden --- in fact if you no longer see it as a honourable obligation but as a burden you ought to ask yourself whether your love for your family is really that great. :coffee:

I don't know but perhaps to the loving man it would be an honour to support his family, not a burden? :wink

don't think anyone here wants to hear uncle and auntie stories.

As you may know, I like to contribute my views by relating to situations I have seen myself. As such, I used the example of my uncle, because it is very expedeint: As not only is he on one hand the person in the entire family who learnt the most common job, but he is also the one who earns the most money from it ... he, the common carpenter from the countryside with his largely 'peasant' appearance. :wink

And again, what you say is besides the point. Having more money come into the house being a pleasant thing is not the same thing as going after someone for his money.

Hypothetically imagine you had to choose between two identical twins, who work in the same field, have exactly the same "character, aura and appearance" and are virtually like clones of each other: Yet one owns one smithy, and the other one owns two smithies.

Without other outside experiences to differentiate these two, would you feel attracted to the more successful one or the less successful one? :wink

05-05-2009, 09:00 AM
I think all of the ladies are missing one key factor, their men must play the banjo :D.

Don't forget the spittoon! :D

05-05-2009, 02:22 PM
Don't forget the spittoon! :D

and a lip o' dip n a cheeck o' chaw :D

05-06-2009, 07:51 AM
and a lip o' dip n a cheeck o' chaw :D

Wow, you're a babe magnet! :D

Fortis in Arduis
05-06-2009, 10:05 AM
Women may not necessarily look for a man with means, but if the man has little or no means this is a negative factor.

Men, on the other hand, are often not much bothered by the financial status of the woman.

Who would deny that this is true as a general trend?

05-06-2009, 10:17 AM
Women may not necessarily look for a man with means, but if the man has little or no means this is a negative factor.

Men, on the other hand, are often not much bothered by the financial status of the woman.

Who would deny that this is true as a general trend?
:thumbs Now you're talking some sense. This is a much more reasonable and down-to-earth argument than

Women just love money, do they not?

I think that the expensive car goes a long way, as does ready cash.


Fortis in Arduis
05-06-2009, 10:20 AM
:thumbs Now you're talking some sense. This is a much more reasonable and down-to-earth argument than

I am just amazed that women do not find men with big boobs attractive. What is wrong with these girls? Do they not appreciate true beauty? :p

05-06-2009, 10:50 AM


05-06-2009, 12:39 PM


Ew OMG, that is sick, I'm a big guy I admit, but I by no means have the "man boobs", that is disgusting. lol

05-06-2009, 05:17 PM


This could classify as porn! :eek:

05-06-2009, 09:58 PM
This could classify as porn! :eek:

Really :eusa_eh:

Glad you enjoyed it so much Loki :p

05-06-2009, 10:42 PM
I know very well what turns women on, it's something we swedes and the french know very well...

Sol Invictus
05-06-2009, 11:42 PM
I know very well what turns women on, it's something we swedes and the french know very well...

So true. So very true. :thumb001:

05-07-2009, 12:08 AM
I know very well what turns women on, it's something we swedes and the french know very well...

Yep, and that be me. Swedes and the French know they stand no chance against the ladies when I enter the building. :D

05-07-2009, 12:10 AM
Yep, and that be me. Swedes and the French know they stand no chance against the ladies when I enter the building. :D

Natrually I (not so certain about VA) would not be competing with the ladies, that's only in your weird fantasies barrel..

05-07-2009, 12:15 AM
Natrually I (not so certain about VA) would not be competing with the ladies, that's only in your weird fantasies barrel..

I love being weird. :D

05-07-2009, 12:45 AM


Where I'm from, we call these things MOOBS!

05-07-2009, 05:16 AM
None in particular. I don't think any, really, actually. And women neither.

05-07-2009, 08:23 AM
I know very well what turns women on, it's something we swedes and the french know very well...

What, Ikea? :D

08-10-2012, 07:54 AM
All of the poll but I don't like bums and don't really like cars.

08-10-2012, 07:58 AM
Where's the "sexual organ" choice??:D