View Full Version : Spain: Judge Baltasar Garzon convicted for wiretapping

02-09-2012, 01:34 PM
Spain: Judge Baltasar Garzon convicted for wiretapping

Spain's Supreme Court has found the country's best-known judge, Baltasar Garzon, guilty of authorising illegal recordings of lawyers' conversations.

He has been banned from the legal profession for 11 years. The court said he could not appeal aginst the ruling.


02-09-2012, 01:38 PM
:thumbs up

02-09-2012, 02:53 PM
Im not precisely a fan boy (BTW it sounds really gay) of Mr Garzón but I stand that wiretapping is a fair measure when you're trying to get evidences about a criminal behaviour. What would we said, for example, if Marta del Castillo crime would became unpunished on a similar circunstances? My conclusion is that advocates are there to help innocent people to avoid being condemned, not to help criminals into elude Justice action. :coffee:

02-09-2012, 04:55 PM
Im not precisely a fan boy (BTW it sounds really gay) of Mr Garzón but I stand that wiretapping is a fair measure when you're trying to get evidences about a criminal behaviour. What would we said, for example, if Marta del Castillo crime would became unpunished on a similar circunstances? My conclusion is that advocates are there to help innocent people to avoid being condemned, not to help criminals into elude Justice action. :coffee:

Pero amos a ver... amos a ver....

Baltasar Garzón es un juez estrella, con ambiciones inmedibles y ego inconmensurable, que ha querido saltarse la justicia, estar por encima de la ley y manipular mediante poder jurídico. Ha sido condenado por prevaricación, la falta más contundente que un juez puede hacer. Si quien tiene que hacer justicia, se la salta, pues para qué queremos más? Tenemos lo que nos merecemos.

Y a quien no le guste el veredicto, que mande cambiar las leyes.

02-15-2012, 02:50 PM
The main point in favour of Garzón I recall is that advocates not only player their proper defensive role but also a plain illegal one as intermediaries between inmates and their free comrades of the corruption net. Of course that hipotesis would be easily proved if tapes are listened no matter about the issue of their legal or ilegal origin. For me political corruption of our seudodemocratic system is well-worth some little misbehaviours from justice side: come on, it was all just about a fucking tapes!

Ps. My personal opinion on Garzón is not so condescendant, but that's another question.

02-15-2012, 02:57 PM
El Juez Garzón archivó el caso de Paracuellos presentado contra Carillo en 1998, no le apetecía investigar aquello, es mejor perseguir a los muertos que a los vivos según el sentido de la justicia de este Juez.



02-15-2012, 05:00 PM
And the pantomine of asking for Franco's, Mola's, Yagüe's death certificates? When their hipotetical (war is war, moreover they just anticipated Marxists Revolution) crimes were commited BEFORE Nuremberg trial instituted the cathegory of Crimes against Humankind?

But that's another history, for me wiretapping is fair if cause is good.

Joe McCarthy
02-15-2012, 05:09 PM
Finally, some good news. This guy has distinguished himself as the world's most prominent busybody.