View Full Version : How does the average Indian Guy/Girl look like?

02-09-2012, 06:03 PM
And whats his/her classification. What features?

02-09-2012, 08:40 PM
It sure would be nice if you could post a picture.

02-09-2012, 08:42 PM
How does the average Indian Guy/Girl look like?And whats his/her classification. What features?


Dr. van Winkle
02-09-2012, 08:56 PM

You are into Indian porn?

This girl is clearly dinaricized and thus not representative for the Indian average, which metrically close to Mediterranids (Indid race).

02-09-2012, 09:20 PM
You are into Indian porn?

This girl is clearly dinaricized and thus not representative for the Indian average, which metrically close to Mediterranids (Indid race).

She looks Indid-Brachid with something slightly Weddoid about her, and the Dinarid look comes from her Indid-Brachid side. To answer your question Inquiring Mind, I would not say there is an average Indian look necessarily. If you base it off of the ones you meet in Western countries people would probably say it is Indid or Indid-Brachid.

The Nord-Indids probably would not be seen as Indian as commonly among a lot of people, because a lot of people see Indians as being darker skinned like Indids and Indid-Brachids. Those are the stereotypes which are often portrayed in the media.

There are the Weddoid and East-Weddoid types which are portrayed at times, and definitely appear in some places in the Western world, but I think are less commonly depicted. I think a lot of what determines the imagery of what an average Indian guy/girl is in the eye of Westerners is within the Indid/Indid-Brachid range, but against this can all be seen as "subjective" and "relative.

Germans for instance are stereotypically portrayed as Faelids or Borrebys, and although they make a large part of the population people forget about the Norids, Dinarids, Sub-Nordids, Alpinoids and even Baltid/East-Baltid types. The odd thing is that a some people still have this false stereotype that all Germans are pure Nordid types.

Anyway that is one example that can be used to describe how stereotypes can be misleading, and that in actuality even if there is a proper understanding of the common look, there are often others which will be ignored.

I think this will always be the case, and people will always forget the Melanesid, Weddoid, and Malid types when people think of Indians. Its also probably because these types are less desirable to portray than Nord-Indids, Indids, Gracile-Indids and Indid-Brachids.

Dr. van Winkle
02-09-2012, 10:54 PM
Typical Indid man (after Biasutti):


Facial average of South Asians (Pakistani + Indian), Nordindid with Orientalid influence:


Facial averages of Indians, created by Dragon Horse:

Average Indian man, Indo-Weddid:


Average Indian woman, pred. Indid:


Average South Indian man, Weddid:


I think this will always be the case, and people will always forget the Melanesid, Weddoid, and Malid types when people think of Indians.

Never heard of pred. Melanesid Indians before, don't you mean Indo-Melanid?

A slight Melanesian strain is found at extremely low levels in most, but not all Indians.

Admixture chart (the light pink element is Melanesian):


Its also probably because these types are less desirable to portray than Nord-Indids, Indids, Gracile-Indids and Indid-Brachids.

Right, but Indo-Brachids constitute only a small portion of India's overall population.

02-09-2012, 10:57 PM
You are into Indian porn?

This girl is clearly dinaricized and thus not representative for the Indian average, which metrically close to Mediterranids (Indid race).
She look like Indo-Brachid with Armenid influence.

Padre Organtino
02-09-2012, 11:03 PM
She look like Indo-Brachid with Armenid influence.

Quite typical for Gypsys.

02-09-2012, 11:04 PM
The average indian guy looks like Inquiring Mind - 50-60kg.

Dr. van Winkle
02-09-2012, 11:13 PM
Quite typical for Gypsys.

Eickstedt's example of a typical Gypsy - Indid with Weddid strain:


02-09-2012, 11:18 PM
Never heard of pred. Melanesid Indians before, don't you mean Indo-Melanid?

A slight Melanesian strain is found at extremely low levels in most, but not all Indians.

Admixture chart (the light pink element is Melanesian):


Right, but Indo-Brachids constitute only a small portion of India's overall population.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I meant Indo-Melanid. Also despite the fact Indo-Brachids only constitute a small part of the Indian population there look is rather popular over in many Western countries. It just happens that a lot of Indid-Brachids came over into the Western parts of the world, even though in terms of representing the average Indian look there is a lack of a strong correlation.

02-10-2012, 12:03 AM

02-10-2012, 12:28 AM
India has always interested me the most of the Non-European countries partially because of its religions, secondly because of the vast diversity in its racial orientation, and thridly because Schoepenhauer admired it as well. I have always wondered about how Indian comes into play when you look at the evolution of the civilized man starting about 7000 years ago.

You had a lot of migrations occuring from the East to the West during the time period about 3000 years ago. This led to the Jiroft and Sumerian cultures, which have been said to share a similar linguistic structure to some of the Dravidian languages. Then later on you have the Andronovo culture, BMAC culture, and the Yaz culture, which were all located to the North of India.

These cultures were said to be relatively advanced, and were known for their use of horses. These sort of sound like Proto-Iranics to me, and perhaps the people of North India are merely a Proto-Iranic people as some have suggested. The Massagatae for example share some common roots with the Cimmerians, Scythians, and the Alans.

These people are proposed to be the ancestors of the Jat people. It also should be noted that this proto-Iranic divergence left us with people like the Persians, Medes, and Mittani. These were all people who stressed on building an elite core which guided and ruled a caste system of peoples.

Usually it was racially based, and it had an impact on the political and cultural flexibility of certain peoples. These Iranic peoples though were relatively Multi-cultural, but they were multi-cultural in a rather elitist and segregated manner.

This is not to say mixing did not occur, especially when the Persian Empire became more cosmopolitan, but it seems that their mentality on race and the caste system paralled the Indians. In a large way I find this to be symbolic of the pure and authentic religious mentality of the more racially elite people in that area.

In a sense they realized that nature divided itself into equal parts based on biological and racial distinctions, and they were willing to categorize in accordance with nature's scheme. It seems to reveal and manifest to us Westerners that nature in an intuitive manner promotes inequality and a diversity which hinges on a cultural, racial, and political hierarchy.

This in a sense would be in direct correlation to Darwin's whole natural selection process, and how these Eastern people were just according themselves and applying their measures to make sure this collective consciousness was preserved and actualized in social affairs.

Also it is interesting to note that some of the Dravidian peoples moved as far West as the Elamites or at least the Elamites spoke a language, which diverged from the Proto-Dravidian. Anyway I sometimes like to think of India as the land where race intially formed and evolved itself into different prototypes and then subsquently diverged from there.

It probably would be stretching a bit, because there were the Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic peoples who had nothing to do with India at this time frame. I am speaking more about the Kurgan, Bell Beaker, and Corded Ware cultures, which would bring many of the more popular Nordid types which we currently have in Europe.

I also like to think of the more Southern Indians have relations to Africans and Australoids although I know this is a far stretch, because genetically speaking they are far distant cousins. That said when you look at certain Ethiopians, Somalians, and Eritreans they will sometimes look pseudo-Indian.

Its interesting to analyze India in its larger context as to the racial divergence which took root there, and which played a big part in the Early Civilizations of the Middle East up to the Persians. Its also interesting to see the possible connections between India, and all the Iranic and R1A peoples that moved into Europe.

Sanskrit for instance is a substratum in many of the more Eastern European languages, and is encrypted in them. The actual core elite of pure Iranic types that made it into Europe were probably small, but their cultural and linguistic influences probably can not be denied. This all stems back to India, which seems to have the R1A haplogroup in its more Northern sections.

02-10-2012, 01:05 AM
Eickstedt's example of a typical Gypsy - Indid with Weddid strain:


I see nothing Weddid about him.

Edit: The Gypsy on the bottom Right (on the bottom left the Jew)
Does anybody really think he is a weddid?


Description Illustration of "races" for an article in a magazine. Nr. 167.
Notes [title:] ... Phot. Württembergische Bildstelle / Rechts oben: Ostische (alpine) Rasse. Phot. H. A. Ried / Fremdvölker in Europa: Links unten: Jude. Phot. L. F. Clauß / Rechts unten: Zigeuner. Phot. v. Eickstedt -- Bei den Rassenamen stehe an erster Stelle die volkstümliche, an zweiter Stelle die wissenschaftliche Bezeichnung Farbige Ausführung (nach photographischen Unterlagen) von Willy Planck. Text dazu im "Schulmann" Heft 2/1934. [title:] ... Library / Upper right: Eastern (alpine) race. Photo by H. A. Ried / Foreign people in Europe: Lower left: Jew. Photo by L. F. Clauß / Lower right: Gypsy. Photo by von Eickstedt -- By the names of the races is first the popular name, then the scientific terms. Color execution (based on photographic examples) by Willy Planck. Text in "Schulmann" Volume 2/1934.


02-10-2012, 01:36 AM
Its quiete common to classify everyone with darker skin complexion and from India as Weddid, especially if someone is ill minded.

02-10-2012, 01:39 AM

exagaration. Neither does the Northindian look typical (too white skin) nor is this a southindian woman.

02-10-2012, 01:47 AM
exagaration. Neither does the Northindian look typical (too white skin) nor is this a southindian woman.

The North Indian individual in that picture looks like a fairly good example to me. A lot of them have that lighter pigmentation among the North Indid types, and some Northern Indians even have Irano-Afghan/Iranid influences.

This is all because they live relatively close to Iranic people in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the North Indid type itself is sort of a proto or pseudo-Iranid type.

The South Indian women looks like a fairly good example of a South Indian woman, and I have seen even darker. In general the fairest Indian looks more Caucasoid like, and the more Southern Indians have this Negroid/Australoid appearance.

02-10-2012, 02:24 AM
The North Indian individual in that picture looks like a fairly good example to me. A lot of them have that lighter pigmentation among the North Indid types, and some Northern Indians even have Irano-Afghan/Iranid influences.

This is all because they live relatively close to Iranic people in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the North Indid type itself is sort of a proto or pseudo-Iranid type.

The South Indian women looks like a fairly good example of a South Indian woman, and I have seen even darker. In general the fairest Indian looks more Caucasoid like, and the more Southern Indians have this Negroid/Australoid appearance.

I knew an Iranian Girl and she was brown skinned like my mum. Not saying that all Iranians are brown skinned. But i doubt that they are pred. of a white skin. The girl in this picture has a very fair complexion, as fair as northeuropeans, i doubt this is the average northindian colour.

Edit: I was never in india but while searching i found different types of southindian women.






some do look negroe, but some look northindian, there was migration of northindians into southindia and sri lanka and further expansion south - east. the upper castes are probably northindian looking.


Northindian Women.

B)Northindian Dalit School Girls

Dr. van Winkle
02-10-2012, 02:35 AM
The woman is a Tamil from Sri Lanka or South India and one of the most Australid-like Weddids I've ever seen. She truly does fall on an extreme end of the spectrum.


02-10-2012, 03:12 AM
While Googling i noticed "a frequent" brunetism and even blondism among gypsy children, but not among Adults. Is it because of "European Admixture" or is it normal variation?

Few Picture Examples

02-10-2012, 03:20 AM
A) Those two women look Weddoid, and the one on the left looks extremely Weddoid like.
B) Gracile Indid type.
C) The two women on the left look Weddoid, and the women on the right more Indid with a Weddoid influence.
D) East-Weddoid or Indo-Melanid.
The North Indian women look to be more in the Gracile Indid or Indid range, with different variants and ranges, and perhaps a few with Nord-Indid influences.
E) The North Indian Dalit girls definitely look more South and are predominantly Weddoid.

02-10-2012, 03:22 AM
@Inquiring Mind
It definitely has to do with European admixture, and it makes sense since a lot of the ones with blonde hair look more European like.

02-10-2012, 03:24 AM
@Inquiring Mind
It definitely has to do with European admixture, and it makes sense since a lot of the ones with blonde hair look more European like.

but as adults they are not blonde, they darken with age. if it were european like wouldnt they stay blonde?

02-10-2012, 03:27 AM
Not necessarily at all there are a lot of European children who have blonde hair, and then it turns brown.

In my family a lot of my siblings had lighter or blonde hair when they were younger that became browner when they got older.

The same happened to me as well after I turned 5, because before then my hair was like a light blonde color.

02-10-2012, 03:27 AM
those guys for example look very non-european, but i spot again a blonde baby.


02-10-2012, 03:31 AM
those guys for example look very non-european, but i spot again a blonde baby.


Yeah, but perhaps their European genes is manifesting itself more in the hair color than the skin pigmentation or cranio-facial structure.

02-10-2012, 03:33 AM
Yeah, but perhaps their European genes is manifesting itself more in the hair color than the skin pigmentation or cranio-facial structure.

yeah could be, i cannot know it.:)