View Full Version : "Lily-livered Europe has surrendered to Islam"

05-07-2009, 02:12 AM
This is an excellent and important article (http://ayaanhirsiali.web-log.nl/ayaanhirsiali/2009/05/lily-livered-eu.html) by Ayann Hirsi-Ali about Islamization in Europe:

Muslims are using Europe's liberal democratic apparatus to roll back our hard-fought freedoms

"...what European countries have done is give citizenship to individuals who feel no obligation to share in their societies for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer and in the event of a catastrophe, sacrifice themselves."


05-07-2009, 08:51 PM
Europe has surrender to decadence more likely, not only Islam is the problem, oh well, was just reading and replying to an European Union thread, that is connected with this one, let's make an European Union, an Utopic country for everyone but Europeans.

How it works, imagine me as a fat leading Politician in Europe, with pockets full of cash given by my masters I will spend on Vodka and whores immediately after I make few great decision in the name of the European people:

- Open our borders for Turks, Africans, Pakis and rest of the people so we can have a multi-cultural pot to base our principles of tolerance, on which of course, our whole society depends on, fuck tradition and heritage. Tolerance is the key, after all, how could we say Germans are not racists if there are no 2 millions of Turks in Berlin not to hate?

- Create a couple of illegal muslim states such are Bosnia or Kosovo in the heart of Europe, so we can make our "we fight the terrorist" campaign makes some sense, with terrorist countries full of muslims in Europe, who will smuggle drugs and weapons, a whore or two too in our countries we will have smth to fight against, isn't that what we all live for?

I wonder how Islam ever got into the Europe with such a good Europeans in charge :rolleyes:

Bobby Martnen
10-02-2018, 07:29 AM
It's time for another crusade.

The crusade to end all crusades.
