View Full Version : Classify Bashar al-Assad

02-25-2012, 03:07 AM
Classify and say where he would fit in...








02-25-2012, 03:08 AM
Coloring aside, he looks wholly Levantine and could fit there and Turkey. Maybe part of North Africa too.

Dr. van Winkle
02-25-2012, 04:34 AM
Progressive-Armenid with Mediterranid influence.

Those familiar with the topic have probably heard that he is of Alawite background.

In 1970, Hafez al-Assad, Bashar’s father, seized power after rising through the ranks of the Syrian armed forces, during which time he established a network of loyal Alawites by installing them in key posts.

The Alawis, also known as Alawi Shias, Alawites, Nusayris and Ansaris are a prominent mystical religious group who are a branch of Shia Islam centred in Syria.

Alawi men from Syria:


The source for this plate is Contributions to the racial anthropology of the Near East, by Carl C. Seltzer.

02-25-2012, 04:35 AM
I think though he could fit very well in Italy/Greece...

02-25-2012, 06:04 AM
He is very handsome and has a noble look...

02-25-2012, 12:53 PM
Even though he has blue eyes, he looks Middle eastern.

He is some kind of Taurid/Anadolid.

02-25-2012, 12:57 PM
He looks like a cross between a Balkanite and Levantine.

He is Taurid(Armeno-Dinarid)+Alpinid or he is just Mtebid.

02-25-2012, 01:01 PM
He can pass as balkan turk.

02-25-2012, 01:04 PM
He looks quite Dinarid/Anadolid.

02-25-2012, 01:07 PM
I don't know where did you guys see Armenid in him?He is obviously too tall and his nasal aparatus is not very Armenid type.Maybe he's got Iranid+Anadaolid+East Alpine comb. that would produce hes look.

02-25-2012, 01:11 PM

02-25-2012, 01:24 PM

True!But people here are talking about Armenoid in the pure version:eek:Anadolid, a type from the Armenid spectrum, but more gracile, leptomorphic and progressive, having Eastmediterranid and Dinaroid tendencies.

02-25-2012, 01:41 PM
I think though he could fit very well in Italy/Greece...

He could fit very well in the area where he was born, Syria and surrounding countries. Especially Turkey.
In Italy I' ve never seen a single person with that face, he probably could fit in some southern regions, but would be still very very atypical.

02-25-2012, 01:46 PM
Coloring aside, he looks wholly Levantine and could fit there and Turkey. Maybe part of North Africa too.

he doesn't look North African at all. Assad is an armenoid type.
while this is how north africans look.

02-25-2012, 05:32 PM
he doesn't look North African at all. Assad is an armenoid type.
while this is how north africans look.

Negroes aren't North-Africans.

02-25-2012, 08:52 PM
A rather progressive Taurid look, but inclining more towards Armenoid, with an Iranid influence possible.

Prince Carlo
02-26-2012, 08:31 AM
Negroes aren't North-Africans.

There are some parts of North Africa inhabited by Negroes.

07-04-2014, 09:56 PM
I'd say he's some kind of Orientalid (Iranid/Arabid intermediate) with some heavy Asian Alpine influence.

10-09-2014, 06:31 PM
One of the lightest Arabs I've ever seen.

Tooting Carmen
10-09-2014, 06:34 PM
One of the lightest Arabs I've ever seen.

Try the Lebanese Prime Minister then. Anyway, Assad is an Asiatic Alpine mainly.

10-09-2014, 06:35 PM
Try the Lebanese Prime Minister then. Anyway, Assad is an Asiatic Alpine mainly.
He is completely bald. It kinda distorts the impression.

10-09-2014, 06:40 PM
Levantine, fits in Cuba, Guantanamo.

10-09-2014, 06:41 PM
Levantine, fits in Cuba, Guantanamo.
I think your president fits there better.

Andrei the 2nd
10-25-2014, 08:02 PM
Iranid + Asiatic Alpine

He could pass as a pseudo-French looking guy

Seth MacFarlane
04-23-2015, 08:43 AM
He's very armenoid but his armenoid apearance aside he wouldn't look middle eastern to an untrained eye. Matter of fact fuck an untrained eye I knows he's Syrian and he still doesn't look " distinctively" middle eastern besides armenoid being a middle eastern pheno. If he was Balkan people would just say dinaro alpine although I agree on armenoid I just know how bias people could be . He has an " aryan " look to him .People In America would think he's white and the ones who don't will think he's Jew before they would think he was straight up middle eastern. He could pass in Balkans. Most middle easterners are straight up wogs and couldn't pass in euro except some levantines passing in Sicily and turkey if your counting that as euro . Ive seen some Ashkenazi Jews who look like him too and that makes sense for the classification I'm giving him which is Anatolid with some nordo influence considering he looks like a slightly more euro version of the plates coon made. Fits best in turkey and the Caucasus

04-23-2015, 08:45 AM
he looks like a mouse lol

04-24-2015, 01:22 AM
One of the lightest Arabs I've ever seen.

Syrians are not Arabs..... Some are mixed with Arabs, but it was a colonisation.. They are Levantine, he have nothnig in commun with gulf arabs.

04-24-2015, 01:24 AM
Dead man walking

Seth MacFarlane
04-24-2015, 01:27 AM
Syrians are not Arabs..... Some are mixed with Arabs, but it was a colonisation.. They are Levantine, he have nothnig in commun with gulf arabs.

Yea people call any group who speaks Arabic Arab. I kno a Syrian Muslim girl who calls
Herself arab and she looks a typical south Italian or Greek and not exotic at all for those places I actually know a good amount of Greeks and Italians who look more Levantine then her

04-24-2015, 01:39 AM
Yea people call any group who speaks Arabic Arab. I kno a Syrian Muslim girl who calls
Herself arab and she looks a typical south Italian or Greek and not exotic at all for those places I actually know a good amount of Greeks and Italians who look more Levantine then her

Unfortunatly,Arabo Muslim colonisation was devastating for their own memory.. They forgot who they are, their languages (not all Assyrians keeps Arameans for exemple)their tribes, their culture.. And for the world and often for themselves too, they became Arabs..As you said the fact that they were forced to speak arabic don't make them become Arabs.. Amnesia of history.....

04-24-2015, 01:57 AM
Looks like pigeon Arabic n euro mulato

Seth MacFarlane
04-24-2015, 01:59 AM
Unfortunatly,Arabo Muslim colonisation was devastating for their own memory.. They forgot who they are, their languages (not all Assyrians keeps Arameans for exemple)their tribes, their culture.. And for the world and often for themselves too, they became Arabs..As you said the fact that they were forced to speak arabic don't make them become Arabs.. Amnesia of history.....

A lot of people in general are ignorant of there own genetics and histories. Some Indian guy earlier refused to believe northern India has Persian influence. There are people who refuse to believe Sicily has Phoenician and moorish influence and Anatolian influence in southern Italy in General. I'm gonna just start letting people be ignorant

04-24-2015, 03:19 AM
Unfortunatly,Arabo Muslim colonisation was devastating for their own memory.. They forgot who they are, their languages (not all Assyrians keeps Arameans for exemple)their tribes, their culture.. And for the world and often for themselves too, they became Arabs..As you said the fact that they were forced to speak arabic don't make them become Arabs.. Amnesia of history.....

Christian groups in the MENA typically held onto their ethnic identities because of their religion luckily, so all is not lost in that regard. I find the pre-Islamic history of the Levant very captivating, and it's truly a shame that we have lost our ethnic identities and language (in my case Aramaen). I hope one day this can be changed, but Near Easterners are way too ignorant and anti-intellectual to realize I suppose.

04-24-2015, 03:21 AM
Christian groups in the MENA typically held onto their ethnic identities because of their religion luckily, so all is not lost in that regard. I find the pre-Islamic history of the Levant very captivating, and it's truly a shame that we have lost our ethnic identities and language (in my case Aramaen). I hope one day this can be changed, but Near Easterners are way too ignorant and anti-intellectual to realize I suppose.

Just don't go to the Negev, Syrian Desert region or Jordan preaching this to us.

04-24-2015, 03:23 AM
Christian groups in the MENA typically held onto their ethnic identities because of their religion luckily, so all is not lost in that regard. I find the pre-Islamic history of the Levant very captivating, and it's truly a shame that we have lost our ethnic identities and language (in my case Aramaen). I hope one day this can be changed, but Near Easterners are way too ignorant and anti-intellectual to realize I suppose.

I like you comment ;) it s not too late to learn Aramean!! :)

04-24-2015, 03:24 AM
Just don't go to the Negev, Syrian Desert region or Jordan preaching this to us.

Why would I? Those areas aren't Levantine proper.

04-24-2015, 03:27 AM
Why would I? Those areas aren't Levantine proper.

Because we are targets of assimilation in most of the Middle East. In Iraq the Iranians want to assimilate us, in Syria it's the Levantines, in Egypt it's the Egyptians as you already know this, aside from Jordan where we are left alone and somewhat define the nation.

04-24-2015, 03:27 AM
Why would I? Those areas aren't Levantine proper.

just curiousing what do you think ancient sumerians, akkadians, assyrians, phoenicians, arameans look like?

04-24-2015, 03:30 AM
just curiousing what do you think ancient sumerians, akkadians, assyrians, phoenicians, arameans look like?

Assyrians are still around and are an incredibly preserved population genetically. Phoenicians would've most resembled contemporary Levantine Druze populations.

04-24-2015, 03:30 AM
His mouth looks awfully European. Idk what it is. Anyways. Alpine med + a little Iranid.

04-24-2015, 03:31 AM
Because we are targets of assimilation in most of the Middle East. In Iraq the Iranians want to assimilate us, in Syria it's the Levantines, in Egypt it's the Egyptians as you already know this, aside from Jordan where we are left alone and somewhat define the nation.

Jordan should remain a bedouin country ideally. It would be good to see marginalized Bedouins in the region move to a country where they have political power.

04-24-2015, 03:32 AM
Jordan should remain a bedouin country ideally. It would be good to see marginalized Bedouins in the region move to a country where they have political power.

so modern day druze is a good proxy for what ancient phoenicians look like? what about samaritans?

04-24-2015, 03:35 AM
so modern day druze is a good proxy for what ancient phoenicians look like? what about samaritans?

There are still 500 Samaritans living today, but they are on the verge of extinction as a community. Non-admixed Palestinians are the closest proxy otherwise. In fact, Palestinians from the city of Nablus are basically just converted Samaritans.

04-24-2015, 04:25 AM
So just wonder would Ancient Palestinians speak some some Canaanite language or Moabite, Ammonite?

04-24-2015, 04:35 AM
So just wonder would Ancient Palestinians speak some some Canaanite language or Moabite, Ammonite?

I'm no expert, but I would assume Canaanite.

04-24-2015, 04:38 AM
Because we are targets of assimilation in most of the Middle East. In Iraq the Iranians want to assimilate us, in Syria it's the Levantines, in Egypt it's the Egyptians as you already know this, aside from Jordan where we are left alone and somewhat define the nation.

Please what is your nation?? Bedouin?? :)

04-24-2015, 04:39 AM
There are still 500 Samaritans living today, but they are on the verge of extinction as a community. Non-admixed Palestinians are the closest proxy otherwise. In fact, Palestinians from the city of Nablus are basically just converted Samaritans.

Phoenicians would be most similar to Palestinians (Arabized Israelites) and Lebanese (Arabized Phoenicians). Phoenicians and Israelites were more or less the same people anyway.

04-24-2015, 04:41 AM
Phoenicians would be most similar to Palestinians (Arabized Israelites) and Lebanese (Arabized Phoenicians). Phoenicians and Israelites were more or less the same people anyway.

Yep, pretty much. Sad that people here are unaware of their ancestors and legacy.

04-24-2015, 04:43 AM
Yep, pretty much. Sad that people here are unaware of their ancestors and legacy.

If it is possible would you want to revive ancient canaanite and phoenician culture and language? what about the religious belief?

04-24-2015, 04:44 AM
Please what is your nation?? Bedouin?? :)

Iraqi Bedouin with some Jordanian Bedouin roots maternally, paternally Kavkazian but was raised in Bedouin culture, so identify more with that, but the surname and some small aspects are from the Kavkazian side of things.

04-24-2015, 04:48 AM
If it is possible would you want to revive ancient canaanite and phoenician culture and language? what about the religious belief?

More so revive the wide spread use of Aramic and the Aramaen identity.

04-24-2015, 04:49 AM
More so revive the wide spread use of Aramic and the Aramaen identity.

what about the ancient Aramaean religious belief?

04-24-2015, 04:50 AM
Yep, pretty much. Sad that people here are unaware of their ancestors and legacy.

And then Ashkenazis are basically Levantines mixed with European, which is how they end up similar to Sicilians and Maltese.

04-24-2015, 04:57 AM
what about the ancient Aramaean religious belief?

People won't abandon their religious beliefs even if they were to change ethnic identities, so that's of less feasibility. I would be content with ethnic Levantines identifying as Aramaen.

04-24-2015, 04:58 AM
More so revive the wide spread use of Aramic and the Aramaen identity.

What about the Canaanite language and culture like Ugaritic, Moabite, Ammonite languages?

04-24-2015, 08:10 AM
I like you comment ;) it s not too late to learn Aramean!! :)

I know this is off topic, but can you give your opinion about the genetic results of NAs?

Its seems that Egyptians and Palestinians cluster pretty close to one another.

04-24-2015, 09:03 AM
More so revive the wide spread use of Aramic and the Aramaen identity.

And you believe that most Palestinians are pure as whistle, and that we are genetically far closer to Persians and Turks than to NA's or Arabians? Don't be such a fool. Being an Arab is just an ethnic-linguistic term only. Its like saying that American germans, irish, anglosaxons and etc should identify with their countries origins even though most have lost their languages and identities, and culturally they have a very distinct culture and mentality than their European counterparts. Turkish people are mostly Turkified Anatolians, but they don't identify themselves as Anatolians, and they take great pride in their Turkic identity. Bulgarians havent forgotten their Balkanic roots and ancestors, and they also take pride in their Slavic identity and culture, and you dont see them being ashamed about it either. I know a Palestinian from Acre who got 100 percent Druze, but he is proud to be an Arab even though he doesn't have a single drop of Arabian blood in his veins. Oblivion, who is a Coptic Christian, got high Arabian blood in her gene pool. What makes you think that Palestinians are pure even though genetically we cluster far closer to North Africans and Arabians than to northern Middle Easterners and etc. One should simply identify themselves as Palestinians or Levantines rather than identifying to long forgotten people that we have no understanding or connections of their culture, traditions, language and etc.

04-24-2015, 02:05 PM
And you believe that most Palestinians are pure as whistle, and that we are genetically far closer to Persians and Turks than to NA's or Arabians? Don't be such a fool. Being an Arab is just an ethnic-linguistic term only. Its like saying that American germans, irish, anglosaxons and etc should identify with their countries origins even though most have lost their languages and identities, and culturally they have a very distinct culture and mentality than their European counterparts. Turkish people are mostly Turkified Anatolians, but they don't identify themselves as Anatolians, and they take great pride in their Turkic identity. Bulgarians havent forgotten their Balkanic roots and ancestors, and they also take pride in their Slavic identity and culture, and you dont see them being ashamed about it either. I know a Palestinian from Acre who got 100 percent Druze, but he is proud to be an Arab even though he doesn't have a single drop of Arabian blood in his veins. Oblivion, who is a Coptic Christian, got high Arabian blood in her gene pool. What makes you think that Palestinians are pure even though genetically we cluster far closer to North Africans and Arabians than to northern Middle Easterners and etc. One should simply identify themselves as Palestinians or Levantines rather than identifying to long forgotten people that we have no understanding or connections of their culture, traditions, language and etc.

Aramaens are still alive and well in the Levant, but it's people like you who would rather we adopt an invader identity and language rather than go back to our roots. BTW, I implied for all NON-admixed Levantines to revert back to their roots, not mixed ones.

04-24-2015, 03:35 PM
Aramaens are still alive and well in the Levant, but it's people like you who would rather we adopt an invader identity and language rather than go back to our roots. BTW, I implied for all NON-admixed Levantines to revert back to their roots, not mixed ones.

And the anatolians were alive and well in the early middle ages as well before the Turkic migration to the region and mixed with them, and i dont see any Turks here who is ashamed of his/her turkic roots. Like i said, Palestinians, like most Levantines and Jews, arent pure, and i'm not going to identify myself in a culture that im very alien about and etc. Only 25 percent of the Lebanese are of Phoenician descent while the rest are non-Levantine ancestry in their genepool. I dont feel inferior in identifying myself as an Arab, and im very proud of my Arab past and heritage.

04-24-2015, 03:48 PM
And the anatolians were alive and well in the early middle ages as well before the Turkic migration to the region and mixed with them, and i dont see any Turks here who is ashamed of his/her turkic roots. Like i said, Palestinians, like most Levantines and Jews, arent pure, and i'm not going to identify myself in a culture that im very alien about and etc. Only 25 percent of the Lebanese are of Phoenician descent while the rest are non-Levantine ancestry in their genepool. I dont feel inferior in identifying myself as an Arab, and im very proud of my Arab past and heritage.

That's bullshit and you know it. You're pulling that figure from that amateur Aljazeera "genetics report" right? lol

04-24-2015, 03:58 PM
That's bullshit and you know it. You're pulling that figure from that amateur Aljazeera report right? lol

Pierre Zalloua, along with other geneticists in the middle east, made similar studies on the Lebanese about them having 30 percent Phoenician blood at best, and the rest are genetic cocktail. Muslims and Christians both have the same amount of Phoenician blood, and they are just as admixed as any Levantines.

Habib Maroon

Pierre Zalloua hopes to overcome Lebanese divides through genetics.

A genetic study in Lebanon that revealed widespread common links to an ancient civilization has brought a unifying message in a country often divided by religion and sectarianism.

The study, by an eminent Middle Eastern geneticist, found that a common genetic signature — identified as that of the Phoenicians — is present in up to 30% of males spread across Lebanon's disparate communities.

Pierre Zalloua, who led the study, said the study's message was positive, but that it had to be delivered forcefully in a country where the idea of common ancestry is regarded with long-held prejudice and mistrust: "I had to hit [the message] right on the head. Phoenician is a heritage for all."

Zalloua is renowned for identifying the genetic signature of the Phoenicians, a seafaring people who inhabited the coastline of what is now modern Lebanon in the first millennium BCE.

Like many of his population genetics, Zalloua's latest work used the Y-chromosome, which usually has no opportunity to merge DNA with other chromosomes between generations. This allows the historic movement of human populations' to be traced by clustering variations in the DNA sequence of the Y-chromosome and observing their distribution in modern populations.

Using this technique, Zalloua's team discovered that the Phoenician signature is still carried by 6% of males in populations around the Mediterranean and remains in 30% of males in the area where the Phoenician civilization existed.

He says that the results show that the bulk of genetic differentiation in Lebanon appears to have occurred before the rise of the religions that now mark the divisions within the country.

"The way I see it," Zalloua says, "Lebanon already had well-differentiated communities with their own genetic peculiarities, but not significant differences, and religions came as layers of paint on top."

"There is no distinct pattern that shows that one community carries significantly more Phoenician than another."

Zalloua is one of the leading geneticists in the Middle East. As well as working to reveal the underlying genetic factors of diseases such as diabetes and coronary artery disease, he is the principal investigator for the Genographic Project in the Middle East and North Africa. This international consortium of scientists, backed by funding from National Geographic, uses genetic markers to trace the migration paths of early humans.

Zalloua left his native Lebanon during the civil war and spent more than a decade working at various US academic institutions. He returned to his country to take up a faculty position at the American University of Beirut (AUB) in 2003. Now, he is an adjunct professor at Harvard University and dean of the School of Pharmacy at the Lebanese American University in Beirut. His experience gives him an ideal vantage point from which to observe science in the Middle East from both near and far.

Diverse Lebanon

There is a lot of prejudice against this type of work, a lot of sensitivity; religious, tribal and cultural.

The ability to scientifically determine Phoenician origins is potentially controversial in Lebanon, the site of ancient Phoenician ports like Byblos and Tyre. Such distinctions have for long been used to support ethnic divisions within the often febrile sectarian politics of the country.

Zalloua's continuing research into the genetics of Lebanese communities has revealed genetic traces within the Lebanese population of both the Islamic expansion from the Arabian Peninsula as well as Western European encroachments during the Crusades.

For him, these studies underline the power of the genetic anthropology work of the Genographic Project to bring people together by highlighting their shared heritage.

"We are much more closely related than we might think," says Zalloua. This notion appears to have attracted much interest in Lebanon, where Zalloua has had more people wanting to donate DNA samples than he could handle. In the wider region however, he has struggled against a number of problems.

"There is a lot of prejudice against this type of work, a lot of sensitivity; religious, tribal and cultural," he says, adding that logistical issues within the different states also make studies difficult. It is often hard to transfer DNA samples outside a country's borders.

However, creating these links to widen his geographical compass has been crucial to Zalloua's most recent studies. "The Middle East connects Asia, Africa and Europe, funnelling human migrations. We're initiating new projects in Yemen and Turkey which we think have been important gateways between the continents."

Zalloua returned from the US to Lebanon hoping to make a difference to his home country's development, but often gets frustrated by the academic and political cultures.
A research makeover

"It is so hard to make it as a scientist in this part of the world. Competition is harsh and no one wants you to succeed. You'll be astonished at the environment in which Lebanese scientists operate; no graduate students, no post-docs."

Investment in graduate programmes is at the heart of Zalloua's thinking on how to improve science in the Middle East: "Without serious graduate programmes, research cannot really pick up. We need to invest in these programmes and universities have to start shifting their strategies from being teaching institutes into becoming research centres."

This has been happening in various Gulf states and Zalloua is optimistic that some universities in Lebanon are starting to make this shift: "It will be a slow but progressive march forward. We need to breed researchers in the real sense of the word, people interested in making a change in the world. Research with impact can't come without a culture shift in academia."

Outside the oil-rich Gulf states, his suggested approach is to start by establishing small centres of excellence with a diverse, interdisciplinary group of researchers working on a specific topic or two.

Try to post genetic studies in telling that Levantines are pure and etc. We arent pure, and i dont wish to identify with people that i am very alien to and etc. The Zionists will never see us or any other people as their kin, so stop trying to convince us to abandon our culture and identity.

12-13-2016, 10:28 PM

06-17-2017, 12:17 PM
Syrians are not Arabs..... Some are mixed with Arabs, but it was a colonisation.. They are Levantine, he have nothnig in commun with gulf arabs.

Actually almost 30% of Syrians are Arab.

06-17-2017, 12:28 PM
Taurid + Alpine.

02-05-2018, 09:14 PM
Taurid + Alpinid

07-09-2019, 12:22 AM

07-09-2019, 12:44 AM

08-19-2022, 03:43 PM
North Pontid + Assyorid

12-07-2023, 11:17 AM
Levantine Nordoid+Armenoid.

12-07-2023, 11:51 AM