View Full Version : What do you wish for?

05-09-2009, 03:32 PM
As simple as the title says :)

What are your simplest dreams or your biggest wishes?

I wish for seperate ethnicities to have seperate cultures, lands and identities.

For myself I wish for curly, blonde haired, green eyed cuties like I was.

I also wish for a husband who will want to cuddle after sex.. ;)

05-09-2009, 03:51 PM
1. I wish people weren't be so ignorant, greedy, materialistic, easily manipulated beigns, trying to achieve imaginery, mass media dictated ideals;
2. I wish all were pride of their own culture and nationality and tried to make the best for its preservation;
3. I wish there were moral, honour, loyality, spirituality;
4. I wish there were need of constant spiritual, not only technical developing;
5. I wish everyone to got what he/she deserved (bad or good);
6. I wish everyone knew his place and to tried to improve if he/she was not satisfied;
7. I wish we lived in harmony with Nature, Universe, Blood and Nation;
1. I wish I releazed some things about myself and life as a whole earlier;
2. I wish I had better parents and real friends;
3. I wish I studied more and knew what I wanted to do and achieve as profession;
4. I wish I believed in myself and my potential;
5. I wish I weren't so cruel and manipulative towards people who loved me;
6. I wish I had straight nose :D

05-09-2009, 03:57 PM
I wish that Estonia would be at least 98% Estonian, not 68%.

05-09-2009, 04:42 PM
Good health
A Norway for norwegians

05-09-2009, 06:02 PM
Realistic dreams:

1. To be able to buy enough land that neither my children nor my grandchildren have to buy their own.

2. To finally finish organizing my thoughts and notes so that I can write the book that's been developing in my head for the last few years.

3. To make an album that is good enough to be picked up by a medium-sized American label.

4. For my children to grow up to be responsible, honorable, ethnically conscious adults.

Unrealistic dreams:

1. To see America return to a pre-WWI type of Nativist policy.

2. To see the West realize that the encroachment of Islam is just as much of a threat as it was in Martel's day and to act accordingly.

3. To see a Heathen group (any of 'em) erect a temple in the Gothic style, similar to Chartres.

4. For me to be able to play every orchestral instrument proficiently.

05-10-2009, 04:02 AM
Complete Clarity

05-10-2009, 09:33 AM
Global : It has been written by everyone :)
Myself : Just have fun while I am young, for later, why not create a family. ;)

05-12-2009, 03:12 AM
Global; the usual, like what yous lot above said...

Personal; I didn't think I had any, until, that is, I saw your wine-tasting get-up, RR! :wink:

05-12-2009, 04:59 AM
Call me superstitious but I'm not going to tell anybody here. If I do, it won't come true! :p

05-12-2009, 05:01 AM
World Peace :p :D

Lulletje Rozewater
05-12-2009, 06:51 AM
World Peace :p :D

I wish I was independent from birth,like the baby animals.
Walking with in an hour etc.
If I did not like my mother I would run straight to Aemma and complain.
Now I have to sit-sleep-suck-cry like e baby