View Full Version : Fireman Sam Creator Detained and Branded Racist for Innocent Burqa Joke at Airport Security

02-26-2012, 06:24 PM
The creator of the popular children’s character Fireman Sam has told how he was accused of racism after making a light-hearted remark at Gatwick airport.
Dave Jones said he experienced an ‘Orwellian nightmare’ after commenting on the ease with which a woman with her face covered by a hijab, another form of the burqa, had walked through security controls.
As he placed his scarf and other items into a tray to pass through an X-ray scanner, he quipped to an official: ‘If I was wearing this scarf over my face, I wonder what would happen.’
To his astonishment, he was met on the other side of the barrier by officials who detained him for an hour in an attempt to force him to apologise and the police were called.
Mr Jones, 67, who was supposed to be meeting his daughters, said: ‘Something like George Orwell’s 1984 now seems to have arrived in Gatwick airport.
‘I feel my rights as an individual have been violated.
‘What I underwent amounts to intimidation, unlawful arrest and detention. I was humiliated and denigrated in full public view.

‘I am a 67-year-old pensioner and have lived my life within the law.
‘I do not have even one point on my driving licence.’
Mr Jones said that when he had made his original remark, the guard had appeared to agree with him, responding: ‘I know what you mean, but we have our rules and you aren’t allowed to say that.’

As he went through security where he hoped to meet up with his two grown-up daughters, he was confronted by a woman official who said he was being held because he had made an offensive remark.

Mr Jones, a former member of the Household Cavalry and a retired fireman, said he had said nothing racist. But she took his passport and boarding pass and escorted him to another area where she questioned him.
He said: ‘It was impossible to get her to listen to reason. We were then joined by a second female security guard who stated that she was Muslim and was deeply distressed by my comment.
‘I again stated that I had not made a racist remark but purely an observation that we were in a maximum security situation being searched thoroughly while a woman with her face covered walked through.
‘I made no reference to race or religion. I did not swear or raise my voice.’
After about 20 minutes, he asked the security guard whether he was going to be charged. She said no, but he could not leave until he apologised.
He called for a policeman but, he said, it was clear the officer was ‘keeping to the politically correct code’

He demanded that the officer should arrest him if there was a case against him. Mr Jones said: ‘I was told that we now live in a different time and some things are not to be said.’
The matter was only resolved when Mr Jones agreed his remarks ‘could’ have been regarded as offensive. A Gatwick Airport spokesman said: ‘Our security team are looking at what happened. The matter was dealt with and the passenger made his journey.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2106631/Fireman-Sam-creator-Dave-Jones-detained-branded-racist-burqa-joke-airport-security.html#ixzz1nW5fKDhu