View Full Version : Classify Portuguese woman and man.

02-27-2012, 07:02 PM
One of them randomly chosen off Google Images, the other is a soccer player.



02-27-2012, 07:11 PM
Miguel is Atlanto Med.As far as the young girl,she looks Alpine/Med

02-27-2012, 07:11 PM
Where in the girl do you see Med?

02-27-2012, 07:23 PM
Well her face looks too narrow to be a pure Alpine.Of course from this picture is really hard to say indeed.I may be wrong....

02-27-2012, 08:45 PM
Girl: Alpinoid with an Atlantid influence.

Guy: Atlanto-Mediterranid with some slight Dinaricization involved.

02-27-2012, 09:19 PM
I think she has some Cromagnid. Is it just me or do others see it too

02-27-2012, 09:23 PM
I think she has some Cromagnid. Is it just me or do others see it too

As I said from this picture is really hard to tell whether she is CM or not.On top of all she is smiling...

Dr. van Winkle
02-27-2012, 09:28 PM
I think she has some Cromagnid. Is it just me or do others see it too

She is still quite young. I suspect her Cromagnid element might be Berid along with a classic Mediterranid strain, because with black hair and darker eyes, she could pass as an Anatolian Turk.