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03-03-2012, 01:02 AM
Greetings folks. I would like to initiate a thread devoted to posting various epiphanies or other thoughts. I believe this appropriate for the philosophy section as such an activity may inspire philosophical discourse and some of the presentations may be presented representative of logical formula. I encourage all to participate/share.

The following is a list of notations which were scribed by myself, relevant to personal observances and epiphanies. Most are intended to be facetious.

Let us equate life with suffering
If it is cruel to prolong suffering
then it ought to be considered cruel
to prolong life. - Seth Reeder

Some would question whether or not peoples are adequately represented in their representative societies.
Most people are fools
Most leaders are equally foolish
Therefore, the people are adequately represented. - Seth Reeder

One can consider a disease to be that which invades and inflicts harm.
Mankind has done little more than invade and inflict harm.
Under such circumstances mankind is a disease.
A cure is warranted. - Seth Reeder

More oft than not I state with regards to myself: I ain't got no sense but nonsense. - Seth Reeder

By definition democracy is rule by the people.
Most people lack in wisdom and integrity.
Evidently democracy is rule by the impaired. - Seth Reeder

What is it that sets man apart from allegedly lesser apes?
Some say chromosomes. Others cite the capacity to reason.
If it be the capacity to reason then many a man is nowt but a lesser ape. - Seth Reeder

And Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gifted it to man. What did man do with this gift but burn himself? - Seth Reeder

People are oft to state: Set the bar high in life as to achieve thy dreams.
I state: Set the bar low. This way when ye run into it ye get nowt more than a bruised shin as opposed to a concussion. - Seth Reeder

I am a moose
All moose are men
Therefore, I am a man. - Seth Reeder

Listen carefully to those around ye and ye shall be disappointed in what ye hear. The voice of the mob is the voice of a fool. Listen carefully to the self and ye shall be disappointed in what ye hear. The voice of the self is the voice of bias. Listen carefully for the voices of wise men and ye shall hear nowt but silence. - Seth Reeder

If there is one thing I know to be true it be: I know a whole lot about nothing. - Seth Reeder

05-02-2012, 04:17 AM
Some expansion upon past inclinations:

No sense but nonsense
By Seth Reeder

Hypothetical Syllogism –

If persons are imperfect (P), then persons are defective (Q).
If persons are defective (Q), then persons function inadequately (R).
Therefore, if persons are imperfect (P), then persons function inadequately(R).

If persons function inadequately (P), then persons are impaired (Q).
If persons are impaired (Q), then persons are incompetent (R).
Therefore, If persons function inadequately (P), then persons are incompetent (R).

Barbara AAA-1 -

All that, which has committed error (M) are imperfect (P).
All persons (S) are that, which has committed error (M).
Therefore, persons (S) are imperfect (P).

As such the original hypothetical is rendered more than hypothesis within the context of a person of our world’s existence, limited as it may be by the third dimensional perception. All persons, by nature of the imperfect state, are defective and function inadequately. All persons, by nature of their inability to function adequately, are impaired and likewise incompetent.

Modus Ponens -

If democracy is rule by the persons (P), then democracy is rule by the incompetent (Q).
Democracy is rule by the persons (P).
Therefore, democracy is rule by the incompetent (Q).

If mono-sovereign rule is rule by the one person (P), then mono-sovereign rule is rule by the incompetent (Q).
Mono-sovereign rule is rule by the one person (P).
Therefore, mono-sovereign rule is rule by the incompetent.

All strife over political control is futile given the incompetent nature of all persons. No matter which way one may formulate an ideal social structure it will fail as it is dependent on the persons contained within it. Care not for such things and in bliss ye shall be.


I think I better rephrase my ending statement. Instead of "care not for such things" which could imply encouragement for apathy in the sense of an absence of concern, I think I ought to rephrase:

Rather one ought to suppress the extremes of passion and excitement relevant to politics as to achieve a "Golden Mean" as to avoid the past mistakes of our forefathers, who were at times too easily swayed into slaying others of their kind based on at times ambiguous loyalties to incompetent leaders.

An example of the dangers of over excited passion being seen with the Southern Confederacy where, even though I'd agree with the premises of secession under certain circumstances, there was no real concert behind a cause and competent political officials (in contrast with certain competent military personnel).

This all leading to a series of desertions around 1863, in which my own kin took part, these deserters returning to their homes as "Wildcats" or guerrillas who fought not for the Confederate regulars, or for some vague Confederate political aim, but fought solely to spite invading Yankees. They lead completely by passion at times, see Champ Ferguson (as a local folk hero whose wife and daughter were raped by Yanks I can sympathize with to a degree, but the extant to which he acted I think was overboard and warranted his execution by hanging), becoming in turn ruthless and bloodthirsty men bent on revenge all initially excited by the fancy words of incompetent politicians as Calhoun.

In the end, because of the potential for incompetency among all men, one can only really look out for the self and those closest to the self as those considered kin.

Learn from the past perhaps....