View Full Version : What should be done for European Preservation

03-08-2012, 08:03 AM
When I joined this forum I expected to read a lot of information on European Preservation and what should be done for it but actually I read nothing on the topic but some statements of facts and empty calls.

So I'd like to share my thoughts on the subject though I am rather pessimistic.

Cos I am going to write on the whole subject of European Preservation and it can be large in size I'll put everything part by part but here are rough content and ideas I'd like to share:

- European mentality as a major enemy of European Preservation.

- Desperate for mediators.

- Scorpions in jar.

- The most easily manipulated peoples.

- Governments as evilest enemies of Preservation

- Orwell's language of modern Europeans.

- Devastating concept of "personal space".

- Conquered peoples called Civil societies.

- Deprived of freedom population of "free" nations.

- Governments' work in progress - uprooted disunited population, ruined families, deep mistrust between man and woman, horrendous gap between generations.

- Deliberate corrupting of souls of population by governments.

- European person - all alone and defenseless.

- Preservation demands actions and sacrifices.

- Necessity of direct communication and solving problems without mediators

- Living together.

- Man without Faith is Dead.

So here we go.

European Preservation to my mind has two fatal enemies: mentality of Europeans and European governments (the last ones of course are product of mentality).

What are major problems of mentality of Europeans.

Once I read an old book about historical Poland and why the Jews had so much power in Poland. The explanation was somewhat shocking for me. It turned out that a Pole need a Jew as mediator to communicate with another Pole. And as a result of this all social connections and infrastructure were in hands of the Jews.

The same way being a student I found out and was really surprised by the fact how many lawyers there are in USA. It turned out that an Anglo-Saxon American need a lawyer as mediator to communicate with another Anglo-Saxon American.

And that kind of inability to communicate directly with each other, to settle mutual problems without various kind of mediators (the Jews, lawyers, policemen, politicians, government etc), actually total and deep mistrust to each other were features of all European peoples and especially Northern ones.

I remember when being a student in Moscow the life was difficult and there were tiresome queues everywhere for everything from meat shop to cafe and restaurants. But very often Russian man who was in charge of line could take me aside and for a small and reasonable fee let me not stand in line and waste my time. But he never did that for another Russian. Cos he trusted me, non-Russian, but he didn't trust his fellow Russian.

I remember when I was child then in Armenia due to Mountain relief prices of Soviet off-road vehicles were several times higher than price appointed by Soviet Government. And my uncle found out that in Estonia due to plain relief prices on that kind of cars were not that high as in Armenia though of course were higher than price appointed by Government and he went and bought the car from there. And when he returned he told how he was really surprised by behavior of Estonian man who sold him car. That simple buying-selling was arranged so cautiously and thoroughly by Estonian man like a some extra-secret operation of Special Services and everything was done in order to no one from Estonian compatriots of seller would know that the car was sold by real price not by price appointed by government. It was really unexpected cos in Armenia everybody sold cars outright in public by real market price and no Armenian in that case would ever expected any harm from another Armenian. Probably Armenian would sell a nuclear warhead more carelessly than that Estonian his car.

I remember once I was talking with woman from Germany and she enumerated various reasons when she would call the Police to settle her problems with her fellow countrymen and 99% of reasons from my viewpoint were complete worthless rubbish and not worth to invite police and spoil relations with other people.

Once I read that in UK every year millions of people write complaints on their neighbors to government and also I was surprised.

So apparently many and many Europeans behave like scorpions in jar. No one trusts another and everyone expects bite and sting from everyone at any moment.

To be continued.

03-09-2012, 12:10 PM
Now having in the background that sad picture of scorpions in jar let us look at governments-population relationship in Europe.

For the beginning a couple of examples from history. When the English conquered the Scotts what they did the first. They destroyed clannish system of Scots and that brought dire consequences equal to cultural genocide of Scots, loss of native language etc. When the Spanish conquered the Dutch what they did. They promoted one Dutch to report another Dutch and then they killed reported man and gave his property to reporter. So the ultimate goal of any conquerer to destroy all the connections and disunited conquered people.

Utterly according to the same pattern European governments treated their own population as a conquered people and have actually one target: to make a population easily manageable. And for that goal they destroy their own population and ideologists paid by government manipulate and brainwash population to make easier the process of destruction.

Under false pretext of protection of women's rights they ruin families. But it is not enough for them. Under false pretext of protection of children's rights they now seed awful mistrust between parents and their children. Their ultimate goal is to get an all alone defenseless person who on whole Earth has nobody to stand by.

And the most ironic thing is that Europeans are so easily manipulated and efficiently brainwashed that they are proud of how they effectively being destroyed. And actually being uprooted European can say proudly: wow, we are not clannish! And being totally disunited he can say: Yeah, we are very individualistic. And having ruined families and horrendous gap between generations he would say: wow we are not that backward retrogrades like some other peoples (peoples which btw have strong and healthy families!).

That kind of behavior of Europeans remind me nice joke about man who suffered from urinary incontinence, and he went to the doctor but mistakingly visited not an urologist but a psychotherapist. And after that his friend asked him: How is your urinary incontinence? Did you cure it? And a man answered: No, but now I am proud of it! :D

To be continued.

03-09-2012, 12:43 PM
Very simple: Grow some balls. A good start would be starting to say IRL what you say in Internet fora.