View Full Version : The Cathedral is dynamited and reduced to rubble.

03-10-2012, 03:39 AM
The 340 ft. tall Cathedral of Christ the Saviour Church is the grandest Ordodox Christian Church in the world. Completed in 1883, it had taken nearly 20 years to build, and another 20 years to decoratively paint its marble, granite, and gold plated interior.
After Lenin's death, the Christian-hating Soviets chose the location of the Cathedral to be the site of a monument to Lenin & Communism, known as the Palace of the Soviets. On December 5, 1931, by order of Stalin's Jewish minister and brother-in-law, Lazar Kaganovich, the Cathedral is dynamited and reduced to rubble. Jewish Reds watch and laugh as horrified Christians grieve in silence over the cruel destruction of their religious, and cultural icon.
Ironically, due to poor planning and lack of funds, the Palace of the Soviets never materializes. The site is turned into a huge swimming pool instead.
In 1990, the Russian Orthodox Church receives permission, from what is by then a more open Government, to rebuild the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Though the interior is not as elaborate as the original,


03-10-2012, 03:40 AM
Brick by brick. It takes only till one brick is left till something...anything...awakens.

Racial Observer 1814
03-10-2012, 04:05 AM
Disgusting filthy animal pigs!:mad::mad: