View Full Version : What was your most intense expression of love.

Lulletje Rozewater
05-14-2009, 07:10 AM
And had no result.

I was in the army and as usual when you are in the army you do not get to see your girlfriend very often,which often means that she finds someone else to fall In love with
That day I got a "Thank you,but no thanks letter"
I was devastated.
How could she do this to me???
Questions questions questions, all unanswered.
I wanted answers.
That day too, a colonel came to inspect our barracks.
I was on guard duty.
The colonel's personal driver had a chit chat with us near the gates.
He excused himself for a few minutes.
While he was away I noticed that he left the key in the car
Not even thinking of the consequences I hopped in started the car and drove out of the camp.
100 km later I saw my girlfriend and demanded answers.
To make a long story short,she did not love me anymore.
With wet eyes I drove back.
Entering the camp, I stopped in front of the colonel,who was roaring with anger.
Tapped him on the shoulder and said "Colonel you have one mighty car there,I took it for a spin and I think it just needs a bit of oil in the rear axle.

Stunned he looked at me,ordered the guard to throw me in the cooler.
I had at that time 17 days cooler already for various misdemeanor,not to serious though.
Got 10 days.which meant a total of 27 days.
Punishment for being over 24 days meant 6 months longer in the army.

Moral:Never fall in love,just take the woman you fancy on appro.:D

05-14-2009, 07:27 AM
Ouch on both counts, Boerseun. The army days were bad news for a lot of men when it came to the love department.

Lulletje Rozewater
05-14-2009, 08:35 AM
Ouch on both counts, Boerseun. The army days were bad news for a lot of men when it came to the love department.
Here in SA,my son had the same experience. I saw a lot of heart-broken soldiers in Potch and Hoedspruit
I was at the time in The Netherlands,a time when the army saw a communist behind every tree,I was that tree.
The times I jumped the wall for some chick-n-licken in town or "stop or I shoot" attitude when on guard duty if someone climbed back into the camp.or throwing a defused hand grenade in the midst of a group or giving wrong signs and the group walking against a wall and walking and walking.
A real Rampokker I was

05-14-2009, 08:58 AM
I tend to be cold as ice, so never made any intense expressions of love. Usually keep my feelings for my own because many guys at my age and my area don't deserve such special treatment.

Lady L
05-14-2009, 01:12 PM
Ahh, I would have to say my most intense expression of love would be packing my stuff and leaving where I spent my whole life, in Tennessee and the wrong man, to come to my new home, Alabama, and the right man, Lyfing. :)

03-31-2013, 01:48 AM
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