View Full Version : Randy Hillier

05-14-2009, 07:51 AM
What do you guys think about him? He caught my eye from a link on another site, it looks like he's using a variant of the 'Ron Paul Revolution' logo:


Platform looks pretty good, decrease regulation including raising the speed limits, ending a foreign monopoly on alcohol sales, and eliminating the 'human rights commissions' which punish people for having politically incorrect thoughts:


05-14-2009, 02:31 PM
Hmmm I just quickly scanned his platform. I can't say I'm too impressed with certain policies of his. He's not 'green' enough for my taste I have to admit. The repealing of the ban on pesticide use is narrow-minded and caters to the needs of a minute business sector as opposed to larger issues of public (ie. human and environmental) health.

He seems predominantly interested in very specific small-c conservative issues as opposed to broader-based ones.

My two cents so far.


05-17-2009, 05:43 PM
I would call him a step in the right direction, rather than an ideal candidate, but he has taken a number of positions which will be popular with the disenfranchised Harris conservatives. I'd like 8 years of Mike, but I'll take a few with his protegé here.

05-23-2009, 07:18 PM
Hmmm I just quickly scanned his platform. I can't say I'm too impressed with certain policies of his. He's not 'green' enough for my taste I have to admit. The repealing of the ban on pesticide use is narrow-minded and caters to the needs of a minute business sector as opposed to larger issues of public (ie. human and environmental) health.

He seems predominantly interested in very specific small-c conservative issues as opposed to broader-based ones.

My two cents so far.


Agreed. While I agree with his suggestion on repealing the Putbull ban and the beer and wine laws, most of his platform is not something I would support. Repealing the pesticide ban is just a stupid idea altogether. Other than the apprenticeship issue, the "get workers working" ideas are obvious examples of typical PC Party doublespeak. "Require a supervised democratic vote of all employees before a company is unionized" pretty clearly translates to another attempt at abolishing worker's unions. Supposedly allowing regions to regulate/decide on their own pesticide use and the issue of the bear hunt is another example of the PC Party's notion of a "supervised democratic vote" which was so clearly seen in the Harris governments Megacity idea (aka "here's an idea, we'll claim to let the people vote on the issue but when it doesn't turn out the way we want then we'll completely disregard the results"). As for the bear hunt, I don't know much about the history up there nor much about the bear population, if it needs to be culled regularly then open up the hunt again by all means. Its just that PC Party "regulation/observation" on environmental issues more often than not translates into completely ignoring environmental issues.

* All medical care professionals in Ontario will be protected from performing or referring medical services or procedures which violate their personal or religious beliefs.
* A fine will be levied against any administrator or person of authority who attempts to force or coerce any medical professional from violating their conscience while performing their medical duties.

All fine and dandy if it was merely a case of protecting the rights of health care professionals, but far too obviously doublespeak for "we don't like abortions and think they're immoral, so how can we sneak a proposition in that will eventually allow us to outlaw it entirely should we get elected". And the list goes on.

but he has taken a number of positions which will be popular with the disenfranchised Harris conservatives. I'd like 8 years of Mike, but I'll take a few with his protegé here.

Yes, 8 years of Mr. Harris again would be great to once more destroy Ontario's education and health systems, and we'd once more be on the road to turning Ontario into a mini-USA. I'm sorry but the Harris government did far more bad than good...in fact there was next to no good that came from that era unless you're a corporation.

To be honest, I do not support any of Canada's political parties. The whole democratic process at this point is highly laughable, and therefore I find myself abstaining from voting as I don't much feel like playing along with this charade. But the PC Party, for me, is right up there with the NDP as two parties that are absolutely destructive. The Liberals to a lesser degree, but then again all three parties are merely varying degrees of "evil", so to speak.

05-23-2009, 07:57 PM
Yes, 8 years of Mr. Harris again would be great to once more destroy Ontario's education and health systems,

I'm so glad we agree!

and we'd once more be on the road to turning Ontario into a mini-USA. I'm sorry but the Harris government did far more bad than good...in fact there was next to no good that came from that era unless you're a corporation.

You seem like the sort of enlightened individual with whom anyone would enjoy debating: you bring an intellectually honest, obviously up-to-date, and accurate analysis of the Harris years to the table!

Bravo :thumbs up

05-23-2009, 09:11 PM
You seem like the sort of enlightened individual...

Yet apparently not as enlightened an individual as yourself, oh Captain Sarcasm. Please good sir, I beg of thee, enlighten my simple mind on the matter of the Harris government's miracles so that I, too, may ascend toward that light of lights :thumb001:

05-23-2009, 09:38 PM
What gave you the very unsuitable idea to use the dancer and wolf as avatar? Do stop.

05-23-2009, 09:43 PM
What gave you the very unsuitable idea to use the dancer and wolf as avatar? Do stop.

That isn't the topic of discussion here. If you have a problem with me or my reasons for choosing a particular avatar feel free to say it over the private message system. I'd be more than happy to answer your question there. Hell, make another topic about it if you like and I'll answer there too.