View Full Version : The Anti-BNP Propaganda's In Full Swing

British and Proud
05-14-2009, 07:25 PM
From The Mail:

Nick Griffin, the leader of the British National Party, looked smart in his suit, and his brief speech was like a Room 101 check-list of everything Joe Public hates about modern political life.

Snouts in the trough, PC politicians, Big Brother-style microchips in your bins. When he talked about you the voters, it was in appealing, flattering terms. Decent people, real people, were the BNP's target audience in its party political broadcast on TV this week.

A couple of BNP councillors stood self- consciously in front of the cameras detailing minor local battles, such as on CCTV cameras and meals for the elderly, which they had won. And not a black face in sight.

Maybe it was unintentional. Maybe Griffin happened to pick the whitest thoroughfare in modern Britain, but everybody who walked past the camera's gaze looked just like him. Decent people, no doubt. Real people. Not like that other lot.

These are high times for the protest vote parties. Disillusionment with Westminster has never been greater; disenchantment is widespread. But when is a protest vote not a protest vote? The answer: when it is cast in elections for the European Parliament.
This is an EU-run show, you see, and operates under EU rules with proportional representation. So an angry cross put in the box of some addled BNP nutter as a protest vote does not get washed away by the major party tide as it would under the first-past-the-post system. In Euro elections, all votes count. So, this time, vote fascist, get fascist.

For example, in a recent council by-election in Moston, north Manchester, the BNP took 23 per cent of the vote (coming second to Labour) and a lot of people felt jolly pleased to have given mainstream politics a bloody nose. Repeated on June 4, however, it would also place a generous smattering of extreme Right Neanderthals in Brussels, stomping around the EU Parliament on behalf of Britain.
The BNP works on projection and fear. In times of economic recession, this centres on the anxiety that immigrant labour is going to undercut and steal your jobs.

Leaving aside the fact that if a shoeless Somalian asylum seeker with no English can do what you do, it probably isn't worth doing and you really should have paid more attention in school, how can this be? Similarly, if you have skill and a real talent, how can you be replaced by a Romanian squeegee woman?
There is no queue of heart specialists outside University College London hospital, bemoaning the fact that the Poles have come in and replaced all the best surgeons on the cheap. For that matter, there isn't an angry mob of bank tellers in the High Street, either. And try to get a good British plumber or skilled carpenter at short notice...

What we should be voting for is not a party of myths and scare stories, but one that will construct an education system that is not producing another generation reliant on the minimum wage and menial occupations. And then we would be getting somewhere.
There are four BNP councillors near where I live. I used to think I understood. Maybe I still do if I think of an old boy on the front line of Britain's racial politics, who needs our help but feels alienated and invisible. Not out my way, though, where a vote for the BNP - certainly one that is going to count - would be a spiteful, thoughtless, gesture.

Reversal of racial intolerance: Footballer Ledley King

It is too easy to absolve blame by pointing a finger at Labour policies or Conservative ineffectuality. There are a lot of things that are Gordon Brown's fault, but a vote for fascism is not one of them.

BNP would like to style itself the party of decency. Of course, race issues were not mentioned in its broadcast, beside an oblique reference to 'PC minority projects'.

The party's website, though, is a little different. Great White Records, books called Immigration Invasion (How Third World Immigration Is Destroying The First World And What Must Be Done To Stop It), and gollywogs.

Oh, they do love a gollywog at the BNP. Golly display plates, golly mugs, golly coasters, golly toys, golly fridge magnets, golly key rings, golly snow ornaments, seated desk golly, golly pens, golly badges. Anyone would think they were trying to be offensive were they not such decent folk and all.
The modern BNP wears suits, and tries to make young women its public face, but nothing else has changed. Repatriation is still part of the creed and all asylum seekers are either bogus or unwanted. Oppose and, one presumes, you are not a real person. Maybe there will be a repatriation scheme for you one day, too; or a camp.

Spoil a ballot paper, set fire to it for all I care, or use this as an opportunity to find out who is your best candidate rather than be corralled on party lines; but do not vote for the BNP. It isn't big, it isn't clever and it certainly isn't any way to protest.

You want to change politics, then stop hiding behind the skirts and suits of a bunch of fascists.

From The Mail:

A BNP vote can never be right

By Brian Reade 14/05/2009

The desire to slap MPs across their hefty jowls has not been this intense since David Mellor was in his prime.

And next month’s elections appears to be the platform to do it. But please don’t confuse a vote for the British National Party with inflicting pain on mainstream politicians. Because all you will hurt is your nation and your self-esteem.

The death of Jack Jones got me thinking about this. It’s now 70 years since idealistic young Brits like Jack fought in the Spanish Civil War to defeat Francisco Franco’s fascists, who were backed by Mussolini. They lost. And how it shows.

We saw once again at the weekend how in Spain they still think it’s fine to put shoe polish on their faces and demean black sportsmen.

Meanwhile, in Rome, Silvio Berlusconi, left, and his right-wing government have decided to return migrants to Libya because they reject a “multi-ethnic” Italy.

Racism is still accepted, even encouraged to an alarming degree in both countries. It’s not in Britain. Because past generations fought and died to defeat fascism in all its forms. And that’s something of which we should be immensely proud and protective.

Some of our Westminster MPs may well have their snouts in the trough, but every BNP candidate has their mind and heart in the sewer.

British and Proud
05-14-2009, 08:04 PM
There's more:

Sheffield Star:

Postie BNP leaflet row

Published Date: 14 May 2009
SHEFFIELD postmen say they are "disgusted" after being asked to deliver leaflets for the British National Party along with normal mail.
Some posties at the Barnsley Road sorting office in Firth Park are refusing to deliver the leaflets for the far-right party.

Political parties, along with any other organisation, can pay Royal Mail to deliver flyers on their behalf as long as they meet "advertising and legal" guidelines.

But one member of staff, who did not wanted to be named, said: "We have received a load of BNP leaflets to be delivered to every house on each route.

"Bearing in mind large areas of S5, like Firth Park, have a large Asian and other ethnic minority population, I find it disgusting that Royal Mail would allow this to happen.

"I myself will be refusing to deliver the leaflets and, like other members of staff, am disgusted Royal Mail would let this happen. The people in charge should be ashamed."

Continues here (http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/Postie-BNP-leaflet-row.5265709.jp).

From The Lichfield's local rag:

'Independent' backs BNP man to stand
Thursday, May 14, 2009, 10:00

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EXCLUSIVE: A Lichfield independent councillor has backed a BNP candidate's standing in next month's county elections.

Councillor John Walker's name appears as the 'proposer' of Alex Sproule on the official list of candidates for a seat on Staffordshire County Council.

The bombshell revelation – during Tuesday's annual meeting of Lichfield District Council – drew condemnation from across the political spectrum and calls for his resignation.

But Cllr Walker, a city and district representative for the Chadsmead ward, insisted he had nothing to hide.

"It is true that I proposed him," he said. "I signed for him to stand – I don't support them, I support them to stand. There's no reason why they shouldn't stand.

"I am not a member of the BNP – some policies they've got I like, and there are some I don't like."

It continues:

Labour councillor Steve Norman said many in the chamber were shocked by Cllr Walker's actions.

"If there's one thing that will unite the Tories and Labour it is the spectre of the BNP slithering their way into the council chambers," he said.

Source (http://www.thisislichfield.co.uk/news/Independent-forwards-BNP-man-stand/article-992217-detail/article.html).

05-14-2009, 08:06 PM
Conservatism is as much as the enemy of our ideals as liberalism. Insofar as it presents a (useless) alternative to more extreme stances and offers the illusion of a solution, it is perhaps more damaging. It appeals to the discontented, semi-rebellious but inherently dull middle classes. Having an outlet, however bland, for their concerns prevents them from seeking something more.

Conservatism doesn't care about race or ethnicity. As long as everyone is law-abiding, complies completely with authority, believes in the virtues of capitalism, goes to church, returns his library books and grumbles about the good old days etc, negroes can mix with blondes all they please.

The Daily Mail is trash. It's owned by Jews and frequently publishes mind-numbingly boring articles about brave Jews who survived the tyranny of the Nazis.

British and Proud
05-14-2009, 08:24 PM
Conservatism is as much as the enemy of our ideals as liberalism. Insofar as it presents a (useless) alternative to more extreme stances and offers the illusion of a solution, it is perhaps more damaging. It appeals to the discontented, semi-rebellious but inherently dull middle classes. Having an outlet, however bland, for their concerns prevents them from seeking something more.

Conservatism doesn't care about race or ethnicity. As long as everyone is law-abiding, complies completely with authority, believes in the virtues of capitalism, goes to church, returns his library books and grumbles about the good old days etc, negroes can mix with blondes all they please.

The Daily Mail is trash. It's owned by Jews and frequently publishes mind-numbingly boring articles about brave Jews who survived the tyranny of the Nazis.

You're right about the Daily Mail being trash, Spaniard. Additionally I would also agree with your comments about Conservatism - however I do take issue with your anti-semitism. People need to stop blaming "the Jew" for all of our ills.

Here's another article from The Telegraph (will it ever end?):

Voters must hear the truth about the BNP before it's too late
There is nothing British about suggesting to a black child who was born in Britain and loves this country that he's not welcome here, writes Tim Montgomerie.

Tim Montgomerie
Last Updated: 7:22PM BST 14 May 2009

Comments 31 | Comment on this article

I have long believed that the best way to defeat the British National Party and other extremist groups was to deny them the oxygen of publicity. That belief was shaken when I talked to two people in Salisbury cathedral after Sunday morning worship. We were having a pleasant conversation about the state of the nation and they suddenly mentioned that they'd be voting BNP. My jaw dropped.

It quickly became clear that they had no idea what the BNP really stood for. They said that they liked its patriotism and opposition to political sleaze. They wanted to register a protest vote. I asked if they knew about the Nazi ideology that many BNP activists followed. I asked if they knew about the party's preference for an all-white Britain. They didn't. They were horrified and promised to find a different vehicle for their protest vote.

The no-oxygen strategy was successful only when the route to publicity was more or less monopolised by a few TV channels and national newspapers. Without any attention from the mainstream media, and because Conservative governments pursued firm immigration policies in the 1980s and 1990s, support for racist parties declined.

It's different today. The most popular political party website in Britain is owned by the BNP. Its most watched YouTube videos receive many times more views than any videos put out by David Cameron. The ether is buzzing with pictures of Gap-style line-ups of young BNP supporters attempting to normalise their party's brand. Without a hint of embarrassment their leader, Nick Griffin, even talks about learning the lessons from Barack Obama's online campaigning.

Continues here (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/5325723/Voters-must-hear-the-truth-about-the-BNP-before-its-too-late.html).

05-14-2009, 08:32 PM
I'm so sick of the ignorance. 'fascism = right-wing, freedom = left-wing'. FORGET IT! It's outdated. These self-proclaimed 'left-wing' propagandists who continuously insist that they know what's best for everyone else need to wake up and smell the Zyklon B - "Fascism 2009" is not 'far right'... in fact, it may be neither far left or far right. An intelligent person no longer thinks in terms of the 'left/right' paradigm. It's obselete - a farce - a destraction.

I just wish I could say to these journalists: "If you're genuinely worried about fascism, look at which side of the political spectrum are proposing surveillance, ID cards, illegal wars, DNA databases, restrictions on freedom of speech and a general big brother state of affairs! It's not the BNP. WHY ARE YOU TALKING SUCH PRE-PROGRAMMED NONSENSE".

I'm not racist and I value my basic liberties, so as far as I'm concerned, there's only one party worth my vote.

05-14-2009, 08:39 PM
You're right about the Daily Mail being trash, Spaniard. Additionally I would also agree with your comments about Conservatism - however I do take issue with your anti-semitism. People need to stop blaming "the Jew" for all of our ills.

I don't blame the Jew for all our ills. That doesn't change the fact that he Daily Mail (or the Daily Express, I can never remember the difference -- actually I'm not sure there is one) is Jewish owned and therefore doesn't serve European national interests.

The Jews obviously don't care if immigrants flood Britain and mongrelize it. Why would they?

British and Proud
05-14-2009, 08:49 PM
I don't blame the Jew for all our ills. That doesn't change the fact that he Daily Mail (or the Daily Express, I can never remember the difference -- actually I'm not sure there is one) is Jewish owned and therefore doesn't serve European national interests.

The Jews obviously don't care if immigrants flood Britain and mongrelize it. Why would they?

I am ambivalent about that statement:

1) Yes given the fact Jewish people were hunted and murdered in their millions by Nazis who wanted to cleanse the continent of them, many may well welcome racial pluralism.

2) The fastest growing 'community' in the UK is the Islamic one, and they loathe Jewish people as much as the Nazis. Around my area there are many anti-Israel stickers, many border on being anti-semitic.

05-14-2009, 09:04 PM
I hope the BNP do well on these elections, they should I personaly think that the uber negative publicity is probably good, if you give any of the population the benifit of the doubt and assume that they have a brain they will see through the stupid claims and may actually vote for the BNP just to be perverse. Also they should do well because these are Euro elections and the majority of the population see them as unimportant, and therefore are more likely to make a protest vote.

05-14-2009, 10:22 PM
Leaving aside the fact that if a shoeless Somalian asylum seeker with no English can do what you do, it probably isn't worth doing and you really should have paid more attention in school, how can this be? Similarly, if you have skill and a real talent, how can you be replaced by a Romanian squeegee woman?

Leaving aside the borderline racism of that statement, that is just about the most disgustingly snobbish thing I've read in years. I'm actually horrified that the Mail printed that. :mad: Snobbish is too nice a word even. What a bunch of b%%%%s. Don't they realise that they're alienating a huge proportion of their readership there?

On the wall of every Russian train carriage is written Uvazhaite trud uborshitsy - "Respect the labour of the Cleaner". A fine sentiment. To give all such work to foreigners accustomed to lower living standards is appalling. It just shows how these Mail types picture their ideal society; them swanning about like Memsahibs with dark coolies waving fans over them and administering to their every need. Boy, have they got a sharp dose of reality coming for them!

Anyway, the main point:
The enemy is clearly shitting its pants. :)

British and Proud
05-14-2009, 10:40 PM
Leaving aside the borderline racism of that statement, that is just about the most disgustingly snobbish thing I've read in years. I'm actually horrified that the Mail printed that. :mad: Snobbish is too nice a word even. What a bunch of b%%%%s. Don't they realise that they're alienating a huge proportion of their readership there?

On the wall of every Russian train carriage is written Uvazhaite trud uborshitsy - "Respect the labour of the Cleaner". A fine sentiment. To give all such work to foreigners accustomed to lower living standards is appalling. It just shows how these Mail types picture their ideal society; them swanning about like Memsahibs with dark coolies waving fans over them and administering to their every need. Boy, have they got a sharp dose of reality coming for them!

Anyway, the main point:
The enemy is clearly shitting its pants. :)

It's interesting you say that, as all the comments previously posted on the Telegraph article have disappeared. Three are now visible - one of which calls the BNP the 'lowest common denominator'.

British and Proud
05-16-2009, 10:29 AM
From Today's Daily Mail:

An economy in chaos and now those expenses. BNP leaders hope it's the 'perfect storm' that will sweep them to power

By Richard Pendlebury
Last updated at 3:25 AM on 16th May 2009
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But as the Mail's investigation reveals, this vile bunch of racists, oddballs and thugs make today's MPs look like paragons

Almost exactly 75 years ago, Sir Oswald Mosley, the leader of the British Union of Fascists, attracted an audience of 10,000 people to hear him speak at London's Olympia.

That dramatic evening of June 7, 1934, with its highly choreographed bombast, noisy hecklers and brutish retaliation by black-shirted thugs, saw the high water mark of Far Right politics in Britain.

The scales fell from many hitherto admiring eyes. The BUF was never an electoral force again.

Fascism, with all its ludicrous posturing, simply wasn't in the British social DNA.

And yet today, after years in an electoral wilderness of skinhead haircuts and Third Reich nostalgia, British nationalists are displaying something of the cocky confidence of Mosley and his street corner cohorts.

On June 4, members of the British National Party - Mosley's ideological descendants - go to the polls in the European Parliament and local elections, with a spring in their step.

In their target Euro election regions of the North West, Yorkshire and Humberside, the West Midlands and Eastern England, they need only between eight and 11 per cent of the vote (under the proportional representation system) to get seats in Brussels.

Part of this rise in expectations is due to the application of a (very thin) veneer of mainstream styling.

Experience has taught them to swap their previous uniforms of denim and shaven heads for sober suits and ties.

They have also learned to tone down their racial supremacist rhetoric - in public at least. But what has given the BNP a sudden and unexpected confidence boost is the newly revealed behaviour of a large number of our elected MPs.

It would have been instructive, if not sobering, for the latter to have been present this week - as I was - when the BNP's chairman Nick Griffin breathlessly declared that 'a perfect storm' was about to blow his party back to a position of political credibility.

They would win not just one, breakthrough, seat in Brussels but possibly 'six or seven', he claimed.

He even used the phrase 'when we are in power', although that was only to whip up the credulous faithful.

The 'perfect storm' of which Griffin spoke is a confluence of various voter concerns such as the credit crunch, Islamic extremism, immigration and disaffection with Brussels.

But the BNP believes that the tipping issue for significant progress at the ballot box is the MPs' expenses scandal.

After all, thanks to repeated electoral failure, no BNP MP has ever had the chance to claim from the taxpayer for his or her moat renovation, chandelier installation, helipad, tennis court, third home, non-existent mortgage or a riverside flat for their student daughter.

Almost overnight, it is no longer a matter of what the BNP is - a marginal group with a rotten ideological core - but what it is not.

Earlier this week I travelled to Grays in Essex, where the BNP was launching its national election manifesto.

As I drove there, I listened to a BBC talk show with increasing gloom and contempt as both Labour and Tory MPs refused to condemn their colleagues by name, while blaming 'the System'.

Each interview was a little nudge in the back of the floating voter. I was heading for the eager, Far Right alternative.

Confidence may be high but the BNP continues to be shy of the kind of advertised public appearances which the mainstream takes for granted.

Followers: Supporters of the National Front and BNP in the 90s

Continues here (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1183050/An-economy-chaos-expenses-BNP-leaders-hope-perfect-storm-sweep-power.html).

05-16-2009, 10:53 AM
I'm a little surprised at how much the Daily Mail have turned on the BNP, with several recent anti-BNP articles. They've never been supporters, but they've often echoed the same views. I think this might be because the Daily Mail provides the perfect medium for the Establishment to disuade would-be BNP voters from doing so.

British and Proud
05-16-2009, 11:25 AM
From The Bristol Evening Post:


Bristol couple say BNP leaflet 'offensive'
Friday, May 15, 2009, 07:00

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A sales rep who received a leaflet promoting the British National Party through his letterbox has taken it to the police claiming it was hate mail.

Reg Shaw, 47, is among hundreds of people in the Bristol area to have received the election material through the post in the past few days.

He says he couldn't believe the leaflet had been delivered to his home in Thornbury by the Royal Mail.

He said: "It's the sort of thing you would expect to be delivered by a BNP supporter or councillor, but not the Royal Mail. If you look on the Royal Mail website, it says the company supports diversity. But I believe this is an out- and-out racist leaflet. I took it to the police station and said it was hate mail and I wanted it treated as a racist incident.

"The leaflet said the European elections were the 'new Battle of Britain'. It had pictures of white families on it and had a list of all of the country's military battles on it in history.

"It's horrible and I find it offensive because I come from a military family. I also find it offensive because my wife is black and American."

Mr Shaw added: "When the postman handed the leaflet to me I said to him 'Are you happy distributing this stuff?' He said he had no choice and that if he refused he would be sacked."

The BNP leaflets have also been delivered in Whitchurch, where it is claimed that some people have associated local businesses with the BNP because their promotional material was delivered through their doors at the same time.

Continues here (http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/homepage/Bristol-couple-say-BNP-leaflet-offensive/article-995105-detail/article.html).

05-16-2009, 04:51 PM
His choice of wife offends me.

British and Proud
05-16-2009, 05:05 PM
This is Simon Heffer's (Enoch's biographer) offering:

There has been much speculation this week about how marginal parties will benefit from the tsunami of sleaze. I am sure they will profit hugely, though this should not obscure two points. First, the distinctly unlovely (and socialist) BNP were going to do well anyway, because of Labour’s idiotic immigration policies and the Tory party’s reluctance to get “nasty” on the subject of the free flow of exotic (but legally immigrating) rapists, drug-dealers and other criminals to this country.

Now, it must feel to the BNP as if they have pulled the handle on the fruit machine and three oranges have come up. As for Ukip, they are the only respectable party that anyone who wants to leave the EU can vote for and they, much more deservingly, will do well too. They will be helped by Lord Tebbit’s accurate observation that at present none of the main three parties deserves support. I suspect Dave could get Lord Tebbit onside if he were to get tough on various of his mates who have had their hands in the till, making it clear that sorry is not enough and that a life awaits them outside the world of politics. Otherwise, for all Dave’s hair-shirtedness this week the Tories will look indistinguishable from everyone else, and will be treated accordingly.

Source (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/5331393/MPs-expenses-Now-we-know-where-all-our-money-goes.html).

This comes from the Harrogate Advertiser: (http://www.harrogateadvertiser.net/letters/BNP-vote-is-big-mistake.5268825.jp)

Published Date: 15 May 2009
By Staff Copy
From: the Rev Arun Arora, St Mark's Church, Leeds Road, Harrogate
THIS week the British National Party launched their national campaign for the forthcoming European and local elections. There will be many who will be tempted to vote BNP as a reaction and protest to the recent MP's expenses scandal. However to do would be a mistake with serious ramifications for our social fabric.

The recent attacks of the deputy leader of the BNP upon the Archbishop of York and the comments of the party leader in support of an ideology of racial purity have shown the BNP for what they are: a political movement with its roots in the very same soil of fascism and racial hatred that gave birth to National Socialism.

The electorate should be under no illusion. For the BNP there is not one human race, but different classes of races, where being non-white means being a second class citizen. How ironic that at a time where the Ghurkhas finally won recognition for their bravery in defence of this country, the BNP proposes a society where the Ghurkha's would be permanently classed as second rate citizens.

The challenge for electors in Harrogate and North Yorkshire is to go out and vote on June 4 and to choose hope over hate, unity over discord and good over evil. As Edmund Burke once famously remarked: "For evil to triumph, it is only necessary that good people do nothing."

This is another story from Bristol:

Bristol posties say no to delivering BNP leaflets
Friday, May 15, 2009, 07:00

196 readers have commented on this story.
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About 30 Bristol postmen and women are refusing to deliver election leaflets promoting the British National Party.

They have complained to their bosses after being told to take the leaflets with normal mail.

The postal workers have accused Royal Mail bosses of bullying them into delivering the material.

But the party, which is constitutionally opposed to racial integration, campaigns for an immediate end to immigration and the voluntary resettlement of immigrants living legally in the UK "to their lands of ethnic origin", says the Royal Mail is legally obliged to deliver its election addresses.

Continues here (http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/homepage/Bristol-posties-say-delivering-BNP-leaflets/article-994838-detail/article.html).

and finally, for now, more from The Daily Mail (http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/debate/article-1183050/An-economy-chaos-expenses-BNP-leaders-hope-perfect-storm-sweep-power.html):

An economy in chaos and now those expenses. BNP leaders hope it's the 'perfect storm' that will sweep them to power

By Richard Pendlebury
Last updated at 4:48 PM on 16th May 2009
Comments (52)
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But as the Mail's investigation reveals, this vile bunch of racists, oddballs and thugs make today's MPs look like paragons

Almost exactly 75 years ago, Sir Oswald Mosley, the leader of the British Union of Fascists, attracted an audience of 10,000 people to hear him speak at London's Olympia.

That dramatic evening of June 7, 1934, with its highly choreographed bombast, noisy hecklers and brutish retaliation by black-shirted thugs, saw the high water mark of Far Right politics in Britain.

The scales fell from many hitherto admiring eyes. The BUF was never an electoral force again.

05-16-2009, 07:13 PM
The BNP leaflets have also been delivered in Whitchurch, where it is claimed that some people have associated local businesses with the BNP because their promotional material was delivered through their doors at the same time.

I live right next to Whitchurch in Withywood and lived in Whitchurch for 6 months in the local homeless hostel right next to Asda; know many people round that way and have sunk a few pints round that way to boot, and can quite safely say that last part of the article is pure BS!

Everyone in that area pretty well knows each other and will certainly know what is what.

Go round Whitchurch and utter the word "Somalian" and see how many people smile and come rushing over to agree that racial diversity is great?

British and Proud
05-16-2009, 09:31 PM
From The Sunday Times
May 17, 2009
Let the BNP speak – and drown in its own poison
Rod Liddle

Guess what song is Nick Griffin’s ring tone. I was standing next to the British National party leader in a BBC green room last week when his mobile phone rang. Cue chiming guitar – it was Sweet Home Alabama. You guessed Ebony and Ivory, didn’t you? No, what Nick had blaring out of his phone was moderate, acceptable racism – a paean to the segregationist governor of Alabama and two-time presidential candidate George Wallace (who, before he died, rather movingly apologised to black people for his hideous policies).

It is sort of okay to play Sweet Home Alabama in polite company, a catchy howl of disenfranchised redneck southern anguish. There is no mention of black people in the song, it’s all in Lynyrd Skynyrd’s semi-coherent good ol’ boy subtext. It is, I think, how Griffin would like to see the BNP now – incorrigible, anti-Establishment, unPC, telling a few home truths. Fifteen or 20 years ago I suspect his ring tone would have been by Wagner, and before that the Horst Wessell song. Except they didn’t have ring tones then, obviously.

It is being said that the BNP, along with UKIP, is likely to be one of the main beneficiaries of public fury over the MPs’ expenses scandal. Indeed, Griffin said to me, shortly before his interview, that the front page of that morning’s Telegraph was worth three or four extra seats for his party.

Continues here (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/rod_liddle/article6301507.ece).

What do forum members make of this? Do you believe in the saying 'no publicity is bad publicity', or do you think many sheeple will be deterred from voting for us?

Interestingly I notice the media is trying to inflate UKIP's chance of success and make it the official protest party. This is from Friday's Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/may/15/ukip-bnp-eu-elections):

Ukip, not BNP, set to benefit from anti-politics mood at EU elections

Poll puts United Kingdom Independence party on 15%, compared to 3% for British National party
Allegra Stratton, political correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Friday 15 May 2009 15.15 BST
Article history

The UK Independence party rather than the BNP appears to be the main beneficiary of public disillusionment with the political elite, according to polling this week.

In a YouGov survey for the Sun published today, 15% of voters said they would vote Ukip in the coming European elections and 3% for the far-right British National party.

Paul Nuttall, Ukip's chairman and a candidate for the European parliament in the north-west of England, said: "This ties in with everything we are seeing when we are out campaigning and everything we are hearing on the doorstep. It is good that people are starting to see that the voice of protest is not the BNP but Ukip."

It was a story repeated in The Sun, who are smearing us again in their Sunday paper News Of The World (http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/308560/BNP-claim-brave-Johnson-Beharry-didnt-deserve-to-win-the-VC-National-Party-claim-Beharry-only-got-the-Victoria-Cross-because-he-is-BLACK.html), tomorrow:

BNP claim Beharry didn't deserve to win the VC

RANT: BNP's Griffin

Mein youth kampf
BNP target kids in weekend training sessions in version of HITLER YOUTH.
BNP cover-up
Nazi salute for BNP No2

By Jamie Lyons, 17/05/2009
BRITISH National Party cowards have launched an outrageous attack on a decorated Iraq war hero - claiming he only got the Victoria Cross because he is BLACK.

The vile BNP denounced brave Johnson Beharry for being "an immigrant" and tried to belittle his heroics - which saved the lives of 30 comrades - as no more than "routine".

In a sick rant on its website the far-right BNP - headed by Nick Griffin - allege Lance Corporal Beharry only got Britain's top military honour because of "positive discrimination by the PC-mad government".

Our revelation comes just days after the extremist group held an Armed Forces Awareness Day in a shameless bid to portray themselves "the only party that supports our troops".

05-16-2009, 09:58 PM
The Jews obviously don't care if immigrants flood Britain and mongrelize it. Why would they?

Exactly, after all, they have their own apartheid state (Israel) while the rest of us HAVE TO INTEGRATE, TOLERATE, MULTICULTURALISE and GLOBALISE. After all, that's what they tell us to do and they must always be obeyed because if not, we are being "anti-semitic". :D :rolleyes2:

Having said that I don't blame Jews in general. I blame the big bosses amongst their ranks, in other words, the ultra-Zionists, the "Neo Conservatives", the Bolsheviks etc. The problem with Jews are that they're loyal first and foremost to their own group. Loyalties towards their "country" are very marginal. In some cases they are loyal nationalists, in many cases they're on the fence, in many more cases they'll do whatever their bosses tell them to do.

The end result is that they often end up working against the national interest of countries they reside in by following orders from their Internationalist / Zionist leadership. The UK is no exception to this phenomenon. In a couple of years the "Christian" identity will have been destroyed to pave the way for multi-kulti globalised Britain. I'm not necessarily an advocate of "Christianity" but by removing / discrediting it the Zionists are creating a spiritual void which is filled with materialism and consumerism. People lose their way and start forgetting their roots, communities and to defend / protect their lands, culture and way of life.

It's a sad state of affairs.

05-16-2009, 10:09 PM
Do you believe in the saying 'no publicity is bad publicity', or do you think many sheeple will be deterred from voting for us?

It really is a hard one to call. For all the blustering and over exaggerated articles that come out about the BNP, you have to remember that the people who do get up and vote (on average) are sound enough in mind to know when they are being sold an angle to sell newspapers, and when they are reading a genuine expose of a political party.

With all the furore over the BNP standing for elections, and the repeated mention of the BNP the more I firmly believe the more interest they receive.

The BNP will do well at the elections. Just you watch. :thumb001:

In a couple of years the "Christian" identity will have been destroyed to pave the way for multi-kulti globalised Britain. I'm not necessarily an advocate of "Christianity" but by removing / discrediting it the Zionists are creating a spiritual void which is filled with materialism and consumerism. People lose their way and start forgetting their roots, communities and to defend / protect their lands, culture and way of life.

:thumbs up

05-16-2009, 10:24 PM
I'm a little surprised at how much the Daily Mail have turned on the BNP, with several recent anti-BNP articles. They've never been supporters, but they've often echoed the same views. I think this might be because the Daily Mail provides the perfect medium for the Establishment to disuade would-be BNP voters from doing so.

The Daily Mail are but one part of the bigger machine which includes all the major political parties (Tory, Liebour and LibDems), the judiciary, police, general media, industrialists etc. It's all the same mafia. Read up on "Common Purpose" to get an idea of the ties that bind......

The Daily Mail therefore are merely doing their duty to the same special interests group that owns / controls it. DM, Labour, Conservatives etc are all flipsides of the same coin.

05-17-2009, 11:46 AM
What do forum members make of this? Do you believe in the saying 'no publicity is bad publicity', or do you think many sheeple will be deterred from voting for us?
I believe that staunch anti-nationalists will be mobilised to vote against the BNP but that this will be at least offset by the number of people mobilised to get out and vote BNP, due to both anger at the establishment parties AND anger at the media constantly telling us who 'a decent person' does and doesn't vote for. Many ordinary, non-racist Brits, like myself, were planning on voting BNP long before this whole expenses scandal, so even without this whole debacle the BNP were going to do better than they previously have.

What I'm actually concerned about is electoral fraud. It's inevitable. The Globalist/Marxist Agenda and its Common Purpose lackies are prepared to, and will do anything at all to ensure the BNP's successes are minimal. Simply put, they just cannot afford to give the BNP a foot in the door. The election will be rigged. Question is - do we have the means to show the public that it has been.

The Daily Mail are but one part of the bigger machine which includes all the major political parties (Tory, Liebour and LibDems), the judiciary, police, general media, industrialists etc. It's all the same mafia. Read up on "Common Purpose" to get an idea of the ties that bind......
Of course! :thumb001:

British and Proud
05-17-2009, 12:36 PM
From The Independent:

BBC 'biased in favour of BNP'

By Jane Merrick

Sunday, 17 May 2009
Text Size Normal
Extra Large

The BBC was last night plunged into a row over claims of "disgraceful" bias in favour of the British National Party.

Anti-fascist campaigners Searchlight launched a formal complaint with BBC director general Mark Thompson after a series of broadcasts which, the organisation said, broke strict election rules on impartiality. Searchlight said the BBC was claiming the BNP were the main beneficiaries of the "anti-politics" sentiment caused by the MPs expenses scandal, when in fact the UK Independence Party and the Greens were ahead of the far-right party in the polls.

A BBC spokesman said the corporation "is obliged to treat all political parties... with due impartiality" and said the BBC "strongly contest" Searchlight's allegations.

Link (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/bbc-biased-in-favour-of-bnp-1686284.html).

05-18-2009, 01:31 PM
British workers' urging you to vote BNP are foreigners (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1183890/British-workers-urging-vote-BNP-foreigners.html)



The British National Party was accused of staging 'a cynical con' yesterday, after it was revealed that men featured on its keynote poster campaign are foreigners.
One of the posters, which is being advertised up and down the country on a BNP truck, shows three men in hard-hats under the slogan 'British jobs for British workers'.
But it has emerged they are in fact American models who posed for a photoshoot in the U.S.

Had they used British models, they would have risked their jobs :coffee:.

05-18-2009, 01:37 PM
US or Italian models. Who cares? Is it really that desperate down that way to discredit the BNP that they resort to nitpicking the source of the stock photos the BNP uses?

They've already tried it on with the Italian models. LINK (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=47171&postcount=7)

British and Proud
05-18-2009, 10:33 PM
Today's Sun 'newspaper' has smeared the BNP yet again.


Edit: it appears The Sun have removed the offending article.

Here's Green Arrow's reaction, which includes a rebuttal from Adam Walker:


05-19-2009, 12:04 AM
What disgusting lies that Sun make.

I'm going to take a leaf out of Liverpool's book and burn and rip every Sun paper I ever see again.

05-19-2009, 12:44 AM
The BNP represents Britain's workers? They don't even represent basic British craftsmanship
I was born in the 70s and grew up in a tiny rural village. There was, I think, only one black kid in my primary school. One day, someone pushed him over and called him "blackjack". The headmaster called an impromptu assembly. It involved the entire school, and took place outdoors. No doubt: this was unusual.

We stood in military rows in the playground. I must have been about six, so I can't remember the words he used, but the substance stuck. He spoke with eerie, measured anger. He'd fought in the second world war, he told us. Our village had a memorial commemorating friends of his who had died. Many were relatives of ours. These villagers gave their lives fighting a regime that looked down on anyone "different", that tried to blame others for any problem they could find; a bullying, racist regime called "the Nazis". Millions of people had died thanks to their bigotry and prejudice. And he told us that anyone who picked on anyone else because they were "different' wasn't merely insulting the object of their derision, but insulting the headmaster himself, and his dead friends, and our dead relatives, the ones on the war memorial. And if he heard of anyone - anyone - using racist language again, they'd immediately get the slipper.
Corporal punishment was still alive and well, see. The slipper was his nuclear bomb.

It was the first time I was explicitly told that racism was unpleasant and it was a lesson served with a side order of patriot fries. Or rather, chips. Our headmaster had fought for his country, and for tolerance, all at once. That's what I understood it meant to be truly "British": to be polite, and civil and fair of mind. (And to occasionally wallop schoolkids with slippers, admittedly, but we'll overlook that, OK? We've moved on.)
But according to the BNP, I'm wrong. Being British is actually about feeling aggressed, mistrustful, overlooked, isolated, powerless, and petrified of "losing my identity". Britishness incorporates a propensity to look around me with jealous eyes, fuming over imaginary sums of money being doled out to child-molesting asylum-seekers by corrupt PC politicians who've lost touch with the common man - a common man who, coincidentally, happens to be white.

They're wrong, obviously. None of these qualities has anything whatsoever to do with being British, but everything to do with ugly nationalist politics. And ugly nationalist politics are popular all over the world. Just like Pringles. Every country has its own tiny enclave of frightened, disenfranchised, misguided souls clinging to their national flag, claiming they're the REAL patriots, saying everyone's out to get them. It's an international weakness. For the BNP to claim to be more British than the other British parties is as nonsensical as your dad suddenly claiming to have invented the beard.
The other day, the BNP had a political broadcast on the box. I wasn't in my beloved homeland at the time, but I heard about it, via internet chuckles of derision. Fellow geeky types tweeting about the poor production values. I looked it up on YouTube. Sure enough, it was badly made. No surprise there. Extremist material of any kind always looks gaudy and cheap, like a bad pizza menu. Not because they can't afford decent computers - these days you can knock up a professional CD cover on a pay-as-you-go mobile - but because anyone who's good at graphic design is likely to be a thoughtful, inquisitive sort by nature. And thoughtful, inquisitive sorts tend to think fascism is a bit shit, to be honest. If the BNP really were the greatest British party, they'd have the greatest British designer working for them - Jonathan Ive, perhaps, the man who designed the iPod. But they don't. They've got someone who tries to stab your eyes out with primary colours.

But there's more to the advert's failure than its hideous use of colour schemes. Every aspect of it is bad. The framing is bad. The sound is bad. The script is bad. For all their talk about representing the Great British Worker, when it comes to promotional material, the BNP can't even represent the most basic British craftsmanship.
Nick Griffin's first line is "Don't turn it off!", which in terms of opening gambits is about as enticing as hearing someone shout "Try not to be sick!" immediately prior to intercourse. He goes on to claim that, "We're all angry about professional politicians with their snouts in the public trough." He's right, we are: so angry we're prepared to instantly forget all the occasions we've fiddled our own expenses, thereby enabling us to add a dash of undeserved self-righteousness to our existing justified anger.
But by referring to "professional politicians", Griffin is presumably suggesting we should elect amateurs instead. Maybe that's why the advert's so amateurish. Maybe that's why all the BNP representatives in the ad read their lines so clumsily, like DFS employees in a bank holiday sale commercial circa 1986, or recently revived chemical coma patients being forced to recite barcode numbers at gunpoint. It's deliberate incompetence. Don't vote for those nasty slick parties. Vote for a shoddy one! Never mind the extremism, feel the ineptitude.

Here's a fantasy. We - the decent British majority - spend years toiling in secret, creating a life-size replica of Britain in the middle of the Pacific. It's identical down to the tiniest blade of grass, or branch of Gregg's. And one night, while every member of the BNP is asleep, we whisk them via helicopter to this replica UK, this Backup Britain. Put them in replica beds in replica homes. Then we fly back home to watch the fun on CCTV.
For several weeks, they walk around, confused, but pleased. The weather's nice! More importantly, there are no black faces! Then the infrastructure breaks down and they start to starve, and there's no one to blame but themselves. And then someone with GPS on their phone works out what's happened, realises they've all become immigrants in their own land. Half of them go mad and start attacking each other. The rest desperately apply for asylum in Britain. The real Britain. The decent, tolerant Britain. The country you can be proud of.


Serious question, but is this the standard to which the Guardian willingly allows its papers to be printed in?

Dear Lord! We are in trouble if this is the enemy which smells victory.

05-19-2009, 02:45 AM
Today's Sun 'newspaper' has smeared the BNP yet again.


Edit: it appears The Sun have removed the offending article.

Ta-Da!!! :thumb001:

ANGRY Joanna Lumley last night blasted a British National Party leaflet targeting a heroic Gurkha recently killed in action.

The Ab Fab star branded as “disgusting” the racist party’s use of a picture of Corporal Kumar Pun with a cross through it.

Thousands of the hate-filled leaflets also demand: “Stop this illegal Gurkha immigration.”

They were issued by teacher Adam Walker, a BNP candidate in next month’s European elections.

His party warns of “Gurkha ghettos” if the Nepalese fighters win the right to settle here.

Joanna, 63, said: “The use of a brave British Army Gurkha’s photograph as part of their political campaign is disgusting, especially as he has not yet been buried. A vote for the BNP is a vote against all Gurkhas, against honour, sacrifice, duty and courage.”

Joanna yelled their war cry “Ayo Gorkhali” — “The Gurkhas are coming— outside the House of Commons last month after MPs backed her bid to let all Gurkhas who served in the British Army live here.

Ministers ruled last week that Corporal Kumar’s widow and two daughters can stay in Britain.

But in his leaflet for the European elections, Mr Walker, of Durham, uses scare tactics to demand they are sent packing.

It reads: “The Government would allow over half a million Gurkhas into this country. This will swamp our local housing and the NHS as most Gurkhas are elderly. They would contribute nothing.”

Last night a spokesman for the anti-racist group Searchlight said: “For the BNP to slur the memory of a serviceman who has laid down his life for his country is sick beyond belief.”

Sedgefield Labour MP Phil Wilson added: “This leaflet just shows what the BNP stand for. I was shocked. I didn’t think that even this party would go that far. It’s an absolute disgrace.

Gordon Brown has promised to review Gurkhas’ rights after a campaign led by Joanna, whose father fought with the brigade. About 36,000 have been denied UK residency despite being prepared to die for the country.

BNP leader Nick Griffin warned of “Gurkha ghettos” and vowed to remove all non-serving Gurkhas.

Technology teacher Mr Walker, 39, left Houghton Kepier Sports College in Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear, in 2007.

He is being investigated over claims he used a school laptop in lessons to contribute racist views to online chats.

05-19-2009, 08:46 AM
That Green Arrow comment is excellent and that Guardian article is disgusting - and personally offensive. I'm a graphic designer - good, by all accounts - and I support the BNP's (non)fascism.

05-19-2009, 08:56 AM
Ta-Da!!! :thumb001:

OMG, I used to deal with this guy in work! :eek:

Technology teacher Mr Walker, 39, left Houghton Kepier Sports College in Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear, in 2007.

He is being investigated over claims he used a school laptop in lessons to contribute racist views to online chats

Someone needs to get their facts straight here - how many Gurkhas are there? Perhaps a couple of thousand? I doubt there are really 1/2 a million of them.

05-19-2009, 03:28 PM
Someone needs to get their facts straight here - how many Gurkhas are there? Perhaps a couple of thousand? I doubt there are really 1/2 a million of them.

That's really it, isn't it? I'm rather disappointed in the BNP for such poor tactics, IF they have really made a point of putting this as a prominent part of their message (or have the media zoomed in on something marginal to make a good story?). The Gurkhas have far too good an image among the general populace to be used for political points scoring. Focussing on them is hardly a vote winner (or is it so in certain specific localities? Is it proposed to settle them en masse in a certain town?). Just keep reminding people that there are hordes of raping murdering theiving Somalis being let in every day. There's no need for distracting diversions into such minor matters as the Gurkhas.

05-19-2009, 03:34 PM
That's really it, isn't it? I'm rather disappointed in the BNP for such poor tactics, IF they have really made a point of putting this as a prominent part of their message (or have the media zoomed in on something marginal to make a good story?). The Gurkhas have far too good an image among the general populace to be used for political points scoring. Focussing on them is hardly a vote winner (or is it so in certain specific localities? Is it proposed to settle them en masse in a certain town?). Just keep reminding people that there are hordes of raping murdering theiving Somalis being let in every day. There's no need for distracting diversions into such minor matters as the Gurkhas.

I agree Oswiu, using Gurkhas is a vote loser.

Given a choice, I'd definitely prefer hard-working, (bus driving) Gurkhas here than unemployed, breeding like rabdits muzzies.

05-19-2009, 03:40 PM
THere's no 'ifs or buts' about it. The BNP have been the victims of an underhanded slur tactic by the left.

It wasn't so long ago that the BNP openly supported the Ghurka's right to stay, so to hear a complete U-turn going against such strong public opinion does not sound at all believable to me.

05-21-2009, 12:59 PM
On their website, the BNP are saying the anti-Ghurka leaflet was a hoax.

It looks like cheap and crappy, like something someone threw together and xeroxed, nothing like the other leaflets the BNP has put out this election cycle as far as layout goes.


05-21-2009, 07:06 PM
(or have the media zoomed in on something marginal to make a good story?).
How can I still be so naive!??!?! :eek: Why do I credit the Establishment with even this modicum of decency? :(

British and Proud
05-21-2009, 08:03 PM
THere's no 'ifs or buts' about it. The BNP have been the victims of an underhanded slur tactic by the left.

It wasn't so long ago that the BNP openly supported the Ghurka's right to stay, so to hear a complete U-turn going against such strong public opinion does not sound at all believable to me.

Yes, indeed.

On their website, the BNP are saying the anti-Ghurka leaflet was a hoax.

It looks like cheap and crappy, like something someone threw together and xeroxed, nothing like the other leaflets the BNP has put out this election cycle as far as layout goes.


This was a hoax. The problem is that if people who frequent this forum were tricked into believeing the smear, many members of the general public will have been conned, too.

Lots and lots in today's newspapers about Barnbrook and Griffin attending a Royal Garden Party.

This is tomorrow's smear in The Sun, though:

BNP man's vile 'W**s' tirade


Published: Today

A BNP candidate was exposed as a hate-mongering racist today after he posted on his Facebook page: "W**s go home."

Eddy O'Sullivan also wrote on the social networking site: "They are nice people 'oh yeah' but can they not be nice people in the f**king Congo or . . . bongo land or whatever?"

O'Sullivan, 49, who is standing for the Far Right party in next month's European elections, also joined a vile online group called F**K ISLAM.

When challenged about the sickening comments the driving instructor astonishingly DENIED they were racist.

But red-faced BNP chiefs say he faces possible suspension and de-selection as they probe the shameful remarks.

In conversations posted on Facebook over a number of days, O'Sullivan said: "Life to British Culture . . . W** culture go home.

"People from other countries are just NOT on our wavelength. . . or am I wrong?"

He also set his status as: "W**s go home, Gurkhas very welcome."

In an online exchange with the BNP candidate, another user suggested: "They come to live in England so they should treat it like England or f**k off, even better not come here in the first place!"

O'Sullivan replied: "oooh that is drastic. . . but you are right and you are not breaking any law when you say that."

O'Sullivan is fourth on the BNP's North West list for Euro candidates.

He said: "It was supposed to be a private conversation between individuals. I also may have had a drink at the time. I don't believe those comments are racist.


"I'm not a racist and that is that. I don't regret saying anything because it was a private conversation."

His Facebook profile was publicly viewable, which meant it was accessible to anyone on the site, but it has since been taken down.

O'Sullivan's details have also been removed from the BNP's website.

Clive Jefferson, North West organiser of the BNP, said: "That is unacceptable and I'm going to suspend him from the party and from the European candidacy.

"There's freedom of speech and there is unacceptable language and I think this is unacceptable."

Simon Darby, deputy leader of the party, added: "If he has made these comments on a public website then it is a serious matter."

Link (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2441286/BNP-mans-vile-Ws-tirade.html).

British and Proud
05-21-2009, 10:08 PM
We have nothing to fear from these British National Party jokers
With the main parties humiliated, there is a danger the BNP could mop up seats. That's never going to happen, says Jasper Gerard.

Jasper Gerard
Last Updated: 10:26PM BST 21 May 2009

Comments 7 | Comment on this article
Nick Griffin and Richard Barnbrook of BNP Photo: PA

He takes a call on his mobile about his invitation to a Buckingham Palace garden party, admires his smooth visage in a car window and strolls up a crunchy drive to charm a housewife into voting for his party. He could be any politician, but this is Richard Barnbrook of the British National Party.

The extreme right used to be confined to the dank, disappointed back alleys of British politics, but television commentators are petrified that the BNP is receiving a polite reception up smarter garden paths, and not merely from the Queen. The housewife who offers support has a gleaming Mercedes, window boxes and comfy slippers. If she jumps into the odorous arms of Nick Griffin's party, how many might follow?

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Talking heads such as the BBC's Nick Robinson and guests on the usually exemplary This Week describe the mood as "febrile". MPs predict "meltdown". Stoking it all is the endlessly repeated orthodoxy that the BNP will benefit from disgust at the MPs' expenses scandal in the forthcoming Euro and local elections.

But what if all this is hot air? When we turned against the main parties in 1989, we voted Green, so might we not back similarly benign fringe parties this time, or stay at home? Or could we even – and this is heretical – be grown up and realise it is not in our interests to vote out often dedicated councillors from the three larger parties who can't be blamed for the misdeeds of their Westminster betters?

The danger is that pundits so demonise a party we hitherto ignored that warnings become self-fulfilling. Did The Andrew Marr Show really contact the BNP, as the party claims, requesting a long interview with Griffin should he win a Euro seat? Do normally responsible figures enjoy the frisson of talking up the threat from the party?

We British have a far cleverer weapon than outrage to deploy against the BNP, the smart bomb all demagogues fear: laughter. It is why PG Wodehouse depicted Spode, his Oswald Mosley caricature, as a closet lingerie salesman. And actually, there is nothing like spending a day with the BNP in their key target county of Essex to see them not as terrifying heavies but as light entertainment. March on Rome? I'm not sure they could march on Romford.

A BNP organiser tells us that canvassers will be in a Brentwood car park from 10am, under a party billboard: "British Jobs For British Workers". It's a powerful slogan, with a new study showing foreign workers retaining jobs more successfully in the downturn than natives. But someone has removed the poster overnight and the BNP is 45 minutes late.

Continues here (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/5363715/We-have-nothing-to-fear-from-these-British-National-Party-jokers.html).

Edit: From today's Mirror:

BNP conceal leaflets filled with racist lies in kids' library books

By Tom Parry 21/05/2009

The Mirror's Hope not Hate tour visited Nottingham yesterday as it emerged the racist BNP has targeted children in the city.

Our round-Britain bus campaign visited a sports celebration for school pupils in one of the most multi-racial parts of the country.

At the same time, staff at a library in the suburb of West Bridgeford discovered BNP activists had planted promotional leaflets - featuring American actors posing as British workers - between the pages of children's books.

Meanwhile police chiefs were furious after postmen stuffed BNP leaflets inside their newsletter before delivering them to homes.

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A Northants Police spokeswoman said: "Was are an apolitical organisation and we would not want any political leaflets deliv-erewith Home Beat." The Royal Mail said: "Our guidelines state that no materials should be combined with another customer's mailing. If this has happened we apologise."

Bnp deputy leader Simon Darby said: "Would the police have complained if it had been the Lib Dems or Labour? I think they are showing their own political bias."

Link (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2009/05/21/bnp-conceal-leaflets-filled-with-racist-lies-in-kids-library-books-115875-21376350/).

05-21-2009, 11:23 PM
Eddy O'Sullivan also wrote on the social networking site: "They are nice people 'oh yeah' but can they not be nice people in the f**king Congo or . . . bongo land or whatever?".

That's it! I'm voting for BNP now - just for the humour!

05-22-2009, 02:16 AM
Not real bright of him though. A 'private conversation'-on facebook? Nothing on facebook is private. He might as well stand nude at a busy intersection and then claim he expected privacy

05-22-2009, 08:27 AM
A BNP organiser tells us that canvassers will be in a Brentwood car park from 10am, under a party billboard: "British Jobs For British Workers". It's a powerful slogan, with a new study showing foreign workers retaining jobs more successfully in the downturn than natives. But someone has removed the poster overnight and the BNP is 45 minutes late.
Yes. Hilarious when democracy is undermined. Idiot.

05-22-2009, 11:28 PM
Forged Gurkha Leaflet Smear Continues

BNP Leader Nick Griffin has urged members of the public to report to the police and to the Party any further distribution of the forged anti-Gurkha leaflet featured prominently in The Sun newspaper recently.

Speaking to BNP News after further copies of the forged leaflet - which tries to imply that it is a BNP leaflet - appeared in Oldham yesterday, Mr Griffin said the party viewed the matter in the most serious light:

“On the day that the news breaks that Gurkhas have won the right to settlement in Britain, and several days after the lying Sun newspaper was forced to remove all reference to the story, this leaflet is now being distributed once again... The distributors need to be aware that this is now a police matter, as the leaflet clearly breaches racial incitement laws."

"We fully intend to pursue the originators and distributors of this leaflet through the courts,” he said, adding that evidence already gathered indicated that the originator of the leaflet is a full time employee of the so-called "Tyneside and Wear Anti Fascist Association" whose name we have. This person earns at least £20K per year courtesy of the local council taxpayer which is a Labour controlled authority.

“Members of the public who may come into contact with the leaflet, or better still, spot anyone distributing it, must please urgently advise their local police and then get into contact with us, by using any of the contact details listed on the BNP website,” Mr Griffin said.

If you come across this leaflet being distributed please report it to the police:
- CLICK HERE TO VIEW A LIST OF NON-EMERGENCY POLICE CONTACTS (http://campaigns.bnp.org.uk/c/4216902/1527/L2P3Hq3/bbqi?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwebsite.lineone.net% 2F%7Efamilykeens%2Fpoliceno.htm)

Alternatively please report it immediately to our Deputy Press Officer: 07543 819 281

05-23-2009, 12:12 AM
This story is disgusting but not atypical to the level that the Zionist Murdoch and his rag "The Sun" will sink to.

The Sun are the enemy of white and middle class working people. They purport (pretend) to be "white-van-man" compatible with the usual anti-Muslim scaremongering exposes, war glorification tributes (involving rotten wars for profit for the aristocracy / plutocracy and death or injury for the working class soldiers) but they're really just pulling the wool over the eyes of the masses while trying to keep them down and confused.

Guys, smell the coffee. We're being manipulated by the Zionists into pointless wars and conflicts while the borders are being thrown open, councils and schools are hijacked by liberal fanatics and it's (almost) been made a crime to be white, British and male. It's not the Wogs or the Muslims who control this game. The head of the snake is elsewhere.

05-23-2009, 12:14 AM
How can I still be so naive!??!?! :eek: Why do I credit the Establishment with even this modicum of decency? :(

The Establishment is rotten to the core, unfortunately :(

05-23-2009, 12:57 AM
Garden Party Warning to BNP Man

A British National Party (BNP) London Assembly member who invited his party leader to a Buckingham Palace event has been asked to "revisit" his selection.

The Greater London Authority (GLA) wrote to Richard Barnbrook after he chose Nick Griffin as his guest for the garden party hosted by the Queen.

Mr Barnbrook has been warned that his nomination will be reviewed if he does not change his choice of guest.

The BNP said Mr Barnbrook would comment on the matter on Tuesday.

Like all the other members of the London Assembly, Mr Barnbrook is in line for two tickets to the party on 21 July.

But in the letter, GLA deputy chief executive Jeff Jacobs warned the far-right politician to change his controversial guest or face having his nomination for the event "reviewed".

He also asked Mr Barnbrook to stop exploiting the situation for "publicity".

Mr Jacobs wrote: "While elected representatives may and do attend, the event is a social occasion hosted by Her Majesty and it is inappropriate to exploit this privilege for party political purposes."

He added: "However, in the light of the views expressed by the mayor and chair of the assembly, reinforced at yesterday's assembly meeting, I am writing to say that the authority may need to review its position in relation to your nomination unless you revisit the selection of your guest with a view to avoiding further controversy and desist from any further publicity." (Continues)

Source (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8064723.stm)


05-23-2009, 09:35 AM
He also asked Mr Barnbrook to stop exploiting the situation for "publicity".
The best thing Barnbrook can do is to exploit the hell out of this situation. Although an image does come to mind of Barnbrook and Griffin strolling into a pleasant party - with classic music playing in the background and polite chitter-chatter all round - and the music being cut and all guests turning in horror to see who just walked in. Would the two of them socialise or would they be left to converse with one another in the corner?

05-23-2009, 01:54 PM
The best thing Barnbrook can do is to exploit the hell out of this situation. Although an image does come to mind of Barnbrook and Griffin strolling into a pleasant party - with classic music playing in the background and polite chitter-chatter all round - and the music being cut and all guests turning in horror to see who just walked in. Would the two of them socialise or would they be left to converse with one another in the corner?

people will talk to them, although it will be mainly about the weather and such, I doubt that anyone will dare to even hint at sympathising with their point of view.

05-23-2009, 09:29 PM
Here they go again:

How BNP 'backers' are really foreign actors and models (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1186786/How-BNP-backers-really-foreign-actors-models.html)

05-23-2009, 09:38 PM
From Foxies article:'It is ironic that they ended up choosing images from an American photographer whose grandfather moved here from Mexico.

No it isn't. What it is, is poor journalism at best.

Why would the ancestry of an American be of any concern to a member of the British National Party? Why would the use of stocked photos be any more newsworthy because of the party using them?

What is ironic is the Daily Mail literally mirroring the BNP policy for policy with every edition, but still finding time to ridiculing the BNP for being racist.

British and Proud
05-24-2009, 03:17 PM
What Nick Griffin Doesn't Want You To Know
He looked smart in his suit as he took centre stage at the BNP's National Press Conference, but Griffin had a secret that he'd rather you didn't know!

Just 30 minutes before appearing on stage the racist ranter had retired to a cubicle where he unbuttoned his trousers and took down his underpants before sitting on the lavatory seat and expelling germ ridden stools.

Incredibly when he'd finished he simply wiped his bottom, flushed the toilet and, having buttoned up his trousers, he casually washed his hands with soap and water before continuing to prepare for his vile party's conference, as though nothing had happened!

A shocked Searchlight spokesman said "Griffin is a despicable human being, if the electorate knew the truth about what he gets up to behind closed lavatory doors they wouldn't entertain voting for him. This isn't a one off, our informant says he does this sort of thing about once a day".

British and Proud
05-24-2009, 08:50 PM
Turkey urges police action on BNP flyers
The country's government is considering referring the party to the police over racist promotional material

BNP leader Nick Griffin launched his party?s European election campaign earlier this month, setting out its opposition to Turkey joining the EU
Jason Allardyce

The Turkish government has demanded the withdrawal of election leaflets distributed in Scotland by the British National party, claiming they are intended to incite racial and religious hatred.

Flyers promoting the BNP’s European election campaign suggest that millions of Turkish Muslims would flood into Britain if the country were to be granted full EU membership.

One BNP leaflet being handed out on the streets of Glasgow said taxpayers’ money “shouldn’t be wasted on expanding Europe so that millions of Muslims in Turkey can join the invasion of foreign job snatchers”.

Continues here (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/scotland/article6350448.ece).

05-25-2009, 09:51 AM
The Turkish government has demanded the withdrawal of election leaflets distributed in Scotland by the British National party, claiming they are intended to incite racial and religious hatred.
Yet another case of self-righteous foreign interjection in British politics. We can expect this kind of thing to become a mainstay should we continue our relationship with the EU. Remember before, when Pakistani newspapers were urging British-based Pakistanis to vote against the BNP? It's disgusting and, until we are merely member states of a European (or Global) Union - and nothing more, undemocratic.

British and Proud
05-25-2009, 06:06 PM
A right menace: Nick Griffin

Fears of a surge in support for the BNP at the European elections have put its leader in the spotlight. And now he's got Buckingham Palace squirming

Saturday, 23 May 2009
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BNP leader Nick Griffin, who once championed the Ayatollah Khomeini, is now targeting Islam

Whichever way you look at it, the announcement that Nick Griffin, the leader of the British National Party, might attend a royal garden party at Buckingham Palace is a milestone moment in British politics. For it marks another stage in the transformation of Britain's biggest far-right party from a past of street thuggery to the brink of electoral breakthrough. Griffin could next month become the party's first member of the European Parliament.

The real question is whether it has done that by shrugging off its neo-fascist antecedents and entering the extreme right of mainstream politics – or is it being done by the perpetration of long-running confidence trick upon the electorate? The answer to that lies in the one man whose personal writ runs authoritatively throughout the party. So has Nick Griffin really changed?

There can be no doubting the unsavoury background from which Griffin emerges. It is deep rooted in his family history. His parents met while heckling a Communist Party meeting in north London in 1948. Nicholas John Griffin, who was born a decade later, was as a boy reputedly given by his grandfather some of the more anti-Semitic literature of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. While at private school in Suffolk aged 13, he was reading Hitler's Mein Kampf and making notes in the margins. "Adolf went a bit too far," Griffin conceded in 2006.
Related articles
GLA leans on member to withdraw Griffin invitation
A right menace: Nick Griffin
The Big Question: Why does the Queen host garden parties, and who gets invited?

When Griffin was 15, his father Edgar took his son to his first National Front meeting. When he went up to Cambridge in 1977 to read history and law at Downing College, he founded the university's Young National Front Students group and soon rose through the ranks of the neo-fascist party. Within a year he had become national organiser.

But the National Front fell apart a decade later. Griffin was a key figure in the foundation of one of its successor factions, the International Third Position (ITP), advocating a blood-and-soil alternative to communism and capitalism. In it he praised the black separatist Louis Farrakhan, met David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, travelled to Libya at the expense of Colonel Gaddafi and expressed support for Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini – who also had a strong dislike of Jews, women's rights, homosexuals, liberal democracy, international capitalism, Coca-Cola and McDonald's.


05-26-2009, 08:20 AM
Forget propaganda. It would seem that attacks are becoming more overt. If this is true, and a leftist organisation are responsible, then they utterly disgust me. I can't believe I used to align myself with this kind of self-righteous scum.

BNP website taken offline in largest cyber attack in recorded history! (By Email)

The main BNP website was offline for a short period due to an unprecedented Denial of Service Attack, the likes of which have only ever been seen before in 2001 when Microsoft’s website was brought down under similar circumstances.

The site was first attacked on Saturday night, at one point dealing with 28 million hits, but we managed to block out the traffic which was emanating from Eastern Europe and Russia.

The size of the renewed assault is unparalleled and there is no doubt that whoever has organised this has had to pay out a serious amount of money to the criminal underworld.

On Friday the servers of Clear Channel, part of a huge conglomerate that provides billboard advertising to the BNP, suffered a similar attack. Their IT professionals tracked the criminal activity back to a notorious "anti-fascist" organisation openly aligned to the Labour Party and supported by the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. This organisation was protesting at the decision by Clear Channel to allow the BNP to display advertising in support of our European Election Campaign.

British and Proud
06-06-2009, 11:12 AM
Quote from Griffin:

Despite these fine results, Mr Griffin urged BNP supporters not to be over-optimistic. “We have faced the most staggering anti-BNP campaign ever in the media,” Mr Griffin said.

“This time they have not only used smears, but outright lies in some of the largest media outlets in the country, including The Times, The Daily Mail, The Sun and others,” he said. “The media has the power to influence elections, and this barrage of fabrications, sometimes employing outright forgeries of leaflets, statements and misrepresentation, is bound to have had an effect somewhere.”

This thread contains merely a smattering of the media's campaign against the BNP...we face an uphill struggle.

Fortis in Arduis
06-06-2009, 11:48 AM
It it quite staggering, but we just have to carry on, put more money into the campaign, and was reading the eponymous Barnes blog this morning:


The majority do not vote as they are alienated from the process itself. They are our people, the Silent Majority, and they must be re-engaged with politics.

That must be our mission.


We must teach our people to mistrust the media and at the same time create our own alternative Nationalist media at all levels. From films, music, books, social networking, festivals, musical tours, nights out, social events, banks, media, business networks etc etc.

We must replace the media with A NATIONALIST MEDIA.

The answer is therefore also clear, we must re-engage with the people at the level of the community at the same time as create our Nationalist Media and engage to attack the legitimacy of the Corporate Media itself.


Now we must organise ourselves.

Our community must first be organised into a community before it capable of thinking, and voting, like a community and before it is capable of defending our social, political, cultural and economic interests as a community.

A consciousness of our commonality, an awareness of themselves as a people and a community must be created in the consciousness of our people, before the National Community will be created.

The roots of the National Community are in all those white communities where our people have no organisations or groups that represent their commonality.

Once this consciousness of commonality exists and is seen to be organising, then the communities will grow. Our people need help and they need representing and that is what we must be doing.

Alongside politics we must begin to engage with our people on the basis of forming community groups, extended social networks and social networking, a business network, community building organisations and a programme of political re-engagement for our community.


etc. etc. etc.

06-06-2009, 12:37 PM
We must replace the media with A NATIONALIST MEDIA.

The answer is therefore also clear, we must re-engage with the people at the level of the community at the same time as create our Nationalist Media and engage to attack the legitimacy of the Corporate Media itself..

"If you want to change the world, get a bigger printing press than your enemies have."
- J.L. Roberts


06-07-2009, 05:34 PM
LOL, Google "anti bnp organisations (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=anti-bnp+organisations&meta=&aq=f&oq=)" and see what is the top listing. :D Someone came onto the site via that today. :coffee:

06-07-2009, 05:39 PM
LOL, Google "anti bnp organisations (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=anti-bnp+organisations&meta=&aq=f&oq=)" and see what is the top listing. :D Someone came onto the site via that today. :coffee:

I hadn't realised this before, and you mentioning again reminded me, but it is well known that the run up to the elections was apparently a boon for search engines with their customers all topping the charts with their searches for the BNP.

I wonder how many innocent science minded foreigners thought the face of British science undesirable? :D

British and Proud
06-13-2009, 05:45 AM
From The Mirror

Labour is driving decent folk into the arms of the BNP

By Tony Parsons 13/06/2009

Britain is a multi-racial country now and it always will be, no matter how many little racist scumbags crawl out of the woodwork.

I look at my daughter’s classmates in the morning and it is like looking at a Benetton commercial. Every major religion is represented. Plenty of them, like my daughter, are mixed race. They are beautiful, brilliant little kids. When I look at them I see the future of this country.

And guess what? It works.

This is not a racist country. The disgusting scenes that are commonplace in, say, Spain – where black sportsmen are routinely and grotesquely abused – would be utterly unthinkable in the United Kingdom.

If you tried to abuse a black sportsman here, the way the Spanish torment Lewis Hamilton or our black English footballers, then you would be arrested.

But if this is not a racist country, then how do we explain huge numbers of British people voting for the BNP in the local and European elections?

Are those people racist? I don’t think so.

There will inevitably be a few hardcore racist bigots among them. But I have no doubt that the vast majority of people who voted for the BNP did so because they feel totally betrayed by the main political parties.

And when Nick Griffin was being pelted with eggs outside Westminster, I wondered what all those new BNP voters made of it.

Did it make them see the light? Did it make them change their mind about the BNP? Fat chance. It made them infinitely more likely to vote BNP at the general election. Because it made the BNP look like martyrs.

If this is a democracy, then it’s a democracy for all. Let’s hear them talk. Put Nick Griffin in a studio with Jeremy Paxman. What are Griffin’s views on the Holocaust? The Nazis? Does he have the hots for Hitler? Break down the facade of reason, patriotism and common sense and reveal the reality.

The very worst thing that could happen to the BNP is being made to reveal what is in their heads and their hearts. That is not happening right now.

This is not complicated. The major political parties have abandoned the working class. Legitimate concerns about immigration, crime and the EU have been sneered at and dismissed by the political elite of Westminster. Our politicians are so sheltered, they think you have to be white to be worried about immigration.

Now they are reaping the whirlwind.

There is no great enthusiasm for David Cameron in this country.

But millions feel that their real concerns are never even addressed. By forsaking the working class, Labour will let in the Tories by default – and drive close to a million voters into the arms of the BNP.

The BNP are not the answer to anyone’s problems. But by refusing to discuss the real concerns of real people, our corrupt, self-serving MPs have made them look that way.

So let us hear what is on their tiny minds.

Does Nick Griffin, as widely reported, truly believe that the RAF crews who dropped bombs on German cities in the Second World War were mass murderers? Because to me those men were heroes.

And most British people feel exactly the same way. Including many of those who just voted BNP.

Most BNP voters are not racist. They just want to be heard. They want to hear someone talking about immigration, crime and the EU. They are not stupid for caring about these things. They are only stupid for thinking that the BNP has the answers.

Chuck eggs at them if you want. It will do them nothing but good. Anyone who thinks you can fight fascism by throwing eggs at it has got their brains scrambled.

I refuse to link to that rag, sorry. The above is the complete article.

06-13-2009, 07:00 AM
I look at my daughter’s classmates in the morning and it is like looking at a Benetton commercial. Every major religion is represented. Plenty of them, like my daughter, are mixed race. They are beautiful, brilliant little kids. When I look at them I see the future of this country.

And guess what? It works.

Typical leftie, it scares the shit out of me that some people are so blinkered.

It works? Does it f***?


More reason to vote for the BNP

The UK may face a new generation of terrorists more dangerous than the semi-trained "amateurs" now in jail, a security think tank's chief has warned.

Michael Clarke, of the Royal United Services Institute, said recent years may come to seem like a "golden age" of successes against violent extremism.

Home-grown jihadists would not wither away, he warned in a think tank paper.

He argued that convicts in UK jails could turn them into "universities of terror", like in other countries.

Around 200 people have been jailed for terrorism-related offences in the UK since the 9/11 attacks on the US in 2001.

Forensics trail

Professor Clarke said the police and MI5 could be rightly proud of how they had so far confronted the threat inspired by al-Qaeda.

He said many of the UK jihadists now in jail had shown themselves to be "resolutely amateur".

"Intercept evidence shows that jihadists in the UK talk like terrorists operating in professional cell structures but do not normally act that way," said Prof Clarke.

"Most of the plotters have left a trail of forensics behind that has led some police professionals to predict that this will seem like a golden age of counter-terrorism - when we were both successful and lucky.

"The tradecraft of UK jihadi terrorists is extremely variable. For the movement as a whole this is not a problem.

"Amateurs are as dangerous as professionals if they are lucky, and if there are enough amateurs plotting, some of them will be lucky. Those who are not keep the security services stretched and public anxieties high."

First round

Prof Clarke said Nato's operations in Afghanistan had limited al-Qaeda's ability to direct bomb plots in the UK - but he warned recent years had been only "the first round of the struggle".

The dangers could now increasingly come from home-grown extremists, particularly alienated young Muslims susceptible to grooming.

"An evolution in the recruitment and techniques of terrorist cells in the UK is entirely possible. The convictions, of which the security services can be proud, will have their own longer-term consequences for which the government must be prepared.

"The phenomenon will not wither away in the near future: it is likely to be generational."


06-13-2009, 12:37 PM
Does Nick Griffin, as widely reported, truly believe that the RAF crews who dropped bombs on German cities in the Second World War were mass murderers? Because to me those men were heroes.

Parson's believes that men carrying out the orders to bomb cities with no industrial links to the war effort are 'heroes'?

They would have been heroes if they had refused to drop bombs on innocent people.

06-13-2009, 06:56 PM
LOL, Google "anti bnp organisations (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=anti-bnp+organisations&meta=&aq=f&oq=)" and see what is the top listing. :D Someone came onto the site via that today. :coffee:

The Anti-BNP Propaganda's In Full Swing - Page 6 - The Apricity ...
8 posts - 6 authors
LOL, Google "anti bnp organisations" and see what is the top listing. Someone came onto the site via that today. Loki is online now ...

Even more ironic that google shows a part of your post now :D . But indeed, maybe a few people came to Apracity today when searching for organisations oposed to the BNP.

06-14-2009, 03:06 PM
Sometimes these anti-BNP online loonies can be a source of related articles:



08-02-2011, 08:14 AM
THere's no 'ifs or buts' about it. The BNP have been the victims of an underhanded slur tactic by the left.

no. By the middle right and the middle left. The left will fade like the U.S. military when the tide turns. Forces that never have to fight up hill are not a true force.

Let's keep this forum sensible. Conservatism(tory and labour) is the enemy of the european genotype.

The family unit,anti-homo,anti-comi,pro-comi and all that rot is one hundred years out of date. Left and right is a wild goose chase.

08-02-2011, 07:00 PM
Racism is still accepted, even encouraged to an alarming degree in both countries. It’s not in Britain. Because past generations fought and died to defeat fascism in all its forms.

This spin on the events of WW1/WW2 keeps cropping up in the newspapers lately and it's complete bollocks. Both my grandfathers fought for this country in WW2 and they didn't do so to defeat 'fascism' or 'racism'. They fought because their country was under threat of invasion. My grandfathers were disgusted by mass immigration when it began in the 1950s and would be even more disgusted to see the state of England today. :mad:

08-02-2011, 07:02 PM
Fuck the BNP, time for an English nationalist party.

08-04-2011, 02:17 AM
Forces that never have to fight up hill are not a true force.

There's an older generation which will detail to you the struggle the Left have had.

Conservatism(tory and labour) is the enemy of the european

Anything in British politics is 'the enemy'. This cancer transcends political boundaries.

The family unit,anti-homo,anti-comi,pro-comi and all that rot is one hundred years out of date. Left and right is a wild goose chase.

So is Bebo, but have you seen the amount who still frequent it!!! :eek: