View Full Version : Devil's Bridge Trailer

03-18-2012, 02:56 PM
Sean takes his two friends into the rural wilds of Wales in search of an underworld specialist who can illegally revive his failing business. Deep in alien, isolated territory, they accidentally cross William Perry, a broken and desperate farmer dangerously hateful and paranoid of all around him. The situation spins rapidly out of control, spiraling into a horrific Heart of Darkness spree of pointless violence and revenge as Perry hunts the three friends across the stark and unforgiving terrain


03-18-2012, 03:48 PM
I'm a PERRY by blood (from my pat.-grandmother), and I've always PRESUMED my Perry's were English, but they could be Welsh...regardless, damnit, I'm SUING! the writers and makers of this film for DEFAMATION! of family-character! :swl :D Moreover, I'm also SUING! for the DEFAMATION! of gun-toting 'rednecks' like myself...WORLDWIDE! :swl :D

I FORGIVE!, though, the baby-doll @ 1:30 ...DERN! she looks GOOD! :love0003: :heartbea: :smilie_liebe9: ...send me her phone # down at the pub, will ya' Treffie?, lol, hehe. :swl :D :thumb001: