View Full Version : Toulouse shooting: three killed outside Jewish school

03-19-2012, 09:05 AM
Toulouse shooting: three killed outside Jewish school

At least three people have died, including two children, in a shooting outside a Jewish school in the French city of Toulouse on Monday morning, French media have reported.

One witness indicated that a gunman opened fire outside a private Jewish secondary school in the southern French city before fleeing on the back of a black scooter.

Toulouse shooting: three killed outside Jewish school | World news | The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/mar/19/toulouse-shooting-three-killed-jewish-school?newsfeed=true)

03-19-2012, 01:28 PM
Children don't deserve this shit:mad:

The fucking scumsucking piece of pigshit was seen chasing after little children who were trying to escape!

Goddamn, I hope France has the death penalty. This asshole deserves to fry.:mad::mad::mad:

The Ripper
03-19-2012, 01:30 PM
Its suspected that this is related to the shooting of soldiers earlier.


So, when the targets include Nato military personnel and Jews, the culprit is most likely Muslim.

03-19-2012, 01:32 PM
Its suspected that this is related to the shooting of soldier earlier.


So, when the targets include Nato military personnel and Jews, the culprit is most likely Muslim.

I read they were Muslim.

Padre Organtino
03-19-2012, 01:32 PM
From what I know the soldiers were of North African ancestry so the shooter might be a French fra right of sorts. BTW Montauban and Toulouse are very close to each other so a guy must be some kind of a local.

The Ripper
03-19-2012, 01:33 PM
I read they were Muslim.

So? Still bearing the enemy's uniform.

The Lawspeaker
03-19-2012, 01:38 PM
Let's just wait and see how the situation will develop, shall we ?

03-19-2012, 01:39 PM
Its suspected that this is related to the shooting of soldiers earlier.


So, when the targets include Nato military personnel and Jews, the culprit is most likely Muslim.

...Or some wacko who thinks that Jews/Zionists rule the world and NATO spreads Zionism and the "Jew-disease" across the globe. We even have a few people like that in this forum (RoyBatty).

The Ripper
03-19-2012, 01:42 PM
...Or some wacko who thinks that Jews/Zionists rule the world and NATO spreads Zionism and the "Jew-disease" across the globe. We even have a few people like that in this forum (RoyBatty).

Yeah but how many precedents do we have of that? What we have is pro-Nato, pro-Zionist whacko Breivik. ;)

03-19-2012, 01:49 PM
Sarkozy said that security is being increased around Jewish and Islamic schools. Also all of the 4 people who were killed today, were of Northern-African heritage, that's what I did read from the news.

So the shooter might not be Arabic after all.

03-19-2012, 01:51 PM
So? Still bearing the enemy's uniform.


03-19-2012, 01:51 PM
Sarkozy said that security is being increased around Jewish and Islamic schools. Also all of the 4 people who were killed today, were of Northern-African heritage, that's what I did read from the news.

So the shooter might not be Arabic after all.

A deranged "Christian fundamentalist" then? Muslim shooters like Nidal "Allahu Akbar" Hasan of Fort Hood infamy are never reported as Muslim shooters and chances are if this shooter is a saracen it'll be underreported; ditto if it's a Jew. But a Christian...

03-19-2012, 01:53 PM
Well done.

French Muslims are earning my respect. Assuming it was them.


What the fuck?

Please tell me you are not applauding the deaths of children?

03-19-2012, 01:55 PM
What the fuck?

Please tell me you are not applauding the deaths of children?

They are Jews.

They'd do the same to your children.

03-19-2012, 01:55 PM
Well done.

French Muslims are earning my respect. Assuming it was them.


If you're not trolling, you're officially sick and evil.

The Lawspeaker
03-19-2012, 01:56 PM
They are Jews.

They'd do the same to your children.
They should be deported along with their families to the Unholy Land. Not shot. Whoever willingly shoots children is a barbarian.

03-19-2012, 01:57 PM
They are Jews.

So all Jews are bad? That's bullshit.

These were KIDS! Two of these kids were ages THREE and SIX!

You are a woman, which means you will someday become a mother. How can you condone the deaths of another woman's children??

There is no greater love than that of a mother for her child....or a father for his.

03-19-2012, 01:58 PM
If you're not trolling, you're officially sick and evil.

I am beginning to wonder that myself

03-19-2012, 01:59 PM
They should be deported along with their families to the Unholy Land. Not shot. Whoever willingly shoots children is a barbarian.

They're not going to leave voluntarily. You should give this guy props since he's making an attempt. If he does this a few times, maybe some of them will leave.

03-19-2012, 02:02 PM
So all Jews are bad? That's bullshit.

These were KIDS! Two of these kids were ages THREE and SIX!

You are a woman, which means you will someday become a mother. How can you condone the deaths of another woman's children??

There is no greater love than that of a mother for her child....or a father for his.

Yes, and they will grow up to become full blown Jews that will want to do terrible things to your children.

03-19-2012, 02:03 PM
Yes, and they will grow up to become full blown Jews that will want to do terrible things to your children.

I have grown up around full-blown Jews.

You are wrong.

Not all Jews are Zionists who feel Israel should rule the world:rolleyes:

The Lawspeaker
03-19-2012, 02:04 PM
They're not going to leave voluntarily. You should give this guy props since he's making an attempt. If he does this a few times, maybe some of them will leave.
You're a very twisted person. How do you force people to leave ? Simple: get a platoon of armed soldiers and a bus to their house during the night. Force them into the bus and take them to the airport, chuck 'em onto a plane. "Your stuff comes later ! Now.. piss off !" Plane leaves - one week later their stuff arrives in Israel.

03-19-2012, 02:04 PM
I have grown up around full-blown Jews.

You are wrong.

Not all Jews are Zionists who feel Israel should rule the world:rolleyes:

I guess that explains your disposition then.

03-19-2012, 02:06 PM
I guess that explains your disposition then.

I cannot for the life of me justify the sort of psychosis that would have to explain your disposition which supports the killing of children.:mad:

03-19-2012, 02:08 PM
You're a very twisted person. How do you force people to leave ? Simple: get a platoon of armed soldiers and a bus to their house during the night. Force them into the bus and take them to the airport, chuck 'em onto a plane. "Your stuff comes later !"

How many soldiers do you command right now? E-warriors do not count.

Will you be commanding a platoon of armed soldiers any time soon? Probably not.

So until that happens, I'll bet my money on scooter guy.

03-19-2012, 02:10 PM
I cannot for the life of me justify the sort of psychosis that would have to explain your disposition which supports the killing of children.:mad:

If you don't get them, they will get you and your children. Since you have been around them, that makes you a Shabbaz Goy.

03-19-2012, 02:15 PM
If you don't get them, they will get you and your children. Since you have been around them, that makes you a Shabbaz Goy.

Is this the Jewish version of Fag Hag?


I am not an Israel supporter, just for your information.

However, I don't give a flying fuck WHO or WHAT race/religion/political orientation/etc a person is when you are talking about killing children.

Killing a child is NEVER EVER EVER EVER FUCKING EVER okay!!!!:mad:

Once that threshhold is crossed, YOU (general you) are the savage.

03-19-2012, 02:17 PM
Is this the Jewish version of Fag Hag?


I am not an Israel supporter, just for your information.

However, I don't give a flying fuck WHO or WHAT race/religion/political orientation/etc a person is when you are talking about killing children.

Killing a child is NEVER EVER EVER EVER FUCKING EVER okay!!!!:mad:

Once that threshhold is crossed, YOU (general you) are the savage.

But they would do the same to you, don't you understand that?

03-19-2012, 02:18 PM
One should also think that this could be a false flag-operation as well, for Sarkozy the Jew, to gain vote as the next election in France is not very far away. How come Sarkozy together with his kike brethren care more about 3 people than what Israel have done to Palestinians for example? When Jews kill Palestinians and white Europeans, it is never covered up on the newspapers. Ever! Besides, Jews have brought more misery and slaughtering than any people. The Jews are more of a threat in Europe than anyone else because it is they who promote multiculturalism together with massive immigration and it is they who have great influence in your societies.

If it was Middle Eastern wogs (Muslims) who did this, then you get what you want for. Enjoy your massive immigration which your corrupted cultural marxist politicians wants.

First, you (the people of your nation) take down your corrupted government. Then you deport all the people that does not belong to your nation. Not the other way around which stupid Goyims such as EDL faggots and other supporters to Zionist organizations.

03-19-2012, 02:18 PM
Morbid question: would the concern or outrage be as severe if they were Arab children?

03-19-2012, 02:19 PM
But they would do the same to you, don't you understand that?

Anyone who tries to hurt me or one of my loved ones will find themselves either A) dead.....or
B) WISHING they were dead

That is a guarantee.

03-19-2012, 02:22 PM
Morbid question: would the concern or outrage be as severe if they were Arab children?

I'd feel the same.

Children are our hope for the future.

All children are innocent beings who deserve a happy and fufilling life. If more of them had this, there'd be less anger and wars in the future. I firmly believe this.

Happy kids grow up to become happier and more well-adjusted adults that are more likely to contribute positively to greater society.

It is never acceptable to kill a child like this.

The Ripper
03-19-2012, 03:01 PM

What's confusing?

03-19-2012, 03:11 PM
What's confusing?

I wasn't sure what your post meant.

03-19-2012, 03:14 PM
They are Jews.

They'd do the same to your children.

Are you listening to yourself? You're bloody insane.

03-19-2012, 03:25 PM
Despite the terrible loss of children.I couldn't stop thinking, If there's a school just for Europeans In Israel?
And like someone already posted I think It was some Muslim cunt.
If It was a French guy,at this point It would more sensible for him to shoot at a Mosque.

The Ripper
03-19-2012, 03:43 PM
I wasn't sure what your post meant.

NATO = enemy of islamists.

Then again, I started thinking, NATO (and France especially) helped the Islamists in power in Libya. Perhaps its some Khaddafi loyalist?

Naturally the only theory so far discussed in the media is that there's a racist motive (meaning a white culprit).

We'll just have to wait for the killer to be caught.

03-19-2012, 03:44 PM
I'd feel the same.

Children are our hope for the future.

All children are innocent beings who deserve a happy and fufilling life. If more of them had this, there'd be less anger and wars in the future. I firmly believe this.

Happy kids grow up to become happier and more well-adjusted adults that are more likely to contribute positively to greater society.

It is never acceptable to kill a child like this.

Hope for the Future.Who's future?


http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsdPefaaHogWvCc9luC1HSiUkUoBXGY Wb3hpZa5S6nUOJumvrh

All of this Children will be among us Europeans in a close future.
While we Educate our children to be peaceful to respect everyone,etc.
Hate towards the Infidel(White man)is being taught to their children.
That's what the future have installed for us in our own Lands.
Our Children open minded and peaceful living side by side with fucking animals.

03-19-2012, 03:46 PM
No ideea what ethnicity is the one who did that,but he is just an idiot.

03-19-2012, 03:58 PM
They are Jews.

They'd do the same to your children.

Dude you are outside of your minds.
Romania have a lot of christian orthodox romanians who have J2 on paternal line,you people are devilish,with your idiocy.
(think is something like 7% of Romania population who is bearing J2 on paternal line,or even more).
What you want to do with them,kill them?
Because that is at least 700.000 men.
There is the theory that J2 which is so called "jewish haplogrup" (but that is wrong cause a lot of greeks also have J2 and a lot of people from Georgia) branched from I2.
I saw that some foreign companies had received the resources of Romania and romanian people are not receiving anything from that,now the population of Romania is 19.000.000 from 22.000.000 that was in 1990,how do I know that Romania population is not considered jewish and exterminated because of that?
Because Greece have a lot of J2 on paternal line and I see that what is happening now in Greece is weird,they are helped by Red Cross to not die from famine....

03-19-2012, 04:03 PM
But they would do the same to you, don't you understand that?

What are you smoking? Good grief.

03-19-2012, 04:05 PM
Despite the terrible loss of children.I couldn't stop thinking, If there's a school just for Europeans In Israel?
And like someone already posted I think It was some Muslim cunt.
If It was a French guy,at this point It would more sensible for him to shoot at a Mosque.

There are all-Arab schools, Catholic schools, religious Jewish schools, and secular integrated schools.

03-19-2012, 04:07 PM
They should be deported along with their families to the Unholy Land. Not shot. Whoever willingly shoots children is a barbarian.

Neither barbarians neither the Roman empire killed childrens.
So please do not insult barbarians.

03-19-2012, 04:07 PM
Dude you are outside of your minds.
Romania have a lot of christian orthodox romanians who have J2 on paternal line,you people are devilish,with your idiocy.
(think is something like 7% of Romania population who is bearing J2 on paternal line,or even more).
What you want to do with them,kill them?
Because that is at least 700.000 men.
There is the theory that J2 which is so called "jewish haplogrup" (but that is wrong cause a lot of greeks also have J2 and a lot of people from Georgia) branched from I2.
I saw that some foreign companies had received the resources of Romania and romanian people are not receiving anything from that,now the population of Romania is 19.000.000 from 22.000.000 that was in 1990,how do I know that Romania population is not considered jewish and exterminated because of that?
Because Greece have a lot of J2 on paternal line and I see that what is happening now in Greece is weird,they are helped by Red Cross to not die from famine....

Its not about what Haplogroups one carries within.

03-19-2012, 04:09 PM
Its not about what Haplogroups one carries within.

Well you think like that,but other people are not thinking like that.

03-19-2012, 04:26 PM
Hope for the Future.Who's future?


http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsdPefaaHogWvCc9luC1HSiUkUoBXGY Wb3hpZa5S6nUOJumvrh

All of this Children will be among us Europeans in a close future.
While we Educate our children to be peaceful to respect everyone,etc.
Hate towards the Infidel(White man)is being taught to their children.
That's what the future have installed for us in our own Lands.
Our Children open minded and peaceful living side by side with fucking animals.

Were you peaceful and respectful of everyone when you colonized other countries and enslaved their people?

Slaves in Macau

Most slaves in Macau were African slaves brought over by the Portuguese. The Portuguese also brought over Indian slaves.[22]

The first time an english person learned Chinese was from an African slave who managed to flee Macao to go into China.[23]

During the 17th century some 5,000 slaves lived in Macao, in addition to 2,000 Portuguese and 20,000 Chinese.[24][25][26] 25 Patacas was the cost of one Mozambique slave.[27]

In the 1800s during the Qing dynasty, the British consul noticed that some Portuguese were buying adolescent children from 5 to 8 years old.[28]

On June 24, 1622, the Dutch attacked Macau in the Battle of Macau, expecting to turn it into a Dutch possession after its conquest. African slaves who fought for the Portuguese repulsed the Dutch attack, and the Dutch never tried to conquer Macau again. The majority of the defenders were Africans slaves, with only a few Portuguese soldiers and Priests. Captain Kornelis Reyerszoon was commander of the 800 Dutch strong invasion force.[29][30][31][32]

The Dutch Governor Jan Coen said after the defeat that "The slaves of the Portuguese at Macao served them so well and faithfully, that it was they who defeated and drove away our people there last year", and "Our people saw very few Portuguese" during the battle.[33][34][35][36]
Macao Coolie Slave trade

After British pressure to abolish slavery, replacement was needed for the African slaves. The Portuguese then turned Macau into a coolie trading center, sending Chinese coolie laborers to the Americas in what was a de facto slave trade. Abuses were rife, and the British took note of it and tried to pressure Portugal into ending it.[37][38][39][40]

Whilst being shipped to Portugal, slaves were fastened and chained with manacles, padlocks, and rings around the neck.[41] Portuguese owners could whip, chain, and pour burning hot wax and fat onto the skin of their slaves, and punish their slaves in any way they wished as long as they did not die.[42] The Portuguese also used Branding irons to brand their slaves to mark them as property.[43]

Some voices against the slave trade were raised quite early on. Already in the first European book published in Europe, that by the Gaspar da Cruz, the Dominican friar explained that any arguments by the slave traffickers that they "legally" purchased already-enslaved children were bogus.[44]

In 1595 a law was passed banning the selling and buying of Chinese slaves.[45] Then on February 19, 1624, the King of Portugal forbade the enslavement of Chinese of either sex.[46][47] The laws were not able to stop the trade, small numbers of Chinese children (mostly boys) were enslaved in Portugal for 200 years up to the 1700s.[48] Many Chinese men were kidnapped as children from Macau and sold as slaves in Lisbon.[49] In the 16th century, a small number of Chinese slaves were owned by Portuguese in southern Portugal, 29-34 people.[50] The Portuguese prized Chinese slaves.[51] In 1595 a law was passed banning the selling and buying of Chinese slaves.[52] On 19 February 1624, the King of Portugal forbade the enslavement of Chinese of either sex, but this was often ignored.[53] The Qianlong Emperor also called for the trade to be stopped in 1744, and reiterated his order in 1750.[49]

In the American colonies, Portugal halted the use of Chinese, Japanese, Europeans, and Indians to work as slaves for sugar plantations, reserving it exclusively for the Africans.[54]

The abolition of all forms of slavery took place in 1761 in mainland Portugal and Portuguese India. In the Portuguese African colonies slavery was outlawed in the first half of the 19th century after Brazil, which demanded most of the slaves traded within the Portuguese Empire, became independent from Portugal in 1822.


Then why would they be peaceful with you now?

03-19-2012, 04:30 PM
They are saying he is some white supremacist now or something :coffee:

03-19-2012, 04:36 PM
Lol if I get Mary's "logic" romanians should go and kill italians,because Roman Empire troops killed 100.000 dacian males around 106.
Mary you are not christian orthodox,by the way you are preaching crimes based on revenge and crimes based on hate toward other people because of their ethnicity and so on.

03-19-2012, 04:42 PM
seems that mary is not wearing that ninja outfit for nothing
Anyway Jews did more for the US and Europe ( scientifically, technologically and culturally ) than muslims ( like Turks ) will ever do.

I think this stands if we neglect that childish thinking that Jews are the cause of immigrants and similiar shit

03-19-2012, 04:47 PM
seems that mary is not wearing that ninja outfit for nothing
Anyway Jews did more for the US and Europe ( scientifically, technologically and culturally ) than muslims ( like Turks ) will ever do.

I think this stands if we neglect that childish thinking that Jews are the cause of immigrants and similiar shit


03-19-2012, 04:55 PM
I am afraid to post my in real life picture because of Mary.
I do not know if she is not linked with some hidden organizations.
She is wearing that thing over her face and preaching crimes against other ethnicities and so on.
I do not even know if she lives in Sweden,this is what she tells,I do not know if she is romanian or russian and so on.

03-19-2012, 04:58 PM
Were you peaceful and respectful of everyone when you colonized other countries and enslaved their people?


Then why would they be peaceful with you now?

I did not kill anyone.nor enslaved anyone.My Ancestors did.500 to 600 Years ago.
Plus Portugal was invaded many times before and the People sold as Slaves as well.
Some of my ancestors were sold as slaves to Germanic tribes by the Romans.
Yet I understand It was not the Italians.
You seem to suffer from the Phobia of an ex colonised People.
Actually If It was now I would make sure that all of them would be exterminated.

03-19-2012, 05:00 PM
I did not kill anyone.nor enslaved anyone.My Ancestors did.500 to 600 Years ago.
Plus Portugal was invaded many times before and the People sold as Slaves as well.
Some of my ancestors were sold as slaves to Germanic tribes by the Romans.
Yet I understand It was not the Italians.
You seem to suffer from the Phobia of an ex colonised People.
Actually If It was now I would make sure that all of them would be exterminated.

Your ancestors started it. You can't hide behind "I didn't do anything".

I don't have a dog in this fight. I just dislike your hypocrisy.

03-19-2012, 05:02 PM

I still do not see how Jews are the cause of immigrants.
It is very known fact that Europe is going to become multicultural and I hope it will not ( anyway when she is referring to multiculturism she is probably thinking of multiculturalism in Europe like Poles in Britain not Africans in Europe ) and that does not mean that she thinks what biased people think.
Listen the last sentence of what that lady says and than come to conclusion.

There are Polish Jews, German Jews, Russian Jews... and she thinks that they will be the bridge to multiculturism among European countries.

03-19-2012, 05:04 PM
I still do not see how Jews are the cause of immigrants.
It is very known fact that Europe is going to become multicultural and I hope it will not ( anyway when she is referring to multiculturism she is probably thinking of multiculturalism in Europe like Poles in Britain not Africans in Europe ) and that does not mean that she thinks what biased people think.
Listen the last sentence of what that lady says and than come to conclusion.

There are Polish Jews, German Jews, Russian Jews... and she think that they will be the bridge to multiculturism among European countries.

We all know what she means. Sticking your head in the sand is not going to prevent it from happening.

03-19-2012, 05:06 PM
We all know what she means. Sticking your head in the sand is not going to prevent it from happening.

And not pulling your head out of your ass is not going to help either

03-19-2012, 05:14 PM
Your ancestors started it.

Do you really believe that we started enslavement of People in the 1450.
You wearing a Burka should know better.
Slaves had been part of Mankind since ever.

Also don't believe everything you read on Wiki.
Specially when its a Dutch or an Anglo writing about the Portuguese Empire or Vice-versa.Rivalry.Attempts to win the conquered People.
On 19 February 1624, the King of Portugal forbade the enslavement of Chinese of either sex

03-19-2012, 05:15 PM
And not pulling your head out of your ass is not going to help eitherIf you have nothing useful to say, I suggest you remain silent until you actually look at what is really going on.

But at the same time, I can't really blame you. Because I kind of remember myself seeing your ignorant comments of how Jews are so "innocent". Before I learned that Jews aren't so innocent after all.

That Jews promote and are behind multiculturalism in Europe, Canada and the U.S. is not conspiracy theories or something like that. It is facts.

03-19-2012, 05:16 PM
And not pulling your head out of your ass is not going to help either


03-19-2012, 05:19 PM
If you have nothing useful to say, I suggest you remain silent until you actually look at what is really going on.

But at the same time, I can't really blame you. Because I kind of remember myself seeing your ignorant comments of how Jews are so "innocent". Before I learned that Jews aren't so innocent after all.

That Jews promote and are behind multiculturalism in Europe, Canada and the U.S. is not conspiracy theories or something like that. It is facts.

You are a muslim and I do not see why would I take in consideration anything you say
You are not reading deeply what I write so stfu

You tell your Turkish friends not to come in Europe and than you might actually do something in that case

03-19-2012, 05:27 PM
Your ancestors started it. You can't hide behind "I didn't do anything".

I don't have a dog in this fight. I just dislike your hypocrisy.

What hypocrisy?
I stated:

I did not kill anyone.nor enslaved anyone.My Ancestors did.500 to 600 Years ago.
Plus Portugal was invaded many times before and the People sold as Slaves as well.
Some of my ancestors were sold as slaves to Germanic tribes by the Romans.
Yet I understand It was not the Italians.
You seem to suffer from the Phobia of an ex colonised People.
Actually If It was now I would make sure that all of them would be exterminated.

03-19-2012, 05:27 PM
You are a muslim and I do not see why would I take in consideration anything you say
You are not reading deeply what I write so stfu

You tell your Turkish friends not to come in Europe and than you might actually do something in that caseI'm far away from being Muslim. Neither of my parents were practicing Islam. Besides, I have always been against Anatolian Turkish immigration to Europe and other parts of this planet. I have said to many of them to actually leave Europe. Same with other people that do not belong in Europe.

Did I forget to mention that not only are there Muslims that are being killed by Jews? I'm speaking mainly of Christian Palestinians, Lebanese, Armenians and Syrians. YOUR Christian brethren's are being slaughtered be these warmongering big nosed KIKES.

03-19-2012, 05:29 PM
What hypocrisy?
I stated:

This hypocrisy:

Hope for the Future.Who's future?


http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsdPefaaHogWvCc9luC1HSiUkUoBXGY Wb3hpZa5S6nUOJumvrh

All of this Children will be among us Europeans in a close future.
While we Educate our children to be peaceful to respect everyone,etc.
Hate towards the Infidel(White man)is being taught to their children.
That's what the future have installed for us in our own Lands.
Our Children open minded and peaceful living side by side with fucking animals.

03-19-2012, 05:32 PM
Ironic since jews are some of the most passionate supporters of multiculturalism. It seems to be backfiring.

03-19-2012, 05:33 PM
Dude this forum with Mary posting whatever she likes here and inciting to crimes based on ethnicity and hiding herself is very dubious.
You guys should be more carefull about posting your in real life pictures.

03-19-2012, 05:40 PM
I have trouble deciding between whether this was a smart action or a pretty stupid one.

If he wanted to pick off a specific guy he could have done so nice and clean, infiltrate the area, and take him silently out without anyone noticing, and get away before the body's found. In that case he got scared and just shot random people in the school without thinking too much and ran away asap like an amateur.

If the target was not specific and was done for ideological reasons then this was a very smart move. Very smart in its simplicity. Stay at a relative distance, fire away at targets of opportunity then gtfo before the dust settles. Killings between strangers, where there is no clear motive, are very difficult to solve by the cops.

03-19-2012, 05:47 PM
I do no think that the shooter was muslim/arab/turk.
I think he was an european fanatic who wants to make muslims look like very evil,because he hates muslims a lot or something like that.

03-19-2012, 05:48 PM
Ironic since jews are some of the most passionate supporters of multiculturalism. It seems to be backfiring.

Not that this has anything with your post but,
I do not know are they the cause of immigrants but I started to think they are not more and more beacause of people like Mary who post clips ( similiar to that women speaking ) without thinking things through and taking things our of context.
She actually thinks that they will admit their agenda on TV.

Anyway when people think of multculturism they immediately think of africans, arabs, indians, chinese and mestizo instead of Poles living in GB, Croatians living in Czech Republic.... which also needs to be stopped.

People also like to think that Jews created European Union because of multiculturism but ironically it was Churchill who proposed the notion of European Union after the ww2 because of noble goal - stop wars among European nations.
When you mention to some biased man this he says that Churchill was a Jew.
I mean LOOOL and yes there are theories that he was Jewish.
Is that what some of you want to think, to think like smallmined...

03-19-2012, 05:55 PM
What is amazing is that some people say they are very concerned about the preservation of european race or of their specific european race and they did not even have 2 childrens...
But they advocate killing of non-europeans,muslims and so on.
If you are concerned about the conservation of your race you should take a partner of your race and have and raise at least 2 childrens.
Killing non-europeans,muslims and jews will not make the number of europeans to raise.

03-19-2012, 05:57 PM
How many childrens do you have Mary?

03-19-2012, 06:10 PM
Turns out that it was a bunch of neo-nazis. This is not good. FN & Nationalists will be blamed for this. Mark my words.

Let us hope this does not devolve into a Carpentras style shit storm.

03-19-2012, 06:16 PM
Turns out that it was a bunch of neo-nazis. This is not good. FN & Nationalists will be blamed for this. Mark my words.

Let us hope this does not devolve into a Carpentras style shit storm.

Do you have a link?

03-19-2012, 07:01 PM
This hypocrisy:

We are talking about the present and future.

"Explore the Past to
Understand the Present
and Shape the Future"

I'm not saying that 500 Years ago we did not educated our children to hate this or that one.
If we did, we don't do that any more.
It's like saying.WE BECOME CIVILIZED(More).
Time does not Stop nor wait for any one to keep up.

03-19-2012, 07:11 PM
We are talking about the present and future.

"Explore the Past to
Understand the Present
and Shape the Future"

I'm not saying that 500 Years ago we did not educated our children to hate this or that one.
If we did, we don't do that any more.
It's like saying.WE BECOME CIVILIZED(More).
Time does not Stop nor wait for any one to keep up.

So it was okay for you to do that (until 1975), but it's not okay for them to do the same thing?

Isn't that a double standard?

03-19-2012, 07:16 PM
Churchill who proposed the notion of European Union after the ww2 because of noble goal - stop wars among European nations.That's nonsense! If he wanted to stop wars in Europe, he wouldn't have attacked Germany for trying to take back land which were robbed and stolen by Poland. And how come Churchill did not wage war over Soviet for taking over Poland and other Eastern European countries? He didn't even lift a finger about it!

The Brittish were lied about going to war with Germany. The people did not want. Only Churchill and his stupid fellow Jews. Hitler had no intention to attack UK either.

European Union my ass. It's only a tool for the eternal Jew to steal more money. Greece among other nations such as Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland are good examples. Other nations will soon follow.

And now Croatia will join EU...

03-19-2012, 07:23 PM
So it was okay for you to do that (until 1975), but it's not okay for them to do the same thing?

Isn't that a double standard?

Do we do It NOW?

03-19-2012, 07:28 PM
Do we do It NOW?

You're condemning others as "morally inferior" for doing the same thing that you yourself used to do. Therefore it doesn't matter in my opinion.

03-19-2012, 07:28 PM
Your ancestors started it. You can't hide behind "I didn't do anything".

I don't have a dog in this fight. I just dislike your hypocrisy.

In case you didn't get the memo...

It's HIGHLY inappropriate to hold people accountable for the crimes of their ancestors. People ought be accountable only for their own crimes.

BTW, for this same reason, it's silly to take credit for the accomplishments of their ancestors too.

03-19-2012, 07:32 PM
Do you have a link?

I think that there is no link
He thinks that it was the work of neo-nazis because in the same area I think 2 weeks ago four french paratroopers were killed and all four of them were northern african and/or caribbean.

03-19-2012, 07:32 PM
In case you didn't get the memo...

It's HIGHLY inappropriate to hold people accountable for the crimes of their ancestors. People ought be accountable only for their own crimes.

BTW, for this same reason, it's silly to take credit for the accomplishments of your ancestors too.

Maybe other people don't see it that way?

03-19-2012, 07:32 PM
You're condemning others as "morally inferior" for doing the same thing that you yourself used to do. Therefore it doesn't matter in my opinion.

Yes they are morally inferior.

03-19-2012, 07:33 PM
I think that there is no link
He thinks that it was the work of neo-nazis because in the same area I think 2 weeks ago four french paratroopers were killed and all four of them were northern african and/or caribbean.

Okay, I see.

03-19-2012, 07:34 PM
Yes they are morally inferior.

How can they be morally inferior when they do the same thing you did?

03-19-2012, 07:34 PM
Do you have a link?

http://www.lepoint.fr/societe/exclusif-le-point-une-premiere-piste-dans-l-enquete-de-toulouse-19-03-2012-1442791_23.php#cb=f2401765543d46e&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lepoint.fr%2Ff6eb3ce6d0107 b&relation=parent&transport=postmessage&frame=f1d0a97a62f3731&error=unknown_user

03-19-2012, 07:38 PM
http://www.lepoint.fr/societe/exclusif-le-point-une-premiere-piste-dans-l-enquete-de-toulouse-19-03-2012-1442791_23.php#cb=f2401765543d46e&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lepoint.fr%2Ff6eb3ce6d0107 b&relation=parent&transport=postmessage&frame=f1d0a97a62f3731&error=unknown_user

03-19-2012, 07:41 PM
That's nonsense! If he wanted to stop wars in Europe, he wouldn't have attacked Germany for trying to take back land which were robbed and stolen by Poland. And how come Churchill did not wage war over Soviet for taking over Poland and other Eastern European countries? He didn't even lift a finger about it!

The Brittish were lied about going to war with Germany. The people did not want. Only Churchill and his stupid fellow Jews. Hitler had no intention to attack UK either.

European Union my ass. It's only a tool for the eternal Jew to steal more money. Greece among other nations such as Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland are good examples. Other nations will soon follow.

And now Croatia will join EU...

I am sorry, he proposed "United states of Europe":laugh:

03-19-2012, 07:43 PM
In case you didn't get the memo...

It's HIGHLY inappropriate to hold people accountable for the crimes of their ancestors. People ought be accountable only for their own crimes.

BTW, for this same reason, it's silly to take credit for the accomplishments of your ancestors too.

Maybe other people don't see it that way?

It's simple logic - independent of how one sees it. Guilty people are only those who actually committed the crime or aided and abbetted in it. Should I hold today's Mongolians guilty of their ancestors' slaughter of people in Baghdad, Kiev, and so forth? How can I, when all Mongolians alive today weren't even born at the time of their ancestor's slaughterings across Eurasia?

Guilt is not heritable. It's that simple.

03-19-2012, 07:43 PM
The ignorance being spouted by some posters in this thread is at one time hilarious, and also terrifying.

03-19-2012, 08:03 PM
How can they be morally inferior when they do the same thing you did?

Your problem is that you forget that they did It in the Past,Present and will continue to do It.
As for us.We moved forward.Forward thinking its crucial for any Society.

The Ripper
03-19-2012, 08:16 PM
http://www.lepoint.fr/societe/exclusif-le-point-une-premiere-piste-dans-l-enquete-de-toulouse-19-03-2012-1442791_23.php#cb=f2401765543d46e&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lepoint.fr%2Ff6eb3ce6d0107 b&relation=parent&transport=postmessage&frame=f1d0a97a62f3731&error=unknown_user

Une autre voie est également suivie par les policiers qui mènent les trois enquêtes, diligentées pour des faits qualifiés "d'assassinats et tentatives d'assassinat en lien avec une entreprise terroriste". Les forces de l'ordre seraient sur la piste d'un ou plusieurs hommes qui pourraient être des professionnels organisés. Ils auraient cherché à punir la "trahison" de soldats maghrébins intervenus en Afghanistan, d'une part, et à venger d'autre part le peuple palestinien en attaquant le collège juif de Toulouse. Rien, à ce stade, ne permet encore de confirmer l'une ou l'autre de ces hypothèses.

Nothing is certain, they have no evidence as of yet.

03-19-2012, 08:25 PM
...Or some wacko who thinks that Jews/Zionists rule the world and NATO spreads Zionism and the "Jew-disease" across the globe. We even have a few people like that in this forum (RoyBatty).


Western Countries & Banks are Jew controlled so there's no secret at all about whose interests NATO and Western countries serve, lol :D

Now you on the other hand go around claiming that Estonia is a "Nordic" country. That is in the realm of the insane, nerdboy. :rolleyes:

03-19-2012, 09:03 PM

Western Countries & Banks are Jew controlled so there's no secret at all about whose interests NATO and Western countries serve, lol :D

Now you on the other hand go around claiming that Estonia is a "Nordic" country. That is in the realm of the insane, nerdboy. :rolleyes:

Every single of your posts contains insults and conspiracy theories, it's not possible to have any discussion with you.

03-19-2012, 09:13 PM
Hope for the Future.Who's future?


http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsdPefaaHogWvCc9luC1HSiUkUoBXGY Wb3hpZa5S6nUOJumvrh

All of this Children will be among us Europeans in a close future.
While we Educate our children to be peaceful to respect everyone,etc.
Hate towards the Infidel(White man)is being taught to their children.
That's what the future have installed for us in our own Lands.
Our Children open minded and peaceful living side by side with fucking animals.

The future of all human beings.

There is never an acceptable reason to kill a child. I don't care if it's Hitler's child or Mother Theresa's child, quite frankly.

The Ripper
03-19-2012, 09:23 PM
French police are linking the shootings of four people at a Jewish school in Toulouse to the killings of three soldiers of North African descent in two separate incidents last week.

The same gun and the same stolen scooter were used in all three attacks, sources close to the investigation say.

A teacher and three children were shot dead at the Ozar Hatorah school, and a teenage boy was seriously injured.

One of the biggest manhunts in France in recent times is now under way.

Investigations are pursuing two principal lines of inquiry: an Islamist motive or the far right.


The Lawspeaker
03-19-2012, 09:50 PM
How many soldiers do you command right now? E-warriors do not count.

Will you be commanding a platoon of armed soldiers any time soon? Probably not.

So until that happens, I'll bet my money on scooter guy.
We need the right politicians in office. I hope that next time the scooter guy gets you. Wat gij niet wilt dat u geschied..

03-19-2012, 09:53 PM
hate brings only destruction,nothing good ever comes of hate

03-19-2012, 10:51 PM
I can´t really believe that we´re discussing if killing random children is good or not.
I thought people in this forum were kind of "normal" compared with other sites but it seems I was wrong.

The Lawspeaker
03-19-2012, 10:53 PM
I hope it will be some Islamist. Not a far-righter.

The Ripper
03-19-2012, 10:55 PM
I hope it will be some Islamist. Not a far-righter.

Could be neither.

03-19-2012, 11:41 PM
I've already posted this passage of Scripture on other threads, but it won't hurt to repeat it again, since it applies here:

19) “Yet you say, ‘Why should the son not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity?’ When the son has practiced justice and righteousness and has observed all My statutes and done them, he shall surely live.

20) The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.

Ezekiel 18:19-20, New American Standard Bible

It is PROFOUNDLY un-Christian to approve of the murder of young children, who were responsible for nothing more than playing with their toys.

03-19-2012, 11:45 PM
Only the truly deranged kill children.

The Lawspeaker
03-19-2012, 11:49 PM
If they would ever find the culprit the French and EU should look at the other way when the police puts a bullet in the back of his head.

03-20-2012, 02:32 AM
Anyway when people think of multculturism they immediately think of africans, arabs, indians, chinese and mestizo instead of Poles living in GB, Croatians living in Czech Republic.... which also needs to be stopped.

I agree with you, it doesn't matter to me if it's a blonde Pole moving to the UK or a black Colombian going to the US... People who escape their country when things go wrong instead of staying and trying to fix things up and make them work don't deserve any respect at all. From a selfish POV is good for us because we get rid of the rats but sadly other countries have to pay for it which is not fair. Funny thing is those hypocrites pretend to be more patriot than anybody else lol.

People also like to think that Jews created European Union because of multiculturism but ironically it was Churchill who proposed the notion of European Union after the ww2 because of noble goal - stop wars among European nations.
When you mention to some biased man this he says that Churchill was a Jew.
I mean LOOOL and yes there are theories that he was Jewish.
Is that what some of you want to think, to think like smallmined...

I don't know if Jews had something to do with the EU (I don't think so) but they have a lot to do with multiculturalism because after WW2 the bastards got extremely paranoid so everytime some action is taken against immigrants or minorities they think they will be next. That's why they thought that by implementing multiculti tactics their asses would be safe but they were wrong -at least in Europe- because muslims (regardless of race/country) are the biggest immigrant group in the old continent, and those fuckers hate joos even more than nazis did.

03-20-2012, 09:22 AM

Could be a former serviceman.

The Ripper
03-20-2012, 09:59 AM
Apparently they've released the initial ex-military "nazi"-suspects, who were discharged in 2008.

The Ripper
03-20-2012, 11:02 AM
Apparently they've released the initial ex-military "nazi"-suspects, who were discharged in 2008.

Correction, one of them. He was released because is significantly taller than the shooter.

03-20-2012, 03:18 PM
I can´t really believe that we´re discussing if killing random children is good or not.
I thought people in this forum were kind of "normal" compared with other sites but it seems I was wrong.

You sir, are dead on, balls accurate in this statement.

Bravo for this display of humanity

03-20-2012, 03:37 PM
This is a picture of one of the children murdered. Her name was Miriam Monsonego. She was 8 years old.

http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f220/stonedeurydice/pheno/408375_10151410616920514_546630513_23620344_190850 581_n.jpg

03-20-2012, 03:44 PM
This is a picture of one of the children murdered. Her name was Miriam Monsonego. She was 8 years old.

http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f220/stonedeurydice/pheno/408375_10151410616920514_546630513_23620344_190850 581_n.jpg

"Ironically" she looks like an Aryan posterkid . Poor girl

03-20-2012, 03:46 PM
This is a picture of one of the children murdered. Her name was Miriam Monsonego. She was 8 years old.

http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f220/stonedeurydice/pheno/408375_10151410616920514_546630513_23620344_190850 581_n.jpg


Sometimes, I really hate people.

She was a beautiful child, and now my heart is broken. :(

03-20-2012, 03:51 PM

Sometimes, I really hate people.

She was a beautiful child, and now my heart is broken. :(

I know. I burst into tears when I saw this picture.

03-20-2012, 03:52 PM



03-20-2012, 03:55 PM
I know. I burst into tears when I saw this picture.

What the hell is wrong with people?:(:(

How could anyone hurt a little kid just to make some faggoty ass political statement????

03-20-2012, 04:03 PM
What the hell is wrong with people?:(:(

How could anyone hurt a little kid just to make some faggoty ass political statement????

I wouldn't call it a political statement. It's an act of absolute evil. Non-negotiable.

03-20-2012, 04:05 PM
I wouldn't call it a political statement. It's an act of absolute evil. Non-negotiable.


Things like this are beyond my comprehension. The fact some people actually excuse this atrocity makes me sick beyond measure:(

03-20-2012, 05:21 PM
I'd love to say I'm surprised that people in this forum are excusing the murder of children, but ever since July last year I know that there are sick, twisted sub-human Nutzi scum creeping around on this forum, spreading their ideological manure which justifies child murder and terrorism.

These weak minded, spineless cowards cheer and praise these mindless, cowardly acts, and they don't even have the guts to face their opponents on an online forum without harassing them. I and other members can speak from experience on this subject.

The NS members on this forum were cheering and calling Breivik a hero until they found out he was pro-Zionist, and then they of course started talking about how it was all the fault of "de Joooos", as they are doing in this thread. :rolleyes2:

A lot of right-wing extremists would obsess over the pro-Israel bit, but were quick to forget the Christian extremist bit where Breivik wanted to create a Catholic theocracy with him as the leader.

In any case, this tragedy immediately got me thinking about what happened here last summer, and I was worried it might be some kind of copycat.

The murder of children is never acceptable. No real human being kills defenceless children, and no real man would kill anyone who couldn't defend themselves.

03-20-2012, 05:27 PM
As for execution of the convicted, I give my answer here on the threadDeath Penalty...For or Against (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=446). ( Post 176. (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showpost.php?p=786062&postcount=176))

03-20-2012, 05:43 PM
I'd love to say I'm surprised that people in this forum are excusing the murder of children, but ever since July last year I know that there are sick, twisted sub-human Nutzi scum creeping around on this forum, spreading their ideological manure which justifies child murder and terrorism.

These weak minded, spineless cowards cheer and praise these mindless, cowardly acts, and they don't even have the guts to face their opponents on an online forum without harassing them. I and other members can speak from experience on this subject.

The NS members on this forum were cheering and calling a Breivik a hero until they found out he was pro-Zionist, and then they of course started talking about how it was all the fault of "de Joooos", as they are doing in this thread. :rolleyes2:

A lot of right-wing extremists would obsess over the pro-Israel bit, but were quick to forget the Christian extremist bit where Breivik wanted to create a Catholic theocracy with him as the leader.

In any case, this tragedy immediately got me thinking about what happened here last summer, and I was worried it might be some kind of copycat.

The murder of children is never acceptable. No real human being kills defenceless children, and no real man would kill anyone who couldn't defend themselves.

Beautifully stated.

Is it any wonder why more and more people are renouncing all forms of religion anymore:rolleyes:

03-21-2012, 02:05 AM
I'd love to say I'm surprised that people in this forum are excusing the murder of children, but ever since July last year I know that there are sick, twisted sub-human Nutzi scum creeping around on this forum, spreading their ideological manure which justifies child murder and terrorism.

These weak minded, spineless cowards cheer and praise these mindless, cowardly acts, and they don't even have the guts to face their opponents on an online forum without harassing them. I and other members can speak from experience on this subject.

The NS members on this forum were cheering and calling a Breivik a hero until they found out he was pro-Zionist, and then they of course started talking about how it was all the fault of "de Joooos", as they are doing in this thread. :rolleyes2:

A lot of right-wing extremists would obsess over the pro-Israel bit, but were quick to forget the Christian extremist bit where Breivik wanted to create a Catholic theocracy with him as the leader.

In any case, this tragedy immediately got me thinking about what happened here last summer, and I was worried it might be some kind of copycat.

The murder of children is never acceptable. No real human being kills defenceless children, and no real man would kill anyone who couldn't defend themselves.

Anders Breivik inspired himself from racial politics of USA and he is a very ardent zionist.
Those people who were shoot by Breivik had there banners with "Boikott Israel" written on them.

How do I know the one who did the shooting is not a fanatic zionist/judaist?
I can not know because the way of acting is similar to that who killed the iranian scientists.

03-21-2012, 03:44 AM
This is a horrible evil tragedy. In New York City(USA) jewish schools were given extra security. I would say that reaction is slightly excessive. Its horrible whenever someone is murdered regardless of their age or ethnic origin. The fact these are children and the fact they are jewish doesn't make it more horrible or less horrible than if it were people of other ages or ethnic origins. It's important to let the grieving people mourn their dead in a dignified way and this should not be made into a media spectacle.

03-21-2012, 05:13 AM
Toulouse shooting: police corner suspect in pre-dawn raid

A French police special forces unit hunting an anti-Semitic serial killer launched a pre-dawn raid on Wednesday on a house where a man claiming Al-Qaeda ties was holed up, police sources said.


The Lawspeaker
03-21-2012, 08:45 AM
Thank fuck it's an Islamist. I hope they won't arrest him but simply shoot him on sight.

03-21-2012, 08:52 AM
Haha. And the goddamn media was jumping into conclusions about how it could be a soldier of Nazi convictions who got booted out of the army.

03-21-2012, 08:53 AM
Thank fuck it's an Islamist. I hope they won't arrest him but simply shoot him on sight.

Even it it had not been an Islamist....I still would have voted to shoot the MoFo on sight:thumb001:

03-21-2012, 10:33 AM
What a coward act, this bastard should be punished...

The Ripper
03-21-2012, 10:40 AM
Called it!

The Lawspeaker
03-21-2012, 11:29 AM
Finally.. some good news:

He stopped (http://www.rtl.nl/%28/actueel/rtlnieuws/%29/components/actueel/rtlnieuws/2012/03_maart/21/buitenland/verdachte-schoolmoorden-toulouse-onderhandelt-niet-meer.xml) negotiating with the authorities (according to the Dutch press). I hope the French will move in and blow his ugly head off.

03-21-2012, 11:35 AM
Americans bet it was right wingers along with the media... Haha... I think everyone in Europe actually had quite a strong feeling this was done by muslims....

Contra Mundum
03-21-2012, 11:40 AM
Haha. And the goddamn media was jumping into conclusions about how it could be a soldier of Nazi convictions who got booted out of the army.

Yes, that's what I was hearing as well from the media.

Anyway, if a Muslim shot up a Christian church, the Jews would probably be defending him and labeling those wanting justice as Islamophobes.

03-21-2012, 11:46 AM
I thought it could've gone either way: either a native French extremist or a Muslim extremist. Prior to July last year I would've said it was a Muslim 100%. After what happened, I confess the thought of copycats entered my mind. It's not such an absurd thought. We've seen Muslim extremists wanting to copy other Muslim extremists.

03-21-2012, 12:18 PM
Toulouse suspect was 'in sights' of French authorities


A source close to the investigation of the Toulouse terror attack in France announced on Wednesday that Mohammed Merah, 24, the suspect who is under siege in a Toulouse house over the murder of four Jews at the Ozar Hatorah school, is a French citizen of Algerian descent.

One official told AFP that the suspect had been "in the sights" of France's intelligence agency after two previous attacks, which led police to bring in more "crucial evidence".

They say the suspect was arrested in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in 2010 for unspecified, but not terrorist-related, criminal acts and also has a criminal record in France.

Gueant said the 24-year-old suspect had spoken to officers through the door of his apartment, and declared himself to be a "mujaheedeen" or Islamic warrior fighting to avenge Palestinian children killed in the conflict with Israel.

"He has links with people involved in Jihadism and Salafism," he added, referring to two strains of Muslim thought that have influenced Al-Qaeda.


03-21-2012, 12:19 PM
Religion is the worst thing that has come to this world.

03-21-2012, 12:22 PM
Religion is the worst thing that has come to this world.

Wrong, Muslims are the worst thing, Islam is not a religion it is a terrorist death cult.

The Ripper
03-21-2012, 12:26 PM
I thought it could've gone either way: either a native French extremist or a Muslim extremist. Prior to July last year I would've said it was a Muslim 100%. After what happened, I confess the thought of copycats entered my mind. It's not such an absurd thought. We've seen Muslim extremists wanting to copy other Muslim extremists.

I think shoddy and sensationalist journalism made the far right motive seem likelier than it was. The details of the first shooting indicated that the shooter could not have known the ethnic origin of his victim when scheduling the appointment to buy the motorcycle. The victim did not use his (Arabic) name in the sale ad but did identify as a soldier, making it seem more likely that the gunman was targeting soldiers in general, not soldiers with immigrant backgrounds specifically.

03-21-2012, 12:35 PM
Wrong, Muslims are the worst thing, Islam is not a religion it is a terrorist death cult.
It is you that is wrong.
I would take a big dump on islam orthodox christians mormons and all religions, they are all big pile of shit.

Your hate for islam is inspired soley from your love of another religion, (i suppose) wich is the same shit source of all problems. so is the same pile of shit that i dont like to discuss nor try to make sense to.

03-21-2012, 12:44 PM
12.35 Christian Etelin, a lawyer who has previously represented Merah, described his former client as a "polite and courteous" man. Mr Etelin told the channel BFMTV that Merah was "gentle and courteous - certainly not a fanatic". He said his client had served a prison sentence for "a common crime" after snatching a bag from someone in a bank.The lawyer, who has defended Merah over various petty crimes since 2004, said: The situation and what I know of his personality, with certain fragile aspects, leads me to fear unpredictable behaviour.


03-21-2012, 12:44 PM
It is you that is wrong.
I would take a big dump on islam orthodox christians mormons and all religions, they are all big pile of shit.

Your hate for islam is inspired soley from your love of another religion, (i suppose) wich is the same shit source of all problems. so is the same pile of shit that i dont like to discuss nor try to make sense to.

Most atheists are either homosexuals or self-hating white liberals of a particularly rabid strain.

There are also a small number of atheists who do not fit into either of those 2 categories, in your case being an Albanian who rejects his Muslim past.

The Lawspeaker
03-21-2012, 12:51 PM
Most atheists are either homosexuals or self-hating white liberals of a particularly rabid strain.

You are officially an idiot. Here you go:


This is your Idiot Certificate. From now on you are an officially licensed Idiot.

The Lawspeaker
03-21-2012, 12:58 PM
Such a damn fucking shame: he is negotiating again.

03-21-2012, 12:59 PM
You are officially an idiot. Here you go:

<content removed>

This is a spam post and a personal attack.

This is not allowed in the high brow section.

The Lawspeaker
03-21-2012, 01:00 PM
This is a spam post and a personal attack.

This is not allowed in the high brow section.
What you did was just that. Most people here are not religious and they don't just care about religion.

Let's see: most people here are neither homosexual or liberal self-haters so that makes you, with your statement, an official Idiot.

03-21-2012, 01:11 PM
Most atheists are either homosexuals or self-hating white liberals of a particularly rabid strain.

There are also a small number of atheists who do not fit into either of those 2 categories, in your case being an Albanian who rejects his Muslim past.
You talking like a brainwashed person that some priest had you on his lap convincing you that this is the only way of cattegorizing people that reject his peddifile teachings.

No, one does not have to be a fag nor a liberal to say fuck all religions.
Because i'm neither. I believe in my culture and my heritage, and i oppose race mixing.

03-21-2012, 01:16 PM
You talking like a brainwashed person that some priest had you on his lap convincing you that this is the only way of cattegorizing people that reject his peddifile teachings.

Protestants don't have Priests. Your spelling could use improvement also. :lightbul:

The Lawspeaker
03-21-2012, 01:18 PM
Protestants don't have Priests. Your spelling could use improvement also. :lightbul:
He is a non-native speaker and in some languages there is no distinction between the functions in religions.

The Ripper
03-21-2012, 01:18 PM
Protestants don't have Priests.

Queen B
03-21-2012, 01:22 PM
Most atheists are either homosexuals or self-hating white liberals of a particularly rabid strain.

There are also a small number of atheists who do not fit into either of those 2 categories, in your case being an Albanian who rejects his Muslim past.

I am neither homosexual, nor a self-hating white liberal.

03-21-2012, 01:27 PM
Protestants don't have Priests. Your spelling could use improvement also. :lightbul:As i predicted, your hate for islam is soley motivated by the love of another religion.
Therefore your reasoning is blind, which causes more deaths of innocent children, muslims christians etc
As i stated, is the same pile of shit.

The Ripper
03-21-2012, 01:28 PM
As i predicted, your hate for islam is soley motivated by the love of another religion.
Therefore your reasoning is blind, which causes more deaths of innocent children, muslims christians etc
As i stated, is the same pile of shit.


The Lawspeaker
03-21-2012, 01:32 PM
Hackett loves those whose noses are bigger then what's down below. :wink

03-21-2012, 01:36 PM
As i predicted, your hate for islam is soley motivated by the love of another religion.

I actually don't hate Islam or Muslims. They can't help being the animals that they are, it's in their genes to be like that. Who I do hate are the radical-leftists and self-hating white liberals who important these violent Jihadists and their 7th century death cult into Western countries.

France (in particular) is paying for this now, this Toulouse incident is just the beginning.

03-21-2012, 01:44 PM
You talking like a brainwashed person that some priest had you on his lap convincing you that this is the only way of cattegorizing people that reject his peddifile teachings.

No, one does not have to be a fag nor a liberal to say fuck all religions.
Because i'm neither. I believe in my culture and my heritage, and i oppose race mixing.

It's generally not the religion themselves that cause the problems, rather the people who abuse the knowledge in the religions for sick ends; Greed, power is the motivation and sheeple are the pawns.

The knowledge from Religions has also been used for good.

03-21-2012, 01:44 PM

What i'm saying is that religion causes deaths of innocent children.

Like in this case, a muslim killed three children, according to the news, to revenge the killings of other muslim children.
Now, can we say with a straight face that muslim children have not being killed soley becuase they were muslims, in the past?!

So hating islam soley because you love another religion, its like adding fuel to the fire, same shit source of all problems i said.

So yes, fuck all religious lunatics i say.

The Ripper
03-21-2012, 01:47 PM
What i'm saying is that religion causes deaths of innocent children.

Like in this case, a muslim killed three children, according to the news, to revenge the killings of other muslim children.
Now, can we say with a straight face that muslim children have not being killed soley becuase they were muslims, in the past?!

So hating islam soley because you love another religion, its like adding fuel to the fire, same shit source of all problems i said.

So yes, fuck all religious lunatics i say.

You jumped to some pretty wild conclusions about a poster based on a couple of words that in no way seem to validate your extreme assessment.

03-21-2012, 01:52 PM
What i'm saying is that religion causes deaths of innocent children.

Like in this case, a muslim killed three children, according to the news, to revenge the killings of other muslim children.
Now, can we say with a straight face that muslim children have not being killed soley becuase they were muslims, in the past?!

So hating islam soley because you love another religion, its like adding fuel to the fire, same shit source of all problems i said.

So yes, fuck all religious lunatics i say.

Fuck the hegemony lunatics I say.

Then again if the old Western powers were not subjugating the world, the old Eastern powers will. Then the pay back on the innocents in the West will be of gargantuan results.

Pray for ragnarok to end them all. :thumb001:

03-21-2012, 01:56 PM
It's generally not the religion themselves that cause the problems, rather the people who abuse the knowledge in the religions for sick ends; Greed, power is the motivation and sheeple are the pawns.

The knowledge from Religions has also been used for good.May I add also that saying fuck all religions does not make one automatically an atheist!
I believe that ditching all the religious sects and the preachings of all lunatics of all religions today, is the best way to god, if suppose there's a god:D

03-21-2012, 02:04 PM
You jumped to some pretty wild conclusions about a poster based on a couple of words that in no way seem to validate your extreme assessment.Well maybe! But i said that i was guessing, then he turns around and sort of validates it by preaching his protestant faith:D
Or am i totally off here!?

03-21-2012, 02:50 PM
This shit happens all the time in Gaza and no one gives a damn.

03-21-2012, 03:02 PM
This shit happens all the time in Gaza and no one gives a damn.

True, but two wrongs don't make a right.

03-21-2012, 03:07 PM
True, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Agreed, but what I hate is hypocrisy..we never hear of children dying in Palestine, but when a Jew dies it's the Holocaust all over again,gimme a break.

03-21-2012, 03:17 PM
Agreed, but what I hate is hypocrisy..we never hear of children dying in Palestine, but when a Jew dies it's the Holocaust all over again,gimme a break.

It´s more like it happened in France rather than if the kids were jews or buddists.

There are loads of bombings everyday in Irak, Afganistan... but when they happen in Europe (Madrid, London...) we see them in the news 24/7

03-21-2012, 03:46 PM
This shit happens all the time in Gaza and no one gives a damn.

Some people care about that.
Look at this movie made mostly by some norwegians:
(Tears of gaza).
Also Finland sent there some troops to try to prevent judaist fanatics from army of Israel to do unhuman acts.
Finland is a small country they are not in NATO and they were not afraid to send troops there.
Rusia is a big power,but they do not care about palestinians,in fact I think a lot from Russia leaders are actually glad that palestinians are exterminated,cause they tryed to do same with muslims near them.
Because Rusia also is lead by some fanatic judaists.
I might be wrong,but I do not see Rusia doing anything to help palestinians.
And not all palestinians are muslims some are christians.

03-21-2012, 03:54 PM
The actual embargo on Iran might be just a trickery made by Russia and Israel,so Russia remains main supplier of natural gases and oil to Europe and they can put whatever prices they like.
Did you noticed that a lot of Russia bilionaires are jewish,like Abramovich?
Abramovich is a good friend of mister Putin.

03-21-2012, 03:58 PM
They never gave a shit when the other minorities died,but once one of god's chosen were attacked they went ape shit and every jewish school guarded.

I don't believe in any jewish conspiracy,but this special treatment must end.

03-21-2012, 04:02 PM
As I wrote somewhere else,Mother of God,most of Holy Apostles were galileans and not jews (judeans).
There were 2 kind of hebrews when God Jesus Christ was born as a human,galileans,from Galilea which overlap with today Palestine,mostly and Judeea which overlaps with today Israel mostly.
No one knows if palestinians are not galileans mixed with arabs to which arabs imposed an arabic language.
Some jews made some genetic testing and they tell palestnians are actually galileans.

The interpretation with hebrews being "God chosen" were forgeries made by blind fanatic judeans which God Jesus Christ showed their blindness and dumbness and the fact their interpretations were wrong.
All people are God's people.
Racism and despising other people was very present at jews/judeans.
You will see that jews have on paternal DNA R1a,R1B,I,J and E but no other haplogrups.
The hatred against mongs comes from jews,who consider mongs sub-humans.

03-21-2012, 04:05 PM
I see the Euro-weenie Muslim Apologist Brigade are (once again) out in full force showing support for this murderous animal.

03-21-2012, 04:23 PM
I see the Euro-weenie Muslim Apologist Brigade are (once again) out in full force showing support for this murderous animal.

I think you do not understand,people here are not showing support for the killer but telling that same treatment should be applyed to killers who are citisens of Israel and most of them of judaist religion and who are killing innocent palestian kids and women.
Who are free and maybe continue with their atrocities.

03-21-2012, 05:07 PM
I see the Euro-weenie Muslim Apologist Brigade are (once again) out in full force showing support for this murderous animal.

Get lost, troll. Have some respect. Children were killed, and yet all you can do is troll this thread with your nonsense.

03-21-2012, 05:40 PM
Get lost, troll. Have some respect. Children were killed, and yet all you can do is troll this thread with your nonsense.

The voice of Islamic Norway has been noted. http://i.imgur.com/FR3Wq.gif

03-21-2012, 05:51 PM
The voice of Islamic Norway has been noted. http://i.imgur.com/FR3Wq.gif

You're the example of a dumb right-winger from America.

03-21-2012, 05:52 PM
I say Europe is no place for both Muslims and Jews.

The Lawspeaker
03-21-2012, 06:01 PM
You're the example of a dumb right-winger from America.
Yap. The prototype inbred redneck

03-21-2012, 06:04 PM
The voice of Islamic Norway has been noted. http://i.imgur.com/FR3Wq.gif

I have nothing to say to you, and you have obviously nothing intelligent to contribute to this thread, so goodbye.

03-21-2012, 07:01 PM
Mohammed Merah on Wikipedia


03-21-2012, 07:39 PM
This shit happens all the time in Gaza and no one gives a damn.

I do:(

All children matter to me. Many people on this forum poke fun at me for feeling this way, but I don't give a rats' ass about that, lol

Sadly, the shit that happens in Gaza just doesn't get the same coverage here in the US.

I wonder why:rolleyes:


03-21-2012, 07:44 PM
I say Europe is no place for both Muslims and Jews.

Try telling that to them. The world would be a quieter place if they blew each other to perdition. :coffee:

03-21-2012, 07:53 PM
Mohammed Merah on Wikipedia


A lone wolf operator? A Faux News radio blurb said the shooter had ties to our favorite faceless boogeymen al-Qaeda but I didn't really buy it. The underwear bomber in the U.S. was said to have al-Qaeda ties too... :coffee:


03-21-2012, 08:07 PM
Try telling that to them. The world would be a quieter place if they blew each other to perdition. :coffee:

Imagine some superpower invaded your country to steal it's resources rather to find this imaginary terrorist and those imaginary weapons of mass destruction, wouldn't you be pissed off?

03-21-2012, 08:11 PM
Imagine some superpower invaded your country to steal it's resources rather to find this imaginary terrorist and those imaginary weapons of mass destruction, wouldn't you be pissed off?

Saracens have been pissed-off 14 centuries.

03-21-2012, 08:23 PM
Saracens have been pissed-off 14 centuries.

Well yeah they always had a pissed off attitude hahah.

03-21-2012, 08:32 PM
Imagine some superpower invaded your country to steal it's resources rather to find this imaginary terrorist and those imaginary weapons of mass destruction, wouldn't you be pissed off?

Some companies/people from USA are stealing also romanian people resources,but I am not upset on USA.
As about those people/companies,I would rather see them puting those money they steal in some usefull projects to romanian people,or give back than those people thrown in jail and money lost.
Killing civilian innocents from USA becos some other idiots from USA did some bad against your people is not right in any way and does not bring what those people steal back either or those people who died from ur people.
Same with hebrews.

03-21-2012, 08:47 PM
People DO care about Gazan children, including many Israelis who accept thousands of Palestinians who risk their lives to smuggle themselves into Israel. They are innocent victims of the entire situation. ESPECIALLY the acts of their own government, Hamas, which floods their little heads with vicious, brain-washing propaganda. I've seen Hamas TV and the goings-on at Palestinian summer camps for kids. It's horrifying. Hamas and the PA need to care about their children.

03-21-2012, 09:34 PM
And hebrews have not their heads filled with propaganda from their rabis and told they are fighting some holy war for God?
Cause I can not explain otherwise that picture with hebrew childrens writing things on those rockets.

03-21-2012, 09:41 PM
And hebrews have not their heads filled with propaganda from their rabis and told they are fighting some holy war for God?
Cause I can not explain otherwise that picture with hebrew childrens writing things on those rockets.

There are bad people on both sides. Some Israelis believe they are fighting some sort of holy war, but the ones that I know are mainly sick of being surrounded by people who openly declare the desire to wipe them off the face of the Earth.

Most of the evil on both sides comes from the governments and their influence. The vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians get along just fine and make conscious effort to build bridges. I have witnessed it myself.

03-21-2012, 09:45 PM


That's all I have to say.

The Ripper
03-21-2012, 09:48 PM
How long is this stand off going to go on? The French are holding on better than I thought. They still haven't surrendered. :D

J/K please no one take offense.

Anyway, turns out the stories about Merah being imprisoned in Afghanistan are / might be baloney. Conflicting media reports seems to be the theme of the day.

03-21-2012, 10:00 PM
Pehaps someone already said why but why would Al-quaida kill three of four fench partroopers of northern african descent who were probably muslims if these killings are related?

To frame local population or what?

03-21-2012, 10:04 PM
Fuck'n idiot


The Ripper
03-21-2012, 10:06 PM
Pehaps someone already said why but why would Al-quaida kill three of four fench partroopers of northern african descent who were probably muslims if these killings are related?

To frame local population or what?

Many in the army have immigrant background, so probably a coincidence. At least in the first shooting. They were killed because they were soldiers. And seriously, why wouldn't a Muslim terrorist want to kill Muslims who serve in a NATO uniform?

03-21-2012, 10:15 PM
Many in the army have immigrant background, so probably a coincidence. At least in the first shooting. They were killed because they were soldiers. And seriously, why wouldn't a Muslim terrorist want to kill Muslims who serve in a NATO uniform?

I know, but it is still coincidence that all three were probably muslims

So, did they say for sure are these murders related? ( paratroopers and jewish children )

03-21-2012, 10:21 PM
Fuck'n idiot


You referrring to me
if yes why?

I am using iphone and therefore I cant open the video and I can not be sure if your post has anything to do with my previous post

03-21-2012, 10:26 PM
I know, but it is still coincidence that all three were probably muslims

So, did they say for sure are these murders related? ( paratroopers and jewish children )

The police have determined that the same gun was used in both incidents.

03-21-2012, 10:56 PM
How long is this stand off going to go on? The French are holding on better than I thought. They still haven't surrendered. :D

I hope it stop asap with police killin' him but don't expect since Sarkozy has stated he wanted him alive.

Who knows why?

maybe because Sarkozy is jewish and is ready to sacrifice other cops in order to make this Mohammed spit out potential accomplices?

he should stay out this affair imho and let the police chief giving the orders.

03-21-2012, 10:57 PM
The police have determined that the same gun was used in both incidents.

Thank you

I just read on wiki his motivations
I thought that muslims killed their own in the first attack so the people start to blame local french citizens because it was strange for me that people who died in the first attack were non-french and two were muslims.

Anyway I am glad it was some foreigner rather than local native french population.

03-21-2012, 11:20 PM
I hope it stop asap with police killin' him but don't expect since Sarkozy has stated he wanted him alive.

Who knows why?
Indeed, the authorities want him to be taken alive.

Because being killed in action would make him a hero and a martyr.

A trial will make him just a loser.

I thought that muslims killed their own in the first attack so the people start to blame local french citizens because it was strange for me that people who died in the first attack were non-french and two were muslims.

No. The first victim were coloured soldiers, one Negro and two Arabs (one of them being converted to Christianity BTW) because they were seen as traitors.

03-21-2012, 11:39 PM

That's all I have to say.

The video is telling a lot of things about what some fanatic zionists are doing.

03-22-2012, 01:35 AM
You referrring to me
if yes why?

I am using iphone and therefore I cant open the video and I can not be sure if your post has anything to do with my previous post

Hell no, heheheh.
I was refering to the Toulouse wako. At home, you'll see the video, the first images of the madman.

03-22-2012, 03:10 AM
Savage and Limbaugh were all over this today and it was Savage who pointed out (on Monday) that the initial reports of the shooter being a white power fruitcake type were total bullshit- he correctly said just who and what the shooter is and lambasted the media's dragging its feet to report the guy as a raghead.

Hopefully this'll give National Front a boost in popularity.

03-22-2012, 06:07 AM
ADL: 24% of French harbor anti-Semitic attitudes

Levels of anti-Semitism up in 9 out of 10 European countries, poll shows; nearly half those polled believe Jews more loyal to Israel.

Nearly a quarter of French citizens still show anti-Semitic attitudes, the Anti-Defamation League revealed in a new poll published on Tuesday.

The findings were released a day after the brutal murder of three children and a rabbi in front of a Jewish school in Toulouse, France.


03-22-2012, 08:53 AM
Can't the cops just throw some sleeping gas canisters and then go grab him already, since the want him alive?

03-22-2012, 01:15 PM
President Nicolas Sarkozy warned that those who visit extremist websites will be severely punished:

France has shown its indignation and grit but has not allowed anger to take over.

The Muslim faith has nothing to do with the insane acts of this man. Before targeting Jewish children, he targeted other Muslims.

We must be implacable in defending our values. We will not allow this ideology to affect us.

From now on, any person who habitually consults websites that advocate terrorism or that call for hatred and violence will be punished by the law.

France will not tolerate forced recruitment or ideological indoctrination on its soil.

Toulouse siege: live - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/9157126/Toulouse-siege-live.html)

The Ripper
03-22-2012, 01:17 PM
Awesome. Anyway, French members, was nice knowing you. :rolleyes:

Jon Snow
03-22-2012, 01:37 PM
President Nicolas Sarkozy warned that those who visit extremist websites will be severely punished:

From now on, any person who habitually consults websites that advocate terrorism or that call for hatred and violence will be punished by the law.

Wow, what the fuck...?

First Sarkozy demands that the French intermarry with the immigrant invaders "or there will be consequences", and now this.

03-22-2012, 01:38 PM
The Muslim faith has nothing to do with the insane acts of this man. Before targeting Jewish children, he targeted other Muslims.

Head meet sand.
Sand meet head.


Clearly if this man had ties to al-Qaeda then al-Qaeda's Wahhabism is most certainly related to the Muslim faith. Afaik al-Qaeda represents Wahhabism in its purest and most ignorant form.

Sarko is just an idiot and wants to continue the status-quo of turning the French, bit by bit, into dhimmis, licking the boots of the Islamics, Jews, and other invasive groups. God forbid if the leader of France actually cared about future well-being of his native countrymen, can't have that.

The Ripper
03-22-2012, 01:40 PM
Head meet sand.
Sand meet head.


This is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict brought home. It's more than just "hurr durr evil islamofascists derpaherp".

03-22-2012, 01:46 PM
This is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict brought home. It's more than just "hurr durr evil islamofascists derpaherp".

That's the usual excuse isn't it? "Freedom for Palestine" is sort of a contrived excuse for saracen-induced violence, which begins to look questionable after you hear it a zillion times from a zillion different sets of lips. :eek:

Being a total coward and shooting little kids is easier to do than shooting at IDF soldiers since, yknow, the soldiers'll shoot back. :/

03-22-2012, 02:40 PM
Muslims kill more fellow Muslims than anything, somehow blaming this on Israel is just nonsense.

The Ripper
03-22-2012, 02:40 PM
That's the usual excuse isn't it? "Freedom for Palestine" is sort of a contrived excuse for saracen-induced violence, which begins to look questionable after you hear it a zillion times from a zillion different sets of lips. :eek:

Being a total coward and shooting little kids is easier to do than shooting at IDF soldiers since, yknow, the soldiers'll shoot back. :/

Well, it was his self-stated motive.

All of the people he shot were immigrants themselves, including the North African Jews (who had Israeli double-citizenship). It was an Arab islamist killing Israelis (and Nato troops) in revenge for whatever. Why should we simplify this to something like "evil Muslims are evil and Muslim"? Because his deeds are terrible? I bet the IDF never kills civilians, right? Oh but that's different, that can be rationalized and explained as collateral, since, you know, they're just Muslims living under the benevolent military occupation of The Only Democracy In The Middle-East, or whatever.

03-22-2012, 02:54 PM
Well, it was his self-stated motive.

All of the people he shot were immigrants themselves, including the North African Jews (who had Israeli double-citizenship). It was an Arab islamist killing Israelis (and Nato troops) in revenge for whatever. Why should we simplify this to something like "evil Muslims are evil and Muslim"? Because his deeds are terrible? I bet the IDF never kills civilians, right? Oh but that's different, that can be rationalized and explained as collateral, since, you know, they're just Muslims living under the benevolent military occupation of The Only Democracy In The Middle-East, or whatever.

I'm under no allusion that Israel is some sort of desert utopia inhabited by peace-loving people. I frankly don't like it at all and, yes, I've read reports of some of the things the Israelis have done to their neighbors (bulldozing Christian churches for example). Somene earlier posted pics of Israeli schoolgirls signing artillery shells with markers which gives you an idea of how bellicosity is drilled into the Israelis from Day One (and the same holds true with their cousins in Palestine imo).

As to simplifying the nature of the shooter's motives, "If it looks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck then it probably is a duck."

Someone mentioned earlier that 1 or 2 of the dead soldiers had converted to Christianity? Is this true? If so then the shooter was fulfilling his religious obligations to kill apostates, no?

The Lawspeaker
03-22-2012, 03:36 PM
I just heard that the guy was dead. Good fucking riddance.

03-22-2012, 06:40 PM
The 'religion of peace' has shown a new demonstration why Muslims pray to the devil five times a day. The center of their lunacy is located in Mecca and is a black cube of evil.

Lunacy? From 'Luna' = Moon? Yes, that fits. The sign of Islam is the crescent.


03-23-2012, 06:41 PM
Teacher holds moment of silence for France killer

A French teacher faces disciplinary action for allegedly asking her students to observe a moment of silence for Toulouse terrorist Mohammed Merah a day after he was killed by police, AFP reported Friday.

According to a report on the website of French newspaper Paris Normandie, the 56-year-old English teacher in Rouen, North of Paris, urged students to honor the Toulouse killer shortly before classes started.


03-23-2012, 11:21 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/540319_10150650554804132_506634131_9497331_1308803 336_n.jpg

03-24-2012, 01:28 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/540319_10150650554804132_506634131_9497331_1308803 336_n.jpg

If this is an actual screencap of a Faux News report I wouldn't be surprised at all, not one bit.

The Lawspeaker
03-25-2012, 04:10 AM
Appartement de Mohamed Merah.
Voici les premières images du logement investi par les policiers le 22 mars 2012. Une vidéo dévoilée vendredi soir sur France 2.

03-25-2012, 04:59 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/540319_10150650554804132_506634131_9497331_1308803 336_n.jpg

If this is an actual screencap of a Faux News report I wouldn't be surprised at all, not one bit.

It is not. Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/media/goofs/toolooz.asp) has debunked it.

03-25-2012, 12:24 PM
It is not. Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/media/goofs/toolooz.asp) has debunked it.

Oh I wasn't doubtful but was just being sarcastic a bit. :D Faux News is pretty idiotic, but only in what it reports and how it chooses to spin the news it reports, not in programming quality.

03-25-2012, 09:24 PM
The Al Qaeda gunman who shot dead seven people in France was in touch with British Islamic extremists as recently as last year, security sources in Paris said yesterday.

Mohammed Merah, 23, who was killed when police commandos stormed his flat in Toulouse last week, is said to have met UK-based jihadists on a visit to Afghanistan. His codename – ‘Youssef Toulouse’ – was passed to British security agents.

The disclosures came as the girlfriend of one of Merah’s victims said she intended to marry her partner in a posthumous ceremony.

Big surprise here I know :rolleyes:

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2119994/Toulouse-gunman-Mohammed-Merah-links-Islamic-extremists-Britain.html#ixzz1qAMCfEJJ

03-28-2012, 03:52 AM
Gunman's father asks why police killed him

The father of the Muslim gunman who attacked French soldiers and a Jewish school says he wants to know why special forces killed his son rather than knock him out with gas and "take him like a baby."

In a brief interview aired on Tuesday by France 24 TV, Mohamed Benalel Merah asked why a "strong country" with options killed him instead of capturing him.

Mohamed Merah, 23, killed seven people. Police killed him after a 32-hour standoff at his Toulouse apartment. Authorities have said Merah had fired volleys at them.

Merah's father, who lives in Algeria, said he should have been taken alive and judged.

He asked: "Why did they kill him? ... They could have used gas, for example to take him like a baby."

Merah reportedly wants to file a complaint for his son's death.


The Lawspeaker
03-28-2012, 05:59 AM
They should simply tell his father: it saves the French taxpayer having to pay for his trial and comfy life imprisonment. This is the better and far cheaper solution.

03-28-2012, 07:13 AM
They should simply tell his father: it saves the French taxpayer having to pay for his trial and comfy life imprisonment. This is the better and far cheaper solution.

As in Maoist China the dead criminal's family should be made to pay for the bullet used to kill him.

The Lawspeaker
03-28-2012, 07:15 AM
As in Maoist China the dead criminal's family should be made to pay for the bullet used to kill him.
Even better. And the same should go for the bill needed for the police stepping in and all the research costs.

03-29-2012, 11:47 AM
Gunman Mohamed Merah 'to be buried in France'

Toulouse gunman Mohamed Merah is to be buried in France after Algerian authorities denied permission for a burial, a French Muslim official says.

Abdallah Zekri, of the Muslim Council of France, said Algeria had cited security as the reason for its refusal.

He told AFP news agency that Merah's family had asked him to organise the funeral within 24 hours


03-29-2012, 11:53 AM
They should simply tell his father: it saves the French taxpayer having to pay for his trial and comfy life imprisonment. This is the better and far cheaper solution.

Indeed. And why would anyone consider sparing the life of a monster who went on a killing spree? Why should someone who so grossly expresses his lack of respect for life have his life respected?

03-29-2012, 12:13 PM
Gunman Mohamed Merah 'to be buried in France'

Toulouse gunman Mohamed Merah is to be buried in France after Algerian authorities denied permission for a burial, a French Muslim official says.

Abdallah Zekri, of the Muslim Council of France, said Algeria had cited security as the reason for its refusal.

Et ils ne veulent même pas recycler leurs propres déchets!
And they don't even want to recycle their own garbage!
Und sie wollen nicht einmal ihren eigenen Müll recyceln!

The Lawspeaker
03-29-2012, 03:06 PM
Gunman Mohamed Merah 'to be buried in France'

Toulouse gunman Mohamed Merah is to be buried in France after Algerian authorities denied permission for a burial, a French Muslim official says.

Abdallah Zekri, of the Muslim Council of France, said Algeria had cited security as the reason for its refusal.

He told AFP news agency that Merah's family had asked him to organise the funeral within 24 hours


Revolting. He doesn't belong in France, he committed crimes there and he shouldn't be buried there. The French just dump the body in Algeria and what they do with it is their problem.

03-30-2012, 05:08 PM
Man jailed for praising Toulouse gunman

A FRENCH court has sentenced a 20-year-old man from the same neighbourhood as extremist gunman Mohamed Merah to three months in prison for praising his crimes, prosecutors in Toulouse said today.

Mohamed Redha Ghezali was convicted yesterday of "provoking racial hatred" and "apology for terrorism"

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/man-jailed-for-praising-toulouse-gunman/story-e6frfku0-1226314892660#ixzz1qcYXCmAW

The Lawspeaker
03-30-2012, 05:13 PM
I don't know. People will probably think that I am barking mad but this verdict shows that the law can be used against immigrants as well. That's the plus side but apart from that I see only downsides as, even though what Ghezali may have said is revolting, this is also a freedom of speech-issue.

My suggestion is that it would have been better to take in his French passport (if he has one) and send him on his way to his native desert as a persona non grata.

03-30-2012, 05:16 PM
If this is an actual screencap of a Faux News report I wouldn't be surprised at all, not one bit.

nope, its all fake.

04-13-2012, 05:48 PM
Merah wannabee pulls gun on Paris Metro

Police in Paris on Friday arrested a man who took out a pistol and threatened commuters on one of the capital’s busiest Metro lines, ligne 13. The 30-year-old unidentified man of Moroccan origin, was detained by police mid-morning between Metro stations Saint-Denis Basilique and Université.

According to an official source, he pulled out a Colt 45 and began to threaten a passenger saying “I am Mohamed Merah and I am going to kill you “ in reference to the young Islamist killed by police in Toulouse three weeks ago after the murder of seven people.

The gun did not appear to be loaded, but the man was carrying two rounds of ammunition and was described as “not being in full possession of his mental faculties”.

Disaster was avoided when one of the passengers pulled the emergency cord and the man used the opportunity to escape into a train tunnel where he was eventually caught by police.

The man, who refused at first to reveal his identity, is already known to the authorities in connection with a number of petty crimes.


04-13-2012, 05:49 PM
He's a little cunt, but Le Pen benefits from this.