View Full Version : Znas da si Bosanac kad...

Hurrem sultana
03-21-2012, 10:49 AM
- Tvoja familija ima rucni mlin za kafu

- Skidas cipele kad ulazis u kucu, a svako od familije ima svoje papuce (plus koje vise za goste)

- Komsije ti svaki dan na kafu nepozvani dodju

- Stari ti nosi pidzamu na cize

- Dan ti pocinje sa fildzanom kahve i cigarom

- Imas 17 suglasnika i 2 samoglasnika u prezimenu

- Tvoja mama ili nana ne mogu shvatiti cinjenicu
da nisi gladan, jer onda misle da si bolestan

- Imas 'Pitu' za veceru najmanje cetri dana u sedmici

- Imas 'Sarmu' za rucak najmanje tri dana

- Kad napunis 5 godina, stari te vec salje po 'Drinu' i 'Sarajevsko'

- Ne pricas sa rodjakom koji navija za 'Sarajevo'

- Nana insistira da pojedes nesto na kasiku bar jednom sedmicno

- Stara ti ponavlja da ce te ubiti promaha


Hurrem sultana
03-21-2012, 10:50 AM
Na zidovima su ti gobleni, a na svakom dijelu namjestaja imas po komad 'heklanog' ukljucujuci i TV

- Roditelji ti spremaju zimnicu svakog Septembra

- Znas procijenit koje je pravo suho meso

- Majka ti prijeti: 'samo cekaj dok ti se babo vrati kuci'

- Vodis kompletnu familiju u Neum

- Vozas Golfa

- Treb'o si igrat u Zelji ili Sarajevu, al' te zajeb'o babin sin

Hurrem sultana
03-21-2012, 10:52 AM
Uzimas taksi bilo gdje da krenes

- Vecinu recenica pocinjes sa 'jebi ga', 'svega mi', 'Nisam ja'

- Tvoj mladji rodjak ne zna sta znaci 'Tita mi'

- Veze nemas sta znaci rijec 'ba' ali je
stalno izgovaras

- Ti si jedini koji shvaca viceve o Sulji i Muji

- Znas cijeli scenario filma 'Valter brani Sarajevo' napamet

- Znas napamet pjesmu 'Zenica blues' i 'Nedelja
kad je otis'o Hase'

Hurrem sultana
03-21-2012, 10:59 AM
- Baklavu jedes dva puta godisnje

- Cevapi ti preko glave

- Vrijeme je podijeljeno na 'prije' i 'poslije rata'

- Tvoj otac uporno tvrdi kako su svi politicari lopovi i kriminalci

- Ne zelis da pricas o ratu nikome, ali to je jedina prica koju pricas sa svojim zemljacima

03-21-2012, 10:59 AM
- Komsije ti svaki dan na kafu nepozvani dodju

- Tvoja mama ili nana ne mogu shvatiti cinjenicu
da nisi gladan, jer onda misle da si bolestan

- Kad napunis 5 godina, stari te vec salje po 'Drinu' i 'Sarajevsko'

- Stara ti ponavlja da ce te ubiti promaha


- Majka ti prijeti: 'samo cekaj dok ti se babo vrati kuci'

- Vodis kompletnu familiju u Neum -ali u nabavku cigara i pića

- Vozas Golfa

- Vecinu recenica pocinjes sa 'jebi ga', 'svega mi', 'Nisam ja'

Eto,daleko od toga da sam Bosanac ali ovo je univerzalno ;)

03-21-2012, 11:37 AM
- Tvoja familija ima rucni mlin za kafu

- Skidas cipele kad ulazis u kucu, a svako od familije ima svoje papuce (plus koje vise za goste)

- Komsije ti svaki dan na kafu nepozvani dodju

- Stari ti nosi pidzamu na cize

- Dan ti pocinje sa fildzanom kahve i cigarom

- Imas 17 suglasnika i 2 samoglasnika u prezimenu

- Tvoja mama ili nana ne mogu shvatiti cinjenicu
da nisi gladan, jer onda misle da si bolestan

- Imas 'Pitu' za veceru najmanje cetri dana u sedmici

- Imas 'Sarmu' za rucak najmanje tri dana

- Kad napunis 5 godina, stari te vec salje po 'Drinu' i 'Sarajevsko'

- Ne pricas sa rodjakom koji navija za 'Sarajevo'

- Nana insistira da pojedes nesto na kasiku bar jednom sedmicno

- Stara ti ponavlja da ce te ubiti promaha



Bosnians have the best sense of humor in the world, definitely. You should translate it in english.

Hurrem sultana
03-21-2012, 02:10 PM

Bosnians have the best sense of humor in the world, definitely. You should translate it in english.

I have heard many albanians,serbs,croatas say so about the famous "bosnian humor"

there is an english version,i will find it and post:thumb001:

03-21-2012, 02:13 PM
You Know You’re Bosnian When
your family owns a manual coffee grinder

you take your shoes off when you enter the house, and every family member has his/her own slippers (plus some extra for the guests)

your neighbour comes over every day uninvited, for coffee

your father wears striped pajamas

you start your day with a cup of coffee and a cigarette

you have 17 consonants and 2 vowels in your last name

your mother/nena won’t accept the fact that you’re not hungry

you have “pita” (Bosnian food that is like a pastry puff filled with salty fillings like cheese or meat) for dinner at least 4 days a week

you have “sarma” (stuffed cabbage) for dinner the remaining 3 days

a loaf of bread is eaten for lunch every day

you’re 6 and your father sends you out to buy him “Drina” and “Sarajevsko”(brand of cigarettes)

you don’t speak to your cousins who support “Zeljo”

your nena insists you eat something with a “kasika” (spoon) at least once a week

you chop up some onions and then decide what to cook for dinner

your mother insists that “promaja” (draft) will kill you

your mother tells you not to sit on the concrete slabs, or your ovaries are going to freeze

your mother tells you to wear “potkosulja” (undershirt), no matter what the temperature outside

your mother tells you not to sit close to the TV, and not to use cell phones, because you’ll get brain tumor

your mother tells you that you’ll get sick from drinking cold water

you tuck in your “potkosulja” (undershirt) into your underwear

your parents wonder why you take showers every day

your parents tell you that they had you, AND your sister/brother when they were your age

a couple of days really means a week or so

your parents have “goblene”(needlepoint) on their walls, and “heklanje”(fine handmade lace) on every piece of their furniture, including the TV

your parents make “zimnica” (canned vegetables) every september

your mother threathens you with “samo cekaj dok ti se babo vrati kuci” (just wait till your dad gets home)

you spend all your family vacations in Neum (only part of Bosnia on the Adriatic)

you drive there in a family “golf” (small as a yugo)

you take a car to go everywhere

you begin most sentences with “jebi ga”, (fuck it) “svega mi” (I swear on everything), or “Tita mi” (I swear on Tito)

your young cousin doesn’t know what “Tita mi” means

you can’t explain what “bolan” means, but you use it all the time – (um yes – I have no idea what it means)

you’re the only one who gets all the Mujo and Suljo jokes

you know the entire script of “Walter brani Sarajevo” by heart

you despise your cousin who’s going out with an “unproforac” (UN worker)

your mother bakes a cake without oil, sugar, eggs, or flour, and she calls it “a war cake”

the time is divided into “before” and “after” the war

your father refers to all politicians with “djubrad” (idiots), “lopovi”(con-artists), and “kriminalci”(criminals)

you have at least one best friend from high school who went to “their side” and you still can’t explain it to yourself

your remaining friends from high school live in Australia, Norway, Germany, and Malaysia

you don’t want to talk about the war to anyone, but that’s the only thing you talk about with other Bosnians

you have at least three passports, and have lived in at least 4 countries in the last 12 years

Hurrem sultana
03-21-2012, 02:24 PM
Milenko you translated?

03-21-2012, 02:30 PM
no! i found it and posted it :D

03-21-2012, 03:46 PM
I have heard many albanians,serbs,croatas say so about the famous "bosnian humor"

Yes, it is true. And we should agree that bolded part is wrong :thumb001:

Uzimas taksi bilo gdje da krenes

- Vecinu recenica pocinjes sa 'jebi ga', 'svega mi', 'Nisam ja'

- Tvoj mladji rodjak ne zna sta znaci 'Tita mi'

- Veze nemas sta znaci rijec 'ba' ali je
stalno izgovaras

- Ti si jedini koji shvaca viceve o Sulji i Muji

- Znas cijeli scenario filma 'Valter brani Sarajevo' napamet

- Znas napamet pjesmu 'Zenica blues' i 'Nedelja
kad je otis'o Hase'

there is an english version,i will find it and post:thumb001:

Milenko did it.

Hurrem sultana
03-21-2012, 03:53 PM
i agree on that one,those are the most famous bosnians outside :D

Sultan Suleiman
03-29-2012, 07:10 PM
- Veze nemas sta znaci rijec 'ba' ali je
stalno izgovaras

Još ba nisam shvatio zašto govorimo "ba" :)

Hurrem sultana
03-29-2012, 08:39 PM
ja sam pitala oca dok sam bila mladja "zasto mi toliko govorimo ba?" ...cak ni on nije znao reci :D

03-29-2012, 11:14 PM
- Vozas Golfa

Is vozas vozis in bosnian ?

Hurrem sultana
03-29-2012, 11:27 PM
Is vozas vozis in bosnian ?

good one :D i hear both vozas and vozis :D

03-29-2012, 11:31 PM
good one :D i hear both vozas and vozis :D
hahah this ones are good too

your mother tells you not to sit close to the TV, and not to use cell phones, because you’ll get brain tumor

your parents wonder why you take showers every day

Hurrem sultana
03-29-2012, 11:42 PM
hahah yeah rron,and these ones are most true,in my case :D

your mother threathens you with “samo cekaj dok ti se babo vrati kuci” (just wait till your dad gets home)

you take a car to go everywhere

your father refers to all politicians with “djubrad” (idiots), “lopovi”(con-artists), and “kriminalci”(criminals)

-Rakija is used to cure all illnesses, celebrate all occasions and as a massage lotion

and this one is so funny,but i heard it :D

-You're not allowed to whistle in the house because then the ghosts/rats will come out

Hurrem sultana
03-29-2012, 11:49 PM
and this(especially when you complain about something) :D

-Your parents tell you that they walked to school in 7feet of snow with no shoes on

03-29-2012, 11:51 PM
hahah yeah rron,and these ones are most true,in my case :D

your mother threathens you with “samo cekaj dok ti se babo vrati kuci” (just wait till your dad gets home)

you take a car to go everywhere

your father refers to all politicians with “djubrad” (idiots), “lopovi”(con-artists), and “kriminalci”(criminals)

-Rakija is used to cure all illnesses, celebrate all occasions and as a massage lotion

and this one is so funny,but i heard it :D

-You're not allowed to whistle in the house because then the ghosts/rats will come out

03-29-2012, 11:56 PM
Also this one

Treb'o si igrat u Zelji ili Sarajevu, al' te zajeb'o babin sin
Is Zelji Zeleznicar?

03-30-2012, 02:37 PM
Još ba nisam shvatio zašto govorimo "ba" :)

zdrav bio, bolan ne bio => bolan => ba

Ni manje ni više.

Hurrem sultana
03-30-2012, 02:54 PM
Also this one

Is Zelji Zeleznicar?

yeah:thumbs up