View Full Version : Documentary "Death of a Nation"

The Lawspeaker
05-19-2009, 12:22 AM
I remember watching this 2007 (?) British documentary some time ago and I remember that it set off my alarm bells. Apparently right on our European borders a real demographic disaster is taking place- combined with numerous other problems.

A questions for the Russians amongst us:
Could you provide some additional narration and provide population graphs and the like ? Spasiba.







Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the West has purposefully ignored the devastation which resulted. The West merely shrugged it's shoulders or pulled faces in 2005 when Putin called it "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century."

A once great country is now nearing terminal collapse. By 2050 Russia may have lost 50% of its population.
Male life expectancy has plummeted like no time in recorded human history (now 56).

In this chaos opportunism has reached new depths. Oligarchs stole billions of dollars of assets which under Soviet times had belonged to all people. These are like new tzars, embraced by church and state.

Violence and the rise of the far-right is turning Russian against Russian on the basis of ethnic origin.

Drug abuse, alcoholism, suicide, abject depression flow from a people who once worked together for a better and brighter Communist future. In its place is emptiness.

"The rise in mortality is unprecedented in a developed country. Its as though the country is at war"

"scotcom (http://www.youtube.com/user/scotcom)"Ths guy that posted it is a communist though but perhaps it is still interesting.


A graph that I found on wikipedia. Well- we all know wikipedia but if this graph is correct then the collapse is going very very quickly.

05-19-2009, 12:54 AM
A British documentary? I haven't time or the connection to watch the videos, but I can already state that most things about Russia that are funded in Britain are created solely for domestic consumption with the subtext that "Life here in Britain is the best you'll find in the world! They really have it bad, elsewhere. Be grateful for what you have! Nations that do not mass import SubContinentals and Africans are experiencing disastrous demographic collapse! Thank God for all our Pakistanis and Somalis!"

"Russians attacking 'Russians' for ethnic reasons... puke

Western governments and meta-governmental forces have been dealing vicious blows to Russia, it's true, but the present spate of anti-Russian aggression (strategic NATO expansion and targetting, warmongering in the Caucasus etc.) indicate that the present Russian rulers are trying to overturn this.

As for birth rates, most of my friends in Russia are younger than me, and yet are well beyond me in the process of starting a family.

The Lawspeaker
05-19-2009, 12:57 AM
I know all the bullshit that is being told in the press but perhaps you should watch it first and judge it later. This guy seems to be genuinely concerned.

05-19-2009, 02:13 AM
A subject near and dear to my heart as I have lived and worked in the former Soviet Union and I will soon be marrying a redheaded Russian girl.

Guess what? Ethnic Russians do not attack other ethnic Russians. But, ethnic Russians do attack "ethnics" such as Jews and Buryats and Tatars and other brown skinned undesirables who happen to be Russian citizens.

Moreover, Russians do not attack foreigners. I am a foreigner and I speak Russian with an accent, but they have not attacked me and many of them consider me a brother in arms. I am a fellow European who respects their culture and speaks their language.

On the other hand, the birth rate issue is a real problem. It is being recognized and many are becoming aware to the issue. There are even calls from the government to have more children.

All in all, the Russians are dealing with the demographic problems of the modern world better than the rest of Europe. They are more racially aware. The government is making official programs to increase the birthrate from within. They are not being flooded with brown hoards. In 50 years, when the UK will have major problems dealing with its brown population, Russia's population will be unhappily smaller, but it will still be Russian.

05-19-2009, 03:00 AM
There's a lot of sense in your post, A, but I'd take issue with this;
Guess what? Ethnic Russians do not attack other ethnic Russians. But, ethnic Russians do attack "ethnics" such as Jews and Buryats and Tatars and other brown skinned undesirables who happen to be Russian citizens.
Buryats and Tatars are very rarely the object of hatred, never mind attack. Neither are they 'brown' as such. We should be talking about Azeris here.

I was walking in Moscow with a 3/4 Russian, 1/4 Kazakh friend once. We saw some skinheads, and I said he shouldn't make himself too prominent. He said Rubbish, and said I should be more careful, having a big nose and black curly hair! We walked past them, and nothing happened. These widely vaunted "Attacks On Foreigners By Far Right Skinheads" are largely an invention of the media.

Moreover, Russians do not attack foreigners. I am a foreigner and I speak Russian with an accent, but they have not attacked me and many of them consider me a brother in arms. I am a fellow European who respects their culture and speaks their language.
My experience too. :thumb001: No naverno govoryu ne tak svobodno kak ty! U menya yest' uzhasny aktsent, to zhe, a chto delat'? Starayus. ;)

On the other hand, the birth rate issue is a real problem. It is being recognized and many are becoming aware to the issue. There are even calls from the government to have more children.
Aye, the Metro and other public places are full of posters showing happy Russian mothers with arms full of babies (not the mullatos that our ruling ideology would demand, either!) and captions like Your country needs your records! (referring to the quadruplets on the poster).

All in all, the Russians are dealing with the demographic problems of the modern world better than the rest of Europe. They are more racially aware. The government is making official programs to increase the birthrate from within. They are not being flooded with brown hoards. In 50 years, when the UK will have major problems dealing with its brown population, Russia's population will be unhappily smaller, but it will still be Russian.
Mozhet byt vstrechimsya s toboi tam togda, kak bezhentsy kogda vsyo zdes na zapade sovsem oxrenilo... :eek::thumb001:

The Lawspeaker
05-19-2009, 03:09 AM
I wonder- if all those Russians are so nationalistic and racial conscious: why the hell are the women so eager to get the bloody hell out and marry (European/ North American) foreigners ? Just a question...

Aye, the Metro and other public places are full of posters showing happy Russian mothers with arms full of babies (not the mullatos that our ruling ideology would demand, either!) and captions like Your country needs your records! (referring to the quadruplets on the poster).We might need something like this here too "in only two generations "Dutch" will have a new meaning. Don't like it ? Then do something about it !"
I think that a healthy family should have two to three children- but even when all those leeches from abroad are gone we will be stuck with 13.5 million people- that's 6 million too much....

05-19-2009, 03:27 AM
I don't know why the Russia-declining-population issue gets so much play when the same is going on in every European-Christian state without exception. (Among every European state's titular people, anyway).

Male life expectancy has plummeted like no time in recorded human history (now 56).

There is no one to blame for this but themselves. At least the lion's share of the blame goes to themselves: There is no need for them to drink such quantities of alcohol daily - which is the main contributer towards early death. And violence (usually while drunk)-- A Russian man is supposedly 10x as likely as a blackAmerican to die a violent death, at least that was the case 10 years ago.

I admit to being biased against Russians based on my experience with them; I found it to be the norm for young Russian men to be boorish, rude, loud, aggressive, "excessive drinkers"; their women materialistic and shallow. If Russians looked inward to improve, well that's step #1 to recovery. But there seems to be very little of that. Call me a cynic if you will.

05-19-2009, 03:37 AM
I wonder- if all those Russians are so nationalistic and racial conscious: why the hell are the women so eager to get the bloody hell out and marry (European/ North American) foreigners ? Just a question.......

I should go to bed now. It's a big question, deserving a proper answer. The short answer is the economic terrorism of the 90s presided over by the victors in the Cold War, creating some hellish circumstances for individuals who are then driven to desperation. Propaganda of the 'good life' in the west, that was so important in smashing the Soviet Union in the first place, is also still playing a role.

A low background level of genetic exchange across the continent is not a bad thing, but when it is shaped by such political forces it demands attention, yes. Naturally, people meeting up and marrying the 'traditional' way, while one person is temporarily based in a country is a different matter, and more a meeting of equals on equal terms. Mail order brides desperate to flee Saratov etc. is another matter (and check the geographical distribution of mail order brides - it's the worse hit industrial areas). And there are bad eggs everywhere too, of course.

In better circumstances, I have heard Russian girls say they would never leave Russia. I know ALL too well about others who would not throw up everything to come to England, too!

06-04-2009, 01:27 AM
My experience too. :thumb001: No naverno govoryu ne tak svobodno kak ty! U menya yest' uzhasny aktsent, to zhe, a chto delat'? Starayus. ;)

Mozhet byt vstrechimsya s toboi tam togda, kak bezhentsy kogda vsyo zdes na zapade sovsem oxrenilo... :eek::thumb001:

Well, I lived there and worked there. For a while, I spoke nothing but Russian every day. However, if you really want to improve your Russian, I recommend a Russian wife. Любовь - лучший учитель.

I will be back there in July. Кто-то меня ждёт.

06-04-2009, 08:17 PM
I wonder- if all those Russians are so nationalistic and racial conscious: why the hell are the women so eager to get the bloody hell out and marry (European/ North American) foreigners ? Just a question...

Like Oswiu said.

Another reason is that there aren't that many eligible bachelors in Russia and this means that there is more competition amongst the women to find a good man. Likewise in the West, many men have become fed up with the self-obsessed, stuckup, materialistic and feminazi women and therefore look further East for a more traditional wife who isn't obsessed with competing with males.

Western men & Russian women sometimes have corresponding interests.

Regarding the documentary itself, it was made by one of the Therouxs. The term I typically use to describe that family starts with the letter "c" and ends with a "ts". A "u" and "n" is also present. The documentary itself contains the usual brand of Theroux bs and self-indulgent moralising. It's a bit sickening really.

As far as the population decline is concerned, the population is falling but not at such a terminal rate as is claimed by Theroux. As Lenny pointed out, the same thing is happening all over Western Europe. The major difference being that in Western Europe non-white mass immigration pushes the overall figures up.

Strange how our Western Media Masters and their propagandists like the Therouxs choose to refrain from mentioning this to their viewers.

06-04-2009, 08:28 PM
There is no need for them to drink such quantities of alcohol daily - which is the main contributer towards early death. And violence (usually while drunk)

A Russian friend once told me that the Swedes outdrank them. He lived in Sweden for a number of years during the 1990's. Alcoholism is pretty rife across Northern Europe.

The reasons for "early death" are a bit more complex than drinking. The important stat to be aware of is what happened during the 1990's. The male life expectancy took a major dive during this time and it wasn't because of Russian drinking patterns which have remained unchanged for centuries. It was because the country was thrown into disarray and was pillaged by Russian and Jewish gangsters from the former USSR working in partnership with the cream of Western political and economic elites. The man in the street had little chance against minimal income, food / fuel shortages and the violent thugs who ran the streets.

Since the end of the 1990's when Yeltsin and his Jew Oligarch mafia + their US / UK economic "advisors" were sidelined by Putin the life expectancy has been creeping up again. The same has been happening with the birthrate. Things still aren't optimal or "normal" but considering that Russia was on the verge of being destroyed in the 1990's vs being relatively stable today things have worked out better than expected for Russians. (To the great dismay of the West's leaders and media).