View Full Version : Krste Petkov Misirkov - The Macedonian

04-01-2012, 08:36 AM
Krste Petkov Misirkov was a Macedonian philologist, slavist, historian, ethnographer, publicist, translator and professor. He was Born in Postol, Ottoman empire, today Pella, Greece on the 18 November 1874 - 26 July 1926 .


Bulgarians like to consider Krste a Bulgarian because of some statements made by him referring to himself as such. but Whenever he writes in favour of the Bulgarian side, he almost always seems emotional on it, making erratically broad statements that are not at all in the spirit of the normal Misirkov. External factors are involved, especially towards the end of his life in the 1920's.

Here are some quotes by Krste Petkov Misirkov.

On Macedonian Matters, Krste Misirkov, 1903.

I am a Macedonian and this is how I see the position of my country: it is not Russia or Austria-Hungary that are the enemies of Macedonia, but Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia. Our country can be saved from ruin only by struggling fiercely against these states......

Oh, Macedonians! It is time we realized that the greatest demon Macedonia must battle against is none other than Bulgaria; and this is why we must keep our interests apart from those of Bulgaria. Common sense demands it.......

For the Bulgarian name, which has been endowed upon us by the Exarchate, we have taken over and it’s not up to me to try and find out whether some evil Bulgarian demon is responsible for all the evil the Bulgarians have brought upon us, the Macedonians......

They consider Macedonia to be Bulgarian in the ethnographic sense but find it unnecessary to waste their energy on getting to know the country better; as a result they know nothing about it, about its history, geography and ethnography........

Ilinden, Krali Marko, Krste Misirkov, 1923.

King Mark is the son and pride of Macedonia and one of the three great conquerors who spread the name of their land far beyond its territories: (1) Alexander of Macedon spread the glory of Macedonia as far as the Central Asian rivers of Amu Darya [Oxus] and Syr Darya [Jaxartes], and also to India and the Indian Ocean; (2) The holy Cyril and Methodius spread the Macedonian word and script among all the Slavic peoples, and (3) King Mark placed under his authority and under that of the Macedonian muse all popular singers and peoples on the Balkan Peninsula, including you, the descendants of his sworn enemies......

Makedonska Kultura, Krste Misirkov, 1924.

“Is there indeed a Macedonian national culture and Macedonian national history?”: Fortunately enough, we can give an affirmative answer: yes, there is a Macedonian culture and Macedonian national history, distinct from those of the Serbs and Bulgarians, even though they have so far not been the object of extensive and impartial study: the Serbs and Bulgarians have one-sidedly and with a strong bias chosen from Macedonian culture what glorifies their own national name, ignoring questions of capital importance only because they do not concern them or contradict the national aspirations of the choosers and their compatriots. Unfortunately, the independent study of Macedonian history is only beginning now, carried out by those same Macedonians who towards the end of the past century started disbelieving Belgrade and Sofia scholars, who had almost unanimously declared that during the Middle Ages the Slavs were a disorganized people, without national consciousness, who were saved from Greek assimilation only thanks to the establishment of the state of the Turan Bulgars, and later of the state of the Nemanja dynasty. We, Macedonians, believe this to be an erroneous idea as a result of which the Bulgarians and Serbs have wrongly understood not only the history of the Macedonians and Macedonia in the Middle Ages, but also the very history of the Serbs and Bulgarians………..The sum total of the centuries-long efforts towards cultural growth and national self-preservation of the Macedonians, starting 400-500 years prior to the emergence of the Serbian state of the Nemanja dynasty and continuing during its rise and decline, together with the similar efforts on our part to win church and political freedom in the 19th century, constitutes our Macedonian national culture, our Macedonian history.

Self-determination of Macedonians, Krste Misirkov, 1925.

We will fight with Greeks because they are our only historic and age old enemies. Our complete Macedonian national history is full with fights against Greeks. There is no fight with Bulgarians and Serbs recorded in the Macedonian history. Bulgarians and Serbs have respected the national rights of the Macedonians in the middle ages, and it was only Greeks that were destroying our national spirit and were de-nationalizing us.......

Even with propaganda and pressure coming from all corners, from Bulgarians and Serbs, Krste new who he was deep inside, and that was Macedonian.

Petros Houhoulis
04-04-2012, 11:43 AM
Krste Petkov Misirkov was a Bessarabian, member of the Bessarabian parliament and defender of the Bessarabian ethnos against those pesky Romanians (amongst other things) He was Born in Allah Kilise, Ottoman empire, today Pella, Greece (shortened to Postol by some illiterate Slavs) on the 18 November 1874 - 26 July 1926.

First Banana:


During the Byzantine and Ottoman periods, the town was known in Greek as Άγιοι Απόστολοι (Agii Apostoli) 'Holy Apostles' and in Ottoman Turkish as Allah Kilise 'God's Church'.[2] Locals referred to the village as Postol, (South Slavic: Постол). The name Pella was revived in 1926.[5]


Bulgarians like to consider Krste a Bulgarian because of some statements made by him referring to himself as such. but Whenever he writes in favour of the Bulgarian side, he almost always seems emotional on it, making erratically broad statements that are not at all in the spirit of the normal Misirkov who was simply changing ethnicities like T-shirts all of his lifetime. External factors are involved, especially towards the end of his life in the 1920's. Before that he was a loyal puppet of the Russians, but during the end of his life the October revolution resulting to a few upsets that even nudged the very VMRO...

Here are some quotes by Krste Petkov Misirkov.

Second Banana:

On Macedonian Matters, Krste Misirkov, 1903.

Finally, many will point out that our greatest misfortune lies in the fact that we have no local Macedonian patriotism. If there were patriotism in Macedonia, no matter where, we would think and work only or Macedonia. But now some of us still consider ourselves Bulgarian and link our interests with those of Bulgaria instead of studying our own country, Macedonia, in all its aspects; for, instead of studying the history of Macedonia from all times, we study Bulgarian interests and Bulgarian history and often these periods have nothing to do with Macedonia. So, for example, Mr. Balasachev, who was born in Ohrid, instead of making a special study of the history and interests of Macedonia, began to take up the study of Bulgarian interests and Bulgarian history, which has the same meaning for Macedonia as the history of Abyssinia up to the time when the Abyssinians were Christianized. Other Macedonians in Greece have studied Greek interests and Greek history. Yet another Macedonian from Ohrid, Dimitsa, ranges over Greece and for him the history of Macedonia is of importance only up to the time when it was conquered by the Romans. The other Macedonians in Serbia put on a show of Serbian patriotism and work not for Macedonian but for Serbian interests, A rich fur-trader called Kosta Shumenkowich, for example, left 500,000 francs after his death to Serbian school. These wretched instances of what happens when we ally our interests with those of others should suffice to convince most people that our salvation lays only in national and religious separatism.

The first objection — that a Macedonian Slav nationality has never existed — may be very simply answered as follows: what has not existed in the past may still be brought into existence later, provided that the appropriate historical circumstances arise.

If the formation of the South Slav peoples was a mechanical and political process it would not be impossible that it might recur in present times. Within the South Slav language complex there are several branches outside the Serbian and Bulgarian political units; these are the Macedonian dialects. These branches, since they are closely allied, naturally have some connection linking them more closely with Bulgarian in the east and Serbian in the north. These branches have been given various names at various times but it was not until the last quarter of the nineteenth century that these names overlapped so much as to displace one another. These various names did not properly catch on, and gradually they began to give way until finally they were replaced by the natural description Slav" with a "Macedonian" reflection from the geographical area in which they were distributed. The people who spoke these dialects had once been called "Slavs" and later either "Serbs" or "Bulgarians" until the rivalry between these two names made them both alien to the Macedonian Slavs, who started calling themselves after the old geographical name of their country. The name Macedonian was first used by the Macedonian Slavs as a geographical term to indicate their origin. This name is well known to the Macedonian Slavs and all of them use it to describe themselves. Since the formation of nationalities is a political and mechanical process, all the necessary conditions exist for Macedonia to break off as an independent ethnographic region. The Macedonians have a common country which is gradually, with the reforms, breaking off into an independent political whole in which there are "several branches of the South Slav chain of languages": these branches can easily be united through a general recognition of the central one as the means of expression of the literary language of all intelligent people in Macedonia and as the language of books and schools. Thus all the conditions for the national revival of the Macedonians are clearly visible, and, even from the point of view of the other historical theory (concerning the formation of small ethnographic units from a larger unit on the Balkan Peninsula), this is completely logical.

Even with propaganda and pressure coming from all corners, from Bulgarians and Serbs, Krste new who he was deep inside, and that was Bessarabian:

Third Banana:


When he returned from the Balkan front, Misirkov gave up his post at Odessa and was appointed assistant master of the grammar school at Kishinev. At that time Bessarabia became a republic, and he was elected the first member of its Parliament. However, the pro-Rumanian party was dominant and the Rumanian army brought strong pressure to bear on the young republic so that the Parliament was forced to declare the annexation of Bessarabia to Rumania in November 1918.

It was the natural ending of decades of sucking up to Russian interests in many different ways. Misirkov was always dreaming of Russia breaking into Macedonia and liberating it, as they did in Bulgaria, because his naive Agioi Apostoloi were too far from Bulgaria and encircled within a Greek speaking region, and any peaceful settlement would award it to Greece (with whatever population exchanges) something that was pushing Misirkov to out-Bulgarize himself all of his life. For the most of it he was a lackey of the Russians, to the point that he would not visit Macedonia without them, even if his duties there would be the changing of diapers to the children of the Russian count Rostkovski:

Fourth Banana:


In the expectation that freedom would be granted to Macedonia, Misirkov abandoned his university studies and left for Bitola, where he was appointed assistant master at the classical academy. There he became friendly with the Russian consul Rostkovski, who made him tutor to his children. This post gave him the opportunity to enter into friendly relations with various representatives of the diplomatic corps, which enabled him to follow closely Balkan and European politics regarding Macedonia. With some of his friends he began to pave the way for opening Macedonian schools also for publishing textbooks in the Macedonian language. But the Ilinden Uprising (1903) and the assassination of the Russian Consul in his presence changed everything for the worse for Misirkov. Life in Macedonia became so unbearable for him that he felt obliged to leave his native land and return to Russia. There he published a great many articles informing the general public of the causes of the Ilinden Uprising and the reasons why the Russian Consul was assassinated.

Finally Misirkov came to realize that Russia would not be able to support his cause if it could not find a corridor through the Romanian territories (the Romanians had agreed to let the Russians cross from their lands during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878:


On April 12, 1877, Romania gave permission to the Russian troops to pass through its territory to attack the Turks, resulting in Turkish bombardments of Romanian towns on the Danube. On May 10, 1877, the Principality of Romania, which was under formal Turkish rule, declared its independence.[36]

...But the Russians grabbed some Romanian territory during that war, which resulted to a bad precedent:


As a result of the war, Russia succeeded in claiming several provinces in the Caucasus, namely Kars and Batum. The principalities of Romania (which was also forced by Russia to cede the Budjak region of the Danube delta, in spite of an existing treaty of alliance between the two countries),

So, when the Communist Russia who had just lost Bessarabia tried to regain it, and a victorious war would lead Russia to border contact with Bulgaria - something that would make exceptionally easy the support of the Bulgarian military operations by the Russians... If it would ever happen though...

Nevertheless, when the union of Bessarabia with Romania was under discussion, a certain Misirkoff, could not possibly take a decision:

Fifth Banana:


The Bulgarian representative, Misircoff, stated that he would refrain from voting, since he also felt that this was a matter for a Constitutional Convention to decide;

However, the leader of the Polish minority in Bessarabia was rather vocal:

The Polish leader, Dudkevitch (Dutkiewicz) said (in Russian): "It is very hard for me, gentlemen, on this great day, an occasion without a peer, it is very hard for me to talk in the language of the people who for so many years have oppressed the spirit of the Roumanian people of Bessarabia, as they have oppressed the Poles. I should like to speak in my own language, Polish, but you gentlemen would not understand it; I should like to speak in your language, Roumanian, but I do not know it. In the name of the Polish nationality I support the project of union as the Moldavians propose it."

...And by the mouth of the Polish Dudkevitch we learn the modern name of the Bessarabians: Moldovans. You see, the Russians finally managed to regain Bessarabia AKA Moldova (slight differences) after WWII, but they had it in mind since a long time before:


On July 8 Russia's Alexander II and Prince Gorchakov met Austria-Hungary's Franz Joseph I and Count Andrássy in the Reichstadt castle in Bohemia. No written agreement was made, but during the discussions, Russia agreed to support Austrian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Austria-Hungary, in exchange, agreed to the return of Southern Bessarabia lost by Russia during the Crimean War, and Russian annexation of the port of Batumi on the east coast of the Black Sea. Bulgaria was to become autonomous (independent, according to the Russian records).[33]

Therefore Misirkov (or "The Bulgarian representative, Misircoff", if you prefer) was left being the man who advocated the one faked ethnicity after the other: "Macedonian Slavs", "Bessarabians" and whatever he did couldn't yield a positive result for him. Agioi Apostoloi, or "Postol" as the Slavic corruption of that name is, was way too much within Greek territory to get enveloped by any Slavic state, and although Misirkov tried in Belgrade, in Sofia, in St. Petersburg and even in Kishinev... He could not convince anybody that his fatherland could be removed from Greece. He lost the bet and left behind two laughable legacies which are constantly crumbling under pressure from within - not to mention outside - until the eventual collapse...

I agree.

Nevertheless, you forgot a Fifth Banana:


In 2006, a handwritten diary by Misirkov written during his stay in Russia in 1913 was discovered. It was declared authentic by Bulgarian and Macedonian experts and was published in 2008.[22] The content of the diary clearly shows that at the time, Misirkov was a Bulgarian nationalist. It has given rise to new public discussion over Misirkov's stances on Bulgarian and Macedonian ethnicity.[23][24] The manuscript, includes 381 pages written in Russian language. Misirkov wrote it in Odessa's nearby village of Klimentove, where he lived and worked at the time. It contains also articles and excerpts from the Russian press of that time.

Just because some Banana suggest that Misirkov decided to become Bulgarian during the end of his life, while in reality he was a Bulgarian at the beginning of his life and Bessarabian by the end of his life - although the Bulgarians shall suggest that he was "The Bulgarian representative, Misircoff" by the end of his life.

Anyway, we can all agree that he was Banana during the whole of his life. I mean, Bessarabian, Banana, Macedonian Slav, what's the difference anyway?


When he enrolled at this university, Misirkov did not state that he was Bulgarian, Greek or Serbian, as Macedonian intellectuals of that time usually did when declaring what studies they had completed. He stated that he was a Macedonian Slav.


04-04-2012, 01:30 PM
Where does it say he was Bessarabian, Where are the sources? Are you claiming that those quotes by Krste Misirkov identifying as a Macedonian are fake?

04-04-2012, 01:53 PM
Before you start going around denying other people their identity, make sure you look deeper into your own western created nation.

In the early 19th century John Cam Hobhouse, quoted by John Freely, wrote that

"the number of houses in Athens is supposed to be between twelve and thirteen hundred; of which about four hundred are inhabited by the Turks, the remainder by the Greeks and Albanians, the latter of whom occupy above three hundred houses."

During the mid 19th century, Edmond wrote that

"Athens, twenty-five years ago, was only an Albanian village. The Albanians formed, and still form, almost the whole of the population of Attica; and within three leagues of the capital, villages are to be found where Greek is hardly understood.........Albanians form about one-fourth of the population of the country; they are in majority in Attica, in Arcadia, and in Hydra...."

Now stop being a Banana.

Petros Houhoulis
04-05-2012, 02:53 AM
Where does it say he was Bessarabian, Where are the sources? Are you claiming that those quotes by Krste Misirkov identifying as a Macedonian are fake?

No, his quotes were real, but Misirkov himself was fake!

Some day, when you shall grow up, you shall realize that people should be judged according to what they do, not according to what they say.

For now you should get used to the idea that Misirkov was a Bessarabian because he ACTED as a Bessarabian.

If he tried to represent any minority in Macedonia at any democratic elections - either in the Greek or the Ottoman parliament - maybe he would be something else.

What Misirkov could not do, some Turks and Jews in Macedonia managed very well - while Misirkov was still alive... and reached into the Greek parliament...

...Something that you are failing even today...

Petros Houhoulis
04-05-2012, 03:10 AM
Before you start going around denying other people their identity, make sure you look deeper into your own western created nation.

In the early 19th century John Cam Hobhouse, quoted by John Freely, wrote that

During the mid 19th century, Edmond wrote that

Now stop being a Banana.

Do you know what happened to Onur when he came back with this "evidence"?


Originally Posted by Onur

I said, philhellenes disappointed because of the people in there. They were so into the ancient Greeks with the stories and poetry they read, maybe they were thinking like they will find Adonis, Hercules and Aphrodites in there and disappointed afterwards.

Here is one book from 1850, published in London. A diaries of a British philhellene, who came to Athens right after the independence;



There are many more books like that, written by philhellenes, expressing their disappointment of cannot finding the ancient Greek in their dreams. Many of them came to Greece in 1830s and even tried to analyze people anthropologically if they resemble the ancient Greek statues or not.

Also, it`s stupid to deny Albanian (Arvanite) character of Greece, don't do that.

/Facepalm to you :S

The only problem is that the author of that despicable piece is somebody who believed that the Ancient Greeks were all beautiful, just because their statues were statues of beautiful people. Hang on though, if you see modern magazines, what sort of people do you see? Beautiful or ugly? Beautiful of course! The same goes with the TV and everything else, 9 out of 10 people are gorgeous, but do they represent the average person on the street? Not really. Based upon that, an idiot who equated in his mind (Ancient Greek = pretty people) decided that there are no Greeks left because... Not many people look pretty (and with the poverty of the time even the pretty ones looked like the Afghan girl with the Green eyes in the cover of National goegraphic some decades ago) and since they are not Greek and he saw a few Arvanites around he concluded that the majority are Albanians!!!

Gimme a break fool. There are accurate maps of the early Greek kingdom that show the Arvanites concentrated at the North East of Morea, a few scattered around Attica/Boeotia and a few more in the islands (the latter being the most important in Greek history) and if you ever bothered to see them, you would never utter all of this nonsense. Furthermore, they never identified themselves as Albanians, nor shall they ever do so. They were kicked out of Albanian by their Muslim "brethen" and they want nothing to do with them whatsoever... Trust me on this one...

__________________________________________________ _______________

In any case, who said that even the Ancient Greeks were racially homogeneous? Nevertheless, it always worked, because the Greek culture was powerful enough to bind not just all Greeks, but much of the rest of the world...


Primary Sources and Select Passages:
Strabo 14.1.7 - Milesians.
Herodotus Histories Book I:
Greek Races
Herodotus Histories Book I.56. By these lines when they came to him Crœsus was pleased more than by all the rest, for he supposed that a mule would never be ruler of the Medes instead of a man, and accordingly that he himself and his heirs would never cease from their rule. Then after this he gave thought to inquire which people of the Hellenes he should esteem the most powerful and gain over to himself as friends. And inquiring he found that the Lacedemonians and the Athenians had the pre-eminence, the first of the Dorian and the others of the Ionian race. For these were the most eminent races in ancient time, the second being a Pelasgian and the first a Hellenic race: and the one never migrated from its place in any direction, while the other was very exceedingly given to wanderings; for in the reign of Deucalion this race dwelt in Pthiotis, and in the time of Doros the son of Hellen in the land lying below Ossa and Olympos, which is called Histiaiotis; and when it was driven from Histiaiotis by the sons of Cadmos, it dwelt in Pindos and was called Makednian; and thence it moved afterwards to Dryopis, and from Dryopis it came finally to Peloponnesus, and began to be called Dorian.

So, why should the Athenians be racially Greeks 200 years ago or today when they were not racially Greeks but Ionians/Pelasgians 2.500 years ago?

Yet when somebody speaks of Ancient Greeks, the first ones that come in mind are usually the... Athenians...

Forget it halfwits, it's the culture, not the blood. You cannot compete with that... Subsequently you are destined to lose.

05-30-2012, 11:48 AM
Logic would suggest he was being truthful when he spoke he is Bulgarian origin rather than of Macedonian origin since Bulgarian national consciousness has existed since the 10th century in West Bulgaria whereas Macedonian national consciousness is a mutation of the autonomy movement. An autonomous Macedonia was being pushed because of ethnic plurality and a single ethnic state annexing it would result in full Serb/Bulgar/Hellenization of various peoples. The autonomy movement later evolved into a full blown independence movement and Krste was just an icing on the cake who tried to justify an independent Macedonia by creation of a separate non-Bulgarian national consciousness of which he obviously succeeded...

Crn Volk
05-31-2012, 01:05 AM
Logic would suggest he was being truthful when he spoke he is Bulgarian origin rather than of Macedonian origin since Bulgarian national consciousness has existed since the 10th century in West Bulgaria whereas Macedonian national consciousness is a mutation of the autonomy movement. An autonomous Macedonia was being pushed because of ethnic plurality and a single ethnic state annexing it would result in full Serb/Bulgar/Hellenization of various peoples. The autonomy movement later evolved into a full blown independence movement and Krste was just an icing on the cake who tried to justify an independent Macedonia by creation of a separate non-Bulgarian national consciousness of which he obviously succeeded...

The battle continues. You need to pick a side. Macedonian, or something else.

Crn Volk
06-07-2013, 05:11 AM
Before you start going around denying other people their identity, make sure you look deeper into your own western created nation.

In the early 19th century John Cam Hobhouse, quoted by John Freely, wrote that

During the mid 19th century, Edmond wrote that

Now stop being a Banana.

Athens an Albanian village....lol

Bugarash 1893
06-07-2013, 01:14 PM
Where does it say he was Bessarabian, Where are the sources? Are you claiming that those quotes by Krste Misirkov identifying as a Macedonian are fake?

He was a represative in the local parlament,representing the Bessarabian Bulgarians.


Bugarash 1893
06-07-2013, 01:21 PM
Even with propaganda and pressure coming from all corners, from Bulgarians and Serbs, Krste new who he was deep inside, and that was Macedonian.

Misirkov changes his stance several times,ranging from a Bulgarian nationalist to a Macedonist.
Read ''On the Macedonian matters'' from Misirkov,there he openly talks about creating from scratch a Macedonist nation from the Bulgarians in Macedonia.

Queen B
06-07-2013, 01:26 PM
Before you start going around denying other people their identity, make sure you look deeper into your own western created nation.
In the early 19th century John Cam Hobhouse, quoted by John Freely, wrote that
During the mid 19th century, Edmond wrote that
Now stop being a Banana.
Your point is ? Athens was a village of 3-4.000 people back then, now its a city of almost 5.000.000 that have gone all over Greece. what this have to do? :picard2:

ioan assen
06-07-2013, 02:09 PM
My personal oppinion is that he wanted free Macedonia. He knew that the idea of the Bulgarian character of Macedonia is threatening to Serbs and Greeks (the balance would have been distored) and so he had to invent the Macedonian nation. This very same man also wrote this:

National Identity of the Macedonians. 1924 г.

"We are Bulgarian more than the Bulgarians in Bulgaria. The population of Skopje is pure Bulgarian. The Serbian not only want to colonize Macedonia with Serbs from other part of Yugoslavia, but they wish to kill our Bulgarian consciousness. They took our right to call ourselves Bulgarians, even Macedonians, they intrude their schools and education, so much false and Jesuit, so much as the study of St. Sava and finally they come to the idea for the special Macedonian nationality, which they discover in South Macedonia." - Krste Misirkov

We call ourselves Bulgarians or Macedonians and we are very different from the Serbs we are with Bulgarian national consciousness.

Krste Misirkov in "On Macedonian Matters" expressing Novakovich Makedonism, which he reject categorically with the explanation: I wrote it as a politician.

Till the end of his life Krste Misirkov in all his articles defend uncompromising the Bulgarian character of the population of Macedonia as a true Bulgarian patriot.

Krste Misirkov wrote:
1. We speak Bulgarian language and we believed with Bulgarians is our strong power.

2. The Bulgarians in Macedonia.

The future of Macedonia is spiritual union of the Bulgarians in Macedonia.

3. The Macedonian Slavs are called Bulgarians.

4. The biggest part of the population are called Bulgarians.

5. All spoke that Macedonians are Bulgarians.

Until 1978 all including Russian Government spoke the Macedonians are Bulgarians. But after the Berlin Congress the Serbs came with pretension to have Macedonia. They try to change the European opinion that in Macedonia there are Serbian too.

6. If Ilinden uprising win we will be thankful to Bulgarians, but Serbians try to compete with Bulgarians and spend a lot of money and propaganda. If Macedonia is autonomic there will be no space for propaganda and the Serbs have to leave Bulgarian in peace.

7. The Ilinden Uprising Committee is Bulgarian.

8. Bulgarian Language and Bulgarian name. The Committee is ready to give guarantee to Europe that Macedonia will not unify with Bulgaria, but they can't take the Bulgarian name and language from Macedonia!

9. Unification between Turks and Bulgarians in Macedonia.

Serbia and Greece do not want to give us autonomous and independent Macedonia, because they see this as a fist step to unification. In Macedonia have only pure Bulgarian population, which can't be unified with the Turks.

10. Serbia is against autonomous Macedonia.

Serbia is afraid because Macedonia with the Bulgarian population will have tendency to united with Bulgaria and for this reason Serbia will not allow this.

11. They divided us and now they do not allow us to unify.

We are living now 25 years divided from Bulgaria and they do not allow us to unify?

We call ourselves Bulgarians or Macedonians and see us as separate and radically different from the Serbs with Bulgarian national consciousness.

12. Our Grandfathers call themselves Bulgarians.

They never thing that we will be having such a problem to call ourselves so.

13. Bulgarian Literally Language

We the Macedonians voluntarily choose one and the same language with Bulgarians long before the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkey. The prohibition from the Serbs to use our literally language, which is the only one connection between us and Bulgarians is significant violation of our human rights. .. and further.. when they forbid us to call ourselves Bulgarians, to learn Bulgarian history and to be ashamed from everything which connect us with Bulgarians. It is enough to learn our Macedonian culture and history to understand that we are very different from Serbian nationality.

14. There no difference between Bulgarian and Macedonian Slav.

The Greeks in 1804 long before Bulgarian exarchate do not make ant difference between Bulgarian and West Macedonian dialect.

15. Bulgarian national name of Macedonians.

In the IX century in the first Bulgarian kingdom we do not have anything against this Bulgarian national name for us and for the rest of Bulgarians in Bulgaria.

16. We Macedonian Bulgarians (Macedonians) like Bulgarian state as our own.

17. The Serbs are much inferior than we are

We demand freedom for all of us and not to be material for assimilation experiments of the Serbs, which stand much inferior from us in spiritual narrow-mindedness and chauvinism.

18. The Serbs come to the idea of the Macedonian nationality.

The Serbs develop the concept for special Macedonian Nation, which they put in the south Macedonia. They declare north Macedonia as a pure Serbian land. Middle Macedonia as a transition between Serbian and Macedonian language.

19. The population of Skopje is pure Bulgarian.

Bulgaria make a big error when recognize the territory for "neutral". It is pure Bulgarian and the population in Skopje and surrounding area is pure Bulgarian.

20. Why the Serbs want Macedonia? What Serbian you can find in this pure Bulgarian land, which is since 6 century till today Bulgarian, despite of all vicissitude of the historical destiny.

21. Serbian-Greek attempt on the Bulgarians in Macedonia.

Because of the treaty between Serbia and Greece Bulgaria was robed and 2 Millions Bulgarians where conquered from Serbia and Greece. Yes! To many damage did the Serbs on Bulgaria, Macedonia and Dobrudja and with this they do not stop! They filled that their vicious work will be discovered and to be prosecuted by the Slavic consciousness because of the freedom of 1/3 of Bulgarians - the Bulgarians in Macedonia.

22. The lies about Bulgarian and Bulgaria.

Restoration of the human rights of the Bulgarians in Macedonia and Dobrudja, despite of the lies spread for Bulgaria and Bulgarians! Who is against Great Bulgaria, he is against the Slavs!

23. Krali Marko songs in Macedonia are from Bulgarian origin.

The songs of Krali Marko in Macedonia are from Bulgarian origin and speak for the Bulgarian influence over the Serbs and not the opposite.

24. The Serbs will coarse many wars, if the "Dushan empire" will not disappear.

In the last quarter of the XIX century the Serbs start to dream to restore this abandon from Serbs it selves empire. With intrigues and and allies they conquer big part of Bulgarian Macedonia. But this Serbian advantages of 1912 coarse the war in 1913 and they coarse the war in 1915-1918 and will coarse many more wars, unless "Dushan empire" get liquidate in the same way as in XIV century on the principal of the self-determination of the nations.

25. Serbs falsify the history.

In Bulgaria Macedonians have all personal rights, freedom of expression and self-determination in Bulgaria. The Serbs try to destroy the soul of the Macedonians and for that reason the falsify the hole history. In this Serbian logic and Serbian fillings there are something abnormal, which is prove of the failure of the Serbian state. They are afraid from the Macedonians in Macedonia and also this living outside.

26. The Macedonian population is against Serbs.

You have to know that because your Serbian politics against Macedonians you have against you all past present and future Balkan governments and the Macedonian population.

27. The Bulgarians are our fellow citizens.

The European recognize that only independent sate will put an end of the competition conquer and hegemony on the Balkan. An will end once forever violence of the new conquer. And everlasting peace on the Balkan and in Europe will rise. Greece and Serbia will loose territorially and les Bulgaria and will win all Macedonians.

28. The Serbs forbid us to celebrate all Bulgarian holidays.

We are forced to celebrate St. Sava and forbid to celebrate St. Cyril and St. Methodius and Ilinden Uprising.

29. Our souls are in Bulgaria.

Serbia conquer the land and the body of Macedonians, the souls are in Bulgaria and with Bulgaria.

30. Krste Petkov Misirkov define himself as a Bulgarian.

1897 I was accepted in Petersburg University in Russia and five years I was Bulgarian student community as Bulgarian.

31. Self appreciation of the statement in the book "On Macedonian matters"

Bugarash 1893
06-07-2013, 02:59 PM
Macedonists dont get that Misirkovs views just add more weight to the Bulgarian point of view.

Again I advice everyone to read ''On the Macedonian matters'',there Misirkov explains in details his view on the creation of a Macedonian nation.

He deliberately states: ''There is no Macedonian language,we must create one'',''There is no Macedonian national canciones,we must create one''...His main argument on the creation of a Macedonian nation is traced back to medieval times,saying that the Slavs of Macedonia accepted the Bulgar name back then,and that they shouldnt have...

Everyone knows that the modern nations are formed in the early 19' th centure,so his remark on this,just like on everything else,doesnt make any freaking sense!

06-07-2013, 03:08 PM
I feel embarrassed looking back at this thread. :picard2:

06-07-2013, 03:12 PM
Your point is ? Athens was a village of 3-4.000 people back then, now its a city of almost 5.000.000 that have gone all over Greece. what this have to do? :picard2:

Where's your 10,000 years of 'Hellenic' continuation in Athens? The Albanians of Athens did not know what the hell the term Hellenic was until the Germans came and told them about it. Lord Byron is probably the man who introduced Hellenism to the locals for the first time.

Crn Volk
06-11-2013, 04:38 AM
I feel embarrassed looking back at this thread. :picard2:

You should be

Petros Houhoulis
06-12-2013, 03:27 AM
Where does it say he was Bessarabian, Where are the sources? Are you claiming that those quotes by Krste Misirkov identifying as a Macedonian are fake?

He was a member of the Bessarabian parliament. Therefore he counts as a Bessarabian, amongst his many other identities... For Misirkov there was no such a thing as an identity, he was switching them like T-shirts...

Petros Houhoulis
06-12-2013, 03:29 AM
Before you start going around denying other people their identity, make sure you look deeper into your own western created nation.

In the early 19th century John Cam Hobhouse, quoted by John Freely, wrote that

During the mid 19th century, Edmond wrote that

Now stop being a Banana.

Too bad that modern Athens is mainly created of immigrants from other parts of Greece. Those Albanians were Arvanites who did never develop an Albanian ethnic identity anyway...

Crn Volk
06-12-2013, 03:30 AM
He was a member of the Bessarabian parliament. Therefore he counts as a Bessarabian, amongst his many other identities... For Misirkov there was no such a thing as an identity, he was switching them like T-shirts...

Much like a grkoman or bugarman...

Petros Houhoulis
06-12-2013, 03:32 AM
Where's your 10,000 years of 'Hellenic' continuation in Athens? The Albanians of Athens did not know what the hell the term Hellenic was until the Germans came and told them about it. Lord Byron is probably the man who introduced Hellenism to the locals for the first time.

Well, a certain number of the locals were speaking some sort of Greek. Lord Byron didn't teach them their language.

Petros Houhoulis
06-12-2013, 03:33 AM
Much like a grkoman or bugarman...

With the only exception that Greeks and Bulgarians are real identities.