View Full Version : Europid Racial differences in ageing?

05-20-2009, 11:09 PM
Just a "draft" idea of racial differences in ageing started in the chatbox.
From my observations and speculations, Nordids who tend to look less than their age, while Mediterraneans conversely seem to age relatively faster.

Please add your impressions/speculations on ageing of the various Europid subraces :).

05-20-2009, 11:28 PM
I'd say Bruenn's during their teens and twenties would look youthful due to their "fuller" structure, but during their mid 30's and onward would tend to typically look older than they are due to the brow ridges, mouth lines, bulby nose etc...

05-20-2009, 11:30 PM
Just a "draft" idea of racial differences in ageing started in the chatbox.
From my observations and speculations, Nordids who tend to look less than their age, while Mediterraneans conversely seem to age relatively faster.

Please add your impressions/speculations on ageing of the various Europid subraces :).

Judgingby the racial variations in my own family, I would have to agree with this assessment.Dark hair seems to gray a bit more quickly and tanned skin seems to look more leathery with age, while blonde and light hair seems to retain its pigment a bit longer and white skin retains its moisture.

05-20-2009, 11:34 PM
Judgingby the racial variations in my own family, I would have to agree with this assessment.Dark hair seems to gray a bit more quickly and tanned skin seems to look more leathery with age, while blonde and light hair seems to retain its pigment a bit longer and white skin retains its moisture.

With the blond thing, in my family the blond folks actually lost their color quicker, their hair turned snow white early, while the folks with reddish or darker colors retained it longer with some salt and pepper tendencies.

05-20-2009, 11:41 PM
I've noticed the darker the skin the quicker they seem to age quicker, they also seem to lose there good looks alot quicker as well. From what I can see there is not many mediterranean Women over the age of 30 I find attractive though there is countless nordics, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

and although of the same racial stock I want to know why American teenagers around 17-18 look much much older than there european counterparts, especially here in Britain.

05-21-2009, 12:45 AM
and although of the same racial stock I want to know why American teenagers around 17-18 look much much older than there european counterparts, especially here in Britain.

Perhaps environmental differences and exposure to harmful materials introduced by government sponsored agencies? :D

05-21-2009, 11:55 AM
As far as life expectancy, there is a clear connection to diet (see attached thumbnail); as well as to 1st 2nd and 3rd world National Development. But genetics obviously play a major factor, as well.

Scandinavians (and their sub-racial makeup) tend very heavily on devloping Arthritis fairly early in life, while Mediterraneans (and their respective sub-racial makeup) just don't.

Also I find some of the comments about Meds odd: they naturally produce more melanin, and are therefore darker - not necessarily because they are sunbathers. Indeed, this relative increase in baseline melanin actually makes them more adept to the increased intensity of the sun; ergo, less suceptible to Melanoma.

Anyway, all things being equal, a Med would not fair so well for protracted periods in a Nordic climate, and v. versa. So, environment plays a signifigant role as well.

Also (and this is completely an observation on my part, not a fact), I do notice that Cromagnids/oids with poor diets tend to look older than what they are once they hit their 30's.

05-21-2009, 03:56 PM
^ That draws another point in regards to Americans of Nordish blood, the U.S. is not exactly a typical Nordish climate, tends to be quite warm, at least in the parts that I've lived, during the summer's and springs, temperatures over 100 degrees, with winters in the negatives, extremes in weather on both ends, so perhaps that has something to do with why Nordish Americans tend to age differently than their Nordish European counterparts who still reside in their natural climates and regions. Just a thought.

05-28-2009, 09:26 PM
Just as a hint, there are various sorts of differences about ageing which go beyond individual variation and are more or less related to racial differences, even if it might be just of statistical relevance of course, without every respective individual being a good case for the pattern.

There is dry and wet again, with increased and decreased subcutaneous fat in late age. Dinaroids generally add very dry and have this in common with other mountaineers around the world.
This, together with a more often thicker, "leather-like" skin in later age, might give them more and earlier wrinkles, especially if talking about the very typical examples of mature-robust mountaineers.

If they live on hills and mountains, the difference being very drastically of coruse, because of the strong environmental factor which is even more important than the genetic probably, but there is a genetic one too I'd say.

Also some racial forms, the more of a pyknomorphic component they have, get more obese at age, this is true for Alpinoid and Osteuropid more often, and for Cromagnoids in general still more often than the Taurids (in Europe Dinaroid) and Aurignacoids (in Europe Nordoid and Mediterranid).

05-28-2009, 09:43 PM
What about Atlantids? My father started to go gray at 19 and I myself have a few gray hairs. My father's hair is mostly white now and he's 49.

05-28-2009, 10:02 PM
The mature features of Aurignacoids make them look older but not old, I'm often taken for a thirty year old even though I don't have a single wrinkle or a gray hair.

05-28-2009, 10:02 PM
What about Atlantids? My father started to go gray at 19 and I myself have a few gray hairs. My father's hair is mostly white now and he's 49.

Of course, if having darker hair, the white hairs stick out, but I dont know if its more common. From what I know, balding and grey hair equally being largely genetic and graying of hair also caused by environmental factors. Nothing of it has a direct relation to racial forms, but that Alopecia being caused by the combination of a genetic variant with high male hormone levels.

So having high male hormone levels, a highly masculine sex type, doesnt mean to get bald neither, it just makes it more likely if having the respective genetic variant which results in baldness if higher male hormone levels are present.

Grey hair, I can just repeat it, might be the result of many factors of which we still dont know all, but its not strictly racial from what we know so far. Various forms of psychic and physical-health stress together with individual genetic factors cause it.