View Full Version : Berlin - Hitlers letzter Kampf

The Lawspeaker
04-01-2012, 08:29 PM



Berlin - Hitlers letzter Kampf

Am 16. April 1945 entfesselte die Rote Armee einen Feuersturm auf Berlin: Die Erde bebte unter den Geschossen, die aus Tausenden Geschützen auf die Stellungen der deutschen Truppen niederprasselten. Mehr als eine Million Mann waren zum Sturm auf Berlin angetreten. Es sollte Hitlers letzte Schlacht werden. Die Dokumentation "Berlin - Hitlers letzter Kampf" zeigt erstmals nach 60 Jahren Luftbilder der erbitterten Schlacht, die das Ende des 2. Weltkriegs in Europa einläutete ...

04-01-2012, 08:33 PM
Are you a fan of his?

The Lawspeaker
04-01-2012, 08:40 PM
Are you a fan of his?
Not really. It's just history. German history. :)

04-01-2012, 08:45 PM
Not really. It's just history. German history. :)

I'm curious about you Civis: are you pro-NS or anti-NS? As well: Christian or something else?

04-01-2012, 09:05 PM
I'm curious about you Civis: are you pro-NS or anti-NS? As well: Christian or something else?

Some questions you don't ask;)

The Lawspeaker
04-01-2012, 09:11 PM
I'm curious about you Civis: are you pro-NS or anti-NS? As well: Christian or something else?
Anti. For the most part. I believe in democracy, in the rule of law and not in overbearing tyrannical governments so I don't fancy national socialism at all but I think we could take over some of the social ideas: the country as a community (and thus a strong welfare state and yet trying to achieve full employment), Dauerwald, animal welfare focussing on preserving ones national history and traditions, setting up national youth organisations for young people and military service when they come of age.

But I guess that that can be done within the framework of a modern collaborative e-democracy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaborative_e-democracy). (basically representative democracy and some direct democracy 2.0).

04-01-2012, 09:16 PM
I'm curious about you Civis: are you pro-NS or anti-NS? As well: Christian or something else?

From what I've read from him he quite clearly seems to be anti NS and atheist. He may correct me if I'm wrong. ;)
Btw. the narrator is the German dubbing voice of Bruce Willis :)

04-01-2012, 09:18 PM
How about you ask him something sinister like whether he'd race mix. :)

04-01-2012, 09:22 PM
Some questions you don't ask;)

Just curious.

04-01-2012, 09:26 PM
Hi Civis, good to see ya back bro. Seems to me you have changed at least on the outside. I hope you are still the old Civis, the man dedicated to the cause of freedom and core European values! Please correct me if I'm wrong. ;)

04-01-2012, 09:40 PM
I don't see why you need to rub it into the Germans further Civis. I find this video degrading, but definitely a testament to the bravery of the German soldier as he fought against the evils of Russia and the Allies. I hope you are not posting this to rub it into the Germans or further degrade their national pride. Also concerning your views on democracy, I would just like to state that democracy is mediocrity.

It creates too much division, and not enough unity, which more centralized and authoritarian state would. The masses and people are unsure of what they really want, and its best if the government helps them make their mind up. The government should have an obligation to preserving the Volkish and organic collection of the people.

The government should realize that a people's freedom is be found within a restoring elements, traditions, and imagery of the past into a people's spirit. I think a good government is a government, which does not have anarchial tendencies like democracy, which pretends to bring about balance and equality.

The great government is the one which places a rigorous emphasis on ethnocentric values, but maintains an authoritarian and conservative mode of policies orienting on a centralized government. I think this centralized government should still put a strong emphasis on local government institutions and organizations.

They should grant them a certain degree of autonomy and freedom as privileges if they accord with the will of the central government. I think local institutions and organizations should have the right to exercise their freedom and legislative power through communal gatherings of all the different local and regional powers. It would basically be like a Feudal structure, which bases itself on a fascist/authoritarian state.

The core elite in the public government would be obligated to attend the local festivals and practice the traditional customs to show the commonality they share with the people. The commonality should be emphasized on the basis of an ethno-centric and cultural orientation.

Other then this there should be a respect and self-consciousness of each individual and groups's proper place in the social and political sense. If you are thinking about building a good liberal democracy then you should make the system meritocratic, and turn it into an affair where might makes right.

The common law should be utilized sparingly in such socio-political matters, and instead should be exercised with caution, since its nearly impossible for subjectivity and power politics to not contanimate a common law. Power Politics and Realpolitiks needs to be the core foundation for building a true and authentic people's government, which centers on a centralized fascist/authoritarian state with de-centralized/individualistic tendencies.

The Lawspeaker
04-01-2012, 09:43 PM
I don't see why you need to rub it into the Germans further Civis. I find this video degrading, but definitely a testament to the bravery of the German soldier as he fought against the evils of Russia and the Allies. I hope you are not posting this to rub it into the Germans or further degrade their national pride. Also concerning your views on democracy, I would just like to state that democracy is mediocrity.

Yes.. we know your ideas about democracy by now GeistFaust and I am not even going to reply to that any more. :D It's getting boring, friend, particularly since you don't even know what totalitarianism is all about nor (I sincerely hope that for your sake) will you ever have to find out. My grandparents saw the German occupation of my country. I can't say they were impressed by national socialism - instead they (and the overall majority of the Dutch) saw it is as a foreign concept brought by an invader and found the very idea to be absolutely revolting.

There is nothing degrading about the video. They fought bravely. They lost. End of story. History goes on.

04-01-2012, 09:44 PM
Because it isn't any better that's why, there's no problem with people of European racial ancestry being Nationalists but they can't be like Hitler.

Re-Germanicization of Europe-that can't happen.

04-01-2012, 10:02 PM
Because it isn't any better that's why, there's no problem with people of European racial ancestry being Nationalists but they can't be like Hitler.

Re-Germanicization of Europe-that can't happen.

I am all for the Re-Germanicization of Europe, but believe they should be two fronts behind it. The first should be England and the second should be Germany. The destinty for Europe is to have England and Germany strong in order to make sure that if Russia decides to act up a potent alliance can be formed against them.

The big mistake of the Germans was going to war against the English, which the English were reluctant to do. The Germans let the English go at the battle of Dunkirk, and Hitler was always trying to sign a peace treaty with the English. It failed because Churchill was one aggressive and chauvinistic son of a bitch(Must have been his American side coming out :D).

I think that forming a strong alliance with Great-Britain is a necessity for Germany in the future, and there should be a re-emphasizing on rebuilding this connection between two Germanic brethren. The English were rather reluctant to go to war with Germany, and so was Germany, which tells me they shared a commonality with each other.

Dante Alighieri claimed a strong Germany was a good thing for all of Europe. The other peoples of Europe are either too lax or decentralized or both to do preserve Europe in its entirety. The position in Germany is as well as its natural disposition in political matters makes it its destiny to guide and rule Europe.

04-01-2012, 10:05 PM
What about White people who aren't fully Northern European?

04-01-2012, 10:10 PM
What about White people who aren't fully Northern European?

They should be allow to rule themselves, but I would let them maintain their decentralized state, especially in the Balkans. That way they are easier to control and occupy from countries wishing to control them in any manner. The main task in the East is to keep Russia at bay, and to try at all cost to Westernize them.

The main task in the South is to keep them decentralized in order to make them easier to control and rule. This would be the task and mission of the next great leader to take control of the situation in the Germanic parts of Central Europe. I think in the meantime we have enough shit to worry about, and that means expelling the immigrants and ridding ourselves of multi-culturalism.

That is the task of the West, because it just appears to me that the Eastern part of the world inclines towards a decentralized stagnancy, although it is relatively less influenced by multi-cultural components. I think there are possible ethnic conflicts that are just waiting in the wings to express themselves in a manner where military force is exercised.

04-01-2012, 10:14 PM
So do you regard Europeans who aren't fully Northern European as White based on that last statement?

04-01-2012, 10:18 PM
So do you regard Europeans who aren't fully White as White based on that last statement?

I don't use the term white, because its an invention due to the mongrelization of Americans, which I am part of unfortunately.

:D All Europeans are Europeans, and it is easy as that, but it is a bit more complicated than that still.

This means if we use white in the way it is meant to be used then a Southern Italian is as "white" as a Scandinavian.

04-01-2012, 10:24 PM
That's silly how could you say such a thing. How could you even think it?

04-01-2012, 10:44 PM
That's silly how could you say such a thing. How could you even think it?

Because white is an American notion, which is based on the common perception of European types among Americans.

A Southern Italian is just as European or "white" as a Northern European in my opinion.

I don't think its that difficult, but I think their should be many distinctions made within this collective whole in order to not get confused or to generalize too much.

04-01-2012, 10:46 PM
There shouldn't you shouldn't think like that about yourself. That's bad. :(

04-01-2012, 10:52 PM
There shouldn't you shouldn't think like that about yourself. That's bad. :(

You think Southern Europeans should be considered less European or less white than Northern Europeans?

I think their might be a case with that, but my problems with the Romance cultures are not merely in regards to their racial characteristics, but rather their mentality and cultural spirit.

I think if their is any place where we can start considering them to be less European or "white" than Northern/Western Europeans is in Eastern Europe.

04-02-2012, 12:28 AM
Freunde der Sonne, wie wärs mit Deutsch? Das hier ist nämlich nicht der englischsprachige Bereich des deutschen Unterforums. :cool:

Zu den Videos brauche ich nicht viel sagen denn eigentlich hat man alles schon zigmal gesehen. Damals war weder alles gut noch alles völlig schlecht. Die Frage ist nur ob heutzutage das Ausmaß an Schlechtheit von damals nicht doch noch übertroffen wird!? Wenn ich mir so manche Städte ansehe wird mir schlichtweg innerlich schlecht! Schade, denn zwischen den beiden Extremen NS und Multikulti gäbe es genügend Platz für einen gesunden Nationalstaat. Leider lassen uns die politischen Machtblöcke fast nur die Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera. Entweder man ist für die eine Seite oder für die andere, und dann ist man automatisch der Feind der anderen Seite. Eine Wahl wird einem gar nicht mehr gelassen.

04-03-2012, 05:22 PM
Das Problem ist, dass es keine wirklich seriöse größere Rechtspartei gibt. Ein Wählerpotential für eine solche wäre durchaus vorhanden.


Es müsste einige bekannte und charismatische Politiker geben, die einer solchen Partei beitreten und unterstützen würden. Im Moment sieht es eher schlecht dafür aus, aber das Potential wächst immer weiter.